gags "5*3 '!'■ •: "" ■'-<► "l--' ' ~r--r^r-TTr M. Sion Successor to Anderson Clothing Co. 1 BOWMANVILLE'S Exclusive Clothier M Furnisher F R E E p „ :~3 f\ J "5 r 1 F R E E A N Webster's Tailored Suits fit al shapes and sizes of Men, similarly their pocketbooks. Saturday, April 8th One day only we are giving P A T One Pair of Pants FREE with every Suit tailored to your measure $15.00 up N T 5 Ready Made ' Suits from $12.00 up NOW Is the time to leave your order for your Easter Suit. s W ebster's Successor to Anderson Clothing Co., Almost Opposite Post Office Phone 61 Savers of Doctor Bills The earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning the better. During the long winter, with stoves and furnaces[going all the time, dust and dirt accumulating in .every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insufficient ventilation in the house, and disease germs find choice breeding places. Just because because they cannot be seen is no indication they are not there. Take no chance, but get your supply of house-cleaning necessities at once. Bead carefully these suggestions : Powdered Ammonia Softens the water and eases the work of rubbing the floors and furniture. -Star Brand, 3 packages for...25c Sweeping Rpwder Why sweep in clouds of dust when you can prevent it by the use of a little sweeping powder ? Use it on the floors, rugs and . carpets. Large cans of Dustbane. 35c Chloride of Lime Nothing better for the closet or for sweetening drains. Every home should always have a supply on hand. One -of th'e finest chasers of disease disease gerns known and the price of a tin is only.... IOc Stool & Bath Tub Cleanser You know how hard it is to get the dirt and stains off the side of the stool and bathtub. Dutch cleanser is -^JFowder that does the work per tin.Oc GitiÂts Lye Another fine disinfectant is Lye. There are few houses which do not keep a plentiful plentiful supply on hand. ~ It will take up grease and other dirt from the floor as quickly quickly and easily as anything. IOc tin 3 for 25c Furniture Polish To make the chairs, ri tables, window sills and other furniture furniture clean and bright use Liquid Veneer. Just rub it on with a clean cloth and it will produce a bright shine like new, bottle .25 &„SOc Metal Polish For shining up the 7 brass knobs on. the buffet and other other furniture, a good metal polish is necessary. Try Brasso; it is recommended for pots and all metal fittings about the house, lO & 20c Silver Polish The table silver, no matter how good it is, soon tarnishes. tarnishes. Brighten it up with S IL V O and give it a new appearance. It's the best Silver . Cream in the world, per bottle... 25c Mops, Brooms, Wash Boards and Clothes pins À full supply on hand of all kinds of woodenware for the, cleaning season. Gome in and let us show you our stock; made by thé most reliable reliable manufacturers. W. Blake McMurtry Social and Personal, Gilchrist, Toronto, spent !» Limited- (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanvllle BIRTHS. larch 2., O. James, "a daughter--Dorothy Mar- Jambs--At Oshawa,March 27, tôMr. and Mrs. P rancis J 1 " L ~ " Mr. James Sunday here. Miss Olive Lambert, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. T- Lowcockof the Goodyear recently recently visited in Toronto. Miss Julia Sinclair has been guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Christie.- Mr. Howard James, Columbus, visited his cousins here recently. Mr. Fred. Jamieson, Peterboro, visited Dr. R. W. Clarke, Centre-st. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Miss Helen Mitchell Mitchell are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Currie, Royal Bank, has resigned resigned to enlist at North Bay. Pte. T. Brookham, 136th Batt., is out after a tussle with rheumatism. Mr. Harold Mutton was recipient of a $100 purse on leaving The Goodyear. Did you see the Children's Concert? If not you will want to see it Friday ev'g. Mrs. A. S. Tilley "Youlden Villa" Queen street, will not receive again this season. Mrs. Jos. Pattinson is visiting her daughter, Miss Nellie Pattinson, Toronto. Country friends, drive in Friday evening to see the best children's grogram in years. Miss Neda Symons, Salem, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. F. Symons. Symons. Dr. Jas. L. Hughes, Toronto, addressed a recruiting meeting in Port Hope Sunday evening. Mr. Alpha Pinch has returned from a pleasant trip to his brother Bera at Roswell, Roswell, New Mexico. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Meaford, has been spending a few days with old friends here guest of Mrs. J. Van Nest. Miss Maud Perkins, Moorefield, is at Mr, G. T. Charlton's waiting on her aunt, Mrs. James Richards who is quite ill. Miss Edna H. Bottrell has been promoted promoted to Editor's assistant in the office of "Everywoman's World", Toronto. Mrs. A. W. Clemens and son Irving, Tyrone, are visiting Mrs. Clemens' parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dawson, Camp- bellford. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hook, Toronto, have taken a trip to the Coast visiting their sons Harry of Calgary, Alta., and Percy of Greenwood, B. G., en route. His Honor Judge Huycke, Peterboro, who spoke at the' Recruiting meeting in the Opera House Sunday evening, was guest of Mr. D." B. Simpson, K.C. Port Hope Guide says "we are sorry to report that Mr. Luther McNall shows no signs of improvement". Mr. McNall is father of Mrs. A. Tait of this town. Easter Jewelry--From April 6th to 15th C. H. Haddy is making a special display of Necklets, Pendants and Rings at exceptional exceptional values. Be sure to see this display. display. Mrs. H. S. Freeman and Miss Chrissie Freeman spent the week-end in Toronto, with Pte. Ernest Freeman of Mechanical Transport service who leaves shortly for overseas.' Boarding house keepers are considering another raise in rates--su^ar has advanced another 10c. Price of board is now just double what it was when the writer was a school boarder. See and hear Tom Wilkinson's bunch of Charlie Chaplin's devotees in the Opera Hours this Friday evening and enjoy several several side- splitting laughs. They're great actors sure enough. Mrs. S. J. Beacock and son Pte. R. E. Beacock, 3rd Division of Cyclists, Toronto, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Pte. Beacock leaves next week for service overseas. Remember the bazaar in St. Paul's Sunday School Hall on Friday April 14. Afternoon tea served from 3.30 p.m. Bazaar is under auspices of Junior Missionary Missionary Society. Please attend. Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Parke is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ervine Foster. .Mr. Foster recently underwent an operation for appendicitis appendicitis and is getting along nicely, his surgeon being Dr. A. S. Tilley. Mrs. S. F. Hill has returned from seven months' visit with her son, Mr. F. Chas. Hill, Minneapolis, Ind., and. her sister, Mrs. Stahl, and relatives in Chicago, 111. She reports having a very pleasant visit. Mr. Thos. Jeffery, a Bowmanville boy, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of The Globe Printing Company's Employees' Benefit Society. He is one of the old boys on the Globe office staff where he holds a responsible position. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, Oshawa, gave an enjoyable musicale Thursday evening March 23 in honor of Miss Annie Stratton who sailed on the "Sicilian" for England, and Mr. Harry Palmer of the Bank of Montreal.--Reformer. Mr. Wm. Channon, Mariposa's popular citizen and successful breeder of Polled Angus cattle, passed thry town to-day after a visit to friends in Bowmanville, where he was working out. a temperance hotel proposition.