The "Peâse" Furnace is Here are some places where we have installed Pease Furnaces this season : W. C. Allin, Town W. T. Allen,-Town Mrs. H. W. Burk, Town F. R. Kerslake, Town H. L. Quinn, Town W. C. Cole, Town Mrs. John. Osborne, Town A. E. Clemens, Tyrone M. J Wight, Providence J. R. R. Cole, Bethesda Miss Eilbeçk, Newcastle W. J. Staiuton, Enniskillen Let us solve your heating problem. problem. BOWMAN VILLE, NOV. 18, 1915 RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmaiiville Let Us Cut Y our Coal Bills ■% 4 = | . Our customers will tell you that their coal bills run g | low. The reason is that we sell and they bum i | LEHIGH VALLEY I 1 ANTHRACITE I | The Coal That Satisfies §§ | You get the best when you get this coal. Extremely i i rich in carbon; carefully prepared. Yet we charge you i § no more than you would pay for any other coal. 1 | Why not give us a trial order today? § JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON | Phone 153, Bowmanville | E rd ! : - . C |ggl| HAMPTON ÿ§fi§. Visitors : Miss Edna Snowden, Maple Grove, Messrs Roy VanCamp and Roy Metcalf, Darlington, at Mr. A.Trenouth's; Miss Mildréd Cole.iForonto home for the week-end; Mbs Alice Kerslak , town; With her brother F. G. Kerslake; Mr R. J. vlcKessock, Solina, at Mr. Thos. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence and daughter, daughter, Kirby, at Mr. H. E. Cole's; Mr.Cyrii Jeffrey, wife and baue, Miss K ate Widden, Port Perry, at Chas. Horn's;; Mrs. J. West- away and daughter, Ella in Toronto. Mr. Westaway has gone to visit his" s n at Port Hope ...Mr. Norman Doidge captured captured a very fine raccoon last, week ... Mr J. J. Hoidge and a number of friends from Toronto called on Mr. M. B. Cryder- man and Mr. Benson Cryderman ^Sunday .., .Simon Taylor and son Tho> have rented the Montgomery farm west of this village.. . .Miss Annie Johns has returned returned to D. B. Simpson's office, • town, as stenographer. The closing meeting in connection with the Red Cross and Canadian Patriotic work was he'd here Monday evening when Mr. Norman Somerville, K. C, gave one of the finest addresàes to which if has been our privilege t > listen. Mr. A. Mr Miller, B A., organizer, Toronto, and Mr. E. H. McLean, Bowmanville, also gave good addresses. Several patriotic choruses choruses by about 40 voices added very materially materially to the pleasure of the evening. Mr. A. • J- Reynolds, President, occupied the chair. The canvass for $12,000 began Tuesday | and most encouraging reports ha ye been received as to Darlington measuring up to its duty. R. Snowden will pay 30c per lb. for Choice Dairy Butter. v DARLINGTON Base Line Union Schoolwill hold thëir Christmas entertainment Wednesday, Dec. 22.... Mr. Frank Dbwhëÿ has returned returned to Sudbury, having spent the summer with his father, Mr. Geo. Downey.... Mr. Roy Trull is home from New Liskeard . . . Miss Lola Down, who is recovering from typhoid fever, is convalescing at Mr. Wallace*Downey's"; Mr. F. H. Frost was a recent visitor at Mr. Jos. VanCamp's.. ... Mrs. P. Langstone, Toronto, has been visiting. visiting. Mrs. Wm. Wood. Bargains every day. of the -week at R. Snowden's. ^ ENFIELD ENNISKILLEN mmmmmmsmsm:- Tod's Bread was Never Better Than It Is To-day That is why so many people prefer it to making their own bread. It is nourishing, wholesome, full weight, contains best grade flour and other ingredients, and is. made under most sanitary methods. Keep the family healthy and good natured' by feeding them more of Tod's Bread. Thomas Tod Baker ànd Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville A second box of canned fruit has been shipped to overseas soldiers, and a box of ' quilts, clothing and print to the Italian • mission, Toronto, by the Methodist church I ..., Miss Rundle, in charge of the missionary missionary department, hud a good meeting at ■ League Wednesday evening. Topic by Miss Grace Slemon, War Talk by Mr. H. J. Werry, a practical address on League work by Mr. Jas. Vinson, District President, President, Oshawa, readings, solo by Marjorie Smith, and quartette by Winnie, Reta and ; Maude Ashton and Gladys Stainton. Mr. Herb. McLaughlin and Miss