A ■'y*-.'.-. " -Jgg On Eyesight Increased reading of fine and indistinct news print discloses many Eye Defects. ' A Careful Examination is Important and cheap glasses should not be considered. Considerable harm can result from a wrong correction or defective glasses and your eyesight is too valuable to take chances. Good glasses require special grinding and though not expensive cannot be supplied with any dollar sale. - We Value Our Reputation too highly to recommend anything but the best in glasses. Our expért Optician Looks into the Eye BOWMANVILLE WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC LEAGUE •" " . ' •-- - I Mas. {Rev.) Thomas J. Mansell <»f the The death occurred suddenly at Atlantic held in City, N, J„ Friday, Aug. 25, of Jessie Im- ? e i :o * nci i 1 Ro0 * Monday afternooM.Mw. logene Ault, relict of Rev. Thomas J. if r ViMÎ^ 8ld o nt, in chair, j Mansell, formerly pastor of Charlotte-st 1 ^ , llcr * Secretary, reported I Methodist church, Peterboro. The late twelve regular, two special meetings, I MrsJMansell, who was 57 years of age, was ° f Execu ] ive had I a daughter of the late Simon W. and Car- (SmilEÏÏV S Ct I 3 W ?l s M ^ns oJme Ault, and was bom in Mille Roches. Committee was formed with Mrs. (Dr.) I Her husband, who died about three years lhfh°r r .^°°:T, en ° r - Oo Jan ia a Khaki Uo, was a Methodist MimstenTn/had S mSP U was for med with Mrs. E. (charges at Montreal, Quebec, Peterboro H. McLean, Convenor; also a monthly col- 1 and other places. Since his death Mrs venoî n fSSÏw ToI %£? n " has «sided in Cincinatti. While venor. following Captains were added-- I she had not been in the best of health fnr Mesdames Southey, Anderson, Bonnycast- (some time past, she was able to go to At- le, Hazlewood and Mitt Ida Stephens, tontic City a few weeks ago and g ft«e*e Nov. 9 a very large consignment of in-1 ' ^ e ath being due to uremic poisoning, dividual^ Christmas boxes for all our sold-1 She leaves two sons, Charles A. of the iers in England and France was shipped. |Ault & Wiborg Co., Cincinatti, Ohio, and On Dec. 4, the women of the town gave lu °^ rt D ? w of Martinsville; Ind., and two the soldiers from Oshawa with our own | A. and L. D. Ault of Cincin- company a dinner in the Methodist School I o attl * « e remains were brought to room. I V^ï^wall and the funeral took place Tues- May 1 the League sent Siooo to the I !? ay ™ ornin 8 to the Methodist church and Prisoners of War Fund this to 1*2 month- SE??* at Moulinette, Rev. Mr. Snell ly remittance pending the war officiating. A large number of old family Donations for the year were! „'^l Were f""? 1 ,0 W their last trib- Packave of fur af,/T^LTf re ■ I ute of respect to the memory of the de- °1 _ fur - a ? d , wo ?! for . waistcoats; | ceased. The pallbearers were the two West End House Big Storè I -- ■ * uw paiiucfli CIS Vv Cx C rnP ] brothers and two sons of deceased, A. M. Snetsinger and W. G. Bennett--Cornwall Freeholder. I . - . "WI AVPi ¥1 package of razors; bale of books containing containing 203 well bound novels; 69 lbs of wool; >10 worth of wool; wool for 21 pairs of I ? oc j » ^ P air wool blankets; package of ba ^hfrf eS / n / ODe ÇÎ? and $135-75 in cash. Shipped from Miss Bleakley's--1650 j pairs of socks, 443 hospital shirts, 99 suits I ^ , 54^m 3 of r ^!,l^t™! n il ATH ° F DR - CAMPBELL. R M. MITCHELL & Co., Druggists and Opticians Agents for Victrola and Victor Records. Camera] and Photo supplies Rapid service in Developing and printing. Ask about it. Stationery--Sheet Music--Chocolates and Cigars. Phone 92or 280 Leave your calls for Sole Agents for JNignts and Sundays Dominion Express Neilson's Chocolates j. I for e two f Pm Saxophone Selections (In Fox Trot Time) By Six Brown Brothers th»n I ife e mUSiCa k ° rganization , ha8 a = hie ved a more popular success C\r h j ,r^ ne 8 , eXtettC Wh ? 