Selected Recipes. Pumpkin Preserves.--Make a rich syrup. Peel and .slice pumpkin in chips about IV& inches -long and ^4 inch thick. Cook pumpkin in the -syrup until clear. ' When about half done slice in a lemon to each quart of pumpkin and finish cooking. Seal in glasses. Canned Pears.--Steam pears in colander till tender. Have ready a ••• •• ■■■ ■ " -- V.*:- v-» V -A v;: - •; ■ -, "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought The Joy Off Health After Two Year»* Suffering to terrors of nervous apprehension whict , syrup to which you have added, two mi , . , ,, . . . ! or three cloves ; add the pears and cook an^aCïs^uSief'd^Æ^w^ ^ transparent. The syrup are necessary for happy womanhood, an and fruit will have a pink cast ana only possible when the sensitive organism taste much better than those wnich is in a perfectly healthy condition. U have not had the cloves added, there be any-derangement in this reaped ; Mustard Pickles.--One gallon vine- no remedy m the world .so completely re* ! ___ ..... stores womanly health as the wonderful g ' two c ^ ps su &ar, one cup salt, one -- -- - -- cup ground mustard. Wash fresh, "Favorite Prescription" invented by Dr. R. V. Pierce. Chatham, Ont. --"A few years ago ] suffered a general break-down and got very weak and thin. I was in an awful state. I was very much discouraged and at times thought I would lose pay mind. I knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines so I got his 'Favorite Prescription.*-' It gave m« new, cucumbers and drain. Then pour the above mixture over them. Use a stone jar that has never. had lard in it. They will be ready to use in one week. Nut and Potato Balls.--To four cup- to thé size of^ithe toe . off Wf Pad with wadding . the boots or shoes '■* i- ■ will ffUni it a j^ing whenbaby is creeping baby's -shoes will not" wear THE SITUATION IN GERMANY. mashed and seasoned potatoes immediate relief, and completely cured add one cupful choppend walnut meats mè in a very short time. My Sister used one.. tablespoonful minced parsley and it with good results also. SM was in l whites of two eggs. Add a little JfS condi 5° n - milk if necessary. Make into balls take it -and. two bottles cured her com- , > , -, pletely.,_ / i and ?*oll each ball m chopped wâlnut meats, then in beaten yolks of eggs, and again in walnut meats. Fry in "I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Piercers medicines; they are all that is recommended of them."--Mrs. Mas- - caret Bryant, 87 Park Ave., Chatham Ont. deep fat. Lamb Chop with Peas.--Two quarts fresh peas, six - lamb chops, one teaspoonful teaspoonful salt, one-fourth teâspoonful pepper, juice of one and one-eighth lemons, one teaspoonful corn starch, one teâspoonful onion juice if desired. German Parsons. The German Church, like everything everything else German, is admirably or- _ ganized but the clergy depend on the j Brown lamb chops'add"peas"and" sea Government for their daily bread. The j gon i n g S and boiling water to cover, oath of allegiance which each clergy- | Boil until peas are tender and meat man takes binds him to obedience not, done about thirty minutes. Remove ,<qZ , °„ m-L aisei > u a 50 0 6 | the chops and thicken the gravy with State. The clergy, therefore, can T . -, . . , ? f. scarcely be considered as anything * he co ™, , at ? rch m . 0, . stened ln cold J™- but a department of the German Civil ter Add lemon l mce . arran 8 e cho P= MADAM LAPLANTE 85 St. Rose St., Montreal. April 4th. "For over two years I -was sick and miserable.. I suffered from constant Headaches, and had Palpitation of the Heart so badly that I feared I would die. There seemed to be a lump in my stomach and the Constipation was dreadful. I suffered from Pain in the Back and Kidney Disease. I was treated by a physician for a year and a half and he did me no good at all. I tried " Friiit-a-tives '* as a last resort. After using three boxes/1 was greatly improved and twelve boxes made me well. Now I pan work all day and there are no Headaches, no Palpitation, no Heart Trouble, no Constipation, no Pain or Kidney Trouble and I feel like a new being--and it was "Fruit-a-tives" that gave me back my healthy. Madam ARTHUR LAPLANTE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Service. 1,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead\tO the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering froirç Nervous Debility, Diseases of the! Mouth and Throat, Bipod Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. peas around on a platter, and pour them. Cucumber Catsup.--Twelve large ripe cucumbers. Four medium-sized onions. Peel the cucumbers and remove remove all seeds. Grate the cucumbers and chop the onions fine. Mix well eggs or meat. Only the best is good food. Make more use of clieese by providing providing savory cheese dishes instead of too many sweet puddings. If there is a pool near that breeds mosquitoes, stock it with tadpoles; they will destroy the mosquitoes. If a few drops of vinegar are together. Pat it in bag and let drain I added to the water in which eggs are over night. In the morning squeeze out all the remaining water. The juice from the cucumber must be well removed in order to preserve the pulp. Then moisten this pulp with vinegar until about the consistency of horseradish. horseradish. Add pepper and salt to taste. Seal in air-tight jars. . It Will keep indefinitely and will retain the fresh çucumber taste till the last. This is à delicious meat relish. ; 1 Tomato Jelly Salad.--One can tomatoes, tomatoes, two tablespoons granulated gelatin, one-half cup cold water, two poached the whites will not spread. A rice pudding that is cooked slowly and long will be richer and of better flavor than if cooked quickly. Restore the flavor of scorched milk by standing it in a pan of cold water ! +o which a pinch of salt has been added. added. If there is any corn bread left from breakfast, soak it in milk, and make up into griddle cakes the next morning. Green vegetables can be freshened by putting off the ends of the stalks teaspoons salt, one piece bay leaf, j a * ld a ^ untidy, decayed bits and put i JSkpîuî Don't let it run VpgL-, too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, nervousness, nervousness, depression depression and sallow complexion. Just try CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They relieve relieve fermentation, indigestion -- gently but surely cleanse.the system and keep the stomach and liver in perfect running 1 order. At all drnsiitts, 25c., or by mtil from 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto Eztfei three peppercorns, one teaspoon sugar, sugar, one slice onion, three cloves, one green pepper, one cucumber pickle. Soak gelatin in cold water until soft. Cook tomatoes, bay leaf, peppercorns, ting into cold salt water for three, or four hours. An excellent household remedy for burns is olive oil or vaseline. The By Chas M. Bice) Denver, Colorado. Much depends upoir the outcome of the "great drive" now in progression the various war fronts, not only as concerns thè German military force, .but in the political affairs of Germany. Germany. It is difficult for any people at war to cope with politics and the ambitions ambitions of the diplomatic force, and we find that Germany is now divided in her foreign policies. If reports are true that escape the German censors, there is formed in that country an alliance between Liberals, Liberals, Socialists and Catholics for the first time in history. These are supporting, supporting, Chancellor Hollweg in his opposition to the submarine naval policy,- formerly pursued by Admiral von Tirpitz, backed by Conservative- Agrarian element which demands that aggressive submarine warfare to be Germany's only hope to win.. Of course, this policy would annul the Teuton promise to the United States and would doubtless embroil the republic republic in the European conflict. But what is that to a nation that can disregard disregard treaties when they stand in the way of what she considers her military necessities ? As an excuse for this policy of pir acy it is urged that Germany made the promise to the U. S. to cease this barbarous form of warfare only upon the condition that the U. S. should exact the recognition of international international law and rights of Great Britain, on the seas, which it is claimed claimed has not been done. The leader of the Conservative- Agrarian element is former Admiral von Tirpitz, who resigned his position position when forced by- Hollweg to submit submit to the American demand. The strenuousness of the 'situation has forced Hollweg to organize a publicity campaign in which he is to go through the principal cities of Germany personally and explain his policy. It is claimed that this has been matte necessary especially since the defeat of the German navy in the North Sea battle-- : the truth of which is just becoming known to the people. The Chancellor's attitude towards peace and its essentials will be fully explained to the people in ,this whirlwind whirlwind speech-maki-ng campaign. Of course, he expects Germany to win, or at. least he will pretend to believe it, for any other attitude would menace his office as Chancellor, Chancellor, which is the next highest official positiorf'TaThdt of the Kaiser. But he is. opposed to any notion of territorial aggrandizement at the expense of either France, Belgium or Russia; and the strangest thing about his policy is that he is desirous of retaining British friendship after the war. He is antagonistic to any proposal that would interfere with ' such an great thing is to exclude the air from ! understanding with Great Britain, for sugar, onion and cloves for twenty ! l> urned surface, and this the oil he has in view a fraternal combina- -- * 1 M 1 9 1 1 1 -- - Tin I 1 ri A •" 0- - ---- -- -- --Z -W» v--- n n v. 4- U <-i4--TTT y-t AVI - minutes. Strain and add salt. Pour hot liquid over softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Add green pepper pepper and pickle, chopped fine. Pour into wet molds or cups. Serve cold on lettuce leaves or cress with mayon- ! naise. Jellied Soup.-- Iced bouillon is mighty refreshing on a hot day. To a quart of the beef bouillon add" a level teâspoonful of white gelatine, dissolved in a .small quantity of the will do. tion or working agreement between The feet of young chickens can be ; Germany, Britain and the United easily skinned by pouring boiling water over them; they can then be skinned and boiled, and you will have a delicious broth. There is no more efficacious way of removing finger marks from woodwork, woodwork, window panes or porcelain than by wiping them with a cloth moistened moistened with kerosene. When giving sticky medicines to cold broth. Season to taste, using ■ children, heat the spoon by dipping it j salt, pepper, paprika, a bit of celery I "f or a moment in hot water then pour 1 | «I e -- -- - i «M A WA AWiyiVWrt .AwJ «4. «...II -- "1 -- -- _ *1 ; salt and onion. Heat over ELDERLY WOMEN SAFEGUARDED Tell Others How They Were Carried Safely Through Change of Life. onion. Heat over a slow fire, but do not boil. Strain. Cover and leave standing by the ice for five or six hours. It may be served in small bowls with k slice of lemon on the top. Or parsleÿ may be used. It Durand, Wis.--"I am the mother of fourteen children and I owe my life to as covers - Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Compound. When I was 45 and had the Change of Life, a friend recommended recommended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feelings feelings that I took several bottles. I am now. well and healthy and recom mend your Compound to other ladies." --Mrs. Mary Ridgway, Durand, Wis. A Massachusetts Woman Writes: Blackstone, Mass. -- "My troubles were from my age, and I felt awfully sick for three years. I had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. I took Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound and now am well." --Mrs. Pierre Cournoyer, Box 239, Blackstone, Mass. Such warning. symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, Weakness and dizziness, should be heeded 3-aged women. Lydia E. Pink- i's Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through this crisis. is not necessary to have the soup like jelly, it should be just slightly "jellied." "jellied." Half strained tomato juice and half bouillon may also be used, with very good results. Stuffed Green Peppers.--Soak firm green peppers for twenty-four hours in brine strong enough to float an egg. Cut off the tops, saving them to serve Chop enough firm white cabbage to fill the cavities and mix with it one-fourth part of chopped celery, green cucumbers or green -tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and let stand for four hours, then drain in a colander. Add one chopped onion, one-half teaspoonful whole mustard seed and three tablespoonfuls olive oil. Then fill the peppers, place covers covers on top and tie firmly with fine twine. Place peppers in parcelain- i lined pan, cover with warm vinegar | and let stand overnight. Next jday j pour off vinegar, reheat and again, I turn over the peppers. Pack in lay-' j ers in large stone jar and cover, and ; in six weeks they will be ready for the j table. For a sweet pickle sugar is added to the vinegar when it is scald- ' ed. • in the medicine and it will slip easily from the spoon. Vegetables that can be cooked the day before serving and reheated without without loss of flavor are the following: spinach and potatoes that you intend creaming. string beans, tomatoes, asparagus, Cut the fingers and 'thumb off any old paid of kid gloves and sew the top -Things Worth Remembering. A flannel dipped in turpentine will clean a porcelain tub well. Too much starch will cause linen to crack in the folds. ; Bananas are more; digestible baked than in their natural state, 'Ether is a very good thing for removing removing stains from clothing. When ironing. linen, move the iron With the threads, never diagonally. It is never economy to buy cheap ■mm IpITTLE TVER PILLS. States, and this is why he has worked worked so persistently to avoid a break with Washington. We all recognize his position of Chancellor as one of supreme importance, importance, carrying with it responsibility responsibility for imperial acts and policies to a large extent, and it has been surmized surmized that possibly the Kaiser himself himself is back of the course he is pursuing. pursuing. His prerogatives are so far reaching reaching that a change in the Chancellor at this time would be interpreted by the German people as a rebuff to the Kaiser, and might involve radical changes not only in the foreign office, but in every department of administration administration of internal affairs, so that any new incumbent of the office would mean opposition to the wishes of the Kaiser himself. If the allies should continue to win, as they have since "the drive" began, the Chancellor may find it hard to make any impression favorable favorable to his policies, upon the German people, and a crisis is liable to be precipitated in Germany similar to » 1 t 1 . * _ 1- v. rvn A A/l 1 Q ^71 Sick Heedsche dont to wMHt). CizzinMi,' Hfcuaee, eating, Vain in the Side, to, While their most remarkable aticcesa has been shown in outing Hsadao! equally venting this anno; lUdÜi Garter's Little Liver Pills are ipGprii nstipation, outing and pro- rcorôplain^ipbil» they also correct all disorders ox the stomach>«touiaia the liver and regulate the bowels. Bveb U they only cured " ' Aehethey woultim almost priceless to those who Suffer from this distressing con)pjainti but fertu- nwtofir Ihéirgdôdness doss not end bet*And those without.ti lut i Is the bane of so many j we make onr great boast others do not. here is where pills oute it while Carter's Little Liver PiUs are very small end twbtir* very easy to. take.' Qne or' . They are striotly vegetahle sâl do purge, bhtfcy their gentle àottao p! use w*8L cm» woonrfiOn ssw tbit that which France witnessed in 1871. The Entente powers are watching events with keen interest, and stand to gain in any event. Denver, July 31st, 1916. Camel-Like. Out on Egypt's sands the Territorials Territorials were camped. The captain of the company was all that a captain should not be. He was short and stout and round of shoulder. Needless to say, among his men he was known as "Humphy/ One night, on returning returning to camp, the gentry let him go unchallenged, and so roused his military military wrath. "What the Blue Alsatian Alsatian mountains do you mean?" he snapped out. "Why didn't you de- fiiand the countersign?" The sentry trembled with fear so badly that Ids wits got shaketL "Badad. sir/' he etamfiiered, "I thought ÿeu was % c-c-c-amd." Shape Didn't Matter. Butcher--Will • you have a round steak, ma'am ^ Mrs, y<iunafarider--I don't care what shape it ii So ivs A man çap <$rink h! than a womgfVéà» ïaee. self M and Biscuits In all recipes callings for Baking Powder use Royal Baking Powder. You will get better and finer food and insure its healthfulness Housewives are sometimes led to use inferior inferior baking powders because of apparent lower cost, but there is ( very little difference in practical use--about one cent for a whole cake or pan of biscuits--a mere trifle when you consider the vast difference in healthfulness in favor of food made with Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes--a natural f ood product, as contrasted with alum, derived from mineral sources, and used in the manufacture of some baking powders powders because it is cheaper. / The grouch is a barnacle on health and happiness. If you would advance at your full rate of speed scrape off the barnacles. Many a girl has given up an easy job at a good salary for the sake of working all the rest of her life for her board and clothes. We wouldn't mind conceit half so much if the self-satisfied man actual-» ly tried to live up to his high opin* ion of himself. I To little hearts and big ones, too -- the Wrigley Spearmen are calling, calling, every day: Their message is one of good cheer about this refreshing, beneficial goody that costs so little but means so much to Comfort and contentment. Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book for young and old, illustrated in colors. Address Wm,. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto Chew it Seated against all BMK»MnHnai