Greta Smith were appointed delegates to Ebenezer Convention Sunday morning being i World's Temperance Sunday was a splen- , did session in our S.S. Mr. R. J. McKes- : sock,'Solina, addn ssed the school in an excellent manner, after which a program ; lull of .interest and information was given ! by the school. Our school is in the prohibition prohibition fight... .Sunday evening Rev. H. Wilkinson almost excelled himself in a patriotic sermon, and we trust our community community will measure up in its givings. Collector's were out on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday. .. .Burketon had a rousing patriotic patriotic meeting, well attended Mrs. John Pye has r turned from Toronto... .Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Marion are spending a week in the city......Two more of our bo>s, we understand, Leslie Gerrard and Julian Goodwin, have enlisted. How is it so few of the recruits from this vicinity are Canadians? Mr. and Mrs.H.Doug las and Beatrice, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and Siebert, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Solina, were recent visitors at Mr. F. W. Lee's. Good intentions are alright but why not buy that Supreme Range to-day? Mason & Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Powell, Oshawa, have been visiting at Mr. B. Powell's.. ... Attendance at thé patriotic meeting was not nearly as large as it should have been. More interest should have been taken in so important a cause, i,. f.The beef ring business was settled up Saturday n'ght for anoiher year. Messrs F. T. Ashton was elected Secretary and Mr. Jamts Scott, President ..... Mr. Geo. Ormiston lost a valuable horse last week .Mr. Fred Griffin's b irns and crop were - burned last Tuesday while threshing. Loss is estimated estimated at $4,000. Insurance only $1,200..... Mr. Robt. Fowler, brother of Mr. W. Strong died suddenly ht Mr. R. Ramm's last Thursday from heart failure. Funeral on Sunday from Mr. W. Strong's to Hampton Cemetery. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden attended the Grooms--Brooks wedding Mr. T. J. Cole, Mrs; Srrowden, Mr. L. Snowden attende I the funeral on Wednesday of their cousin, Mr. John. Norval Lee, East Whitby... .Mrs. W. R. Cole and daugh- Mary and Lila, Bethesda, visited her daughter, Mrs. Milton Samis, last week .. Miss Lizzie Hillis, Solina, visited her cousin Mrs. Leslie Snowden... .Rev. and Mrs. Herbert W. Foley, and daughter Brooklin, visited his sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens.... Miss Mabel Stevens has been under the Dr's, care but is improving.... Miss Lila Cole, Bethesda, has been engag- ' ed to teach until Miss Bichan returns who j was called home on account of her father's father's death.... Mr. W. B. Sparling, Lindsay, 1 occupied the pulpit here Sunday afternoon and was enjoyed by all..... .Rev. Mr. Adams, Toronto, will preach next Sunday ! afternoon... .The delegates who attended the S. S. convention at Toronto, Oct. 26- 29 will give the balance of their report Sunday morning next. HAYDON EBENEZER Economical Housekeepers Grasp this chance to get good fresh groceries at the lowest prices. Everything is fresh and attractive and of the besfc quality. We have a superior brand of canned goods which are the best on the market at lowest prices. We always have in stock very bèst table butter, fresh eggs . and young poultry. Our groceries will be delivered at your door and your order taken every day, if you wish. Farmers, We Want Your Produce-- You Want Our Cash HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phbue 186, Bowman ville ANNUAL FALL AUCTION AT SOLINA STATION. Friday, Nov. 26 at i p.m., of live and dead farming stock. Entries already received received include a good number of well bred, renewed and other cows, heifers, steers, spring calves, brood sows, three horses, poultry, wagon, harness and other effects. Fa ther entries received by S . G. Carnell,Solina Station,. C. N.R., Phone 133 r 2, Bowmanville, 162 r 32 Oshawa. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. Messrs J. T, Johnston and J. D. Warns- ley, Peterboro, A. A. Powers, Orono, and Jos. Hickson, Janetville, were a motor party in town to-day.