•■•'■: .2. - '< -. vs :• :. •v:: *v~ !X if:. ; WOMEN OF CANADA. Fort pontenge, Quebec.--kj am happy you that your medicine did " me wonderful rood. I _ was troubled with weakness and I • tried wines arid other things but received very little benefit. I was young at the time and knew veiy little little about medicines till a lady friend came to me with a bottle of Dr. r, . ,. _ . Pierce's Favorite rrescnption. I became strong and a yeaf afterward had twins."--Mbs. J. Fort Coulonge, Quebec. Thousands of women right here in Canada who are now blessea with robust cann °t understand why thousands of other women continue to worry and suffer when they can obtain for a trifling ■u*?T)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery ana restore th* womanly health. Young mothers who preserve the charms of face and figure in spite of an increasing family and the care of growing children are always to be envied. "Favor- u iX escrip tion ' ' _ gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood depends. It enables the mother to nourish nourish the infant life depending oh her, and enjoy the happiness of watching the de- lopment of a T>flrffip.t,lv polity child. LIST--CONTINUED velopment of a perfectly A GREAT BO WOMAN SH Over a million co x _ People's Common Sense are now in the hands of a book that everyone sho EVERY VE. the "The fcal Adviser" éople. It is vè arid read in case of accident or"sickness. Send fifty cents (or stamps) for mailing charges to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and enclose this notice and you will receive by return mail, all changes and customs duty prepaid, thin valuable book. STARVATION IN LEVANT. Dairy, Apiary, Etc. Butter, 20 lbs. crock--Miss Ethel Skinner, Mrs. J. Clatworthy; crock, 10 R* 8 * Mrs. J. Clatworthy, Miss Èinma Knight, Mrs. R. J. Hodgson; 10 lbs. prints--Emma Knight, Mrs. L. Skinner, Skinner, Mrs. J. T. Rundle; 5 lbs. prints --Mrs. L. Skinner, Mrs. Wes. Couch, E. Knight; 4 lbs. by girl--Frances Clatworthy; 2 lbs, artistic--E. Knight, Mrs. J. Samis, Frances Clatworthy. Clatworthy. Largest hen's eggs--Alex. Taylor, W. L.* Buttery, R. J. Hodgson. Grain. - White fall wheat--W. J. Collacott, H. A. Adams; Spring wheat, hard -- H. A. Adams; Spring wheat, soft -- W. S. Bragg; small peas--H, and N. Allin, J, Samis; barley, 6-rowed--J. Samis, H. G. Pascoe and Son; barley, 2-rowed-- H. G. Pascoe and Son; white oats-- F. B. Loockin; H. G. Pascoe Pascoe and Son; Tyhite beans-- F. W. Tamblyn, J. Samis; corn, 12-rowed -- G. A. Stephens, J. Samis ; corn, 8- rowed--R. Brooks, Grey and Aber- nethy. Fruity Coll, apples--J. Samis; coll, dessert apples-- F. B. Loockin, J. Samis; coll, cooking apples--J. Samis; Fall des- sert--J. Snowden, W. L. Buttery, J. Sainis; Alexander--J. F. Osborne, J. D. Hoar, John Snowden; Wealthy-- J. D. Hoar, W. J. Bragg, Thos. Bot- trell and Son; Snow--J. F. Osborne, S. J.. Jackman, S. Roy Jackman. Dahlias-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy Jack- man. Balsams--Jas. Nokes. Stocks Ida Hoskin, S. J. Jackman. Asters, comët arid chrysanthemum--Ida Hos- kin, S. J. Jackman; asters, any other variety-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy Jack- man. Roses-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy Jackman. Rose bush--S. Roy Jack- man, S. J. Jackman. Verbenas-- S. R. Jackman, S. J. Jackman. Pansiès --- S; J* Jackman, Jas. Nokes. Petunias, single-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy. Jack- man; petunias, double--Jas. Nokes, S. Roy Jackman. Phlox, perennial--S. R. Jackman, S. J. Jackman; phlox, drummondii-- S. J. Jackman, Geo. Varcoe. Pucks, double china--S7 J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. Sweet peas -- W. S. Bragg, Jas. Nokes. Cut flowers--S. flowers-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy Jackman. Everlasting flowers-- S J. Jackman, S. R. Jackman. Double Zinnas-- S. .J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. French marigolds---M.'Nokes, marigolds---M.'Nokes, Jas. Nokes; African marigolds--Jas. Nokes, S. J. Jack- man. Gladiolus-- -S. J. Jackirian, Roy Jackman. Snapdragons-- S. J. Jack- man, Roy Jackman. Carnations--S. J v Jackman, Roy Jackman. Nasturtiums--Jas. Nasturtiums--Jas. Nokes, Mrs. M. Wilkins. Dark geraniums--Jas. Nokes, Winnie Varcoe; light geraniums--Winnie Varcoe, Jas. Nokes; scented geranium -- S. J. Jackman, Jas. Nokes. Colens-- Jackman, Nokes. Single fuchsia--- Nokes, Jackman; double fuchsia -- Ha» Not Had An Hour's Sickness Since Taking M FRUIT-A-TIVES mmm fr J. D. Hoar, John Snowden; Winter 'Jackman, Jackman. Window box --- dessert-- -F. Allin, J. F. Osborne, W. j M. Nokes, J. Nokes. Ferns--Jack- J. McGuire; King Tompkins--W. J. ; man, Jackman. Specimen plant Bragg, Arthur Welsh,. T. Bottrell and .Jackman, Jackman. Hanging basket Son; Fallawater--J. D. Hoar, W. J. i--Jackman, Nokes. Table bouquet-- Maguire, J. Samis ; McIntosh Red -- 1 Jackman, Jackiriari. Hand bouquet -- ! F. B. Loockin, R. Brooks; Belle Fleur " ' " ' " --A. Welsh, J. Samis; Colvert--W. J. Inhabitants of Asiatic Turkey Are in Terrible Plight. An American woman who recently Ma ffuire, G. A. Stephens, F. Allen; returned from Beirut, Syria, by way i Duchess^--J. D. Hoar, S. Snowden and of Turkey, Bulgaria, Austria-Hun- j Son > Ida Hoskin; St, Lawrence--A. E. gary and Germany, contributes to the ! Bellmann, F. Allin; Blenheim Pippin London Times an account of her two years' experience there. She says: -- W. J. Bragg, J. F. Osborne, J. Samis; Samis; Ribston Pippin--J. D. Hoar, F. The Levant is starving. This is B. Loockin, John Snowden; Graven- the literal truth " J w ▼ «--- Jackman, Jackman. Floral basket -- Jackiriari, Jackman. Floral design -- Jackman, Jackman. Funeral design --Jackman, Jackirian. Ladies' Department. Coll, fancy work--Mrs. Meath, Mrs. Patterson. Hardanger work--Mrs. J. F. Osborne, Mrs. W. Pearce. Emb. MR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th, 1915. I think it my duty to tell you what Fruit-a-trves " has done for me. Three years ago, I began to feel run- ! A an fe down arid tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Kidney Trouble. Having read of " Fruit-a-tives ", I thought I would try them. The res'ult was surprising. During the 3* years past, I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything. I have not had an hour's sickness since I commenced commenced using "Fruit-a-tives", and I know now what I haven't known for a good many years--that is, the blessing of a healthy body and clear thinking brain" WALTER J. MARRIOTT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. "d*!, H. Morris; do., landscape, any-- F. Morris, H f Morris: do., fruit --E. w e îî' « * ^ orr .^ ». 4o.,: flowers-- É. Wa ° deI b i Mrs." Montgomery; do., orig., any subject-- E. "Waddell, Mrs. Montgomery. Montgomery. Water colors, figure--A. Ir- E * Waddell; do., portrait--E. Waddell, A. Irwin; do., animal--H. Morris, F. Morris; do., original Canadian Canadian marine--H. Morris, A. Irwin; do., marine, any--F. Morris, H. Morns; Morns; do., orig. Bowmanville scene -- H. Morris, F. Morris; do., flowers -- H. Morris, E. Waddell; do., fruit -- Mrs. Montgomery, E. Waddell; water colors, orig., any subject--H. Morris, E. Waddell. Drawing in light or shade crayon cast--A. Irwin, E. Wad- dell. Drawing, crayon, portrait, not photo--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pastel