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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1916, p. 3

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FsO®-' "" '"■ ' " V. Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It EPWORTH LEAGUERS r Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite as well as Dr. Simon -- all distinguished authors- agree that whatever may. be the. disease, the urine seldom fails, in furnishing us with a clue to the principles principles upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress yoUf -or if uric acid in the blood' has caused rheumatism, rheumatism, gout .or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.; send a sample of urine and describe describe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr.Pierce's chemist has examined the urine -- this will be carefully done without charge, and you will be under no obligation. £>r. Pierce during many years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which he finds is thirty-seven times more powerful powerful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheumatism, rheumatism, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of '*Anuric " put up by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak women and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the blood have been favorably known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies to-day--as well as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels. You can get » large trial package for 10c. of any one of these remedies by writing Dr. Pierce. i r Doctor Pierce's Pellets, are unequaled as a Liver Pill. One tiny, Supar-coatcd Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Constipation, Indigestion,* Bilious _ Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. -k. Horrible Dream. "I dreamed last night that I own- the earth." "That was a pleasant dream." When the around three was "Quite the contrary, first of the month came million people threatened to move.' To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mother. They cannot be healthy if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. In India and the East Indies the natives natives mix white ants with flour and make them into pastry. This is considered considered to be highly" nutritive. PROMPTLY SEGUREDI In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVI3ËR, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St,, Montréal, S. Wood's Phosphodino, English Remedy The Great. English Jtiemedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervou? system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- - dencyLoss of Energy, Palpitation of the riSeavt, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six V for So. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all - druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. Now pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wiadser.) Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment on Auto-Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance is no hindrance. Write for particulars. particulars. rates of pay, send 2C. stamp. 7; AUTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. • 257 College St. - Toronto (Also at Leicester, England) HEAT FLASHES, DIZZY, NERVOUS Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her During Change of Life. Richmond, Va. -- "After taking seven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound I feel like a new woman. I always always had a headache during the Change of Life and was also troubled with other bad feelings common common at that time -- dizzy spells, nervous feelings and heat flashes. Now I am in better health I \ Biennial Convention at Napanee A Gratifying success. Those who en joyed the cordial welcome and generous hospitality of the people of Napanee--a Methodist town--the first three days of this month will long cherish pleasant memories of their visit. Rey. S. T. Tucker. B. A., B.D., President, Deseronto, made a practical chairman. Revs. C. E. Cragg, W. Higgs and A. H. Foster assisted" in opening exercises. President Tucker's address was a clever appeal for "service for others" f he church needs you, the country needs you. . Miss Jean Root gave a violin solo. Rev. Arthur L. Phelps, B.A.y pleased all with his admirable address on Canadian Poets. Rev. R.A. Whattam, Peterboro, led the evening s devotions in Grace church which was nicely decorated. Revs. J. G. Lewis, B. A., Peterboro, and H. B. Kenny assisted in exercises. Mr. C. G. Evans gave an address address of welcome expressing the honor they felt in having the conference in Napanee. Napanee. Mr. C.W. Berr, Bloomfield, gave a capital paper on "Missions" followed by Rev. W. J. Wood, M.A.,B.D„ Picton, in a brilliant and forceful address on the same theme. The choir gave inspiring musical service. Rev. H. B. Kenny closed with the Benediction. Benediction. Junior League was under consideration Wednesday