. - '•': ._ -•:,^- .- 7': "-,-•' • m BW2 me •&&*?■ IN EDITOR'S MAIL. Your grocer has "Crown Brand** Syrup in these new glass jars--or will get it for you. And be sure and save these jars for preserving. "Crown Brand** is also sold in 2,5,10 and 20 pound tins. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. Rev. J. J. Rae, Richmond, Indiana,since leaving Chicago has not been getting either of The James Papers, and in sending his order foritjwrites: "I miss the Bowman- ville paper so much that I cannot do without without it longer.*' Refèiring to Richmond, he adds : "We are ih a fine city, of about 30,000 population and I have a splendid strong church and excellent people. Richmond-is Richmond-is easily -the prettiest city in the of Indiana and is in the midst of a country. The frees here are ; just the same kinds as are found in;-a Darling- ; ton dr -Clarke". tcrwnshifxwoocb, and - the; country is rolling and well-watered. I have not felt as much at home since leaving leaving Canada as I do here. Sunday last we took an offering for a debt that had been standing for à few years, amounting to $2800 incurred at the installation of our splendid organ and I had suggested to the Trustees that we take a Thank-Offering and try to wipe it off. ?, This they consented consented to do, tho • with considerable fear of the success of the new plan. We got $2,925 on the good old Bowman ville method method precisely, and now they think there is no other way of raising money and the City papers are full of articles on the wonder wonder in church finance. The President of the Board of Trade is President of our Trustees, and we have the best business men with us. They were all delighted, of course, and have determined on the straight packet-to-plate plan for all future operations. operations. Give my kindest regards to all the old friends in dear old Bowmanvil.'e. ON AIR? Train Of Thought Inspired By a Letter" About"FraR-a^tives** CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Iti n|B Q 1er Shows How to Make Better Farm Improvements. A copy will be sentio you free of charge. If you intend making any kind of farm improvements--you need this book. It tells how to build everything a farmer needs--from a barn to a fence, better and more economical than is possible in any other way. It ' is the standard authority on farm building construction. It has proved of untold value to more than 75,000 progressive Canadian farmers. , If you haven't a copy of this valuable book, send the coupon now. Canada Cement Company Limited, Herald Building • MONTREAL. Annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Northumberland and Durham was held at Port Hope, Nov. 30. Reports showed that many neglected and ill-used children had been looked after and provided provided with homes. Nine children are in the shelter - now to be placed in homes. Mr. J. J. Kelso, Toronto, was present and congratulated congratulated the society on its good work. Officers elected are President--J. W. Bickle, Cobourg ; Vice-Pres.--W. Fulfoid, Port Hope, L. A. W. Tole, Bowmanville; Treasurer--R. Gray, Port Hope. Secretary Secretary not chosen. Donations for "Christmas "Christmas Cheer" piay by sent to G.-E. Minns, Inspector, box 474, Port Hope. Send $1 for membership if you cannot do more. *- ENNISKILLEN' Sent Free coÿ CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED, Herald Bldg., Montreal. -.Gentlemen : --Please send me a free copy of "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete.'* Name Street and No. Comfort for the DysPEPTic.