S 1,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD Mo Pn AT ENTS ROMPTLY BECUBEDI In all countries. Ask'for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A sape. reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. <, Address ; THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO. ONT. (Fwowiy Wiriur.) Dainty Dishes. Green peppers make attractive.cups for salads. Cut a thin slice from the top of the pepper and remove thé seed eggs than you have people to serve and when hard, cool and cut the whites into small pieces. Make a white sauce from butter and flour, seasoned with salt and white pepper and thinned with a cup and a half to two cups of £ot new milk. Stir into sauce the cut whites, pour upon slices {„ of hot toast, rub the yolks through a coarse sieve, spread neatly over the dish, garnish with parsley and serve. Roman Cyeam.--Six eggs, one quart milk, eight tablespoonfuls sugar, one- HE STRUCK IT After Suffering Almost Two Years, "Fruit-a-tives" Brought Relief.. and white pulp. If the cups do not half box gelatine, one wineglass wine, « i . Wn Will 1.1 A- T~\ - 1 1 1 1 stand evenly cut a slice from the bottom bottom also. Cream Sandwiches.--Beat cream until it is solid, then beat in several tablespoonfuls of any desired jelly-- quince, crahapple or grape. Spread the mixture between split lady fingers. Dried .Beef Sandwich.--Put some chipped beef through a meat chopper chopper and mix it with an equal amount of minced celery hearts. Flavor with a little grated onion and moisten with a little olive oil and vinegar. Feather Gingerbread.-- One-fourth cup each of sugar, molasses, melted lard, sweet milk and sour milk, one cup bread flour, one well-beaten egg, one teaspoon each of soda, cinnamon, ginger and salt. Sift dry ingredients together, blend all that remain and beat in flour mixture. Bake in single layer cake pan in moderate oven for about twenty minutes. Sauce for Puddings.--Cream together together a cupful of sifted sugar and half a cupful of butter; add a tea spoonful of ground cinnamon and an egg well beaten. Boil a teacupful of milk and turn it, boiling hot, over the mixture slowly, stirring all the time; this will cook the egg smoothly. It may be served hot or cold. ■ Grapes may be kept for months. Select Select perfect bunches and see that the fruit is solid on the bunch. Remove all little spiders and their webs, but do not wash the fruit. Wrap each vanilla to taste. Dissolve the- gelatine gelatine in the milk. Beat yolks of éggs and sugar thoroughly, and add this to the milk, and put on to boil in double boiler. As soon as. it boils remove from the fire to cool, and heat the whites of eggs and add them - to the wine and flavoring, and set on ice in a mold to harden and turn, out of the mold to serve. Apple Roll.--Take two cups of flour, one-half tablespoonful of salt, four level teaspoonfuls of salt, four level teaspoonfuls of butter, two^,thirds of i a cup of milk, one cup of chopped ap- MR. WHITMAN ple r three tablespoonfuls of sugar, I 882 St. Valier St., Montreal, one-half tablespoonful of cinnamon. "In 1912, Ï was taken suddenly ill Sift flour, salt and baking powder to- with Acute Stomach Trouble and gether and thoroughly mix in butter dropped in the street. I was treated with tips of fingers. Add the milk, by several physicians for nearly two stirring it m with a knife. Roll the I years. I was in constant misery from dough out a quarter of àn inch thick my stomach and my weight dropped and dnnamon* h RoTTHke>ll/^ 228 pounds _to 160 pounds, cut in three-quarter inch slices and ^ ver j al m y friends advised me to try place in buttered pan, flat side down r "' ' A ~~ ml ~ Bake 15 minutes in a hot oven and serve hot with lemon sauce. The sauce is easily made by boiling three- quarters of a cup of sugar and one- Fruit-a-tives' and I did so. That was eight months ago. I began to improve almost with the first dose. No" other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly .... and quickly as 'Fruit-a-tives',and by half cup of water five minutes, add- using it I recovered from the distressing ing to it two teaspoonfuls of butter * ~ and one teaspoonful of lemon juice just a dash of nutmeg Household Hints. Soap shredded among stored blan- bunch carefully in dark blue ^tissue I kets drives away moths, paper, twisting the ends tightly to ex- Sponges which are sli elude the air, then pack the grapes stee P e< i in vinegar and water for away in a closely covered box, and I Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and misery were cured. I completely "recovered" by the use of 'Fruit-a-tives' and now I - weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise 'Fruit-a-tives' enough". H. WHITMAN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50,Trial size. 