BOWMÀN VILLE, OCT. 19,1916. Home-Baking Time Here Again N ow that the fall season is with us once 'more and a continuous fire has to be kept going in the kitchen range, the opportunity presents itself for more home-baking. The odor of freshly baked bread, buns, pies, fried cakes, muffins, griddle griddle cakes, scones, cookies, gingerbread, etc . makes the kitchen more home-like and actually creates appetites. To be well cooked,'however, the best of mateiials are necessary and herewith are tendered several suggestions to be had at the The Model Grocery Flour--For baking good bread or buns, good flour is absolutely essential. We recommend highly highly Imperial brand made from finest No. I Manitoba hard wheat. In various sized sacks, at $4 80 per cwt. or $1.20 for 25 lbs. shortening--In the making of pies, a lot depends on the shortening. shortening. Crisco shortening makes that delicious, flakey pie crust that melts in one's mouth. It is, too, cheaper than butter. Per lb. 30c. Lard--Pare lard always makes certain that smooth flakey taste to the pastry everyone appreciates. appreciates. We recommend Ferr- man's pure lard at 22c per lb. Pancake ~ Flour--Who is there who does not enjoy a steaming steaming hot dish of pancakes and syrup ? With White Swan pancake pancake flour you .can make the most delicious cakes. All prepared prepared in handy packages with recipe at 15c per package. For To-Morrow's Luncheon Try One of These : Fried Cakes--With corn or cane svrups and coffee home- • baked fried cakes make a most appetizing and satisfying meal. Good flour and shortening are essential. Potato Cakes--With plenty of good butter--or maple syrup-- the old fashioned potato cakes are delicious. A real treat for the family. Pure Maple Syrup at 40c per bottle. Gingerbread--You will be surprised at the improvement s few large juicy raisins make in gingerbread. For this delicacy we recommend Aunt Dinah's fancy molasses at 13c per tin. Cranberry orRaisinPie-- Pie time is here again, and for a change for dinner we would suggest suggest cranberries or raisins for the filling. Together they make a most appetizing pie. Cranberries Cranberries are now only 15c per quart. Special attention given to Phone Orders Dôn't forget we pay thé highêst cash price for àll kinds of Produce. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville Free Demonstration ^cmoll's «or-éAifi» for T/rzED .JxctuNG-Feer, cramped -toes. ere. SCHOLL'S T/l/~SPR/N<r ARCH SUPPORT FOR WEAK, Ankle 5 4/vo broken arch SCHOLL'S Toe-FLSX STRAICrHTENS C RooKFO roes Amp Oan/shss Painful. Bunions Scholl'S Bunion REDUCER FOR BUNIONS i and enlarged Joints Scholl'S absorbopads , Remoyc corn* and CAtxouses -- P/tevmHT SHOE PRESSURES -- ONE FOR. EVERY - CORN SCHOLL'S FjXO corn plasters liEi-IEV* PAIN INSTANTLY REMOVE OLDEST CORN IN 4% HOURS Fred R. Foley announces that arrangements have been made with an eminent Foot Specialist Specialist of Chicago, to be in attendance attendance at his store Saturday, Oct. 21 to give expert advice Free of charge on Foot Ailments of any description. The public is requested to take advantage advantage of this unique opportunity of having their feet examined by an expert. Demonstration of Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances and Foot Remedies The complete range of Scholl's Foot Corrections Corrections will be Demonstrated and appliances appliances ordered will be scientifically fitted to each individual's requirements at the usual advertised prices. Positively no charge for professional services. The Specialist has been carrying on important important work through Shoe Stores in large Cities and we point with pride to the fact that we are the first to offer "FOOT COMFORT COMFORT SERVICE" in this district. It cannot be impressed too strongly on those who experience some foot discomfort to consult the expert during his stay. Ask for "Treatment and Care of the Feet" Booklet. There's a Scholl Àppliançe for every Foot Ailment or Deformity Fred R. Sunnyside Boot Shop Bowmanville, Ont. Foley, Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call particular particular attention to their big stock of black and colored silks in taffetas, duchess satins, and pàiettes, all bought before the recent rise in the price of silks of all kinds. J. R. McDonald, foreman in the job de partaient of the Post Printing Co. Lindsay, dropped dead Friday night while retumin home from work. He leaves a wife an five grown-up sons. Miss Hilda Langmaid, Zion, spent Sunday Sunday in town. Mrs. Alf. Fursev and daughter recently visited Oshawa relatives. Mrs. T. Pin gle visited her daughter Mrs. A. Cox in Oshawa recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edgerton were with relatives in Oshawa over Sunday. Buy your Christmas presents at the Pat- - riotic Bazaar, useful or ornamental. Mrs. F. T.Guy and Miss Nellie, Darlington, Darlington, spent Thanksgiving in the city. Mrs. E. Bliley and Miss Irma Babcock spent the week-end with Oshawa friends. Mr. Jno. Webster and mother and Miss Ella Webster visited in Oshawa recently. Mrs. Arthur Vincent and children, Toronto, Toronto, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Foote. The Home-made candy booth at the Patriotic Bazaar can satisfy that sweet tooth. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Miss Estella B. Collinson .Ottawa, spent the week-end with Mr.™ and Mrs. Alex Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Enfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg's. Miss Down of the Central Millinery Parlors is attending the winter Openings in Toronto. Mrs. Darling of the North-west js visiting visiting Mrs. Manson Comstock and other friends here. Mrs. J. W. Brooks and Miss Gladys Brooks, Solina, were guests of the Misses Brimacombe over Sunday. Every lady is invited to inspect the superb stock of coats and suits at Couch, Johnston and Cryderman's. Misses Isabel and Thamer Sproat, Peter- boro, were recent guests of their uncle, Mr. Wm. Robson, Division St. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleverdon of East Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors of their uncle Mr. Thos. Norton s. Come and have a nice cup of tea and some cake at the Patriotic Bazaar. Mr. and Mrs.Roy Waye and Miss Helen and Master Aubrey, New York, with her sister Mrs. W. Booth, Carlisle Ave. -Mrs. J. J. Gibson and Mr. Leslie Gibson are spending the winter with her brother, Dr. John Montgomery, Fresno, Cal. Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Caley and daughter Ruth, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robson, Carlisle Ave., Sunday. Miss Margery Moore, Tyrone, is attending attending the Toronto Conservatory of Expression, Expression, of which Dr. H. Kirkpatrick is Principal. Principal. Women's Patriotic League will hold a special meeting Friday October 20th at 3.30 p. m., in Council Room. Full attendance attendance requested. Rev. D. Balfour, Janet ville, received a telegram from hea quarters announcing that his son, Lieut. Balfour, has been miss 1 ing since Oct .10th. Mrs. R. H. Todgham, Windsor, and her niece Miss Reta Clemens, Oshawa, were guests of the former's brother, Mr» Chas. Richards, over Sunday. Mr. Dalton Charters, B. Sc., Hamilton, brother of Mrs. (Rev.) W. G. Clarke, has joined the Royal Flying Corps and expects ta leave shortly for England. Editor R, White of theMilton Reformer, evidently enjoys bowling as we notice in the last paper his rink heads the competition competition in the semi-finals and finals. The O. C. of the 235th Batt has prornis- ed that if the Battalion is in Bowmanville on the 31st the Band will furnish music at the Patriotic Bazaar on that date. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cleverdon, Swanwick Ave. East Toronto, and Mrs.Adele Marq- uard of Chicago, 111., were weekend visitors visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFeeters and three children and Miss Margaret McFeeters motored from Toronto Saturday and visited visited their sister, Mrs. W.W. Henderson. Gunner R. G. Hamlyn of the Cobourg Heavy Battery was in town over Sunday. He reports that Major McKinnon is still looking for recruits to proceed overseas quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pennington an* nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Vera Mildred, to Sergeant F. H. Cryderman, the marriage to take place early in November. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg announce the engagement of their second daughter, Miss Winifred May and Mr. Ernest W. W. Rundle, Oshawa, the marriage to take place early in November. Mr. Jos. Clatworthy. Hampton, who was buildinga silo for Mr. Russell Worden, Maple Grove, fell a distance of 33 feet, breaking both limbs above the knee and also received very bad bruises. By the breaking of a wheel or axle a Grand Trunk freight train jumped the tracks west of Whitby early Thursday morning causing 9 hours' delay in^raffic. The cars were loaded with oats and flour. Miss Flo. McCrimmon and her friend Miss Harriett Cross of Chicago, 111., have been enjoying a three months' vacation travelling through Canada seeing^ all the beauties of. the Mountains and sights at Calgary, Banff, Vancouver, Victoria, down the coast by boat to Seattle and San Francisco, Francisco, visiting Los Angeles and San Diego and home by Salt Lake City and Denver to Chicago. Very great sympathy of their many relatives and friends in this town and vicinity vicinity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Oshawa, in the sudden death of their only son. The Reformer contains the following