^v*aîS9s SEÎEvRÏÏS . ?-•'. j .> <f .%> l ; %V s. s i & / / < > e 5 -/ >t fjgs 3xj^ /:>*'••-- £.2?' w il iN- "S fry.;...- >~-y< -- 7 < S sr Silver Gloss" »■' THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED MONTREAL. CARDINAL. BRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM. Makers of "Crown Brand:' ana "Lily White" Corn Syrups, and Benson's Com Starch. More Blouses, Lingerie and Skirts--more Table Linen- more Sheets apd Pillow Cases .----. more Curtains -- are starched with "Silver Gloss", than any other starch in Canada. Your grocer has it. 233 - • - V.:| ,:1 iEALTH -- r V For PINK EYE DISTBSCTOB OAT A BAIT A.T, FBVSB8 AND AXiX. VOSS ARB TH3BLOAT DISEASES Cures "the sick and aots as a preventive for others. Liquid given on the tongue. Safe for brood mares and. all others. B^st kidney remedy. By the bottle, or dozen. Sold by all druggists and turf goods houses, or aent express paid, by the manufacturers. -Booklet, Distemper, Causes and Cure," free. BVOHV HSBICAI OO., Chemists, Ooshen, Ind.,, XJ.S.A, There is Safety Under This Roof Have you ever had a fine job of decorating spoiled by a leaking roof? If you have, you certainly are in.a position to appreciate the value of a roof that is positively water-proof. Some of the troubles common to wooden shingles to-day are that they are apt to split, warp or blow off as well leak, soon after they are put on. Years ago they were good, but the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of suitable timber became exhausted. Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shingles. They cannot rust. They do not allow rain-to be driven under them as do metal roofs. They do not require rigid supporting as do the common tile or slate roofs. On the other hand Brantford Slates afford the utmost protection with little weight. They are made on a long-fibred felt "base" which is thoroughly saturated under pressure with asphaltum or mineral pitch. Crushed quarried slate particles, are then deeply embedded embedded in the surface of this "base", making it water-tight and fireproof. Brantford Roofing Brantford Slates are made in the natural slate colors of green, red, black and grey. The colors never fade and the slates do not require painting nor repairing. These slates are pliable and fit readily around gables and into the angles of any roof. This means a continuous roof without seams or joints. Sparks die on Brantford Slates. When you have these slates "on" you are done with the job. Remember they don't require painting or staining and may be selected to harmonize with almost almost any exterior color design, and the price is not beyond your reach. We would be pleased to send you samples and our Roofing Booklet. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada 86 For Sale by F. O. Mason Food Poisoning. Food poisoning may occur in several different ways. The poison of putrefaction putrefaction is a chemical substance that is formed by the decomposition of albuminous matter in the food. Certain Certain bacteria may contaminate the food by growing in it, just as they would in the culture material of a laboratory. In that case they do not reveal their presence by causing any change in the appearand or the odor of the food. Some mineral poison from the vessel in which the food was prepared may occasionally be present, although-that is very rare. Meat may come* from diseased animals and contain contain . disease-producing bacteria or their toxins ; the latter often preserve their virulence even after thorough cookihg. Finally the food may be inherently poisonous, as certain fish are or as some mushrooms are. Putrefying meat does not always poison; if it did, there would be, no lovers of ."high game" left alive. When meats other than game are "high," sensible people refuse to eat them; but sometimes jmscrupulous dealers chop up such meat and mix it with spices so as to disguise the taste and odor of decomposition. A very common form of poisoning is caused by eating canned meat or fish. When canned food decomposes, a gas usually forms and causes the top or bottom of the can to bulge out. In that case, of course, the food should never be eaten. But sometimes the contents of the can are incompletely sterilized when the can is filled ; then bacteria may be present that will produce produce their poison without causing the food to change its appearance.. The symptoms of food poisoning are usually those of severe cholera morbus--vomiting, morbus--vomiting, diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen, restlessness, prostration, headache, and sometimes fever. Mild food poisoning is undoubtedly very common,, and many cases of biliousness, biliousness, indigestion or summer complaint complaint are really of that nature. In all cases of real ptomaine poisoning poisoning the find thing to do is to empty' the stomach. Even though vomiting has already occured, some of the poisonous poisonous material may be left, and only the artificial production of vomiting vomiting will remove it. After that the symptoms must be treated as they appear; the physician's chief concern must be to sustain the heart until the system has eliminated the poison and the attack is over.