This is none too early to buy,, yovr'Christmas Cards, especially especially for Overseas. We have a very large stock, the finest dis-, play we have ever made. Prices from 5c upwards We also have samples of personal personal greeting cards. FOUR LARGE BOOKS. Call and see them. Place your order early-so as tQ ensure prompt delivery. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore Gibson is Still Dyeing. Clothes dyed black for mourning mourning purposes in $10 lots:--20% of! regular prices. Dresses and suits dyed blue, black, brown or green. Goods called for and delivered to all" parts of the town. Out-of-town orders we pay express or postage one way. Gibson's Dyeing & Cleaning Works Phone 273' Bowmanville Social and Personal. Mr.R. T.-Gill spent Sunday in Brock- ville. ' " Gibson's dyeing works are running •gain. ' " ; . Rev. HfB. Rowe,'Clarke, is in boor health. . Mr. E. C. Bemau,.Shaws, had a great crop of mangels. This Thursday is last day of Girls' Patriotic Patriotic Club Bazaar. Miss Laura Rickard, Shaws, is hoir e again from Toronto. Rain on Saturday made week-end shor- ping less agreeable. Miss Alba Colwill, Newcastle, recently visited in. Bowmanville. Newcastle-Red Cross and S.O.E. social realized $i76. Splendid ! Dont put off buying that Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale. Winter will soon be here--put on your storm doors and windows. George Rickard is using Port Hope brick in his new residence. - Charles and George Vine, Newcastle, sail for England this week. Mrs. A. Hill, Manitoulin Island, is visiting visiting Mrs. S. Jose, Newcastle. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbank, Shaws, visited visited Oshawa friends recently^ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Branton, Newcastle, Newcastle, are home from Manitoba. Do your Christmas shopping early--and dont forget the boys at the front. Bowmanville merchants are now " displaying displaying a fine lot of holiday goods. Newcastle citizens gave money for a machine gun but will usd it otherwise. M.. C. Rose" Oshawa, is back from a tw ^-months' business trip to the coast. Mrs. Thos. Hanly, Cedardalé, died suddenly suddenly recently. She leaves five children. Mrs. Peter Laing, Lockhart's, recently $1,000.00 REWARD "For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. Î Farmers! Read This! I have now for sale Cotton &&&& Meal Caldwell's Molasses TVYe^l Feed and Seed Corn Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. ; F. C. Vanstone so S» 1E • (♦ V : - ■" Get "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes, White Weasel, Fisher - and other Fur bearers'collected in your section SHIP TOUR FURS DIRECT io "SHUBERT" the largest Boçsë in the World dealing exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS "a reliable--responsible--safe Fur House with an unblemished reputation reputation existing for "more than a third of a century." a long successful successful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt .SATIS FACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for "lEfje fcijubert ^pfjipptv," the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for it--NOW--it's FREE A R SHIÎRFRT inn 25-27 west Austin ave. D. PnUDtIW, me. DéptC 292CHICAGO,u.s.a. ALLAN I IN ] ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers are equippedwitji eveyy convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement* - of the trip to the las^hour on board. 1 For rates-, Failing date; anjl beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE, 95 Kong St., West, Toronto. H. A'. JAMES, Sic amah ip Agent, Bowmanville. Let Us Cut Your Coal Bills Gur customers will tell you that their coal bills run low. The reason is that we sell and they bum LEHIGH z* ~ The Çoàl That Satisfies You get the best when you get this coal. Extremelj' rich in carbon; carefully prepared. ; Yet we charge you no more than you would pay for any other coal. . Why riot give us a trial order today ? - : '. JOHN A. HO LG ATE & SON Phone 153, Bowmanville visited her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hancock, Clarke. Harry Pearce, Newcastle, has shipped his sugar beets to Berlin but not to the Kaiser. '• v • _ - Bowmanville Methodists have made great preparation for Thank-Offering Sunday Dec. 5. Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, Port Hope, celebrated the' 50th anniversary of their marriage Tuesday. Corns cause much suffering, but Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure offers a speedy, sure, and satisfactory relief. Supreme Range attached to waterworks heats water three times as quick as tither. ranges. Mason & Dale. The character of your home is known by the reading matter .going into it. You are safe with this paper. A city man who visited Bowmànville tor the first time last week remarked what fine shops we have. While we have been having fine open weather at the front, splendid sleighing has been enjoyed in north country. A case of cut glass and china fell from the dray Saturday when being moved from the station for Rev. W. G. Clarke. Mrs. Norman S. James, daughter Dorothy, Dorothy, and son, John Mason, spent. Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mason, Toronto. _ A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' W orm Exterminator, and there is nothing better for driving driving worms from the system. Whitby Women's Institute held a "Grandmother's Day" when the program was entirely given by the grandmother members. Supreme Range is well named as it is the leader when it comes to best baker, best heater and economical on fuel. Mason & Dale. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Bragg, 'Providence, have been enjoying a week's visit with friends at Wooler, Bloomfield and other Eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eaton, Orillia, passed away within three days of each othpr, he in his eighty-sixth year and she in her eighty-seventh. Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats and Suits made up in the most up-to-date styl of the newest materials just re ceived a Couch, Johnston & Cryderman'* 7 Lieut.-Col. W. H. Floyd, Cobourg, has already over 75 recruits for the 139th Northumberland Battalion. He expects to be full strength, 1153 men, by Springer early Summer. Mr. J. Owen Herity, editor-in-chief of the Belleville Ontario was in Bowmanville recently to ascertain for himseli and the people of his city the effects of Local Option here. A by-law will be voted upon at Belleville in January. Ten women from each 'of the seven churches in Oshawa are baiting a»pie each week to be sent to the armory every Saturday Saturday for the soldiers' Sunday dinner. Seventy pies seem quite a lot for one meal but when they are divided among over 500 men each would get only a very small p'ece. - 'Tis A Marvellous Thing.--When the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' Ec- 1 ctric Oil are considered, the speedy and permanent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever it has been used, it n?.ust be regarded as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should .result from, the six ingredients which enter into its composition. A trial will convince the most skeptical of its healing healing virtues. - Mr. Rcb\ McLaughlin celebrated his 80th birthday Tuesday Nov. a social gathering at his home in Oshawa. .A beautiful clock was presented as a remembrance remembrance from his family and close friends assembled. Mr. McLaughlin has been a resipent of Oshawa 44 yeajrs, going from Enniskillen .where he conducted a small carriage shop which has grown to the great plant of the McLaughlin Carriage and Automobile Company. Mr. McLaughlin McLaughlin is still active and spends much of h s time at the factory. .-- * Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac. Rév. Irl. Hicks 1916 Almanac is by far the finest, largest and best- ever before printed. The Hicks storm and wea>her forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and Value, and this splendid Almanac Almanac for 1916 should find its way straight into every home and office in America. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine, Word and Works, and his unique Almanac should always go together, both for only one dollar a year. The A-manac alone is 35c, prepaid. Send to Word and Works Publishing Co., 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. * F ARE WE'LL SURPRISE In the slaughtering, handling and selling of our meats we comply with the rigid requirements requirements of the Canadian Pure Food Laws.' Our goods . are always fresh- and clean. They are stowed in our sanitary sanitary ice box, thus retaining their color and epicurean qualities. We solicit your orders by phone, assuring prompt delivery-in every instance. instance. ■ V C. M. Cawker & Son, Phone 64 Bowmanville. A Drop in Real Estate BUY NOW Now is your opportunity to buy a home for yourself, as I have several exceptionally good bargains bargains in real estate. Investigate Investigate these to-day before it is too late. All sizes, various locations, locations, and at prices--well, you will hardly believe it is possible possible to get such snaps. If you are looking for insurance of any kind, I have the best, in all lines. Harry Cann, Phone 50. Bowmanville. OBITUARIES Mrs. Geo. Lîsask, Taunton. ' With very little warning there passed away at her home, lot 34, con. 6, Darlington, Darlington, Nov. 20, Helen, relict of the late George Leask, in her 93rd year. Deceased Deceased came to Canada from Aberdeen, Scotland, Scotland, some 73 years ago with her parents who settled on the farm where she' died. Her husband predeceased her 34 years, when the management of -the farm and care of the widow fell to her second son George with whom she has lived up to the time of her death. < She retained all - her mental faculties up to the last, and of a nature kindly and reserved she was always always glad to see her friends gather ^bont her. She leaves to mourn her loss three sons and four daughters: William of Osh- awa/George at home, and Peter near Bowmanville, Mrs. Albert Hillis, Taunton, Taunton, Mrs. Helen