reference--"One of the tragedies tragedies which stun a community, shocked Oshawa, when it became known that Gér- ald Courtice, son of Mr. S. J. Courtice, of the High school staff, had died. This bright young lad was known to so many and was running about to the last moment full of energy and the joy of life. Wednesday Wednesday morning he was taken to the Hospital Hospital to be treated for adenoids and enlarged enlarged tonsils, but under the anaesthetic, the heart failed, and the lad was gone. To Mr. and Mrs. Courtice and daughter Iva, the people of Oshawa tender their heart felt sympathy in this hour of grief. All who recall Gerald's happy young face, will appreciate a little the crushing blow sustained sustained by thé stricken family." Women'sPatriotic League Bazaar,afternoon Bazaar,afternoon and evening Tuesday October 31, m Council Room, Bowmanville. Morrison s Orchestra in attendance. Useful and Fancy articles, Home-made cooking and candy, splendid Bran Pie. COME. Friendship bracelet found. See advt. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F.O. Mason's. Washing machines at F. O; Mason's. Read correspondence on inside page. Mr. Claude Ives spént Thanksgiving at Bloomfield. Mr. John Hamilton, Cavan, died Oct. 8. aged 88 years. Mrs. E. C. Virtue, Montreal, has been visitingMrs. J. J. Gibson. Churns that will chum from two to five minutes at F. O. Mason's. Patronize the Home-made cooking booth at the Patriotic Bazaar. Mr. Harold Mollon is taking a course in the Hamilton Central Business College. Fire in the Canadian Machine Telephone quarters, Lindsay, Oct. 17 caused $26,000 loss. Mayor Mitchell has returned from an auto trip to New York and other American American cities. Mrs. W1 H. Williams has been visiting visiting her brother Mr. Alex Paterson, Richmond Hill. The Choral Union, of Port Perry, expects expects to put on "Queen Esther" before the winter is out. Newcastle Methodists will hold Thanksgiving Thanksgiving services Nov.12., with Rev. J. R. Real as preacher. Mrs. J. B. Mitchell recently visited her cousin, Mr. C. A. McLean and other relatives relatives in Brockville. Editor M. A. James is enjoying a ten- days holiday trip visiting his daughters in New York City, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox, 469 Rogers street, Ashburnham, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding. The cold weather reminds you that Winter is near. What about that new Range ? See Mason & Dale. Order your private Christmas Greeting cards now. An excellent variety to choose from at Mitchell's. Drug Store. Piano for sale--Mason and Risch, practically practically new, at a bargain. Apply to T. H. Knight, phone 26 Bowmanville. 41-2 The Misses Jennie Rutherford and S. M. Gale, Colborne, were Thanksgiving guests of Miss May Carruthers. South Ontario Teachers' Institute will be held in Oshawa High School Thursday and Friday, October 19th and 20th. Mr. W. H. Davis, for sixteen years owner owner of The Beaton World, has sold the paper to his foreman, Mr. John Cook. A meeting of the Midland Press Association Association will be held in Lindsay on Friday, October 20th, at II a. m. and 1.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLaughin, Oshawa, Mrs. J. C. Smith, Ingersoll, and Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Smith, visited ât F. T. Guy's. The Thornbury Herald has changed hands, Mr. J. H. Irwin having disposed of the paper to Mr. Mark Dear, heretofore editor. Auction sale of Up-to-date antiques at Patriotic Bazaar. The Women's Association of St. Paul's Church will hold a bazaar of useful and fancy articles and tea on November 24. Particulars later. 41--td Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jewell have been spending a few davs with their brother, Mr. J. W. Jewell,Buffalo, N. Y. Thomas Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris, Whitby, has been seriously seriously wounded. He went overseas with the 59th Battalion, but was later drafted to another Battalion to go to France. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Saxby, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brimacombe, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Zion, Misses Bessie and Helen Trew, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mrs. Rd. Snowden. The engagement is announced of Mrs. George Henry Pedlar, daughter of the late Robert Woon, of Oshawa, to Mr. Gilbert Cochrane Wainwright, of the Bank of Ottawa, Ottawa, the marriage to take place on the 1st of November at Oshawa. The funeral of the late James Lockhart, who died in Chicago, took place in Newcastle Newcastle last Wednesday afternoon. Deceased Deceased was a successful merchant at Newcastle Newcastle for many years. Dr. Lockhart, a son of the deceased, accompanied the remains remains from Chicago. The