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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1916, p. 8

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<< and Fight the Good Do you conscientiously-believe that the work you are ^ now doing is absolutely necessary ... • * Before you answer, keep this in mind: We can buy food and materials-- we cannot buy victory ! MEN and VICTORY are synonomous, and MEN and MORE MEN will be needed if ultimate success is to be ours. •As a man, are you going to fulfil your part in the great task - • You cannot fall down if you take up arms with The 235th Overseas Battalion C.E.F. at the nearest recruiting station 36 When You Buy A Loaf of Tod's Bread \ You get a good generous loaf of pure^. wholesome bread with honest materials. - - And remember what Dr. Wiley said: /'There's more enèrgy in a pound of bread than in a pound of meat." "Eat More of Tod's Bread" Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville ■mw-y//A Your Food will cost you less! The great problem of every housewifé --today, more than ever--is "How can I economize?" No doubt this is your problem, too. Let us help you. Our aim is to make it possible for you to buy good, frésh, wholesome groceries at the lowest cost. Many in this town and county are dealing dealing with us today because they know that not only are our groceries the best of their- kind,* but our prices-are substantially substantially lower than they would have to pay anywhere else. If you are not already a regular customer of ours buy your groceries from us for one month and be convinced that "we serve you best. " HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, - Bowman ville Buy your Goal while Prices are Right We sell the best Coal that comes out of the earth If you do not buy your Coal supply from us we both lose All Orders Promptly filled with Lehigh Valley Coal The coal that satisfies John A. H olgate & Son ' Office and Yards, cor. Quoen ànd Division Streets. < Telephone No. 153. : s " ~ Bowmanville, Ont. i BOWMANVÏLLE, SEPT. 14, 1916 MAPLE GROVE Mr. Russell.Worden's fine new barer is nearing completion, is built on a new cement wall and will have good stabling ; Plymouth Twiné àt F. (X Mason's. DARLINGTON Pte. Frank Downey ôi Gàfflp Borden is visiting his brother Mr. D. W. Downey ... Mri; Wm, Metcalf, returned home last week frbm Bowmanville -Hospital / where he spent four weeks having had an operation operation for appendicitis..... .A corn roast was held by the young people Tuesday evening evening on Mr. Albert Cragô's beach where they had a jolly time Miss Henrietta Matin, town, has been visiting Mrs. E. J. Burk. Berry Boxes at F. O. Mason s. Farm For Sale 200 1 BLACKSTOCK We are glad to see some more of. our soldier boys home, among them being Pte. Smith, Bruce Ferguson, Robert Steele, Roy Swain and James Cross.... A number number attended;Toronto Exhibition..-.".Miss Lummis has returned to her home in Midland. Midland. .... Mr. Jack Tilt spent Sunday under the parental roof'.".. .Mr. E. Galbraith is improving his residence by adding a new verandah.... Chancellor Bowles delivered an elegant serinon to a large congregation- Sunday night in the Methodist, church. We're always glad * to hear him... . Rev. John Griffith, Newtonville, occupies the pulpit next Sunday morning It is ex pected that one of the best concerts ever given in Blackstock will be on Fair night Wednesday Sept. 27th. Mr. Eddie Pigott, comedian; of Toronto, will be here, àlsfo 'The Harmony- Four" from The Royal College of Dental Surgeons. No doubt this will be a rare treat of the season. Plymouth Twine at F. O. Mason's. ORONO From The News Recent visitors--Mrs. M. L. Travelle in Oshawa .•... Sergt. Frank Knox home from Camp Borden Principal, and Mrs. T. HE. Follick, Port Perry,'at Mr. A. A. Role's. Role's. .. .Mrs. H. Hooper with her daugh- ers, Misses Olga and Esma, Toronto .... VTrs. Jamès R. Fowler and son Earl, visiting visiting her father at Palmerston .. .Miss Mc- Cay returned from vacation at Underwood Underwood accompanied by her sister, Miss Sadie McKay Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tour- jee, Hamilton, visited her sister, Mrs. M. Travelle... .Mr. G. W. Price, C. N* R*,. agent, and-Mrs. Price have returned Vliss Rena Doncaster, Toronto, home over .abor Day at her mother's ... Mr. George Wannan, Toronto, here over the holiday .. Mr. David Moffatt has gone to the Calgary districts.... Miss Julia Cadam, Bradford, Pa., visiting at Air. William Armstrong's.... Miss Kate . Williamson guest of Miss Mary Underwood... .Mr. and Mrs. William Lane and family, Miss VTary Cornish", Newtonville, Mr. Harve Britton, and sister Lottie, Newcastle, "guests at Mr. Wm. Cornish's. Gold Medal Twine at F. O. Mason's. Ask Mason & Dale to show you the Florence Automatic Oil stove--really the best yet. k OSHAWA - 5-- 1 * *"»5 Çe-, J& / ***>- -*~*i-«*« Near Solina Station, best of land w. : - ... ^ Good creek, timber and pasture Ploughing possession now see "Executor's sale of Farm" elsewhere in The Statesman. 37-2w TYRONE SOLINA Women's Institute will meet Thursday, Sept. 14 at 2.30 p.m. at Miss Hogarth's. Dr. Slerrfon, Enniskillen, is expected ty give an address. AU ladies are cordiallo invited. ENFIELD he chief event of this week was the South Ontario Agricultural Exhibition. . The sounding of the fire alarm at about 30 p.m. Wednesday, accompanied by the blowing of the McLaughlin factory whistle, gave citizens the cue that™ all was not well at the big works. A large crowd soon gathered, but fortunately the fire alarm was timely and only a small blaze resulted, confined to the boiler room.... Mr. Wm. Halnon, ex-chief of police and retired shoe merchant, has returned from a visit with his son at Detroit well pleased with that American city A young man employed at the Trick Interior Finish Factory severely lacerated his thumb Saturday Saturday afternoon, a rip - saw doing the harm Labor Day saw a grand exit trom Oshawa to the Toronto exhibition. The C.P.R. carried a large share of the traffic and reports business good... .Reference .Reference to the C.P.R. resurrects memories of efforts by the town council early this year to induce the street railway to afford travelers by the C. P. proper accommodation accommodation to and from their trains. The matter has lagged of late. The last news of its status was a time limit set to allow the street railway to readjust itself to modern conditions, failing which meant reference of the matter to the Dominion Railway Commission which has a reputation for bringing needed reforms promptly. Neither Neither of the above alternatives have been met. What is a street railway for, anyway anyway ? A lady with a baby arriving by C.P.R. lately, had to carry the child all the way up town, there being neither street car nor jitney available... .Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wigg of Rochester, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wigg of Chicago, were visitors in town recently... .Let patriotic sentiment have sway in naming the town schools. The Board of Education might cultivate some of it by applying to the new, or even the old, schools such names as Victoria, King Edward, King George, Queen Mary, Kitchener, Lloyd George, Ryerson ; --names .with a meaning and not 'mere street nomenclature. Here's a suggestion suggestion The Epworth League of King- st. Methodist Church is planning an aggressive aggressive ~ campaign to increase membership membership and attendance, not only of the League, but of church services and Sunday Sunday School. . ...A rare in store for congregations at. Simcee-st. 'Methodist Church on Sunday, Sept, ,24th when Rev. J. T. Cosby Morris, B.A.. B.D., of Wesley Methodist Church, Hamilton, is to be the preacher of the day. The occasion is the Sunday School Rally Day exercis'es. Mr. Morris spent his boyhood at Whitby and was a young man on the Tyrone circuit in 1886 when Bowmanville District was included included in Toronto Conference. He is a plain and fearless speaker, spiritual, and a thorough Methodist, highly esteemed by, all who know him... .Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, at King-st. Methodist Church Sunday evening todk the unusual - theme for a sermon, " Why - l am not in khaki". The sermon was'based on 2 Sann 10-12. In addition to giving his own reasons to the question, Mr. Wilson discussed those en by others and urged the serious, cjira-. sidération of the situation on all eligible men* of military age . /. ... Mrs. J. J.'" Cros- kem .and. Miss PearlCroskera, Toronto, are visiting old friends in town and attending attending tfîé Fair/ • : Dairy Supplïërât F. O. Mason's; ^ Visitors: Mr. and Mrà. Isaac Martin, Guelph, at Mr. F. T. Ashton's; Mr. Elmo Ashton has gone to Toronto to attend ^ Business college.... Messrs. Howard Orm- iston, L. Stinson and C. Wotten are home rom Valcartier Camp on leave--.Several leave--.Several North Darlington farmers are exhibiting exhibiting stock at Oshawa fair 'and "will also at : Bowmanville next Wednesday ..... Mr. and Mrs Ball, Uxbridge, have been visiting visiting at Mr. Walter Ball's Mr. and -Mrs. John McCulloch have gone to -Manitoba to visit their daughter and other friends. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Port Perry, at Jas. Gil- Dert's; Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Pontypool, at Mr, J. Stinson's; Mrs. Arthur, Miss Verna and Mr. Russell Ormiston, Messrs Will and Fred Smith, F. T. Ashton, Wal- ace Scott, Donald McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss Irene Bray visit- in Toronto. .. .Mr. F. T. Ashton has sold iis farm for a good figure.... Mr. James Gilbert has purchased a new Chevrolet auto....Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. Alex Smith and Mr. Jas. Parr attended the funeral of Mr. R. Shaw at Lotus Miss Mildred Cole, Hampton, has entered on the duties of teacher of our school. Forks, hies, etc., at F. O. Mason's. See Màson & Dale for the Florence Automatic Oil Stove--the best yet. ENNISKILLEN FALL FAIRS Rev. J. E. Beckel, Tyrone, preached very acceptably here Sunday .,. .Rev. W. H. TrUscott, South Oshawa,'; will ; occupy the pulpit next Sunday /&/Mr. Will. Baker Baker has accepted a positionitiDepartment of Agriculture as-.judge < Rural School Fairs.....Recent visitors;, Mrs. ' Sonley, Crystal City, Man., with Mrs. W. Werry and other friends; Mr. and Mrs. John W orden, Cour ticè, Mr. Archie/âhd Mrs. John James,Columbus, Mr*ià*j(d Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, at Mr. A/D, Pâàco e's: Mr. and Mrs. N." : S. B. Tames>i$drs. M. A.-James. Bowmanville, Mrs. (Dr.) William A, White and Miss Mildred, New York city, at Mr: W. C. Werry's; Mr. A,J. Reynolds at Toronto... .Migs Vera Baker is out again after an attack of chicken pox. BOWMANVILLE .....i, .Sept-1920 Ordno.... • ..... »•. .* ...... .•>. .-26 27 Mill brook*1 > 1,1 • •• » t Oct 5*o Markham 5-6. Peterboro ...................Sept 14-16 Blackstock Sept. 26-27 Lindsay Sept 21-2; Port Hope "... .Oct 10-11 Colborne ; Sept 18-ici Brighton .Sept 7-8 • Si Reductions You can save money if you buy Brown & Bennett's AUCTION SALE Tyrone Branch of the Woman's Institute Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Miss Stella Couch on Wednesday Sept. 27, one week than the regular date on account of Bowmanville Fair. Everybody Everybody welcome. Dairy Supplies at F. O. Mason's. FARM IN WHITBY FOR SALE BY TENDER. Tenders will be received by the undersigned undersigned until Saturday,, September 30th, 1916, for the purchase of the farm property property of the late Whitewell Hall, containing 215 acres, being lot 28, con. 5, Whitby. This farm is situated I mile from G.T.R., and C.N.R., stations Brooklin. New house, good barn etc., running stream. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to WM. KERR, Brooklin, Executor, Executor, or MRS. JOHN ORMISTON, Brooklin, Brooklin, Executrix. LINDSAY CENTRAL South Victoria Agricultural Society will be held on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21, 22 and 23. If you have never attended the Lindsay will no doubt be of interest interest to you to know that it ranks fourth in the Province of Ontario, excelled only by Toronto, Ottawa and London. It is held in what the. directors consider the best town in Canada, with more miles of pavement pavement than any other town in the Dominion Dominion of like size and the home of many very important industries including the great Dominion Arsenal now in course of erection, which when completed will employ employ anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000? hands. James Keith, Sec'y and Treas. EBENEZER Rd. Snowden, Bowmanville, will pay 33c for choice dairy butter, and 30c for eggs, cash or trade. Pte. Chas. Wotten, Valcartier Camp, Miss Lillie Spry, Hampton, and Mr. Dan. Wotten, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Wotten's, Union Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Butson, town, at Messrs. Jno. Orchard's and W. O. Herring's Mr. Hubbard, Enfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Demill, Burketon, at Mr. Thos. Craig's Mrs. Ben. Palmer and children accompanied by Mrs. Harding Harding have returned from Covington, Ky... ..Dr. and Mrs. Will. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heatlie, Orono.Dr. and Mrs. Lome Hastings, Mrs. Ed. Hastings and Mr. Chas. Stonhouse, Hampton, at Dr. C. W» Slemon's Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bradley and Jean, Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley and children, Oshawa, Mrs. Sam. Bray, Enfield, Norma Wright, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs R. J. McKessock and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Baker, Solina, at Mr. F. W. Lee's Pte. W. B. Hoskin, Niagara Camp, with his mother.^ ..Pte. Milton Sanderson, Valcartier, at homet>..Miss Gertrude Stevens has returned returned to Peterboro and Marian Virtue is attending Normal at Peterboro Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutcheson and son,Sarnia, Mrs. Brooks, Cleveland, O., and Miss Gardiner, Port Hope, at Mr. Harry Rogers....Mr. Peter Werry, Tyrone, at Mr. H. J. Werry's Messrs. Wes. Oke, J.J. Virtue and Geo. Preston attended the Exhibition... Mr. Joe. Martin home from Toronto... .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott and Trewin, Bethesda, at Mr. John Slemon's; Miss Gertie Oke is, attending High School at Bowmanville.. ...Mr. H. J. Werry's attended the Tamblyn-Mitchell wedding at Orono on Tuesday.... .Messrs. Alex, and Will. Smith's, John and Byron McLaughlin's attended the funeral of Mr. Rd. Shaw, Pontypool.. ...Mrs. Jas. Parr has been ill and her daughter Mrs. Fred. Cowlings Purple Hill, attended her.. ...Mr. Jas. Mountjoy, sr., is ill.... .Cement sidewalks sidewalks are being laid in our village.... Mr. J. A. Werry's attended the picnic at Braeside given for Lieutenant and Mrs. Geoge J. Bray before leaving for Valcartier.. Valcartier.. . .Mr. and Mrs. Will. Robbins, Bow- manville, at Messrs. Frank Robbins' atid Jno. Pye's .. : Miss Greta Smith recently had a quilting..,.W. M. S. met on Wednesday Wednesday afternoon... .Mission Study Class and Mission Band inet after S. S. on Sunday Sunday morning.... .Enniskillen Male Quartet Quartet sang at Long Sault Harvest Home. Gold Medal Twine at F. O, Mason's. Mrs. L. Annis is home from a visit to Oshawa and Tyrone relatives Mrs. John Brent is improving after a long ill-? ness..... .Rev. G. R. Clare, Orono, preaches Missionary sermons here next Sunday Our schools are running again with Misses Lear, Van Nest and Allen teaching Nos. 8,4 and 3 respectively. respectively. :... . Miss Annie Parsons is home from her sister's near Whitby... .The Misses Grills, New Leskeard, are guests of their sister, Mrs. M. Gay Fall wheat is being sown quite extensively.. .. .Dr. E. W* Tonkin from Michigan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne Sidney Nichols was laid up last week, suffering suffering from contact with poison ivy ..Mr.-and Mrs. Parsons, Exeter, visited his brother, Mr. J. L. Parsons Large congregations attended church Sunday and services were bright and inspiring. Sunday school was well attended also Rally Day exercises were practised.... Ex-Reeve and Mrs. W. E. Courtice left on Tuesday for a month's holiday in the Western Provinces. All wish them an enjoyable rest and a safe return.... Herbert Herbert Osborne is sporting a new Ford auto. Just in time for the Fall Fairs, Herb!.... W. M. S. meets Thursday afternoon at the church.._... .Ebenezer and Base Line young folks held a corn and weiner joast at Worden's Beach on Saturday night and aided by moonlight-had a delightful time. HAMPTON NORMAN PINGLE . Bùilder end Contractor, iifnoli prepar- led-to do - work of all-kmas, brick or cernent, plastering.' etc/. Work done «atisfàcfbîilÿ. ^ pnottb- 243 or write Bowmanville, Ont.- 3o-tf TUESDAY, Sept. 26--Mr. S. Russel Perkins, Perkins, lot 21, con. 4, Darlington, will sell - all of his farm stock, implements, household household effects, etc. Sale at one o'clock. See bills. James Bishop, auctioneer. Thursday Sept. 28--Mr. R. H. Hooey, lot 7, con. 9, Darlington, will sell his farm stock, machinery, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See posters. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Ladies' Embfoiderÿ Blouses", regular $1.25 for. .95c Girls' School Dresses, reg. $2.25 for. .89c Ladies' White Underskirts, reg. 90c for 59c Ladies'House blouses, reg. $1.25 for 89c White Bed Spreads, reg. $1.50 for • .. .$1.19 Ladies' long Kid Gloves, white, black and tan, reg. $2 50 for -$i*39 Ladies' àllo ver aprons, reg. 50c for 39c Ladies' colored Underskirts, reg. $2.00 for. $1-49 Velveteen, red, purple and green, reg. 50c for, 25c per yd Ladies' black "Underskirts, reg. $1.25 for 95c Cotton Torchon Lace, reg. 8c for 5c yd Silk Lace, reg. 35c for 19c yd Little Girls' Print and Gingham dresses, size 3, reg. 50c for 39c Men's print and gingham shirts, reg. 75c for 39c Account books at less than cost Toilet soap, reg. 25c for J 19c Boys' caps, reg. 25c and 35c for 15c All China at wholesale price. Some Groceries still left to go at a bargain Men's Ties, reg. 20c for 2 for 25c A lot of Ladies' boots and shoes, small sizes,from 59c up Men's blue overalls and smocks at" 85c eae* Plaids for school dresses, reg. 25c for 15c a yd Colored Bed Spreads 80c BROWN & BENNETT X X X X Royal Souvenir ^ Ranges Always give Satisfaction Recent visitors : Mr. S. W. Ruse, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Mrs. T. J. Clarke's; Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Elliott, Fort Erie, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Osborne, Ebenezer, at Mr. L Elliott's; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lander, Toronto, at Thos. Elliott's; Mr. Ernest Salter, Greenbank, at Theo. Salter's; Mr. T. B. Hoidge, Alberta, Henry Burton, Miss Burton and Miss Edna Burton, Brooklin, at A. B. Cryderman's; Pte. W. Wakeley, 136th Battalion, Valcartier, at John Wakeley's; Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Wilcox, Everett and Miss Reta Kerslake, Master Howard Price, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns at Toronto Exhibition; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Greenaway and sons in Port Hope; Mrs. H. Elliott with her daughters in Oshawa; Dr. and Mrs. Lome Hastings have returned returned to his mother's here after a pleasant outing at Lake Scugog Women's In stitute met on Sept. 7, at Mrs. Chas. Has- tings ? and quilted two quilts. Since then 28 pairs sox have been sent for soldiers at the front. The ladies are having a quilting quilting bee at the church on Thùrsday, this Week, and members will be glad to receive receive donations of anything useful in housekeeping, such as bedding, clothing, dishes, etc, which they will forward with their quilts to Matheson, Ont., for the unfortunate unfortunate sufferers from the recent fires there. Everybody is asked to help make a good large shipment to these needy people. At the coming School Fair the Women's Women's Institute will serve good substantial lunches with hot drinks at reasonable prices. "Also will sell ice cream, candy, fruit, etc. At the Bazaar will be for Jsale a variety of fancy and useful articles. Proceeds for Red Cross and other Patriotic Patriotic work. Come to the Fair prepared to patronize the Red Cross booths and thus encourage the good work of: the ladies at Hampton Wednesday Oct. 4th. 37-2w If you want a range that will bake right and save you time, labor and fuel-- you should buy a Royal Souvenir Steel Range. It is superior in every way, handsome handsome in appear- . ance, has most conveniences, is easy to keep clean and the best range for the Canadian Canadian house-wife. I RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 I % Fruit Bulletin Î Niagara District Crawford Peaches now in, and the best varieties of pears and plums are ready Niagara for preserving or table purposes. Housekeepers should not delay telling their grocers what fruits "to order for them, and should insist on the label with the Map, reproduced here. It is a guarantee of Niagara Peninsùla Grown Fruit and good quality. w. CANADIAN NORTHERN NOTICE Change of Time Effective 18th , / For particulars see Time Table Folder apply to nearest C. N. R. Agent; : 7./. CANADIAN NORTHERN 56 Bigger Sales of Fish there's a reason for it We have gone to considerable expense fittrag a window to display fish and to keep them perfectly perfectly sanitary. A look at TaiVs fish display every week will make you feel like eating a fish dinner. Besides it is much cheaper than meat. Don't overlook our window display. Phone 65 AlTClllC, Bowmanville The House of Quality . . . as

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