forenoon. Mrs. C. E. Cragg read a good paper sent by Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers, Port Perry, on how to interest, hold, nurture and develop young lives ; in the church. Mrs. Hopper read a paper by Mr. A» H. Leak, Trenton, on similar lines. Mrs. (Dr.) F. C. Stephenson, Toronto, conducted a conference on Junior League work after some music, covering such points as:--Touch life at its beginnings.. A man should lead boys in the "teen" period. Interest boys by giving them work. Have several committees. Boys and girls should work for themselves. Teach them Bib'e, great hymns, etc. Hold social meetings, informal parties. Kindle interest in missions. missions. Encourage attendance at summer school. Conferences followed led by Mrs. Stephenson Stephenson on "Missionary work in Leagues' and by Rev. W. J. Wood on Citizenship. Rey. R. A. Whattam presided at Wed nesday afternoon session in Grace church. Revs. E. Farnsworth, Newburg, W. W. Jones, Foxboro, C. W. Neville, Bobcageon, took part in devotional services. "Our Thin Red Line" was tfoe feature of the session, a sketch of each missionary" representing this conference being submitted. Rev. S. S. Osterhout, Ph. D., supported by Belleville District, by Rev.F. G. Joblin, Bayside; Rev. J. K. Smith, Napanee District, by a paper from Rev. S. A. Kemp, Enterprise; Enterprise; Rev. E. W: Morgan B.A., Picton District,by Rev. W. Higgs, Millbrook;Rev. C. H. Lawford M.D., Brighton and Camp- bellford Districts, by Rev. W. H. Clark, Marmora;Rev. Geo. W. Sparling, B.A.,B.D. Bowmanville District,, by Mr. Claude Ives; Rev. W. H. Truscott, Sunny side Mission at Rev.H. B. Kenny, Cobourg; Rev. Geo; F. Denyes, Whitby District, by Rev. E. W. Rowland, Greenbank; Rev. E. Hibbard B.A., Lindsay and Cannington Districts, by Rev. A. H. Foster, Whitby; Rev. W. E. Smith M.D., Cobourg and Peterboro Peterboro Districts by Rev. R. A. .Whattam, After a duet by members of Grace church choir, Rev. W. Diggs gave an interesting account of Bay of Quinte Summer School, its object being to develop leadership for various departments.of the church especially especially in Sunday school and League. Financing the enterprize is the greatest difficulty. Rev. H. B. Kenny closed with the benediction. At the evening service after opening exercises exercises and a splendid duet, Rev. R. G. Peever, B.D., Peterboro, gave a very interesting interesting and helpful address on " The Church and Social Service". The minister and church members must go out after the young people. He praised-the work of the Salvation Army in developing youthful talents. Churches must be eyes, hands and heart to its community and stand to elevate, purify and save the life by infusing the spirit of Christ into the young people Capt. Rev. C.G. Williams, Cambray,gave a stirring address on "Democracy on Trial" saying men who will step out for God, King and Country will end this war. Officers elected are: President--A. H. Foster, Whitby; -1st Vice --Rev. J. P. 2 apman, Cannington; 2nd Vice--Mr. C. W. Burr, Bloomfield; 3rd Vice--Miss Florence Hall, Wicklow; 4th Vice--Mr. Limbert Graham, Napanee; 5th Vice- Mrs. (Rev.) C. E. Cragg, Napanee; Secretary--Rev. Secretary--Rev. H. W. Foley, B.Â., B.D., Brooklin; Treasurer--Mr. W. Claude Ives, Bowmanville. kind, they invite men out to tea. We apply apply at the camp arid the officers send the men out in their turns, so that one lot does not get all the good things. Our Sunday School teacher invited a big party-of them on New Year's Day and another place had two hundred of them. We like to invite a half dozen at once to our homes and so do what little we can and I assure you the men do like to come, too. Christmas Day we had a speçial collection for the Belgia ns who are - still in Belgium- and whom the ! Germans are refusing to feed. Small envelopes envelopes were left at each house the week before and were collected the week after. I had charge of one large district and our ladieacollt cted a large amount--some hundreds hundreds of pounds. The money was all paid into the Bank and sent on at once to the right-quarter, all these things are done by the Citizens Committee. We are s-till, .kept in darkne_ss. The streets are darker than ever. Last week two submarines were not far from us. Liverpool and Fleetwood were both closed for a day and a night, no ships being allowed allowed to leave. We have been having very, rough weather. Mine sweepers have been trawling for Mines which might have broken broken loose owing to the rough sea. Everything Canadian interests us now. Have been to one of the moving picture houses here to-night and saw the picture of the Duke of Connaught inspecting the Canadian soldiers before they left Montreal on the second contingent. -- * * Makes Breathing Easy. The con striction of the air passages and the struggle struggle for breath, too familiar evidence of asthmatic trouble, cannot daunt Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedyy/This is the famous remedy which isyknown far and wide for its completejraectiveness even under very severe, conditions. It is no untried, experimental preparation, but one with many years of strong service behind it. Buy it from your nearest dealer. ---- LOCAL ORANGE LODGE Bowmanville Purple "Guards, L.O.L., No. 2384, held its annual election of officers officers at last meeting as follows: Pàst Worshipful Worshipful Masters-- W. H. Yeo and John Torrens; Deputy Master-- F. H. Bounsall; Chaplain-- G. C. Weisman; Treas.