auto accident reported last week in which Lady Hughes' car turned turtle near Omemee stating Mrs. (Major) Byron Green was hurt should also have mentioned mentioned the name of Miss Eva Burk, daughter of Mrs. Marvin Burk, of this town, who was also injured and was in the hospital with Mrs. Green. Both are making splendid splendid progress towards recovery at Ross Hospital, Lindsay. Miss Amy E. McKowan who for the past five years has been engaged in Mission Work at Osaka, Japan, under auspices of the. Mission Board of the Congregational churches, is home on furlough visiting her mother Mrs. Wm. McKowan and other relatives in Canada. She has many beautiful beautiful souvenirs of the flowery Kingdom and gives a most interesting account of the people and her work among the young girls at the College in that Eastern Land. Pontypool had a $10,000 fire Tuesday afternoon Oct. 10 when fire broke out in the residence of Mr.Ira Palmer,Pontypdol, and before .the flames could be checked, four residences and the Methodist church were destroyed. The inhabitants of Pontypool and surrounding country turned turned out en masse and did all they could, to extinguish the fire; their only means being water buckets. There was a strong wind blowing at the time which made the task of fighting the fire most difficult. Buggy Rugs large display at F. O. Mason's. A huge Bran Pie for kiddies at the Patriotic Patriotic Bazar. Notices of Births 28 cents; Marriages 80 cents; Deaths, 80 cents, each insertion. When fnneral .cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Shortt--In Oshawa, September 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Shortt, a son. STARK-^-At Starkville, Sept. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stark, a daughter. Baker--In Sliona, October 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker, a son. {Allan Roscoe.) Hayward--In Bowmanville Hospital, Tuesday, October 17th, to Sergt. and Mrs. A. J. Hayward, a daughter. - MARRIAGES Glover--Sidsworth--At Hepworth, by Rev. F. C. Crowell. Sept. 27th, Edgar L. Glover and Annie I. Sidsworth, both of Oshawa. Goulding--Byers--At the Manse, Oshawa. Oct. 9th, by Rev. Geo Yule, Cecil Alexander Goulding and Lnella Byers, both of Oshawa. Chater--Campbell--At the Methodist Parsonage, Parsonage, Orono, October lltli, by Rev. G. R. Clare, Elizabeth, daugbter of Mr. John Campbell, Ireland, Ireland, and Mr. Jabez George Chater, both of Les- kard. DEATHS Scott--In Pickering township,_0ct. 15th, Jabez Scott, in his 66th year. Gifford--At Osaca, October Gifford, aged 41 years. 11th, Robert J. Smith--In Oshawa, Oct 15th, Mary Jane Day, wife of Lyman C. Smith. Curtis--At Port Hope, Oct 16th, Sarah Ann Oke, beloved wife of John Curtis, in her 74th year. Gurley--In Oshawa, Oct. 10th, Edith B. Gurley, Gurley, youngest daughter of the late Geo. Gurley. Courtice--In Oshawa, Oct. 11th, Gerald Annis, only son of Mr, and Mrs, S. J, Courtice, in his 8th year. Hutchinson--In Listowel, Oct. 13th, Abigail Benson, relict of the late Robert Hutchinson, in her 82nd year. McConochie--In Hamilton, Oct 11th, Dr. S. W. McConochie, aged 68 years! Interred at Bowmanville Tuesday. Alexander--In Bowmanville, October 17th, Lilian Adele Alexander, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Alexander, aged 6 years, 4 months. Funeral Thursday at 1.30 p.m. to Orono. Halliday--In memory of Pte, James T. W. Halliday, late Cranberry Road, Hope, 39th Battalion, Battalion, who died from wounds September 16th, aged 18 years and is buried somewhere in Belgium. Belgium. "Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monaments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. Public Notice In the. Circuit Court of Cook County, City of Chicago, State of Illinois, before His Honor Judge Judge George Kersten, Hazel Bottrell, formerly Miss Hazel Irene Berry, secured a decree of divorce divorce from her husband, Francis Wellington Bottrell. 42-lw OY WANTED--At once for hardware store. Apply to W. H. Dustan, Bowmanville. 39-tf rPRING HILL SHEOPSHIRES--Choice Ram | Lambs for sale. LEVI SKINNER, Tyrone. ™ ' 38-tf B racelet Found--Friendship bracelet, in Bowmanville, owner apply at Statesman office. 42 * tf M aid Wanted--For general house work. Apply Apply Mrs. A. W. Pickard, King-st, East, Bowmanville. 42-tf iOR SALE--A Chicken house 16ffcx5ft inside * measure, double beaded, shingled and 2 glass windows. Tom. Percy, Bowmanville. RIVER WANTED--For delivery wagon. Apply Apply in person to F. A. Haddy & SON, Grocers, Grocers, Bowmanville. 41-tf IDDLE AGE MEN WANTED--Light work. Apply at Employment office. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Bowmanville. 41-2w F or Sale--Yorkshire Sow and 8 pigs. 5 weeks old. Also good grade Shorthorn cow, to renew renew about Nov. 1. Apply to John Lane, R. R. No. 4, Bowmanville. 42-2w. ORSES FOR SALE--Archer Mare and foal by Montrave Imperialist §100; also a three year old by Montrave; and a pure bred Yorkshire sow due to farrow Oct. 23. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 41-tf. H XJGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE--Good rubber tire runabout, only used a few times; also fancy set of show harness. A bargain for some one. Apply to A. W. Pickard at The Garage, Temperance-st., Bowmanville. W*OR SALE--A 7-roomed house with sun room, hot water heated; solid brick, near Ronces- valles Ave, Toronto, a good residential district. district. Price §6000, or will exchange for home m Bowmanville or farm property. Address Box 97, Bowmanville. 40-3w* E ducated and refined man or woman wanted to handle souscription renewal collections in own locality, daring spare time or evenings. Salary and commission paid. Apply giving references. references. Renewal Department, EVER Y WOMAN'S WOMAN'S WORLD, Toronto, Ont. 42-2w )R SALE--Brick residence containing seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors. 4 acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Loverly Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 31-tf. rOTTAGE FOR SALE--A four-roomed, brick Cottage with good basement; containing 4- ^ rooms, situated on Liberty Street south; hard and soft water; in best state of repair--a snap for anyone wanting a nice home. Half acre of land--quarter acre on which house stands and quarter acre which would make a good building building lot. There are a good barn, seven apple trees and small frnit. Apply to E. W. Loscombe, Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. 41-2w- For Sale a Snap Reason for selling going West. A pair of Solid Brick Houses, 7 rooms, newly- decorated, sanitary plumbing, electric light and furnace, best locality in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, next lot to J. Lyle, Queen-st. Also V\ acre lot with frame structure on, on the corner of Queen and Durham-sts, a suitable place for carpenter or painter. A dandy lot for a farmer to build à new home in town. 5 minutes walk to High School or day school or Post Office. Apply, Apply, F\ W. Robinson, Queen-st Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Box 402. 4°" Im One Night Only OCTOBER 19 The Old Favorites Guy Bros. Minstrels EVERYTHING NEW From the grand opening "First Part" to the last act in the Olio STREET PARADE AT NOON and Band Concert at 7.30 in front of theatre : Prices 35c and 50c Seats on Sale at Alex. Elliot's Jewelry Store. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. G radnnte of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: B a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 00a House Phone 90b NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J, J« CRAIQ, L D. S., D. D, S«, Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 A bazaar ând Auction Sale of up-to-date antiques under auspices of Woman's Patriotic Patriotic League will be held in the Council Room on Tuesday Oct. 31st The Centre For Presents Our store is the ideal place for Wedding and Birthday presents. The better judge of jewelry you are the more you will appreciate appreciate the quality, beauty and low prices of our varied stock of Rings, Mesh Bags, Silverware, Watches, Necklaces, etc. We are satisfying customers--new and old every day--we can please you too au the store of Best Service. ALEX ELLIOZ Successor to C. H. Haddy Jeweler. Watchmaker. Engraver. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dealing with the Public. During this long period of years I have always endeavored to give the public the very best services. From the fact that my business has grown each year is proof that my efforts have been appreciated. If you are not already one of my customers I will appreciate it very much to have your next trial order. A Few Suggestions Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Ham, Tongue, Beef, Sausage, Weiners, specially cured for our trade. Fruit We are headquarters for Fruit You will want Granulated Sugar. Get our special price this week. Remember we pay the highest price for all produce. Phonel65 AfClliC, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House New Fall Goods S. W. Mason & Son s This week we are showing our New Fall Check Waists-- Dainty and Alluring also critically inspect the latest styles inj Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirls, now on Exhibition in our Ready-to-wear Department The Popular and Reliable North way Garments also A grand assortment of the newest weaves in DressJMaterials, in Silk, Wool and Silk-wool mixtures. New Collars, Ties, Gl)ves, Hoisery etc., and a complete assortment I of Staple Dry Goods. Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville