.V- \r -rlr?-' •- iHi : W; • .. ~^v i-;••/;<- Social and Personal. Miss Eva Osborne is visiting in Toron- -. -: • i-f •>- 1 Successor to Anderson Clothing Ce. % bowmanvili.es Exclusive Clothier & Furnisher The Store Whèré Ÿoù Get the"Most FôrJYour $ Special Offerings forfEaster Our 3 Feature Brand Tailored to your own individual measures by Tailors who know how. Prices from $15.00 up You are invited to come in and meet the new proprietor and look over our new Spring Suit lengths and Samples, we have what w you require at the price you want to pay. Neckwear Ties--Newest Patterns and newest goods at 50c. AI quantity of 35c and 50c ties to clear at 25c. Our Ready Made Suits have the style and finish also trimmings that cannot be surpassed. Yoy, are infited to come in and see them for yourself; Prices range from $9.50 up If a visitor in Bowmanville make Webster's your -headquarters, parcels kept for you till you call. Motto Best Groods possible at the LOWEST COST To My Patrons W ebster's Successor to Anderson Clothing Co., Almost Opposite Post Office Phone 61 i Savers of Doctor Bills Powdered Ammonia Softens the water and eases the work of rubbing the floors and furniture. Star Brand, 3 packages for...25c m Sweeping Powder Why sweep in clouds of dust when you can prevent it by the use of a little sweeping powder ? "Use it on the floors, rugs and carpets. Large cans of Dustbane. 35c Chloride of Lime Nothing better for the closet or for .sweetening drains. Every home should always have a supply on hand. One. ofmie finest- chasers of disease disease gerns known and the price of a tin is only.... IOc Furniture jPolish To make the chairs, ^tables, window sills and other furniture furniture clean and bright use Liquid Veneer. Just rub it on with a clean cloth and it will produce a bright shine like new, bottle.25 & SOc Metal Polish For shining up the brass knobs on the buffet and other other furniture, a good metal polish is necessary. Try Brasso; it is recommended for pots and all metal fittings about the house, lO & 20c Stool & Bath Tub Cleanser You know how hard it is to get the dirt and stains off the side of the stool and ty,th tub. Dutch cleanser is Powder that does the work per tin,,,.,.......,... IOc G£jets Lye Another fine disinfectant is Lye. There are few houses, which do not keep a plentiful plentiful supply on hand. It will take up grease -and other dirt from the floor as quickly quickly and easily as anything. IOc tin 3 for 25c Silver Polish The table silver, no matter how good it is, soon tarnishes. tarnishes. Brighten it up with SlILV O and give it a new appearance. It's the best .Silver Cream in the world, per bottle. . 25c Mops, Brooms, Wash Boards and Clothespins -V; A full supply on hand of all kinds of woodeûware for the cleaning season. Come in and let us show you our stock; made by the most reliable reliable manufacturers. W. Blake to. - -v - -■ The earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning the better. During the long winter, with stoves and furnaces^going all the time, dust and dirt accumulating in every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insufficient ventilation in the house, and disease germs find choice breeding places. Just because because they cannot be seen is no indication they are not there. Take no.chance, but get your supply of house-cleaning necessities at once. Read carefully these suggestions : Limited' V XT. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 end 182 Bowmanville >> . Mr. John Penfound, Oshawa, was in town Wednesday. Miss Annie Hearn, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. J. McIntyre. r Mr. W, Foley and Mrs. F. R. Foley are reported improving in health. Miss Pearl Ferguson, Oakwood, is visiting visiting her aunt Mrs. Wm. Foley. MissNellie Carscadden,Kendall, is visiting visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Elliott. Mrs. Chas. McCullough, Toronto, has been visiting at her father's, Mr. N. Home. Mr. Harold Garner and son, London, visited his sister Mrs. C. H. Anderson over Sunday. Miss Gale of Thorndale is on a business trip here and enjoying a visit among old friends. Mrs. Allan, Toronto, has been visiting her son, Mr. W. J. McLaughlin at Mr. W. B. Pinch's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Black- stock, Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Pickard. R. Snowden has a few calendars left. Anyone not yet supplied may have one by calling at the store. Mr. Herbert A. Van Nest spent the week-end in Trenton withr Mr. W. L. Clark, the young man's