--Harry Cox: Fin. Sec.--Ernest Jones; Rec. Sec.-- Wm. Wilkinson, Lecturer-^J. Dickinson; Dir. of C.--Jno. Palmer; Committee-- iros. Coleman, Yeo, Rowland, Nokes, Drmiston. Officers were installed by Worshipful Grand Master of Ontario ast, E. H. McLean, after which W. H. Yeo was presented with a beautiful Past Master's badge by the lodge, he having acted as Master for three years without missing a meeting. This lodge has 35 members wearing the King's uniform. 12 laving already gone to the front including the late 'Happy' Martin, and the now amous 'war correspondent', Dan M. Douglass. Sores Flee Before it.--There are many who have been afflicted with sores and have driven them away with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which acts like magic. All sir lilariy troubled should lose no time in appl ring this splendid remedy, as there is nottimg like it to be had. It is cheap, but its power is in no way expressed expressed by its low price. ENGLISH LADIES BUSY. than T ever was and recommend your remedies to all my friends. Mrs. Lena Wynn, 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va. While Change of Life is a most critical critical period of a woman's existence, the annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Such warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches; backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness. , For these abnormal conditions do not fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound. Doing Their "Bit" Among Wounded SdLDIERS. Some extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Thos. P. Fletcher of Blackpool, England, England, to the editor: My Dear Cousin:--I was very glad indeed indeed to receive recently such a. nice long letter from you. Of course you already know, we had a visit from Dan D. We were quite as delighted to-have him as he was to come. We trust he will be spared to come to make us a longer visit. Itwas so nice to meet ■ someone who knew our Bowmanville relatives and. could tell us about you from your home toWn. Dan could not have had a much worse day to visit Blackpool, yet he enjoyed it very much. Several airships have passed over this place. It is a fine sight to see them, they are such big things. It seems so wonderful wonderful to see them flying along in the air. They usually fly in thé night here. Blackpool is busy with the troops again we have twenty thousand training here and more coming shortly. I was speaking : to one recently, quite a boy he looked, anc he said he would like to stay here all the summer, but he was ready to go out as soon as he was trained enough. We have also two thousand wounded soldiers in the Convalescent Camp who are recovering slowly from their wounds. We are expecting another large batch during the coming week. It is fine for them here Recently we opened a rest club for the men from the camp, which is at the extreme south end of the town. The men who are able to walk along the promenade as far as the town found it was too far to go back without being very tired, so they stayed in camp. This Club is in the centre and" the men can go in and have a cup of tea and something to eat and stay all Afternoon if they wish. We have table games and papers papers for them. A ladies' cominittee was formed and so many go each day to look after the men. Of course the men who are training here do not use the Club only the wounded men. Our citizens are very COUNTY ORANGE LODGE Bowmanville Purple Guards, L.O.L. No. 2384, had the honor of entertaining the County Lodge delegates in their lodge room on Tuesday Feb. 1st, a good number Deing present. After general business election of officers took place as follows County Master--John Lowry, Kendall Deputy County Master--Lieut.-Col. Wm Farrell, Tyrone; Chaplain^--Rev. J. H Kydd, Blackstock; Fin. Sec'y--Albert Oke, Enniskillen; Rec. Sec'v--Fred Graham, Graham, Newcastle; Treasurer--A. A. Col- will, Newcastle; Lecturer-- W. H. Yeo Bowmanville. Dir. of C.