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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1916, p. 3

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••sr.f- wœ&m -3:- - : -c 2 •>- M Ü- ' ■-S5 1; % f i t '4 i K Why "Anurie" Is an INSURANCE Against Sudden Death, r Before an Insurance Company will take a risk on your life the examu ^ ia | physician wiU test the urine, and report whether you are a good nsk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, vou suffer from backache, sick-head- iche, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and ffout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment ; channels often get sore and sleep is disturbed two or three tames t Sight. This is the time you should consult some physician of ™e experience--such as Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Bend him 10 cents for sample package of his new discovery, v "Anurie:" Write him your symptoms ! r and send a sample of urine, for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that "Anuric" is the most powerful a 0 ent in dissolving uric acid, M hot water Useful Hints and General Information Information for the Busy Housewife _ . I flTld served with soup. It is pretty to Some Toothsome Cakes. ] ® he eye and very wholesome. Jake a There are many delicious cakes j ]oaf of brea d, cut off the crusts wi which shut-ins may try, and a S°° d | a sharp knife, then use these as they plan is to keep your recipes all to gether, bind them into a book, paste them up, or something of the kind, so that when you want to make a certain kind of cake the directions will be right at hand. The following ecipe is a particularly good one, for a plain, everyday economical cake: Pork Cake.--One pound of îatj chop ; are at once. Pull the loaf of bread into pieces about five inches long and two inches thick. Place m a sheet- iron pan in a moderate oven for or 15 minutes until a rich, brown, then serve, fresh for several days, if the stove. . Vary your breakfast by using dit "Froit-a-tives" Is the Standby in This Ontario Home Scotland, Ont., Aug. 25th, 1913. "Myivife zvas a martyrto Constipation. We tried everything on the calendar found in the family treasure chest. If I is over. France is unprepared and there is none, the bride must be con- ! weak and we will have Paris within tent to bring in her "something old", three weeks. in a bit of brocade, cleverly introduc- An alliance with Turkey will bring ed on bodice or girdle; a piece of an- ' on a holy war, in which all Islam will tique jewelry, also will serve to keep join. Japan will hold Russia in check, tiie spell. -, and leave us a free hand in the Bal- The Bride's Boquet. k.ans. The bride's boquet may be a stiff The Czar will be attacked by Bul- formal little bunch of.white rosebuds; garia, Italy and China, etc. i with its quaint, stiff little paper man- ) . These are but a few of the Kaiser's i chette, or 'the graceful shower bou- many diplomatic blunders, but they ! quet with drooping lily cups and rib- demonstrate the danger of elevating i bons. One of our exclusive florists a man to the throne in whose pre- I always furnished his bride with a sence fawning men burn incense, and I bouquet; in shower effect of lillies of pour forth flattery to nauseation. the valley, white orchids and pure The Kaiser was the first to send white ribbons; lillies of the valley and forth a hostile and aggressive army, Worth a Guinea a Box as a remedy for the evil effects of quick eating, over-eating and strenuous living. living. The medicine that meets this need--that tones the stomach, stimulates stimulates the liver, regulates the bowels--is 10 golden ! without satisfaction, and spent large -- -- "~~ b " ds "" are equa lly effective but he had no difficulty, it seems, salt pork free from lean or rind; cn °J i fereht *' kinds of cereals so fine as to be almost like iar«, _ v „ a nmnes ™ lts ^ rlUwt g Æ°othe y r 1 pour^upon it o^-MUpint of boiling harmless reserves the kidneys. ; yater , * a dd two cup? of dark brown _ition by thoroughly Being so many times more active than lithia, it molasses one pound of raisins, SSffS lone pound of dates, „ chopped one- as bananas and prunes pany the dry cereals properties, for it preserves toe Kinney, , yater> add two cup? oi many as a dozen kinds of hot cereals In a healthy condition by thoroughly sugar> one 0 f New Orleans i molasses,, which may clo degeneration o_ well as regulating blood P ress "* e , " Anuric" is a regular insurance ana _om which to choose. Cornmeal mush makes a welcome change, in life of cereal is the cream that is served served with it. . , Soup stock can always be on hand She is a poor house-, canned' sums of money, until we happened on 'Fruit-a-tives'. "We have used it in the These will be ; family for about two years, and we kept near wou i d not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruit-a-tives." J. W. HAMMOND. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is made from fruit juices and tonics--is mild in action--and pleasant in taste. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. in Fruits such may accom- There are as and much less expensive. The - seri- convincing his people that it was in ous bride may carry a flower-decked self-defense--to save the empire from prayer-book, if she prefers,"instead of Russian barbarism, and like nonsense. Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere, fat boxes. 25 cents. isok's Cotton Root Compound. a bouquet. Children as Attendants. them and cnecKs m i one puuim v. --> shaV ed the blood-vessels, as fourth of a pound of Ç^ron, to fine. Stir'in enough sifted flour to ^ - make it the consistency of common life-saver for all big meat eaters and those I cake , batter . season cloves, allspice . Ask t d he P dmgg™t e 5 « Anuric^put up ^ke^Required^l | ^utting^and ^ fr-- who deposit lime- Ask the druggist i by Dr. Pierce, in oO-cent packages. STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Come with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This is a blood cleanser and Storative that starts the liver and stem- ach into vigorous action. It thus assist^ the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running moU. -You fc The Fashions in cool weather, keeper who invariably uses . i qouD Order your butcher to save all moderate oven. , the P* uttingg J nd bones from your -Required, , meat ^ash them well, chop well, pound of sifted white pulverized su- ^ put them into a pot, covering gar, the grated peel of a lem0 ' ! wit h cold water, and add two or three tablespoon of orange flower water, a, t Qns of sa it. When they begin ^ ^ o dozen eggs, % pound of sifted fl°UD ; ^ gkim care fully, then boil rap-j The wedding gown of to-day pas % pound of mashed rice (dried), 1 > several hours. Dram through los t some of its dignity with its tram, tablespoonful of baking powder, 4 J olander and se t the stock aside but it has gained a youthful charm j ounces of sweet almonds and 1 ounce ^ C ool; skim all the grease off the w hich is to be preferred. In the wed-j almonds. Beat the white have stock ready to make up d j ng frock of to-day, there is much of _ top ana n . . -- the quaint charm and sweetness of grandmother's gown; smocking, puff- But Belgium's gallant defense cost mu*.-.. ^ Germany the most important weeks Small "attendants, flower girls and of the war, and her high water-mark tiny pages, are becoming more and in the war was reached when she was more a feature of fashionable wed- with in twenty miles of Paris, dings. It is a pretty English custom, I Intoxicated with the prospect of one that often saves much thought victory, like Napoleon at Austerlitz, . the waves are fast ebbing. away to a ! fatal Waterloo that surely awaits him. The question America is seriously considering is, shall Germany be allowed allowed to lay ruthless hands upon smaller states whose territory she may chance to covert ? If this is not to be rebuked, where will it end? We The Spring Bride. to-day has ounces of bitter hlv like macninery running m « -- , ,, "hav- top anu nave ----• 13 clean, strong and strenuous in- of the eggs to a stiff froth, aftei hav many kinds of soup atead of tired, weak and faint. ing b i anc hed and peeled the almonds and pounded them to a fine powder m Useful Hints. Plnvimr Too Safe a mortar. Beat the yolks of the eggs economical 1 other handmade 'trimmings are Playmg loo Sale. " ligbt , gradually adding the rice, If you wisn ™ * al parts--! in its garniture, and it. is fashioned of, The defendant in a case tried in a ™ry S , S mashed. Mix-with olive oil, mix it--eq P sheerest most airy of fabrics and; beating vigorously. . >dd_ the close ^ ^ done sparing iy. ing, quilling, shirring and numberless v i qto used was !< proving previous convictions,' on hï-tadlatuallybeen in prison at the Z i" P^es'a nd Apples-are both deli- sence and finally add the ^hdesoftt ( ^ baked for hours in the oven m- u - - 1 in and time the theft was committed. "Why didn't you say so?" angrily _ nd mix lightly m - . . demanded the judge of the prisoner. ^ paper and line the bottom stead of prepared "Your honor," said theman, apolo- side / 0 | the pan, and hake ^ the : way. getically, "I was afraid.of prejudicing ctuu . . -p-- ov. v.rmr. I Thi the jury against me." ' % the ordinary Probably the best housekeeping olan is not to mortgage the house. Attractive Use of Lace and Chiffon. /Laces, chiffons, and nets were never daintier or more fairy-like than they are this season. It is to be a season of laces and transparent fabrics. Laces as graceful as the web of the or the glinting, shimmering s i .ooo.oo UK WARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the cake in a^ m °^ ate A ° veI ^ a " p £„i h ° U of 1 should'*be hung from the hem, and ~ the butterfly, vie for favor Honey Cake --A teacup ^. not from the band 0 n wash day. | with the mo re substantial, Spanish honey, a teacupful sugai, za _ ^th supports at each end, , thread-run patterns; the sheer- spoonful melted butter, a ^ ^ ' is the greatest comfort to an invalid J J silk C repes and the crispest of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of baking pow is tne S eals , n bed modish for frocks. der and a teaspoonful of ! Earth worms in flower pots can be seeds. Take the teaeupful of , SU S" I mixing a little pulver- and the teacupful^f honey mid de^ ^ ^ earth in each person or person: suffering from them together. . spoonful of melted butter^ an^ ^ hard . boiled eggs are plunged in Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladde» Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge Sti, Toronto. Correspondence invited. yolks of 2 well-beaten eggs pto P of n floL° f an^ k aM. ^B^aU V-j frtmThTflr; there wiUbe no dark gether until very light and add tte ™8 a r™nd the yolk œ . whites of the egg^beaten J her? the garment hap- organdies are modish for _ Paper-like taffetas are often used m -the gowns of the bride's attendants and then, again, they are of organdy, in the palest of tints, trimmed with bands of taffeta. This combination A safe, reliable, rei/utatinu medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1. $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3. $f> per box. Sold by all druggists, or Hunt prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., T010NT0. ONT. (Femtrly WM$w.) PROMPTLY BEGURtl In all countries. Aslt for our INVEN TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal. those stern qualities that make the in- recall that a German professor ■ vincible, daring and unconquerable published in the North American Re- | soldier, view two or three years ago, an ait- . = icle in which he said that "once Ger-1 THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY many is victoriuos in Europe, the "Monroe Doctrine" will go, and the Work without hope draws nectar in U S will receive the thrashing she so a sieve.--Carlyle.- That this echoes I Thought richly deserves." That this ecnoes, iuvu Bu . once awakened docs not the sentiment of the German people ; again slumber. there can be little doubt, and the duty t|| . oceed _._ st Augustine, of preparing is thus made evident, ine, In tblg wor ; d a man must either same war vultures with black wings ; anvb . or hammer.--Longfellow, that brood over Europe as heralders ; Here is a chastity of honor that of poverty, sorrow and death, are .f ee i s a stain like a wound.--Burke, i liable to migrate to new fields, and ; The war is going to produce a re- ! America may be the next to supply ; generating force among the people and ! the harvest of death. But I greatly I «lis torce^Ui^ = sioii ,n the i mistake if they find America as un- , dl whQ are not go ing to help His Majesty's Government and their fellow-countrymen are going to help the enemy,--Mr. Duke, M.P John Bull is a had starter, though a froth. seeds. to cold water as sdon as they are tak- of taffeta and organdy will be a no- ' ' ' ticeable feature of all imported frocks this summer; it is an unusually attractive notion. The Formal Wedding Gown i prepared as peaceful Europe was i when the Kaiser set hostile foot on Belgium soil. The martial spirit of this great country is being aroused as never be- for since 1861--goaded on without doubt by the tragic lessons taught by j the present relentless struggle. A nation that sneers at its solemn treaties is not to be trusted in way, and the only safety fox Amei ; ^ would be gi ica lies in being abundantly prepared ; must gi ve .--George Macdonald, to repell any aggression, and assert j j u tbe teaching of the children let her rights, come what may. I us fling to the winds, our pedantry This conviction is rapidly settling ! and teach them the great facts of hu- good finisher. Yet the hare cannot he sure of always waking in time to win the race. It may oversleep its- self.--Mr. D. Macleane. If instead of a gem, or ever a flower, flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely i tYmnerht. into the heart of a friend, the angels » ^loVe particuiarty grubby; Just ! half to three-quarters of an hour Orange Cake.-- Foui* xipe oi'anges, ! 6963-6993 Frock for Bride's Attendant. and planning. These small a ^ e ^" i The capacity of a democracy to , strengthen her defenses, and increase ! i her naval strength. - 1 * 1 - ants are picturesque adjuncts to the uick jy employ its resources is pro- -1 .1 A-l -- 4-V. /ITT Wûor TH f*-- A - *1. • 1 -, A z-w-v-v-t py Accommodating. Recruiting Officer--We can't pass W , mgmrv . you. Two fingers are off your right head j Ve Like' Canadians, born and matured ; hand and ^ al f ^ght con- 1 , _•vrnBHnal freedom : Applicant--Oh, that 11 be all ngnt, who 1 ceremany, and whether they wear_ pic- yerbial> as history demonstrates a pound of pulverized sugar, a i ^the eannenUs ready'for rinsing' I otherwise, there are ! Saps 8 the'prettiest and simplest a " d T" ne ver been found lacking in'carry fnd" sptoXrYbaWng powder j It is n^a badjdea ^thejouse- , -f^ satms ^ a ^ ^ thing of^all, is to hav^the^wee, curly Wash the oranges, then I| a sw r ord. them under your hand on a soft. Grate the zest very of 3 irucn. itotu - J „ basket Sometimes tne sman th8 r I l?^ Uld tT.tmrWfb! girl's dress is a quaint replica of the ■Wood's PhospüodisiQ, The Great English Remedy- Tones and invigorates the whole 1 nervous system, makes new -Blood 1 in old Veins, Cures Nervous Tirhih'fn Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- T oss of Energy, Palpitation of the IF «1 for Jo. one mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of orange and then cut up the f ruff to | done on fte baj ' ^^f p^s^^r o^ and then again it --' -- fine pieces, and squeeze through a ^^ a L" e ^,"iY^iecein This convenient and at the same time cream" Tdd the sugar and beat thor oughly. Then add the orange meats and the juice, and beat till very druggists or maueu ia j--;,the WOOD litrlff Add the yolks of the eggs, well SiEDiciN^cof,TORONTO, ONT. (F«B«riïwiiiw.) beat ê n> and again beat the mixture till light. Then by degrees-add the flour, adding alternately the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Beat the whole for half an hour, and then bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes, minutes, and when you ice your cake, if you do so, add orange juice to the icing. room. are often a detail of such a wedding, ^ ^ a degree . Kate Greenaway frock, dainty and OH, SUCH A 4'TTT N HEADACHE! Nearly everyone has ripping, tearing 1 headaches at times. Disordered stomach--sluggish stomach--sluggish liver does it. Cheer up 1 here's the real relief -- Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They put the stomach and bowels right. AH druggists, 25c.. or by mail froin y Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto CHAMBERLAIN'S . TABLETS . Your For Young Housekeepers. larder is never well stocked zaterc cold 1 unless it contains lettuce, watercress J A Health-preserving ; j The use of Lifebuoy Soap makes the bath a supremely soothing pleasure as well as a health-insuring delight. The cream of pure oils gives a velvety lather .that is cleansing and healing. The very mild carbolic solution means a perfectly, healthy skin. The odor vanishes m a few seconds after use. all grocers sell-- healthy or celery. Keep them dry and until ready to use. A1 ^ays crisp them on the ice, after they have been fiesh- ened, cleaned- and drained. A pot of deep fat for frying is invaluable. invaluable. Render out in a hot oven all thé cuttings from meats and fowl, and after straining through a fine sieve, pour into a pot kept for this purpose. After frying each time,, draw the fat, so it is ready for use tiio ii6xt time. ? . • y If a member of the family is inclined inclined to have indigestion, ^m. to give him his potatoes baked, m which there is no excess of starch. Starch m too large quantities causes the most ills of this sort. Serve one starchy vegetable vegetable and one green one, always at 'dinner, for a proper combination. ^ Cornstarch puddings should not ac company a rich or heavy meal. A fruit dessert is more appropriate, and is, moreover, more tempting. Desserts should be planned early in , the day and never left until the last To stew apples, pare and quarter, them, add a small quantity of hot water, water, stew until tender, but do - not add the sugar until nearly done, else it will take longer to cook. Greening- Greening- apples are among the best cook- ^Cheap cuts of meat require longer and slower cooking than the more expensive kinds. These can-. be made . just as delicious, however, and are on the whole more nutritions. A pot roast is the most satisfactory Way to cook cheap meat.. . Brown, it first in a little suet, then let it simmer for two or more hours. Season while cooking, ; and make a gravy with carrots and! COSTS $70,000,000 DAILY. Sir George Paish Says Year of War Means $25,000,000,000. Sir George Paish, one of the really great economists of Europe, said when interviewed recently : "Up to October 1st, or after the war had continued for fourteen months, ib had cost £14,- 000,000, or $70,000,000 a day. "The current rate of expenditure 111 the war, if continued for a year, would total about .five-thousand million pounds sterling, or twenty-five thousand thousand million dollars--a sum eventless conceivable by the average mind." -- If a man were as wise as he thinks his wife thinks he is what a wonderful wonderful world this would be. Must Bear Signature of peas in it. , I Pulled bread can be made at home 1 Genuine Patterns can be obtained at your local McCall dealer, or from The McCall Company, Department "W, 70 Bond St., Toronto, Ont. HOW AMERICANS VIEW GREAT WAR. THE! By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. In the U.S. the individual right of j property lias always been regarded 1 as one of the most sacred of all hu-l man institutions. Trespass here, upon property rights is one of the blackest of sins, and hence Imperialism finds i it impossible to understand America. But it is just this abhorrence to i the sin of trespass \ that has lent the peculiar sanctity to all _ American treaties with Canada as with the rest of the world, for. which the country is noted. „ . The U.S. has 100,000,000 of people Canada has 10,000,000, and though we need many things that Canada possesses, possesses, it is unthinkable that "We should take what we want and explain ( >t Woman 6 9rebkm How to Feel Well During Middle life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience.. afterwards » la German - policy. 6817-6907 The Short Bridal Gown 3c# Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. #P»«n and a» easy to take 0» sugar. - F01 HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS* FDR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. R3R THE COMPIEXIOR OBISVXVfTS MUST MV* aiOMATUW*. Purely ©USS SICK.'HEADACHfi# lending a novel, pretty note. There are softer satins, too, which may be used for the formal or informal frock equally well. Simple Veil Arrangements. Quite the most important part of the frock for June, October, February, or any other bride, is the veil. It is often a simple length of tulle, draped over the hair and caught with a wreath or cluster of orange blossoms or white clematis; then again it is a cap or rouche, but always there is the cluster of dainty, waxy blossoms, so absolutely necessary to the true wedding wedding spirit. The veil offers the best way of introducing the bit of rare old lace without which the wedding gown is incomplete, if such a bit is to There is not a fort from Maine to Victoria along the 3,000 miles of the Canadian frontier, but if we adopted adopted Germany's policy we would have to erect fortifications all along the route, and keep one or two millions of men drawn from farm and factoiy -to defend them, and our neighbor would have to do the same. In some European states the nation is. eveiy- thing, the individual nothing. Thank Heaven! This worship is confined, to the Central Powers, and chiefly to one of these. Absolute power is always prolific of mistakes, and this is the sequence of endless adoration, for it destroys the ruler's power to think in straight or consistent lines. Flattery Flattery is sure to conceal weakness, and no man is so unfortunate as the man who is put on a throne and lifted up beyond the reach of plain truth--telling. truth--telling. No ruler is charged with more serious serious diplomatic blunders than the K&is6r. He was dead sure that England would remain neutral, because of a little dispute with Ireland. Italy will be a German ally b'ecause of the Triple Alliance. Belgium will be neutral, and allow us to trespass on her property and destroy her homes if we promise indemnity when the wai The Change- of Life is a most: critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time mvites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remembei that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkhanrs Vegetable Compound, made fiom native roots and herbs. Read these letters: -- • Philadelphia, Pa.-"I started the Change of Life five rears ago. I always had a headache and backache backache with bearing down pains and I would have heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings. After taking Lydia K Pmkliam s Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your wonderful wonderful remedy. I recommend it to my friends foi 1 cannot praise it enough/'---Mrs. Mvrgaiiet (qKASs- 31 A x, 751) N. Ringgold ht., 1 liiladelpliia, Pa. Beverly, Mass.-- u I took Lydia E. Pi nidi am 3 good results from it/'--Mrs. George A. Dunbar, 17 Roundy St., Beverly, Mass. Erie, Pa, -- "T was in poor health. when the V do'not Vee! good T ïâfes the Compound and it restores me m a short time. L } your remedies to every womaii for it n ay help them as it has me." -- Mrs. E. Ivissuing, R-r.t 24th St,, Erie, Pa, No other medicine has been so successful in relievi 8 Buffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's X egetahle Çompoun^ Women may receive free and helpful adduce by wi e ^ E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such le t •- and answered by women only and held m strict confi Ss&IMmm

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