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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1915, p. 3

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'Æ . 'Al :-Xi ,1 >s 1 Dainty garments, fine household household linen and all the things you are most particular about --these should be washed only with Sunlight Soap. The things you usually dread to come near the wash tub with just trust them to Sunlight, purest of all soaps, next time and see them come out^clean, unfaded, unmatted and with all their first soft beauty and freshness. Why ? Because Sunlight Sunlight ig.soap of matchless purity. A $5,000 guarantee guarantee backs this up. FOLLOW 5 c. 702 DIRECTIONS ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD For Appearance Sake. One day Pat appeared on the street with a huge tear in his coat sleeve. "Look here, Pat," protested a friend, "why don't you get that hole mended ?" "Not Oi, sir," said Pat, "a hole may be the result of an accident, but a patch is a sure sign of poverty." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA gl!lll!llllllll!IIIIIIiyill!l!lllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllHl!llllllllll!lllllll!llll||lllinil I "Here is the Answerfin I Webster's 1 New International § The Merriam Webster Wool's Phosphodiao, The Great English JReyaedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system',' makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per box, sir for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain -pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Fsrswrly Wliiser.) TRICKING SUBMARINER. They Seldom Attack a Vessel Unless It is Alone. m Every day in your talk and reading, at home, on the street car, In the office, shop and school you likely question the meaning meaning of some new word,. A friend asks: J/Wliat makes mortar harden?'* You seek the location of Loch Katrine or the pronunciation pronunciation of jujutsu. What is white coal? This New Creation answers all kinds of questions in Language,History,Biography, Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and Sciences, with final authority. 400,000 Words. 6000 Illustrations. Cost $400,000. 2700 Pages. The only dictionary with the new dividedpage,--char- ' acterized as "A Stroke of Genius." India Paper Edition: On thin, opaque, strong, India paper. What a satisfaction satisfaction to own the Merriam Webster in aTorm so light and so convenient tb use l One half the thickness and! weight of Regular Edition. Regular Edition ï On strong book paper. Wt. UM lbs. Size 1SÜ8 x x Cinches. Write for epeclmen pages, lllustrationc, etc. Mention this publication and receive FREE a set of pocket maps. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass? fnuuiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniL AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Distressing Distressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. It is the surprise attack which in nearly every case enables a submarine to torpedo a hostile ship. Captain j : Turner, of the Lusitania, for instance, H might have avoided the. torpedo fired § at his ship by the German submarine had he known of its proximity, but a brief glimpse of a periscope was the only warning he received before the liner was struck. There are several manœuvres by means of which a ship can trick a submarine. Several vessels vessels have diverted torpedoes by swinging swinging round their stern until it points in the direction of the under-sea craft. In this way the wash of -the propellers has deflected the torpedo from his course, and it has sped harmlessly past its mark. Another successful ruse is to stoke up furnaces of a ship chased by a submarine" and thick black smoke belches from its funnels and envelopes the vessel in a protective shroud. In this way the submarine gunners are confused, and cannot perceive the correct direction in which to send their torpedo. A speedy ship which follows an erratic erratic zigzag course is a poor mark to a submarine. When a torpedo is dispatched dispatched against a fast-travelling vessel vessel it is directed to a point just ahead of its mark, and the craft literally runs into the death-dealing device. This obviously cannotvhapp en, however, however, if ship is swinging rapidly from side to side, and alternatively pointing pointing the narrow expanse of its bows or stern to the under-sea marksmen. Ships in many cases now travel in pairs. A submarine seldom attacks a vessel unless it is alone, for it can only attack one at a time, and whilst it is launching a torpedo at its first mark the second vessel has an excellent excellent opportunity of ramming the submarine, which can be located by the tell-tale periscope. : ■ -* "BOBS" ADMIRED HAMILTON. Regarded Him as the Ablest Commander Commander in the Field. Belleville, Nova Scotia, Can.--"Three years ago I was suffering badly with , wW the doctors 'mander in the.field, he replied, ca H e d Change of Life. I was so bad Iji that I had to stay in | bed. Some friends | told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound and it helped me from the.first. It is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend c^ it. You don't know how thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me. "--Mrs. Simon Doucette, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning -symptoms as ^sense of suffocation,hot flashes, headach es, backaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened weakened nervous system. It has carried, many women safely through this crisis. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in. strict confidence.- r X When Lord Roberts, not long before before his death, was __ asked whom among the generals of the British army he regarded as the ablest -com- "Ian Hamilton." The jfidgment was disputable, disputable, but not indefensible; and it was founded, not on Hamilton's audacity, audacity, but on his knowledge and on his coolness in directing the complex movements of the battlefield. Like General French, he has been a seriotis student of war all his life. He comes of a soldier strain, for his father once commanded the 92nd Highlanders, and an ancestor of his was aide-de-camp to the great Marlborough; and his natural aptitude for war has. been cultivated, not merely by experience in the field, but by familiarity with Continental methods. . As a youth he went to Germany, and from the old Hanoverian, General Dammers, acquired acquired the strategy that had made the Prussians the military masters" of Europe. And since then he has learned learned to apply and qualify that science by the actual experience of war in many fields--in India, in Egypt, in South Africa. He has not the imperturbable quality quality of .Sir John French, for his temperament temperament is that of the artist, and he once confessed," half jestingly, but with a certain seriousness, that he had "never gone, into battle without being in a blue funk and wondering how on earth he was to get through."--Alfred Gardiner, "in the Atlantic. •- The necklaces worn by the native^ women, of the Congo are large metal collars, weighing as ; muck as pounds. Selected Recipes. Foamy Sauce.--One cup sugàr, one cup milk, three egg whites ; rind and juice one - lemon. Heat milk., Beat- egg -whites stiff, adding sugar gradually.- gradually.- Add milk and flavoring, beating all the while. . Serve when, foamy. Scalloped Parsnips.--Mix two cupfuls cupfuls of cold gnashed parsnips with two tablespoonfuls of butter and cream enough to make smooth. Put in a pudding dish, sprinkle 'with but- terèd bread crumbs, and bake until brown. Oyster Plant Fritters.--Scrape oyster oyster plant and grate fine. Make batter batter of one cup milk, two beaten eggs and two tablespoons flour, beating hard. Add grated oyster plant. Season Season with salt and pepper, and drop from spoon into deep, boiling fat. Fry. to golden brown. Fried Summer Squash.--Wash and cut young summer squash into slices one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with pepper and salt and dip in fine crumbs. Then put the squash into a beaten egg diluted with one tablespoonful " milk and again in crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat until lightly browned. Crumb Tarts.--To one cup crumbs use one egg, two tablespoons milk, one-half cup sugar and one-half téa- spoon baking powder. Line" sides and bottoms of muffin tins with .mixturç made of foregoing, leaving space in centres. Fill spaces with apple sauce and a few raisins and bake twenty minutes in moderate oven. Meat Pie.--One and one-half pounds neck of beef, three pints peeled potatoes, potatoes, one large onion. Slice onion, and put to stew with beef. Cook and mash potatoes, adding one teaspoon salt and saltspoon pepper to each quart. Line baking dish with one-half the potatoes. Put in stewed meat, seasoned seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Cover with rest-of potatoes and bake fifty minutes. Peppers Stuffed with Mushrooms.-- OF Suffered Tortures Until She Triil "Fruit-a-tives" St. Jean de Math a,- Jan. 27th, 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, I have been made well by "Fruiha-tives:" I suffered so much that at last I would not dare to eat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I received samples of "Fruit-a-tives" and; after talcing thenu I felt relief. Then I sent for three boxes and I kept improving until ! was well. I quickly „ regained my lost weight--and now I eat, sleep and digest well--in a word, I am fully recovered, thanks to 'Fruit-a-tives.' Mme. CHARBONNEAU. 50c. a#box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Woman's Health and spirits depend upon her digestion and circulation. Sallow akin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression disappear disappear after the system has been cleansed and the blood purified by BEECHAM'S Directions of Spacial Value to Women wltli Every Box» Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents Constipation- tha bane of old age is not to be cured by harsh purgatives; purgatives; they rather aggravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They stir up the liver, tone the nerves and freshen the stomach and bowels just like an internal bath. 15 Woman's best friend. m z- From girlhood to old age, these little red health restorers restorers are an unfailing guide to an active liver and a clean, healthy, normal stomach. Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and the sour stomach and fermentation,' fermentation,' and the' headache, have ail gone by morning. All druggists, 25c, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Cimpany, Torinte 12 Cut off the small end from young green peppers. Carefully remove the seeds and partitions and parboil five minutes. Mix two -cupfuls of soft breadcrumbs with three-fourths cupful cupful of cream. Add one cupful of chopped chopped mushrooms and one-îourth teaspoonful teaspoonful salt. Fill the ,peppers and stand them in a baking pan. Bake a half . hour, basting with one-half cupful cupful of water mixed with one tablespoonful tablespoonful butter. Liver Loaf.