'v X v> YOU ARE INVITED TO Inspect Electrical at Seymour Power Office, Bowmanville H : : In ackno wledgment of the service electricity is rendering, the electrical industry, industry, and other great industries co-operating with it, are dedicating a national celebration, to be known as Nov. 29 - Electrical Prosperity Week - Dec. 4 The Seymour Power Company of Bowmanville is entering into the spirit of this great movement with more than ordinary enthusiasm by holding an immense display of Household Electrical Appliances Appliances for one week--November 29, to ^December 4. Many citizens are not familiar with the numerous electrical appliances which are now being manufactured manufactured and used to lighten household duties and bring pleasure and comfort to every member of the family. family. This demonstration will, therefore, be of an educational value, as well as an opportunity to participate participate in acquiring these useful articles under specially advantageous circumstances. Take Time to See These Here are a few of the many appliances which will-\be On display. Citizens wishing to makè purchases may do so at great savings : > / Special Toaster Simplex Iron . Water Kettles. Egg Boilers.... Regular Prosperity Regular Prosperity Week Week $3 00 75 Percolators ...12.50* 6.00 ,. 3.50 1.75 1 Percolators ... 8.50 5.00 . 5.00 ' 3.00 Percolators (aluminum) ... 6.50 4.00 . 4.00 1.50 Vacuum Cleaners 125.00 50.00 ~ 4.00 3.00 Vacuum Cleaners ...22.50 10.00 1.00 Electric Fire Place ...22.50 10.00 . 4.50 2.00 A Heaters, 3 glowers, 3 heats ...21.00 7.00 .. 4.50 2.00 Heaters, 3 glowers ...12.00 4.75 ,. 3.50 1.00 Heaters, 2 glowers ... ... 6.50 3.50 .. 8.50 4.00 Hughes Electric Range, .. 6.50 2.00 4 burners with oven ...87 00 50.00 .. 6.50 3.00 Electric Washing Machine... ...65.00 45.00 is guaranteed the same as if sold at regular prices. In some lines we were only able to secure a limited number at these prices--so our advice is to see the display early. Seymour Power & Electric Co. Ltd. Bowmanville & 'M A YES! Our Customers Are Indeed Satisfied with the values and service they re ceive at THE MODEL GROCERY --and why shouldn't they be ? There is no place in town where you get better groceries and more for the money than we pass over the counter six days in the week Then every Friday and Saturday you always get some tempti n g ' 'extra 'extra specials" at The Model Grocery, which is a big feature of our growing growing business Purest ot Groceries at Lowest Prices and Prompt Delivery account for our success. Poùlfry, Butter and Eggs Wanted Farmers, before disposing of your farm produce get our cash prices h W. Blake (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) „ Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 18,1915 Social and Personal. Dan D's poetry on page 2. Pay your subscription now. Mr. Wm. Trewin spent Sunday in\Tor- ontp, Mrs. Wm. Maynard and two daughters visited relatives in Toronto last week. \ Private Thos. W halley, Millbrook^ member of içth Batt. was killed in action. During his long life, Sir Charles Tupper was a total abstainer from liquor and tobacco. - Lieut. Wilfrid Bowles, Toronto, who has been taking an officers' training course at Kingston is visiting friends in town. Thos W. Whalley has disp sed of his interest in The Peterburo Review and has retired from the position of managing director. Mrs. Wm.Staples and sister, MissBallagh returned home to Orono from Port Hope on Wednesday, the latter still suffering from the effects of her recent accident! Sergt. W. A. Hockins, King's Prize winner, Toronto, is at the hospital in Nottingham, Nottingham, England. He is an Orono bov, and nephew of Mrs. John Hockin, Well- ington-st. Messrs Hugh and Billy and Misses Anna and Bertha McLaughlin motored from Toronto and visited at Mr. W. W. Down's. Mrs. Down returned with them and had a pleasant visit. Col. W. Farrell of Port Hope and Capt. Anderson of Bowmanville. were at the Armory last evening swearing in recruits for overseas service. Dr. M. M. Tucker was appointed examining physician.-New;#. Mr. Sid Hughson moved to Toronto where he has secured a position in the Gutta Percha Rubber Works. He was a member of the Methodist church choir, played trombone in the Sunday School Orchestra and was an all-round good player in both bands. Mrs. Matthew Dewell, Solina, has had no particulars yet regarding their son, Pte. E: M. Dewell (8430) 2nd Batt., 1st Brigade, 1st Canadian Division in France since the battle of St. Julien after which he was reported missing. She thanks many friends tor inquiries. Mr. John Wilkinson, a former old resident resident of Newcastle, died in Toronto Sunday Sunday Nov. 7. Deceased for many years carried the mail from the Post Office to the station. He was also at one time sexton of the Methodist church and for some years employed., with the late W. T. Lockhart handling grain. Hé leaves a widow, two daughters--one of whom is Mrs: Alf. Bennett, and a son