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. keep the box in a cool, dark, dry place. Rhubarb Fritters.--Prepare a bunch of rhubarb for cooking, cutting each shrink, stalk in two or three pieces--the long- ' The closet of er the better. Have ready a pan of boiling fat and some batter mixture. Dip the pieces of rhubarb first in the If wooden pails and tubs are painted painted with glycerine they will not TO DEFY UNDERSEA DANGERS. the guest chamber should have in it a skirt and coat hanger. Spoons stained with egg. should be "No more headache for you--take these" ToT Vi, 118 *' "smother" the headache without removing the cause Take Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets Thpv nnt i th. h„dach. but si,, you , buoy»,, h. £1™ Zy ne the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. Ail Drifiisti) 25c., or by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Toronto, Ont. 13 ALLANIINE or, THE ALLAN LINE, A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowman ville. FARE $322 batter and then drop them into the ru bbed with salt before being washed, boiling fat; cook for five or six min- Add a few chopped dates to the utes. Take out carefully, pile one on stewed apples and it will improve the top of another, sprinkle liberally with ^avor. castor sugar and serve very hot. ^ str ip sewed across the tops of A Fine Egg Dish.--Boil a few more | guilts or comforters saves washing them so often. Disinfecting powders or liquids should be used freely in a bathroom once a week. Potatoes boiled with the skins on will be less soggy than when peeled before boiling. Rose cuttings should be slit one inch from the bottom, and a grain of wheat inserted. Before" cleaning knives warm the knifeboard before the fire and the knives will polish more easily. Handkerchiefs may be bleached by soaking over night in water in which a little cream of tartar has been dissolved. dissolved. When cooking a piece of bacon housewives should try the plan of baking it instead of boiling it in the usual way. If baked it eats richer. The tough part of the skin should be removed before the bacon is put into the oven. Drawers that open and shut with difficulty are of, en a severe tax on both time and temper, and the defect defect may sometimes be very easily remedied with beeswax. The runners, the narrow strips of wood attached to the frame work, should be well rubbed rubbed with a flump of beeswax, previously previously warmed in front of the fire. Afterwards an occasional application of furniture polish will keep the runners runners smooth. When this simple remedy fails it is due to some fault in construction. construction. --* Three hundred years ae-o glass 7FOYAL / mail, To LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVRE The memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. " On these fine steamers comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, sailing dat^?and. beautiful descriptive booklets apply^o local agents 95 King St., West, Toronto. m DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND Apparatus Which Estimates the Distance Distance of Icebergs. A marine signalling apparatus which it is believed will diminish sea disasters consists of an electric oscillator oscillator which announces the presence of another vessel, locates icebergs, indicates indicates sea depths, and provides for the transmission of submarine telephone and telegraph messages. The device consists principally of a twenty-four inch metal diaphragm attached attached to a cylindrical case, within "which is an electromagnet actuating a copper sounder. The oscillators, when in permanent position, are placed inside inside of a ship's skin,-beneath the water water line, on both the port and starboard starboard sides. Vibrations of the diaphragm diaphragm amounting to. a movement of oné-thousandth part of an inch and repeated with great rapidity throw out sound waves under the water which may be caught by the receiving apparatusx on another vessel. Signals of this kind have been heard at a distance of thirty miles, while at shorter -ranges numerous telegraphic conversations have been carried on successfully. In one instance the ex perimenters actually talked between two ships." In locating icebergs it is the echo which gives warning of the presence of dangér. With a stop watch it is possible to estimate quite accurately the distance of these barriers. Snap Shots. • Now is the time of year when the fashionable maiden makes her plans •| for the winter campaign. How successful successful this planning is depends in a great measure upon the careful planning planning of her wardrobe, for whatever women may choose to say to the contrary, contrary, they dress to please men. They may have an innate love for beauti ful things--and who of us hasn't ? But underlying