--Lindsay Post. Supreme Range attached to waterworks heats water three times as quick as other ranges. Mason & Dale. We will sell you fresh trout at 12c per lb. at the Elite Grocery. R. Snowden. Buster Brown has come to town. Special announcement in McMurtrv & Go's advt. Supreme Range is well named as it is the leader when it comes to best bate, best heater and economical on fuel. Mason & Dale. The big event of the week is the District District Epworth League Convention to be held in this church Thursday. Three sessions sessions are advertised and free dinner and tea served by our ladies. Doubtless it will be largely attended Mr. Wm. Courtice, Bowmanville, visited his son, Reeve W. E, Courtice..... ,Su "day was annual missionary day. Good weather and crowds prevail, d. Mr. W. B. Sparling, Sparling, Lindsay, preached strong, helpful , sermons, and we hear the subscriptions were good. The Choir was at its best • ... .Geo. Reynolds is recovering from his recent stroke League meeting was good last Thursday night. Miss Worden ' gave a splendid paper on "China," and a good literary and musical program followed followed Mr. and Mrs. L. Parsons and family attended the funeral of their grandchild grandchild near Whitby Thursday Patriotic .meeting in our church Wednesday was , not largely attended, but all who failed to attend missed a treat. The speakers were Dr. Jas. Moore, Brooklin, E. H. McLean, McLean, Bowmanville, and Pte. Sanders of Toronto. It is to be hoped several will volunteer from this neighborhood....... George Pearce is building a new house across the road from his residence..... W.M.S. held their annual "At Home" Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. Osborne and Mrs. Tole of Bowmanville addressed the ladies and refreshments were served Several from Courtice attended the Grooms Brooks wedding at Solina Miss Worden, Bowmanville, spent Sunday Sunday with her grandparents here....Hunting here....Hunting has proven attractive to some of our men and they are enjoying it Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor, Bowmanville, spent Sunday Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Huggins Pastor Delve preaches Pon- typool Anniversary sermons next Sunday. ; Rev. Mr. Adams of Toronto supplies at Ebenezer Mrs. Jas. Courtice, Bow manville, vi-ited at Mr. Robt. Courtice's Miss Muriel Penfound, Toronto, is down for a few days' visit. .Rain and snow fell on Monday and old Tack Frost wa« severe at night... .Miss L. McCalpin of Toronto spent Sunday at home Miss L. Osborne entertained the "Sun- shiners" Saturday afternoon and all réport réport a capital time We are rushirig the plowing these days. Mr. Editor, as we fear a freeze-up soon..... .There is still a little ground to turn over.,.... Friday evening, Nov. 11, a party of young people gathered at the home of Mr. Arthur B. Werry to express in an old-fashioned and jolly wav their regard for Miss Lois Werry previous to her marriage. The gathering took the form of a "miscellan eous shower," in which boys and girls alike found something useful or pretty, dr perhaps both, to contribute. The collection collection of gifts was very large and valuable, testifying to the esteem in which the bride is held in her home church and community. community. Miss Florence Osborne read an address address expressing the .appreciation of all for the services which Miss Lois has always always rendered in Chiirch and League, and also the regret each felt in her departure departure from the district The remainder of the evening was spent in games, chat and the reading of the verses which accom- punied each gift All join in best wishes for die popular bride-elect Mrs. Norman W lsh, Toronto, has been recent guest of.Mrs. Clarence Avery Mrs. Rich. Ashton and Miss A. Creeper visited friends in Toronto Miss C. Brunt spent Sunday with Mrs. McMann Miss Elsie Randle, Bethesda, spent the. week-end at Mr. Rich. Slemon's.... Mr. Elgin and Miss Vera- viountjoy visited relative I at Utica and were accompanied home by their aunt, Mrs. Lambkin Miss Belle Courtice and Miss Maoel Wight, Bowmanville, visited her sister, Mrs. Bundle, Bundle, over