Are You Inter ested in the New Styles? For Weeks past the early fall shipments have been pouring in from the foremost shoe manufacturers of America, and this word of invitation to you to come and see the new season's styles, comes when our stocks are most complete and the variety of styles largest. A marked variation of style is noticeable, both in men's and women's footwear. Shapes are more graceful and there seems to be a general ronv» toward the more"refined shapes. But come and see for yourself--and observe our prices, then compare the showing, the quality of the shoes and the prices with those you may have seenrejsewhere. Women's patent colt, butWn and lace boots (eignt and nine inch -top) with black cloth or gunmet^l tops, plain toe, goodyear welt soles at.*.. $3.50 to $5.50 Women's kid button and lace, high tops, plain toe, goodyear welt soles at --$3.50 to $6.00 A complete range of men's boots in all the latest shapes, colors and leathers at $4.50 to $6.00 Men's work boots, boys and girls school boots at the old prices OKnmte.Shw THE STOKE OF QUALITY €l SEKVIC Telephone Book. of the a Ç Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! 9 Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! Q Report changes required to our Local Manager to~day * The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. War's Effects On Eyesight Increased reading of fine and indistinct news print' discloses many Eye Defects. A Careful Examination is Important and cheap glasses should not be considered. Considerable harm can result from a wrong correction or defective glasses and your eyesight is too valuable to take chances. Good glasses require special grinding and though not expensive cannot be supplied with any dollar sale. We Value Our Reputation too highly to recommend anything but the best in glasses. Onr expert Optician Looks into-the Eye / R^M. MITCHELL & Co., C--J Druggists and Opticians Agents for Victrola and Victor Records. Camera | and Photo supplies Rapid service in Developing and printing. Ask about it Stationery--Sheet Music--Chocolates and Cigars. it. Phone 92or 280 Nights and Sundays Leave your calls for Dominion. Express Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates NOTES ON THE PAIR. Indies made a big display of cooking 'and pickling. Several sales of show animals were made as rsuaL We have not heard any complaints about the judging. Wednesday was typical Fair weather weather and was enjoyed. The display of flowers was one of the features of the Fair. Local merchants did a good day's business with visitors. Grand stand was more than packed Wednesday afternoon. Attendance on first night of the Fair was smaller than usual. Stand Performers before the Grand were a splendid troupe. Senator Beith says he never saw a better lot of horses shown here. Outsiders came in large numbers, several Toronto ians being here. While not a record attendance the receipts were over $1100. The directors sincerely regret that the Fair Night concert was far below the average. A judge on live stock from Toronto said he had never been at a better country Fair. Any errors or omissions in prize list should be reported at once to J. S. Moorcraft, Secretary. Citizens entertained many friends and visitors but few sent in names for publication as requested. Entries were as follows--Horses, heavy, 125; Light Horses, 85; Cattle, 139; Sheep, 134; Swine, 34; Poultry, 283; Dairy, etc, 24; Grain, 38; Fruit, 244; Vegetables, 155; Flowers, 128; Ladies' Work, 419; Architectural aud Mechanical, Mechanical, 33; Fine Arts, 120; Domestic Science, 103. Miscellaneous Miss Bongard, 1st on yellow tomat- ] oes. Mrs. Webster, 1st on" homespun I dress. Mrs. Percy, 1st on table runner, (Macramé). Miss Vilda Symons, oil painting, amateur, 1st on fruit, 2nd on animal. HAMPTON Be sure to attend the concert in the Methodist Church Thanksgiving night i under auspices of Epworth League. Miss j Gladys Jackson, M.E., Newcastle, graduate graduate in Oratory of OX.C, and pupil of | Owen A. Smily, Toronto, will recite. Good musical program. Admission 20c, children 15c. At the coming School Fair the Women's Women's Institute will serve good substantial nnches with hot drinks at reasonable prices. Also will sell ice cream, candy, :ruit, etc. At the Bazaar will be for sale variety of fancy and useful articles, froceeds for Red Cross and other Patriotic Patriotic work. Come to the Fair prepared to patronize the Red Cross booths