■^ .• -^-- r .^■ -.- --• : ■V r ^--'^- : -r~* ■ ■ ' .--•.. . • •-. ;•'*>'--*v-'T*;.;"*.-'T--w,-• •••7. :;-'-4 v •-:- ' 7••>.>:.. _ / ;777- - : '%7?X';.V*:^ V7 7-'- ?&~77-' 7 -'-' ' M1§£7'7 • '• * | - . -■ ^ -„ _r ,- ^ _ • _ -v . * - . -•• •• ■ ' - - v ^ _ - * ■-- .., V v „.... -, ; r*~ ri ..... • - 'I IPS ';' -rrlx We are unable to get enough butter, eggs and poultry to supply our large list of town customers. We are therefore making an extra appeal to the farmers to bring their produce to The Model Grocery where highest highest cash prices are always paid. Phone us * first and get our prices. Look Out 18r the extra special Friday and Saturday bargains at The Model Grocery. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity opportunity to save Money W. Blake McMurtry Limited (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowman ville as iiw Royal Souvenir Stands Supreme. J wf iS»i If you are thinking of a new Range don't fail to examine the Royal Souvenir Steel Range before placing your order. Many new features in this Range makes it the most economical and best baker in the market. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowtnanville m: r : - r -v'-- • -v ÿdgjB There Is No Fuel As Good As ANTHRACITE" There Is No Better Anthracite Than "LEHIGH VALLEY" -7 Every experienced man knows that in the final analysis there is no fuel that can equal good anthracite for steady, even, economical heat and lasting satisfaction. Invariably expedient) expedient) ' ' ' mentation with other fuels only strengthens this belief. Foremost among ANTHRaCITE coals is LEHIGH VALLEY. Rich in carbon, clean, steady- burning--this coal gives real satisfaction to the consumer who uses it. 7... It is unusually free from rock, slate and bone. It is prepared prepared with exacting care and reaches you as free from foreign mat- ter'as coal can be. You make no mistake ..when you buy it. Our prices are always as low as the lowest for best coal. We take this opportunity of thanking you for the,past business business with which you have favored us, and ask that you allow us to continue to serve you with your fuel supply. 7 "" . We can assure prompt delivery and excellent service. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. , Telephone No. 153. •: Bowmanville, Ont. BOWMAN VILLE, JAN 13, 1916 the his ;* Miss Kate Dustan, Red Deer, Alta., is home; Mr. W. H. Roenigk, Lindsay, was in town Saturday. Miss, Violet Mills spent Sunday with friends ]n Toronto. Mr. Aif. Nichols, Indian Head, Sask., is home for th» winter. v Miss Hazel Mercer is in Toronto attending attending Business College. Mr.. R. W. Redman, Toronto,, visited friends here recently. " Miss Brita Higginbotham is visiting Mrs. H. Doll, Toronto. - _ Miss Irene Welsh,- Courtice, visited her sister Mrs. Alvin Terry. Miss Ethel Roberts, Toronto, has been visiting friends in town. _ . Miss K. Stewart, Exeter, is visiting her cousin, Miss Rhea Manning. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fice and Miss Lillie visited their son in Oshawa.;. Mrs. A. Bryan, Haileybury, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Thos. Robson. Mrs. F. A. Hacfdy is speriding.a few days with "Mrs. A. E? ClemengtT y rone . Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Foley recently visited Rev.H.W. Folejk Brooklin. Three letters from LfonJD. arrived just before going to press /t^xt-week. Miss Thompson, Toronto, spent week-end with Mrs. Fred R. Foley. Mr; Alvin Stacey recently visited cousin Mr. Charlie Gillson, Toronto. Mr. T. H. McCready, Lethbridge, Alta., is visiting his mother Mrs. A. E. McCready. Miss Spilsbury,;. Colborne, was recent guest of her sister, Mrs. (Reyf) R. Hindes, Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Clarence Mason arid Janie are visiting friends in Indiana, U, S. Mr. Philip Puléy has returned from two weeks visit with relatives imFenekm Falls. Miss Llewella Everson, Oshawa, spent the week-end. with Miss Ethel Van Nest. Miss F. E. Bid well, Colborne, recently visited her lister, Mrs. A. Mann, Horsey- j st. • - I Miss Ethel Honey, Toronto, was guest i of her aunt Mrs. W. B. Pinch, over Sunday. Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. George Pingle, Ottawa, spent the holiday at his parents Mr. T. Pin- gle. Mrs. James Scobell, Ottawa, who has been visiting here is now visiting in Peter- boro. Pte. Alex Prout and Pte. Frank Jennings visited at Mr. Egerton Hancock's Providence. Providence. Miss Gertrude McMullen, Toronto, has been visiting her cousin Miss Maggie Foote. Misses Edra E. Grigg and Muriel Dech, recently visited airs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound. Mr. Alfred Eagleson, Reeve of Hamilton Township,. has been visiting at Mr. H. Brock's. - Miss Dora Prout has returned to Claremont Claremont after spending the holiday with relatives relatives here. " Miss Mildred Annis, Uxbridge, has been visiting her cousin Mrs. F .S. Blackburn, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mundy, Oshawa, celebrated celebrated the 56th wedding anniversary on Tuesday Jan. 4. Mr. Alex. Lawrie attended the funeral cf his uncle, the late Gavin Lawrie at Weston, Tuesday. Mr. John Sainsbury St. Catharines, was recent guest of his uncle Mr. W. H. Williams, Williams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkins and Laura and Nelson spent the week-end with relatives relatives in Peterboro. Oshawa and Bowmanville juniors will play a^Hockey game on Taylor's rink on Monday, Jan. 17th. Dr. W. Tennant has been transferred from Peterboro to Toronto and has moved moved his family there. Mr. Roy Candler, wife and children Norman Norman and Stanley, Toronto, spent New Years at his father's. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smale, Providence, recently vis ted her parents, Mr. and i\i rs, Geo. Peebles, Colborne. Mr..Noah T. Selby, Indian Head, Sask. visited his sister Mrs. Thos. Norton on Monday enrotite to his home. Mr. Thos. Norton attended the funera of his brother-in-law Mr. Samuel Arnold; South Oshawa,on Saturday last.' . Pte. Wm. H. Smith, Miss Mary Wybrow and Miss Barbara Manning, Oshawa, were recent guests at Mr. T. E. Prout's. Mr. Wm. J. Ashby and bride (nee May Rodd), Fort William, formerly of Whitby recently visited at Mr. J L. Parsons', Dar- ington. Mr. Poole of the Y. M. C. A., Oshawa, will address the Boy Scouts here on Wednesday, Wednesday, Jan. 19th at 8 p. m. All interested interested ask the boys about it. Miss Glenn of the Glerin-Charles Hair Fashion Store, Toronto, will be at the Bowman House, Thursday January 20th, with a full line of hair goods. • See advt. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dudley and sons, Pte. Flovd Dudley, and Messrs. Wilbert and Cecil Dudley recently visited Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Sam. D. Dudley, Colborne. Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Taylor of Alberta were guests,of his aunt Mrs. J J. Gibson Horsey-st. Tuesday. They were on their wav to visit his father, Mr. Anson Taylor Blackstock. - Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Winnipeg, Miss Florence Easton, Toronto, and Mr. Edgar Easton, New York City, accompanied the remains of their mother here Tuesdày and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Honey and Miss Mildred Mildred Honey, Sedgewick, Alta., are visiting Spencer Wood and -other relatives here. Mr; Honey has disposed of his" newspaper and intends to try farming. Mr. and Mrs. A Bright, Winnipeg, Man., who have been attending the _ wedding of their niece, Mis- Ida Bell Jennings of Shannbnville, are visiting their niece Mrs. F. A. Blackburn, Providence. c Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maynard and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D; T. Stafford, of Rednersville, arid Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stafford and son of Vancouver, B.C., spent New Years at Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maynard's.--Campbellford Herald. in Terence to the financial pos- Liàbilities of tbwn, Dec. 31, 1915 Bank of Montreal, note... " T v - 'V overdrawn acccAmt. Legal account. ;...... ....... Auditor Welch. ...... Engineer Chipman ' ' ' " ' ' ' Legal • âccoünt ' * * " : ' ' Engineer Gibson ............... * * " ' Legal' account " * ' G. B. iVloogk - ' Sundry accounts. .$7000 . 3100 , . . 1700 .. 153 96 $11952 96 .$ 47 25 . 115 00 . 500 00 . 36 33 ' . 130 91 . 472-48 . . 