-- W, G. Jones Newtonville; Dep. Lecturers--H. Hooey Burketon, L. Bellamy, Newtonville. Offi cers were installed by Past County Master Master J. H. Devitt, Esq., M.P.P., after which a banquet was held at A. J. Christie's Cafe, followed still later in the lodgeroom by a concert by filst class talent presided over by Bro. E. H. McLean, Grand Worshipful Master of Ontario East. OLD ONTARIO IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME. Mrs. Corbett Bead the and Tried It Avon, May 14th, 1914. A lady in California, recently sent to Canada a very elaborately gotten up booklet, entitled, "California Is Goo! Enough For Me,". A reply to the California poet follows: "I have used 'Fr.uit-a-tives' for Indigestion and Constipation with most excellent results, and they continue to :_be my only medicine. I saw 'Fruit-a- tives' advertised with a letter in which Some one recommended them very highly, so I tried them. The results were more than satisfactory, and I have no hesitation in recommending 'Fruit-a- tivés" ANNIE A. CORBETT. Time is proving that 'Fruit-a-tives* can always - be depended upon to give prompt relief in all .cases of Constipation and Stomach Trouble. 50c. a box, 6 for.$2.50, trial size 25c. At déàlers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. I'e -read your little: pamphlet, And I think it's simply great. It is sure a .splendid picture - Of your grand and glorious state, And I hope kind fate will sanction These wonders I may see, But at present good old Ontario Is good enough for'me. PRIZE FOR SCHOOL FAIR. You talk about the rose banks That in profusion grow But have you ever frolicked In a glorious bank of snow ? We have them here a-plenty, And we have diamonds on our trees, While our kiddies cheeks are crimson From the kisses of the breeze. interpreted by the American people as- the babblings of an irresponsible paranoiac. They were slow to understand understand that the German citizen would ever be brought to seriously believe such nonsense, but these sentiments were re-uttered and even expanded by Nietzche, and lastly by Bernhardi, and others, going to still more ridiculous ridiculous extremes, of. ..that were possible; possible; and so, aftèr these long months j of persistent struggle, it has been all to clearly demonstrated that this mental poison has sunk deep into German life, and can alone account for the fact that the 7. Gérmap soldier soldier is willing to die for these absurd ideals. " We see in all this how deeply im- j i n a suitable preparedness, bued the citizen and soldier have be- ! aggression but for defense, come with these false notions, and- ; CH AS. M. BICE, how clearly -they explain German j Denver Colo: SALLOW SKIN is one of the greatest foes of womanly beauty. It is quickly cleared by correcting the cause --sluggish liver--with the aid of the gently stimulating, safe and dependable remedy-- BEECHAMS PILLS Worth a Guinea a Box -Bir.ciiw. with Every Box of SyecUI Vein* to W.n«. Sold everywhere. la boxe*, 25 ceats. not for Dear Editor--I will donate for next School Fair, $2 as a prize to the girl under 14 years, who will come out best under an examination as follows: Three lady Judges, a mother, a teacher, and a lady chosen by them, shall occupy a. room, supplied writing material, a few books, a chair, a stool and other articles. Donor or donors to be doorkeepers, introduce introduce applicants one-;at a time who shall question them as follows: What is your name and age? home? parents? duties at home? lessons at school as to grade, etc. Each shall write her name, do a simple problem, close a bargain, be questioned on animals, vegetables, the earth, skies, province, dominion, empire, King, the Bible, giving some characters, as Joseph, Daniel, Naaman's wife's maid, Jar- ius' daughter. Arrange articles in the room as directed, answer questions as to how she spends the Sabbath, her games, her love for flowers, trees, birds, ponies, etc. My object is to encourage obedience, reverence, tact in business, courtesy, patriotism, patriotism, love of the beautiful in Nature and Art, love of labor, etc. This offer supposes that ten or twelve will apply, each be given 10 minutes examination. examination. Yours truly, Peter Werry. * Of course we love the summer, And the golden-tinted fall-- But we're longing for the snowflakes Oftimes, long before they fall! Oh! the bracing, brillia# winter With it's jolly sports and glee-- It's part of old Ontario, And it's- good enough for me. You talk about your farm, lands, And you think you head the class. But I wish- you'd glimpse our wheat fields, And could taste our garden "sass." You mention, too, your peaches, Your luscious prunes and flowers, But you cannot show a sample That could put over ours. A Pleas 4.NT Purgative.--Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so compounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels, bowels, so that they act along the whole alimentary alimentary and excretory passage. They are not drastic in their work,, but mildly purgative, aid/the pleasure of taking is only equally! by the gratifying effect they produce. Compounded only of yeg- etable substances the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they afford relief without chance of injury. TEUTON DISCONTENT. Socialist Proclantariion Suppressed Germany. The Copenhagen correspondent by of OBITUARY. the Exchange. Telegraph Company says : "Hugo -Basse, leader of the 41 Socialists Socialists forming the peace party in the German Reichstag, has issued a proclamation proclamation which the newspapers are prohibited from printing. It is much discussed in political circles as signifying signifying a political battle. "There is every reason to believe the Reichstag will have to sit much longer than was expected in order to deal with pressing discontent among the masses," says the Rotterdam correspondent correspondent of the Daily News. "In order order to appease these clamorings it- will need to deal with no fewer than 130 resolutions, all relating to the distribution distribution of food." ; * * Then you brag about the ocean-- Its dimentions seem to please-- But it's not one whit more lovely Than our smiling inland seas. We have beaches, hills and valleys That are just as fair to see-- While the fruit of old Ontario Is good enough for me. atrocities which have shocked the world by their extreme cruelty and barbarity. Must America go over to the military military ideal, or perish ? - These thoughts and queries have caused: many Americans Americans to search their ; own hearts and to ask whither are we drifting? Shall we allow Germany to force us to become a military machine in self-defense ? "These things are uppermost in American thought to-day, and their discussion may be heard on every hand, as also in Congress. Our ideal is confessedly not military, military, but a high quality of manhood. We stand at the opposite pole of the universe from that of either imperialism imperialism or militarism. Here we are free to discuss and criticize all in authority, but in a military autocracy there is no liberty of speech or press. If a man criticizes the Kaiser he is immediately thrust into a dungeon. An American editor or citizen would be chocked by the imperialism and -*--, I Hollowav's Coup C j out by the roots. ;T, e takes the corn it and prove it. One of the "Now, Dorothy," to a small pupil, "can what a panther is ? " Animals, said the you teacher tell me "Yeth, ma'am," lisped Dorothy. "A panther ith a man that makth panth." You laud your prosperous cities, And the handsome women there, As though our northern climate Didn't have them twice as fair. Your Eden, 'neath Old Glory, Is a splendid place to be, But I'll keep old Britain's banner Ârwaving over me. Though your fruits were twice as luscious 3 And your sunsets twice as fine, They couldn't touch the heartstrings Like this old home of mine. And when I've seen your wonders In your haven by the sea-- I know dear old Ontario Will be good enough for me. --Gertrude C. Kni riit. T. S. Brant, Whitby. After a life of four score years, Theodore S. Brant, Whitby, passed away oh Monday Jan.3ist.-at his residence Dundas street east. Mr. Brant has been a resident of Whitby for nearly a quarter of a century, conducting conducting a farm, until he retired a few years.ago., The late T. S. Brant was born in Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire, England, November 24,1833, and came to Canada as a young man, in 1854. He was married in i860 to Susanna Piper, and they were blessed with a family of ten children; five of whom are living, viz: Mrs. Thos. E. Osborne, Bowmanville; Mrs. Geo. Allin, Whitby; Mrs. E. Dryden, Toronto; Mrs.Clarerfbe Batty, Oshawa; and John. W. of Ottawa. Mrs. Brant survives. Mr, and Mrs. Brant celebrated their golden wedding wedding anniversary in 1910. The late Mr. Brant was à Liberal in politics, and in religion a Methodist. He was a member of the Ancient Ancient Order of United Workmen. The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon afternoon conducted by Rev. Dr. J. J. Hare, assisted by Rev.F. L. Farewell. Interment took place in Union cemetry. Before moving to Whitby Mr. Brant lived where Mr. R. A. Bragg now lives, a mile east of Bowmanville. Famous Wash The worms that infest children from their birth are of two kinds, those that find lodgment in the storpich and those that are_ found ib thezlnte'stines. The latter are the most destructive, as they cling to the walls pf'fhe intestines and if not interfered with work havoc there. Miller's Worm Powders dislodge both kinds and while expelling them from the system serve to repair the ' damage they have caused. A $1,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic-or mephistic gases of j Complicated Complaints who can- militarism in Ger- | not be cured at The Ontario Medi- many. We want none of it. America j cal Institute, 263-2G5 Yonge St., has concluded that its only safety lies .; Toronto. Correspondence invited. --if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable-- for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting--it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass, poisoning the system.. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll feel fine in the morning. At all druggists, 25c., or by ma;! from , Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto -14 HOW AMERICANS VIEW THE GREAT WAR. A baby kangaroo is not much larger than a man's thumb. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Get "More Money"for yemr Sim ivk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes, White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in-your section SHIP TOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT"l!ic lar^ctf ->?UAN RAW FURS 'V. <_ '•*r VV-Ù-- -.y e. house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW i LRS a reliable--responsible--safe Fur with an unblemished reputation reputation existing for "more than a third of a century." a long stir- Fur Shippers prompt. SA list- At 1 0! .\ turns. Write for "Clje 6>!juiicrt S>!)ipyz:V' 'A :--y V- \ ^te ntation existing l cessful record of sending F AND PROFITABLE returns. - . the only reliable, accurate market report and pricelist publisu: Write for it--NOW--it's FREE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Must Bear Signature of ' D. D. D , the greatest of skin remedies will remove those unsightly and troublesome troublesome skin afflictions that have made your life a burden. That intolerable, itching, burning and discomfort will disappear under the magic influence of this remedy. It has cured many cases pronounced incurable and will reach your case. It will take just a few moments moments to step in . and. ask ns what our experience has been in the way of satisfied satisfied customer. We want you to give D. D. D. a trial. Your mohey back unless the first bottle relieves you. D. D. D. Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask us about it. D TV TV For ,15 Years e ' i 3 . I 3 9 the Standard s. Skin Remedy Jury 8cLovell, Druggists, BowmanvM'e. See Fec-Slmile Wrapper Below. •wiliudlu easy «LtàkMinfw [FOR REMACHE. FM BIZZIHEtS. rtOiuoeiREtt. FOlTTMND LIVER. «japewm FORjAUOW SKIHf cues 8IOK HEADAGHg. Cdok'r Gottoiif Root Compound* A safe, reliable regulating .ledicinc. Sold in three de- [rçee of strength--No. l t |11 fffMi vi BX#renKLii *» vm No. 2, S3;,,No. 8, $8 pef box. Soia Jy all druggists, or sent _ . oh receipt of prioe. free pamphlet, ft Address î THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO. ONT. (Fcreerfy Wltiw.) prepa Fr A little over 18 months have passed since the declaration of war, and the invasion of Belgium and France. Every one of these months has been characterized by momentous and thrilling events. We, in the United States, from our safe vantage ground, have beheld the scene; we have observed the old system of "Balanced Powers" crumble. Tremendous forces like Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Bismarck once determined determined and saped European civilization, civilization, but now the demon of war has removed the texture, and Czar and Kaiser, King and President, with their Generals, armies, and navies are really forging the bonds of a new world. Formerly the forces back of the scenes were principally political and religious, now they are largely economic. economic. The twentieth Century forces are chiefly wealth, the power of public public opinion, and the irrepressible conflict conflict between democracy and imperialism, imperialism, backed by militarism. The latter--the latter--the spirit of democracy, 'though hidden, is nevertheless all pervading and powerful. .England has been mistress of the seas ever-since the days of Cromwell, and, though peaceably, she has gathered gathered the fruits of industry from her overseas commerce until she has be-, come the most wealthy and powerful nation in the world. This has excited excited the envy and hatred of Germany, for it has stood as a coplete check upon her cherished "world policy." It is natural that she would wish to supplant England in naval leadership, and .no one would object if she accomplished accomplished this by honorable means and the incentive of a just rivalry.. But the American people are now beginning to realize the true situation, as ■ they behold the inevitable fruits of militarism. When the great German Court historian, historian, Treitsche, first formulated his peculiar views and taught the people that they should look upon the nation as a vast military engine; that its ruler should be the commander of the army; that his cabinet should be controlled solely by his generals; that the whole nation should march as one vast regiment; that the only sin against the Holy Ghost, was the sin of military impotence; that such an army should take all it wants and explain explain afterwards; and that might is right--these frothings were at first Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guarantee Guarantee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials--for the soap boiler--for the expert chemists--for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee --it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. Î Soap üÉüig 2 ".1 i - 1" - , ~ A : 'y/':;' *■. %/n -î...;• •'• , fi - IP ■ ^

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