SUDDEN Caused by Disease of the. Kidueyi. The close connection which- existe between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys ace diseased, arterial tenaion is mcreseed and the heirt functions are attacked. When the kidneys nd longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning occurs and the person dies, and the cause is often given as heart disease, or disease of brain or kings. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents Tor"a Targe trial package of w Anuric"--the Iftest discovery discovery of Dr. Pierce. Atod send a sample of your water. This will b® examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N; Y. When you eû&r from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there z or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's time to write, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion without charge--absolutely free." This r Anuric" of Doctor fierce y i is found to be 37 times mois adtiye than lithia, for it dissolves uric abid in the system as hot water does sugar. Simply ask foi* Dr.'Tieroe'e Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of M Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signature signature on the package just aé you do on Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlq&l Discovery for blood and stomach. WORRY, DE^PQlfpE^eY, Kidney Disease is susp«ited bv medical men when pa tienta com™ain ol backache or suffer with irriguly urination, disturbed. disturbed. too frequeit,^Scanty or painful passage. The general ymptoms are rheumatic rheumatic pains or riferfalgia, headaches, dizzy spells, irritOTllity, despondency, weakness and general misery. Worry Is a frequent cause and sometimes a Symptom of kidney disease. Thousands have testified to immediate relief from these syijii-îûtns after Using Dr. Pierce's vAnnric Tablets. The Next Best Thing. A hospital nurse was testing volunteer on his practical knowledge of first-aid work. "Now, what would you do in case a man collapsed?" she asked. "Give him some brandy, miss," replied replied the man. "But suppose you had no brandy?" "Sure, then," he answered cheerfully, cheerfully, "I'd promise him some, miss." HOUSEHOLD Strawberry Time is Here. Strawberries are ripe; and if we don't utilize them in every possible tyay while fresh and fragrant from the garden, and then put up as many as we"can for future use, we shall be losing a golden opportunity. . The strawberry is a wholesome fruit for most people. But there .are persons who cannot eat the fire^h berries without without 'Bringing on some discomfort of tile stomach, though they may eat the, cooked fruit with impunity. When it comes to way* of cooking and serving strawberries we will try, first, old-fashioned ahortc^kè. Strawberry Shortcake.--Four cupfuls cupfuls sifted flour", % tet^oonful Sjall 1 teaspoonful sugar, 8 taMespopn- fuls butter, 1 tetàspcoEiful sqd,à, 1 cupful sour cream or rich sour milk, 1 egg, strawberries, whipped cream. Sift flour salt and sugar together into into a mixing bowl and chpp the butter into it. Dissolve the _soda in a little little warm water, then beat the spur cream or milk into it, together with the beaten egg- Add to dry ingredients, ingredients, mixing with a flexible knife, but handling as little as possible. The dough should be soft enough to roll out easily. Roll quick and lightly op a floured board into sheets. Lay one on top the other in a well-greased, round pan, having the first one well brushed with softened butter. Bake in a hot oven. When done, split the cakes cover the lower half with- a thick layer of strawberries crushed. as "Frult-a-thies" Soon This Dangerous CondMon 632 Gerrard St. East, Tobrnto. "For two years, I was a victim of Acute Indigestion and Gas Tn The Stomach: It afterwards attacked tny Heart and I had pains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. Xtried all kinds of Medicine but none: of them did me • any good. At laSt, I decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". I bought the first box last June, and now I am well, after using- only tJtree boxes, I recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to anyone suffering from Indigestion". FRED J. CAVEEN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. IB • » strainer clothes should be thrown into into clear warm water immediately after using them. ' The housewife can frequently omit meat from a meal if she makes up the nourishment with cheése, nuts qnd milk or cereals. A tub of water placed near the house plants in a room "where you are afraid of frost will attract the frost, and save the plants. Always remove .the bones andxmeat from the soup stock before it cools; then when it is cool you can lift the It's the easiest thing in . the world "for a woman to manage a man--if she isn't married to him. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Yiary. email end.»» eeey to take as ratfor. FOR HEADACHE. FOR D1ZZIWE88. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TQBPIB LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN; FOR THE COMPLEXION jCJEwmrra musthavs y^oMA-run.. 1 _ Purely yegctaMô.>é3asw/^5^ eu»Ev SICK HEADACHE. rmc* layer ox eiuaneu. fat qff any waste . and sweetened^then place the second i Using à warm iron when cutting one on top and cover with a layer of ' clothing will do away with whipped cream and place whole straw- l ping and weightg on tissue paper pat- berries on top of this. Sweet milk : terng _ Lay the pattern on the mater- and baking powder may be used in- ial and g it light ly w ith a warm stead of sour cream and soda, A 'Dainty Strawberry . Dessert.-- One cupful ripe strawberries, 1 cupful cupful sugar, 2 egg whites, stale cake. Mash the berries and stir in the sugar. Beat the whites of the eggs stiff; then put in the berries "and sugar and whip stiff. Put a layer of stale cake in the bottom of a dish and .-pour the strawberry fluff over it In about an hour the cake will be permeated and softened with the juices, while the fluff on top is firmer than before. If you desire to make the dish more ornamental, drop spoonfuls of whip- iron. It will adhere to the cloth. If bacon is soaked in water a few minutes before it is fried, it will retain retain much more fat than if cooked in the ordinary way. When it is done sprinkle over it a few drops of lemon juice and a dash of paprika which will much improve its taste. If the breakfast egg cups are put info cold water and allowed to soak until the regular dish-washing is done they will rinse out quite easily; and if the egg spoons are rubbed with a little salt, after being rinsed in warm water, all discoloration will be re- Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.--The stomach is the workshop of the vital fûnetions and when it _gets out of order the whole systfem clpgsin sympathy. The spirits flag, thè rmda droops and work becomes becomes impossible^ The first care should be to restore Healthful action of the s.tom- ach and the best preparation for that purpose purpose is Parinelee's Vegetable Pills. General General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest ped cream on the meringue, putting a moved w ithout the use of silver polish, strawberry an a bit of green angelica or real strawberry leaves on each. Strawberry Marmalade.--To one pound of strawberries allow one and one-half pounds of sugar. Cook strawberries in the clarified sugar stirring constantly, until they become pulpy and the juice is thick. The heated berries may "be passed through a sieve and stirred with sugar allowing allowing two pounds of sugar to one pound of berries. Pour into glasses and j [hei?value? cover immediately. Then cook them in a double boiler for fifteen minutes, leaving them in the boiler until cold. Strawberry Jelly.--Strabwerry jelly may be made of strawberry juice alone, if the berries are only partly ripened; but if sweet or fully ripe, red currant juice or lemon juice in the proportion of a half cupful of red currant juice or the juice of a small lemon to a pint of strained strawberry juice should be added. To each pint of the mixed juice a pound of sugar is allowed. English housewives housewives make a delicate jelly ôf the TESTS FOR AVIATORS. to Treat. Rushes. Poison Ivy--The rash starts with intense intense itching. The skin is red and feels hard> Presently small bpnçips appear arid in h short while thèse 'bump>' are found to be pinpoint or pintiead water blisters^ r tiie itching continues throughout the disease. Nettlerash---Itching is the most prominent prominent sign. As a general proposition proposition it precedes the rash. The patches are bright red, large, smooth and a little hard. A little later the patch gets lighter in color in the centre. As i fades the edges first become pale, then the. rash tlisappears. , There are never any blisters or ulcers. Itching is present from start to finish. The disease may come and go, appearing appearing in crops. Nettlerash results from some form of poisoning. The most frequent cause is food poisoning. The more frequent frequent causes are strawberries" buckwheat, buckwheat, salmon and other canned fish, shell fish. The Explanation of the disease is that its subjects, having been once poisoned poisoned by some food, are thereafter exquisitely sensitive to that food. The food having been digested and absorbed absorbed acts as a poison to the nerve endings endings in the skin. It is not spoiled food which cause nettlerash. The food is good enough for most people. The subjects of nettlerash are spoiled--at least so far as certain foods are concerned. concerned. The rashes produced by prolonged prolonged eating of buckwheat and oatmeal oatmeal are more persistent and less irritating irritating than the flareup nettlerashes from sea food and strawberries.' Shingles arid Fever Blisters--These are ulcers rather, than rashes. They start with a hard painful lump. Pain is