--Youth's' Companion. Companion. YOUNG FOLKS There's a Subtle Charm about the delicious flavour of For Every SPORT and RECREATION Sold by all good Shoe Dealers " Wombyewy metnber» of me'family 103 Reversing it. "I'll take this hat at "$6." "But the madam is trying it on upside down." "And the price tag, to, eh? Um! It's $9 now." Left One Thing. ^Wife--Well, that cook has gone, bag and baggage. Husband--She didn't take that case of dyspepsia she left with -me. When Betty Kicked the Rug. What a horrid, rainy day it is!" pouted Betty. Then she kicked the rug in front of the fireplace. The rug did not feel that it ought to be punished for what was not its fault, and so it tried to slip along the I smooth floor out of Betty's way. It j slipped so quickly and so far that j Betty slipped, too; and, to save herself j falling, she thrust 'out her hand. The hand hit a tall vase thât was standing on the centre table, and the vase fell--crash!--to the floor. It struck just beside Tiger, who was having a peaceful nap beside the fire. Tiger jumped up. with a startled bark, and dashed from the room into tive the kitchen. The back door II SALMA II B106 This flavour is unique and never found in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green. Wireless in Ireland. An Irishman and a ing as to the merits Scot were argu- of their respec- countries. "Ah, weel," said was'Sandy, "they took doon an auld cas "I ! about wireless telegraphy in Oireland hundreds av y'ears ago." mothers/ 1 have reason to bless THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY Ambition breaks the ties of blood and forgets the obligations of manhood.--Sir manhood.--Sir Walter Scott. It is often necessary and kind rather rather to write letters that amount to nothing nothing than not to write at all. Goethe. Commercial relations between the CARTERS ITTIiE EVER is. CURE Sol Headache and relieve all the troubles incident incident to a bilious state of the system, 3uch os Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness; Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, &c. . While their most remarkable success lias boon shown in curing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the s tomach,stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only " HEAD Ache they would be almostprlceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness docs not end here,and those Who once try them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after all sick head lathe bene of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. _ -. . Carter's Little Uver Pills àre-véry small" and very easy to take.. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictlÿ<vegetable and do not gripe oy purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. tans toil - - --- « countries of the> world are among the most powerful factors for the preservation preservation of peace.--Mr. W. T. Stubbs. Dante saw devils where I see none. I see good only. I have never known, a very bad man who had not something something very good about him.--Wm Blake. Life is but a light dream, which soon vanishes. To live is to suffer. The sincere man struggles incessantly incessantly to gain., the victory over himself. Napoleon. Men's destiny is towards progress. He canriot progress if he does not cultivate his mind. That has to be watered and cared for just as a plant. --Peter Keary. Boys may be governed a great dëal by kindness and gentle methods, and by appealing to their better feelings. But deeds must second words when needful or words will be laughed at. --Dr. Arnold. j It is the aggressors who ought to make the first proposals for peace. Why should we make overtures to a country which has broken every convention convention and committed every atrocity ? --Mr. Walsh, British Labor M. P. ■ * . Grasp and Grip. They were alone in a shady nook. He. had timidly declared his love for the fair lady, but the response was cold. "No, George," she said. "I like you; but you lack go and initiative. initiative. You don't grasp opportunity and show youç grip of things." Suddenly Suddenly she felt herself in a tight embrace. embrace. It was the hug of her life.' "What--what