married. He was over 60 years of age. The funeral of the late Geprge Weisman, Weisman, who died very suddenly on Wednesday, Wednesday, Nov. 3, took place Monday from the residence of his son, Rev. G. C. Weisman, Queen-st. The funeral service bad been postponed awaiting the arrival of a son from Peace River District who came Saturday Saturday evening. Rev. J. W. Hastie conducted conducted the service at the house which was attended by: a large number of sympathizing sympathizing friends. The remains were taken to the Disciple church, West Toronto, where êêrvice was held and the remains Interred beside his wife. Rooms or board wanted. See advt. Change in Haddy Grocery business. Seepages. Rev. John Garbutt was guest of Mr. C- M. Cawker over Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Groat, Oshava, was recent guest of Mrs. John Van Nest. Highest cash price paid for poultry and all farm produce. R. Snowden. Merry-faded, bright-eyed Blister Brown has arrived at the West End House. Mrs. F. D. McKay, Toronto, recently visited her mother; Mrs. Thos.Sherin. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Websterj Oshawa, were recent guests at Mr. Geo. Power's. Miss Iva Everson, Oshawa, was weekend weekend guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mrs. T Bland, Rdville, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bellamy, Bowmanville. Mr. C. H. Fletcher, Toronto, has accepted accepted a position in the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Works. Sebert Hotel, Port Perry, was damaged to extent of $1000 by fire caused by an overheated furnace. Ladies will be spec ally interested n the Electrical Display at Seymour Power Office. See advt for particulars. Any on è who wishes to send a Christmas Christmas present to an individual at the front is advised to make use of the mails. Miss Jo.«n Watson, Sonya, and Miss Lillian Williamson, Hampton, recently visited Mrs. W. J. Williams, High-st. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad have returned to their home in Detroit after a pleasant visit with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Banbury and other relatives in this vicinity. Girl's small leather purse lost containing containing about $1.50 in coin in or near C.P.R. station on Thursday last week. Finder call at Statesman Office and receive reward. reward. Port Hope has its own distinction as the "horrible example" of a wide extent of country. All the rest of the largr- County of Durham is free from the liquor traffic.--Orillia Packet. The fur neck piece advertised in this paper last week was found thru the advt. and returned to th j owner. The homes that do not receive one of The James Papers are few in this district. Sisters of Rebekah, Beehive Lodge, No. 125, are holding an at home at the residence residence of Mrs. Alf. Fursey, Liberty Place, on Thursday, Noy. 18 from 3 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. Admission 10c. Refreshments served. Mr. M. A. James was in Toronto on Wednesday attending the half-yearly meeting of the Executive Committee of of the Central section of the Book and Publishing Committee of the Methodist church in Canada at the New We-lev Buildings. Every morning at 9 o'clock, from every class room of every school in Ontario, the strains of the "National Anthem" will rise, sung by childish voices, by order of The Department of Education. It is purely a matter of stimulating patriotic sentiment in the minds of the children. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have just opened out the biggest shipment of men's and boys' suits they have ever received received at one time, and having placed this order early they are able to sell these goods at old prices, notwithstanding the big advance in woolen goods, Mr. Norman S. Plummer, Dr. John Spencer, Bowmanville, John Middleton, Elvin Middleton, James Dickson, Newcastle, Newcastle, A. A. Gamsby, Orono, composed a hunting party who have just returned from Haliburton where they had a most enjoyable time and were successful in bringing home the full allotment of game. Mrs. W, H. Pearce, Newcastle, has returned returned to her' home from Bowmanville .Hospital and wishes to thank the friends of Bowmanville for the beautiful flowers sent to her during her illness. Mrs. Pearce was highly pleased with the attention received received at this institution and says no one need go to a city hospital judging from the attention^-he received from the capable capable staff of nurses. Mr, Alpha Pinch, the Bowmanville gardener, has shipped, over 60 tons of pickling onions and Dutch sets from 20 acres seeded in th ; s section. About $500 worth of seed was used. The gross receipts receipts will be over S4000. The cost of labor in caring for the crop, fertilizers, etc. is large. The crop t is year owing to the wet season has been a record one. Shipments Shipments are made to Toronto firms. Mr. Norman Souch at the Mill east of town will have about $8qq worth of onions from two acres. Who says intensive farming does not pay. James Pearson came before Police Magistrate Horsey recently charged with obtaining clothes by fraud and jumping a board bill. He was caught at Sarnia brought back by Chief Jarvis proven guilty and besides the $41 involved in his escapade he was mulcted in $49 costs. Truly the way of the rogue is costly if not hard. Friends came to his rescue and put up the money. This was another case of street educat on similar to what several boys of fairly respectable families are receiving receiving in this town at present Mr. G. E. Minns, Supt. of The Children's Aid Society, was in town this week and would feel gratified it the good folk of Bowmanville and West Durham will help him, by donations in cash or kind, to care for the needy and destitute little children at the counties shelter. Everything needed needed in an ordinary home with children will be useful. The Guide publishes a long list of donations from Port Hopers. The cheap parcel post rate obtains from Bowmanville Bowmanville to Port Hope. Every person can send something that children have outgrown. If you cannot give otherwise send one dollar to Mr. Geo.-E. Minns, Box 474, Port Hope, Port Hope, and that constitutes you a member for a year. Rudyard Kipling's poetry has had a Ï osifcivé revival since 1 he war began, t was not easy for us westerners to catch the spirit of it before, but how differently the sentiments appeal to us now 1 This one for instance: Yes, you may take hold of the wings of the morning, And sail round the world till you're dead, But you can't get away From the tune that they play To the glorious old flag overhead. Dont put off buying that Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale. See our stock pattern of Limoges, the nicest in town. R. Snowden. NvticM of Births 25 ee*t»> Marriages SO » Deaths, 50 cests, each iasertioe. . fanerai cards are printed at this office. Insertion free. BIRTHS. Bleiley--I11 Bowmanville, Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bleiley, a son. - J ury--In New Haven, Conn.,' Nov. 11, to Rev. and Mrs. Gordon S. Jnry, a son. Vanstone-- At "Cedar Cliff". Bowmanville, Nqy. 16, to Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Yanstone, a son. Cawker--At "Norway Cottage", Bowmanville, Nov. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, a son. MARRIAGES Michael--Evans--In Whitby, Oct. 30th, at Baptist church. Miss Laura May Evans, to Mr. Howard Michael, Oshawa. Fethers--Welch--On Oct. 7th, by Rev. Dr. German, Toronto, Mary Alice, youngest daughter of late David George Welch, and Mrs. Welch, Toron- o, and George Fethers, London, England. Bragg--Werry--At the home of the bride's parents, Nov. 17, bv Rev. R. A. Delve, Lois M. L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Werry, and Russell K. Bragg, son of Mr. R. A. Bragg. Darlington. Darlington. DEATHS Lee--In East Whitby, Nov. 15th, JohnNorval, second son of Mr. F. W, Lee, aged 24 years ami 3 months. Scurrah--At the residence of Mrs C. Hartle, MyrtlerOct. 30th, Mrs. Frederick Scurrah, in her 71st year. Kennedy-In Toronto, Nov. 8, Minnie Thompson, Thompson, wife of F W. Kennedy, and daughter of late Geo. Thompson, Oshawa. • Bichan--In Goderich Township, Nov. 9th. Wm. Bichan, in his 62nd yea r Father of Miss Myrtle Bichan, teacher. Maple Grove. ~ IN MEMORIAM CROSSEY-- lu loving memory of our darling Carrie, who passed into rest on Noy. 19, 1912. As the years roll on we miss her more. Hearts bereaved an l lonely. Whose dearest ones hath fled, Whose'hopes like summer rosvs, Are withered, crashed and dead. Though link by link is broken, - And tears unseen may fall; Look up amid tin sorrows, To Him who knows it all. Sadly missed by her loving Mother, .Sisters and Brother. DAN D'S ADDRESS. Sergt. Dan Douglass, No. 8433, No. 3 Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 11st Canadians in France, Army P. O., IyONDON, England. "Lest We Forget" E. R. B0ÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. 0 0 LAUGHER A.L.C.M. L.L.C.M. F.V.C.M. Piano Violin Composition VIOLIN H W rooms, child R l R with Stone stabling underneath ply to Mrs. Jas. Me ;onnachie, Bowmanville. iOR SALE AND WANTED--Draught mare, A * years old, for sale, eligible to register. I want a general purpose hor.se about 1200 lbs. Single man want ed to hire by year. Apply to F. W. Ruudle, lot 28, B F , Darlington, or Bowman- Ville, R.R. No. 2. 47 2* $3000 BUYS NEW HOUSE--On Liberty st, at foot of Welliugton-st., on lot 50x135. Will sell at cost for quick sale. Three bed rooms, complete bath room, Pease furnace, open fire place in living room, electric light. Apply to Thomas Hardy, or P.O. Box 245, Bowmanville. 47t 1ÔR SALE--Brick residence with modern fit- 4 tings and three acres of land with frnit trees, etc,, property, of Dr. B, J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty st. North, Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment down. Apply to L. A. Tole, real'estate agent, Bowmanville. 43t w ANTED--A reliable man with some business experience with farmers to represent us in Bowmanville and Durham Connty. A permanent permanent position for the right man. Highest, commissions paid. Territory reserved. New specialties for season 1916-16. Stone & Wellington Wellington Toronto. < ■ 47 6 PRIDeTf ALL" FOR SALE. Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Pride of All", (6784) (13652), Government Inspected and Approved Approved Certificate, No: 1. "Pride of All" has proved himself to be a sure foal-getter of high class stock. Anyone wanting a money-maker will find in this horse what he is looking for, and at a price about hajf what he is worth as I am going out of the horse business. Apply to A. E. Jennings, Jennings, Hampton. 46 2 FACTORY BUILDING WANTED. Moderate sized building wanted suitable for manufacturing light iron work wanted by American American Firm for a Canadian Branch. If yon have business property to sell write . JOHN FISHER <fc CO., Lumsden Building, Toronto. AUCTION SALES &- DR. B. J. DAVISON SIGHT SPECIALIST BOWMANVILLE Phone 127 for appointments in Town or Country Difficult cases preferred. OUSES FOR SALE--2 good bouses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b ANTED TO RENT--Two or three furnished or board for man, wife and one Apply to Statesman office. 47 1* P OULTRY FOR SALE--1 pen pure bred White Orpington fowl bred from choice strains ; cheap. Apply at once to Thos. Percy, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 47tf OBE LOST--About Nov. 10th, between West End House and W Armstrong's, Scngog-st. Finder kindly leave at Wm. Armstrong's, Bowmanville. 47 1 F OR SALE--2 sets single harness, 1 set heavy single harness, rubber tire buggy, nearly new, cutter and robes Apply Statesman Office, or Box 224, Bowmanville. 46tf A utomobile for sale--McLaughlin Auto, 6 passenger, in good condition. A big bargain bargain for some one. See it at A. W Pickard's Garage. Temperance st, Bowmanville. 46t F ENCE FOR SALE--About 70 feet of lattice fence, 8 ft. high, a splendid fence, must be sold Can be seen back of High School. Apply to James Deyman, Bowmanville. 47 2 RACELET LOST--Gold extension bracelet, lost about Nov.6 between Methodist church and W. C. Stevens', Liberty-st. F.nder wi 1 kindly leave same at Statesman Office and receive receive reward. 47 1 F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F. Darlington, in good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns For terms ap- Concession-st., 40-tf Tuesday, Nov. 23-- F. W. Edmondson, lot 4, con. 2, East Whitb , half mile from Harmony, will sell by public auction all his farm stock, including 27 bead dairy ca ttle, and farm implements. x Sale at 10 o'clock sharp. See bills. James Bishop, auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. 24--Messrs. Jos. and James Welch will sell by auction on lot 29, con. 4, Darlington, all of their farm stock and implements. Sale to commence at I o'clock. For further particulars see large bills. JAMES Bishop, auctioneer. Wednesday, Dec. i--Mrs. C. Montgomery, Montgomery, lot 22, c :n. 5, Qarlington, will sell all of her farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I p. in. See bills. Geo. Jack- SON, auctioneer. DO YOU REALIZE? That there are Only 7 hirty-one More Shopping Days - Before Christmas ? We realizé this-faefc and therefore have our stock of Xmas goods practically all in and on display ready for you to make your selections. selections. This.year there will be a great many lines which we cannot duplicate when once our stock is sold, so we strongly advise ear y shopping. Already we have put aside for customers a number of choice pieces, and we would be glad to do the same for you. Gome in the next time you are passing and look around, makp your selection selection then if you -wish, but you will be made welcome whether you buy or not. Watch our windows. They will contain many timely suggestions to assist you in making Xmas shopping a pleasure. 1 Engraving C. H. HADDY jeweler cRepairing -- Tail's Reputation For the Best Groceries Has stood the test ot time, and we have never been better able to give our many customers better values, better service and better groceries than we are doing to-day. Our increase in business during the past year has been very gratifying. It is sufficient proof that it pays to buy your groceries from Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville LADIES' Coat Opportunity 25 - ONLY - 25 Manufacturers' Sample Coats 25 per cent, off Regular Prices $8.00 Coats for $6.00 9.00 " 6.75 10.00 " 7.50 11.00 " 8.25 12.75 » 9 56 15.00 " ......11.25 15.75 " ......11.76 17.50 " 13.13 18.00 " ......13.50 20.00 "S * .15.00 Also a magnificent assortment. of our regular stock ot up- to-date Coats at spe- xLrfhvfàf cial prices. Telephone Orders Promptly Attende d^To S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville •>.*#&,>'•' w/sss. V.V