about as prominent in shingles as is, itching in nettlerash. Presently the surface of these, lumps break, producing producing superficial painful ulcers. While these usually develop on the lips and edge of other body orifices, they may appear anywhere on the body. When they appear on'thechpst the disase is called shingles. Prickly Heat--This rash is especially especially liable to appear on the tenjder skin of babies. _ Adults are less subject to it. It is due to irritation of the skin from sweat. Therefore it shows itself under the arms, in the creases of the thighs and over the body. It is a source of much irritation when it affects affects a baby. Adults do not complain complain much of it. It does not itch. To prevent it lighter clothing must be worn and less food must be eaten. Light cotton mesh underwear is serviceable. serviceable. Bathing with soda water is helpful. A good dusting powder consists consists .of salicyliçv acid, 5 grains; bor.- acic acid, 40 grains; starch, 2 ounces. ■ Sweat Rash--Sometimes "a fine blister blister rash appears on parts of the body continuously soaked In swtat. This rash does not itch or pain. Bath Itch--Certain tender-skinned people are subject to bath itch at this eeason of the year. They should bathe less frequently and make use of bran water as a subsititue for soap and-water. They can clean the body fairly well with cold cream and other ointments using an occasional shower as needed. IP Successful use by millions pf women for generations generations and expert scientific opinion have thoroughly established the superior merits of BAKING POWDER hr- - Absolutely Purs No substitute exists for making making biscuits, cake, muffins and pastry of equal quality and healthfulness. Royal is made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes--a natural food element--as contrasted with materials from mineral sources used in cheaper CAN KILL WITH TONGUE. Lion Capable of Destroying Man Merely by Licking Hint. The tongues of some animals are very dangerous weapons. A lion could speedily kill a man by merely licking him with his tongue. The tongues of all the members of the cat family are covered with currious recurving recurving spines, formed of tough cartilage. cartilage. In the common domesitc cat these spines are very small, but are sufficiently well developed to give the tongue a feeling of roughness. In the fierést animals, such as the lion or tiger, these spines are frequently frequently found projecting up for an eighth of an inch or more, with very sharp points or edges. While the mouth is relaxed the tongue is soft and smooth, hut when the animal is excited the spines become rigid. All mothers can put away anxiety regarding regarding their buffeting children when they have Mot^er^Grave's Worm Exterminator Exterminator to givp^felief. Its effects are sure and lasting. Sell Frozen Products. The markets of Irkutsk, in Siberia, are an interesting sight, for the products products offered for sale are in most cases frozen solid. Fish are piled up in stacks like so much cordwood, and meat likewise. All kinds of fowl are similarly frozen and piled up. Some animals brought into the market \vholj2 are propped ùp on their legs, and have" the appearance of being actually alive, and as one goes through the market one seems to be surrounded by living pigs, sheep, oxen and fowls standing up. *,«///, lO.VwKji v* v.-Vvi t vV.'i rvCVü WOMAN AVOIDS OPERATION Medicine Which Made Surgeon's Surgeon's Work Unnecessary. What They Must Undergo to Become Proficient in France. Those who apply for positions as aviators in the French army have to i undergo some interesting tests of en- ! durance and self-control. In one test the applicant must exert on the drum of the testing apparatus a rhythmic and continued effort that is recorded in kilograms. He is then placed in front of a needle that moves by clock- berries alone before they are fully j WQrk and makes one complete revolu- ripe in this way. Put the carefully j tion a second . As soon as he notices picked and cleaned berries into the, any irre gularity in the motion he preserving kettle over a slow fire.j must stop the needle by pressing a Crush slightly with a wooden spoonj lever< Next a tambour is applied to until the juice flows freely. Simmer;^ thorax or his wrist> to gauge the gently for half an hour strain through I regularitiy G f his breathing and., his a jelly bag and return to the fire. Boil ; lse> The candidat e is then submit- briskly fifteen minutes with constant. ted tQ a violen t and unexpected shock, stirring. Take from the fire, measure j &uch ag the 3udden explosion of flash- and allow a pound of sugar to every, Hght powder , a revolver shot or a jint of juice. Add the sugar, a cupful | douche of ice wa ter might cause. Even at a time, stirring until thoroughly j ^en be ma y show no visible effect of . . dissolved. Put back on the stove, and j * h k the tambour registers the'» couple of hours, or less, to air be- 1*11*1 1 * 1 1 1 1 • *1 • 11 _ ^ f* * L Î -- ---- J n m J wt «-% i vt 4- n v» n 4" Health Hints. When one needs a stimulant one of the best is hot milk. A simple remedy for cuts is vinegar.. vinegar.. It is also good for bites and stings. v It is not wise to consult the invalid as to the menu, as the various surprises surprises will serve to tickle his appt- tite. Those who are prone to neuralgia and rheumatism will find relief by adding a little oil of turpentine to the warm bath. AmerHcal man writing on the care of the body strongly deprecates the habit of only leaving abed open forN Double Hip Braces Lock Each Separate Rafter It Jlv Mk JULto. MIS Mis. Aie MSI HUPS boil brisky until the liquid jells. degree to which his hand trembles, Strawberry Glace.--One quart wat- > a nT how much, if any, his breathing er, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 teaspoonful > and hig pulse qu i c ken. A good pilot granulated gelatin, Juice of 1 lemon, mug j. baV e great powers of resistance IY2 cupfuls# strawberry juice, whipped j tQ fatigue , a high degree of impertur- cream. Boil sugar and water togeth- ab ^ b ty and very rapid motor reaction. Astoria, N. Y. - " For two years I "I In s P ite of fatigue, his _ system must fore it is remade, and maintains that the "clothes should not be put back into position till late in the evening. free from seeds. Freeze an/I. line a mold with the frozen ice. Fill in the center with stiffly whipped sweetened sweetened cream. Cover the top with the strawberry ice. Useful Hints. Sweet peas-should be thinned out if they come up too thickly. A little quince preserve improves the flavor of pumpkin pie. Powdered sugar is sometimes pre- Was feeling ill and took all kinds of tonics. I was get- ingworse everyday. I had chills,my head would ache, I was always tired. I could not walk straight because of the pain in myback and I had pains in my^stom- ach. I went to a doctor and he said I must go under an operation, but J. did not go. I read in thé paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound and told my husband about it. I said 'I know nothing will help me but I ~ j"'"Af ""A ^ will try this.' I found myself improv- - fer JL ed m making hard sauce, ing from the very first bottle, and in two House niants infected wn weeks time I was able to sit down and eat a hearty breakfast with my husband, husband, which I had not done for two years. I am now in the best of healm and did not have the operation. Mrs. John A. Koenig, 502 Flushing Avenue, Astorja» N. Y. Every one dreads the surgeon's knife and the operating . table. Sometime^ nothing else will dô ; but many times doctors say they are necessary when they are not. Lettei* after letter comes to tpe Pinkhanq Laboratory, tellingbbw operatiops were advised arid were' not S erformedjor,If performéa,did no good; ut Lydi.a. E, Pinkp^m' s VegeJtableCom- bôundwaéusèd arid gôodheaîth follov the gelatin which has been softened in ! respond at once, not only to the call a little cold water. When this is cool, ! 0 £ wbk but to the reflexes acquir- add the lemon juice and the straw^ j ed during his education and training, berry juice, carefully strained and: He Wanted Peace. Two soldiers were conversing. One asked the other what made him enlist. enlist. "Why, I had no wife and children --no one but myself to think of; and, besides, I likes war. But how come you to join the army?" "Well, you see,v I .had a wife, and Relief from Asthma. Who can describe describe the complete re ief from suffering which follows the use of Dr. J. D. Kc logg's Asthma Remedy? Wh$>-<an express express the feeling ol jof tha^^cmes when its soft and gentle infiuerice relieves the tightened, choking a^moe.-! It has made this affliction a thing of the past for thousands. It never fails. Good druggists druggists everywhere have sold it for years. pbund waé used arid goodhealth followed. If you want advice write to liÿdi» E. Pinkbara Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. House - plants infected with lice should be dipped in tobacco water. Fermented. ketchup makes an excellent excellent polish to clean brass articles/ Good, cauliflower is heavy, compact and creamy white in appearance. Grated horseradish mixe/1 with lemon juice is better than when mixed mixed with vinegar. A little bating soda is a good thing to put in the dish water when washing washing dishes. - • Gardeners should keep their tools in ,the proper place; they x^ill then waste no time in looking for them. A dëliçiôuà cTïJte" fillingtis, ipade of sugar arid cream boiled together and thickened with finely ground peanuts. Jelly bags, pudding bags and Clean to handle. SôMbÿ all Druggists, Druggists, Grocers arid General Stores. Important Louis. Little Louis was a smart boy and very anxious to forge ahead in the world. He got a job in the local bank. A wealthy uncle met him in the street one morning and said "Well, Louis, how are you getting on in business ? I s'pose the first .thing we know you will be president of the bank?" "Yes uncle," replied the boy, "I'm getting along fine. I'm draft clerk already." "What!" - exclaimed the uncle. "Draft clerk? Why, that's very surprising, surprising, but very good." "Yes, uncle,?' replied the lad. "I j open and shut the windows according | to order- and dose the doors when j people leave therii Open!" ; %♦ Jonjnty, Set Right. Corporal (to soldier Reporting sick) --What's the matter with you ? Tdfnmy Atkins--T'ain in my hab doriién. Corporal--Habdomen • be 'anged. Sfomick you meari. It's honlÿ hoffi- j cers as 'as habdomens Post Braces Set in Snug to Everq Post Each Separate Rafter Locked at Ridge with 3 E)ouble Steel Braces At Last--A Barn of Definite Strength A T LAST--a bam that brings you unyielding strength just at the points you need it most. Naturally, you look for strength in steel barn construction. There are other essentials of course. But just as you need four wheels to a cart, so you want definite strength at every point where strain is greatest. $ $ [O BJ :e 1 l [ p I 1: V ate making history in the Canadian farming farming world. They have set aside, tor all time, the day "of heavy wooden beams and posts. They have made unnecessary the Loss of space from steel poets jutting far out from the walls, or projecting to the hips. They bring to the farmer or to-day the bam. cf to-morrow. 1 hey bring him ALL the room--ALL the strength--ALL the protection and con- venicnce the science of steel construction has evolved. PEDLAR'S Steel Brace " Wardle Patent" See for yourself the clear, open space and greater roominess in all park of the Pedlar Barn, made posable by Pedlars Steel Brace "Wardle Patent"--not a new idea, but a brace that has proved its value through the test of ten years usage. Notice how it sets up close to every post, entirely out of the way. Double Hip and Ridge Braces Lock Each Separate Rafter Safety in steel construction rests on _ a positive hold at the ridge and hip. So at these points in the Pedlar Bam you will find a double set of steel braca on each separate rafter. Think of it I Each Separate Rafter. These powerful braces, placed right at the points of strain, mean as much to you as à solid steel beam from wall to ridge--and wrtb- out excessive'cost. No wonder the Pedlar Bam is stronger I No wonder you can expect to find it as _ firm and rigid fifty years from now as it is to-day 1 An Advantage you Have Never -• Been Offered Before An advantage found only in Pedlar's Steel Brace 'Wardle Patent" Bam-is the fact that you can operate your hayfork in the .ridge or m either of the hips. An exclusive convenience that points still further to the scientific thoughtfulness galled galled forth in Pedlar construction. Inherited Security The same famous Pedlar, coverings that have provided such protection to the wooden frame bams in the past arc now found in Pedlar s Steel Brace _ V/a.rule Patent " Bam. " George Shingles, in big, generous size, 24 in. x,24 in.; or it prefixed, 26 gauge "Perfect corrugated, galvanized iron roofing is supplied. L)ncc the 28 gauge corrugated iron is placed on the wall frame, not one inch of wood appears from the outride. Pcdlar s Steel Brace "Wardle Patent" Bam is absolutely absolutely LIGHTNING-PROOF, FIREPROOF, FIREPROOF, RAIN-PROOF. RUSTPROOF, RUSTPROOF, and WIND-PROOF. Surprises Await You Once you see Pedlars Steel Brace "Wardle Patent" Bam, surprise await you at every turn. Roof and gable windows, windows, metal framed and glazed with wired glass, reflect abundance of light to all parta of the b&m. F erilar s Superior Bam ventilators supply ample ventilation and are proof against the nuisance of birds. Extra ventilation when threshing » available available through the windows, which are made to open and dose, ELavetrough, conductor pipe and complet 0 accessories properly dram all water from the. root. Eavc and Gable cornices make an airtight covering at these vulnerable points. Everything Complete Everything comes toryou complete to the tail ready for our expert workmen workmen to set in and erect in a few shortdays. Wouldn't you like to know more about Pedlar's Steel Brace "Wardle Patent" Barri)- Wouldn't you like to see plans and Hue prints of just the size of Pedlar Barn best suited to your own farm ? We will gladly send you, without obligation whatever, complete plans and working drawings without delay. VK THE Tear Off and Mail the Coupon Now PEDLAR PEOPLE, Limited THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Limited."Oshawa, Ont. fil Send.tné, wilhout-ddiy, Plans, Working Drawings «nd Low Complete, cf a Pedlar Stee) Btace "Wardle Potent" Bam. It is understood this will put me under no obligation to you whatever. - Size of- barn ' Name (Established 1861) \5:recutive Cfflcefl and Factories: Osh- .iwa. Ont, Branch.*#: lEontreal-Tor- ■'•'■n'.o-Iiondon-Wlnhipefc'.. - .•y*. ..x Address, Height of poet ft.