the week-end. ....Mr. E. W. Rundle and Miss Winifred. Bragg, town, spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. S. Bundle's. Salem League, visited the League here 1 hursday evening last when - about forty- fiye visitors were present. The program, which was presèhted by the Salem friends consisted of recitations from the book, "The Other Wise Man," presented in five sections, each number being exceptionally well given. The musical part of the program program c^ , ' r i c ' d of three choruses and thre o!u , which were all well rendered. A fit. 1 relreshments were served and the National Anthem sung the company dispersed. dispersed. • TYRONE A concert under auspices of Tyroné Women's Institute will be held in the Sons of T mperance Hall o - Friday Nov. 19. Program will consist of violin music, songs, reci ations, dialogues, etc. Admission, Admission, 25c »nd 15c. Proceeds in aii-of Red Cross funds. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans, Yelverton, spent the week-end at Mr. John McLaughlin's McLaughlin's The missionary program in Sun day School Sunday was of special interest, Mr. Allin 'Annis taking the school on a trip to China and telling of the great need of enlisting in the army of Christ. Mr, Ted Stretch gave instances of where we could make good investments for our money while Miss Gladys Collacott sang ve y sweetly "God's Sunshine." The Missionary Committee have added Messrs John Hills and Lome McCoy and Misses Dix and Young to their number and fully appreciate the splendid response of one and all to the birthday box, haying already realized $11.00 Preparations are now being being made for Christmas tree. How much can you sacrifice in order that the little children may have a merry Christmas ? IN EDITOR'S MAIL. Rev. R. B. Rowe writing from Norwich, Ont., Nov. 10th, says: My Dear Mr. James--I got The Statesman containing containing that excellent memoir of our mutual and much esteemed friend, Henry Ellibtt of Hampton. The four years I was pastor pastor in Hampton, from 1879-1883, under the good old B. C. regime, I always found Mr. Elliott the never-failing friend, always always singularly reticent, yet ever capable and faithful. . Hampton cannot seem to be the same place now-that about- all the old veterans have "crossed the bar". My health keeps fairly good, and I am doing supply work most of the time. The Presbyterian Presbyterian minister here has gone to the camp as captain and chaplain, and I have been for some weeks taking charge of his work until they get a man to take it. If I were not so far away and had known in time about date of funeral, I certainly would have been there at Hnmpton to show respect and share the sorrow of his wife and son and daughter. Our only son is Principal of the Public School in the city of Brantford. Our. eldest daughter daughter liveshere in Norwich. We came here from Hamilton a little over two years ago on- account of Mrs. Rowe being an invalid. I was sorry to leave Hamilton Hamilton where I was assistant pastor of Ceri- tenary-Church for six years. Our second daughter, Mrs. Barraclough ,is in Centenary Centenary Church, St. John, N.B., and our youngest youngest is settled^ in St. Thomas. What changes are wrought during the yew ! This war is terrible but it will eventuate all right. Our son is preparing to go to the front as Lieutenant of Dufferin Rifles. DR. I. C. DBVITT. DENTIST, G radoate of Boyal Dental College, Toronto. - OFFICE: King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE tiOL'BS: 8 a. m. to « p. m. daily except Sunday. f hone 90» " House Peon* 90b On King Street We are now occupying pur own store, opposite Goodyear Club. Ladies' and Gents' Price List Suits Dyed................;. $2.50 Suits Cleaned....;.......,.. 1.25 Dresses Dyed....,.$1.25 to 2.00 Overcoats Dyed... 1.75 to 2.50' SportCoats ..... 1.25 to 1.75 Gloves, Hats, Feathers, Furs and Rugs as usual Gibson's Dyeing & Cleaning Works Phone 273 Bowmanville Pure Drugs In catering to the discriminating discriminating patronage of the people of Bowmanville and vicinity, we have always made it a principle to handle none but the PUREST PUREST and BEST at all times. In this era of impurities and adultération:?, adultération:?, we have found that our efforts have been appreciated appreciated in serving you honestly. We solicit your drug business upon the basis of Fair Prices and Perfect, Conscientious Service. Service. ; R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians We Test Eyes Scientifically QUALITY MEATS In Lhe slaughtering, handling and selling of our meats we comply with the rigid requirements requirements of the Canadian Pure Food Laws. Our goods are always fresh and clean. They are stowed in our sanitary sanitary ice box, thus tetaining their color and epicurean qualities. We solicit your orders by phone, assuring prompt delivery in every - instance. instance. C. M. Câwker & Son Phone 64 Bowmanville. Farm We are giving more attention to this branch of our business and have a splendid stock of good, strong/ well-made shoes for country use. Economy the Buy-Word In spite of continued advance in prices, we are still able to supply many of our best lines at the old prices. . Men's Heavy Boots, $2.25 to $5 Women's " 2.00 to $3 Fred R. Foley Always on the Sunny Side Bowmanville % & Gloves and Mitts For the Cold Weather If the bands and feet can be kept warm it ia^an easy matter to keep the rest ot the body comfortable. We will look after the hands. We have been very careful in our selection of Gloves and Mitts and have the most complete stock we have ever shown. Unlined Cape, Kid, Mocha, Suede, Buckskin, tan and gray $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.50 Silk Lined Mocha, Cape, Suede, tan or grey, $1.50, 2.00 Lined Glôvês Mocha, Cape, Buckskin," Buckskin," lleeue lined, knit or fur lined $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 Linéd Mitts Mocha, fleece lined, wool lined, fur lined, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.50 Boys' Mocha Gloves and Mitts lined 75c, $1.00 Wool Gloves Wool Gloves are becoming more popular each season because of their greater warmth and comfort and wearing qualities. We have them in light and dark gray, heather, brown and natural, Scotch Knit, Angora Wool, Wolsey, Silk and Wool 50c, 7oc, $1.00, 1.2o, l.oO, 1./ 0 See Our East Window for Display The Anderson Clothing Co. Phone 61 - Bowmanville ! •' A rC" F. A. HADDY & SON Grocers Y OU will note the above change in the firm name, having taken my son, Alex. E. Haddj'-, into partnership. We ask a *con- tinuance of your trade as before and we will endeavor to give you as good or better service than before. Special Sale of China In making above change we desire to clear out our entire stock of Crockery and Glassware and in order to do so have made large discounts from our regular prices in face of the recent advances in all crockery. You will find our prices on most lines away less than the present wholesale values. This is your opportunity. On all Fancy Chinas 33^% discount On all Dinner Sets and Stock Patterns 25% discount On all China Tea Sets..... .25% discount On all Toilet Sets 25% discount On all Glassware 25% discount On all Parlor and Hanging Lamps 50% discount On ordinary White and Printed Dinnerware 15°/ o discount These Prices are for Spot Cash Bargains in Groceries Our stocks in this department are very heavy in some lines and we desire secondly to reduce this stock about 50 per cent, and will offer the following bargains : Kleansme Ammonia... 2 for 15c, 4 for 25c Karo Soup 5 lb. pails 30c French Peas. 10c per tin Domestic Kippered Herring 10c per tin Good Salmon, 1 lb. tins ; n c Good Salmon, £ lb. tins ............4 for 25c Canned Asparagus 2 for 25c Choice Norwegian Sardines 2 for 25c New Post Toasties......... 3 f or 25c D B. Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin...." 15c or 2 for 25c Haddy's Ideal Baking Powder ....15c straight 15c bottle Celery Relish 10c, 3 for 25c 15c Sottie Mixed Pickles ; 10c, 3 for 25c 15c bottle Michoyce Sauce 10c, 3 for 25c 15c bottle MacConachie Sauce 10c, 3 for 25c Pork and Beans, No. 1 size 5 C Pork and Beans, No. 2 size ^ 10c, 3 for 25c Pork and Beans, No. 3 size 13c, 2 for 25c This is léss than present wholesale prices. £ t F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville