M r >" r <v » s- • V ' " Â < • s ■S /; S, 'S-. ; ^5> Best Range Made In Canada ROYAL SOUVENIR STEEL RANGE Never fails to please Gentlemen-- We have used your Royal Souvenir Steel Range during the past three months and wish t-» say, it is the best stove Made In Canad t. It only burns half the fuel and gives us perfect satisfaction as heater and baker. Yours truly, J. H. Mutton, iÿrone. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmanville SB! "Preparedness" Preparedness is the word of the hour. The Nations have learned their lesson and learned it thoroughly, and at great cost. No Nation will be llowed in future to take any other Nation by surprise. The same word "Preparedness" might also be applied to domestic life at this particular time. The signs of the times would indicate that in the not far distant future, in fact it is already noticeable, that prices of food stuffs-- more particularly groceries of all kinds--will go up in price. Our Advice Is : To "lay in" a liberal supply of groceries while The Model Grocery is selling them at such low prices, as there is no assurance how long we will be able to continue these prices. Our Aim Is: At all times to provide the best quality of groceries at the lowest possible prices. Remember we always have something extra on Fridays and Saturdays of each week. W. Blake McMurtry Limited (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville Inside the Crust of the Big Loaf is found tender, sweet, moistureholding, the kind the kiddies want "more" of. Griye them less cake and more of Christie's Home Made Bread Sturdy, growing, hearty little youngsters need just the kind of food Christie's digestible bread will give thëm The Home-Made Bakery Phone 07, Bowmanville m ■ifc I I I 1 V. ë UNION SCHOOL, Report of Union SS. 17, Darlington for January--names in order of rmerit:---Sr IV ---Jack Smith, Walter Rahm, Phoebe Beec h Lenore Bentham, Eugene Beech; Sr II--* Leila Rahm, Cyril Avery; Primer--Seibert Hall,Gordon Beech, Lloyd Ferguson, Law- rence Avery. Rena F. Bbntham, teacher. TYRONE Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Gorrie, is visiting visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Scott Mr. and Mrs. L^m Buckley, Orono, visited at Mr. Horatio Hills, on their way to Uxbridge Uxbridge to. attend the funeral of her sister. Miss Warner Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wight, Providence Providence visited her mother, Mrs. Jas. Coll- acott.... Mr. and Mrs. . John Thompson, Orono, visited at Mr. Wm. Virtue's Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Orono, visited at Mr. Albert Morris' Miss Velma Staples visited friends at . Oshawa Quarterly service was held here Sunday morning. Mr. Garden, our junior pastor, preached good sermons at both services. UATDON The sympathy of the neighborhood is extended to the relatives of Mrs. Wm. Broad whose funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of her son- in-law, Mr. Thos. Slemon. Deceased who lived to the age of 81 years has resided in this settlement for many years and was known as a true friend to all. Service was conducted by her pastor Rev. J. E. Beckel and interment was made in the family plot at Bethesda cemetery. Among the friends present from a distance were, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Broad and Mr. Herb. Slemon, Toronto, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Miss Rilda Slemon, Bowmanville.... Mr. Elgin Mount joy has returned home from visiting friends at Port Hope Miss Lena Slemon isholidaying at Mr. J. E. Elliott's, Cadmus. j Farmers--see the smut killing machine at F. O. Mason's. j We have had an exceptionally large sale of Supreme Ranges this season and there is still a few left. Mason & Dale. Report of S. S. 9, Man vers, for January. Names in order of merit: Sr.IV--Bertha Staples. Jr.IV--Jessie Pollard, Mildred Delahey, Marietta Marvin, Verena Nicholson, Nicholson, Bernice Cain. Sr.III--Ruth Benson, John Cornelius. Lily Ward, "Lance Greenwood. Greenwood. Jr. Ill---Eva Staples* Ga> netGoheen Earl Coulter, Laveroe Masters. Sr.II--Raymond Sr.II--Raymond Dough; s, Gordon Kirk, Herb Gould. Jr II--Kathaleen, Benson, Melbourne Palmer, Palmer, De bert Bowin, Willie Brackenbury, Mary Bowin, Ina Masters, Cecil Bowin, Ivan Kellett, Polly Samuels. B. V. JACK- SON, teacher. DARLINGTON Mr. Wallace Downey has been visiting rela ives at Kemptville and Ottawa Mr. Russel Metcalf and Mrs. Mary Cory, Moorefield, ha e been visiting Mr. John Metcalf and other relatives here. Mrs. Cory is going to Francis, Sask., to visit her