' ""' -' ~ |pp sti55&$: I ,% 6 , FrÿfÂt sPSlsi The Model Grocery extends to its many friends best wishes for A Happy and Prosperous New Year Already the future begins to look bright with promise. May ) 916 bring to all Better Business, Brighter Hopes, and Honorable Peace. W. Blake McMurtry Limited (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville Qtir Policy for 191 élis: 1st, To represent goods exactly as to their quality. 2nd, To sell to those who know and those who do not know values, at a uniform price. 3rd, To fulfil all guarantees and thankfully correct all mistakes 4th, To deserve your confidence by always giving you a square deal. TOILET SETS - Our clearance sale of crockery has been a great success. Only four toilet sets left: two complete sets at a great bargain; two imperfect sets at a great sacrifice. Balance of stock at great reduc- H tion. ... CANDY Our Chocolate Creams at 29c are really fine goods, special price for 5 lb. box. Our Marvel Mixed Candy is really a marvel only 15c lb ORANGES Our oranges are fine and values unbeatable Our special- at 35c per doz. eclipses everything in sight We have them at 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c 45c, 50c and 60c, heavy-juicy seedless navels. Special prices in cases and halfcases. halfcases. NUTS Mixed Nuts at 18c lb., 2 lb. for 35c, have given great satisfaction. Only a limited quantity at this price. F. A. Phone 62 & Bowmanville BOWMAKVILIdfc DSC. 30, 1915 Christmas Visitors; Alex Elliott with friends in Peter- T. Law, Toronto, at Mr. R. II Mr boro. Miss ,M. Dumas', Mr. and Mrs. John Hamblyn with friends at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox.with relatives at Mona Road. Miss Neads, Toronto, with her brother, Mr. Wilson Neads. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Anderson with her aunt, Miss IL Emmerson. Pies. Éric Cousins and Stanley Dunn, Kingston, with their parents. Mr. Orville J. Henderson of Faculty of Education, Toronto, at home Mrs. Joseph Fletcher with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, Napanee. Mrs. A. Brake, Mr. and Mrs. Géb. T. Rowe, Toronto, with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron, Toronto, with his brother, Mr. Angus Cameron. Mr. John Ham, Meaford, and Mr. Le- land Edger, Osbawa, at Mr. W. EdgerV. Mrs. C. Osborne, Misses Eva, Violet and Bertha Osborne with friends in Port Hope. Dr, Cleaver's lecture Tuesday evening Was à great success. Proceeds $50. Particulars Particulars next week. Miss Gladys Vanstone has returned home >after visiting her sister, Mrs. Harold Gilbert, Peterboro. Bandsman H. Gilbert of the 93rd Batt Peterboro, wife and son Roland, with her fath r, Mr. Thos. Vanstone. Dr. and Mrs. W, E. Tilley with their daughter,; Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Toronto, and other friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Howe, Hamilton, and Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, at their father's, Mr. J. Westaway. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFeeters and family family and Miss M. J. McFeeters, Toronto, with their sister, Mrs. W. W. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Galbraith and Miss Jean Galbraith, Miss McKay, Whitby, Capt. and Mrs. E. T. Wingate and son, Toronto, at the Misses Galbraith's, Queen st. Mr. George E. Minns, Inspector for the Children's Shelter, Port Hope, died very suddenly Wednesday morning shortly after coming into the building. , Vole for Geo: W. J Wes foi ReeVé. Everything in the tiei^ Bneat F. O; Mason's. ' - _ =,Z U ^ me ? ange ., is a 8r ea t heater and splendid cooker. Mason & pale. Great bargains in Ladies' coats all new fashionable goods at Couch, Johnston & Crydermans. The Supreme Range is acknowledged MÏsonS îLlé!' DgeSf0r eCOBOmy Big quantity of white beans wanted at Bring them to T. H.'. Knight and get highest price. RÂts" clears out rats, mice, e f c - Dont die m the house. 15c and 25c at Drug and.C unty stores. 52-2^ caI ^® have had an exceptionally large sale of Supreme Ranges this season and there is still a few left. Mason & Dale. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are sell- ing all ladies colored coats at-half price and taking one-third off. the price of all black coats m stock, all new goods. ' BHITHS. 1 vi,le Hoe P ita L Dec 27th, to Mr and Mr* a E Beid, Clarke; a son. _.HoNEYr-At.the Methodist parsonage. Wooler Dec3, to Bov and Mrs W BUo^y. a son. . * MARRIAGES . S1mpso> McColl--At the Methodist chnrch WB Simr. 60 Bev B £ ®elv«-, Courtice, Mr Woble™f ' 0ttawa ' and Miss Zella B. McColl, bv B Bev K H W wl ER " At g?»