portrait--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pencil Pencil drawing, figure--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Pencil drawing, animal--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Pen and ink sketch --Mrs. Montgomery, E. Waddell. Drawing, crayon--E. Waddell, Mrs. Montgomery. Coll, photo post cards Thos. Robson, Mrs. Montgomery." Coll, photos--T. Robson, Mrs. Montgomery. Montgomery. Oil painting, figure, amateur--Mrs. amateur--Mrs. Orr, Vilda Symons; do., landscape--Vilda Symons, Mrs. Orr. Water color, figure--F. Morris; do., landscape--F. Morris, Mrs.- Orr. Architectural and mechanical draw- j ing--Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Percy. In- | dustrial "design--H. Morris, F. Morris. Photo in ink or crayon--A. Irxyin. Writing, under 16 years--Frances Clatworthy ; do., under 10 years-- Lloyd Varcoe. Domestic Science. Coll. canned . goods--Mrs. Jas. Nokes; coll, jellies--Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Clatworthy. Coll. pickles--Mrs. Nokes, Mrs. Varcoe. Mustard pickles --Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Nokes. Mixed pickles--Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Nokes. Chili sauce--Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Wilkins. Wilkins. Tomato catsup--Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Rtindle. Orangé marmalade -- ff ^DO IfOTlIKE •Yr- BETTER THAN THE It POWDER YOU HAVE BEEN USING RETURN IT AND _ GET YOUR MONEY BACK BEST BY TEST "pW •j-*S V Chamberlain's Stomach andLW ^ C "' lf , he or will take and bowels and T a Vl e t?;. They c eanse the take stomach tone up tiie .. . „ , Take one at n W and you're RIGH^T in the morning* Ch.mWlttij, Mribfa,. Company. Toronto, f. plague of locusts in 1915, which de- 1 Son, F. Allen; Rhode Island Green stroyed the olive and grape crops, ! ings--J. D. Hoar, J. F. Osborne, J. and adds: Toward spring cases of Samis; Am. Golden Russett--J. F. starvation begap to be known. Peo-j Osborne, A. Welsh, J. Snowden; On- ple were found m the streets uncon- tario--H. E. Hancock, J. D. Hoar W «.«uo.n.acu-cb. J^rnu. ? n ^f S ° n, ^ MrS ' Nichol ] s ; Ta s mat, pillow cases--Mrs. Jos. Pattinson, 1 new ---Mrs. Richards, J Soda buns--Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Nokes. Ginger snaps--Miss Katerson, Mrs. Nokes. Sugar cookies--Mrs. Rundle, Mrs. Taylor. Cocoa-nut cake--Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Taylor. Roll jelly cake -- Mrs. Wilkins, Edna Snowden. Sponge Mrs. Pattinson, Mrs. Wilkins. White cake--Carrie Martyn, Mrs. Wilkins, bread--Mrs. J. Samis, Mrs. Nokes. ; Devil cake--Mrs. Lyle, Elizabeth Wil- Plain buns--Mrs. Samis, Mrs. W. J. ! liams. Nut, cake--Edna Snowden Scott - Currant buns--Mrs. Samis, j Elizabeth Williams. Fruit -Cake -- Percy. Wool mat--Mrs. Montgomery, ! Mrs. Nokes. Baking powder buns -- j Mrs. Rundle, Miss Katerson. Angel Mrs. Rundle. Rag mat--Mrs. R. j.j Winnie Varcoe, Mrs. Geo. Varcoe. cake--Mrs. F. B. Loockin, Mrs. Nokes. Ribbon cake--Mrs. Nokes. 5u.:bnry cakes---Mrs. Nokes. Apple pie--Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Wilkins. Custard pie -- Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Rundle. Lemon pie-- Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Nokes. Chocolate P^ e Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Nokes. Cocoa- nut pie--Edna Snowden, Mrs. Wilkins. Wilkins. Raspberry pie--Mrs. Nokes, Mrs. Lyle. "Blest is the bride on whom the sun doth shine," is a universal belief. She describes the steins-- W. J. Bragg, Snowden and £ lluw m .^ sea --™ ^os. pattinson, M Mont corner v rww „ Mrs. T. Percy. Emb. table cloth and j 7 montgomery. Crochet quilt, cot- doylies--Mrs. Patterson, Percy. Tablé cover, floylies, linen Mrs T i ^ 0I ? Miss E. Webster, Mrs. Couch; knitted quilt, cotton--Mrs. Clat- with crochet--Mrs. T. Percy, worthy, Mrs. Orr. Woollen coverlet, Percy. Sofa cushion--Mrs. E. Mont- I W ?T en Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs. Allin; scious. It was a common thing to ! J. Bragg; Stark-- P 'b ' Loockfn ' J ^ornery, Mrs. Patterson. Sofa" cushion, I aot l t t n co Y erle, T~ I ® r SS McClellan. Silk find people searching the garbage ; D. Hoar, W. J. Bragg; Baldwi'n -- j ™? s t ab 3 e -? Ir i- ,Ç arrie Martyn, Mrs. ! Mi ^Nmri^lntT.^ „5,° t nt ?? mer xY' district of the Lebanon range cases had been found of eating human flesh." »> Yesterday we heard a man wishing for peace. He was wishing his creditors creditors would let him have a little. There are 32,430 buildings, churches, and chapels in which marriages can ,bç_legaljy solemnised in England and Wales. --J. D. Hoar, J. F. Osborne J Sa- sertl °n--xu. Morris, üj. Knignt; bed- i "V mis; Crabs--J. Samis Brooks ' r00m towels, Swedish darning--Mrs. : Mont S" m ery, Mrs. Clatworthy. Quilt " ■ " - ' R - Brooks '^Percy, R. Percy; do., emb. in foiors-j ™ g -. Mrs - .Montgomery, Mrs. Orr.; Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Percy. Tray-I ^ 0 °7, n mi .* s Mrs. Pearn, Mrs. Orr. ! cloth--Mrs. Pattinson, Mrs. J. Lyle; ! ^.°°™ I? 1 * 8 ' fancy--Mrs. Rundle, ; 5 o'clock tea cloth--Mrs. Patterson, j ?7 1SS McClellan. Woollen stockings-- ! Mrs. Percy; do., hand-made lace-- 1 Mrs * Montgomery, Mrs. Richards; | Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Percy, centre- i soc ks---TMre. A. L. Nicholls, ' Snowden and Son. Table pears--F. W. Tamblyn, F. Allin; Lawrence--J. D. Hoar, Ida Hoskin; Bartlett--Mrs. Geo. Varcoe, F. Allin; Sheldon--A. E. Bellman, R. .Brooks; Duchess - D!Au- gouleme--M. Nokes, A. E. Bellman; Beurre Clairgeau---M. Nokes, R. Brooks; Seckel--J. D. Hoar, W. L m piece, darned huckaback--Mrs. Pat-! ?î rs " ^, r , r ' Patched quilt, woollen -- i Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Varcoe. O- & A Buttery; Beurre D'Anjou --J. Snow- 1 , co ^ red --Snowden, Mrs. ^ Q rr tinson, Mrs. R. S. Stephens; centre-, , . - - - ' A j Slumbering rug--Mrs. den, Bottrell and Sons; Flemish ! Nicholls; centrepiece, punch work Beauty-- F. Allin, R. Brooks. Pond's ! -Mrs. Meath; do., solid, lace trim- seedling . plum--M. Nokes; Grand ' med ~Mrs. - Jos. Pattinson, Mrs. Duke--^J. D. Hoar, W. J. Bragg; Glass Perc y; centrepiece, any kind--Mrs. ! Helen Morris. Pearn, Mrs. I X' Decorative and Constructive Arts. Coll, china painting--Ethel Morris, Bread and butter (K~f V l//^ ' ITT LE I VER PILLS. Soi Headache and relieve all the troubles tnd- /dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, to. While their most remarkable success has. been shown in curing seedling--J. D. Hoar, Ida Hoskin; I 0rr ' L ^ e - Filet crochet--Mrs. plates--H. Morris,_E. Morris. Burnt Shipper's Pride--J. D. Hoar, Ida Hos- I 0rr ' M rs - Pefcy. Mount Mellick em- . leather work--Mrs. Percy, Miss Kat- ! kin; Reine Claudel. D. Hoar, W. J. broid ery--:Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Patter-| erson. Burnt wood--Mrs. Wilkins, E. j Bragg; Yellow Egg-- W. J. Maguire, j s ? n - Homan cut embroidery--E. Nor- ; Morris. Hand-painted, 5 o'clock tea ; Grapes, Moore's Diamond--R. Brooks' ! ris * Corset cover, emb.