A. E. MeLAUCHLlW, Barrister. Solicitor and ' Oonreyanoer. Office Ble&klcy Block, King Street. Bowman villa. Money to loan at reaeon- able rates. 4B-lyr. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, - ONT. G OLD MEDALIST or Trinity University, Toronto; Pour rear» Attendis e Pbyejclan -and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hoepital, Pittsburg. Ks. ' Wellington St. Office and Residence Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Earrieteis and Solicitors.' Notaries Pablic. A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH I,cl Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto . Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Co lege. Diseases of àll domestic animals treated l) latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bowie Bowie anvil] o. Phone 163. 90-lyr. $15 TAILOR MADE SUITS. Gents, why pay more than $15 fora tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come in and see our samples. Fit guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and repairing ladies' and gents suits a specialty. ; Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House, Bowmanville. Wanted Now Reliable salesman to act as agent in Durham & Ontario Counties. Pay Weekly Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the business business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliv- eues in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district * " * write Sales Manager, .-or particulars 40-18 PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ontario NOTES AND COMMENTS While our troops are fighting like the heroes of classic ages, want is growing acute at home. . . . We jeered jeered at the blockade, but to-day we laugh no longer. The sinister aspect of things certainly provides no, food for laughter.--Frankfurter; Zeitung. There has been a noticeable weakening weakening of official denials, tliat a shortage shortage of food existed in Germany. It was said that there was food enough, but that distribution was faulty. Now the statement is made that prices are being raised in order to enforce economy,'a economy,'a cruel and incredible interpretation interpretation of events. But beyond official utterances, in the journals which come to this country some indication of the true -crisis is seen. The Editor Talks The Madgeburgër Zeitung, the paper paper quoted above, Zukunft, Vorwaerts and the journals of every metropolitan metropolitan centre, confirm the truth that the situation at home is so grave that it invalidates the extraordinary successes successes of German arms in the field. Further it is reported that "prices are much higher in Hungary than in Germany," and the Leipzig. Volks- zeitung protests the reality of England's England's blockade and asserts that x the Government does not protect civilians civilians from speculators. Everyone learns by doing. A child learn much the first five years of its life and how ? v Certainly by doing.. Imitàtion if you like.; That is doing as hé sees others doing. The teacher fails who 'helps his" scholars at school to much ; the parent likewise fails who helps the child too much at home. It is most regrettably true that mothers are the greatest sinners in this respect .with their, daughters. We have in mind one mother who has raised five daug- ters and has been literally and actually a slave for every one of them and is now the maid-of-all-work in the home, while, the daughters when at home are all ladies. Our observation teaches üs that this is ,no_ exceptional case. In our honest opinion not one mother in ten does her proper duty by her daughters that is, she does not take life com- crisis, the result being that a continual continual stream of students left, so that by the end of the session nearly 500 un- ?s in of 9 th th ° i elfare °J °- h H 3 m"d!" them, then education. t ... front We drawn froJ the sa. Sh Newspapers have censured severely ?hat " our French-Ganadian compatriots for there were f. members of* teaching slowness in enlisting for service for staff, 668 ^aduates, 484 undereradu Sir e s^m d W° U 2 try i. in ^ CrUCl War J ates--1,173 in all registered as^beiU Sir sm Hughes-has gone .on : record on- active service. -Surely this! is : l at C tbZ f as ^sMying to^their brayery striking tribute to Canadian valor at the front, stating m Toronto, in a and natrinHsm Tim Tio™; • V 01 SSftto ' Vf ^ ^ C H° me menL'TBrMsh T WarTre 0 ;.X er a=: a dU Z a „ A num b S er b :ut 5 ? of over 2 000,ooo.ih Quebec, but it is L officered^ members oltheUti thWehgaW™ th ° qUaU î? tv Versity " Contributions of îootooo ïy tnose. engaged m action is so high, the Alumni * - - Ÿ y Bystander has;.pointed out with some,; force, ^Tfcai; "J was subscribed. French ih thattSSce 1 fertUe /'i 1 ' 1 a pastorial people, who do not usually diffent nerqnns g w i, OW ' a zy and în- possess the military instinct. They lake ™ ™! who unfortunately live, the simple life, unconcerned about book headW Ilf C ° P - y the outside world, content with their harder than niant* US * This unortunate condition in parent- 1°*» with militarism far from their M n t tj. : P >, a £ ood kâblt. ' thoughts. The system, too, unde, paratively easy and insist- on the daughters doing all kinds of house- ( possess the military instinct, work l1 '-- " ' '** « * Thè Road tô Self-Support Ihe majority of young people desire fco earn monej^provide things for themselves and earn a living. One sure way to do this is to take a course in the well-known ELjLIOTT Two things may be remarked in this connection. One is that the Government, Government, . obviously working for a decisive victory, is giving every atom of food energy to thë soldiers of its own and allied armies, and that such a situation, even on a small scale, must work hardship.for civilians. The second is that Germany's dependents in active service are so many, are scattered over so wide and so unproductive unproductive an area that even without the blockade she would be pressed beyond endurance to maintain a war of attrition against her enemies. She must win decisively in the field,, or she will lose in the famine camps. al discipline leads us to say that every child, even the littlest, should be! which »ey have been brought up ience with others^ and'the" nimberTho At least, this is our exper- taught to do such-things as they can. (forbade military ardor, and insisted Enforcement of this duty cannot be that begun too young. Let the child help itself as much as possible. To facilitate facilitate this matter all children's clothing should be simply made with buttons the chief consideration was to go late to concerts, church services save tne soul. This war then found Mnds^both ° f n î arly a11 them remote in thdught and feeling C nee ^ u w, f Untry ' c ° n " from military duties, unlightened as t ?ulv h^rd w • pu l nct " ahty to the cause, ™ ^ ' . ls truly hard > but tha t it is harder to Where possible furniture of a size to j struggle, be moveable by the child should be ! suredly for the small number used. Hooks should be at a height have Unlisted, and somebody is easily reached and the rule rigidly en- sponsible, forced that the child, when he comes * * * * * j in and takes off his clothes or when Wé have just received the annual i going to bedj should put every article report of the University of Toronto, , and in their ignorance breab; rpi_ „ - , 0 : and the task has become auite hone- Ihere is a reason most as- -i nu P e where the child can manage them, (indifferent as to the result of the : up . un P unc tuality, in its proper place. Order is heaven's first law and all children should learn who 1 eSS Wlth some P ersons we know. Some ! persons inherit punctuality, but it is j acquired mainly through training and j slow, patient assiduous training usually. usually. Did it ever strike our readers why we have clocks? Of course to be which has been sent us by President R. j ^ F 10- , y . bave we bells on A. Falconer. We always peruse this hnilrUnlt'? S T° < l S n and Public the law of a place for everything and (report with intense interest, because . ®' ' 0 us ,*. e be everything its proper place. Parents i* a very clear index of the educa- assembling. But our " " " tional life of this Province, as shown ; o^eivation tells us that humanity m by the number of students attending general is fearfully stubborn and slow, the various Faculties. It may interest j -u- g ^ y Terence to clocks, bells, reades to learn that the total staff of i W . es °f w a uot, unless rules are professors, lecturers, demonstrators, ! F. lgldly enforc ed by officers m author- etc., of the University and University | lty and even then there are tardy We must not wonder that Germany beats so persistently, even if so ineffectually, ineffectually, against the walls of her cage. We must net be hurt that Germany is bitter against us. She is starving. TORONTO, ONT. Odr graduates get and hold good position^ position^ owing to their superior preparation. ThiS college offers the best advantages. Enter now.. Write for catalogne. L a Q? ,W.J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal A Drop in Real Estate BUY NOW Now is your opportunity to buy a home for yourself, as I have several exceptionally good bargains bargains in. real- estate. Investigate Investigate these to-day before it is too late. All sizes, various locations, locations, - and. at prices--well, you will hardly believe it is possible possible to get such snaps. If you are looking for insurance of any kind, I have the best in- all lines. Harry Cann, Phone 50. - Bowmanville. We shall win this war one day, and most credit will go, as usual, to those who are in at the finish". But when we assign the glory and praise let us not forget those who stood üp to the first " rush.. ' The new armies which for many months have poured across the English Channel will bring us victory in the end. Let us bare our heads, then, in all reverence to the memory of those battered, decimated, indomitable legions which saved us from utter extinction at the beginning. beginning. - * THE