Noble, Montana, Mrs. J. Lethangue, Manvers, and Jane at home, besides sixteen grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. One daughter, Isabel, Isabel, died ten years ago. Of the seven brothers who came to Canada with her, two are still living, John Leask of Green- bank, and George of Scott. Interment took place Tuesday afternoon at the Union cemetery. The three sons and three sons-in-law of deceased were pallbearers. pallbearers. The funeral was largely attended. attended. * ^ DURHAM BOYS' EXECUTIVE Friday evening this week--Dec. 3 at 8 o'clock--the members of the Durham Old Boys' Association Executive will on invitation invitation meet at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville P. White, 6 Hawthorne Gardens, Rosedale, Toronto. Mrs. White was Maggie, daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yellowlees, a Bowmanville girl, who on many.former occasions contributed contributed to the musical programs of the Association Association and now again opens her lovely home for a meeting of the members of the Executive Committee and their wives. Do our readers realize that it was 17 years ago last June that this organization was formed with Dr. Jas. L. Hughes as President President and Mr. Thomas Yellowlees as Secretary, positions which they still hold. GRAND TRUNK sysT^ Double Track all the way Tôronto-Chicago-- Toronto-Montreal UNEXCELLED TRAIN SERVICE > Equipment the finest on all trains WINTER TOURS TO CALIFORNIA And all Pacific Coast Points, Florida, Texas, New Orleans, Etc. Winter Tours Tickets now on sale. Low Fares. Choice of Routes. Stop-over privileges allowed. Full particulars and berth reservation on application to Grand Trunk Agents. J. H. H. Jury, Agent, Bowmanville. Hampton Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try oui* flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 Children dry* FOR FLETCHER'S 'ASTORIA COAL CC >AL Commencing November 1st, 1915, the following prices will prevail : - / Chestnut $7.75 Stove 7.75 Egg 7.75 Pea . 6.75 Have your bins filled now before another raise comes along. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 v. Monday evening Nov. 22, about 100 friends ot Mr. and Mrs. A. William Allen, Salem, pleasantly surprised them previous to their removal to Ebenezer neighborhood. neighborhood. Councillor G. A. Stephens made a good chairman and Mr. F. L. Squair read a very nicely worded address expressing the good feelings existing among them as neighbors for the past twenty-four years and wishing them happiness and success in the future. A china dinner set and two leather upholstered chairs were presented presented by Mrs. A. Welch and Mrs. G. A. Stephens on behalf of the friends assembled. assembled. Mr, Alva Allen, who has been a member of Salem choir, was presented with a Methodist-hymn book. Mr. Allen made a suitable reply thanking all for the useful gifts, presented. Short speeches were made by Messrs. W. G. Rundle, R. H. Collacutt, M, Murdoff, Stanley Davey, W. Challis, and Mrs. Welch, Misses Neda Symons and Effie Rutledge. Misses Campbell and Caldwell and Mr. Leslie Collacutt added to the pleasure of the program with musical selections. Supper was served by the ladies and a pleasant gucial evening.enjoyed by all. ❖ r PROVIDENCE Christmas tree » and good program on Monday December 20 under 'auspices of 'the Sunday School... Reserve the date. Particu'ars later. Report of S. S., No. 5, Darlington, for November:- Sr. IV. Leta Hancock. Jr. iy. Edna Luxton*, Roy Jackson Sr. IJI Arthur Bell, Winnifred Dilling. Jr. III. Mary Woolner, Tena Dilling, Myrtle Hancoçk. Sr. IÏ. Barbara 1 Woolner. Jr. II. Stanley Osborne, Mabel Dowson, Norman Luxton,'Willie Wcolner. Jr. I. Harold" Hancock. -Jr. Primer. Melbourne Osborne, Valeria Dilling.. * highest marks. = : • i ^;Y ;. ' " A M. CALDWELL) -• • % teacher. .Warned ,in Time. "You say, Mr. Smith," said the girl, in a low, thoughtful, this-is-a-serious- matter sort of tone, "that you have loved me for five years and have never dared to tell me so until tonight?" tonight?" "Yes"" he replied. "Well, I cannot be your wife. A man who has no more courage than that would feign to be asleep while a burglar stole his baby's shoes." Saws were, first tashioned in imitation imitation of the jawbone of a snake. SECURITY. Genuine s Wlust Bear Signature of See Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. ▼ery email end as easy to takeiee sugar. FOR HEADACHE, GARTERS lil FOB DIZZINESS. FOB BILIOUSNESS, FOR TCgfHD LIVER. fUR CONSTIPATION FOB SALLOW SklH. FOR THE C0MPLEXI0R 1 «HS8S town ■ must iwvt jypgalyireget PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM SASKATOON EDMONTON WITH CONNECTIONS TO AND FROM ALL POINTS CONNECTING TRAIN LEAVES BOWMANVILLE 7.40 PM. ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT RELIABLE EXPRESS SERVICE Through Tickets to all .points and Berth Reservations from W. G. GIFFLEB, Station Agent, or write. B. L. Fairbairn, Gen. Pass. Agt., 68 King St. E., Toronto .wraartBrinrêmr 1. cfu"JF SICK HEAOÀSHÉ» ^