--One calf's liver, one- half cup bread crumbs, four slices salt pork chopped, two tablespoons chopped chopped onion, one cup water or stock, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon teaspoon kitchen bouquet, one tablespoon vinegar, few grains ^-cayenne, few gratings nutmeg. Wash liver,, chop and cook in boiling water five minutes. Drain, add bread crumbs, chop, and add remaining ingredients. Press into pan, cover and bake one hour in slow oven. Pittsburgh Potatoes.---Wash pare potatoes, cut into one-half slices and slices into one-half cubes--thqre should be one quart. Add one small onion, finely chopped, and cook in boiling salted water to cover seven nfinutes. Add one-half can of pimentoes cut into strips and boil five minutés, then drain... Put in buttered buttered baking dish, pour over two cups of white sauce, to which has been added added one-half pound of grated cheese, and bake until potatoes are soft. Pear Dumplings.--Pare, core and mince six large, ripe pears. Mix with them one-half nutmeg grated, two ounces clarified butter, sugar to taste and four well-beaten eggs. Add enouglr finely grated; bread crumbs to make mixture stiff and smooth. Mold into egg-shaped balls with bowl of large spoon, dip into boiling watej and simmer one-half hour. Serve in heated dish with - "sugar and dash of cinnamon. In separate dish, serve milk sauce or other pudding sauce, if liked. and inch inch Household Hints. Won't Shrink foollens What is it? LUX is something something new and good. The finest essence of soap in flakçs. It makes the richest, creamiest lath eh you evér saw. , It means "luxury" iff washing because because it's such â clothes saver. Absolutely prevents woollens, flannels and all loosely woven garments from hardening and shrink- 1 ing in the wash. Try LUX and be delighted with it. ' All grocers, 10c. 12 Ê Hlade in Canada by Lower Brothers Limited, Toronto. Lace continually cleaned with gasoline gasoline or naphtha will turn yellow quickly. Good lard is much better than butter- butter- for basting roasted meat and for fryin Starch is improved by long boiling, instead of being made in the usual hurried way. If a pinch of salt be added to the sugar used for stewing sour fruit much less sugar will be required In making children's dresses which will need letting down, stitch them with 100 cotton thread, and you will have no trouble in ripping tuclcs or hems. To clean brass flower pots or trays, rub them with a piece of lemon; then pour boiling water over them, and finally finally polish'with a soft dry cloth When boiled and unboiled eggs get mixed, spin them, and the boiled ones will spin quite fast, while those which have not been cooked will hardly spin round once. The hair mattresses which are fill ^ed with black hair are much better than those filled with white hair, because because the latter has generally been bleached and is deprived of its springiness. When cooking haricot beans add salt to the water firsthand they will cook in a third of the time, and will not rieéd to be™ soaked overnight. When pickling, boil the corks for bottling, and put into the bottles and jars while hot, when cold they will seal themselves tightly. To make an old fowl tender rub the bird all over with lemon juice, then wrap in buttered paper, and steam for two or three hours, according according to, size.. Add a little ground ginger to rice puddings just before placing in the oven. Half a. pint of water can then be mixed with the milk and the pudding pudding will taste just as well. . A sandwich hint.--When buttering bread for sandwiches knead the butter butter on à plate and mix the mustard with it instead of spreading it on the meat. . _ _ A sure test of linen is to wet a portion portion of piece and if moisture is quickly quickly absorbed and shows through to other side you will never be mistaken about linen. This is a never-fail test. To revive withered flowers -plunge the stalks in boiling water and leave them in it till it becomes cold. Then cut âboùt one inch from the ends of the stalks. If you wish to, prevent green vegetables" vegetables" from boiling over, drop a piece of dripping the size of a walnut into the centre of them, just as they commence commence to boil. To remove tea stams from, woollen materials, cover with powdered fuller's fuller's earth, dry and. leave for twenty- four hour's. Then brush out, and the stain will have disappeared. A home-made sauce for. cold meat.' Scrape a tàblespoonful of horseradish, mix with one tablespoonful of mixed mustard, a teaspoonful of sugar, and four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. A use for an old leather belt.