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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1915, p. 5

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Mason & Dale. Auto Owners* Attention !--A. W. Pickard Pickard has opened an auto garage adjoining his blacksmith shop on Temperance-st. opposite English Chur ch. He has been appointed local agent for White Rose Gasoline. Give him a call. Bowser pump installed. ; * Bowmanville Bowmanville W E find new customers coming* to our store almost daily because a triend or neighbor has told them of the superior superior values and excellent service that _ The Model-Grocery gives its patrons. We admit we are selling some lines of groceries for less than others charge, but the quality is always the highest. Maybe you have not bectf^e a regular customer of ours yet. Send ùs your next Grocery Order as à trial, and yflu will bè convincèd, like many others, that it pàys to buy àt the Model Grocery. Watch for the Workingmen's Specials Friday and Saturday of This Week Every one a money-saver Poultry, Butter and Eggs Wanted Farmers, before disposing of your farm produce produce get our cash prices. W. Blake McMurtry (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville We Invite You to Call And View Our Fall Styles BÔWMANVrtLB. OCT. 38c 1915 in- And carefully inspect our magnificent display of high class Fashion Favorites in Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses. Our Dress Goods in silk, silk and wool and wool are up to the minute minute in style, texture and value. : ", - ,> > Our stock of General Dry Goods is now complete in every department. department. 1 Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Dan D's letter on inside page. ....... Rice--King wedding 'on inside page. -Clarence Meath writes--inside pkge. School Field Day sports on inside page. Mr. Allin Penfound spent Sunday at home. Additional Social and "Personal on ner page. Bowmanville Hospital report appears on 2nd page. Special meeting of Rebekah Lodge on Monday night. Come. Anotherinteresting letter from Dan D. will appear next week. .. Rey. W. G. Clarke visited his family at Carrying Place this week. ' Mrs. John Trul, 1 , Darlington, is visiting in Toronto and Hamilton. Success to you, Darlingtonians, on your endeavors for Red Cross Fund. Miss Ethel L. VanNest is visiting Miss Irene H. Bray, braedde, Enfield. Miss Annie Forbes," Toronto, has been visiting old friends in this vicinity. Miss Mary Cryderm?n is spending an enjoyable week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. H. E. Rogers, Port Arthur, is, visiting visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen. : • Mrs. D. Roberts and daughter, Cobourg, were recent guèsts of Mrs. R. T. Steph- _ens, Beech Ave. Mrs. Marvin Burk has returned from a plensant visit with relatives in Ohio and New York states. Mr, Melville Lemmon, North Toronto, Sidtoted to Ebenezer Sunday and visited at Mr. John Found's. Mr. and Mrs. Braund and family, Tor- onto, visited Sunday, at Tohn Pound's, "Bever Dairy Farm." Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and daughter, daughter, Toronto, spent Sunday with his father, father, Mr. Cbas. Williams. Dr. J. S. Somers and son Jack, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. John Somers, and other relatives here. Mr. J. M. Gill, Brock ville, has been spending a few days at his son's residence, while the latter was in Brockville. Mrs. Fred Mark, Haydon, visited Mrs. S. Candler on her return from attending the funeral of her sister at Palmerston. The Misses B. J. and F. M. Galbraith, Ontario-st., will receive Saturday Nov. 6 and afterwards the first Saturday of each month. Miss Jessie Ford, daughter of Rev. J. E. j and Mrs. Ford, Goderich, is spending a | couple of weeks in town guest of Mrs. John Rice. -- Miss Ella J. Sutherla d, District Supervisor, Supervisor, City Health Department, Toronto, spent Sunday at Lome Villa guest of Mrs. M. A. James. Mr. and Mrs. Jury and Miss Burk, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, motored to Lindsay on Sunday and visited Miss Burk's sister, Lady Hug hes.--Post. Wè welcome back as citizens to our town Mr. and Mrs. David Keith who are now occupying their fine new brick residence residence on Concession-st west. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Souch and Miss Annie Allin, who have been visiting relatives relatives at;Edmonton, Alta., and other points west, returned home Tuesday morning. Mrs. J, W. Kerr who has been visiting her father, W. F. Allen, Esq., Beech-ave., for the past three months left Tuesday evening for her home in Vancouver, B. C. Name of Ezra Gifford should have appeared appeared among thé $20 subscribers to" the j Patriotic and Red Cross Funds instead of IB. and S. Gifford for $io each in the pub- ' lished list. ' Mr. P. C.' Trebilcock, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham and Mrs. Tole are attending attending the Golden Jubilee Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association in Toronto. j Mrs. D. C. Betts, who has been enjoying a couple of months' visit with her father, i Major W. C. King, P.M., and other reia- • lives here, left Monday morning for her home in Calgary, Alta. Mr. A. Odell, Inspector of Schools, Cobourg, was guest of Dr. W. E. Tilley j on Saturday. They were planning for j the Red Cross campaign in the schools of ■' their respective inspectorates. | Mr. Stanley'Going, Winnipeg, nephew of Mr. A. Pennington, this town, has gone ; to the front with 79th Battalion. A card from him to Miss Pennington of the Post Office staff, tells of their safe arrival in J England. Miss Myrtle V. Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. W. J. Bragg. Miss Bragg has accepted the position of Commercial teacher in the Ladies College at Red Deer, Alta., and left Tussday for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Werry, "Cedar Grove", South Darlington, announce the engagement oi their daughter, Lois Mary Lucretia, to Mr. Russell Kenneth Bragg, Bowmanville, the marriage to take place early in November . Miss Mabel Walters, Courtice, has returned returned from a pleasant visit with her uncle, Mr. John Lewis, Kinsale. She reports reports a successful harvest home and splendid chicken pie supper in connection with the Methodist Church in that village Bowmanville Woman's Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T. Hooper on Friday, Oct. 29, when a contest in sugar cookies and other interesting features will be enjoyed by the members and any friend who desires desires to come. McLaughlin Motor Car Co is erecting an addition to its already very large manufacturing manufacturing plant 225x84 feet and three storeys high to make room for manufacturing manufacturing the new Chevrolet car that sells for $680--another great boon for OshaWa. The lowest priced McLaughlin car is $1085, so they do not consider the Chevrolet Chevrolet will be a competitor. The fact that this new low-priced car is made at the McLaughlin factory will give it à prestige that will be invaluable to the Chëvrôlet Company, as the McLaughlin name counts for much in Canada. Quality counts with us--R. Showden: McMurtry's advt. has special interest for housewives. Potatoes--specially treated against rot --delivered in town. Phone 146 r .13. Howard Couch. „ : There is nothing to beat the Suprême with special hot water equipment. to Mr. and BIRTHS. KENT-r-In Bowmanville, Oct. 26th Mrs. C. B. Kent, a son. Oct 2S, to Mr. and Mrs Robt. J. Gill, Bowmanville;-a son. Fowke--At "Gladstone Villa", Oshawa Oct Everettf and Mrs F L - Fowke.-a son, (Frederick MARRIAGES ~ Taylor-Huggins-A* the Methodist Parson- age, Courtice, Oct; 27th, bÿ Rev. R. A. Delve Mr ISSS,Sfe e f owm "-" ,e - *■" BTr. John Little, Toronto, and Garnet B, Hallo- w,ell, son of Mr.. Wm. Hallojwell, Starkville. ^Franjî-- TURNEB-Oh Sept. 25th, at Christ's Church, Sydney, Australia, by Rev. Mr Stathen* Mr. Lome L..Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geortte Sydney Bowman V ille » and . Miss May Turner of „ DEATHS Rowe--In Bowmanville, Oct. Rowe, aged 77 years. 26th, William SALE--2 good houses. Church aL.i -d a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R. Bowmanville. 26t b Funeral from his late residence, Liberty-st on Thursday at 2.ü0 p.m., to Bowmanville cemetery. Burgess--In Darlington, Oct. 24th, Samuel Burgess, age-185 years. ' , 21> Rev - John C. Willmott, M A., in his 81st year. Tomlinson--In Toronto, Oct. istb, Henry E. Tomlinson, formerly of Darlington. 