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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1916, p. 5

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vV The Latest in Jewelry and Plated Ware We have now in stock a complete line of the njpiete l newest designs in Jewelry and Plated Ware. These are very Beautiful goods and are guar 1 anteed and at prices that can't be beaten. For instance our Laveliers and Necklaces Ranging in prices from $2.50 to $25.00 Lies' Gold filled Wrist Watches .$17.00 Ladies' 17 Jewelled Movement., Ladies' 10k Gold Wrist Watches 17 Jewels $25.00' Ladies' 14k Gold Wrist Watches 17 Jewels $30.00 Alex. Elliot (Successor to C. H. Haddy) 111 K- m More Opportunities To Reduce Your Weekly Food Bill In days like these èvery çent in the dollar coûnts, and the food bill for the hôme is often a serious matter. Let our storè help yoii to kéep your provision expenses down to the minimum. Yôû will like our prodùcts --yoii will appreciate the lower prices we charge--you will be glad you came. Our "Specials" this week-end are well worth à trial. . Granulated Sugar 20 Jbs for $1.59 Corn and Peas, Alymer Brand 9c per tin Currants, clean and fancy 15c per lb Matches, "Eddy's" going higher.. ,.6 boxes for 24c Brooms, 12 dozen while they last - 39c each Quaker Corn Flakes 3 packages for 24c Tea, our own blend reg. 40c for 34c per lb Fresh Ground Coffee reg. 45c for 39c per lb Mixed Biscuits 14c per lb Canned Salmon, "Tiger Brand" 2 tins for 34c Rolled Oats, a snap 7 lbs for 24c Crisco, for shortening 32c per tin Ammonia Powder . ...3 pkgs for 24c Jelly Powder, "Pure Gold" 3 pkgs for 24c Baking Pcwder "Rose Brand" ,14c per tin Fresh Sausages 2 lbs for 27c Honey in large gems 49c each Finnan Haddy and Fresh Oysters Only a few sûggëstions. Yoù will find many moré at Our Store Dôn't forget we pay thé highest cash price for'àll kinds of Produce. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowman ville sE •m \ V ) m The mill has been, thoroughly renovatecLand is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Phone 120 p 6 BO WMAN VILLE, SEPT. 28,1916. •Mr.Thos. E. Hardy, Whitby, was in town for the Fair. Mrs. Thos. Jackson has returned from visiting relatives in Lindsay. Mrs. Caroline Groat, Oshawa, is visiting Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peterkin, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. -Trewin's. The Martin Hardware stock has been sold to McIntyre's Hardware, Whitby. Miss Myrtle Greer, town, visited with her mother at Newpark the past week. Mrs. Chas. Stevens, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs/Walmsley. Mr, S. Brown, Toronto, is visiting his cousin, Mrs. W. Hi Williams, Liberty-st. J. G. and Mrs. Borland, Clârement, motored motored here Wednesday and took in the Fair. Mrs. Oliver Moyes and baby, Lindsay, visited with relatives in town the past week. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Misses Vida and Ruth Moase, Mariposa, recently visited Mrs. John Hockin. Letters from Sergt.JDan Douglass and Pte. E Carr will appear next week. Cpal is dear. - Save the. fuel bill by buying buying a Home Comfort Range at Mason & Dale's. Miss Stella M. -Mason, Toronto, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Millar, Rapid City, Man., were guests of Mrs. J. Wick- ett Tuesday. Rev. John Kenner, London, has promised promised us an appreciation of Rev. Wm. JoIIiffe for next issue. Mrs. R. Sylvester, Lindsay, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Tôle and other relatives. Lieut. Harry Ezra Balfour, son of Rev. D. Balfour, Janetville, reported wounded in Monday's casualty list. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams, Oshawa, and Mrs. Averill Floyd, Cobourg, were recent visitors at Mayor Mitchell's. Apples And Turnips Wanted Messrs. J. Holgate & Son are prepared to pay highest prices for any quantity of apples and turnips at the Evaporator, Corner Corner Division and Queen-sts, Bowmanville, Phone 153. Sept. BIRTHS. Mars den--In Bowmanville Hospital, 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsden, a son. Miller--In Bowmanville Hospital, Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, a daughter. . Greenfield--In Bowmanville, Sept. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenfield, a daughter. MARRIAGES Salter--Smith--In Fort William, Sept. 19, by Rev. H. Irvine, of • Wesley Methodist Church, Miss Ina M. Smith, Vancouver, B. C., and Mr. Percy H. Salter, Oshawa. Marvin--Lockhart--At Port Hope, Sept. 20, by Rev. B. A. Earchman, May Lillian, daughter of Mr. L. Lockhart, and William Thomas, son of Mr. A. Marvin, Moorish, Thos. Luxon had three ribs fractured at Oshawa Fair by a kick from a colt he was leading. Mrs. T, E. Osborne, Whitby, has returned returned bomb after visiting her sister Mrs. J. N. McDougall. Mr. Leon Lane, Belleville, has been visiting his uncle, Mr, John Lane and other relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Oshawa, and Miss Bertha Gillson, Toronto, were with friends over the Fair. Mrs. Orvis Mitchell and babe who have- been visiting Mrs. W. W. Allin, have returned returned to Toronto. Mr. Mark Jackson, Oxford Centre, recently recently visited his brother-in-law, Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A. Every lady is invited to inspect the superb stock of coats and suits at Couch, Johnston and Cryderman's. Mrs. D. McPherson, Toronto, and Mrs. S. J. Vanstone, Whitby, were . recent guests of Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Miss Down of Haddy & Co's millinery parlors was in the city this week- getting the new styles for Thanksgiving. Misses Luella and Jean Hepburn, Ked- ron, and Mr. Clarence Vice, Solina, were recent guests at Mr. Wm. Hislop's. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mutton, Master Floyd and Miss Marjorie of Consecon attended Bowmanville Fair and visited relatives. Jones--Lane--On Sept. 20 at King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, by Rey. J.- S.I. Wilson, Mr. Arthur Cyril Jones, Toronto, and Miss Noleta Grace, second daughter of Joseph Lane, Esq., Mr. Frank Malcolm with his two sisters i r. « <- ia -tr- t Dewell--Clarke--On Sept. 14, at King-at Methodist parsonage. Oshawa, by Rev. J. S.I. Wilson, Mr. Chester Dewell and Mrs. Mabel Florence Clarke, daughter of Andrew Morphy, Esq., Oshawa. Messrs. Will and Harry Tisdale motored motored up from Kingston on Saturday and are guests of the Misses Babcock, Carlisle ave. Signaller C. W. Nunn, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nunn, Belleville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nunn, Colborne, Mrs. J. W. Williams, Mrs. J. H. Ashley and daughter, Mrs. A. Hinkson, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. Chas. Williams', Elgin- st., Fair Day. L. M. Brooks, for twenty-five years proprietor of Brooks' Livery, Oshawa, dropped dead Monday evening while walking up town. Messrs. T. S. Holgate, W. E. Jewell, W. J. Bragg, H. Greenlees and J.S. Moor- craft motored to Lindsay Saturday and attended the Fair. Mrs. A. B. Rogers, Smithfield, and her sister, Mrs. F. Johnston and baby of New York city, recently visited friends in Bowmanville Bowmanville and Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and babe and Mrs. Wm. Pickard, (Newcastle) are enjoying a motor trip to Detroit and other points in Michigan state. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod, Miss Olga Tod> Mrs. Percy Westwood, (Toronto) and Miss Marion Morris motored to Beaverton Sunday Sunday and visited relatives there. Mr. Fred R. Foley was in Roseneath Friday night and at Campbellford Wednesday Wednesday night assisting in the concerts given by the 235th Regt. Band on Fair night. Messrs. Fred Heal, Harry Baskerville, G. H. Linton, Jos. Bryant and other To- aonto citizens attended Bowmanville Fair Wednesday and met a number of old friends. Miss Reta R. Cole will resume her class in piano on Monday Sept. 18th at her home, King-st. W., Bowmanville. Anyone Anyone desiring to take lessons should see her at once. 37"3 W * Misses Grefa. aod Nora Muir who have been attending school here, staying with their grandmother, Mrs. Muir, have returned returned to their home in Honolulu, Ha- waiin Islands. Mrs. Thos. Emmons, Shannonville, who has been spending some time with her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) L. S. Wight, in Edmonton, Edmonton, is renewing acquaintances in Stirling--News-Argus. Stirling--News-Argus. Mr. Fred H. Joness received a telegram Tuesday saying his brother Charles H. Joness, had passed away following an operation for injuries received by a train. No particulars to hand. Mr. J. H. Cryderman received a telegram telegram from Moose Jaw, Sask., saying his niece, Mrs. Norman Bellamy, passed away Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy visited relatives in this vicinity a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker have returned returned from a three months' trip to the West where they visited their son, Mr. Morley Cawker, Medicine Hat, and friends at Prince Albert and other points enroute. : Mr. Felipi T. Smith and Miss Annie Smith, Victoria, Chili, South America, have been visiting" Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and other friends here and at the old home at Hampton. Mr. J. E. Atkinson, Business Manager The Toronto Star, and son, Jos. S. Atkinson, Atkinson, Dr. W. H. Harris and son Paul M. Harris, Toronto, were in town Saturday and favored us with a friendly call, n They were motoring, to Newcastle, Mr. ^Atkinson's ^Atkinson's birthplace. Miss Mabel Wright, of the teaching staff Toronto public schools has gone to Victoria, Victoria, B. C., where she has secured a good position as teacher of Domestic Science in the public schools of that city.--Pickering city.--Pickering News. Miss Wright was a former teacher at Tyrone. Word has been received from Nursing Sister Kathleen Holmes from "Somewhere "Somewhere in France" that Major, Arthur E. McLaughlin was received in the S. S. M. Hospital, C.E.F., wounded in the hip, was operated on, but died a few hours afterwards afterwards from the shock. I Major Hamilton and Capt. Palmer of the Military Headquarters, Kingston, were in town Monday evening meeting Col. S. B. Scobell, O.C., and Capt. G. W. James, Quartermaster 235th Battalion, in regard to the winter quarters. Forks, hoes, etc., at F. O. Mason's. and Miss Front, Nestleton, motored out and spent Fair day with Mr. W. B. Hoar. Mr, W. Baker, Solina, is judging live stock at a round of fall exhibitions in Kingston district.--A capable man for the work. Mrs. M. Osborne and daughter : Laura, Newark, N. J., have been visiting Mrs. John Osborne and other old friends in town, Mrs. W. B. Couch and Miss Thompson nave been in Toronto attending the funeral of their brother, Mr. Chas. H. Thompson. Bowmanville Women's Institute will meet at Mrs. E, Bellman's, Centre-st, on Friday next at 3 p. m. All members and riends invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holtby, Manchester, Manchester, and Mr. John Pearsall, visited at Mr. W. J. Williams' and attended the fair. All pronounced it hard to béat. Miss Géorgie I. Langmaid, Zion, reader, îas been engaged to assist on the program at Lakefield on Thanksgiving also at the chicken pie supper at South Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason and son Earl motored down from Toronto, and spent the weekend weekend at Mr. Wm. McReynolds' and Mr. red Lyle's. One of the finest manufactured and jest finished D. O. & P. Co. pianos on ex- libition at Toronto fair, has been sold to Girls' Patriotic Society at cost by Mr. J. W. Alexander. Limited number tickets or sale at $1 each. Piano may be seen at Tig 20. Proceeds for maintaining cot for Canadian wounded soldiers, The Churches Capt. Clarke, Chaplain of the 235th Batt., preached in the Methodist Church, Brighton, Sunday morning and Mrs. Parsons Parsons iii the evening. Mrs. Parsons also addressed addressed the Rally Day service in the Presbyterian Church in the afternoon. Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A., and bride were given further evidence of the goodwill goodwill of their people Sept. 16, when the friends from the Bethany appointment on Roseneath circuit, met at the parsonage and extended their welcome in the form of an address, a silver tea service and j generous purse of gold. Hampton League meeting Friday even ing was in charge of the 4th Vice President, President, Mr. Frank Cryderman. Scripture lesson was read by Miss Rhoda Johns. An excellent paper on "The Citizen and Child Welfare" prepared by Mr. R. J. McKessock, was read by Miss Lottie Horn. A reading, "Little Brother" was given by Mrs. F. T. Allin. Meeting closed closed with the League benediction. OLD FOLKS' EVENING The elderly members of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist Church enjoyed a delightful delightful evening on Monday when the yearly reception and At Home of the Epworth League was held when about sixty-five senior members of the congregation were present and thoroly enjoyed the good supper and excellent program so pleasingly pleasingly prepared by the voung folks. Owners of autos kindly conveyed the guests to and from the schoolrooih where tables nicely decorated with flowers and laden with good things awaited their arrival and willing waiters served the good things. A Victrola belonging to Mr. F. F. Morris, operated by Mr. Alvin Tripp, afforded a program of old-time songs and melodies during the supper and social hour after. A little after 8 o'clock Rev. H. B. Neal, assistant pastor, took the chair and after singing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name", prayer was offered offered by Rev. W. C. Washington, M.A. The chairman and President W. Claude Ives welcomed the visitors m brief addresses after which an interesting program was given by Misses Ethelda and Aileen Hazlewood who rendered a fine piano duet; readings by Miss Lena Haddy, Miss E. E. Allin and Miss Greta M. Wickett; solos by Misses Ethel • L. VanNest, Reta R. Cole, Florence L. VanNest and Mr. Frank Walters (of Courtice) who sang "Mother Machree" and as an encore "Three for Jack"; piano solo, Miss Helen Morris'. A hearty vote of thanks, moved in brief speeches by Dr. W. E. Tilley and seconded by Editor M. A. James, was ac corded the young people for the enjoyable evening provided. The singing of "Blest be the tie that binds" and benediction by Rev. Mr. Neal brot this happy gathering to a close. Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ESTATE OF ANN JOHNSON late of the. town of Bon'mariville in the County of Durham, widow, deceased: NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that all persons " h having any claims or demands against the late Ann Johnson who died on or about the 27th day of July, A. D., 1916, at the said Town of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, are required to send by post" prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned" THOMAS GHAM.ES JEWELL, at the said town of Bowmanville, their names, addresses and fuU particulars, in writing, of their claims and statements of. their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the 31st day of October, A. D, 1916, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled_ thereto having regard only to the claims of which they, shall then have had notice, and that the said executors executors will not be liable for the said estate, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville the 23rd day 'of September, 1916. ANTHONY MITCHELL and THOMAS CHARLES JEWELL, Executors of the WiU of Ann Johnson, deceased, By EVAN HAMILTON MCLEAN, 39-4w their Solicitor Beamish--Brown--At Columbus, Sept. 16, by Rev. W. M. Haig, Edith Elizabeth, eldest daughter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Brooklin, and Mr. Kenneth Frederick Beamish, eldest son of Mrs. Mary Stephen, Brooklin. Percy--Patch--At First Baptist Church, Pittsburg, Pa., Sent. 20, by Rev. Frederick Tower Tower G alpin, Miss Ethel M., only daughter of Mr. Thomas S, Patch, Pittsburg, Pa., and Mr. Harley W. Percy, Toronto, son of Mr. Thos. Percy, Bowmanyille. jonn b, é, DEATHS Bellamy--At Carievale, Sask., Sent. 19, John Bellamy. Interred at Orono. Conant--At Bnoena Vista, Oshawa, Sept, to Mayor and Mrs. Gordon D. Conant, a daughter. daughter. .. Bouskill--At Kingston Hospital, Sept. 19, Mary Ford, beloved wife of Sydney Bouskill, aged 65 years. Stuart--At Lacolle. Que., Sept. 16, Mr. James W. Stuart, son of the late Dr. Stuart, Napier- yille, Que. Larkin--In Bowmanville; Sept. 23, John, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Larkin, aged 17 years and 9 months. McMurtry--At Perry town, September 21, Ann McMurtry, eldest living daughter of the late John McMurtry, Esq., aged 79 years. Thompson--At Toronto General Hospital, Sept. 21, in his 60th year. Brother of Mrs. W. B. Couch and Miss Thompson, Bowmanville. McClellan--"Somewhere in France" killed in action, Sept. 7, Pte. Irving McClellan, son of Mr. and and Mrs. Jas. McClellan, Whitby, aged 25 years. 'Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. B OY WANTED--At once for hardware store. Apply to W. H. Dustan, Bowmanville. 39-tf tOR SALE--Two driving colts. Apply to B. < Burk, box 309, Bowmanville. Phone 183-31. 39-2W. rPRlîïG HILL SHROPSHIRES--Choice Ram I Lambs for sale. LEVI SKINNER, Tyrone. 38-tf |IGS FOR SALE--From 8 to 10 weeks old. " Everett Hoar, Bowmanville, R. R. 6. Phone 146-12 39-2w* H OUSE TO RENT--In James Block, electric light and modern conveniences, 89.00 per month. Apply to Norman S. B. James. «OR SALE--A Chicken house 16ftx5ft inside < measure, double beaded, shingled and 2 glass windows. .Tom. Percy, Bowmanville. T UBE LOST--New inner tube for auto 30x84 on Monday Sept. 25. Finder kindly leave at Challis & Mutton's Butcher Shop and receive receive reward. 39--lw. M ONEY FOUND-^In Bowmanville on Fair Day, a small snm of money. Loser describing describing same and paying for this advt may have it by addressing R. M., Orono, Ont, G OLD WRIST WATCH--extension bracelet lost on Fair Grounds, Oshawa, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 13. Reward for return to 99 Colborne-st, East, Oshawa, or Statesman office, Bowmanville. 38-tf B uggy and harness for sale--Good rubber tire runabout, only used a few times; " also fancy set of show harness. A bargain for some one. Apply to A. W. Pickard at The Garage, Temperance-st., Bowmanville. O LD FALSE TEETH WANTED-We pay up to S5.00,. full or broken sets. Mail to us and we will make offer. If not satisfactory will return teeth. City-Tooth Works, 505 Chamber of Commerce Building, Rochester, N. Y, 39-3w F ARM TO RENT--145 acres, being lot 31 and 32, con 10, Clarke, on which large frame house, woodshed, two barns, stone foundation, good stabling, sheep pen, hen house, pig pen, implement implement house. Land good loam. Never failing well. Small orchard. Plowing possession at once. Phone or write B. G. Carscadden, Leskard. 39-3 w* H OUSE TO RENT--Brick house on Queen-st, containing four bedrooms, parlor, diningroom diningroom and kitchen; hen house; hard and soft water, garden of small fruit;heated by furnace; electric lighted. Possession about Oct. 1. Apply Apply to John Rice, on premises or box 164, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 38-tf E XECUTOR'S SALE OF FARM--North half of lot 27, and south half of lot 26, concession 4, Darlington, known as Arnot homestead consisting consisting of 200 acres with usual farm buildings and good fencing, abundance of standing cedar and hardwood, good creek and pasture. Plowing possession this fall. Apply to Mrs. A. Arnot, 1601 Dufferin-st,, Toronto. L. A. Tole, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, will show intending purchasers over the premises. 38-tf F OR SALE--Brick residence containing seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors. 4 acre-land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. * 31-tf. Farms For Sale. Clarum-Brae Fariûs 286 acres. Forty miles east of Toronto. Canadian Northern Station, Solina, on the farm. Large bank barns, concrete flooring, steel stanchions, piggery, three silos; two good houses, bath installed, trout stream; three .wells. Twelve acres alfalfa, twelve acres woods, ten acres orchard, small fruits; beautiful; parklike lawn of flowering shrubs. Farm Can be divided. Fourteen thousand ($I4;000). " Terms reasonable. Come and inspect or write for diagram and particulars. } Geo. J. Northcott, 32-8w: ' "Clarum-Brae," Hampton Ont. FARM IN WHITBY FOR SALE BY TENDER. Tenders will be received by the undersigned undersigned until Saturday, September 30th, 1916, for the purchase of the farm property property of the late White well Hall, containing 215 acres, being lot 28, con. 5, Whitby. This farm is situated I mile from G.T.R.j and C.N.R., stations Brooklin. New house, good barn etc., running stream. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to WM. KERR, Brooklin, Executor, Executor, or MRS. JOHN ORMISTON, Brooklin, Brooklin, Executrix. as 1 1 Pure Spices and Vinegar. 'Buy the best pure spices and vinegar and you SAVE MONEY AND TIME. You may save a few cents on buying cheap spices-- and vinegar and throw away a fev dollars worth of pickles besides besides wasting your time. So we repeat, you save money and time by buying the best spices and vinegar. J E. A. Haddy & Son buy only the best themselves--and advise you to do the same. We have everything in the best Spices and Vinegar, including including special pickling spice and H-J-Heintz pickling pickling vinegar "Made in Canada." Give us a trial. Try us when you want Groceries F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dealing with the Public. During this long period of years I have always endeavored to give the public the very best services. From the fact that my business has grown each year is proof that my efforts have been appreciated. If you are not already one of my customers I will appreciate it very much to have your next trial order. A Few Suggestions Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Ham, Tongue, Beef, Sausage, Weiners, specially cured for our trade. Fruit We are headquarters for Fruit You will want Granulated Sugar. Get our special price this week. Remember we pay the highest price for all produce. Phone 65 AlTClllC Tâlt, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House New Fall Goods at S. W. Mason & Son's Visit Our Store Fair Days, September 19th and 20th. and critically inspect the latest styles in Ladies' and Misses'* Coats, Suits Dresses and Skirts, now on Exhibition in our Ready-to-wear Department The Popular and Reliable North way Garments also -... 1 A grand assortment of the newest weaves in Dress Materials, in Silk, Wool and Silk-wool mixtures. New Collars, Ties, Gloves, Hoisery etc., and a complete assortment of Staple Dry Goods. Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville 5

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