-- There is no ailment so harassing and- exhausting exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from, defective defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet * he can find ready relief iu Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effective use. There are pills that are "widely advertised as the greatest ever compounded, compounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's. SALEM Report foe November S. S. No. 9, Darlington. Names in order of merit. Sr. IV--Lottie Challis, Marjorie Marjorie Collacott, Harry Allin; Jr. IV--Irwin Hughes; III -- Nina Wilkins, Walter Branch, Elfie McDonald, Willie Cator, Ethel Smith, Willie Allin; III--Evelyn Yeo, Annie McDonald, Ella Collacott; I--Percy Cann, Ervil Lightle, George Yeo; Sr. Primer--Lawrence Lightle, Gladys Gladys Lightle, Gladys Cann, Elvira Davis, Russel Yeo, Albert Cator, Reford Cornish; Jr. Primer--Bob Collacott, Violet Yeo, Pearl Davis, Nelson Wilkins, Laura Wilkins, Wilkins, Jimmie Hunter, Eva Lightle. Hattie Campbell, Teacher. _ MR. D. MCLEAN Orillia, Ont., Nov. 28th, 1914» -"For over two years, I was troubled With Constipation, Drozvsiness, Lack of Appetite and Headaches. I tried several medicines, but got no results and my Headaches became more severe. One day I saw your sign which read 'Fruit- a-tives' make you feel" like walking on air. This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, scndnozalfeelfine. Now I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I cannot say too much for ' Fruit-a-tives ', and recommend recommend this pleasantfruit medicine to all my friends". ' DAN McLEAN. "FRUIT-A-TIVES' is daily ^proving its priceless value in relieving cases of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble- General Weakness, and Skin Diseases. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. EBENEZER Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does nob fail to do its work. SOUTH DARLINGTON 524 Province 9 ?, DEATH OF PTE. COCHRANE H0HPTLY SECUREDI In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER, which wilt be sent free. ' MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréaf. A Weed's Fhespho&ine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood _ ..... ,, iu Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain "Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation .of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price 11 per box, six for 15. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of IE WOI riy WMar.) Insurance Agency Life Insurance Fire Insurance (tariff and non-tariff) Automobile Insurance (fire, accident, accident, collision, theft) Plate Glass Insurance Typewriting of all kinds done ; including .the - drawing of wills, deeds, mortgages, collection of accounts, rents, etc., at reasonable rates. Agent , \. for UNDERWOOD TYPEWRIT- . ER Machines; also general type- * writer supplies and legal forms. Agent for the STANLEY PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS. Agent for the IMPROVED DOMESTIC DOMESTIC Vacuum Cleaner and i Sweeper. Farms . For Sale and To Rent. Mrs. Thomas S. Cochrane has received a letter from Lieut. H. W. Cooper dated Nov. 17 giving some particulars of the 1 unented death in action during an act of bravery, of her husband who was a member, member, of the 21st Battalion, C.E.F. It was 0 • Thursday Nov. 11 the men were dig- g ng a new trench. Pte. Marencia was snot and fell out in the open. Pte. Wilkie went out to bring him in and was shot and killed. Marencia was in Tommy's section and he immediately dashed out to rescue him and was shot thru the lungs. After a while all were brought in and the doctor examined Tommy who asked what his chances were, and was told that bis was a bad wound but they would do their best for him. He remarked, "Well, it's all in the game". Lieut. Cooper says: "I had just returned from the hospital when 1 heard about the affair and saw Tommy being carried into the ambulance. He said he was feeling quite-comfortable, but passed away while being taken into the hospital at La CIvth. We buried him the next day. Pte. Marencia, whom Tommy went cut to save, will, in all probability, live. Every officer and man in the Battalion Battalion is very sorry over the sad event, for Tom was most popular with all. I had him in my command thruout, first in the platoon, .then in the scouts, and latterly latterly as sniping corporal, and I never knew him to flinch or to act otherwise than as a straight, square, plucky, self-reliant soldier. soldier. As a married man myself, I can, to some extent, enter into your feelings and realize only too well how empty any poor words of mine must be to you. All that I can say is that Tom did his duty to the end, and met his death as a gallant sold- Report of S. S ; No. 3, Darlington, for November; names in order of merit : Sr. IV--George Downey; Jr. IV--Nellie Burgess, Burgess, Lloyd Crago, Ferguson Abernethy, Norman Burgess; Sr. Ill--Johnny Hopps and *Mildred £».>wney, equal,. "Doris Clarke; Jr. Ill--"Clarke Bill; Sr. II-- *Hilda Frost, Margaret Abernethy, "Odas Metcalf, "Burnett Power, "Hilda Foley, Charley Rundle, Clarence Hopps, Marie Rundle; Jr. II--"Clifford Lane, Willie Hopps, El'zabeth Whiffen; Sr. I--Roy Rundle; Primer (a) "'Elsie Crago, Louise Hopps, Gordon Abernethy; Primer (b)-- "Louis Armistead, Spencer McCaipin. * Present every day. Florence Osborne, teacher. We deeply regret that this news was crowded out last week.--Editor. Miss H. Osborne spent a few days in the city.. Chicken stealing should be dealt with severely. It is a shame in this 20th century Mr. Hy. Smith, now enlisted at Bowmanville, spent Sunday with friends here..... .Mrs. Rundle, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, is visiting relatives here Rabbit hunting is being indulged in by localsports'.,... .Mr. Wilfred Rundle has returned to Toronto to complete his*Busi- ness College course. All wish him success. success. ..... .Sunday services were largely attended. Pastor Delve was home again and gave us inspiring sermons. Choir rendered excellent service... .Rev. R. A. Delve and Mr. Frank .Walters assisted at Oshawa (Simcoe St.) Epworth League Monday night in speech and song Mr. and Mrs. Crews, Wooler, are visiting at the Parsonage... .Messrs. Gordon Pickell and Elton Werry attended the Boys' Conference Conference at Peterboro League Thurs day was a fine success. Mr. Clarence Penfound gave a fine address on "Temperance "Temperance and the Nation;" readings by Miss Allie Oke and Mr. Cecil Found; trio by Miss Vera Werry and Messrs E. Werry and W. Tonkin, and piano solo by Miss Gerda Pickell. League is growing in interest. interest. ... ..Miss Mabel Walters attended Sons of Temperance Convention at Toronto Toronto Miss Annie Holt is enjoying a holiday in Pickering. R grieved us to hold over all this newsy newsy budget last week but our ..advertisers commandeered our space.--Editor. _ Mr. and-Mrs; j. À. Werry entertained Dr. Slemon's junior bible class on Monday Monday evening Nov. 29 in honor of Mr. H. Ralph Blight who is leaving for Bowmanville. Bowmanville. His smilinjfr face will be much- missed missed in the community " where he b<S been highly respected... .Mr. John Barton recently recently purchased ■ the Thos. Evans . farm ■ Mrs. George Argue who is "with.her. daughter, MrsyLee is under the Dr?s care v ; Citizenship night at League last week was a splendid meeting. Topic was taken by Mil top Sanderson, reports of Ebenezer Convention were given by Miss Greta Smith and Mr. Herb McLaughlin and Rev. Wilkinson also gave a partial report of the Prov. S. S. Convention in Toronto. There was also the war talk, a reading and a duet by Dr. and Mrs. Slenoon. Attendance Attendance was good... .Tuesday some 30 ladies meet at Orange Hall to sew for the soldiers.. . .Mr. Stubbs' lecture was interesting but attendance slim....Mr. Thos. Hines, an English lad-living with Mr. Wm. Oke has enlisted Mr. Wilfrid Sanderson returned from Saskatchewan Tuesday..-. .Mr. J. E. Virtue has moved to C. J. Pascoe's house and Mrs. Susie Davis has moved into the house vacated by them .. .Mrs. Sydney Trewin was called called to Blackstcck owing to, the illness of her father, Mr. AnsonTaylor... .Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John, Mrs. Thos. arid Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon spent Saturday at Dr. Garnet Trewin's, Oshawa, and greatly greatly relished a venison dinner; Mr. Leslie Robbins, Rochester, at home... .Mr.Wm. Robbins, Bowmanville, and Mr. Jas. Pye, Vancouver, B. C., at Mr John Pye's. It's nearly twenty years since Jim went west and his old friends are glad to see him but regret his health is not better; Miss Phoebe Moyse, Newcastle, with her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Herring; Mr. Alymer Herring at Mr. Josiah Butson's, town; Mrs. R. McNeil McNeil and Mrs. Albert