this in almost every case is the not impossible "he" whose frown or smile makes the costume possible. A fastidious woman wouldn't have much trouble in selecting an evening coat for herself this season. Everything Everything is elaborately trimmed--tassels, beading, furs of every imaginable description, description, even laces made of metallic tissue are seen in the shops. Evening wraps at ..any figure are possible, from the very exclusive models with wide bands of Russian sable to simple simple little white fox-trimmed models for the school miss; panne Russian lines and colorings are noticeable noticeable on the fashion cloaks. The peculiar shade of green which made its appearance last season is again popular in pannes, plush and velour. Black velvet, with white fox, is another another most effective combination, and is being worn by the younger generation generation to very good" effect this season. Velvets have entered the combinations. combinations. This does not mean there is a new trust forming. Quite to the contrary,. contrary,. but merely that velvet bands on chiffon or velvet bands on cloth are very much to the fashion fore. Pile fabrics of all descriptions, fur ;rimmed and even cloth trimmed, are e mode. Doucet showed redingotes of velvet with high fur collars and chiffon or Georgette crepe skirts in matching colors, but it is Paquin who has. taken up the fashion created by Lucille, or Lady Duff Gordon, as she is also known, and presented it anëw in many of the cloth frocks designed by this house. . _ Miller s Worm Powders work so effec tively that no traces of worms oan be found. Tne pests are macerated in the stomach and pass away in the stools without being perceptible. They make an entire anl clean sweep of the intes- . tines and nothiug in the shape of a worm c m find lodgement Jthere when these powders are in operation. Nothing Nothing cou d be more desirable than thëir action. steamcr on inland water of the world." Sleeping accommoda;. CITY OF ERIE" 3 Magnificent Steamers ■■ "CITY OF BUFFALO"' BETWEEN Dec. 1st--Cleveland: Leave Cleveland - 9:00 P.M. y-jj---. Arrive Buffalo • 7^50 A M S 1 SM D U ^ 1 i^R C EF"^Tn^ Z il^ ha ? t A ahowi ? cr . both exterior ai. .Interior of The Gr ■I I sent on receipt of five cents to cover postage Tj |foronr 24-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free. 6 BUFFALO--Daily, May 1st to K Leave Buffalo - - 9:00 P.M. Lei ■w Am/e Cleveland - - 7:30 A. M. An M Standarc 14 postage and mailing. Alsoask THE CLEVELAND A BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland. Ohio A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes lor 11 should be reported to our Local Manager at once. • ... phone ■ Those who have .will tell you that it is the most precious cf modern conveniences. Why not order to-day and have your name i n the néw directory ? The Bell Telephone Ca< of Canada years ago windows, which were only to be found in the houses of the wealthy, were considered so precious that when people people left their houses for a time they used to take the windows out and put them carefully away. A FEW RULES. Blok Headache and relieve all the troublée incident incident to a bilious state, of the system, auch as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Dig trees after eating. Pain in tha Sldo, ko. While their moat remarkable success has been shown In curing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoyin g complaint, while they also correct all disorders of thestomach«stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured -- Ache they would be nlzfibstpri celées to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness docs noteud here,and those Who once try them will And these little pills Valuable Valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without thpm. Bat after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so maiiiy lives tha t here is where we make our great boast. eQur pills cure it while others do not. ; Carter's Little Llver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or purge, bat by their gentle action please all who use them. 0A2T1B roiCKl 0&, BIV YOU. Be Conscientious in the Discharge of Every Duty. Dishonesty seldom makes one rich, and when it does riches are a curse. There is no such thing as "dishonest success. The world is not going to pay you for nothing. Ninety per cent, of what men call luck is only talent for hard work. Do not lean on others to do your thinking or to /conquer your Difficulties. Bé conscientious in the discharge of every duty. Do your work .thoroughly. No tine can rise who slights work. Do not try to begin begin at the top. Begin at the bottom, and you will have a chance to rise, and will be surer of reaching the top some time. Be. punctual. Keep your appointments.' Be there a minute