--Mrs. Percy, ! set--E. Morris, H. Morris. Dec. 1 A. Taylor; Niagara-- F. W. Allin, r! j Mrs - Patterson; corset cover, crochet 1 painting, china or porcelain--E. Mor-i Brooks;. Brighton--R. Brooks; Lind- | y ? ke --Mrs. W. Pearn, Ida Hoskiiu. ris, H. Morris. Photo frame painting ™" Sideboard scarf, white linen--Mrs.j--Mrs. Montgomery (2). Folding Taylor; Moore's Early--A. Taylor; j Crr, Mrs. Percy. Dressing table cover, j screen, scrap picture panels--Mrs. Worsen-- W. F. Allin. Watermelons-- | emb --Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Pattinson. Cor- Geo. Varcoe. Folding screen, oil R. Brooks, W. C. Blackburn and Son. : onation braid work--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. | painting -- Vilda Symons. Plaque, Muskmelons--J. Samis, Bottrell and Montgomery. Tea cosey--Mrs. Percy, | painted--E. Morris, H. Morris. Pot- Son. : Mrs. Lyle. Crochet hand-bag--Mrs. tery decoration, jar or vase--H. Mor- Vegetables. Pearn, Mrs. Montgomery. Fancy pin ris. Fern jardiniere--E. Morris, H. ! cushion--Ida Hoskin, Mrs. Lyle, i Morris. Punch bowl--E. Morris, H. S' BMBSf 7 Hesdiche, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying com plaint while they also correct all disorders of the stomach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even it they only cured Winter cabbage--R. Brooks, Mrs. ^ v , ,, ,, M . . w. Orr; early cabbage-G. H. Rich- l> a S-Mr S . Meath Mrs. ; Morris. HrWbe. . -D i Vt . Orr, Collar and cuff set--Mrs. W. ! Morris. Ache they would he almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does notend here.and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after all sick head àrds, R. Brooks ; red cabbage--R. hy -n i.4. Brooks, Bottrell and Son; savoy cab- : CoUch ' Mrs ' Patterson - bage--R. Brooks. White celery--R. Brooks, G. H. Richards; red celery -- Bottrell and Sons, R. Brooks; winter celery--Bottrell. and Sons, G. • H. Richards. Cauliflower--R. Brooks. Table mats, kins. crochet--Mrs. _J. Clatworthy, Miss Mary Katerson. Table mats, asbestos--Miss asbestos--Miss Katerson, Miss McClellan. Afghan, wool--Ida Hoskin, Mrs. Montgomery. Fancy work apron -- Figure work on vase--E. Wood carving-^Mrs. M. Wil- Fine 1 Arts. Oil painting, portrait--E. Waddell, A. Irwin; oil painting, figure, any -- E. Waddell, A. Irwin ; do., animal-- j. E. Waddell, Mrs. Wilkins; do., marine Red onions-- G. H. Richards, Guy and ^ rS ' ; Ca ™ Mart y n * Crochet ! --H. Morris, F. Morris; do., Canadian . , _ _ . J J . tq *n zixr ncclrorc Mwn 1 » i ttt i i _ n tt ur • Abernethy; white onions--Mrs. Wm. Orr, R. Brooks; potato^eSons--G. H. Richards, Guy and^Ati^rnethy; yellow onions--Snowden and Sons, R. fancy baskets--Mrs. Varcoe, Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where We make our great boast. Our pills cure it .while Others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or purge, but by thqir gentle action please all who use them. CÀ2TBB lUDICQn CO., HSW 7022. fell M. fell Orr. Luncheon set, emb.--Mrs: Patterson, Patterson, Mrs. Meath. Irish crochet -- Emma Knight, Carrie Martyn. Ital- Brooks; pickling onions-Alex liaylor, ÿV e!iêf mtooidery-Mra. T. Percy. •RAt+y-ûii cnJ Bedroom slippers, knitted--Ida Hos- Mrs. marine--E. Waddell, H. Morris; do., original Canadian landscape-- : E. Wad- Jas. Nokes. Beets, long--Bottrell and ^room . dippers, m^Q-iaa nos- Son; G. H. Richards; blood turnip ^W^ns.^nt"? bootees--Miss McClellan, Mrs. ^ Wil- beets--Jas. Nokes, R. Brooks. ParChinese ParChinese red peppers-Bottrell and k,ns; Infant s ,acket-Miss McClel- Son, R. Brooks; 'do., greèn-Bottrell lan, Mrs. Montgomery. Infant's,hood and Son, R. Brooks. Radish-Brooks, -Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Orr. In- Bottrell. Tomatoes-Brooks, W. L. l ant s b , on " e *'. .^.-Mrs Percy 2nd. Buttery. « Sweet. corn-,Brooks, Alex. • î>" Cy kn ^ lng 'J ny kind-M.ss Me- Wood S Phesphedilie, «JL: ve .i™" P,Lk" ' towels--Miss Katerson, Mrs. .Patter- ones, too -- are calling, good cheer Don't Samis; yellow mangolds--H. Brock, I The Great EnahsK Remedy, t o j ,, --, . - , ' Tones and invigorates the whole Snowden; sugar mangolds--Brooks, 1 son. Knitted sweater--Mrs. Mont- ± ones anu invigorates tne whole o-nmprv Mrc Prmpb lopo =«w Blood I J. Samis. White carrots--J. Samis; ?