3 Oct. 16, Sarah Ann Hubbard, beioved wife of James Hezzelwood aged 77 years. ' VT? D n L w D D E « A ^ Markdale; Oct. 26, Ada, wife of Mr. c. W. Rutledge, proprietor of The Markdale Standard. ..Interment at Seaforth. Adair--In Clinton, Oct. 24, at the residence of her son-in Jaw George Shipley, Julia Street Smith, Widow of John Adair, Osba,wa. Interred at Oshawa. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in •.Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in ' Granite and Marble, ' Bowmanville, Ontario. NEW C. P. R. TRAIN SERVICE. Commencing Sunday, Oct. 31st, C. P. R. trains leave Bowmanville : Going West 6.07 a, m. daily .8.38 a. m. dailyf 4.27 p. m. daily 7.48 p. m. dailyt t Except Sunday. Going East 10.46 a. m. daily 3 21 p. m. dailyt • 6.59 p. m. dailyt 12.67 a. m. daily C. B. Kent, Agent. FIFTY ACRE FARM WANTED. GO acres,.moderate priced land with fair buildings buildings wantedJn. Darlington or East Whitby. If yoùTiave à farm to. sell, write JOHN FISHER <fc CO.. Lnmaden Building,- Toronto. SECOND HAND FORD CAR FOR SALE 1915 Model, five passenger in good condition. * Apply BRADLEY BROS., r °Bî; GSCO J C ¥ WOMAN-Wants nursing r r hensework of any kind, by day or week Apply to Box 211, Bowmanville. 44 i*. G IR ^ AN ' rED - For general house work. Duties to commence Nov, 1. Apply to Mrs. Phone 185 Plckart1, Km g-st, Bowmanville, or • • 43t C IDER APPLES WANTED--I am prepared to to do cider pressing on short notice. Bring ™ e your appi es . j. Butson, corner Church and Brown-sts., Bowmanville. Phone 143. 44 2 F ARM TO REXÏ 1 -- 126 actesmore or less, being' part lots 3, 4, B.F.-Darlington, in good statë- of cultivation. Good brick house, good bams with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply toMRS, J as. McOonnachje, Conce^sion-st., Bowmanville. 40-tf See R. Snowden before you sell your produce. Men's rubbers, large sizes only 69c pi ir at McMurtry's. Howard Couch is having a big sale of potatoes. Phone 146 r 13 and get his prices delivered to your door. Ladies' Fall" and Winter Coats and Suits made up in the most up-to-date styles and of the newest materials just received received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Wanted at once--1000 lbs choice butter, 500 plump spring chickens, 10,000 dozen fresh eggs. Deliver the goods to Blake McMurtry at Model Grocery. Phone 72. Bring your furs in NOW to be repaired or have alterations made. We can guarantee guarantee work done promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if brought in this month. Mayer's Fur Store. Phone 229. McMurtry & Co., can save you money on your Groceries, try them during this big 10 days' sale. To you who are installing waterworks you will want a good stove to heat the water and do it quickly. The best stove for that purpose is the Supreme Range. Mason & Dale. Dishes and Chinaware must go. Read McMurtry's ad. . _ • The best place in town to buy choice groceries is at R. Snowden's. Better have that old fur altered into a stylish shape. If you want work done now is the time beforé the big rush next month. Mayer's Fur Store. Phone 229. Come once and you .will come again to R. Snowden's when yoti taste Ida tea. Supreme Range is^the greatest hot water heater on the market. It is made to heat the water quickly. Ask Mason & Dale for particulars. Try R. Snowden's 40c bulk tea--best in town. A splendid chance to save money on winter goods is given by McMurtry & Co., Ltd., during their 10 days sale. Cold, frosty weather will soon be here and furs will be in order. Maybe you intend intend having your furs repaired Dr altered. Now is the time to bring them to Mayer's Fur Store if you want it done properly. 11 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have just opened out the biggest shipment of men's and boys' suits they have ever re- ! ceived at one time, and having placed j this order early they are able to sell these goods at old prices* notwithstanding the big advance in woolen goods. | When McMurtry & Co., Ltd., have a sale it is a real one. They are having a I ten days' sale now. Dr. B. J. Davison, doctor of optics, who is locating in Bowmanville, is a graduate : of one of the best optical colleges in America America and also took a post-graduate course 1 in another well-known college. For the i past 20 years he has devoted his time ex- ! clusively'ïo testing eyes, and during that time he has prescribed lenses for many cases which have baffled the ordinary optician. optician. When Dr. Davison was in Bow man ville three years ago he gave entire satisfaction to hundreds of citizens. He guarantees when he fits glasses they are properly corrécted, and will positively not fit cases unless he is positive of im proving the sight. Eyes tested free. Phone 127 for appointment in town or country. See R. Snowden's blackboard on Friday and Saturday. Pte. Dan Douglass, No. 8433, No. 3 Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Canadians in France, Army P.O., London, England. B ICYCLE TIRES FOR SALE.