-- Lindsay Warder. Friends of Miss Winnifred M. Bragg of The Statesman staff, will be interested in knowing she underwent" an operation for appendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday and is reported to be progrès sing very nicely. All wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Jas. Walsh and family moved to Orono last week where he has purchased a residence. Mr. H. N. Morrison, Toronto, Toronto, has purchased Mr. Walsh's home, Liberty-st north, and will move in shortly. We are sorry to lose Mr. Walsh and family family from our town, but extend good* wishes wishes to them in their new home. Monday evening, April 3, about 40 friends of Miss Gertie Cox met at her home, Ontario-st., in honor of her approaching approaching marriage. An address was read by Miss Edith E. Allin and Miss Mildred Mason made the presentation of several pieces of cut glass and silver cut lery. The evening was spent in a social manner after which refreshments were served. Martin Senour's 100% pure paint every color at W. H. Dustan's. Men, here's your chance to get a pair of pants free. Read Webster's advt. for particulars. No floor is so uneven or rough tha : cannot be changed to a hardwood finish by using Chi-Namel. A complete floor outfit costs you $3.25. Sold only at W. H. Dustan's. Just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's a big stock of black ant colored silks, and black and colored silk and wool poplins--all boyght before the recent advance in these goods--ho better value anywhere than these. F grierite. . Scott--At Meadow Brook Farm, Darlington, March 29th,.to Mr. and Mrs. -Herbert N.-Scott, a son. ÇTrewia Edgar.) . - ■ - - ■ MARRIAGES Hablock--Manning--In Oshawa. March 29th, by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.D., Joseph A. Harlock, and Miss Eliza, daughter of Jas. Manning, Esq., Oshawa. ORE--Bundle--At Maple Leaf Farm, Darling- • • -- 1 T% - - T 171 D nlr/,1 X/T « T?r,l!n Tj ton, April 5, by Bev. J. E. Beckel, Mr. Eslie Oke, Ebenezer, and Ella Maude, el( of Mr. W. G. Bundle, Bethesda. rlBL WANTED--At once to help with light houseworks Apply at Statesman Office: 13t A PPRENTICE WANTED--To learn dressmaking. dressmaking. Apply at once-to Miss Thornton, at Mrs. W. Coombe's, 15 Ontario-st, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. ! 14t H OBSE FOB SALE--One mare rising 5 years 'old, thoroughly broken to work. _AppIy to ville. ; A. E. Bellman, King-sb, West, Bowman- ISt F OBI) CARS FOB SALE--Two second hand Ford autos in good condition and going at big sacrifices. Apply T. H. Knight, Phone 26, Bowmanville. 13t DEATHS Holgatb--In Bowmanville, April 6, Fidelia L. Demorest, beloved wife of John À. Holgate, aged 64 years. Funeral from her late residence, Division-st., on Monday April 10th. Interment at Foxboro. Webb--In Bowmanville, April 4th, Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of Henry Webb, Maple Grove, aged 69 years. Funeral Thursday at 2.80p. m. from the residence residence of her sister, Mrs. ThoB. Norton, Hunt-st. to Bowmanville Cemetery." BE GiLMOUR-At Port Hope,-March 28, Alexander Gilmour. Maroney--In Enniskillen, April 1st, James Maroney, aged 67 years. itS COATËS --In Cartwright, March 23th, Violet E§ Coates, aged 6 months. Gilmour--At Port Hope, March 28, Alexander Gilmour, in his 83rd year. Bay--In Oshawa, March 22nd, Ellen Hyland, wife of. the late Dr, F. C. Bay: Conlin--In Oshawa, March -26th, Mary McDonald, McDonald, relict of late John Conlin, aged 56 years. Peterson--Suddenly, ât Cobourg, April 1, A. M. Peterson; B. A., barrister. Interred at Col- borne, Beatty--At Los Angeles, Cal., March 27, S. G- Beatty of 168 Isabella-st., Toronto, in his 73rd year--was a well-known Toronto publisher. Regnier--In Toronto April 1, Ada Grace, yougest child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Regnier, Toronto, Toronto, aged 6 months. Interrred at Bowman- yille. SANGSTER--At her late residence, 27 Muriel Avenue, Toronto, April 1, Caroline Elizabeth, widow of the late Dr. John Herbert gangster, Port Perry, aged 65 years. Burns--At 28 Rolyat-st., Toronto, Aoril 2nd, Rev. Wm. Burns, in his 89th year. Father of Rev. Dr. B. N. Burns, Toronto, and ex-President of Bay of Quinte Conference. Neaps--At the residence of her son, W. J. Osborne, Winnipeg, Man., March 29, Mary Tner, widow of late W. Andrew Neads, who was for forty-five years express agent at Bowmanville, aged 80 years. Hoidge--At Alderson, Alta., March 29th Olga Evelyn, only daughter of T. B. Hoidge, formerly of Montteal, Que., and Enniskillen, Ont., aged 18 years and 11 months. Interred at Alderson where her mother was buried on J annary 7,1916. D RIVING OUTFIT FOB SALE--Horse, buggy and harness will be sold for quick sale at less than half cost. Apply to F. A. Haddy & Son, Bowmanville. 