< < mm wmisæmæasÈ - ;■ jgwBggwgy*? papy ■■■ afg ■ ---a*.*.-.^..y»--<v-~rt BS M IBS? ». Àl s ..£tl Ht 4 ? 1 One of the Hot Weather - '. : .. * -. y z- j» ' Comforts The latest'}and most important important Oil Stove yet on the market. Coated with heavy olive green enamel makes it attractive easy to keep clean and will not rust or shell off. Note several of its prominent features--the elevated burners, burners, the glass oil tank and handy shelf -at the bottom. A simple and easy stove to operate which produces a smokeless blue flame of intense heat. Come in and look it over. w. H. DUST AN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville Hot Weather Grocery Specials Always Fresh and Best Quality at /- The Model Grocery Be sure to see our Friday and Saturday Bargains W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville Hampton Flour Mills s Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. C^n, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 v 6 !SC Fertilizer at F; O. Mason's. Auto Supplies--See F. O. Mason. Roofing all kinds at F. O. Mason's. Ride a Cyclemotor. Mason & Dale. McLaughlin Buggies at F. O. Mason's. It's a little wonder--the Cyclemotor-- call at Mason & Dale's and see it demonstrated. demonstrated. Goodyear Service Station at F. O. Mason's. Mason's. Brantford Asphalt Roofing àt F. O. Mason's. All Spring coats and silk suits will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's.; BOWMANVILLE, JULY ÏT, 1916. Social and Personal. •• Miss Leta Bragg is holidaying with friends in Belleville. Patriotic Garden Tea at Mrs. Southey' next Wednesday--ioc. Mrs. D. B. Simpson and Miss Molly are holidaying in Muskoka. Mrs. M. R. Jamieson and daughters are visiting relatives at Tara. Miss Benmore, of Bowmanville Hospit al, is holidaying in Belleville. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Robbins are visiting relatives at Irondequovf, N.Ÿ. Mr. Jos. Foley, Port Huron, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. R. Foley. " Rev. H. W. Foley, B.A., B.D., recently visited his father, Mr. Wm. Foley. Miss Gertrude Babcock and Miss Tena Prout recently visited in Belleville. Miss Carrie Delong, Elmbrooke is visiting visiting her sister Mrs. (Rev) G. Ç. Weisman. Miss Sherlock and. Miss Ross, Toronto, have been guests of Mrs. W. B. Tapson. Miss Edna Hanna," Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Fred Knox. Mrs. (Dr.) B, J. Hazlewood and family are holidaying with friends in Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs Wilfred Addinall and the twins, Huntsville, are visiting her father, Mr. C. Cox. Mr. ahd Mrs. C. J. Smale Providence; recently visited her father, Mr. Peebles, Wicklow. Miss Edith Lucas, Toronto, is holidaying holidaying with her sister, Mrs. John Darch, "Er- pingham". The Misses Edsall recently visited their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garret, Wellington. Mrs. C, A. Bonisteel, Belleville, recently visited her mother, Mrs* Jas. Knight, Lake View Farm. Mrs. Joseph Dunham of Toronto visited recently at Mr. A. A. Gamsby's "Linton- hurst," Orono. : Bowmanville DistricfLeâgue will hold their picnic at Hampton-on-the-Iake Wednesday Wednesday July 26. Mrs. John Cooper, Whitby, has been visiting her niece, Mrs. John" E, Aliin, "Allindale Farm". McMurtry & Co have the white ducks for the Goodyear Picnic. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dorcey and family, Rochester, N. Y. have been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Bottrell. Misses Greta and Marion Van Nest are enjoying an auto trip thru New York state and visiting relatives in Rochester. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Blyth, Oakville are guests of her father, Mr. C. Rehder, enroute to visit relatives at Ottawa. , Rev. W. R. Archer, B. A., and family, Wellington, are enjoying a month's vacation vacation with his mother at Little Britain. Mr. W. H. Scott has been appointed registrar for-East Durham to succeed the late Henry Elliott--Port Hope Guide. Wanted a good home for a 5 or 6 weeks old girl baby. ; Apply to Rev. T. D. McCullough, McCullough, Children's Shelter, Port Hope. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Roach and family and Miss E. M. Otton spend Sunday with their Cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart, Oshawa. An elegant stock of ladies' white and colored voile dresses, wash skirts and suits at Couch, Johnston,& Cryderman's. Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., and Mr. A. J. Armstrong, Cobourg, are enjoying an auto trip across the border in Uncle Sam's Domains. Miss Estelle Bull who has been organist of Port Perry Methodist Church, has resigned resigned and taken charge of the organ at Bloomfield. Miss Lizzie Spry has returned from a fortnight's visit with Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. She likes the Ambitious City very much. Capt. Pocock of Newmarket, and Lieut. South, Feversham, have been appointed to take charge of the Salvation Army Corps in this town. Mrs. (Rev.) W. G. Clarke and daughters are enjoying free life at their _ summer cottage near Carrying Place, Prince Edward Edward County. Mrs. J.Wickett and Miss Greta Wickett have gone West to enjoy a holiday with the former's daughter, Mrs. R. L. fioskin, Rapid City, Man. We congratulate Mr. Gordon Manning on passing his first year exams in Electrical Electrical Engineering at the School of Pract- c al Science, Toronto. "Do your Bit"--Come to the Patriotic Garden Tea at Mrs. Southey's, Wednesday July 19 from 3. 30 to 8 p.m. Admission ioc; children w Apparents free. Mrs. J. M. Cavanagh and son Billie who have beén spending some months with her aunt Mrs. W. H. Williams, have returned to her home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Messrs. W. H. Yeo, John Palmer, M. Jamieson and Geo. McFeeters attended the Orangemen's service at King-st Methodist Methodist church, Oshawa, Sunday morning. Miss Pearle Howard, Night Supervisor of Belleville General Hospital, has returned returned to her duties after spending two weeks holidays in Port Hope and Bowmanville --Daily Ontario. Mr. Alex. Ketchen, Brooklin, was recently recently presented with an address and engraved gold headed cane from the Presbyterian Church in that vilage in which he has long been a faithful member. Mr. Péter Newhouse, Wellington-st, is prepared to accept contracts for sewer and mason-work. See advt. He is a new man in town but has had many years of experience and guarantees good work. Citizens are invited to the Divine Services Services of 235th Battalion on Sunday mornings mornings at 9.30 o'clock on the Parade Grounds foot of Temperance-st. Capt. W. G. Clarke, Chaplain, will preach and the Battalion Battalion Band lead the music. Dr. W; Herbert Alexander, veterinary of our town, and Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orono,recently Orono,recently motored to Lindsay where they were guests of Mr. Thos. Hodgins, one of Ontario's noted horsemen, who conveyed them to his ranch on some 1,600 acres at Burnt River where they were privileged to inspect his fine string of Standard Bred horses. Mr. Hodgins has owi. jl and still possesses such horses as joe I*atchen, Maltalvo, Lew Jean,Prodigo, etc., which, are under the management of Mr. James Powell, an efficient and painstaking painstaking trainer. Mr. Hodgins' ranch is in a block, the western boundary being Four Mile Lake and the eastern boundary Burnt River, and is an ideal spot for both man and beast. What was seen and learned was well worth the trip. Local and Otherwise Barn to rent. See advt. " - Gray Buggies it F. O* Mason's. - Citizens, send us your guest list. Auto Supplies--See F. O. Mason. Renuall--half price--at F. O. Mason's Miss Leta Lane, Oshawa, is visiting Miss Hilda Tabb. Get your running shoes at McMurtry's for the big picnic. Dr. J. C. Devitt will close his office from July 31 to August 26. Mr. James Gilchrist, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Flo Rickard is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. G. Martin, Stratford. Mrs. G. M. Scott, Edmonton, is visiting her mother Mrs. Robert Young. .Miss Eva Sanders is holidaying with relatives in Torbnto and Pickering. A fine poem has just arrived from Sergt. Dan Douglass. Will appear next week. Mrs. Wallace Battle, Lindsay, is visiting visiting her father, Mr. John Mutton, Duke-st. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robson are visiting relatives at their old home, Fenelon Falls. Miss Catharine Warnica is visiting her uncle, Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Rose- neaih. Miss J. E. Bundle spent the week-end at Cobourg guest of Dr. Minnie E. Highet M. A. Mr. and Mrs. Henry GarbUtt, Sycamore, 111.,- are visiting at her father's Mr. Alex Wight. ; Mrs. Chas. McCullough and son Jack, Toronto, are visiting at her father's, Mr. Nathan Horne. ... Messrs. Arthur Quick and | Willis Tait, Belleville, are visiting the former's uncle Mr. W. Quick, Elgin-st. Dont miss Sunday; evening musical service service at Methodist church--large choir, men's choir and soloists. Rev. Geo. Nickle, Myrtle, Chaplain of the Grand Orange Lodge, addressed Wool- er Orangemen Sunday afternoon. Miss Dora Prout, Claremont, is holidaying holidaying with her sisters hereabouts- She has engaged tor another year. She is a very successful teacher. Inside pages are excellent this week. Chas. M. Bice on "Matter Annihilated" should be read by all. Should the Editor not cease his "Talks" during hot weather? Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing an elegant stock of cotton voiles and silk and cotton marquisettes--the finest lot of these goods ever shown in town. The owner of a nicely fitted up cottage at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake will furnish board by the week at reasonable rates. Drop a card to COTTAGER, Drawer B., Bowmanville. Baldness is caused by a microbe which destroys the hair root and closes the pores. The Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic arrests this process. Sold at all Rexall Drug" Stores, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's a big. stock of black and colored silks, and black and colored silk and wool poplins--all bought before the recent advance in these- goods--no better value anywhere than these. Rev. Alfred Brown, who finishes, his pastorate at Sydenham Street Methodist, church, Kingston, next June, has been invited invited by Picton First Methodist church congregation to become their pastor. ! iev. W. J. Wood B. D., at present at Picon, Picon, has accepted an invitation to the ! Newmarket Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Toronto, went to Minneapolis, Minn., to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage at :heir son Percy's home there last month. Picking up the Morning Tribune of June 13 Mr. Wright saw the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Champine who were married in Bowmanville on June 4,1854, and celebrated the 62nd anniversary at their home in Ceylon, Minn, Mr. Cham- piné was born in Darlington in 1832 where he grew up to manhood and married. Later they moved to Wisconsin and still later to Minnesota. Messrs. John McMurtry McMurtry and Thomas Bingham remember Champine's saw mill at Haydon. Their portraits show them to be a very fine, hale and hearty couple to be 62 years married. COAL AT C. N. R. STATION A quantity of good A I coal for sale at the C. N. R. station, Bowmanville. _ Strictly Strictly cash. After coal is purchased it must be taken away so that I can replace it fresh supply. R. H. COLLACOTT. Phone I4ô-r3 or isq-rl^ Bowmanville. 26-tf NOTICE Collection of Soldiers' Debts. The following Extract from King's Regulations and Orders for the Army (Para. 442) is published for the information of all concerned:--"A soldier cannot be placed under stoppages of pay for a private debt, and anyone suffering soldiers to contract debts, do so at their own risk." (Sgd) S. B. SCOBELL, Lt-COL. Commanding 235th Bn. C. E. F. Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of William Henry Williams, late of the Toum of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, 'Esquire, deceased. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Revised Statutes of Ontario - 1914, Chapter 121 and Amending Acts, that all persons having any claims against the Estate of the said Wuliam Henry Williams who died on the Thirteenth day of June, 1916, at the said town of Bowmanville, are required on or before the Twenty-fourth day of August, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors herein for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation and Mary Wiliams, Exectntors under the Last Will and Testament of the said William Henry Williams, deceased, their names and addresfes and fall particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the security if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that àfter -{.said Twenty-fourth day of August, 1916, the 2d Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto by law, having rega rd only to the claims of which they shall then have - had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH, 611 Lnmsden Building, Toronto. Solicitors for the above named Executors. Dated this Twelfth day of July, A. D. 1916. 