vr - A' ^7v"7: ^ S^ys-neitg-: •-.' . ^ssfeSafejÆSi^NUHÿ liEilili®liWr 5S: ~^ s# Émü igs* -.•■'•• V Cÿjî C.-- : 'iï'VÙS : - •■ *.** -•' ~- ? ■ ;-" ' ' : • - V ' • 7 r . ■ ; :=■ r ; . ■ r I 'I M "nr ■ f '£; : ? 01 v Quality GROCERIES New faces were seen wending their way to R. Snowden's last week and no wonder when he was offering such bargains. When you consider the quality of goods our prices cannot be beaten in town or city. Just think of these : £2-2^3 Large package Purity Rolled Oats 23c 2 lbs Pork Sausage, reg. 15c, ...2 lbs for 27c 3 lbs Laundry Starch, reg. 10c 3 lbs for 23c 17 lbs of Granulated Sugar "Redpath" .. $1.39 3 Krinkle Corn Flakes 23c 3 packages of Corn Starch, reg. 10c 3 for 23c Watch our window last of week for display of Cooked and Cured Meats of all kinds. Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs and Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN. BOWMAN VILLE, OCT. 19, 1916 Apples And Turnips Wanted i I 1 a Phone 243 Bowmanvil le Coal & Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank. Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 "Acquit Yourselves like Men and Fight the Good Fight" Do you conscientiously believe that the work you are now doing is absolutely necessary * Before you answer, keep this in mind: We can buy food and materials-- we cannot buy victory ! MEN and VICTORY are synonomous, and MEN and MORE MEN will be needed if ultimate success is to be ours. As a man, are you going to fulfil your part in the ^ great task • You cannot fall down if you take up arms with The 235th Overseas Battalion C.E.F. at the nearest recruiting station % Your Food will cost you less! The great problem of every housewife--today, more than ever--is "How can I economize ?" No doubt this is your problem, too. Let us help you. Our aim is to make it possible for you to buy good, fresh, wholesome groceries at the lowest cost. Many in this town and county are dealing dealing with us today because they know that not only are our groceries the best of their kind, but our prices are substantially substantially lower than they would have to pay anywhere else. If you are not already a regular, customer of ours buy your groceries from us for one month and be convinced that "we serve you best. " HARRY ALUN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmaiivtlle Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle visited at Chas. Pollard's, Salem ... Reeve Vickery, wife and son and Miss Beckel, Oshawa, visited at the Parsonage Sunday Rev. C. Washington, Roseneath, will preach here Sunday, Pastor Beckel taking anniv- sary services at Roseneath Miss Ethel Skinner, Providence, is visiting at home ... .Mrs. L. E. Cook, Toronto, visited Mise Vera Col will Mission Study is exceeding our best hopes in interest and îelpfulness. Seldom has our pastor impressed impressed his hearers as he did Sunday as he set forth the value of the church, its broad scope and the need of every individual putting their best into the various departments.. departments.. .The nfpjons who are dying every day without a knowledge of a Savior and the value of prayer were the thots presented presented in our missionary program Sunday afternoon in recitationand reading by Mr. lichard Sudds, Miss Evelyn Brent and Mr. Will Young followed by a well-rendered well-rendered solo by Miss Vera Colwill. The growth of the Christian church in China was splendidly pictured on blackboard by Miss Marjory Peel .. . .Plan to come to ïpworth League this week, prepared to take part in a spelling match on the gospel gospel of St. Luke Reserve the date for the Win One Class party on Halloween night.... Dr. W. Honeywell, Ceballos, Cuba, father of Mr. W. Bruce Honeywell, Toronto, and brother=in-law of Mr. W. R. Clemens, Tyrone, is visiting here. The Doctor has been visiting Prince Edward sland and other points since July. The famous 5/T horse blankets at F. O. Mason's. Winter is coming. You need a new lange. See Mason & Dale's wrought iron Home Comfort Range. MAPLE GROVE Miss Elva Vandyke, Base Line, spent Sunday with Miss Edna Snowden... .Miss Lyra Trenouth, Hampton, spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. H. R.Foley... .Mrs. F. Swallow, Mr. Bevin Snowden, Mr. Jno. Munday, and Miss Mabel Stevens have been under the Dr's care but are improving. improving. .. .Epworth League opened Wednesday Wednesday Oct. il, with a fine program and short address by thé district president, Mr. James Vinson, Oshawà. Refreshments Refreshments were served by the ladies and social time enjoyed.... . .Mrs. Bell and daughter, Dorothy, St. Catharines, are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. A. Farrow. Mrs. Penfound