STUDENT'S RESPONSE. RAILWAŸ TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING BAST. GOING WEST Exprès» Express Pxssenser Local Passenger Mall 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.86 p.m. 6.46 „ 7.18 9.68 , iress Local Local Passenger .'Passenger 4.22 a. m 7.00 " „ 9.46 „ 1.86 p.m. 7.11 „ Daily Canadian Pacific Railway Going West 6.07 a, m. daily 8.88 a. m. dailyt 4.27 p. m. daily -7.48 p. m. dailyt t Except Snnday. Going East 10.46 a. m. daily 3.21 p. m. dailyt 0.59 p. m. dailyt 12.57 a. m. daily C. B. Kent, Agent. Canadian Northern Railway GOING EASfr GOING WEST. ", [Express 11.59 a.m. ^Express 6.S3 p.m. •JDaily except Sunday IIExpress 9.06 a.m, ■T Express 7.40 p.m IIDaüy except Sunday. GRAND TRUNK r s a y's l t w e a m v Winter Resorts Special Round Trip Fares Long Iamit--Stopovers Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C., Charleston, S.C. : Nassau, N.P., Hot ^Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, Ind.; Jacksonville and all Florida Points; Havana, Cuba, and New Orleans, Orleans, La., via New York and Rail (or steamer according to destination,) or via Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. BERMUDA and WEST INDIES OTHER HEALTH RESORTS. Mount Clemens, Mich.; Battle Creek, Mich.; St. Catharines, . Well, Ont.; Preston Springs, Ont. Farther particulars on application to Grand Trunk Agents. By Dr. E. T. Slemon; B.A. The text-book page fades small and dim, The classroom walls grow close around, The call to Learning dies within, Its voice as if it ne'er had been; The wçrld vibrates with sound. The air is filled with noise of war, The student's soul responsive springs, To give his brain, his brawn, his life, To do his bit, in the awful strife, The Huns' deep rancour brings. His books, his gown, he casts aside His father's plans he argues vain, His sweetheart's sighs, his mother's tears; "Enlist, Enlist," is all he hears, His fighting instincts reign. The crowded transport bears him far, He joins with steel, and fire, and shell, To crush the frenzied Prussians' pride, And give to all, by them denied) Free homes, uncursed of hell. There, hid ih dug-out's dingy maze, Beside his masked, all-shattering gun, He hurls blind death and deathless woe, 'Gainst mankind's mad, insensate foe. Till victory is won. Not there alone the storm and strife, Midst cannon's roar, apd victors' cheer; But in the watch of solitude, In hearts engloomed in saddest mood, Through boundless nights of fear. For not a shot flies blind with death, And not a stab of steel is pressed, But hearts at home grow chill and cold, 1 . ] With torturing doubts and pains untold, untold, . ' • That rack some loving breast. Yet wounds world-o'er, without, invisible, invisible, Grim death untold, on land, at sea, Man's universal waste and blight We'll suffer on, to bring the light Of priceless Liberty. Ottawa, Dec. 25, 1915. should make the rule easy of observance observance by providing suitable conveniences, conveniences, then 4 -the child that has accessible accessible such convenient accessories and is trained to use them will be more self- reliant and of course more independent independent than one who has always been washed, dressed and pampered by nurse or mother. All young mothers may well profit by this advice. ***** Parents, nurses and teachers should, ! too, pay constant and strict regard to cleanliness, instructing earliest lessons as soon as the child can be given orders orders in a way that it can understand. Health and hygiene are meaningless to a young child, but to teach them the simple law of clean hands and face, clean clothes and combed hair is very easy. As age increases and intelli- College last year numbered 401 of ones. If you doubt it query a time- whom 53 were professors, 54 associate I ^ ee P er a ^ a big mdustria.! concern. professors, 17 assistant professors, 85 lecturers and associates (in medicine),, and 192 demonstrators, fellows and instructors instructors with sessional appointments. Last year was very eventful in the life of the University, although the session was well under way when the shock of war was first severely felt, so that the attendance was well up to former years. University College suffered greatest reduction and the Faculty of Applied Science suffered much. ***** Women students showed an in- Parents teachers guardians, foremen foremen and chairmen of public assemblies assemblies should take advantage of every opportunity to calculate wholesome advice or suggestion to, if possible, j induce people to be more punctual. Es- I pecially should parents and teachers | use their positions to enforce being I on time always. It is not a hardship j to insist on children and older ones as well, being on time, say when rising, at all meals and at nights. And mark , , , ... _ .. i , , . you, parents, no habit needs more to gence develops the rules may be made Women students showed an in- be be in the earl ÿ years of child _ more rigid and more extensive. Good crease chiefly m Faculty of Education ; hood than ^ of al health is far more precious than ma- | and " the new department of Tram- time> in and around the £ ome> y nd jn tenal wealth ;and the poorest parent |^g of Social BerviqggTt 18 ^eatly to going to every a pp 0 i ntm ent. Teach may give it were-money is out of the | tlle credit of the Indent and Board chiIdren . in their early school days; ! question.- Sound health is the founda- \f Governors that efforts were made that the bell means ^ than ^ tion on which repose the happiness of people. This being conceded, then every act that conduces to wholesome conditions should be taught and insisted insisted upon. Every parent and guardian guardian of the young should make right sanitary conditions and right hygiene laws, and make it a personal duty to see that they are observed. Early attention attention in every home to these things is most desirable 'to impress upon the students the meaning of the war and the necessity of their preparing themselves for serving serving their country in the pressing war NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness : They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it how. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements, to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it make* them sturdy and strong and active. .- Scott & Bewne, Toronto, Otib As we intimated in a former "talk!" we should constantly think of the health of others. If we are most careful careful to observe every rule of health we can consistantly talk to our neighbors, friends, fellow shop hands or comrades about such matters. By avoiding un- hygenic practices that would impair public health, if they became general, we can make a contribution to the wholesomeness, prosperity and power of the country in which we dwell. The spread of disease should be a prohibition prohibition to be severely enforced. Laws against spitting indiscriminately should be far more stringently enforced enforced than they are. Our observation is that such laws are far oftener honored in the breach than in observance. Medical Medical authorities tell us that the person suffering from tuberculosis or even from a "heavy cold" who spits without restraint is our offender against sçciety. The germs discharged in public public places or even on the street to be' carried in the dust may surely bring death to others. If children are taught the danger of this early in life they may by care avoid association with suspected victims and exercise care in travelling about. Epidemics are caused no doubt by spread of germs in some" way or another. ***** Just now when influenza is so prevalent prevalent people should avoid studiously inhaling other persons breath. The clerk behind the counter can hardly avoid the. breath of the customer on the. other side, but care should be observed observed to do so if possible without being discourteous. It is no secret that infectious diseases are communicated among children at school in their games from inhaling the breath laden with germs. Epidemics of typhoid, j septic sore throat and other virulent ; diseases originate through personal disregard of hygenic laws, or careless association. No vicious intent was evér dreamed of, but this does not ! help the persons who are sufferers. In ; like - manner it does not lighten the ( burden on a community whose citizens are unhygenically careless. Legislation Legislation has done, much to save the people from such epidemics through antispitting antispitting ordinances and education through the press, in the schools, by lectures and otherwise, but constant reiteration of the dangers and of precautionary precautionary methods are necessary. So, as we said, at the outset^ our people must be trained from earliest child- We Have Agency for Columbia Grafono- lias. All the latest Records in stock as issued. issued. Come in any time and hear them, for demonstration any day. W.T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore Your Wardrobe We are prepared to clean your entire wardrobe and deliver deliver it to your home in 24 hours. Clothes died black for mourning purposes in 48 hours. On $10 orders 20 per cent off regular prices. Goods called for and delivered. delivered. _We pay express or postage one way. Gibson's Dyeing & Cleaning Works Phone 273 - Bowmanville to lessons, its prompt obedience ! means life. Here let us say from per- i sonal experience that teachers cannot ' satisfactorily succeed in this under- j taking without the constant help and j assistance of parents or guardians, we must say here that parents are ! more to blame than children in many ! cases we have known. How can a child ( be taught the true significance of bells ! when one excuse does duty to-day, and 1 another is accepted to-morrow? It is truly astonishing how early in life children learn to conjure up excuses, and effective pleas for violation of some parental rule or law. Be assured assured that the true way to profit by the bells of school and of the world, is to be ready for them, for