daughter Mr. W. H. Wood is visiting visiting in Toronto Mr. Albert H. Allin was in Toronto for a few days last week .... Mr. Roy VanCamp visited his sister, Mrs. Fred Gale, Whitby Miss Luelia Burk, Highland .Creek, is visiting the Misses Burk Geo. Gibson, who has lived for several years with Mr. E J. Burk, has enlisted for ^overseas service, and Mr. Alf. Cooper, who is managing for Mr. Albert Goode, : is-alsd wearing the u Fiform. I Fertilizer at F. O. Mason's. ! Start the year right. Buy a Supreme range and you will be happy for years to come, Mason & Dale. ZION. Wood bees are the order of the day. ... Our young people enjoyed a pleasant evening evening recently at Mrs. Herbert Rundie's, Hampton.... Concert on Wednesday evening.under evening.under the auspices of Gleaners' Sunday School Class--('Teen age boys) was quite a success Reserve Tuesday, Feb.29. for a pleasant evening with Zion Epworth Leaguers when they will give an interting drama in which one of our popular young me. 1 proves himself a good clergyman uniting uniting two couples at once.... Ladies Aid was held at hume of Mr^. Jas. Cameron. All were saddened bv thé'stidden accident that happened same morning to their treasurer, treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Knight. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she and her two daughters who are in Oshawa Hospital, are improving. Mr. Knight was buried on Saturday from his late home. In spite- of the storm a very large company of friends and sympathizers gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to a good friend and neighbor. Inte: ment was at Bowmanville Cemetery Sunday School Convention will be held here on Thursday, Feb. 10. The Supreme Range is acknowledged the king of ranges for economy in fuel. Mason & Dale. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Stanley Everson, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. W. J. Snowden.. ..Solina S.of T. are expected next- Wednesday evening Feb.lôth. Every member welcome .... A large audience attended attended Sunday School and church, the pastor preached on Jesus' '•ong... .Sunday School next Sunday, 1.30 p.m. instead of 1.15... .Miss Edna Sno den is able to be out again after her sickness Mr. Sam. Snowden's slaughterhouse was completely destroyed by fire Tuesday noon. Three cattle and some pigs and most of the contents contents were saved. Furs of all kinds at greatlv reduced prices at Coudh, Johnston & Cryderman's. SOLINA HAMPTON Pleased to see Mr. Hilton Peters out again after a successful operation in Toronto Toronto A number of excellent books have been" added to our already large S. S. library... .Special services will be continued during the week. Pastor Brown's heart-to-heart talks are much appreciated. appreciated. The song service is also much enjoyed by a goodly number each evening .... Sabbath evening the pastor dispensed the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to a large number of communicants Mrs. M. B. Cryderman has not been well for some time.... Mr. A B. Cryderman's family family and Masters Wallace and Ernest Horn have had the measles. .ViCongratulations to Miss Frances Clatwôrthv on ' her success success ully passing the recent High School examinations... .Mr. H. E. Reynolds has returned to his home, South Roxton, Que., after a pleasant v sit with his parents v rs. S. T. Moun joy is visiting her mother,-Mrs. mother,-Mrs. E. Brimacombe, Hamilton, who is quite ill. j F. O. Mason's for calf meal. ! Great bargains in Ladies' coats all new fashionable goods at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Messrs. Chas. and Walter Langmaid attended funeral of an uncle in Brock • Quarterly services Sunday were well attended attended Mr. J. G. Langmaid has muscular muscular rheumatism Mr. T. Baker at tended the Shorthorn stock sale at Toronto Toronto and purchased a pure-bred yearling heifer... .Mr. B. G. Stevens is re-modelling re-modelling his house. ;. .Mr. Will Lick and wife, Sask , are visiting friends after an absence of ten years Mr. Harvey Reynolds and bride, Pennsylvania, visited Mrs. Wm. Werry and other old friends The Seed Fair of the Farmers' Club was quite a success. Mr. John Baker gave a report of the United Farmers' Co-operative meeting meeting in Toronto, also Mr. Ivan M. Law, Sec.-Treas Solina Division expect to visit Maple Grove and Taunton Divisions on Feb 16 h and 18th respectively The debate at the D.vision Friday night was quite instructive and interesting. ( Which side won ? -Editor.) F. O. Mason's for animal regulators. Solina Women's Institute meets at iV'rs. W. H. Westlake's on Thursday Feb. 17 at 2 30 p. m. Program will be a debate. Resolved" That a high school or business college education is not worth while for the girl who stays at home". Affirmative, Mrs. S. Shortridge, Mrs. H. G. Pascoe and Mrs. SiJàs Williams. Negative, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mrs. J J. Smith, and Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Please be there. WEDDINGS Reynolds--McCurdy. A pretty wedding was solemnized Jan. 22 afc the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCurdy. Ardnine, Pennsylvania, when their daughter Alary was un ted in mai riage with Harvey J. Reynolds, Malvern, Pennsylvania, formerly of Solina, Ontario. The bride w;sattended w;sattended by Miss Edna Hamilton of Ardnine, Pa., and Miss Helen Ziegler of Glenol- den. Pa., who wore pale blue crepe meteor dresses and carried shower bouquets of pale pink ca nations and ferns also by Mis- Emily Reens, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., and Miss Rachel McCurdy, McCurdy, Ardnine, Pa., who wore pale pink crepe meteor dresses and carried shower bouquets of pale pink carnations carnations and ferns. The bride wore a dress of white swiss satin and a veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried a shpwer bouquet of white roses and lilles-of-the-valley. The groom was attended by Mr. F. W. I McCurdy, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. j G Rawsoh. pastor of the First Presbyterian Presbyterian ( hurch of Ardnine, Pa. After the reception fol.owing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds left fora trip ! to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds ' will be at home after March 1st, in Malvern, PaÜ Girls Wanted ! Girls Wanted to operate sewing sewing machines. Good Wages. Write or apply in person to Schofield Woollen Co., Oshawa. Limited. s Toilet Soap Fine milled, highly perfumed toilet soap, regular 25c for 15c. Only 2 boxes to a customer Canned Salmon Light colors, but delicious flavors 2 cans for 25 cento Clover Honey Superior Clover Honey in 10 pound pails $1.50 Coffee From 25 cents up ; our high grade special blend at 45 eenfcs Nothing in town like it Orangés and Grapefruit As usual, the best value anywhere Apple Butter Regular 18 cents per tin for 15 cents Chocolate Creams Regular 40 cents per pound for 29 cents ENNISKILLEN Recent visitors: Miss Fanny Virtue, Ty rone, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Mrs. Wm. Werry, Solina, at Mr. J. A. Werrry's, Swain Farm; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tam- blyn, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio I Hills, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Sidne Hoar and Tom, Bethesda, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mr. W. O. Herring with relatives at Oshr awa and Harmony; Mr. Herbert Slemon, Toronto, at his father s; Mrs. Ben Palmer at Ottawa with Sergt Palmer; Mr. E. C Ashton on business trip to Toronto; Rev. and Mis. Harry Wilkinson at the parsonage, parsonage, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. W. J Stainton spent Sunday in Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice, Whitevale, at Mr. W. H. Moore's Quarterly meeting Sunday was slimly attended. The pastor very kindly administered the sacrament in the afternoon to several of the shut-ins..... Mr. Herb. Stainton's baby girl is very ill with pneumonia... .We extend our sympathy to'Mrs. John Slemon over the loss of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Broad, and to Mrs. Sidney Trewin whose"father, jilr. Anson Taylor, Blackstock, was buried Monday . The pastor preached at Enfield on ^abbath evening. The S. S. lesson was taken up her. by Mr, J. A. Werry, and reports of the Institute at Tyrone given by Misses Helena Werry and Stella Smith .... Miss Grace Slè 1 on presided over the League service last we k. Besides thé rod call and consecration" service, the topic was taken by Mrs. N, D. Redpath, the war talk by Rte. Herbert McLaughlin, and Mr. Wilkinson gaye. 3 very interesting interesting address on Adult Bible Class organizar tion and work.... Mrs. Wm. Brown celebrated celebrated her 86th birthday on Saturday, and is knitting her fiftieth pair of socks for.thè soldiers... .Mr. Jas. Maroney has been laid off work, having strained his .heart... .Dr. Slemon is the busiest man around these parts Mr. Ed. Thompson is in Toronto attending the funeral of his brother-in-law... . Word received from Pté. Milton Sanderson says they're working working him hard at Kingston--day and night classes. ... -• ■ Chicken supplies àt F; O. Mason's. Carry "out* that; New: Year's resolution and buv that famous Supreme "Rangé to» day. Mason & Dale. EBENEZER All are sorry here to learn that Mr. J. C. Trull has sold his fine farm, and will soon be leaving our midst... .Epworth League last week was well attended. Mr Geo. F.^ a unis gave a fi e paper on "The I ner Circle". Miss Vera Werry contributed contributed a vocal solo and Mr. Cecil Ruse a reading. Consecration service was also held Pte. Harry Stafford was home on Sabb th ...Mrs. W. H. Rundle 'is back from U. S. after visiting relatives Leaguers will hold a Leap Year social soon, and the young ladies a valentine social... .Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. George Pearce's Sunday's services were bright and helpful with large congregations present. present. At the moi ning service Pastor Delve administered the Lord's Supper, and at n'ghl Rev. W. G. Clarke of Bow- manvi le preached the annual W.M.S. sermon with excellent music by the ladies* choir, Several from here attend the hockey matches between Bowmanville and Oshawa team- Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, Solina, Sundayed at Mr. J. Pen- found's. .. . Mr. S. C. Rundle is v siting Brooklin friends., .. viessrs. A. E., F. W., and A. F. Rundle and Mrs. R. E. Osborne recently attend d the funeral of Mr. Edward Edward Rundle at Pine lale near Sunderland .. A "Fanny Crosby" song service will be held in - ur church Sunday night Pte. Pickell, Montrea , was here ver Sunday Sunday and leaves soon for the front... .Rev. R. A. Délve arid Mr. R. E. Osborne attended attended the funeral of Mr. Anson Taylor at Blackstock on Monday..Our W.iVLS. held their regular meeting on Wednesday at the church. He Looks into the Eye One of the most advanced methods methods used today by eminent specialists specialists of testing the eyesight is that of Retinoscopy or "The Shadow Test." With this electrical instrument instrument the Retinoscope, the optician is enabled to look into the eye and at a ! glance determine the defect or defects of the sight and enables him to more quickly and accurately accurately correct by the use of lenses the errors of refraction that exist. Our optician having completed the advance course given by Mr. F. A. Graham, Montreal, is now capable of handi ng most difficult cases and has prepared a private optical room for this purpose. If your eyes need attention do not delay as delays are dangerous, but consult R. M. Mitchell at F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville SZi ,1 1 1 once. No Charge for Testing R. M. Mitchell & Co. Driiggists and Optiçians =£> Fv É 1 1 I LADS ! - You Are Wanted Right NOW to join the ranks of the 136th) Overseas Battalion (Durham County Battalion) Don't wait until the German is in Canada, FIGHT HIM IN GERMANY. Your good right arm is needed now. The liberty and freedom you now enjoy are in peril. Must we wait for the fate of Serbia and Montenegro to overtake us before we rise up and defend our country ? RATES OF PAY : Field Pay PRIVATES $1.00 CORPORALS 1.10 SERGEANTS 1.35 Allowance Total .10 $1.10 .10 1.20 .15 I.50 Living allowance of 75c per day is paid to all recruits from the day of enlistment until mobilized. Separation allowance of $20 per month is allowed privates and corporals and $25 to sergeants. Your 136th Uniform is Ready for You. Go to the recruiting stations at Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle or Blackstock. ENLIST TODAY. Grit and shell at F. O. Mason's. F. O. Mason's for Pratts Remedies. Supreme Range is a great heater and splendid cooker. Mason & Dale. Canada has risen to the- proudest : pinnacle of any nation in the Western world. She alone has sent her 'gallant sods to fight in the ranks of human libei ty for all men. Are you not willing to do your share arid do yqür .country credit ? Join the 136th Battalion TO-DAY. - . SPRING Wall Paper We have received this week 5000 rolls of New Wall Papers, all the latest designs and colorings suitable for any room and prices from 5c upward. We carry all patterns in stock and can be delivered at once. We will be pleased to show you. W. T. Allen, "Big 20" Bookstore Choice* Tender Meats All our meats are sold so as to give the buyer the least waste. And the tenderness and flavor of our Meats and Poultry are well known. If you do put the best meats upon your table you will have to come to us for it. You will find the qualities uniformly high but the prices moderate. C. M. Cawker & Son Phone 64. Bowmanville.