„ J' Mrs - Lo ^ ch r_ Crochet lace- m ° ,d «in»». L R ca rrots--Bottrell, J. D. Stevens : Per 5 y '- C ® rrie „ Mar î yn: . crochet S. R. carrots-Brooks, Taylor. TurY! doylies-Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Montgomery; nips-A. E. Bellman, Bottrell. Table ' " ochat with wool--Mrs. Montgomery, squash-c: H. Richards, R. Jackman; I " rs ' °"' Hand-made curtams-Mrs Hubbard squash--Bottrell, Richards! | °"- ,. Mrs - Montgomery Crochet Pumpkins--Richards, Brooks. Citrons M h 1™%-Mrs. Pearn, Mrs. Mont -Brooks, Samis. Largest squash -- 1 eomery; crochet wrap-Mrs. Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- , *e*cv, £oss of Energy, Palpitation of the . Mart, Failing Memory, Price $1 per box, six rot $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggLits or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO. f T0B0NT0, ONT. (Fwâerty Wbdcer!) Do you want to earn |$I0 a week or more (in your own Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable., all-year-round employment on Auto- Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance is no hindrance. Write for particulars, particulars, rates of pay. send sc. stamp. AUTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. 183 257 College St. .- Toronto , at Leicester, Richards. Early potatoes--H. and N. Allin, W. J. Sulley; potatoes, any kind--H. and N. Allin, Richards; coll, potatoes--Brooks. - * Flowers. Greenhouse plants-- S. J. Jackman, S. Roy Jackman. Window plants -- mm SES WAIT TED. A number of. applicants-afe desired for the. Training 1 - School for Nurses. Hospital for Insane, Toronto. Three years Course-., Lectures start October 1. 1916. Probationers begin at $13.00 a month, with board, uniform and laundry. Apply Miss E. V. West, Head Nurse. 999 Queen St. W v Toronto. Toronto. Montgomery, Montgomery, A. Percy; crochet "with fancy braid--Ida Hoskin, Miss Katerson. Fancy work by lady over 75 years-- Mrs. James Knight, Mrs. Orr. Fancy work by girl under 14 years--Marjorie years--Marjorie West'away, Winnie Varcoe. 1 Darning--Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Percy. ; Child's dress--Mrs. Orr, Miss Wad- ' dell. Crochet yoke--Carrie Martyn, Ida Hoskin. Eiribroidery nightgown ! --Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Lyle. Holder for centrepieces-^-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. -Wilkins. -Wilkins. Hat-pin holder--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Couch. Cross stitch in silk -- j R. Percy, Mrs. Patterson. Best dress- j ed doll--Winniri- Varcoe- Bulgarian ' work, any--E. Morris, Mrs. Mont- [ gomery. Tatting--Mrs. Orr, R. about your 'digestive troubles, sick headache, tired feeling or constipation. The depression that induces worry is probably due to a disordered liver, anyway. Correct stomach ailments at once by promptly taking To little hearts and big the Wrigley Spearmen calling, every day; Their message is one of about this refreshing, beneficial goody that , costs so little but means so much to comfort and contentment. Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book hir young and old, illustrated in colors. Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto V PILLS They aid digestion, regulate the bile, gently stimulate the Ever, purify the blood arid clear the bpwëls of all waste matter. Safe, sure, speedy. Actifig both as a fentlë laxative and a tonic, ' " .'s Pills help to ^ Two flavors V! m IC39 made ht all impurities ~:C- y - ' Mr- •rtkxi tes ms&lüëè