Morris, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling, Purple Hill, at John Cowling's; Mrs. Rostrcn, Burketon, at Mr. David Brunt's. Report of Public School for November, names in order of meri : Sr IV--Wilbert Smith, Fred Preston; Jr IV--Cora Sharp, Eva Sanderson, Gertie Oke, Alma Werry, Laura Virtue; Sr III--Grace Grieve, Marjorie Marjorie Virtue, Melville Griffin, Clarke Dor- land, May Werry; Jr III--Winnie Ashton, Gordon Preston, Reva McGill, Olive Sharp, Myrtle Brunt; Laverne Griffin; Sr II--Reta Ashton, Milton Stainton; Jr II-- Gladys Stainton; I--Jean Thompson, Maude Ashton, Ernest Werry; Primers: (a) Elva Griffin, Mona Preston, Luella Stevens; (b) Marjorie Smith, John Gilmore, Gilmore, Winnie Oke, Harold Brunt; (c) Eric Stainton, Alma Oke, Orville Ashton, Irene Preston, Ellis Griffin; (d) Leonard Stainton. Elsie E. Rundle, teacher * x s* v Lawrence "Diamond' Icing Sugar helps the taste and appear ance of the Cake. Si. Lawrence SuiarRcfineri;}, Limited. Montreal BRAVE BRIDGE BUILDER Record SOLINA (Crowded out last week) Mr. Harry Grooms and bride spent a day at "Rockwell Green" before taking up residence at 19 Barrie Ave., Toronto ... .Representative R. S. Duncan, Assistant Assistant Irvine and several young men students were at Councillor Baker's recently judging judging stock Jas. Abraham has been ill • - - - Russel Reynolds, Scarboro, recently visited his parents here Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Snowden, Maple Grove, spent Sunday at her parents, Mr. Baker's j rotters. Mr. A. T. Reynolds was at Toronto on ■ Friday.. Division will meet Friday • night when the Committee of One Hun- • dred-will be discussed The remains of I the late Duncan Taylor who died on Tuesday at Oshawa Hospital, were inter- > red at Hampton on Friday. He 1 of Wonderful Gallantry at the Front. "The Scout" of November 6tb,^9i5, Published at 29 Maiden Lane, London, W.C., England, contains this article under the heading "The Bravest Deeds of the War". Lance-Corporal Frank Oke is a relative of the Okes of South Darlington, Durham County, Ontario. .His father, Mr. James Oke, lives at South End-on- Sea, England, and is a first cousin of the editor of The Statesman, who spent a week at Southend at the Oke home when last in England. Frank has been with the British Royal Engineers in France almost ever since the war began. Here is the Scout's story: The Brave Bridge Builder. The soldiers in the trenches have a little song which goes: God made the bees, The bees made the honey, The Gloucesters do the work, And the R.E.'s get the money. This infers in a good-natured way that the Royal Engineers get better paid for their work than they deserve. But there is plenty of risk in the life of the sapper. Among the latest recipients of the Distinguished Distinguished Conduct Medal is Lance-Cclr- poral Frank Oke of the Royal Engineers. With a party of ten men he was engaged in building a bridge across the Yser Canal. The enemy was at no great distance, so that always they had to be on the alert. The work was progressing nicely, when suddenly up went a flare, revealing the engineers as clearly as daylight. In a moment they had flattened themselves out, but not before one of the party had fallen a victim to the German shells. The moment the light from the flare had died away, work was begun again with feverish energy. In another few minutes a searchlight searchlight had discovered them. • This meant hiding once more, and another shelling, t V° °J t ^ ie P ar ty being badly wounded this time. And so it went on, with constant constant and repeated interruptions from flares, and search-lights, and shells, until only four of the pariy were fit for duty. "Pull yourselves together, boys", called the N.C.O., "we won't be done by. those With renewed vigor, the little SCARCE VEGETABLE SEED. "The Board war has most This article from a newspaper of Gothenburg, Sweden, will be of interest interest to growers of vegetable seeds, as it refers to the Board of Directors of the Agricultural College of Alnarp, Sweden, asking for a Government grant for the encouragement of vegetable vegetable seed-growing: points out