12t H ORSE WANTED--General purpose, four or five years old, color bay preferred, eleven -to twelve hundred. Apply to W. Armstrong, Scngog-sb, Bowmanville. 141 G OOD GIRL WANTED--At once. Washing and ironing sent out. Apply to Miss Murdock, c/o Jas. Beith, corner VV ellington & Liberty Sts., -Bowmanville. Phone 14-. 14t E GGS FOB HATCHING--Single Comb Black Minorcas, and Black Leghorns, both good laying strains and from prize stock--none better. 81.00 setting. Phone 129 r6. Apply to Edgar Horn, Hampton. 14 3 H ouse and lot fob sale--village of Enniskillen -- Good house, stable, drive house, hen house ; hard and soft water ; £ acre land. Property of Mrs. Geo. Argue. Apply to F. W. Lee, Enniskillen, 12 4 OOD GENEBAL SERVANT WANTED--Immediately WANTED--Immediately or within a month. Good, wages. No washing. No ironing. Ps&'yer Q, Bow- -manville. 141 in H AŸ, CORN ÀND HORSE FOB SALE--I have a quantity of good hay, cob corn and general general purpose horse, all of which mnstbe sold within the next two weeks. Apply to Robt. Copeland, King-st. East, Bowmanville. 13t W ANTED--Representative in Bowmanville to act as District Manager and representative for one of the largest business houses in Canada. Apply at Hotel Bowman, Bowmanville, Saturday morning. Ask for Mr. Allard. 14 1 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear father James Collacott who passed away at his home, Tyrone, April 4, 1915. His pleasant smile and kindly face, His fond true heart is still; The lips that spake so -kind to all Are closed, forever still. Wife and Children. In most loving memory of our dear mother.Mrs Edward Wilkins, who left us on April 4,1915. Sad are our hearts when we think of the spot Where you are laid to rest We have to stop and think that God knows best You fought a hard fight, dear mother Your crown yen have won, God took you from your earthly home 'to place yon in a better one, j The Family. •Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, . Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. G' ,GGS FOR HATCHING--Thoro-bred Single ( Comb Black Minorcas, some of them were * imported from Tiro, Ohio, last year and are bred to lay. Prices right. Alex. Taylor, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone 95f. 14 4 ww OUSE AND TEN ACRES FOR SALE--10J H acres of lands situated £ mile from the vil- A1 lage of Haydon; 5 acres of good bearing Orchard, balance in pasture and tillage able land. Good house and barn. Apply to J. A. McNeil, Haydon. 4tf Are You Preparing For The Big Spring Clean Up? Last season was the largest paint year we ever had in Martin Senour's Paint. We therefore have largely increased our stock this spring in all lines. The large increase in our paint sales clearly denotes that Martin Senour's Paint must be giving absolute satisfaction to our numerous customers. We carry such a large range of colors that you are sure to be satisfied. Start your painting early and be sure t° get the best. Martin Senour's 100% pure- We have an unlimited supply. The paint you use should be the best possible. Martin Senour's is 100% pure. There is no better. Sold by W.H. Dustan. A suit of clothes for $12.00 and an extra pair of pants free. Read Webster's advt. Are you needing linoleums or oilcloths? Then be sure to call at Mason & Dale's this week. Reduce your high cost of living. Two coats of Chi-Namel will make your roughest roughest old chair as though it came out of a furniture shop. W. H. Dustan. A big range of Priestley's Black and Colored Dress Goods just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, Is Your Automobile Insured If not, why not ? Special rates to Ford and. Chevrolet owners. Now is the time to insure insure your auto against fire, accident, accident, and liability. I only carry the best companies. Get particulars to-day. | I INSURE EVERYTHING In Fire, Life and Casualty Insurance I have some of the best companies in the world. I have something of special interest to parties who do not carry insurance. Harry Cann, Phone 50. . Bowmanville. ;v - S-V- ; -.