440 00 • 253 79 1995 76 Assets, and accounts owing to town : $13,948 72 Balance "in' Bank of Montreal.. $ eiQ Arrears of taxes prior to 1915 "... " * V * " . " - for 19J 5 and prem...... • Charged to lands (snow, weeds, etc)... Cemetery arrears ; Counties' Council, bridge '* : ••••••. ^73 365 J. B. Martyn, pavement Lakefield debenture.. jjctKcumu ueoeiiLure. # From Local Improvement debentures to'be "issued .™ Q( - Deflcit on last year's uea 95 Deficit on last year's operations ,. B0U m $18flj8 72 Note: The accounts of the town show that the sum nf *'>S7n «roc • j for installing water and sewers to houses, shops etc ThT p Y n incurrp( l necessarily; as to some amount, be incurred each' vp v ^ P , eUtie musb . of revenue from the waterworks. As ?t is the town Lh T US J be ^ efc out with any sum for fire protection, contrary' to the Xnlnl '° r eha ;R ed itse ^ the Govann^nta, de^rtment at koowntsT^ HOCKEY EXCURSION. The inaugtiral meeting of council was held Monday at II a. m. After the members members had made the statùtory declaration to the Clerk and the municipal election returns were read, Coun. Cornish, senior and only member of 1915 council, was voted the chair as the Mayor was engaged engaged in consolation on important town business business with Mr. P. W. Litchfield, Manager of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. Mayor Mitchell soon arrived when bylaws bylaws were passed : To borrow $30,000 to meet current expenses; re-appointing Dr. G. C. Bonny castle, High School Trustee; appointing as auditors of 1915 accounts W. E Gerry and DavidJCeith at $30 each; appointing Jos. Pattinson member Board of Health; Dr. R. W. Clark, Medical Health Officer; Chief Rd. Jarvis, Sanitary Inspector. Standing Committees fpr the year were ; struck and adopted as follows : : First name on every committee is chair man : I, Finance and Printing--Mason, Cornish, Cornish, James, Mayor. Roads and Streets--Knight, Mason, Copeland. Public Property--James, Tod, Cornish. Cornish. Fire and Water--Holgate, Knight, Copeland. Cemetery--Copeland, James, Knight. Police--Cornish, Mason, James. Poor Relief-- Pod, Cornish, Mason. Court of Revision--Cornish, James, Knight, Tod, Mayor. Manufacturers--MayosvWason, Tod^ James, Holgate. ■ Mr. F. H. Mason, Chairman of Finance, presented the Finance Committee's report which was adopted as follows : Seymour Power Co., light $200 86 McClellan & Co., lumber, etc 4 00 F. G. Loscombe, posting bills 1 00 Bell Phone Co., service.-. 24 30 P. C. Trebilcock, supplies 2 90 Challis & Mutton, supplies ..... 1 15 Clerk's Advance 3 00 Clerk's monthly account 8 88 R. Jarvis,, postage.. 1500 Mrs. E. S. Senkier... 400 births. ÆS3S. SaÜîjH =e«. * »• a5"ïî"K "f- C ,îî5 a f lne ». 4. to Mr. Conley;, a son! ' Honslll ger, (nee Florence marriages H?v li Tv ~£™? S ~ Jn Newcastle. Dec. 29th. by Newcastle, and Miss Edith R. O'Brien. Âylnier. ' deaths -SING--At Port Hope, Jan. 6, 7o years; Henry Sing, aged 58 yeÊîs7 In ° shawa ' :Dec - 31 « Robert Gray, aged $201 09 The Churches Bowmanyille Hockey Club is running an excursion train to Whitby, Friday> Jan. 14 via Grand .Trunk Railway. Train leaves up-tower station (Goodyear Factory) Factory) at 6.45 p.. m. Return fare 45c. Bowmanville intermediate hocjtey team play an Or H, A. game in Whitby Friday night. - .. Rev Dr. A. C. Crews, Toronto, preached preached in Simcoe-st, Methodist Church, Oshawa, Oshawa, Sunday morning and in the King-st, Church in the evening. Rev. VV. G. Clarke, B. A., Bowmanville, the other two services. The topic of the Methodist Epworth League missionary program "The Kingdoms Kingdoms in the Pacific" was presented in a splendid pa er by Miss Lila Cole. Miss Carrie Painton read the lesson, and other readings were given by Miss Esther Stevens Stevens and Mr. Wesley Langmaid. Misses Marion Moorcratt and Mary McClellan played a duèt, and Mr. Everett Hardy a piano solo. President C. Ives presided. Monday evening next the Leaguers have accepted an invitation to visit Newcastle Newcastle League. Conveyances will leave the Methodist Church at 7 pan. sharp. Church of Christ----The 136th Battalion attended service in this church on Sunday morning. They are à fine lot of men and a credit to the town and to the officers in charge. Glad to have them* and will. be happy to have them often. Rev. G. C. Weisman, the pastor, • gave a Vl ry fitting discourse on "Courage." Evening subject : The Choice of a Master"; -good audience and fine interest. Sunday next the pastor will speak on Women's work in the Brotherhood. Women are becoming a mighty force, their power being felt the world over. # The missionary campaign of Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist Church opened Sunday morning when Rev. John Garbutt, Oshawa, Oshawa, -Chairman Bowmanville District, presented in an excellent sermon the call of the mission field for recruits from this church. ^ He recalled the gradual increase in the givings for missions and referred to the splendid resolution of the congregation congregation eight years ago to support a pastor iin the foreign field equal to the one in the home field, and now that that had been accomplished, for some years, the next aim should be volunteers for the mission field. He based his remarks on the . incident incident of the conversation of Christ with the Woman at the well, arid presented the practical side of the subject in clear and concise form. In the evening Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., -B.D., pastor of King-st. Methodist Church, Oshawa, followed the theme by preaching on the encouraging signs of the work. His many former par- ishoners of South Darlington, „ with numerous numerous others, were pleased to see and hear Mr. Wilson again after an absence of some years. Both congrégations Were large and appreciative of sermons and song. Miss Martin atid Mr. W. S. Bragg contributed solos in addition to the anthems anthems by the choir under direction of I Prof. Laugher. inhi S s H 7ln,7 ) A e t ar ahbUrn ' Jan> 3 ' Alfred B " Wisher, formerivof 3 - Jam es Stantc n, torineriy of Welcome, in his 90th year. Cou?t°er Y 7ifA of°pa Per 7' u Jan " 4th - Alberta Jane u ter, wife of Edward Hooey, in her 32nd year. H^sken^oTm«H Inn | 8 D i116n ' Jan - 8th, Samuel J. uosken, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 82 years, FStm T an Y 7n T ° r0 r Dec> 30tb > E iza Jane SSrdTear! d 0f late Wm - Bartley, in her Lawrie--In Westpn, his 8uth year. Uncle Bowmanville. Jan. 9, Gavin Lawrie, in of Mr. John N. Lawrie, T Q n A | T ?t N 7L Afc - 163 Boxboroughest, W, Toronto Easton Ca TntJ me 7 d ? 1 D widow of the late Robt! Easton. Interred at Bowmanville Tuesday. 47BordAn7i In f Toron i to ' 0 Jan - 7th > John Wesley of th^D 1) * P f n rme c ly Secre tary and Manager of tùe D O. & P. Co., Bowmanville, aged 72 years. McBurney--At Port Hope, January 4 Marv aaed 64 a ™ b ? Ioved , wife of J W. McBnrne^ aged 64 years, formerly of Tyrone, Darlington. E^I CI vi£vl7 )11 31, at residence of his son, vLwI .7' ° 8h , awa ' Mr. Michael Emmett EnleW^"n\ h is S 7 e 7th'yeaT. aS EHzabeth H^ers of IN MEMOR1UM Oullv-- ïn most loving memory of our dear one, Emma J. Gully, who left ns on Jan 4,1914. Peace sweet Peace. - Harold, Mother, Sister. 'Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. ► BED OATS FOR SALE--O.A.C. 72, free from ) smut-.. 65c per bushel. L T. Pascoe, Solina, Phone 167-r4. 2 tf lURNiSHEU ROOMS TO RENT--Two bed- ' rooms comfortably heated. Apply to Box 84, Bowmanville. 2 2* w ■ATCH FOB LOST--Containing two photos. Finder communicate with Alan M. Williams, Williams, Bowmanville. it H OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b W ANTED GENERAL SERVANT-- Must be good plain cook. Sum 11 family. Comfort- T a»>e city home. Apply Mrs. F. M. Hawley, 593 Jarvis-st, Toronto. 2 1* S ATCHEL LOST-- In Bowmanville, a hand satchel containing a small pocket book with silver initial *M', and loose change. Reward for leaving at Statasman Office. 21 P HRSE LOST Lady's mesh purse containing #8, supposedly between P. O; and the West End Bridge. It was a working .girl's earn mgs. Finder kindly leave at Statesman Office or Post Office. lt F HR LOST--On New Year's night between Bowmanville and John Challis 1 , Manvera Road, a mink neck-piece with two heads. Finder return to Mrs .1. H. Wilcox. Hampton, or leave at Statesman Office. it S EED GRAIN FOR SALE-O.A.C. 72 Oats, 1st and 2nd prizes in crop competitions of 1914 v and 1915, respectively ; free from smut, re- qajre no treating ; also - >.A. C. 21 Barley. Phone 167-r2. John Baker, Solina. 