that the clearly emphasized the importance, for the country, of home production of vegetable seed. Owing to the most important vegetable seed producing countries having prohibited the expor of such seed, the prices of a great number of important vegetable seeds have risen enormously. And, still worse, some seeds can hardly lie obtained at any price. It is reported, from a well-informed source, that vegetable seed growing in the countries countries engaged in the war has been largely neglected during the past summer, and that for this reason further further advances in prices can he expected. expected. Reports from Germany state that the supply of. seed of spinach, carrots, carrots, most kinds of cabbage, onions, cucumbers and peas is utterly small. Furthermore, Germany has prohibited prohibited the export of vegetable seeds to the end of the war. There is, therefore, therefore, every reason to fear that we have to face the possibility of a very serious shortage of certain vegetable seeds."--Seed Branch, Ottawa. Blessed is the peacemaker keeps at a safe distance. if he Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the excrescences asvay by using Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. * MAPLE GROVE She- writer ? He--No; Experienced. Can you manage a . type- I married one! lor a lin e complexion ier and a man.' HAYDON b Mrs, Edith V. Scobell phene 189 - Bowmanville (Croioded out last wëék) Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mount-, joy at Mr. Thos. Mount joy's; Mrs. S. Woodley with friends in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Slemon with friends in Oshawa Oshawa and Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowling with friends here; Mr. W. H. Creeper in Toronto; Pte. L. Gerrard, town, spent Sunday here.. Messrs. Chas. and Leslie Gerrard and Thos. Wagg and Mr. F. McB&ann have enlisted.-.. ,Mr,Mc- Mann and: family have moved to Bowmanville.. Bowmanville.. .. A snowfstorm visited us Wednesday. Wednesday. ' you must do something more, than use cosmetics. You must keep the blood pure, the liver and kidneys active and the bowels regular. You must also correct the digestive ills that cause muddy skin and dull eyes. (Crowded out last week) Miss Audrey Werry, Solina, visited the Misses Power Over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley and daughter Iva visited visited Hampton friends Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden visited at Solina Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden visited at Solina Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Salter and family, Oshawa, motored here and visited her brother, Mr. W. Lymer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lymer and son Allin, town, were here also. 7 .. .Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wilkins and family, Salem, visited his brother, Mr. Albert Wilkins... .Newly installed officers officers of Sons of Temperance are: W.P., M. Munday, sr; W.A., Aura Rundle; F.S., Leslie Snowden; Treasurer, /Eber Snowden; Snowden; R.S., Gertie Lymer; A.R.S., Llody Snowden; Chaplain, Truman Power; Con., E mer Wood; A. Con., Leitha Gaul; I.S., Cecil Jeffery; O.S., Cyril Rundle; Organist, Mrs. Leslie Snowden; P.W.P., Jimmy Ab-. ernethv. - *S« 1 J W3.S U kind hearted man and much attached to 'his family, and highly respected by all who knew him for his many excellent traits of character. His pleasant smile will be missed around this village where he lias made his home for several vears He leaves'two sons, Robert of Oshawa William of Bowmanville and a dauehter Mrs. H. Argue to mourn his loss. <*. party toiled away until they had built twelve bays, and the bridge was finished. It was entirely owing to Lance-Çprporal Oke's encouragement and coolness under trying conditions that the work was brot to so satisfactory a conclusion. -- * CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Be^ht Bears the Signature of * -r NEW C.P.R. TRAINS DARLINGTON Miller's Worm Powders attack worms in. the stomach and intestines at once, and nro^worms can come in contact with them and live. They also correct the unhealthy conditions iu the digèstivq organs that invite and encourage worms setting up reactions that are most beneficial beneficial to the growth of the child. They have attested their power in hundreds of cases and at all times are thoroughly ? *-- MANVERS Buse Line S. S. entertainment on Dec. 22nd Mr. Albert Goode was in Toronto Toronto for a few days last week Mrs. W H. Wood lias been visiting Mrs. P. Lang- stone, Toronto. Miss Mary Hume, town, has oeen visiting Miss Mary Wood ... .