FEAR PEACE ; MORE THAN WAR. Idles and Laddies. Oh, thëpForld is filled with daddies-- Not st place but has its share; And they're loved by little laddies, Here, and there, and.everywhere; And each little laddie's daddy Thinks him better than the rest, And each daddy's little laddie Loves his own dear daddy best! And there are so many daddies, Plain and handsome, poor and rich, 'Tis a wonder little laddies Can distinguish which is which; But at picking out his daddy Every laddie stands the test, For each daddy's little laddie Loves his own dear daddy best. --Youth's Companion. Permanently Cured Through the Use of Dr. .Williams' Pink Pills A clever medical, writer has said that "Neuralgia is a cry from the nerves for better blood." In other words, neuralgia is not a disease--it is only a symptom, but a very- painful one. Neuralgia is the surest sign that your blood is weak, watery and impure, and that your nerves., are lit- erally starving. Bad blood is the ! one cause--rich, red blood the only ! cure. This gives you the real reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure neuralgia. They are the only medi- -cine that contains in correct proportions proportions the elements needd to make rich, red blood. This new, rich blood reaches the root of the trouble, soothes the jangled nerves, drives away the nagging, stabbing pain, and A Squirrel's Quarrel. Once on a time there were two perky little grey squirrels who dwelt j braces up your health in other ways together in a great forest, and they j as well. In proof of these statements dared for each other so much that i Mrs. A. T. Oulton, Little Shemogue, they never had a cross word. Oneday|N.B., says:--"A few years ago. my two men came into the forest and i mother was an intense sufferer from began to quarrel. When they had j neuralgia, which was located in her gone the first squirrel, who had been, face, head and shoulders. The pain, watching the men, turned to the sec- j especially in her head, was intense. She doctored for some time without getting relief and there seemed to be no ceasing of the pain whatever. Instead Instead it seemed to be extending and her whole nervous system became affected. affected. Finally she decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After taking them for a while the pain in her head became less severe, and of course this was a great relief to her. Under the continued use of the Pills she felt I herself growing better and stronger each day until she was no longer a sufferer and was completely cured, and has felt no symptoms of the trouble since." You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * -- GROWS LIKE FISH NET. ond and said, very potitely: "Let us quarrel!" "Very well," said the other, who was always anxious to please. "How fhall we begin?" - "Oh, it will not be very hard," said the first squirrel. "Those strange animals who have just gone away found it easy enough." In all sorts of ways they tried to pick a quarrel with one another, but they were so polite that the plans never worked. At last the first squirrel squirrel found two fine nuts, and bringing them to the second squirrel, said-- "Now, here are two nuts. You say they're yours, and I'll say they're mine, and we'll be sure to have a fine quarrel. Now! Those nuts are mine!" "Oh, very well," said the other, "you are more than welcome to them." "But at this rate," said the first, "we will never quarrel. Talk back. _ One person can't fight by himself. It i Remarkable Tree Which Is to Be Germans Expect to be "Victorious" But Not to "Conquer.", The following statement has been communicated to the London Daily Express by a neutral. Its importance lies in the fact that the writer has been in the position during the entire entire duration of the war to visit all parts of Germany, and has been in constant personal contact with the heads of the military, political, and commercial parties of the country: The great crisis for Germany will come after the war. The working men will return home . from the trenches, and will find the country denuded denuded of raw materials. The Government Government will have to send out into the world to get new supplies, and nobody nobody knows how the stuff is ter be paid for, or what will happen. The test will be far severer than anything that has occurred during the war. The German people believe they are going to have a victorious peace, but not a conqueror's peace--the difference difference being left to the imagination. Germany is feeling the economic crisis very much, but the people, are fatalistic, and are saying it is God's will. There certainly is no present evidence of an impending collapse, and the war can be continued by the Kaiser Kaiser for a year