13* F OR SALE--Brick residence with modern fittings fittings and three acres of land with fruit trees, etc,, property, of Dr. B. J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty -at. North, Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment down. Apply to L. A. Tole, real estate agent, nville. Bowmanvill 48t F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.E. Darlington, in good state .of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns Ë with stone stabling-nnderneatb. For terms ap- ly to Mrs. Jas. McUonnachie, Concession-st., owmanville. 4p.tf S TORE FOR SALE!--At Myrtle Station in the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, a . nrst-class general store and stock. Post Office in connection^ Will be sold on reasonable terms. Reason for selling--ill health. Apply at once to the owner, J, E. Seacock, Myrtle Sfca- tlOD. -j ^ W ANTED --A- reliable man with some business experience with farmers to represent ns in Bowmanville and Durban* County. A permanent permanent position for the right man. Highest commissions • paid. Territory reserved. New specialties for season 1915-16. Stone <fc Wellington, Wellington, Toronto. 2 6 LOT AND BUILDING FOR SALE. i acre land, more or less, and frame building, electric light, sewerage, and waterworks. 16 minutes walks from G.T.R. orC.P.B. stations, two blocks from public school, 6 minutes from Post Office- Situated at corner of Ontario & Durham Sts. Will sell, at a genuine bargain for sale. Investigate before it is too late. F. W. Robinson, yaeen-st. Box 402, Bowmanville. ' - . - - . ' 2t Start the year right. Buy a Supreme range and you will be happy for years to come, Mason & Dale. - y V^- -v - " - Military Wrist Watches ! 'j r.' We are carrying a most complete range of Strap Watches with Radium, Military and regular dials in silver, guii metal and nickle. Nothing could be more suitable or serviceable for the soldier and in fact is practically a necessity for him. 1 hey come in many styles and are guaranteed good reliable timekeepers. Prices raime from $2.75 up. & C. H. HADD Y Jeweler ims. zm: Don't Spoil Your Gake and Pudding By Using Cheap Fruit. Purity and freshness are the two great factors in making your cake and pudding. How much are you ahead if you spoil them by using a cheap grade of fruit? We guarantee every pound of Currants, Raisins, Nuts, Peel, etc., to he of the best quality, and Strictly Fresh. Crescent Valencia Raisins, large fat ones, free from stems, clean and bright, very scarce 20c Seeded Raisins, finest quality, quality, 16 oz. packages. ...... I2jc Seedless Raisins, finest quality, quality, 16 oz. packages. 15c Seedless Raisins, loose, per lb I2jc Cooking Figs, per lb 10c Layer Figs, choice California, California, per lb « 15c Halloween Dates, per lb 10c New Dates, nice dark ones, per lb ... ioc Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb 20c Citron Peel, per lb .25c Shelled Walnuts, per lb 50c Shelled Almonds, per lb.... 60c Candied Cherries, per lb.... .50c Mince Meat, just like moth? er's, 2 lbs for. 25c China Department When selecting -your presents don't overlook the fact we carry the largest assortment at prices that will surprise you. Phone 65 A.lTChl0 T Zllt* Bowmanville 1SK Great Stock-taking Remnant Sale Now in Full Swing. Ladies', Misses and Girl's Coats. Regular Price $22.50, Sale Price $15 00 " " 15-75. " IO.50 '* " 13.75, " 9-50 " " 12.75, " ..■ 8.50 " " IO.75 and 11.25, Sale price 7.50 " " . 10.00, Sale Price 6,75 " " 9.75 and 9.00, Sale price 6.00 " " 7-75 and 7.50, " 5.00 " " 6.00 arfi 5-75, " 3-75 " " . 4 25 and 3.75, " 2.75 " " 2.95, Sale Price 2.00 Only 24 Ladies' Suits Regular $13.75 to $25.00, your choice any suit at exactly HALF PRICE. Only 32 Ladies' and Women's Dresses 32 only, all new and desirable at ONE-THIRD off reg. prices. Furs ! Furs ! ! ! Furs ! ! ! I 83 20 pieces only, Muffs, Stoles and Collars clearing at exactly HALF PRICE. Remnants ! Remnants ! ! Remnants of every description to go at about HALF PRICE. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank ; Bowmanville