-w* .Z- «lOR SALE--Two second hand Ford Autos, 1914 Models, in good condition--going at a big als sacrifice ; also several good strong farm waggons will be sold at bargain prices. Also several rnbber-tired buggies from 820 up. Apply at J. W. Knight's Livery, Bowmanville. Phone 173 or 98, 126 Our ANNIVERSARY SALE Continues this Week. In spite of the big advance in the leather market we are selling Shoes, Suit Cases, and Club Bags at prices that delightfully surprise our customers. The bargains will last till Saturday night. Do not miss this Money Saving Opportunity. Next -week we will have on display a complete complete range of Men's, Women's and Boy's Shoes in all the Newest Spring-Styles. Fred R. Foley, "Parlor Boot Shop." On the Sunny Side. Bowmanville. CARE FOR V0UR EYES Too many people of to-day disregard disregard the most useful friends they hâve-- THEIR EYES. Even when-indications point to the fact that something is wrong with the eyes, they carelessly neglect them. LISTEN ! You can't afford to do this. Science has proven that you must care for your eyes just as you would care for your teeth. Don't Delay Our optician accurately determines determines the defects in sight with the assistance of the Electrical Retin- oscope. With this little scientific instrument he is enabled to Look Into The Eye. and quickly discover and correct the errors of refraction that exist. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. Don't Put Off--Come To-day. Rod'k M.Mitcheil & Co. Druggists and Opticians. Bowmanville Phone 92 Ontario should include one of our new designs in fancy NECKLETS AND VENDANTS. We have just opened up a very fine selection in the very latest patterns and we are making a special display of these during the week of April 6th to 15th. During this time many of these necklets, both in GOLD and GOLD-FILLED, will be sold at very special prices, For instance: lOkt Gold set with Cameo and Pearls, reg $14.00 for $12.00» Gold-filled, regular $5.00 for $3.50, and "many others of equally good value. Watch for our window display and come in to make your selection while the assortment is largest. It will be a pleasure for us to show you our lines and to quote you prices. C. H; HADDY N. B. W-e are headquarters for Soldiers' badges and we have just received a shipment including, 136, INF. and O.E.F. The People's Favorite- THE "REGAL" CAR. Good for all kinds of roads. Be sure to see The Regal and" have it demonstrated. To add to the Regal service we are opening opening a garage about April 17th. We have the agency for Canada and McLaughlin Carriages made by Canada Carriage Co., Brockville. Now's the time to have rubber tires put on your wheels-- solid or cushion. All kinds of repairing done. William Edger, Carriage Works. Bowmanville. I I Get a Full Season's Wear out of your New Suit by Buying Now- Our Stock of Spring Suits is splendidly Complete Complete and prices are very reasonable, so you will benefit most by purchasing here. SUITS Our suits this season are very appealing and have won favor with every woman Who has yet seen them. We are showing several models in serges and gabardines, in popular shades, also an extensive novelty range in all silk and combinations combinations of silk and cloth. See these" at your first opportunity. Priced from $15 upwards. COATS The jaunty flaring Sport Coats, made of preferable preferable materials such as white chinchillas, corduroys, corduroys, in soft shades, gabardines, checks, stripes and plaids are very fascinating and before the season grows much older we are. confident will be much in evidence. Come in and try some on. They are all moderately priced DRESSES The dress styles for spring are most pleasing. Silk, seems to be most popular in Crepe De Chine, Taffeta and Swarie. The styles and effects effects we are showing in combinations of two kinds of silk and silk and cloth, termed as suit dresses, are going to be very popular. We would like to show you the rangez Come in at your earliest convenience. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville V SjSr) SOytiSg ; -V., .