longer. After 1916, nobody nobody knows. The people are not thinking about the financial situation after the war. It has not yet struck their imagination. imagination. Concerning terms of peace, I do not think the Government has made up its mind that it must have an indemnity. indemnity. There is a willingness to evacuate Belgium, except Liege. .Poland .Poland must be separated from Russia. The Germans are now, in reality, governing Austria and Hungary, but are doing so very tactfully, and are not disturbing Austrian pride. Ndbody among the higher German officials expects a quick end to war. Lazy. Liyin^v--sometimes from food follies that fay the overworked digestive organs. Get back to Nature by eating Shredded Wheat. It puts you on your feet when everything everything else fails. It- suppliés the muscular energy and mental alertness that put you in fine fettle for the day's work. Delicious for breakfast with milk or cream, or for luncheon with fruits. Made in Canada. HEALTHY- IN- TRENCHES-- French Soldiers, Official Figures Show, Are Escaping Disease.- Life in the trenches is healthier for the French soldiers now than in barracks barracks in peace, as shown by figures issued by the army medical department. department. Cases of measles, scarletina, mumps, diphtheria and cerebo-spinal meningitis meningitis were more numerous in the army in 1911 than in 1915. These diseases, togther with typhoid and dysentery, averaged' 7.11 per thousand men in 1911, as compared with 6.02 per thousand men last year. Typhoid cases last year numbered 4.4 per thousand men, as compared with 1.88 in 1911. " Dysentery attacked attacked only 18 out of 100,000 men, as PRISONERS ARE CONTENT. Those at Bischofswerda Have Plenty of Amusement. Reporting a visit to the Bischofswerda Bischofswerda (Germany) prisoners' camp, where several Canadian officers are compared with 11 in 100,000 before i interned, the American representative the war. The mortality was 12 for says that two Canadian orderlies each 100 cases of typhoid in 1911; in h ave been brought to the camp, bring- the field the mortality was 2.65 per j n g the total number of British offi- Changed the Subject. "Could you lend me a dollar, old man?" "Certainly! I could do lots of things I have no intention of doing. Nice day, isn't it?" cent, owing to improved methods of treatment, Ottawa Girl's Message of Hope cers' servants to seven, a fair proportion proportion in view of the fact that there are only thirty-nine British officers, including including Canadians, prisoners. There was some dissatisfaction on the part ! cative. experience unnecessary, of the officers as to the amount of i ----- - BBSS POTATOES S EED biers, POTATOES, IRISH COB- Deleware, Carman. Order Order at once. Supply limited. Write .f« quotations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. ▲BENTS WANTED PER DAT, SALARY AND COM- yp* mission for ladv representative In her home district. Work pleasant, edu- Nich- the takes two. Now let's begin all over again. I own all the trees in the woods!" "Is that so?" said the second agreeably. "How nice of you to let me live here!" At this the first squirrel had to laugh, so they gave up the idea of quarreling, and lived happily ever afterwards. * _ INCITED TO MASSACRE. Found in Cuba. -Scots Wha Hae. Scots, Wha hae wi' Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led; Welcome to your gory bed, Or to victory! Now's the day, and now's the hour; See the front O' battle lour; See approach proud Edward's power-- Chains and slavery! Wha will be a traitor knave? Wha can fill a coward's grave? Wha sae base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee! Wha for Scotland's King and law, Freedom's sword will strongly draw, Freeman stand, or Freeman fa', Let him follow me! Management of a Farm Flock. Last year I kept about 60 Rhode Island Red hens and found them very satisfactory. I have tried raising dif- I ferent breeds of hens, but find I like the R. I. Reds the best. They are profitable laying hens, and are also suitable for table use, writes Andrew Gaddes in Farm and Dairy. In the spring we set our hens in a house separate from the henhouse, where they have plenty of food and fresh water, also lime and dust to roll in. These hens do not get outside outside until the chicks are out. When the chickens come out they are removed removed to a long coop which has slats on the front. This coop is divided up and will hold several hens. The chicks are able to run about outside,! fatigue work which their servants | were called upon to perform, but as \ ten more non-British orderlies had TELLS TIRED WOMEN OF DODD'S ' com «- the commandant thought this would soon be rectified. KIDNEY PILLS. The seilior British and Canadian ; officers, majors, share a good-sized ! room, and generally the British and Miss Logan Tells How They Relieved ç ana( jian officers room by themselves, Her of Pains and Aches So Many with one or two officers of other na- Run-down Women Know. tionalities where there are accommodations accommodations for ten to a dozen persons. About a month ago, owing to the unsuccessful attempt to escape, con- A singular tree in Cuba is called the yaguey tree. It begins to grow at the top of another tree. The seed is carried by a bird or wafted by the wind, and, falling into some moist, branching part, takes root and speedily speedily begins to grow. It sends a kind of thin stringlike _ root down the body of the tree, which g y oppression's woes and pains, is soon followed by others. In course g y your sons in servile chains ! of time these rootings strike the w ju drain our dearest veins, ---- ground, and growth immediately com- But they shall be free! Germans Declared to be Responsible mences upward. For Butchery in Armènia. j New rootings continue to be formed, The blackest tales that have come ■ an d get strength until the one tree out of Armenia during the present 1 grows as a net round the other. The war are out-horrored by the accounts outside one surrounds and presses/the brought to New York recently by Dr. j inner, strangling its life and aug- L. Y. Sargis, a witness of the out- \ menting its own power. At length rages of Christians in that country. j the tree within is killed, and the para- He told of men chained in rows, 1 site that has taken possession becomes lined up before soldiers and beaten ; itself a tree. on the heads with axes. He told of j 4- ■ women and girls who were victims ' A Careful Witness, of a death even more horrible. | "Be careful, sir--be v-e-r-y care- German soldiers in Persia foster. fu i;-- an d remember that you are on this fanaticism, Doctor Sargis says, '• oa th!" ominously said the - pin- Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 21st. (Special). --"fSim glad to say I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills have dory? me a 1 ce aled in a box, which has been made wonderful lot of good." So says k y an officer prisoner, certain privi- Miss Gladys E. M. Logan, of 264 leges, such as football, a daily bath, Queen Stree, this city. the use of wine and beer and the un- "I suffered from drowsiness and restricted receipt of letters and par- ! sharp pains across my back. My sleep eels, had been suspended for a few was broken and unrefreshing. I had d ays> but all had now been-restored, headaches and was subject to neural- g 0 me time ago the practice was intfo- 1 gia and rheumatism. I was depress- d uce d of permitting officer prisoners ed and low-spirited and troubled with to take walks in. the neighboring palpitation of the heart. j country in company with German offi- "I was always tired and nervous cers> an( i 0 n their parole on each but the mothers cannot get out. When j an d very sensitive and there was hoi- ' they are about a week old the hens j lows under my eyes, are also let out. To my very young j "For two years I was in this worn- chickens I feed a mash made of bran ou t condition, often having to lay off , u . and moulie, but as they get older 11 for a day or two. I was attended by ! ' ™ elre B«es Professor Dobbins, give them wheat. I always soak the [doctors an( ^ wasted money on useless | . mc ? u ® e ^ °^ 1S ; BAW PUBS WANTED S KUNK, raccoons, muskrats, all kinds fancy prices. Address Stilman Hen- shaw. Deep Brook, Annapolis Co., N. S. BBWBPAPEBB gQB SADE. P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and Interesting of all businesses. Full Information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide St- Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C ancer, tumors, lumps, bto. internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Writs us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwcod. Ont Ms BOOK ON DOG DISEASES America's And How to Feed Mailed free to *ny address by the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVÉR, V. S. Deg Remedies 118 West 3IstStreet,New York occasion. An Interesting Character. wheat in water so it will not kill the ! medicines, but I only found relief 1 An interesting until the Mohammedan has the idea feathery young attorney, whose brow that the kaiser and all Germany has bulged like the back of a snapping been converted to Islam. ! turtle, addressing a witness. "Now "Officers of the German army," he'^n USj s i r? was every pane of glass says, "wear bands on their arms with i n the west window broken when you the creed of Islam--"There is only r passe d t he house." one God and Mohammed is His pro- j "They were, on the outside," was pheL' At Ispaham the German of-1 the cautious reply. "I didn't enter fleers enter the mosques and say ; house to see whether they were Mohammedan prayers. _ i a i so broken on the inside." "The massacres in Urumiah began j . a year ago," he said, "after the with- j Many a man would starve if he drawal of the Russian troops. The ^ad nothing to live on but his repu- Russians had gone only five hours tation when the murder and plunder began. Of the 113 Christian Armenian villages villages in Persia, not one escaped." * . OFFICERS AND MEN Lay the proud usurpers low! Tyrants fall in every fo~! Liberty's in every blow!-- Let us do or die! *- chickens by swelling in their crops. The chickens are allowed to run about all summer. I feed them only twice a day after they get a good size. I sell and kill off all my male chickens. chickens. In September I select the best pullets;--the ones I intend keeping, and .then have these shut up in a box stall by themselves^, I feed .these pullets pullets very heavily, giving them all they can eat. Their food consists of boiled boiled potatoes, mashed and mixed with when I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." Miss Logan's statement is a mes- ! sage of hope to thousands of women in Canada. They are suffering just as she suffered. She wants them to ' know they can find relief, in Dodd's Kidney Pills. "An interesting character, no doubt." "Yes, indeed. Why, he knows more about the races than any other man in this country." "Fancy thatl And he doesn't look as if he had been on a track in his life!" ' Effective. "What is your" favorite poem?" ! asked the literary young woman Before placing placing your order for seeds, see our 1916 Golden Golden Jubilee Catalogue it is free. Gov't. Stan. Bus. No. 1 Red Clover $17.00 No. 1 Alsyke 13.00 No. 1 Timothy 5.65 Allow 30c for each cotton bag We pay railway freight in Ontario Ontario and Quebec over $25.00 im The Best Break- thick, swollen glands fast Possible " 'The Boy Stood on the Burning j moulie. I also give them mixed grain Deck answered the commonplace ; at times. The reason why I do this is| young man . "I used to recite;it every! Dr JaC kson's Roman Meal porridge ! because I find when pullets are treat- j y me father and mother had com- ' p ro perly made, in a double boiler, and ! not stirred after first making it. that make a horse Wheeze, i Roar, have Thick Wind ! or Choke-down, can be KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER \ f d this 'Y a Y in the fall they lay stead-j pany> reduced with for Winter is a dangerous season . „ ,. ,, , A the little ones. The days are so this heavy feeding the old hens would one bright; the next cold become too fat. ily all winter. If the pullets were al- j "A nd did lowed to run with the old hens during ' f ec t?" "Father thought you recite it with ef- Read directions on package. Better make night before for early breakfast, in yXBSORBlNE changeable- and stormy, that the mother is afraid t?o take the chilren out for the fresh the effect was pretty good. He said he honestly be- In the winter I feed, my hens corn : lieved it kept . us f rom having so on the cob,--this corn is warmed in a | muc } 1 company.' also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- double boiler, and warm In the morn- ! M £ ing while diessing, b> allowing to Ancnuniui? m th#» antîs^ntîc liniment for in boiling water. Thus it's delicious and very nutritious. It prevents con- Russians of All Ranks Are Sociable and Not Reserved Russian officers of all ranks are far. more sociable and less reserved than those of other nations. The soldiers have even nicknames for their favorite officers whom they regard as friends, advisers and in loco parentis. Officers frequently j laugh and joke with their men and call them molodzie (bucks) and to- vovatza (comrades). The simple Russian private would never dream of taking a liberty or being unduly familiar in return for this friendliness; for an officer is always always an officer in the eyes of the soldier; also a barin (gentleman), whether familiar, intoxicated or sober. The officer is obrazovanne (educated), (educated), a man of ' culture, while the private himself is negramotne (not educated, ignorant of the art of reading reading and writing). "He offers me a platonic affection." '-Well, take it. A platonic affection often leads to the real thing."-. "It's a poor rule that won't work both ways." "Well, try telling a mother that she looks so like her daughter that you cannot tell them apart. And then try it on the daughter." daughter." . A beautiful answer was given by & little Scotch school girl. When her class was examined she .was asked, "What is patience?" Her reply was, "Wait a wee, end dinna weary-" U Greatest Results often come from simplest means. For instance--one's daily food plays a big part in deciding deciding for success or failure. failure. To bring out the best mental and physical forces sound nourishment is imperative. imperative. Grape=Nuts --A FOOD made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies in splendid proportion all the rich nourishment of the grains, including the valuable valuable mineral elements, lacking lacking in many foods, but most necessary for vigor and activity/*^ activity/*^ brain and body, "There's a Reason" for ~ air and exercise they need so much, j Pan m the oven, which they get m In consequence they are often cooped the morning. At noon they get a up in overheated, badly ventilated mash of boiled potato skins, crumbs rooms and are soon seized with colds ! and bran, and at night they get mixed or grippe. What is needed to -keep grain the little Tablets. stomach ones well is Baby's Own They will regulate the and bowels and drive out The can of water in the house ; hangs from the ceiling by a chain. I also hang a cabbage or some other j colds and by their use the baby will | vegetable from the ceiling for the i hens to peck at. A piece of meat }1NE~* Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure to Cold Winds and Dust » quickly relieved by Murine ■'OllR'CYL^Eye Remedy. No Smarting/just Smarting/just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists' 50c per Bottle. MurineEye Salve inTubes25c. For Book of the Eye Free write Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago stipation, however cooked. Ask your doctor. At grocers', 10 and 25 cents. be able to get over the winter season in perfect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CRAPE-1 Made in Canada Sold by Grocers. Canadian Postam Cereal Co., Ltd.,, Windsor, Ont. NURSES GIVE THEIR LIVES. Mortality Among French Red Cross Workers is Heavy. More than 66,000 women in the French Red Cross volunteer are now equipping 1,500 hospitals with an aggregate aggregate of 118,000 beds. The Red Cross flag flies over 288 buildings in Paris alone. Mortality among the Red Cross nurses has been remarkably heavy. Twenty-two members of the Society ::or Aid to the Wounded Soldiers lave given their lives, some of them tilled under shell fire, others carried off by contagious diseases. The nur ses of this society have received sixty-three. sixty-three. epidemic medals, sixty war crosses and one cross of the Legion of Honor. Many women of the Red Cross give attention to men at the front who have no one to remember them at home. One member,. Mme. Richelot, the wife of Dr. L.,G. Richelot, is god mother to 900 soldiers. Regarding the state of mind, of wounded soldiers now in the hospitals after sixteen months of war, Mme Perouse, president of the Union des Femmes de France, says: "They are much more anxious to return to the front than were the wounded in, the hospitals last year at this time. * -- In a false quarrel there is no true valor.--Shakespeare. Casting Their Shadows Before. Young Mother--What business will baby take to, do you suppose? Young Father--The feed line apparently. apparently. Minard's Liniment Cure» Garget in Cow» ABSORBING JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book ' Evidence free. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gan. ' àbsorbine and Absorbing Jr., are made In Canada. soiled and hung on a cord in this way s excellent food for the hens. My lens get a piece of meat every other day during the winter. I find that a piece of cow's liver or lights boiled and hung up makes excellent food. I always feed my hens and chickens sulphur once a week. T find that the sulphur is a preventative of lice. It is not good to have too many lens in the one house. I have a scratch-house in connection with my len house, in which the hens are al- owed to scratch. In this scratch- house the hens have dust and gravel to roll in, also a self-feeder grit box on the wall. I always keep my hen house whitewashed whitewashed inside and out, and I think this is also a preventative of lice. to sâvTsëyes Is the Object of This Free Prescription-Try Prescription-Try It If Your Eyes Give You Trouble. A Full Description. At a function of noted and learned! i VVhat U , . men the umbrellas of the guests got I Pat had returned on seven ay mixed. The darky porter was hav- leave from the firing line, an was l ing considerable trouble in finding the lating. his experiences roun e . re umbrella belonging to the professor ; one. night.. The eneir# was creeping in mathematics in a leading univer- : u_P in their.thousands, and i sity. Selecting one umbrella out of simply itching to get at t em. the armful that the porter had sub- : what did you do . asked 18 a •; mitted to him, the professor said-- ; "Oh, Oi just scratched myse , e- "Now, that is like my umbrella, plied Pat. though the cross section of the han- | -- ! --~ die of my umbrella is more of an el- ,., r lipse than a parabola; its extreme! |n J ™ e d end points towards the perpendicular,; 11111 ^/^™/ 1 N g " and forms a section of. the major j Gentlemen> "it "affords me great j ^ 'Ya-as, sir, îoplied the port- | pleasure and must be gratifying to you ; v> ' 11 OM q-f ^ r>Q " fi " r1 u " fri ' ' to know that after using 36 bottles of j your Liniment on a case of paralysis j which my father was afflicted with, I was able to restore him to normal condition. condition. Hoping other sufferers, may he benefitted by the use of your Liniment, I am, Sincerely yours, GEO. H. HOLMES. Bermuda The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle liiding. Golf, Tennis. Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar-, risen of the Ottawa (38th) Regiment. Regiment. Princess Hotel 1* open from DECEMBER to MAY Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 4 00. Rates : $25 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers HAMILTON, - BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steamers steamers of the Quebec S. S. Co., 32 Broadway, New "York. axis. ed. "Ah'll see ef Ah can find it fo yo', sah." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. There's something in this world beside beside money." "Yes," says the cynic, "there's the poorhouse." Two heads are better than one-- especially if the other fellow is guessing tails. Thousands of- people suffer from eye troubles because they, do not know what to do. They, know some good home remedy remedy for every other minor ailment, but none for their eye troubles. They neglect their eyes, because the trouble is not sufficient to drive them to an eye specialist, who would, anyway, charge them a heavy fee. As a last resoft they go to" an optician or to thé five and ten- cent store, and oftentimes get glasses that they do not need, or which, after being used a few months, do their eyes more-injury than good. Here is a simple prescription that every one should use: 6 grains Bon- Opto, 2 ounces water. Use three or four times a day to bathe the eyes. This prescription prescription and the simple Bon-Opto system system keeps thé eyes clean, sharpens the vision and quickly ■ overcomes inflammation inflammation and irritation; weak, watery, overworked, tired eyes and other similar troubles are greatly benefited and oftentimes oftentimes cured by Its use Many reports show that wearers of glasses have discarded discarded them after a few weeks' use. It Is good for the eyes, and contains no ingredient which would injure the most sensitive eyes of an infant or the aired Try it, and know for once what real "eye comfort is. If your own drug: eist cannot fill this prescription. Send $1 to the Valmas Drug Co.. Toronto, for a complete BomOpto Home Treatment outfit---tablets and all. Clairvoyance. Doctor--My dear madam, your husband's husband's distressing symptoms are entirely entirely due to a poor circulation. Lady--How true, doctor! He is a newspaper proprietor. Making a man tell you that he loves you is something like teaching teaching a cat to jump '"through a hoop; you don't expect him to do it gracefully, gracefully, but the astonishing thing is that he does it at all. to Female Help Wanted, He Knew It.. "Do you believe that there is really something which can invariably tell when a man is lying." "I know it." "Ah, perhaps you have seen one of the instruments?" "Seen one? I married one." Isis in large hosiery, underwear and . sweater factories. Vacancies in all departments, with openings for experienced or inexperienced help. Highest wages and moderate moderate priced board. Apply, immediately, immediately, Penmans Limited, Paris, Onf. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Wife--"Mrs. Blank is very extrava- | gant in dress. Her husband told her she was carrying too much sail, whatever whatever that means." Hub--"He probably probably put it that way because he has to raise the wind." "What are you so furious about, xvife?'y "Mrs. Smith just called me an old cat!" "Why, you're old!" Do You Consider Wear and Tear On your harness when you figure your profits for the year? Ordinarily that's a big item but you can make it negligible by using EUREKA HARNESS OIL Keeps the leather soft and prevents cracking. Adds years to harness hie. Dealers Everywhere The Imperial Oil Company Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES not Mlnsrd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ED. ISSUE :i--*16