Ei '«aiWHl V WJWHWl -Barrister,.. Solicitors and. . ConyeyanqerL Office;--Bleakleÿ Block»- King -Street, Bowman ville. Money tô loan At. reasonable reasonable rates. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M.. BOWKMrmLZ, - OHT. G old medalist of trinity uni- versity, Toronto. Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Sis. . Office and Residen.ee, Wellington St. Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN/ D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all .domestic animals treated by latest Ttnown methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. East, Bowman ville. Phone 193. 20-lyr RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Exprès 8.62 a. m. .'Exprès* 4.22 a. m Express 10.18 „ Local 7.00 „ Passenger 8.29 p.m. Local 9.46 „ 8.49 „ Passenger 1.86 p.m. Passenger 7.18 , :Passenger 7.02 „ Mall e.68 , | : Dally Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East -0.07 a. m. daily 10.46 a. m. daily 7.58 a. m. dailyf 8.21 p. m. dailyt 4.27 p. m. daily x7.62 p. m..daily! 7.48 p. m. daily! 12.67 a. m. daily xNorth Toronto Station 1 Except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Agent. Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. ^Express 11.59 a.m. I HExpress 9.06 a.m, *ù Express _ 6.33 p.m. | 1[ Express 7.40 p.m Daily except Sunday | ilDaily except Sunday . GRAND TRUNK "E* Attractive Trips to Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Geoigian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes Maganetawan River Temagami, etc Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from certain stations in Ontario at low rates, with liberal stop-oversvery Muskoka Express Leave Toronto 12.01 p. m. daily exceot Sunday, and 2.05 a.m. daily, for Muskoka Wharf. Connections are made at Muskoka Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes. Leave Toronto I0.15 a. m. daily except Sunday and and 2.05 a. m. daily for Huntsville, for points on Lake of Bays. Equipment the finest. Full Particulars on application to agents. CANADIAN NA BIT Aug- P VI 26 LÀ! EmpÊre Federation Spectacle 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolising Imperial Imperial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parliament, Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON ANJMJNDER ^ A ON LAND A R ON LAND IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Empire Empire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, Destruction Destruction of Warships by ' Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. The King's Horse Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manufactures. Manufactures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 1,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. Bird's Dam. The Dam Under Construction. The Sluice Gates Open. Distributing the Water. ÙT on the prairies of Western, Canada and among the mountain mountain valleys of British Columbia, Columbia, deserts are being turned Into gardens by the application of life- giving waters. Every desert is a potential garden If this one chief necessity is met, though it is not fair to use the word desert or even an arid region, for Alberta Alberta is neither arid or desert. But nature may often be assisted in her great task of production, and this Is what the irrigation systems of the Canadian West are doing. In Alberta the Canadian Paciiic Railway is developing the largest individual individual irrigation project on the American American continent, with an area larger than the total irrigated area in either Colorado or California. Portions of a tract of three million acres will he included in this prosperous and fertile so-cailed "dry belt" region. The western section is. already completed, completed, including sixteen hundred jmiles of canals and ditches. The eastern section Is in process of development development where twenty-five hundred miles of canals' and ditches will be required for the service. I . On April 25, 1914, the great irrigation irrigation dam at Bassàno, Alberta, was opened. Built across the Bow River, eighty miles east of Calgary, the huge structure, 7,000 feet long, will . conserve conserve the water of the Bow for the eastern section. Another great engin- STEEL MONEY FOR BULGARS. worked'nis w»jr up through âil , departments. departments. The departments, of whldh these men know least, in their badness, is the bar. It is not only the big hotels that have been marvelously successful when managed by men of capacity, who learnt the business from the ground up, and who have developed executive ability, but some of the small hotéls have been remarkably profitable. We know of one hotel, in a town of only 17,000, managed by a man who began, when a boy, cutting meat in the kitchen of a big city hotel. As a result of good food and clean, perfectly appointed rooms and efficient efficient management, the profits of this house have steadily crept up, until, in 1915, they reached $50,000. To-day the building is being nearly doubled in size to meet the demand of good service. So little does this manager think of his bar that in his new building, building, he is putting it in the basement, as he is satisfied'that, in a very short time, liquor selling will be eliminated. Investors in hotel properties should deal with them as a manufacturing and retailing proposition. Manage or have them managed, by experienced business men. Give a quality service, advertise it, and build a reputation just as a manufacturer does for his name or trade mark. The traveling and local public will flock to them. « ^ -- SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY He Was Too Busy. "Mamma," asked three-year-old Freddie, ".are we going to qheaven some day?" "Yes, dear, I hope so," was the reply. "I wish papa could go," continued the little fellow. "Well, and don't you think he will?" asked asked the mother. "Oh, no!" replied Freddie; "he could not leave his business." business." ^ Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine I Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubes 25 c. ForDcokuf IheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcagf No season of the year is so dangerous dangerous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realizes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysen- try and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly deadly if not promptly treated. During the summer the mothers- best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. Up Against it Now. "Jiggs has just had an increase in salary." "That so? I'm sorry." "Sorry. I should think you'd 1^ ashamed to say that. You ought to rejoice in your neighbor's success." "I do, but Jiggs lives next door to me; and it was all I could do to keep up with him on his former income. Keep Mlnard'a Liniment In the house eerlng work, which will serve the same tract, is a giant aqueduct at Brooks, thirty miles east, two miles in length, which carries the waters of a branch canal over a wide valley. One has only to visit this great undertaking of the Canadian Pacific Railway to realize not only Its magnitude magnitude but the results it will, indeed is, producing. Here is one of the smaller radiating ditches, filled with rippling water. On either bank nature nature has responded with a luxuriant growth, and a garden of productivity is the result. -The wheat fields ex tend In another direction, showing a fine head of grain after imbibing the thirst-quenching, waters, for nature thirsts as do humans. All kinds of growths prosper--fruits, cereals and garden truck, while dairying and live stock growing flourish wherever there is an irrigation canal. The country is filling up with what are called dry farmers for thé waters ensure a practical practical certainty of crop. A six-year yield of Marquis wheat on irrigated land ran forty-four bushels to , the acre, compared with only 29 on non-irriga- ble lands. Here the CJP.R. provide, their Ready-Made Homes, where the, settler is assisted generously In es-t tablishing a foothold. Through southern British Columbia Columbia the effect of irrigation systems is, shown in the flourishing orchards of, the Okanagan, Arrow and Kootenay Lakes country, along the Cariboo roadj and in many another section. Thus-; this most ancient of natural aids as! it Is the most modern, dating from.the Garden of Eden and continuing to the Alberta Irrigation system is one that has contributed to the world's produoj tivity and to Canada's. wealth. 'BLENDED SAUSAGE.' Germany Also Supplies Iron and Lead Coinage. Gradually the monetary systems of the Central Powers are being radicolly changed, but their specie and paper now coming into circulation will be valueless, except among themselves, unless the conclusion of the war should be in their favor. There is no gold in circulation, and silver is beginning to disappear completely completely in some countries, notably in Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey. Thus, to replace specie, iron, steel and lead are being introduced instead of copper and silver. The Bulgarian Government Government has ordered $2,000,000 worth of j 2 cent and 1 cent coins in steel and lead. Moreover, about $3,000,000 are to be shortly issued in small bank / notes in the respective value of 20 cents and 40 cents each. These small bank notes are being printed in Germany. Germany. A first series* of bank notes of the face value of 96 cents, $1.92 and $3.84 apiece, and amounting altogether to $5,000,000 nominally, are awaited by the Bulgarian Treasury from Germany Germany almost immediately, as a first instalment. Further daily deliveries are to be sent to Sofia, representing $4,000,000 each- time in these new ture frames, every part of the room, notes, until the total order for $100,- 000,000 in bank notes has been supplied. supplied. All this new Bulgarian money is made in Germany. This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed, and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tried other Liniments, Liniments, also doctors, and was receiving receiving no benefit. By a persuasion from a friend I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and used one bottle which completely cured me, and have been using MIN- A'RD'S LINIMENT in my family ever 'since and find it the same as when I first used it, and would never be without it. ISAAC E. MANN, Aug. 31st, 1908. Metapedia, P. Q except the floor, is thickly covered while from the ceiling hang long festoons festoons and ropes, made of bundles of stamps for which there is no other place. Fully 2,000,000 . straps are pasted up, aand 1,000,000 more hang in the festoons. Minard'a Liniment Lumberman's Friend Human Sacrifice in India. A despatch to London from Calcutta says that a case of human sacrifice A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. Big Profits in Hotel Investments Without a Bar. Hotel investments in most parts of Canada, and particularly in Ontario, i have depreciated very much in value ! owing to the spread of prohibition, and many owners are in despair. But there is no need for this. On the other hand a new and much better era should now open. Hotel-keeping ! has proved to be, and may, in Canada, "Succulent Source of Huns' Joy" Disappears. Disappears. The German's faith in the idol of his soul, the pivot of his beiiig, the symbol of all he holds dear--in short, the sausage--has been rudely and ruthlessly shattered. The Munich Post says: "To-day more than ever before he who eats sausage must be gifted with an unquestioning trust. Heaven only knows what it is that is being sold under that name at present. The substance substance which is passing for sausage at the officially fixed maximum price in no way corresponds to the money that is spent on it. The intention of the city authorities was to produce cheap sausage. Their goodwill was most praiseworthy, but unfortunately ! their efforts met with no success, i Large quantities of "blended saus- : age" were placed on the market. ; Why "blended sausage" ? Simply be- : cause that variety yields the biggest ! profits, of the very expensive blood ' and fat hardly a trace enters into its composition. The latest materials materials to be employed in sausage manufacture manufacture are beetroot and parsnips, the succulent source of our joy, has disappeared. What else takes its place it were better not to enquire "i too closely. Suffice it to say that the sale of "blended sausage" yields ! the butchers a magnificent return, ' while the sausage-making art, as it ; is carried put at present, simply de- , frauds the consumer of his hard- earned money. r Getting into Society. "Guess I'll have to rig up a middle middle name," declared Fludbub. "I never had one, but I gotta have one now." "Why so?" "My wife demands one to print on her visiting cards.' Minard'a Liniment used fcy Physicians. Worry gives the undertaker more business than work does. SEED POTATOES S EED POTATOES, IRISH COB- blers, Delaware, Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write for quotations. quotations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. HELP WANTED W ANTED--MACHINISTS, MOULDERS MOULDERS and Pattern Makers, stead v work, state age, experience and wages. Boving Hydraulic & Engineering Co., Limited, Lindsay W ANTED--HELP FOR WOOLEN Mill, Carders Weavers. Fullers, and Napper Tenders. Good wages paid in all departments, and steady work as=- j sured. We have several openings for 1 Inexperienced help, where energy and : ability will bring promotion. Wages ! paid to apprentices while learning : Weaving. Special Inducements to Family workers. Write stating full experience if any, age, etc to The Slingsby Mfg.. Co.. Ltd ■ Brantford. Ont. ! NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario N towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilstpn Publishing Company, Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS C ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC, internal and external, cured washout washout pain by our home treatment Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman M<rdleaJ Co.. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont. Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show will be held at Union Stoolc Yards, Toronto DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916 For further particulars write C. F . TOPPING, Secretary, Union Stock Yards. Toronto For Freezing: Ice Cream you get best results with CRUSHED ROOK SALT A more even freeze. Smoother Ice Creanp Takes one-third less salt and keeps Cream hard twice as long. Write TORONTO SALT WORKS, 60-62 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. Willie--"I met the new boy who lives next door on my way to school this morning, and it made me late." Mother--"I'm sorry for that, Willie." Willie--"It's all right. The new boy wasn't able to get there at all!" Ask for Mlnard's and. take no other IqOT SHOES Çlteaper titan Learner-and far Better His Last Words. The following passage took place between counsel and witness in a disputed disputed will case: "Did your father give you no parting parting admonition ? " "He never gave much away at any time." "I mean, what were his last words ? " "They don't concern you." "They not only concern me, sir," remarked the barrister, severely, "but they concern the whole court/ "O, all right," was the reply. "Father said: 'Don't have no trouble when I'm gone, Jim, 'cos lawyers the biggest thieves unhung." is reported from a Hindu temple at j bë mad one of the most profltab le > Jaffna. It appears that certain Hm- and re putabIe o{ bustaesses . bt is the dus of Vannarponnai were strongly tempted by a dream regarding treasure treasure trove. Believing that by the sac rifice of an innocent youth to the god- most promising field for business development, development, we know of to-day for ambitious ambitious capable young men. i j s, • , . j i The trouble is that our hotels have dess they could obtain the desired ., , , , .-, j .s v nrt , , j ; been conducted on the wrong lines, money, they led a youth of 20 at dead ! rm.„ , , i jfj _ _ ,.5 _ ^„ of night to the temple of the goddess where he was drugged and his throat was cut. Holding it Up. "I don't think that women have always always been vain; you know that women women were made before mirrors." "Yes, and they have been before them ever since." Plain "Wages." ♦ "Does your employer give you any kind of a-stipend for your week's work ?" "Not much, he don't. He pays me reg'lar wages." l s ummcp SOLD BY _ ALLGOOD SHOE DEALERS Worn 2,000,000 Stamps Cover Walls. Within easy walking distance of the old cathedral town of Chichester, Ehg- land, is thg Rising Syn, in North Ber- sted, a house of interest to all who collect stamps. This small inn contains contains a room every inch of which is covered with postage stamps. Ceiling, Ceiling, walls, doors, chairs, tables, pic- ! The bar has been regarded as the chief object. Most hotel-keepers have not ; been business men but liquor handlers. handlers. Lodgings and food have been merely an incident. Some of them expected expected to lost money on their tables. The wastefulness was appalling yet the supplying of good food and good accommodation is one of the most profitable profitable businesses in the world to-day. In Canada it has been more or less of a disgrace to be associated with, or even seen in, an hotel. In Europe and the United States some of the richest and most prominent families socially are investing and naming hotels after themselves and the hotel is becoming a social centre. The . most successful hotel-keepers are men who began in the kitchen and dining-room ; who. learnt the business from that end. The Ritz Hotel in Paris is probably the finest in the world to-day. Mr. Ritz, when the writer^first knew him, had just been promoted to assist, in the management of the Savoy Hotel, London. 7?he present present general manager of the Ritz, Mr. Ellis, was his head waiter. Like so many successful caterers they are both of Swiss birth. George C. Boldt, of the Waldorf-Astoria, and other big hotels in the States, is the largest hotel owner in the world, with a net income of well over , a million; perhaps perhaps a couple of millions, a year. He worked his way up from the kitchen. ! Fred Sterry, manager of The Plazas 1 ànd other big American hotels, also Many a man who seeks fame finds ! nothing but infamy. I Adds a Healthful Zest to any Meal Most everyone likes a hot table drink, but it must havè a snappy taste and at the same time be healthful. Probably no beverage answers answers every requirement so completely as does posTun This famous pure food- drink, made of roasted wheat -and a bit of wholesome wholesome molasses, affords a rich, delicious flavour, yet contains no harmful element. element. The original Postuni Cereal Cereal must be boiled ; Instant Instant Postuni is made in the cup " quick as wink," by adding hot water, and stirring. Both forms of Postum have a delightful aroma and flavour, are healthful, and good for children and grown-ups. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. Canadian Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd., Windsor. Ont. Wheelock Engine, ISO H.P., 18x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wide, and Dynamo 30 RW. belt driven. Ail in fnsr class condition, Would be sold together or sep l ately ately ; aisii a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as. room is required immediately. immediately. S, Frank Wilson & Sons 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ED. 2. ISSUE 80--'1G.