8e Paying proved a feature in "Chin Um dunn 8 the past season. In the two new selections ^{te'roÏB^ (,n Fox Trot Tim.) gjow. B f o.J.j, } ^ Ïï^/ e i° rdcd b V he8e the perfect blending of mellow saxo phone tones produces a rich harmony that will strongly appeal to all who enjoy something tuneful and lively. Don't miss hearing this. excellent record, and the Other Popular Hits On the New September Lidt which includes the most captivating vocal and imStru- mental numbers now being offered in the big musical centres. Three ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records--90 cents for the two seledtions : Pretty Baby (From "Passing Show of 1916") ) When You Drop OS .. Ciro, Illinois ^ J 18,02 You're a Dangerous Girl Avon Comedy Four J I m Going Way Back Home and ( IflOflA Have a Wonderful Time ** Ragging the Scale (Banjo) Eldorado March (Xylophone) Van Eps Reitz 1 . } 18065 [ dozen rolled bandages, i parcel of 5 yard bandages, 2 dozen wash cloths, quantity of unhemmed handkerchiefs, pair grey blankets, and 1 quilt. 8 y All articles brought in during October, November and December' were sent dir- sîn/AV* 16 n ed 9 ro 1 s Society, Toronto. Since then all socks have still been sent m care of the Red Cross Society but for the men in the trenches, with one exception exception for in March 162 pairs of socks were sent to the Secour National, 51 King,st., West, Toronto, for the suffering French soldiers. There is on hand 228 lbs of wool and 328% yards of shaker flannel. New officers are:-- Honorary Presidents--Mrs. (Dr.) Hillier, x> • j . „ ■ Mrs J; B. Mitchell. President--Mrs. A. Tait Vice-President--Mrs. E. S. Senkler 2nd Vice Pres--Mrs. L. A. -Tole Secretary--Mrs, Fowler Cor-Secretary--Mrs. A. L. Nicholls Treasurer--Mrs. E. R. Bounsall Executive--Miss Clara Allen, Mrs A. McClellan, Mrs. T. Tod, Mrs. Paul Trebilcock, Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer, Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Treasurer, presented presented the following report: ---- -- C ■ RECEIPTS Balance, August 27th, 1915 $236 33 Donations-- Ar Mrs. G. Raynes, 50.00 Grand Trunk Pat. Ass'n. 25 00 Dr. Hillier 25 00 g-- Ep. League, Base Line 10 50 Mrs. D. Beith 10.25 Miss Hattie Burk 10 00 "Morning Hour Girls" 5 00 Sundry Subscriptions Sales, Cooking, Flags etc Golden Year Collection Entertainments Tom Marks 14 10 Euchre Party 67^84 " Dance 16 10 "Pig" Tickets 128 10 "Not A Man In The House" 103 Public SchÔol Concert 40 00 "What Hpnd. to Jones" Bvlle. 194 40 " " Orono 26 10 Garden Party, Mrs. Southey 120 72 Quilt 102 00 Ways and Means Committee 105 Mesdames Spencer and Davis 33 00 Mrs. C. A. Cawker 25 45 Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood 27 00 Mrs. C. H. Anderson 10 00 Mrs. Jury 10 00 Khaki Club Mrs. Martin's Tea 13 10 Miss Brown Ent. 14 00 Mrs. D. B. Simpson Treas. 54 24 Formerly Taught School Darlington. In 44 55 9 46 282 10 812 76 At Toronto, on Saturday week death removed one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Gravenhurst I in the person of Dr. J. A. Campbell at the age of 72. He had been out of his medi-1 I cal practice for some years and a few week s ago went to Toronto for treatment. I ,, ' a * e Campbell was well known all over the Muskoka District. In thei 80 she came from Blackstock, Cartwright township, and started his medical practice, practice, undergoing the difficulties and hard- shipss of those early days, when even! travelling in a buggy was almost out of I question. He was a member of the Methodist church, and has been one of the most staunch supporters of the Liber- al pyty. In the death of Dr. Campbell Gravenhurst and southern Muskoka loses one of its staunch citizens. His widow and three children survive him. The latter latter are: Mrs. (Dr.) A. A. Smith, Toronto; j , Ros 9.oe Campbell, Elmwood, and JJ Alton Campbell, Creemore. Dr. Jesse Aaron Campbell was a native of Brooklin where his younger brother Dr. Amos I Campbell now lives. They are sons of i 1 the late Calvin Campbell. Deceased taught school in S. S. 17, Darlington, for some years and is remembered by many of his pupils as a very excellent teacher. 5 r V.E;, Jessop of St. Catharines taught I Enùeld school at the same time that Dr. Campbell taught in the 6o's what was then known as the East Settlement School, since known as Union the name given to Wesleyan church then located there. He afterwards practised medicine for some years in the 8o's at Blackstock. LLARS ro «save a dollar i«s to make a dollar. YOU CAN MAKE MANY DOLLARS IN oUR «STORE WEEK BY BRINdINd YOUR DOLLARS To oUR «STORE -SWAPPING THEM FOR OUR dOOD, «STYLUH dOOD«S WE HAVE 'REDUCED' OUR PRICE J AWAY DOWN LoW. SUMMER GOODS V # THIaS AND must go now If you have not bargains we had your share of the are offering, drop in 40 45 GIRLS' PATRIOTIC CLUB The Girls' Patriotic Club held their first meeting Aug. iôth, 1915, in the Parish Parish Hall, membership 138. The following is the report of receipts and expenditures since: Receipts-- Tea Room, Sept 4th--May 30th $1759 98 before they go 81 34 Queen's Petticoat Fund Collections DISBURSEMENTS ■ * Co.,; 136th Batt, C. E. F. ; ted Cross Society .Chaki Club Canadian Prisoners of War Queen Mary's Petticoat Fund Soldiers' Xmas Box Dinner to 84th, Batt. Printing Express, Postage etc Material McMurtry & Co Ltd, 745 56 S. W. Mason & Son 285 54 Couch, T. and Cydm. 209 63 Red Cross Society 50 00 T. Eaton Co 50 00 A. L. Nicholls 44 10 Miss Galbraith 25 31 T. Tod 6 50 7 662 $2377 59 350 00 100 00 101 00 40 44 7 50 21 90 5 18 7 10 3 36 1416 64 Fees Flag day Red Cross Pins Donations Bazaar Pat (tickets sold) Concert Concert 50 I Public School Concert donation 35 J Sale of Papers j Raffle Watch l' Al lo/'fî/\nn nr E If Exquisite Red Seals by Caruso, Farrar, Garrison, McCormack and others Hear them at any 'His Master's Voice' dealers' Write foe free copy of our 450 page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO MONTREAL LIMITED 1 7 3 UVtT-.. ■ [Lenoir Srteet ™ TOWN AND CITY raOM COAST TO COAST IN CANADA K» "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" TRADE MARK Balance, Aug. 27th. 1915 236 33 Receipts 2141 26 Disbursements $2053 12 2377 59 2053 12 Balance as on August 26th. 1916. $324 47 Collections, sale of War ballads, etc 365 Soldiers' dinner Garden Fete 27 501 325 97 14 05 125 94, 114 501 45 00 46 31 80 35 25 001 238 76 62 101 34^[ 37 50' 1 926 21 WEDDINGS Expenditures-- Patriotic League Campaign ; Miss Arnoldi, Can. Field Cinfts Miss Bruce, Hospital in France British Red Cross Canadian Red Cross Disabled Soldiers Fund Maintenance of Cot for wounded Canadian Soldiers in England Canadian Prisoners of War French Flag day Hospital supplies Field Kitchen 136th Battalion Bugles " « Operations in Bow. Hospital Knitting machine Flags for Flag Day Sox for Soldiers, Xmas 1915 18 Boxes (59 lbs each)for Soldiers, and Tea Room expenses Garden Fete Expense Fruit for 136th Battalion 235th Battalion Red Cross supplies, wool etc Balance on hand 4,189 521 E 200 00 350 00 150 00 50 00 125 00 75 00 25 00 70 00 10 00 21 14 75 00 75 00 62 21 15 00 22 52 50 00 Headquarters for Military Goods of all kindsr This Store Closes every Wednesday at 12.30 p.m., during June, July and August. . & Co. Ltd. Thé Big Departmental Store Bowmanville, Phone 83 GRAND TRUNK svsY^ 883 84 143 40 15 00 391 40 815 01 565 00 $4,189 52 members - „ I Red Cross Supplies made by *u CU1 ucrs Stewart--Colville I of the Club: Large pads 4392, small pads A very pretty house wedding took place if 40 ' compresses 2796, wash cloths 946, at the residence of the Misses Colville, " os P ltaI shirts 254, binders 182, mufflers 2, Orono, it being.the occasion of the mar- bund ^ c$ | of mouth wipes 61, handkerchiefs Bowmanville Agents : Levi Morris & Son, Jury & Lovell; R* M. Mitchell& Ço. Orono, it being.the occasion of the marnage marnage of Misa Esther Colville, daughter of the late Robert Colville, well known for manv years in the public affairs of Clarke, l$?v Robert Alexander