and thus encourage the good work of the adies at Hampton Wednesday Oct. 4th. 37-2w Miss Stella Mason, Toronto, was recent guest of Mrs. W. W. Horn S. S. Rally Sunday evening was a great success. Singing Singing by the choir and school exceptionally fine, especially the songs by the little children. The addresses by Rev. S. T. Bartlett was splendid and was listened to with wrapt attention. The decorations of flowers were lovely. Visitors:--Miss Annie Rowe, Toronto, at Mr. T. Rowe's; Mr. F. T. Smith and Miss Annie Smith, Victoria, Chili, S. at Mr. S. J. Williams'; Mr. Stephen Cronk- hite, Gore Bay, at F. Stonehouse's; Mrs4J. Ferguson, Port Hope, at Mr. R. Katerson's; Dr. J. H. Elliott, Toronto, Mrs. E. Hodg- kiss, Hamilton, at Mrs. H. Elliott's: Miss Carrie at her home in Lindsay; Miss Mary Katerson at Toronto Women's Instit ute meets to-day (Thursday) at Mrs, C. W. Souch's--one week earlier than usual in order to make final arrangements for school fair booth, etc. Some quilting on the program, too. All ladies invited Girls of the Sunshine Helpers' S. S. Class were busy making quilts Saturday at the home of their teacher, Mrs. F. Corden.... Mrs. H. Elliott's home has been improved by the addition of a new porch... .Mr. F. Corden arid Mr. C. Hastings are also making making improvements to their homes Mis ses Hazel and Bessie Crago and Messrs. Harry Wood and Norman and Roy Metcalf, Metcalf, Darlington, spent Sunday at Mr. Ambrose Ambrose Trenouth's Mrs. Heddon, Toron to, and Mrs. Fordham, Hamilton, yisited Mr. A. Trenonth and Miss Lillie Trenonth ... .Several monuments have been placed in the north cemetery lately....Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffery, Port Perry, visited his brother William Jeffery and attended Bowmanville fair.. ...Mrs. Boothroyed and children and Mrs. Reid, Toronto, guests of Mrs. Martin Mr. Charles, Horn and daughter Mrs. W. G. Doidge were judges at Blackstock fair .Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and family, Newcastle, Newcastle, visited relatives here over the weekend weekend Bliss Nonie Horn has returned from a pleasant visit at Lindsay and Port Perry A good time is expected at the School Fair,-Oct. 4th. Attend and patronize patronize the ladies of the Red Cross who have done so much for our brave boys at the front. We expect to send a generous consignment to the Northern Fire sufferers. sufferers. The young ladies Bible Classes are assisting... .Regular meeting of W. M. S. was held at Mrs. I. L. Brown's on Tuesday 19th. Several interesting papers were read and it was decided to have . yearly quilting for Missions the last of October. Refreshments will be served in the evening evening and a social time spent by the members members and their families Mr. A. Wilkins and family, Courtice, were guests of Mr. Wm. Jeffery* Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call particular particular attention to their big stock of black and colored silks in taffetas, duchess satins, and paieries, all bought before the recent rise in the price of silks of all kinds. Always Serviceable.--Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can he/carried anywhere without fear of Iosingyrheir potency. This is à quality that few pills possess. Some lulls lose their power, but not so with Parmelee's. They will maintain their freshness and potency for a long time. Dairy Supplies at F. O. Mason's. Plymouth Twine at F. O. Mason's. Gold Medal Twine at F. O. Mason's^-- Before baying yOar new Range see Mason & Dale's Supreme Steel Range. Homeseekers* Excursions To Western Canada The Grand Trunk Railway System issue issue round trip Homeseekers tickets at very low fares from stations in Canada to to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta each Tuesday until October 31st, inclusive via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Route or via Chicago, SL Paul and Duluth and are good returning returning two months from date of issue. Through tourist sleeping cars are Operated Operated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Toronto, 10.45 p. m. via Transcontinental i Route without change. Reservation in tourist sleepers may be obtained at nom inal charge on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric electric lighted sleeping cars, through the newest,-most picturesque and most rapidly rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Before deciding on your trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnish frill particulars or write C. E. Homing, District Passenger Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. 39-5 w NORMAN PINOLE Builder and Contractor, is now prepared prepared to do work of all kinds, brick or cement, plastering, etc. Work done satisfactorily. Phone 243 or write Bowmanville, Ont. 30-tf AUTO LIVERY Any person wanting a business or pleasure trip apply at the Overland Garage, Temperance-st, or phone 248, house phone 185. Nothing but first- class cars used. 22-tf A. W. PICKARD Insurance Office Agency for : > Sun Life Assurance Company, also best lines in Fire, Accident, Sick Benefit, and Automobile Insurance. Insurance. Conveyancing done at reasonable reasonable charges. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville Box 308 Phone 189 Remarkable Reçords that were recently made in ~ JJOTT TORONTO. ONT. This College was asked to till 124 positions positions in July and 117 in August. The thorough work of this school is well known. Write to-day for our Catalogne which explains the unsurpassed advantages advantages offered here. Students admitted at any time.-. Yonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal House and Barn For Sale House and bam and 10 acres of land for Sale at Hampton. This property has been put in first class shape and would make nice comfortable comfortable home. Price moderate. Farm For Sale 50 acres at Hampton. Nice property and in good condition. Terms reasonable. Harry Canri, Phone 50. Bowmanville. GRAND TRUNK syst w e a m v Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Black- stock, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday Sept. 19 in the Methodist Church by a large gathering of their friends who wished them many happy returns. " HOMESEEKERs' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Mani-1 toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcon-1 tinental Route, or via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 31st inclusive* at low fares. Through Tourist Sléeping Cars] to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m., no change of cars, via Trànscôntî- j nental Route. Return Limit, Two Months Exclusive of dates of sale. Final re- j turn limit on all tickets, December 31. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices or I write C. E. Horning, District Passenger Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Miller's Worm Powders work qo effectively effectively that no traces of wqstns can be found. The pests are macerated in the stomach and pass away inJne stools without without being perceptible. jThey make an entire and clean swetp y6f the intestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find, lodgment there when these powders are in operation. Nothing could be more thorough car desirable than their action. West End House The Big Departmental Store WHEN WE JELL YoU A NEW "LID" IT WILL BE RIGHT UP TO THE LAJT TICK OF THE CLOCK IN .STYLE. LOOK AT YOUR. OLD HAT, THEN COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR. NEW ONEJ. WHEN YOU Do YOU WILL BUY A NEW ONE BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE THE ONE WHICH WILL .SUIT YOU To A "T." All the New blocks in Soft and Stiff Hats for Men New Hats For Boys New Caps for Men and Boys A big assortment of new Sweater Coats for Men, Ladies and Children have just arrived. They are splendid values, -r Headquarters for Military Goods of all kinds McMurtry St Co. Ltd. Phone 83 Thé Big Departmental Store Bowmanville. FALL 1916 FAVORITES We have been selling shoes in this town for fifteen rears and hare built nr a business by telling you the truth at all times and giving Service. Our Fall Showing of Fine Footwear is Ready ** ^ We have selected onr styles with 'the greatest care and with vonr pleasure Mid comfort in mind first of all The prices are reasonable too whenjyouconsider the market conditions. ! A shoe for every foot A price for every purse FRED R. FOLEY, Sunnyside Boot Shop Sole Agent Bowmanville, Ont. X I FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Eqeipmeel Suaday and might calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Biaaches: ORONO HAMPTON NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., O. D* S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 DR. J. C. DBVITT, DENTIST. Gradaat* of Royal JOeatal College, Toronto. OFFICE : Kiag St, East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Peosaeoa Hooss Phoxx Mb