friend. Mr. E. L. Fortt, Bank of Montreal, Kingston, Kingston, was in town last week calling on his numerous old friends. He was guest of Mr. J. A. McClellan. Pte. Ira A. Scott, of the 2nd Batt. in France, was reported in Tuesday's casualties casualties as slightly wounded. He is a brother of Mr, W..Scott of this town. Prof. Laugher readily consented to repeat repeat the school children's concert for benefit benefit of the Hospital. Reserved seats 25c; general rush seats only 15c. Among the invalided soldiers that returned returned to Canada by the "Sicilian" are, H. N. Smith, J. Waller and W. H. Landry, Oshawa, and E. W. Morrow, Port Hope. Meeting of Bowmanville Women's Institute Institute will be held Friday afternoon Mar. 31st at the home of Mrs. E. Bellman, Centre-st. All ladies cordially invited. Parents tell us how delighted they are already over having an instructor in music in the public schools in town. They can notice remarkable improvement improvement in their children's singing as well as knowledge of music in a general way. If there were any doubters their doubts would disappear surely after seeing the splendid work done at the school concert. concert. The grand work that the Red Cross Society is doing among the wounded soldiers soldiers on the battlefield and at the various hospitals in England in caring for the wounded and those needing help was nicely nicely presented in the Opera House on Friday Friday evening by Miss Brown' of Toronto who by story and illustration on canvas, gave her audience some idea of what these noble women are doing in this great war. She spoke very highly of how they are able to carry on this work through the efforts of the women at home who keep up the supplies for both doctors and nurses nurses and what a blessing the motor ambulances ambulances and other conveniences are. The views of the nurses in different stages of their work, the tent hospitals on the battlefield battlefield and the fine hospital buildings at Cle- vedon, Shorncliffe, etc., were much enjoyed enjoyed by those. presènt. Miss Brown is a grand-niece of the late Hon.George Brown, founder of The Globe, Toronto. Major S. B. Scobell presided and introduced the speaker of the evening. The meeting closed by all joining heartily in singing God Save the King, Lieut. Drysdale presiding presiding at the piano. Neatsfoot Harness Oil at F. O. Mason's- BIRTHS. Tates--In Bowmanville, March 25, to Mr. and JIts RolandE.Yates. a son. " Wilkins--In Bowmanville, March 11th, to Mr. an'd M rs. Blake -Wilkins, a son, (Samuel George). McLaughlin--In Bowmanville _ Hospital, on March-2l8t, to Mr. and.Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, a son--stillborn. MARRIAGES Rowe--Gilbank--At the Methodist Parsonage,. Bowmanville, March 28th, by Bey, W. G. Clarke,. B.A., Frederick R. Rowe, Brantford, and Vera Beatrice, daughter of Mr, W. E. Gilbank, Shaw's, Darlington. . „ „ . . ' Wilson--Wilkinson--- In Trinity Methodist Church, Toronto, March 25th, by Rev. Dr. Tovell, Miss Wynn Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson, Toronto, and Harry F. Wilson, Lieutenant in the 136th Battalion, C.E.F., Bow- manvUle. - DEATHS Branton--At Oshawa, March 29th, Richard Branton, aged 88 years. Funeral Friday at 2 p m. from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W, W, Short, King-at, Bowmanville Bowmanville to Bethesda cemetery. Carter--In Bowmanville, March 25th, John Carter, aged 68 years. JOHNSON--In Oshawa, March I4th, Robert I. Johnson, in bis 40th year. Wickett--Suddenly at Port Hope, March 25, John Wickett, aged 63 years, Janes--In Port Hope, March 24, James Janes, G. T.R. engineer, aged 62 years. Yates--In Bowmanville, March 25, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Boland E. Yates. Byington--In Hope, March 27, Cynthia Johnston, Johnston, relict of S, L. Byington, in her 93rd year. Carr--In Port Hope, March 22, Alice M. Harris, Harris, relict of late Stephen Carr, aged 64 years. White--At Elizabethville, March 26th, Shsan White, relict of late Joseph White, in her 85th year. Stapleton--At Port Hope, March 27, Mary J. Johnston, wife of Thos. C. Stapleton, in her 75th year. Mara--At 71 Dingwall-ave, Toronto, March 28, Patrick Mara, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 71 years. Smith--At 271 Russell Hill Road, Toronto, on March 28, R. W. Bruce Smith, M.D., inspector of prisons and public charities for Ontario, in his 58th year. McLaughlin -- In Enniskillen, March 26th, Maggie M. Oke, beloved, wife of William J. McLaughlin, McLaughlin, aged 23 years. Williams--In Port Hope, March 27th, Charles H. A. Williams, son of late Commander John T. Williams. R.N., and brother of the late Lt.-Col. Arthur T. H. Williams, in his 72nd year. FARMERS--If married hired man is wanted < apply to denies J. Fowler. Orono. -r :!?. .• •• ; - j. lit"" rlitL WANTED--At once to help with light | -'housework. Apply at Statesman Office. r;. . . ■ ist ■ kFFICE BOY WANTRD-^At. once. Ajgply.Jbo J. Smith Cost Dépt., Goodyear ^Sre & ibber Co., Bowmanville. IS 1 I OÜSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West,-i-at & bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box B, Bowmanville. . . 26t b R ING LOST--Gold ring with four pearls and three opals. Finder kindly leave at Statesman Statesman Office and receive reward. I3t xlANO FOR SALE--Nearly new, Dominion * Upright Piano, at a great bargain. Apply to Jas.Dayman, Phone 54, Bowmanville. 13t H ORSE FOR SALE--One mare rising 5 years old, thoroughly brokèn to work. Apply to A. E. Bellman, King-st, West, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 13t I NCUBATOR FOR SALE--Hamilton Incubator, in good condition*,' holds 120 eggs. Price $10. Apply to A. W. Thompson, Manvers Road, Bowmanville, 12 2f outof your New Suit by Buying Now- Our Stock of Spring Suits is splendidly Complete Complete and prices are very reasonable, so you will benefit most by purchasing here. iORD CARS FOR SALE--Two second hand Ford autos in good condition and going at big sacrifices. Apply T. H. Knight, Phone 26, Bowmanville... 13t SUITS D less than half cost. & Son, Bowmanville. -Horse, buggy r qn" Apply to F RIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE- and,harness will be sold for quick sale at A. Haddy 12t H ouse and lot for sale--village of Enniskillen-- Good house, stable, drive house, hen house hard and soft water ; 1 acre land. Property of Mrs. Geo. Argue. Apply to F. W. Lee, Enniskillen. 12 4 H AY, CORN AND HORSE FOR SALE--I have a quantity of good bay, cob corn and gen- : eral purpose horse, all of which -must be sold within the next two weeks. Apply to Robb. i. East, Bowmanville. Y3t Our suits this season are very appealing and have won favor with every woman who has yet seen them. We are showing several models in serges and gabardines, in popular shades, also an extensive novelty range in all silk and combinations combinations of silk and cloth. See these at your first opportunity. Priced from $15 upwards. COATS Copeland, King-st. EBENEZER F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F. Darlington, in good state of cultivation.. Good brick house, good bams with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. McConnachie, Concession-st., Bowmanville. 40-tf H ouse and ten acres for sale--103 acres of lands situated J mile from the village village of - Haydon; 6 acres of good bearing Orchard, balance in pasture and tillageable land. Good house and barn. Apply to J. A. McNeil, Haydon. 4tf The jaunty flaring Sport Coats, made of preferable preferable materials such as white chinchillas, corduroys, corduroys, in soft shades, gabardines, checks, stripes and plaids are very fascinating and before the season grows much older we are confident will be much in evidence. Come in and try some on. They are all moderately priced Mr. Milton Gay has installed an electric motor milking machine. .'. .Miss Lear, our teacher, has not yet returned from the East Sunday School's annual meeting was Tuesday--good progress reported. Mr. K. E. Courtice was re-elected Superintendent: Superintendent: W. R. Courtice, assistant; Mr. Sid. Nichols, Secretary, and Mr. L. J. Courtice, Treasurer. Mr. Chas. Found, Librarian. Staff of teachers was re-appointed. re-appointed. Good work will be done this year Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trull and Miss Helen visited her parents in Bowmanville and leave for Toronto this week. They will be greatly mused by church and social social circles Miss Stella Penfound visited her sister in Toronto Privates Morley and Neil Worden of Northwest are with their parents here before leaving for overseas overseas Mrs. A. Grills went to Brantford to attend the funeral of a relative Mr. G. Wright, Blackstock, visited Mr. Thos. Oke... .Pte. H. Stafford recentlv visited Mr. John Worden.... Sunday services conducted conducted by Pastor Delve who preached to a large audience in the morning. Evening Evening sermon was on "Lots' Wife" ... Mr. and Mrs. Greffiers have moved on Mr. J. C. Trull's farm and are welcome to our midst At League service Thursday night, Miss F. Osborne gave a fine talk on "Canadian Emigrants" and Cecil Ruse a reading Mrs. Cameron Trull, Oshawa, spent the week-end with^Biake Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Penfound have moved to Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adams, Newcastle, have moved intoJX Clark's house, West Courtice All wel come Mr. and Mrs. Elgin S. Wilkins of Oregon, U.S. to Jno. Penfound's farm.. . Mr. Wm. Oke and family have moved into Mr. Geo. Pearce's house Mr. Frank Rundle and family, Bowmanville, Sundayed Sundayed at Mr. James Rundle's. F OR SALE--Two second hand Ford Autos, 1914 Models, in good condition--going at a big saciifice; also several good strong farm waggons will be sold at bargain prices. Also several rnbber-tired buggies from $20 up. Apply at J. W. Knight's Livery, Bowmanville. Phone 173 or 98. , 12t DRESSES F OR SALE--Brick residence with modem fittings fittings and three acres of land with fruit trees, etc,, property, of Dr. B, J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty-at. North, Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment down. Apply to L. A. Tole, real estate agent, Bowjnanville. 43t "Lest We. Forget' The dress styles for spring are most pleasing'. Silk, seems to be most popular in Crepe De Chine, Taffeta and Swarie. The styles and effects effects we are showing in combinations of two kinds of silk and silk and cloth, termed as suit dresses, are going to be very popular. We would like to show you the range. E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. - Bowmanville, Ontario. Come in at your earliest convenience. C. C. LAUGHER S. W. Mason & Son A.L.C.M. Piano L.L.C.M. Violin F.V.C.M. Composition Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville VIOLIN Insurance Office Agency : Sun Life Ass. Co., of Canada. Canada. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society (Accident Branch). Royal Royal Exchange Assurance (Fire). Economical Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Agent, Bowmanville Phone 189 FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, G.raduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. .daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b Foley's Fifteenth Anniversary Mutual Benefit Sale In/kccordance with our Annual custom since opening up business here 15 years ago we are putting on an eight days' ^ ^Mutua? Benefit Sale mutualTy beneficlal because* while we clear out ihany broken lines and odd sizes making room forour newstLkyouderivethe benefit of buying the best Shoes and Travelling Goods away below regular ■ values. We aim to make this sale the best yet so be on hand early. Suit Cases Club Bags 3 Extra fine Black Walrus, Brown and Russett, reg. $13 for $9 95 2 Black Sea Lion Grain, reg. $11 and $11.50 for $8-95 3 Sea Lion and Paris Grain, reg. $9-00 and $9-5° f° r $7*45 5 Black Embossed and Brown Grain, reg. $5 and $5-5° f° r - $3-95 3 Black and Brown Grain, reg. $4.50 and $5 for -$3*45 2 Brown Grain worth $4 and $4.50 for . $2.95 2 Russett and Tan, with straps, reg. $6.50 for $545 5 Brown, heavy cow hide, reg. $6 for -- 4*95 3 Brown, sheep skin, çeg. $5-25 and $5-5° f° r * 4-45 1 Black Duck, extra deep, reg. $4.25 for ' 345 2 Brown Leatherette, straps, reg. $375 for • ••• 2.95 6 Brown Leatherette, reg. $175 and 2.00 for • 145 3 Brown Keratoe, reg. $1.50 and $1.65 for 1.20 SALE STARTS Saturday, April 1 __ By a special favor of the largest Canadian Manufacturers Manufacturers of Travelling Goods we secured for this sale a large shipment of Club Bags and Suit Cases at a big discount discount and the goods mentioned above are the best values ever offered in Bowmanville. SALE ENDS Saturday, April 8 Mens' Boots 20 pr. reg. $5.50 and $6.co for $445 37 pr. reg. $4.50 and $5.00 for......... - 3-95 25 pr. reg. $4.00 and $4.50 for 345 24 pr. reg. $3.50 and $4.00 for. 2.95 Some specials $2-45 Mail Orders Receive Careful Attention. Girls' Boots Boys' Boots 18 pr. reg. $3 50 and $375 for .$-95 22 pr. reg. $3 00 for 245 25 pr. reg. $2.00 and $2.25 **70 Job lot 1*45 35 pr. reg. $2.00 and $2.50 for I.70 25 pr. reg. $175 and $2.00 for M5 20 pr. reg. $1.35 and $1.50 for - loo Children's Boots, specials at 50c, 75c and T.00 Ladiés' Boots ,s 25 pr. reg. $4.50 and $5.00 for -$3-95 35 pr. reg. $4.00 and $4.50 for.......... 345 38 pr. reg. $3 50 and $3 75 f° r 2, 95 43 pr. reg $3.00 and $3.50 for. 2.45 Some extra specials 1*95 . A Strictly , . Cash Sale P» r » r Ç 00t sh "» On the Sunny Side. Our new Spring Shoes are here, awaiting space on the shelf. Samples on Display. Fred R. Foley, Phone 12 Bowmanville. « 1