Stewart of Orono. I The ceremony was performed by the Rev. i_ E * Penning, rector of the Anglican church. The bride, who was unattended, 1 was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Cann, of Bowmanville, and look- bouquet of white asters and pink snapdragons. snapdragons. After the signing of the regis- 1 ter the guests repaired to the dining-room y ber * the wedding supper was served. The bride's travelling suit was of Palm 159, Pairs of sox 478. Boxes "shipped to soldiers 23, containing towels, sox, shirts, candy, cake, gum, shoe taces, soap, candles, canned meats, preserved preserved fruit, tobacco, cigarettes, note paper and magazines. Ethel Morris, Secy. Newly elected officers of the Girls' Patriotic Patriotic Club are: President--Miss Ethel M. Morris; ---J: 7 .r was ui raim 1 Panama h^t. The^un^^oupt" FIELD CROP COMPETITION. the C. P. R. for the West on their wedding trip, followed by a host of,good wishM from their many friends. Florence Automatic Oil stove is a new kind that invites the attention of every householder. Mason & Dale have it. , The standing field crop competition in Oats m Cartwright township resulted as follows: Henry Mountjoy, Fred Taylor. " Mountjoy, W. C. Ferguson, N. H. I. .^low, A. W. Wright S. Treverton, I judge. . WESTERN FAIR London, Ont. September 8th-16th . Return tickets at reduced fares to London, Ont., from stations in Ontario Ontario : Belleville, Scotia Jet., and I s °ttth or west thereof. Special train service and low rate excursions from principal points on certain dates. For foil particulars, regarding train service, fares, tickets, etc., con suit Grand Trunk Railway Agents. Gold Medal Twine at F. O. Mason's. Ask Mason & Dale to show you the best yef 6 Automatic 0iI stove--really the NORMAN PINGLE Builder and Contractor, is now prepared prepared to do work of all kinds, brick or cement, plastering, etc. Work done satisfactorily. Phone 243 or write Bowmanville, Ont. 30 -tf NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry °f Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 CLERK S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List (Section 15) Voters' List, 1916, Municipality of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham. f . ^„ oti , ce v is hereby given, that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voters" Lists Act the ™T£d req ÿ? d said sections to be so traS fnild A«f del i ve J ed of the Liat > made pursuant -^ cfc « of all persons appearing by the last h! e lHÏÏ e ^ ent ^ U( i f thesaid Municipality ^®.®° fcI , tled to vote in the said Municipafity at eleQtions for members of the Legislative Assem b- ly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said m ^ np at , my offlce at Hampton on the Twenty-third day of August 1916, ana mains there for inspections in,™^?.«. Ihereby npon aU voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law! ° r Dated this Twenty-eighth day of August 1916 eeo _ ~ ^W. B. ALLIN, 86-2w Clerk of Township-of Darlington re- House For Sale Solid bnck, built about one year 32 apple trees, three parts bearing. Land facing three streets for build- ing. The house contains 3 bed rooms, bath-room, 2 closets and hall upstairs. Double parlor, dining dining room, kitchen and pantry. Two cement cellars from diningroom diningroom and kitchen. First class electric wiring throughout. Hard and soft water. Will sell any size lot with house. Terms liberal. Harry Cann, Phone 50. • Bowmanville. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 except Sunday. Phone 90a p. m. daily V Houax PudUTfc 90b FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON Insurance Office Agency for : Sun Life Ass. Co., of Canada. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society, Royal Exchange Assurance (Fire). Economical Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Agent, Bowmanville Phone 189 V -îQibx? ési - -ü-ftS'.'-'A .'."v'fc"; USÉ .üîHÊÊMSI SM • K-'"'-'X-'.'