--I have several new bicycle tires that I will, sell at great reductions rather than carry them over till season. Just a limited . number so come ou * w - Pilant, Auto Garage and Black- smith Shop, Bowmanville, „ 44^ F OR SALE--Brick residence with modern fit tings and three acres of land with fruit trees, etc,, .property, of Dr. B. J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty-st. North. Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment fcanvfi! t0 L * Al T ° le ' real ti8tate a *|"t' C. (^LAUGHER a.l.c.m. "l.l.c.m. f.v.c.m:. Piano • Violin Composition Get down that VIOLIN. - Write Box 414 Bowmanville. I will mail Terms and 40-tf interview. arrange DR. B. J. DAVISON SIGHT SPECIALIST BOWMANVILLE Phone 127 for appointments in Town or Country Difficult cases preferred. CANADIAN PACIFIC The Rideau New Afternoon Train, Toronto to Ottawa, via <3. P. R. Calling at chief points along Lake Ontario Ontario Shore Line,, including Kempton, Up-to-date equipment, including Buffet-Library-Observation Buffet-Library-Observation Parlor Car, with Broiler Service. Leave Bowmanville 3 21 [p m. Ajrive Ottawa 10 00 p m. [Daily, except Sunday] Commencing Monday, Nov. 1st Return by the York, the new afternoon train from Ottawa to Toronto. Same route--same equipment. Particulars from O. B. KENT, Ticket Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Make your gift to the bride a serviceable gift as T&ett as an ornamental one. Our line of serviceable goods never was larger, and the quality of the goods carries our personal guarantee as well as that of the manufacturer. A few suggestions are given below : - Cut Glass Water Sets from $8.00 up Cut Glass Berry Bowls from $4.00 up Cassaroles from $5.00 up Cake Baskets from $3.00 u£ Mantel Clocks ; : from $4.50 up Flatware in large assortment. Tea Services at special prices. P.S. We are headquarters for Wedding Rings and other necessities necessities for the groom. Jélfoeler C. H. hADD Y BolPommoille Marvel of Marvels Outdone In the Wonderful Williamson Submarine Moving Pictures No Man, Woman or Child Should Miss Them Everybody wants to see what's at the bottom of the sea. The one question which has puzzled civilization for ages is, "What is the bottom of the sea like ?" It is answered by the Williamson brothers, who have discovered a new world by their genius and enterprise enterprise They have penetrated the deep depths of the wonderful unknown and have taken marvelous pictures pictures which are cramméd full of good, live punches and guaranteed to knock enough amazements in you to last you the rest of your life ! Real live stuff! The kind that makes you lean over in your seat and gasp ! The kind of pictures you talk about ! If you don't believe it, just read what the New York Telegraph Telegraph said about them. 7he World's wildest dreams come true/'-- Ne*w York 1 elegraph You'll See Thrilling, Wonderful, Educational Fascinating, Amazing Deep Sea Divers perilously exploring ancient wrecks^! Unheard of fish that resemble the American flag 1 Big, ugly sharks at play ! The same monsters when they're angry ! A man battle with one of these ocean cannibals ! Countless thrilling scenes ! Exquisite coral fields ! Enchanted Marine Gardens ! Strange and marvellous fish ! A Civil War blockade runner sunk in battle fifty years ago ! Native Bahamaians diving for coins ! ' Hundreds of similarly varying scenes which will startle/thrill, amaze and instruct you ! It is one of the thrills of a lifetime ! Don't miss it ! House, Bowmanville Wednesday aiid Thursday, November 3rd and 4th • •. ; at 8 p.m... Admission 10c and 25c. Matinee Thursday at 4 p.nt., admission 10c

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