?eton Jet. Dec. 1st. oy Bev. H. Wilkinson. Bichard James Brock Oshawa son Of_J Brvck, Sojina, and Florence v! A., eldest daughter of Charles Walker; R^H E I"n?i U!ST- ^ t the Parsonage, Courtice, by Kev K : A Delve, Dec 22nd,-Stanley Floyd Pace *5? Mi8S Etfcle B.; eldest daughter daughter of Mr Levi Brunt, Enniskillen. ~ - .. Mason--Clarke--In Bowmanville, Dec, 26, at the residence of Mr. Normanti. B. James, broth- er-indaw of the groom, byfiev. W. G Clarke, B. v; .* Mj. uharles Howard Mason, Preston and Berfcraî^ n T' rM OS t phi TO"' ? ldesfc daughter of Mr. Bertram J. Clarke, Winnipeg, Man. Ï* F. A. Haddy & Son wish all their numerous patrons and all others A Happy and Prosperous New Year Vote for Geo. W. James for Reeve. Be sure to see hockey game New Year's afternoon at 2.30. Miss Armour is -guest of Mrs. E. G. Burk, Spadina Road, Toronto. Miss Allie McKay, Belleville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Sherin. Messrs Percy and Wallace Elford, Regina, Regina, Sask., are vL-iting thei; mother, Mrs. John Elford. No subscription will be received for The Statesman at.less than $1 per year --new or otherw ise. Pte. Wilfrid Doyle, C. E., Winnipeg, Man., with his grandfather, Mr. F. N. Stevens. He goes overseas soon.. Mrs. Thos. Roberts, Grafton, mother of Rev. (Dr.) George C. Workman, Toronto, passed away on Dec 27, in her 86th year Miss Eva Reynolds, a former student and graduate of Bowmanville High school is teacher of Domestic Science at Paris, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cameron, Vancouver, Vancouver, B. C., are spending the winter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ham- blyn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edger and Mr. John Ham, Meaford, attended a family re-union at Mr. W. E. Crago's, Town Line, Christ mas Day. Mr. W. M. Dustan, San Francisco, Cal., is yisiting his father and other relatives here. The Sunny South West evidently agrees with him. Mrs. R. D. Davidson, corner Beech Ave and Concession-st, will be at home to her friends on the First and Second Wednesdays Wednesdays of each month. Mrs. R. W. Lawrie, Erie, Pa., who is on a visit to his mother in Oshawa who is quite ill,,was in town Monday calling on relatives and old friends. Hockey Match--the first O. H.A. game of hockey will be played at Bowmanville Rink-between Bowmanville and Cobourg New Year's Day at 2 30 P. M. Admission 25cts. Rev. Canon and Mrs,. Walsh, Brampton, announce the engagement of their daughter, daughter, Muriel Gladys, to Mr. Adolphus Wii liam Brown of Kingston, the marriage to take place in the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Orono, announce the engagement of their daughter daughter Neva M., and Mr. William Mather Dustan of San Francisco, Cal., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan, Bowmanville, the marriage to take place quietly in January. 136th Battalion Bugle Band is holding a concert in -'Opera House, Bowmanville; Friday evening (New Year's Eve). The Bugle and Drum Bands of 84th Batt., Oshawa, will provide a varied program# Silver collection. Proceeds will go toward toward equipping band. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mason, 40 Pauline Ave., Toronto, announce the engagement of their ' youngest daiighter, Inez A., to Mr. J. B. Elmo Staples of Bank of Montreal, Montreal, London, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Staples, Orono, Ont., the wedding wedding to take place quietly about the middle middle Of January. Mrs. (Major) A. C. Williams, Portage la Prairie, Man., is visiting the Major's parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Church-st. Mrs. Williams sails from New York, Jani 5th to meet her husband who is at Shorncliffe, England, doing duty for.King'and Country as field officer instructing instructing the men to fit them for the front since last February when the 32nd Batt went over seas from Winnipeg. Darlington township branch of the county of Durham Recruiting League was organized Monday afternoon in the Town Hall, Hampton, with the folio w ing officers: President, Reeve James Stanley, Bowman Bowman ville; First Vice-President, Jesse E. L. 13ole, Hampton; Second Vice-President, J. J.Virtue, EnnijkillenjSecretarv-Treasurer W. R. Allin, " Hampton. The, speakers were Lieut-"Col. Wm. Farrell of the 136th Batt and Major Ç. R. McCullough, special officer on recruiting who addressed the meeting. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES FORD CAR REPAIRS. I have made arrangements with ..Brad-' ey Bros, to carry a complete line of Ford parts and will now be in a position tordo repairing to Ford autos promptly and satisfactorily. Other makes repaired as usual My garage is opposite West End House. Storage Batteries kept fully charged during winter months.- ' Lewis Irwin, Phone 276 , Bowmanville. R tOOK WANTED--At once. Good wages. Ad- i Ply to Mrs. J. W. Alexander, The Evergreens, Evergreens, Bowmanville. 5^ |OOW[ TO BENT--Comfortable room with or without board, private family, central location. location. O.C., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 63 2* DEATHS Dec 25 - Sarah Hemingway relict of late William Anms, aged 93 years. • Stiqoants--In Newcastle, Dec-25, CharL tte relict of late Charles Stiggants, aged 84 years. •' No r fc h .Markham-st, Toronto, (^Tyrone n m tild 82nd year. Formerly S 0 " 0 ' ■ Dec 22nd > afc the home of TnniZ,' ^«^yd'a A Tourjee. Helen..Pamela tond year reIlCt of lat8 Joshna Webiter, in her n ^ Monticello. Iowa, Dec 28, Geo Davidson; Carman, Man, son of late John David- Whitby De^28. Jnt * n ^ ^ Union Cemetery, m In thanking our customers and friends for their generous patronage during the past year, we wish to say that, despite despite the apparent business depression, this has been with us by far the best year we have had. . We feel that this ld an indication that our efforts to give good service have been appreciated, and by making an extra effort to serve you even better in the future, we are looking forward with a great deal of optimism to 1916 being a banner year- At this season we extend to 3 ou our Greetings, with the wish that 1916 may bring to you a Happy and Prosperous Year. ti* 'Lest We Forget" E. R. B0UNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. --1916 -- We Tender Our Thanks To those who gave their support to our store during the past year.- The very liberal patronage we consider consider is'an endorsement of our business integrity and an acceptance of the fact that thé high class of goods which we show is not excelled by any. We shall endeavor to maintain this enviable position and the entry of the New Year will find us better stocked and better equipped than ever to cater to the requirements of our patrons. W é extend to all a Happy New Y ear. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office c 4lex. Elliott C. H. I "S Jeweler •ee: zee: Don't Spoil Your Cake and Pudding By Using Cheap Fruit. Purity and freshness are the two great factors in making your cake and pudding. How much are you ahead if you spoil them by using a cheap grade of fruit ? We guarantee every pound of Currants, Raisins, Nuts, Peel, etc., to be of the best quality, and Strictly Fresh. J Crescent Valencia Raisins, large fat ones, free from stems, clean and bright, very ■ scarce .. •.. „ 20c Seeded Raisins, finest quality, quality, 16 oz. packages :.l2$c Seedless Raisins, finest quality, quality, 16 oz. packages 15c Seedless Raisins, loose, per lb .I2jc Cooking Figs, per lb........ 10c Layer Figs, choice California, California, per lb ..15c Halloween Dates, per lb.... 10c New Dates, nice dark ones, per lb ...ioc Lemon and Orange Peel, Per lb 20c Citron Peel, per lb 25c Shelled Walnuts, per lb 50c Shelled Almonds, per lb... .60c Candied Cherries, per lb 50c Mince Meat, just like mother's, mother's, 2 lbs for, 25c China Department When selecting your presents don't overlook the fact we carry the largest assortment at prices that will surprise you. Phonç 65 Archie TTZllt) Bowmanville Bowmanville 1916 Will be a Happy Year » to all who eat S Thomas Tod And Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville We wish all our Patrons and Friends A Happy New Year and sincerely thank them for so loyally assisting in * making our business for 1915 so eminently eminently satisfactory to us, and we trust mutually advantageous to you Classés will be anuary 4th, 1916; resumed on Tuesday, School will be in ses sion all day, the new time card being now in readiness for teachers and pupils. A.H.D. ROSS, ; v ; 1; " Principal. Stop! Look ! I"1 m Ei MAXWEI ii"| The World's Most Popular Carat Carat a Popular Price YOUR MAXWELL IS READY NOW Ready for you to step into the luxurious front seat, start it with the complete modefti control, and drive home to the envy of your neighbor. Have a car with good stuff in it; good style, comfort and plenty of speed. MAXWELLS everywhere meet all ordinary demands, they don't need many repairs, and tÜe upkeep is small But MAXWELL service cannot be excelled. THE SPLENDID APPEARANCE, the raady motor, the electric.starter and lights, the demountable rims, anu the one man Mohair Top. LOTS OF POWER, all for $925.00 Phone 203-r3 AGENT Bowmanville, Ont. - We wish you* peace, contentment, health, A prosperous year, abundant wealth. May ever your path through life be free From aught but tends to harmony. Your feet no flinty ways e'er trod, Your footsteps guided by the hand of God. Oh! that this terrible war may cease. Then be the time, and only then, Peace on earth, good-will to men. The Hun must be crushed, the treacherous Hun, E'er peace on eaith is finally won. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville - IAËCTi . -.yR» r - . ïi&fr -m -M» -, -m - -ft ■-m-h 953s