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vandyke and Miss S-va. recently visited her sister Mrs. Jno. Hall, Enheld..... .Mrs. Robt. Downs and daughter are with her nephew Mr. Wallace Wallace Downey Mrs. F. H. Frost, Ridge- town, who is staying with her aunt Miss McLonachy, spent a few da vs with Mrs Fred Gale, Whitby. MOTHER SEIGEL'S SYRUP "The Rideau" and "The York" Between Between Toronto and Ottawa Are Popular. "The Rideau" and "The York" the two new day trains between Toronto and Ottawa Ottawa on the "Lake Ontario Shore Line" give the travelling public an opportunity to spend half a day in Toronto or Ottawa going by these limited midday trains, returning returning by the midnight train, necessitating necessitating only one night on the road. The route of the "Lake Ontario Shore Line" passes thru Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Belleville, etc. "The Rideau" leaves Toronto (Union Station) at 1.45 p. m. daily except Sunday, arriving at Ottawa (Central Station) Station) at 10 p. m. "The York" leaves Ottawa Ottawa (Central Station) at 1.15 p. m. daily except except Sunday, arriving at Toronto fUnion Station) at 9.30 p. m. Equipment is modern modern in every detail, first-class coaches, cafe-parlor cars and library-observation- parlor-cars. Connections from Western Ontario points are made at Toronto with "The Rideau." Particulars on application to C. B. Kent, C. P. R, Agent Bowmanville, Bowmanville, or Canadian Pacific Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 50-1 * Christmas Appeal FOR The Hospital for Sick Children COLLEGE ST., TORONTO. SHAWS i The proof of Mother Seigel's Syrup is iq the taking. That is why former sufferers,-whose vitality was being sapped by -Indigestion, say it is just excellent excellent for stomach, liver and bowel .troubles. Thanks to Mother Seigel's Syrup, they are now strong and well. j Report of S. S. No. 1, Darlington for November. Jr IV--"Eunice Weatherilt, [Lillian Clemence; Sr III--"Mabel Jew- ! ell: *Leta -Turner, 'Eva Lane, Minnie Bates; Sr II--"Howard Cryderman, George Weatherilt; Jr II--"Ross Lane, "Iva Gilbank, "Marjorie Clemeuce, "Ruby Lane; Sr I--Gordon Ashton, "Florence Ashton, Edward Gilmore; Sr Pr--"Florence Pr--"Florence Robinson, "Bernice Gilbank, Hilda Barrett; Pr (b)-- Dorothy Allin, Norton Percell, "Mary Ashton, Francis Purcell; Pr (a)--Harry Cryderman. "Present every day. Mabel C. Cox, teacher. offer you the needed help. They are mild in action, but quickly strengthen the stomach, gently gently stimulate the liver and regiu late the bowels. They put the body in good condition so the organs work as nature intend- - ed. Backed by sixty years of usefulness, Beecham's Pills are won a a Report ofS S No 9, Man vers, for November, November, names in order of merit: Sr IV-- Bertha Staples; Jr IV--Jessie Pollard, Mildred Delahey, Bernice Cain, Marettia Marvin, Verena Nicholson; Sr III--Lance Greenwood, Ruth Benson, John Cornelius; Jr" III--Eva Staples, Earl Coulter, Ethel Gouid, Laverne Masters, Garnet Goheen; Sr If--Gordon Kirk, Raymond Douglas; Jr II--Kathleen Benson, .Polly 'Samuels, Delbert Bowms, Mary Bo wins, Willie Brakenbury, Ina Masters, Eva Bernstein, Melbourne Palmer, Ivan Kellett, Cecil Bowins. B. V. Jackson, teacher: , „ Brew Bet el Special Velee to We SeU emyirfcere. h bazar, 25 ceft». Drives Asthma Before It. The smoke or vapor from J. D. Ke'logg's AsthmaTtenaedy gives asthma no chance to libber. It eradicates tho carsa. Our experience with the relief-giving remedy shows how actual and positive is the succor it gives. It is the result of long study and experiment and was not submitted submitted to the public until ils makers knew it would do its work well. IS EXCELLENT FOR Tf you are afflicted, by Indigestion Indigestion or other disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels take Mother Seigel's Syrup regularly for a few day^; long enough to give if a fair chance to make its beneficial influence felt. Then note the improvement in your appetife, your strength, your general condition. aois Not. Deceased. HEADACHES* BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION v ,_L -- The/.oobotlle of Sybtifs contains three times as much as the Soc sise. Private Tommy Sims had had pneumonia and had been for some time in the hospital, where they treated treated him so well that he was much averse to the prospect of being discharged discharged as cured. One day the doctor was taking his temperature, and while Tommy had the thermometer in his mouth the doctor moved on, and happened to turn his back. He pulled the thermometer thermometer out of his mouth and popped it into à cup of hot tea, replacing it at the first sign of the medico's turning. turning. When that worthy examined the thermometer he looked first at Tommy and then back at the. thermometer thermometer and gasped: "Well, my man, you're not dead, but you ought to be!" "Hard cash" is so called in opposition opposition to soft, or paper, money. Dear Mr. Editor: -- Thanks for your kindness in allowing allowing me the privilege of appealing at this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Silk Children, Toronto. In the 40 years of the Hospital's existence existence there have been treated within its walls 26,108 children as in-patients; 231,768 as outpatients; à grand totai of 257,876 in and out-patients. The Hospital for Sick Children gives a province-wide -service, for little patients from, every section of Ontario Ontario have sought its aid. Last year 499 patients were admitted from 232 places outside the city of Toronto, in 1914 there were 394 from 210 places. Of the 2,838 in-patients last year 1,771 were medical cases and 1,067 surgical. In the orthopedic department of the 2,838 in-patients, 264 were treated for deformities, 21 Pott's disease disease of the spine, 10 lateral curvature of the spine, 10 bow-legs, 57 club-feet, 17 dislocations of hip, 42 tubercular disease of knee, hip, ankle, wrist and elbow; 76 infantile paralysis. 8 wry neck, and 21 miscellaneous. Our battle is never-ending--is one that will continue while the world last!, for it is the fight between the armies of life and death, to save the. child life, the sick little ones, sons and daughters not only of our soldier men, but of the fathers and mothers still in this home-land province. The Hospital is beating back dis- ease\and death, the enemies that assail assail tne lives of little children as the British Empire is beating back Germany, Germany, Austria and Turkev, the enemies enemies that assail the life of liberty. So we appeal to the generous people Df Ontario not to forget those so near and dear to us, who lie in the beds am cots of this great charity. * Will the people at large, as of old, respond to our call? Will they remember remember that every year is a war year for the Hospital, every day a day of battle, and that the Hospital needs money, not for its own sake, but for the children's children's sake? - The Hospital has waged its war for forty years. The people of Toronto and Ontario have been its friend, and this year of all years It requires help. Surely you will give to a oharlty that cares for every sick child in Ontario, for only as your money reaches thè. Hospital can the Hospital's mercy reach the children. Every dollar is a link of kindness in the chain of mercy that joins the money in your pocket to the miseries of some child's life, some mother's heart. Remember- that Christmas calls you to open the purse of your kindness to the Hospital that the Hospital may open the heart of its help to thti children. Will you send a dollar, or more if you can, to Douglas Davidson, Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer, or J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Toronto. r "S * * 1 * -V MÈËËÈÊÊÊÊsg>kk v^ : M ' ÿÊSsâÊÈÉÈÊÈÈ ÜÜlbs 1SÉS I|