the bells of the ( world take no excuses. ***** The National Anthem is never sung at the close of a concert or other assemblage assemblage that some persons do not take the first note of the pianist or organist as a signal for "getting ready to shoot"--out of the audience room. Such persons seem to be ignorant ignorant of the spirit of respect and loyalty to his Majesty the King. If they do not care to take a personal part in the singing the proper act is to stand with the proper respect while it is being sung. Canadians, just now, while this cruel war continues, should sing the National Anthem much more frequently than most of them do. In some churches we have observed the good Old Country custom is followed when "God Save the King" is sung-- the organist strikes the chord, choir and congregation rise at once to sing. Surely the tune need not bè played over on the organ while the people retain retain their seats. Britishers Avould certainly certainly feel very much out of place "and | form to, sit still within sound of tune | that brings every Briton promptly to his feet. Further, if the rule of playing playing over the tune is followed, there are pretty sure to besome persons present present who are not accustomed to this plan and would make themselves awkwardly awkwardly conspicuous by standing, while others in the audience remained sitting. sitting. We would have the National Anthem sung at every church service or every 'other public meeting* while the war lasts vook's Cotton Root Compound. A tafe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three de- jjteee. of strength--^No. 2, S3; No. 3, 85 per box, Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THC COOK MEDICINE CO H T0MRT9. OUT. (Fimwly Who*.) Water always freezes on the surface surface first, because that comes into contact with the air, and its heat is carried away. A Thorough Pill.--To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary,wtien their action is irregular. The pil's that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Vegetable Pills, which are mild in' action but mighty in results. They purge painlessly painlessly and effectively, and yçork a permanent permanent cure. They can tie used without fear by the most delicately constituted, as there are no painful effects preceding their gentle operation. Hampton Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Hampton Phone 129 r 6 The way to get rid of disappoint-! Lions and tigers are too weak in the 11 start t0 Ch ° ke ° ff €nvy '^ht^- at"; lung power to run more than half a COAL COAL Commencing November 1st, 1915, the folio win prices will prevail : cr Chestnut $7,75 Stove 7.75 Egg 7.75 Pea c.75 Have your bins filled now before another raise comes along. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Tempérance St, Phone 177 CANADIAN PA The Rideau to Ottawa Popular Afternoon Train via LAKE ONTARIO SHORE Leaves Toronto 1.45 p.m. for Whitby, Oshawa' Bowmanville 3.21 p - m.. Port Hope, Cobonrg Trenton, Belleville, Kingston. arrives OTTAWA 10 00 p.m. CENTRAL STATION Sparks Street, at Chateau Lanriei "THE "YORK" Leaves Ottawa 1.15 p.m. Arrives Toronto 9.30 p.m. The "Transcanada" From Bowmauville Daily 4 27 p.m. PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM WINNIPE i VANCOUVER Through Equipment Electric Lighted Compartment Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, First-class Coaches. "The Frequent C.P.ll. Service pausing thru the Business Centro of each City is an asset i to the "Traveller." ATTRACTIVE WINTER TOURS To CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, ETC. Limited Trains connect at Detroit with through Sleepers to Florida: also connection via Buffalo, Washington and Cincinnati. Improved soi vice via C.P.R. and M.C.R. to Chicago connects with all throneh serv : ce Chicago to California ' Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., Toronto C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanville This Book helped me improve my Farm. It is the most valuable book I own and it cost me nothing. It has saved me time, labor and money and I've got better looking, more durable and more serviceable buildings than I ever had before. The firat coat of concrete farm improvements is also the laat coat. There's no after expense for paint or repairs--no danger from fire, rot or rust--no trouble of any kind. Besides they lower the insurance rate. If you haven't a copy of "What the Farmer can do with Concrete", send for one today. There's more than 150 pages ot valuable building information, 52 practical plane, illustrated by diagrams and photographe, and dozens of other interesting farm faeta. A copy will be sent to you free of charge, immediately upon receipt of coupon below. CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED, HeraM Bid,.. Maatreal. CUT OUT AND MAIL CANADA CEMENT CO«rANY. LiMlYED, H„.U BaiUUf, MONTREAL con Gentlemen: Please eend me a free eopv of a * "What The Farmer Cab Do With Concrete". 4 Name Street and No . Ctly* », «M...». Prev....