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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1915, p. 4

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x Specials This Weeh at MitcHell's Drug Store. Nyal Quality Store Stationery A new department added to our store is the excellent line of Nyal Stationery, beautifully boxed and of highest quality. Embassy Lawn, per box . --50c Wedge wood Lawn, per box, 25c Nyal Fabric, per box 50c Devonshire Lawn, per box .. 50c Nylotus Lawn, per box 35c Patrician Lawn, per box... .50c "We Four" ....25 c Oxford, per box...... .....25c Special Weave, per box ... .25c We also have an excellent line of Ladies' Writing Tablets, and Letter Tablets. For the Teeth Tooth Brushes, from 12c to 45c . Tooth Pastes.. .from 25c to 50c Talcum Powders .... 15c to 50c Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates Aristocrat, per box $1.00 Specially Prepared Fruits . 1.00 Every Piece Different .... 1.00 Chocolate Sundae 80 Reception Chocolates ..... .85 Assorted Chocolates . y.... .60 Assorted Chocolate Creams .50 Empress [... .50, .25 Cherries in Cream 10 Maple Creams 10 Wash Cloths We are offering just now a real bargain in a Wash Cloth, the Electric Rubwell, 14x13 inches, an extra large cloth, this week on sale for 10c each or 3 for 25c Other lines at 5c and 15c m The Pick of the Coal Fields M There's a difference in coal. E M We're selling our customers jf H the best--a coal that gives g E an even, lasting heat, and g H burns clean to the last pound, gi ! LEHIGH VALLEY I 1 ANTHRACITE I 8* 1 The Coal That Satisfies i I We are prepared to make || prompt deliveries. Phone jg g in your order now: g ! John A. Holgate | I & Son I g Phone 153, Bowmanville g liniiimiiHHimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuinHinhinfHi <3> -- A BIG HAPPY FAMILY - Last year over 350 pupils enrolled with us. Parents and friends who have visited us are unanimous in their praise of the methods we use to make our students feel at home. Special attention is given to their moral welfare, - ALBERT COLLEGE has a most efficient method of education, which includes practical and well-balanced courses in commercial subjects, music, art, expression, literature, theology, pnysical culture and household science. Send a postal to-day for illustrated, descriptive calendar and terms. Fall term commences on Sept. 6th, ALBERT COLLEGE, Belleville, Ont. E. N. BAKER, D.D., Principal 7 BIG REASONS Why You Should Let Us Do the Plumbing of Your Home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 We employ the best mechanics. Our work is done up to a standard. We use only the highest grade materials. Our plumbing fixtures are the best ymade in Canada, If in trouble we serve you promptly» Your money is 'eft and spent at home. A list of the people we are installing plumbing foi will convince you that the quality of our work is the best Let us give you an estimate. W. H. DUSTAN Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74 , Bowmanville The Churches. Grace Methodist Church, Trenton, is to be enlarged and renovated. Rev. Melville Staples has been supplying supplying Millbrook Methodist pulpit for Rev, W. Higgs. Rev. Gordon S. Jury, B.A., of this town preached in the Baptist Church in Brighton Brighton Sunday. A Preparatory Service will be held in St. Pàul's Lecture Room on Friday evening evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. S. F. Dixon, Stirling, is enjoying two weeks' holiday with relatives near Colborne and Cobourg. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Sept. 5 th, II a.m. Communion Service. In the evening the minister's subject will be "Hard Cash." Newcastle Ladies' Aid of the Metho dist church have sent $50.00 fqr the support support of a cot in the Canadian Hospital at Clivenden, Eng. Rev. S. A. Duprau, Belleville, preached in Campbeliford. Methodist Church during the holidays of Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Sanderson Sanderson on Georgian Bay. Rev. Walter McLaren, son of Rev. Mr. McLaren, a former minister of the Presbyterian Presbyterian Church at Enniskillen, passed away at Moosomin, Sask., recently. Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A., pastor of the Methodist Church, is expected home from his holidays Friday and will occupy his own pulpit at both services Sunday. All strangers cordially welcomed. Services at II a.m. and 7 p.m. 1 Rev. C. W. Barrett and family, Lake- field, formerly of Hampton, are spending their ' August vacation at "Glenwood Cottage", Sloney Lake, where the bracing breezes and beautiful scenery contribute both to health and pleasure. Melville residents, several of them, attended attended evening service in Wellington Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. H B. Kenny, Cobourg, President of Conference Conference preached an eloquent and impressive sermon. Rev. W. R. Archer, resident pastor, and Rev.-M. Taylor, Montreal, assisted assisted in the service. Very successful union services have been held in Whitby during August by the Methodist and Presbyterian congregations, congregations, Rev. A. H. Foster (Methodist) taking taking the services the first half of the month and Rev. A. P. Menzies (Presbyterian) the latter half, services being held alternately in these two churches. And so the spirit of union is in the air. Rev. G. C. Weisman occupied the pulpit pulpit of the Church of Christ Sunday morning morning and evening, also conducted the last service of the season at the lake. The vacation period is rapidly drawing to a close, as was evident by the splendid at tendance of last Sunday night. If you are a stranger here without a church home, we invite you to worship with us at the corner of Temperance and Church-sts. All seats free. Why did Edwin A. Tonkin superannuate? superannuate? people are asking who have heard him preach during the five weeks he has been taking the pastoral. work of Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist Church. "Why", said a leading member on Monday morning, "he can preach with any of them". It is quite true that, altho a comparative stranger to the greater number in this congregation, he has, by his excellent sermons sermons and active pastoral visitation among the aged and sick members, won a warm place in the hearts of the people generally, generally, and whenever the regular pastor ants a supply for a Sunday, Rev. Mr. Tonkin will be very acceptable to his congregation. congregation. Sunday last his two discourses were thoroly practical. In the evening he made a strong appeal to the unconverted to follow the example of blind Bartimæs and come to Jesus, taking for his text Mark 10: 50, "Casting away his garment, he rose and came to Jesus", Mr. Albert Barber assisted in the Opening exercises In the morning Mr, Frank Walter, Cour- tice, favored the audience with a solo which was splendidly rendered, his rich tenor voice being much enjoyed. He was requested to sing here again. Mrs. William William A. White assisted the choir at both services and sang "Nearer, my God, to Thee" to the tune of "Somewhere a Voice is Calling" which was also appreciated.! •The new choirmaster and organist, Prof. C. C. Laugher will direct the musical services services next Sunday. Social and Personal. from Door key found. Apply at Statesman Office. Pte. Harvey Mingeaud was home Niagara Camp over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard spent Sunday Sunday with friends at Blackstock. Salem Harvest Home Supper realized about $100. Report next week. Mrs. William A. White and daughters returned from Millbrook on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Todd, Oshawa, were guests of his aunt, Mrs. Louise Paterson, over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Street, St. Catharines, visited her mother, Mrs. M. A. Washington, over the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycâstle and daughter Dorothy are holidaying with relatives at Campbeliford. One reason for popularity of Brandram- Henderson Paint is that it is the only paint firm that télls what the tin contains. Sold in Bowmanville by Mason & Dale. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock, Myrtle Station, Station, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer, Ponty- pool, and Mr. Wm. Houaton, Toronto, spent a pleasant time Tuesday at Mr. A. W.-Pickard's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brock, son Cecil, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Best, Zion, motored here and visited Mr. Robert A, Treleven on Sunday, and gave Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams a friendly call, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Departmental Ex- Bowmanville High I Further results of aminations for the School, 1915 are: Jr. Matriculation into Toronto Uni - yersity : A. F. Annis, T. C. Clemence, M Sanderson,(Lat. c, Lat. a. French a.) Pharmacy Metric., C. E. Souch. Honor Matriculation : C. G. Manning» (Math, and English) G. Cousins, (Greek.) Promotions from Form 11 to Form Hi : B. Berry, N. Birk, R. Gale, A. Cole, A. Haddy, G. Hamley, H. Henderson, W. Langmaid, T. Norton, R. Parker, L. Souch, M. Virtue, E. White. Other promotions depend on presenting of collections and of note-books, etc. Promotions from Form I to Form II were published. The outlook for the coming academic year is very promising and the attendance will likely b^ large. Mr. W. G- Butson who attended the Summer Course at the O. A., C. will receive receive the Intermediate Certificate in Agriculture Agriculture and will be legally qualified to take the classes in Agriculture in the High School. There is likely to be very little change in the subject assigned to each member of the staff as the new principal, Mr. A. H. D. Ross, M. A., is a Science specialist of wide and successful experience. experience. HAMPTON DISCIPLE PICNIC. The Bible School picnic of the Church of Christ, Thursday was largely attended and a very pleasant afternoon was spent at the lake with races and other games. The Bible School scholars manifested great interest in the races, and the winners winners of the prizes were as follows : Boys 5 years arid under, 1st Albert Stannah, 2nd Bobbie Glide, 3rd Kenneth Mitchell ; Girls 5 years and under, 1st N. Berry, 2nd Mildred Mildred Barrell, 3rd Gladys Harrison ; Boys 9 years and under. 1st Rov Allen, 2nd Le- Land Berry, 3rd Alex. Robinson ; Girls 9. years and under, 1st Dorothy Allen, 2nd Ilene Large, 3rd Isabel Gearing ; Girls 12 years and under, 1st Maud Wilcox, 2nd Leulla Glide, 3rd Kate Fletcher ; Boys I2 years and under, 1st Ray Dilling, 2nd Prower McMurtry, 3rd Glen Martyn; Boys 15 years and under, 1st Prower McMurtry, McMurtry, 2nd Gorden Richards, 3rd Glen Martyn ; Girls 15 years and under, 1st Maud Wilcox, 2nd M. McMurtry, 3rd Elva Veale ; Married Women, 1st Mrs. Harrison, Harrison, 2nd Mrs. Marden, 3rd Mrs. Firth. Mrs. Wm. Jeffery and son Wallace are at Toro'nto Exhibition Dr. and Mrs. Hastings, have started for their home in Dallas, Texas, visiting Toronto Exhibition Exhibition enroute, after spending two months 3leasantly with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Hastings and other friends and relatives . .Mrs. W. Nelson Brown and Miss E. Johns returned to their respective schools in Pickering and Toronto Miss Cassie ! tuse has returned to her home in Toronto Toronto after a pleasant summer with her grandmother Mr. R. Burns is quite ill Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman visited friends at Orono Mrs. Percy Clarke and baby Evelyn visited her parents parents in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Hueson, Oshawa, visited friends here Sunday.... Several from here attended Salem Harvest Harvest Home anniversary... .Master Keith Caldwell, Hope, is visiting friends... .Mrs. B. Horn and family have returned to ! Bradford after pleasant visit at C. Horn's . .Miss Aloha Horn, a Bradford Entrance' Entrance' pupil is to be congratulated not only on being the only one from Bradford to secure honors but for having obtained the highest marks in Simcoe County. Be sure to attend the Patriotic Concert under auspices of Sons of England in the S. O. E. Hall, Tuesday, Sept 7th. An excellent excellent program of songs, recitations and monologues will be given by the well known entertainers, Miss Jean Root, M. E., Toronto, and Miss Georgie Langmaid, M. E., Zion. Adriiission 25c and 15c. Proceeds given to patriotic purposes. Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, Exterminator, because they know from experience experience how useful it is. MILLION YEAR AT BIG EXHIBITION Directors Very Sanguine Regarding Regarding Attendance--August 28 to September 13. The Directors of the Canadian National National Exhibition, Toronto, expect that the attendance this year will reach-the one million mark. This figure has been touched only once--in 1913--and it takes a fine brand of optimism to- predict that that record will be equalled equalled in war times. Optimism has been the keynote of the Fair since its' inception, inception, and the officials do not feel that they are over sanguine on this occasion. Railroads have restored the old rates and there is a more settled feeling. Best of all, from the Fair attendance standpoint, is the prosperity of the farmer. It is to the farmer that the Canadian National Exhibition is looking looking for a largely increased attendance this year, and the officials are strengthened strengthened in their belief that they will turn out in larger numbers than ever before before by the demand for space for agricultural agricultural exhibits, a sure barometer of conditions in the outside districts. AUCTION SALES Saturday,Sept 4,--At Bennett's Auction Rooms, Bowmanville, coal and wood stoves, couches,sewing machines,lamps, ' cooper's tools etc. Sale at 2 p. m. See .• bills. Jas. Bennett, Auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 4th--Three of the best farms in Durham County, Estate of the late Archibald Stalker, for sale by auction, auction, on the preriaises. Parcel No. I-- 11.8 acres part of lot 30 in the 6th Con., Clark, brick house and two bank barns. ParçelNo. 2--100 âcres south part of lot 31, 9th Con., Clarke, frame house, barns and large stable. Parcel No. 3-- 90 acres, north part of lot 31, 6th Con., Clarke. The property is situated 1% miles from Orono. Sale at I p.m. See posters for terms and particulars F. B. Lovekin, Geo. Jackson, Administrator, Auctioneer. Newcastle. 34-2W GRAND TRUNK syst^ LABOR DAY SINGLE FARE--Good going and returning September 6th only. FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going Sept. 4th, 6th and 6th. Return limit September 7th, 1915. Return tickets will be issued between all stations stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. Tickets and full information on application to agents. "Canadian National Exhibition" RETURN TICKETS at reduced rates to Toronto from all stations stations in Canada. Special train service and low rate excursions from all principal points on certain dates. Ask Agents for full particulars. • West End House JUST THINK! How much it meàns to you to have good fitting, fitting, stylish, good-wearing clothes. You take no chances when you insist on TORONTO TORONTO For years they have been recognized as the standard standard by which all others inaÿ be judged The New Fall Styles just to hand, are the best the big concern has ever produced. They are made for men who positively positively will not wear ill- fitting,. badly - tailored clothes. They are the clothes for you. Ready or to- your-measure. TORONTO) We Are Exclusive Agents McMurtry Su Co Ltd. Thé Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Town Car i Price $780 The above prices f.offi. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2, 1915- No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on display and sold at Ford Garage Opp. Hotel Bowtti Dont neglect your floors. "Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OEONO HAMPTON it's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way^a,t the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and deli^^d to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your want* will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St.

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