--Nail it right side down on a piece of wood about the same size so that the wrong side of the leather is uppermost^ This makes an excellent knifeboard. Children Cry for Fletcher's COURTICE Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hicks, of Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Tas. Short; Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Peterboro, at Mr, John Walter's; Miss Webster, Bowman- vilfe, with Mrs. J. Short; Mrs. Ann Brooks in the city; Mr. Roy Penfound home prior to attendance at College of Pharmacy, Toronto; Mr. Nelson, merchant* Wooler, visited at the parsonage; Mrs. Ford, Toronto, Toronto, àt S. Penfound's and contributed a pleasing solo at the Sunday evening service; service; Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Balson spent Sunday Sunday at Bowmanville Russel Gay went to Belleville on Labor Day with the Osh- awa baseball team as catcher, and assisted assisted materially in the victory Mrs. Har wood returned to Cleveland Friday to spend the winter..Rev. R. A. Delve attended attended the funeral of Mrs. S. Cole, Maple Grove.... Salvation Army officers were through this section last week soliciting donations of cash and vegetables for their annual Harvest festival.... Quite a lot of clover-is being cut these days, and. is of excellent quality Oshiawa Fair was liberally patronized by our people.. " Threshing machines are humming and whistling around us, and reports say the yield is fine Sunday morning service was conducted by our pastor who Preached Preached a most helpful, sermon on "Keeping God's Appointments". Rain chased around all day being quite heavy at night. Mr. S. H. Nicholson, Nestleton, gave a very practical discourse on "Witnesses" which all appreciated. Next Sunday morning Mr. Delve is giving an illustrated sermon to the children... s This is a good fruit season, Mr. Editor, and we farmers have lots of apples, plums, tomatoes, etc., this year for which we are grateful.....'. Quite a heavy electric storm passed over here late Sunday night. Some of our young men were caught on the journey home 1.... Our Sunday School is practising practising for the annual rally day. A Standard Medicine.-- Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember tlin. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agree able effect on the gans. sluggish digestive or- LIQUOR TRAFFIC DOOMED A significant sign of the rising tide of public opinion in British Columbia against the liquor traffic is to be found in a statement statement issued by John Nelson, Publisher of the Vancouver World (Independent) in which he announces that his paper will undertake a definite campaign against the traffic. "British Columbia," the statement begins, "is shortly to be asked to prohibit the liquor traffie during the war. A convention convention is to be held in this city in a few days and a campaign will then be outlined and plans for its prosecution made." "The present movement'springs from causes, classes and interests which in the main have not hitherto been identified with temperance reform. One has only to move about in the business community of this city and province to be convinced how comprehensive is the extent of the present sentiment. Undoubtedly the war, responsible for many disillusionments, accounts accounts for the present conditions. "The present campaign will be an economic economic one. Throughout the Province it is being fathered by shopkeepers, miners, professional men, mill hands, lumbermen, farmers and businessmen of' all kinds. "The candid opinion of most sensible men today is unmistakably in one direction, direction, namely, that no country that is at war has any business permitting the continuance continuance of a trade which imposes unnecessary unnecessary burdens on industry and commerce and entails worse ravages than war itself." ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See FeoStmUe Wrapper Below. Twr.MiU àadMtwf FOKHEADACHE* f»£dizziness. lOitioumls. FOmRFltllVElr. fardDiitiFAùbii rel sallow ski< ronTHEcoNpyjyft* crm MurrhAVt aiflitATUBiCr A o»rroram mu»t luvt jjokatv* [ WurtiyVeretaMei, " 'sarnsrasrsarseatt OVB£ SICK HEADACHE X. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per-- -' 2 - sonal supervision since its infancy. Ailow no one to deceive you in this. ^ J U U. ill tlliO • AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency!, Wind Colic, aU Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving Wealthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years ..'the C E NIT a t I => <-!OMF»ANY. NEW YORK CITY. The catacombs of Rome contain the remains of about six million human beings; those of Paris three million. It has been estimated that each inhabitant inhabitant of England uses ninety bricks a year. THE VICTROLA AND THE COMMUNITY--No. 1 The Book-keeper says: "Pm always 'in balance' now. Driven to death at the office by day, I thoroughly enjoy mÿ evenings. Since I got the Vidtrola, the easy evenings balance the hard days. 4 i 1 appreciate the things the boss says to his friends about his Vidtrola now. Mine isn't as big as his but it suits our home. It doesn't hurt my bank balance for it's easy to pay. Lauder records are my favorites ; I think his *1 Love a Lassie' is alfright. You can buy double-sided Vidtor Records for 90c each. h $66.50 Vidtrola IX With 15 ten-inch, double-sided Vidor Records (30 selections, yam own choice), $80.00 Sold on easy payments, if desired ,/y; • . .. - " Other Victrolas from $21 to $255 (on easy payments, if desired) at any "His Master's Voice" dealer in any town or city in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450-page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CÔ. LIMITED 1 73 Lenoir Street, Montreal t ir < DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Be Victor sure Records and look for iis trade mark. •Made in Canada--Patronize Honor Products Sold in Bowmanville by JURY & LOVELL, LEVI MORRIS & SON.

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