before before time, if you have to lose your dinner to do it. Be polite. Every smile, every gentle bow is money in your pocket. Be generous. Meanness Meanness makes enemies and breeds distrust. distrust. Spend less than you earn. Do not run in debt.. Watch the little leaks, and you can live on your salary. salary. , *-- . The Maid's Decision, "We. are to have a Jewish rabbi for dinner to-day," said a lady to her servant. For a moment -the maid surveyed her mistress in grim silence. Then she spoke with decision. "All I have to say is," she announced, "if you have a Jewish rabbi for dinner you'll epok it yourself !" Leather coats made of a fine, soft suede-like quality of the hide, in shades of gray, tan ahd mole, are the novelty shown by one of the most fashionable dressmakers on Fifth Avenue. These are worn with skirts of wool or velvet in exactly matching colors. One needs to be told these coats, are. leather, however, for the skin has been treated in such a way it resembles a heavy woolen mixture of the quality of duvetyne. Velvet basques with lace or chiffon skirts also flit for a moment before the gaze of the fashion pilgrim, to tantalize with a suggestion of Spanish modes to follow. This is not a stray guess, however, for scarf-topped skirts and full ones, fringe-trimmed bodices and low ones, high-cut slippers slippers and dainty ones, and lace-draped- coiffures and fascinating ones flit across the mirror of fashion, reflecting reflecting more than a speculation and something something of a reality in their passing. China rose is a new color making its appearance" in millinery lines. The shade is not unlike the coral tones with which the summer vogues have familiarized us. It is deeper in tone and of a bluer quality; very good- looking in felt and plush, especially when .trimmed with beaver or seal. It is a novelty issued for sports traveling wear hats. or to Tommy Atkins' chin strap, plays a part among the new designs. Women Women are adopting this style, but its high or conservative style value will be probably nil by November, the curse of popularity killing its right to sit in high places. >i< / THE BEGGARS' PARADISE. case, rather than have any trouble with them and gain their enmity, the boatmen allow them free passage. When they reach the city they put up at the beggar hotel near the Big Pagoda and let the beggar headman know, of their arrival. Soon the regular regular allowance is forthcoming and the man spends a few clays in pursuit of rr t _ . pleasure and then moves on to another They Travel Free on Passenger Boats j place to repeat the same proceeding. In China. In China begging is in the nature of an art, and the various sorts of supplicants have been classified, until now it is known that there are at least thirty classes of travelling mendicants. mendicants. • . The passenger boats know them and do not attempt to collect passage money, money, for they sleep on the open deck, and, curiously enough, pay for whatever whatever rice they require. This being the Loud. Mrs. Flatbush--Isn't your husband rather loud in his tastes ? Mrs. Bensonhurst --- Gee, yes; you ought to hear him drink soup! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA STO R I A Hampton Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 Another of their novelties is a tam shape in green frieze or chinchilla cloth with a facing of satin for the narrow brim, and a yellow ball-shaped tassel of worsted and yellow embroidery embroidery trimming it. Even thé velvet bridle, first cousin Digestive Disorders Yield When the right help is sought at the right time. Indigestion is a torment. Biliousness causes suffering. Either Is likely to lead to worse and weakening weakening sickness. The right help, the best „ corrective for disordered conditions of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels is now known to be Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for sale Cotton Seed /Weal CaldwelFs Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Corn Call at the thill or phone your order to No. 77, F. C. Vanstone »:sr If you intend to do a mean thing, wait till to-morrow. If ^ou are to do a noble thing, do it now. and the right time to take this famous famous family remedy is at the first sign of coming trouble. Beecham's, Pills have so immediate an effect 1 for good, by . cleansing the system and purifying the blood, that you will know after a few doses they Are the Remedial Resort I teïert Sole of 'Any Medicine in the WoricL * u Sold everywhere. In bom, 25 cents COAL COAL This is the best time to buy yoùr Coal for next Winter. Summer prices are as follows : Chestnut Stove Egg Pea • ♦•eeeee»eee#e< •••••eeeeeeee•••••• $7.50 7.50 7.50 6.50 Order now and see what you can save. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 \> L