28-8w. Notices of Births 2B cents; Marriages BO cents; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. . When iaseral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. • BIRTHS. Hoar--In Darlington, July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar, a son. SLSL 31 ■ Kent--On Thursday July 6th, at 64 Banfield St, Paris, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Kent, a son. Stanton--On June 25th, at Oshawa Hospitali to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stanton, a daughter.. MARRIAGES Hewston--Lynde--At Mance, Columbus, July. 1st, by Rev. W. M. Haig, Walter Hewston, Oshawa, Oshawa, and Agnes Lynde, Brooklin. DEATHS O'hara--In Hope July 4th, William O'Hara. Turtle--At Port Hope, July 5, Albert Turtle, aged 26 years. McGibbon--At Port Hope, July 9, Edwin Bruce McGibbon, aged 49 years. Nichols--In Bowmanville, Thursday July 6th, Wesley Ambrose Nichols, in his 34th yerar. 'Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. Ç. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary F orce his Dental Office will be conducted by J. JrCRAIG) L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate. in Dentistrÿ of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 AUTO LIVERY Any person wanting a business or pleasure trip apply at the Overland Garage, Temperance-st., or phone 248, house phone 185. Nothing but first- class cars used. 22-tf A- W. PICKARD |0RTER WANTED--Apply 'Office for particulars. at the Statesman 32tf 8 GOOD YOUNG LEICESTER BREEDING Ewes for Sale. Apply to C. M. Cawkkr & Son, Bowmanville. 28 tf B ARN TO RENT--Suitable for horses or automobile. automobile. Apply to Peter Newhouse, Wellington-st, Wellington-st, Bowmanville. w ANTED--Good plain cook, general. Washing Washing sent out. Wages $25 per month. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville 28-2w* B ARN FOR SALE--30x50 feet situated on first farm north of Enniskillen. Apply to Byron McLaughlin. Phone 239-r4, Enniskillen. M AID WANTED for general housework. Earn ily of three. Good wages. Apply to MRS. F. O. Mason, King-st., Bowmanville. 25-tf H OUSE TO RENT--Six rooms in Quick Block, also store on King-st. Immediate possession. possession. Apply to J. S. Moorcraft, Town Hall. P URSE LOST--In Bowmanville, J une 28, containing containing some money, and two pins valued as kéepsakes. Finder will confer a favor by leaving at Statesman office, Bowmanville. 27-tf C ONTRACTING FOR ALL EXCAVATING. Sewer and Water-works, cellars, etc.; also Mason and Cement work. Many years experience experience in all branches of work. Peter Newhouse, Newhouse, Wellington-st., Bowmanville. 28-lm. C OTTAGE FOR SALE--Solid brick, 4 .rooms and kitchen; hard and soft water; 3/5 acre of land. Bargain--easy terms of payment, Near G. T. R. station. Apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville. 28-2w F ARM FOR SALE--200 acres, parts of lots 31 32. con. 6, Township of Darlington, known as the Mitchell Farm;- good buildings and fences; 10 aoies bush. Owner giving up farming on account of health. James Jebson, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, R. R, 1. 27-tf. A GENT WANTED--At once, reliable man of good address with some experience among farmers to act as county representative for Durham County. Stone & Wellington, Nurseryman, Nurseryman, Toronto. 28-5w. L ABORERS WANTED--At new Arsenal buildings buildings at Lindsay, Ontario. Wages 25c per hour. Steady job--will last through most of the winter. Apply on Job to Westinghouse Church,Kerr & Co, Lindsay. 28-6w D RIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE--Fancy driver, new runabout.bnggy, not run over 100 miles, and fancy show harness. Good bargain for quick sale, Will sell separately. Apdly to A. W. Pickard, at the Garage, Temperance-st., Bowmanville. 22-tf. M ARRIED MAN WANTED--One experienced in mixed farming, to take charge of a well stocked farm, equipped with telephone, school and church convenient; must be teetotaler --able to milk and drive a four to six horse team. Good opportunity for first-class man who wants to take advantage Of the chance in this new country. Apply with references to W. J. Coleman,proprietor, Coleman,proprietor, Postmaster, Vanguard, Sask 28-2 E XECUTOR'S SALE OF FARM--North half lot 27 and south half lot 26, concession 4, Darlington, known as Arnot homestead consisting consisting of 200- acres with usual farm buildings and good fencing, abundance of standing cedar and hardwood, good creek and pasture. Plowing Plowing possession this fall. Apply Mrs. A. Arnot, 1591 Dufferin St., Toronto. 27-2m, H IGH-CLASS FARM FOR SALE--Containing 138 acres, part of lot 6, con. 1, Darlington, is only 80 rods from eastern limit of the town of Bowmanville. The farm is well built on, well fenced and splendidly watered, 10 acres of apple orchard, 5 acres bearing and 5 acres out fonr years; abundance of small fruits for family use. For situation and natural drainage, quality and condition of soil, the farm is not excelled in this district. To any farmer desirous of giving his children a high school education this property property should appeal especially. A visit to" the place will convince you of its worth. For full particulars apply to John Lane, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. ' 28-4w. V ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE-- consisting of 150 acres, lot 26, con.!8, Darlington, Darlington, near Enniskillen, 100 acres suitable for cultivation, of which 60 acres is in old sod, 60 acres pasture with running water, seven acres standing timber, about 150 apple trees on the place; 100 acres level clay loam very best soil; Between 40 and 50 acres under crop to go with the place' over SO acres new seeded clover and timothy: new barn 95x35 ft., steel roof. House 9 rooms with stone kitchen and woodshed. Good reasons for selling. Tenders addressed John Barton, R. R. No. 1, Enniskillen, will be received for this property up to and including July 20,1916. te ' The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. accepted. Prospective purchasers are invi ted to see this property and standing crops as early as possible. possible. 27-3w. Notice of Registration of By-law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a by-law was passed by the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville on the Nineteenth day of Jane, 1916, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $9,000 for the purpose of completing a system of waterworks and sewerage in said town, now in the course of construction, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office for the Registry Division of the West Riding Riding of the County of Durham on the 21st day of Jane 1916. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must, be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the Twenty-third day of June, 1916. 26-3W John Lyle, Clerk. « 3 I || FOR SOLDIERS. We bave in stock a complete line of ' Military Wrist Watches in Plain, Spot and Full Radium Dials and Hands. These Watches are guaranteed good Timekeepers and will give entire satisfaction. Seven Jewelled Movement in Nickle Cases, with Radium Dials and Hands $8.00 In Silver Cases with full Radium Dials and Hands 9.00 We have also Privates Swagger Canes, Sergt. Canes and Officers Canes, Silver Mounted and ENGRAVING FREE. Military Brooches, Badges, etc., and everything for the Soldier at the Store of Best Service. ALEX ELLIOT, Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker. Engraver. St Breakfast Foods and Fruits An excellent combination and quickly prepared breakfast of good food value and easily digested. Shredded Wheat. 2 for 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes - 10c Malta Vita ; 10c Gusto 10c Kellogg's Krumbles 10c Quaker Corn Flakes 3 for 25c Triscuit .2 for 25c Kellogg's Wheat Biscuit.... 2° for 25c Grape Nuts 15c Puffed Wheat 2 for 25c Puffed Rice 15c No cooking required with these CANINTED FRUIT--Is your supply of canned fruit getting short ? if it is try our offer. This is good stock in heavy syrup and guaranteed to please. Canned Peaches regular 18c for 14c or 8 for $1.00 Canned peaches, regular 20c for 1 6c or 7 for $1.00 FRESH FRUITS--We have a supply of foreign and domestic domestic fruits almost daily. We pay particular attention to this dept. F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville § I >S ES § 1 Special Sale this month of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses In order to make a quick clearance of the balance of our stock of Ladies' and Misses Dresses. We are offering you the choice of any Dress in stock at i off Regular Price Be sure and see them before buying your dress Also 30 Only Slightly soiled Dresses, sizes 15 to 42. Regular prices $3.50 tô $7.75, Clearing for $1,98 New This Week Ladies' and Misses Wash Skirts and Middies, a good assortment Floor Oilcloth, Linoleum, Straw Matting; and Carpet Squares in Stock Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville mm | ! T~