is visiting her niece, Mrs. S. Snowden Rally Sunday was a great success, the church being nearly filled and the singing, under the leadership of Mr. C. H. Snowden, was well given.... E. L. Anniversary October 29th. Rev. H. B. Neal, assistant pastor of Bowman- ville Methodist church, will occupy the pulpit. _ Special music...... School Fair held Friday was a huge success, the exhibits exhibits by the children from eight schools were a credit to those who took part, those winning from this school are : Nel lie Burgess, Gladys Allin, Erma Power, Viola Stevens, Reta Power Beryl Oke, Vera Power, Ru r h Armstrong, Allin Snowden, Mabel Stevens, Edna & Clifford Swallow, Ross Stevens, Ivison Munday; Charlie Rundle, Norman Gimblett, Fred Stevens, Willie & Arthur Lvmer, Mary Seward. Red Cross Workers realized over $30 from their Homemade cooking and refreshments. Messrs. J. Holgate & Son are prepared to pay highest prices for any quantity of apples and turnips at the Evaporator, Corner Corner Division and Queen-sts, Bowman ville, Phone 153. BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL The annual meeting of Bowmanville Hospital Board will be held in the Council Room, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, October October 25 th at 8 p. m. C. Rehder, H. R. Jollow, President Secretary 41-2W PRIZE MONEY PAID Prizes for West Durha'm Agricultural Society will be paid at the office of the Treasurer, Town Hall, Bowmanville, on Saturday Oct. 21st. J. S. Moorcraft, Treasurer. CARD OF THANKS Pte T. Annison of the 235th Batt desires desires to thank the Superintendent and nurses nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness and attention during his illness while in that institution. CADMUS. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Goode of Toronto spent a few days at Russel Brown's Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher of Toronto visited at W. H. Fallis' over the Thanksgiving holiday ..Mr. Wilfred Fallis spent Sunday at home....Miss Eva Parr was home for Thanksgiving.... Miss Eva Bruce and Miss Hazel Carscadden spent the holiday at their homes On Sunday the annual Thanksgiving services were held in the Cadmus Methodist church when Rev. J. G. Lewis of Pontypool preached two very impressive sermons on "As a man think- eth in his heart so is "he". On Monday evening a hot fowl supper was served after which a high claes entertainment was given by Miss Gertrude Stevens of Peterboro, soloist, and Miss Margery Moore of Toronto Conservatory of Expression, Expression, reader. The generous supper and the splendid concert maintained the high standard of Cadmus teas. Proceeds $101 .. Mr. Mason spent Thanksgiving with iis sister Mrs. J. L. Power... .Mrs. Thos. Shaw and young daughter spent a few days at Mrs. Hulberts We congratul ate Miss Young and her school on winning winning First Prize at the Rural School Fair ast week. See the variety of washing machines at • O. Mason's. Coal is dear. Save the fuel bill by buying buying a Home Comfort Range at Mason & Dale's. EBENEZER League service was largely attended Thursday night. Mr. Clarence Penfound gave a fine address on "Luke, the Physician" Physician" which all enjoyed. Miss L. Osborne ve a piano solo and Misses Pickell a vocal duet... .Messrs. Wright of Black- stock spent week-end with Thos. Oke Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Courtice returned on Saturday from a month's holiday with relatives relatives in the North West....Mr. S. J. Courtice's little son of Oshawa was buried buried in our cemetery Friday. All sympathize sympathize deeply with the parents in this sad bereavement. bereavement. .. .Mrs. Penfound of Toronto is guest of S. Penfound ...Rural School Fair at Maple Grove was well attended from this section and our school won several several of the awards given.... Mr. and Mrs A. E. Clemens, Tyrone, spent Sunday here .. Miss Lorna Oke is attending Business College in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay, Mrs. R. Gay and Miss Lear motored to Toronto Friday night to hear Rev: Dr. Stauffer's lecture,.. .Our community is gathering gifts of clothing for shipment to New Ontario fire sufferers Mr. How ard Courtice returned to Ottawa after a few weeks holiday at home.... Rev. and Mrs. T. Brown, Lindsay, visited her brother brother Mr. W. R. Courtice Mr. Roy Pen- found, Oshawa, was home over Sunday .. Mr. and Mrs. N. Armour, Oshawa, Sundayed at Mrs. J. Armour's..... .Recent .Recent rains were certainly most welcome .... Miss Cole of Bowmanville is guest of Mrs. S. C. Rundle.... . .Services Sunday Sunday were enjoyable, our Pastor giving us two inspiring sermons on "Solomon" and Jacob's Ladder"...... Mr. Norman Found of Ingersoll spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Court ice visited Bowmanville friends Sunday ... Mr. Ross Pearce has been suffering with tonsilitis. Halter Bargains at F. O. Mason's. Before buying your new Range see Mason & Dale's Supreme Steel Range. AUCTION SALE Saturday, Oct 21st--The whole of the household effects consisting of a valuable valuable lot of antique furniture belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, will be sold at her late residence corner King and Brown sts, Bowmanvi le. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Friday, October 27--Fred. T. Ashton, lot 28, con. 8 Darlington, will sell all of his farm stock, including some fine Shorthorns, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Tuesday, Ôct. 31--Messrs Wood and Johns, lot 27, con. 3, Clarke, will sell their entire stock of cattle, including 14 milch cows, 20 head of young cattle. Also a number of horses, sheep and pigs; a milk house 12 ft x 8 ft, a milk tank and new Massey-Harris Separator. CGeorge Jackson, auctioneer. Solina Station C. N. R. annual fail auction sale will be held on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1st, at-1 p. m., when about 40 head of cattle, etc, will be offered by the undersigned; undersigned; Further entries may be sent to S. G. Carnell, Solina Station, Phones 162 --32 Oshawa and I33-r2 Bowmanville. James Bishop, auctioneer, Oshawa. 42-2W TEA ROOM MENU Saturday, Oct. 21st Afternoon Tea Toast 5c, Cake 6c, Tea dr Coffee 5c. Supper Hot Beefsteak Pie Mashed Potatoes Pickles Bread and Butter Lemon Pie 5c Pumpkin Pie 5c Cake 5c Tea or Coffee 5c 25c HAMPTON WEDDINGS Nixon--Moore. At North Parkdale Methodist church, oronto, Oct. 4, a pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. C.E.Perry, great-uncle of the groom, when Miss Aileen Isabel Moore, Toronto, daughter of Mr. Addison Moore, became the bride of Mr. Percy Gordon Nixon, of Youngstown, Ohio, son of Mr. Frederick Nixon, Cleveland, Ohio. . he bride was attended by her sister, Miss anet Moore, and was gowned in white silk wiih the customary bridal veil and orange blossoms, in Juliet, cap style. Little Little Miss Beatrice Isabel Serviss, niece of the bride, performed her part as flower girl in excellent style. The groom was supported by Mr. Edgar L. Moore, brother of the bride. In the absence of her father the bride was given away by her brother- in-law, Mr. John Serviss, while Mrs. Geo. Campbell, organist of Clinton Street Methodist Methodist church, played the wedding march. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Serviss, 724 Ossington avenue, and the happy couple left for Buffalo, New York and other points, the bride traveling traveling in a pretty blue tailored broadcloth suit, with hat to match, and Persian lamb furs. During the reception Mrs. McGee sang "O' Perfect Love". The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and val-' in addition uable presents. They will reside at 1404 Glenwood avenue, Youngstown, Ohio, and will be at home after the first of November. November. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon's many friends in Bowmanyille join in heartiest congratulations. Hampton League meeting Friday, evening evening was in charge of Miss Lottie Horn. Scripture Lesson was read by Miss Mary Souch, the topic was taken by Mrs. Fred Kerslake, a solo sung by Miss Erma Salter Salter and a letter from Rev. Sparling read .by Miss Ethleen Johns. Meeting closed with League Benediction... .A male quartet quartet from South Oshawa gave three nice selections Sunday night Mrs. H. Elliott has had a nice porch erected in front of her residence Mr.- Joseph Clatworthy is doing nicely from his recent accident Mr. Joseph Ward, Mr. S. J. Williams and Lloyd Ward have been ill About 35 ladies responded to the invitation to help at the. Missionary quilting Thursday week. Eight quilts were finished. The pretty comforter, patched and tied by the young girls of Mrs. Lewis Allin's Sunday School Class was much admired. We are pleased to see the young people taking an interest in the good work. In the evening supper was served and a pleasant social hour enjoyed Mrs. Wm. Jeffery and Wallace have returned from visiting her parents in Toronto... .A number from here attended Eldad and Bowmanville special services Sunday.... Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cornish, Bowmanville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott Sunday.. . Miss Elma Clarke, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at home Miss Eva Clat worthy, -Toron to, and Mr. and Mrs. Orion J. Clatworthy, Oshawa, have been visiting their father, Mr. Jos. Clatworthy Mr. S. Salisbury, Toronto, is visiting at J. E. L. Cole's... .Mrs. J. E. L. Cole Sundayed with Mrs. P. Trebilcock, town. See the churns at F. O. Mason's. Important Auction Sale I have received instructions from Mr. R. E. Maxwell to sell by public auction on the premises, premises, Lot 23, Con. 1, Clarke Township, (1J miles east of Newcastle, on the Kingston Road) commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, on Wednesday, October 25 his entire valuable farm stock and implements. implements. Intending purchasers will do well to-visit this sale as there will be offered High-class Registered Clydesdale Clydesdale Brood Mares and Foals McLean -Samells. A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at the beautiful new home of Henry Samells, Blackstock, when his only daughter Amanda Mountjov was united in marriage with Gordon Malcolm McLean of Seagrave, in the presence of about seventy guests. Rev. R. A. Delve, South Darlington, a former pastor, officiated. officiated. The bride who was given away by her father was becomingly dressed in a gown of ivory duchess satin with georgette crepe and pearl trimmings and a bridal veil of embroidered Brussels net fastened with pearls and lillies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of cream roses and maidenhair fern. Miss Minnie McLean, McLean, sister of the groom, played the wedding wedding march and Master Norman Philp sang "O Love Divine" during the signing of the register. The ceremony took place under a pretty arch of evergreens tastefully tastefully decorated with white asters and wintergreen berries. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the diningroom decorated with white bells and streamers, where a dainty wedding dinner was served. The bride's travelling suit was of black silk with white plumed felt hat and wore the groom's gift a beautiful set o„f furs. Some thirty of the guests accompanied the bride and groom to Burketon, where they took train for Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara mid showers of rice and confetti. The bride received many handsome and useful gifts testifying to the high esteem in which she is held by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. McLean will reside on the homestead at Seagrave. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. to implements, wagons, etc., and all other articles necessary to the running of a first-class farm. I Sale of Horses at 4 p m. sharp • . Everything will positively be sold as ! Mr. Maxwell has rented his farm and * enlisted for overseas service. See j posters for particulars. J. Coulson, Auctioneer I Insure sr Everything Harry Cann, Insurance and Real Estate Phone 60. - Bowmanville. Hampton Mills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 0 flHMWRlJll *******---•***- SPECIAL IN 1 • Mattresses r i # * I f or J 8 SATURDAY | I $2.95 I $$ See other lines we are offering at Bargain prices. Undertaking receives prompt and personal ^ attention day or night I Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville «M»ee#e##»ee##ee#e##eee»»ee :sbe: Royal Souvenir Steel Range V- A perfect Baker, an excellent Water Heater Heater Sold on its merits. We give positive guarantee guarantee with this Range. Perfect Satisfaction or no Sale RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 1 F. A. HADDY & SON What is nicer for breakfast these cold mornings than a .steaming hot dish of Oatmeal Porridge. We have Quaker, Robin Hood and Purity Oats in tubes at the old price 25c. You will do well to lay in a stock at this price. Cheaper than meat are our lines of Canned Fish : h Herring 2 for 25c Fresh Cod 2 for 25c Haddie 15c Kippered Herring 2 for 25c Sardines 5c, 10c and 15c Honey Pure Clover Honey, 10 lb pail for $1.50 One thing that is the same old price Olives A fine line of stuffed Olives from 15c to $1.00 per bottle F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville Children Get Hungry just looking at our bread. Its golden crust, its snowy white middle are appetizing appetizing in themselves. The taste bears out the looks V, and the food value matches matches the taste. You cannot cannot give your children a tooth- more nourishing, some food. Why not try it ? Something very special in baked goods. Rich, fine-grained cakes. Light, flaky pastry always on hand. Ice Cream, in all flavors--all made from pure cream--in bulk or bricks. Thortias Tod Baker And Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville