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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1916, p. 6

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/ A Free Course In "Salesmanship" We have thought about the young man who sees no prospects ahead. Would you like to be in a business that will give you A Good Living Wage A Profitable Future A Provision. For Old Age We teach a man the Insurance Business, which offers permanent success, does not fluctuate, is a professional occupation, and has been truly named "The best paid hard work in the world. This is done by a correspondence course and personal assistance, free of charge. When he is fully prepared for the work, we place him in a position and help make good. The first two lessons of the Company's correspondence correspondence course will be sent to anyone interested. interested. It will pay young men who desire to get on in the world to look into this. All correspondence strictly confidential CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Toronto. HEALTH The Wasting Baby. Sometimes, in spite of all that its parents can do, a baby persistently fails to gain in weight or steadily loses weight; it becomes what is called called a "wasting baby." In such a case it is best to ask the help of the physician physician at once, because he will probably be able to find out by careful experiment experiment whether the baby is getting , the right fooid, but not enough of it, or the wrong food altogether. Wood's Phesphodine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole l nervous system, makes new Blood ---- ---- "in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fsrmrty Wilder.) Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment. on Auto-Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance i f J is no hindrance. ' 7AnTL ^ B Write for particulars, particulars, rates of pay, send sc. stamp. AUTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. 18 3 257 CollegeSt. - Toronto Qiiso 'at Leicester. England). , NOT WORK Sometimes the fault lies, not in the food, but in the child's digestion. The digestive organs may be weakened by an attack of illness, or because the food used earlier in the child's life was unsuitable either in quality or in quantity. Of course bhe quantity may be excessive as well as insufficient^ insufficient^ some babies have deranged digestions digestions because they have been unwisely stuffed. Very often both parents and physicians physicians must practice great patience. Although one baby will respond immediately immediately to a sight change in diet,- the same method in a case that is ap- parenty exactly similar will have no effect whatever. It is of no use to persist if the conition does not change for the better very soon, for a sick baby's life hangs by a slender thread. Fortunately, if one expedient fails, there are always others to be tried. Of course there are cases that do not respond to changes in the diet, because because they are caused by some serious serious disease, such as tuberculosis. There are also cases in which it is impossible impossible to find any sufficient cause for the trouble. The child may take plenty of nourishment, but because of some congenital inability to assimilate assimilate it may waste away helplessly before before the eyes of its parents. That {tjye °f case, after every experiment has been made .and everyone has begun begun to despair, sometimes takes a sudden turn for the better for no discernible discernible -reason, and the child rapidly becomes perfectly normal.- If there, is no evidence of indigestion, indigestion, such as vomiting or diarrhoea, it may be that the ingredients of the fqod merely need to be strengthened. Sometimes the proteins must be increased increased by adding a little raw-meat juice; sometimes the fats in the fooj<$ are insufficient; often milk must be stopped for a. while, and a good predigested predigested food given instead. In very severe cases some mild stimulant must be administered, and the baby should be gently rubbed with olive oil, so as to get a* little fat into the system through he pores of the skin. The best treatment of all is to get the baby a wet nurse. or relapse, appears, which is often quite as severe as the first, although it generally lasts a day or two less. After the second relapse most patients go on to a real convalescence, although although some have still a third relapse. The complications are not usually serious, although in some cases the vomiting is so excessive that the patient patient is exhausted; and jaundice is often often severe. The diagnosis is unmistakable unmistakable when the microbe is found in the blood, but at first the disease is often mistaken for typhus, or malaria, or influenza. Relapsing fever is not a very fatal disease; in fact, the prognosis prognosis is always good unless such complications as pneumonia appear, or unless the patient is old and feeble. Drugs have little influence on the course of the disease.--Youth's Com panion. 3000 SHIPS UNDER JELLIÇOE. Tightness of the Blockade Surpasses Surpasses Expectations. In an article in the current number ci "Cassell's Magazine of Fiction" on British effort on land and sea, Mr. Frederick Palmer, the well-known American journalist and war corres- ; pondent, tells that "including the regular regular naval and the auxiliary vessels, some 3000 ships are under Sir John Jellicoe's command. Success in keeping keeping tight the blockade between Iceland Iceland and the North Sea surpasses expectations. expectations. It was feared that a number of raiders might get by, and, considering that the fog in the North Sea is often so thick that aman can hardly see his own hand held out before before him, it is amazing that only one raider has got through at the time of writing. The fuss made over that single one is proof of the pudding to naval experts, who realize the diffucil- ties if the layman does not.' It was as unusual as in the case of the man biting the dog." How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.; Taunton, Mass.--" I had pains in hc-th sides and when my periods came I had to stay at home from work and suffer suffer a long time. One day a woman came to our house and asked my mother why I was suffering. Mother. told her that I suffered suffered every month and she said, ' Why don't you buy a bottle of Lydià E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month I was so well that I worked all the month without staying at home a day. I am in good-health now and have told lots of girls aboutit." --Miss Clarice Morin, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month rather than consult a physician. physician. If girls who are troubled With painful or irregular periôds, bâèfcaçhe, headache, dragging^down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Compound, a safe and pure reinédy made from roots and herbs, much suffering might be avoided. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine x €k>., Lynn, Mass, (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful. Relapsing Fever. While the war goes on in Europe we must feel a certain apprehensive interest interest in the group of disorders that always follow on the heels of destitution, destitution, overcrowding, anji uncleanlinéss. Of these diseases typhus and cholera are easily the most terrible, but there are many others, and among them is relapsing fever, sometimes called "famine fever," because it appears at times when large numbers of people are underfed. It is likely to prevail, when the conditions are favorable, in any climate. At one time there were many outbreaks outbreaks of the fevér in Great Britain, but it has not been known there since 1S73. It does, however, often occur in Russia, Egypt, and India, and in 1868 e . Germany suffered from a severe epidemic, which spread thither from Russia. Although relapsing fever results from the - same conditions that cause typhus, it is a, much less grave dis- biUer. It is caused by a microorganism microorganism called the Spirochaeta obermei- eri, which is transmitted from one person'to another through the agency of eertain insects.. . An attack begins with a high fever and other symptoms of illness, which may incltide headache, chills, giddiness, giddiness, and often vomiting. The liver and spleen are enlarged. The first stage of the disease lasts from five to seven days, and terminates suddenly. The patient appears to be on the road to recovery until the secohjd attack, When a man is down his enemies stop kicking him and his friends begin. begin. that they cannot afford to be ill. They must keep themselves in the best of health at all times. Most of all, the digestive digestive system must be kept in good working order. Knowing the importance of this, many women have derived help from These safe, sure, vegetable pills quickly right The conditions that cause headache, languor, constipation and biliousness. They are free from habit-form? ing drugs. They do not irritate irritate or weaken the bowels. Women find that relieving the small ills promptly,. prevents the development of big ones. They depend on Beecham's Pills to tone, strengthen ahd «2 DbwtfiM wkk IwtyJtttdpicM VJm I» W< MbwiMm. i*tozw,2S No doubt, most of us are reeling that our summer wavdro Des are beginning beginning to look a little the worse for wear. The dainty voiles and organdies organdies that were so crisp and fresh at the beginning of June and July when we started the season with them, are looking limp and faded since they have been pressed into service all through the warm weather. . Taffeta.the Leading Silk By °far the most popular silks for dresses just now are the taffetas. They are especially smart in self tones and in the many striped, checked and blocked effects seen. Navy blue and the rich, dark tones predominate. In some very striking designs both checks and stripes are combined. Fol- whieh hg# been taken up is the Japanese, Japanese, parasol with its many colorings harmoniously blended. Sport clothes continue to be largely featured. The craze for silk sweaters sweaters keeps steadily on the increase. Gold, bright green, purple, blue, old rose and gray are among the most favored colors. The sweater, as a rule, is in some gay color and hats and stockings to match enhance the charm of this much-favored costume. Smocks and middy blouses 'are now made not only of linens and heavy cottons, but ! are very frequently developed in tof-. feta an crepe de Chine, also silk and wool Jersey cloth. The smock of taffeta taffeta worn with a Jersey slcii*t is one o fthe latest combinations. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall Dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto. F W- v Dress of Checked Taffeta lowing closely in the lead of taffeta are messaline, faille, figured and dotted dotted foulard; crepe de Chine, silk* voile, chiffon, crepe and Georgette crepe. The two illustrations shown here are typical of the simplicity of the present styles. The dress pf checked checked taffeta has a gored skirt with panel front and hack, and of course, it would not be complete without the ADVICE TO THE KAISER. "Sink and Scatter the British Fleet," All That Is Necessary. "Polybe," writing in the Paris Figaro, Figaro, says, addressing the German Emperor: "You have a battle fleet. Why do you not use it to break through the British blockade? The blockade is • only maintained by the British fleet, | •and ~if the latter were destroyed in j fair fight the empire of the seas ; would no longer be closed to German j merchant ships, which would be able ! to obtain all the foodstuffs and raw ■materials, reinforcements and munitions munitions they liked from North and South America and bring them to Germany. "The United States have not two sets of scales, one for the Allies and the other for the Central Powers. They will place no hindrance in the way of your commerce, so that nothing nothing is more simple---we say it with an entire impartiality of judgment-- nothing is more honorable. "Order out your fleet to go and look for the British fleet. Do you want its exact address ? Sink and scatter the British fleet and the seas are yours." * LORD KITCHENER'S RELIGION. If Miller's Worm Powders needed the support of testimonials they could be got by the thousands from mothers who know the great virtue of this excellent medicine. But the powders will speak for themselves and in such a way that there can be no question of them. They act speedily and thoroughly, and the child to whom they are administered will show improvment from the first dose. Doing The Work Of The Army. By*a piece of good luqk the new recruit recruit had been appointed orderly to his ! captain and the latter was now giv- I ing him his instructions, j "You are to rise at 5 o'clock," he ' said, "shave yourself and clean your boots and equipment. Then you clean my boots, buttons, belt, etc., shave me, see to my horse--which you must groom thoroughly and clean the equipment. After that you go to your hut, help to serve out breakfast, and after breakfast lend a hand washing washing up. At 8 o'clock you go on parade parade and drill till 12"-- The recruit, whose face had been growing longer and longer,, then interrupted. interrupted. "Beg pardon, sir, but is there any one else in the army besides me." His Conduct at Cairo Proved a Real Tonic to That City. Rev. J. H. Molesworth, late incumbent incumbent of All Saints', Cairo, writes as follows on Lord Kitchener's religion: "No one could be long in his company company without realizing that he was a man who viewed life seriously. I may illustrate this from the effect he produced on society in Cairo, when he went there to take up his position as British Agent and Consul General. Cosmopolitan places like the capital of Egypt, which are largely the haunts of pleasure, are often given over to a frivolity which is not seen in cities of commerce and business. There is frequently a relaxing of morals beyond what is witnessed elsewhere, and a general air of undiscipline, undiscipline, and it goes without saying saying that in such places Sunday and Sunday worship are at a discount. "It would be foolish to assert that Cairo was free from these vices. But the coming of Lord Kitchener instantaneously instantaneously wrought a change. He was known to be a man of unswerving unswerving devotion to duty, of disciplined life, of resolute purpose. Instinctively Instinctively we all braced ourselves up, and it was as though a tonic had been administered administered to the place. So far as his work permitted, Lord Kitchener was regular and punctual in his church attendance, and this at once told beneficially upon, the Sunday habits of the community. "He was president of All Saints' Church committee, and I never remember remember his omitting to take the chair, even when hard pressed by State business. "Earl Kitchener was indeed a type of that simple, manly, straightforward straightforward Christianity which we associate with the best English laity, which j does not trouble itself indeed about I subtle questions and controversies, i but rests on the broad facts of re- ! velation, and in simplicity practises its tenets." Small but Potent.--Vegetable pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduction to those acquainted with . them, but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best preparation preparation on the market for disorder of the stomach. The running track at the Canadian National Exhibition is one of the few on the continent giving a 220 yards | course straight-away. Many records j have been equalled or broken on Athletic Day in past years. As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. If the smile won't come off it soon becomes monotonous. 7317-7269 Ribbon a Fashionable Trimming large patch pockets on either side of the front, for pockets are as popular as ever in spite of their haying been in fashion so long. In the waist, the panel gradually tapers uptoward the neck, where it is met by a collar of Georgette crepe, which ripples at the back though the front is quite flat Chiffon, net or organdy is often substituted substituted for Georgette crepe in fashioning fashioning collars for this type of dress. The only trimming in this model is seen in the buttons on either side of the panel. The color harmonizes with the dress. That the vogue for combining plain and figured materials has not by any means diminished, is shown in the dress of plain and figured foulard recently recently seen. It is trimmed with with ribbon arranged in bands on the underskirt underskirt and cuffs, and in plaiting which . finishes the neck and hem. Note the gathered pockets and the straight tunic plaited at the top. These are two proniihént style features features of the season. This model is one which at first sight may seem intricate, but on closer 'inspection one discovers that tye y.movel 1 touches which make it so 1 very • qhic are,., in reality, easily^ carried out. . > : Parasols and iSpdrt *ClbC hés _ At all fashionable .resbrts, parasols of bright hues and fancy shapes 'are strongly in evidence. They are in all colors, both in self tones and in effective combinations of two harmonizing harmonizing colors. One of the novelties Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cldansin^ inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this interna bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the_ liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today--druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto nsns the international joy smoke is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes Copyright 1811 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Back up and get a fresh start ! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails their smokeappetites ! Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so different, has such a fine flavor, and is so cool and cheerful and friendly, you'll get a new idea of smoke joy 1 The patented process cuts out bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! j This little talk is also for men who think they're on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner you lay out the price for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner you'll make a discovery that'll be worth a lot to your peace of mind and tongue ! If your dealer cannot supply it, ask him PHnem Albert u sold to secure Prince Albert through his whole- Vidÿ saler. Get the idea of smoking ail you want 2 m aif%>ï£diZ£È?. and without a comèback --that's IP. A./ R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C., U. S. A. O* lie revert* «id. ef this tidy red He ju will read : "Process Peteeted Je* Mil, 19#7," which Us msde fAree wtl nwkt pipe» where one seeled kefere 1

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