do you mean, George?" she gasped. "Oh," he replied, "I'm showing my grip!" He won through. All may, by the exertion of a little little fore-thought and a little outlay, protect their families from want. ■ Bishop Potter. - Health Notes. A teaspoonful of lemon juice in a small cup of coffee almost always relieves relieves a bilious headache.. A cloth wrung out in very hot water and applied very often will remove remove discoloration from bruised flesh. Scarlet fever is practically unknown in the tropics, and doctors say this ir. because so little fresh milk is drunk there. The streptococcus, which occurs occurs in large quantities in most raw milk, is always present in scarlet fever, fever, and experts see in that a cav and effect. One of the best things in the world for an aching tooth, as proved by experience, experience, is tincture of benzion on a bit of cotton and inserted in the tooth if there is a cavity large enough to put anything in. The relief is almost almost immediate. The remedy is pleasant and cheap, as ten cents' worth of benzion will last a long time. In -several grave cases of diphtheria relief has been brought about within forty-eight hours and final recovery assured by the internal administration administration of ordinary kerosene oil. The disagreeable taste of the oil was disguised disguised by mixing it with sarsaparilla and the doses were given. every four hours. Resolve to Succeed Throw off the handicap of petty ills that make you grouchy, listless and depressed. depressed. Get at the root of your ailments--clear your digestive system of impurities, impurities, put it in good working order--keep it healthy with BEECHAM'S PILLS They act promptly on the stomach, liver and bowels, removing removing waste matters and put rifying the blood. Not habit forming, never gripe, but leave the organs strengthened. To succeed in life, or work, first have a healthy body. This famous famous remedy will do much'to Help You Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. AFTER EALS regulates the liver and bowels, When digestion fails, whether front loss of tone, climatic changes, overwork, or errors of diet, nothing so soon restores tone and healthy activity to the digestive system as the root and herb extract-- Mother Scigel's Syrup. It tones and and clears the system of the dccaved products of indigestion--the- fruitful cause of headaches, TAKE THE DIGESTIVE TONIC languor, acidity, heartburn, flatulence, brain fag, and biliousness, makes food nourish you, and thus builds health on good digestion. V It, MOTHER "I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE" "Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton,, Many mothers' " Llie uacK aoo: [* w as~Sandy, "they took doon an auld cas- j Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, be- .. ' iger lan through it just in tie in Scotland and foond wires under j cause it h as relieved the little ones of su - rime to upset the grocer's boy, who it which showed that the telegraph ! ferin S and made ^ em health T- as coming in with a big basket on, was there hundreds of years ago." j | "Well," said Pat, "they took down an ; , tncrpfh ^ an d the basket went down ould castle in Oireland, and begorra i Seems So. p.i „„ e f an( I the boy shout- there was no wires found undher it, ! "Pa, what are the fortune < of war ?' i_ „ y taat he frightened the ; which showfc that they knew all i "Stock dividends, mv boy." norse attached to his delivery wagon. The horse ran out of the yard into the road, and basket after basket tumbled from the wagon to the muddy ground. The runaway horse frightened a pair of horses that were hauling a big dray loaded with lumber. The two horses turned sharply and upset the load just as it was on the railway crossing. While men ran from all directions to get the overturned dray and the tangled pile of lumber from the track, a train had to wait in the station near by, and a hundred passengers passengers fretted at the delay and wondered wondered what had caused the trouble. They little knew that a pouting girl in a house beyond the village had caused it aU, just by one kick at an innocent rug! They blamed the man who had been driving the load of lumber. The driver driver blamed the grocer--and so did the persons who did not get the groceries they had ordered. Thé grocer blamed blamed his boy. The boy blamed Tiger. Tiger, being only a dog, did not blame the vase that had frightened him, but went back to the corner by the fireplace, fireplace, and lay down to have another nap. And the vase,-beig broken into pieces, could. not very well blame Betty. And what of Betty? It was a sorry and frightened little girl' that rushed to the floor and saw what happened-- a very sober and saddened little girl that crept back to pick up the pieces of the vase and to talk it over with her mother. '"I'll never kick the rug again," she promised. > r .V "But it was the pout that really made all the trouble," said her mother. "The next time you feel a pout com T ing? just make a. smile come in place of it, and see what a difference it will make in everything that happens."--Youth's happens."--Youth's Companion. 1. The new 1.00 size contains three times cu much as the trial size sold at 50c per bottle. SYRU m3 <? ■XÆ&üjj-z. S 5 rij.U r/l $"• A I Violin and 'Cello Mu VI ss*S fW SOLDIERS CARRY OWN BATHS. Vs© All the whimsical witchery witchery -- haunting restlessness--drearùful restlessness-- drearùful exaltation of the world's finest violin and 'cello music caught for you with an exquisite sense of reality in Kathleen Par low An Oil for All Men.--The sailor, the soldier, the fisherman, the lumberman, the out-door laborer and aif who are exposed exposed to injury and tfie elements will find in Dr. Thomas'Eclefcyfc Oil a true and faithful friend. TJr ease pain, relieve colds, dress wounds, subdue lumbago and overcome rheumatism, it has no equal. Therefore, it should have a place in all home medicines and those taken on a journey. Don't worry if your sins find you out; they'll be sure to call again. Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yielcpfo Holloway's Corn Cure, the simpleMarod best cure offered to the public. 1/ -- New Castle, Ind.--"From the time I was eleven years old until I was seventeen seventeen I suffered each month so I had to be in bed. I had headache, headache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not know what it was to be easy a minute. My health was all run down and the doctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I took it, and now I feel like a hew person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month. "--Mrs. Hazel Hamilton, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasonable reasonable .to believe that it is an article of great merit ? If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. I Many Ingenious Devices Displayed at Red Cross Sale.. An active service exhibition is being being held at Knightsbridge, London, at which are displayed hundreds of ingenious ingenious devices for the comfort, health and safety of officers and men at the front. The money raised by the sale of these articles goes to funds of .the British Red Gross and the Ordeivof St. John of Jerusalem. Among the devices on sale is a small safety razor that will fit easily into a waistcoat pocket, a compact hot bath 1 arrangement, together with patent . cubes of "condensed heat," which will ; raise the temperature of water to the ; proper degree, a shower bath outfit j and other toilet articles, j In order to enable the soldiers to I write in the dark a combination pencil ; case and electric torch, to throw light i on the paper, has been invented. The | "nutshell canteen," as one little case I is called, contains thirty-three assort- : ed drink tablets, tea, coffee, beef tea | and cordial ginger, six shields for | corns, and a checker-board, j A steel body shield, light but effec- I tive, also, is for sale. Cases of bath salts for disinfecting purposes are displayed. displayed. A trenching tool with numerous numerous uses attracts much attention. It is shorter than a man's arm, weighs less than four pounds, and will cut wire and dig up a macadamized road. It is equipped with pliers, a hatchet blade, pick and water tap key. COLUMBIA Double-Disc RECORDS Have your dealer play these for you : Kathleen Parlow--A5412--$1.50 Humoreske (Dvorak) orchestra accompaniment. accompaniment. Melodie (Tschaikowsky) orchestra accompaniment. accompaniment. Pablo Casals--A5649--$1.50 Largo (Handel), with orchestra. Melody in F (Rubinstein), with orchestra. tfllgA .Jules Falk--All 10--85o. Ave Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei (Schumann). Charles D'AImaine--A1712--85c. White Cockade ; Jigs and Reels Medley with Hamgan's Reel (Prince's Orchestré)". Eugene Y saye--36525--§1.50 Caprice Viennois, Op. 2 (Kreisler). Eugene Ysaye--36524--$1.50 Hungarian Dance in G (No. 5) (Brahms). Columbia dealers gladly play these and any other of >he D f C< Ü?TH a tïf COI ÿ S 7 Ilhout thought cf obligation. Complete Record List from dealers or mailed by U» OJMBIA Gr&phophone Company Canadian Factory Sc Headquarters Toronto, Ont. M . BOWMAN VILLE AGENT : W. T. ALLEN, " Big 20" Book Sien SHOE BLACK • WH ITE * TAN Keep Yom Shoes Neat F. F. Delley Co. of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, Canada O (î %, -r (