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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1916, p. 5

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Buy The Best Protect yourself from Winter's chill, By phoning us your bin to fill, The whole world knows that it is right With Lehigh Valley Anthracite. We Sell It. The Coal That Satisfies. john A. Hoigate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. Il Get The After school the hungry boy or girl calls for bread and butter. Keep a good supply of Tod's Bread and they will be happv, healthy and hearty. \Vhat about your Christmas Christmas cake ? Leave your order early and we will assure you somethingdirst- class. Choice confectionery always always in stock. Ice cream In bulk, or bricks to order. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 2, Lindsay citizens are boiling their drinking drinking water. Mr. J. C. Dudley has gone with a party on a hunting trip. Mr. John Gill, Brockville, was" in town recently looking after his farm. Miss Lulu Reynolds, Solina, spent the ; week-end with Miss Lillie McLean. i Do not count on a mild .winter. You'll • have many a shiver before April 1st. Oshawa heads the list of towns in Canada Canada with over $19,000 for Red Cross. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. , , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer, Pontypool, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. A. w. Pickard. Misses Helen and Dorothy McMurtry, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss Margaret McMurtry. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allin, Newcastle, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lancashire, Millbrook. Every lady is invited to inspect the superb stock of coats and suits at Couch, Johnston and Cryderman's, ' Mrs. H. Baskemlte and MUs Ina Itosk- erville, Miss Eva Curtisand fneiri, lor onto, spent Sunday at Mrs. John Curtis. Mr. N. W. Rowell, M.P.P., will address the 57th Chapter I. O. D. E., in G®° rg 5\ Methodist Church, Peterboro on Nov. 2nd. Mrs. (Rev.)E. W. B. Richards and family have returned to their home after a plea - ant visit at her father's Mr. J. W. Sparling. Mrs. B. M. Michener, .Presbyterian Deaconess Training Home, Toronto ' w ? s recent guest of her sister, Mrs. A. L.. N McDonald McDonald who has been working in an evaporator in Michigan has now gone to take charge of the branch at Woodstock, N. B. Rev. C. W. Watch, Midland, a former pastor of Holloway-st Methodist Church, Belleville, conducted anniversary services in that ctiurch Sunday week. Mrs. (Rev.) G. C. Weisman returned last week to her home in Bowmanville after several weeks' visit with her parents, and Mrs. J. Delong, in Prince County. Miss Irene Sharpe, daughter of Mr. Andrew Sharpe, Enniskillen, who has been nursing sister at Camp Hughes, Man., is home for a few days previous overseas, . , Oshawa Vindicator says good benefit everybody". Except the maker, the waggon-maker, the maker, the blacksmith, and a --Orillia Packet. R. J. Sowden, second son of Mr. John Sowden, Elizabethville, while at work on his farm near Woodville, yesterday, was I I P I I Mr. Edward to going roads shoe- harness few others. Fut' Buy Heat-Producing Foods Now. C old weather is again with us. The winter months have arrived. Ever^ household will now require foods that will help keep the body warm and healthy, particularly where men are workin 0 ' out-of-doors, Just as one needs warmer clothing when the snow flies, so does he require different different foods from the summer months Here are a few lines we suggest from The Model Grocery to every buyer of foods for the home. Soups--What is more nourishing or stimulating than a plate of hot soup for dinner ? Easily prepared from either packets or tins, and many say it is cheaper than the old fashioned way. Per package 5c; per tin 13c. Meat Extracts--After a cold drive, at night, for invalids, or at any time during the day, a good dish of Oxo or Bovril helps bring the body back to Normal. Can be made in a minute and is most nourishing and invigorating. Per bottle 25c and 45c. Hot Cocoa--Before retiring a cup of hot cocoa is an ideal drink. It is served in most hospitals hospitals and induces a good night s repose. Serve at. afternoon receptions receptions and parties. Cocoa is a. food that is growing rapidly ia< favor and should be in every home. Per tin 15c & 30c. Hot Porridge--With the arrival arrival of the cold weather the family will appreciate a .plate of hot porridge in the morning. We carry all standard linds in handy sanitary packages. 25c package. Bacon--A strip of nicely sliced, sweet bacon is a tasty breakfast dish. If you like it fat, lean or medium, we can supply you. Our bacon is sliced uniformly, on our modern slicing machine. Per lb. 33 & 35c. Sausage--For a . change for breakfast there is nothing nicer than fried sausage or a piece of bologna. Our supplies come regularly regularly and are always fresh. Per lb. 13c & 15c. Oysters--Stewed in milk, fried, patties or raw, oysters make a splendid meal. When you buy oysters to-day you get solid meat and oyster juice, no water. Per pint 35c. Pork and Beans--For luncheon luncheon or-dlnner a steaming plate of pork and beans makes an ideal meal in the cold weather. Only require a little heating and they are ready for using. A tin . for every family. 15c each. Heintz. killed by a wagon passing over him. ! ther particulars on.Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James and family motored to Columbus on Sunday to visit Mr. John James, who has been laid off work since early in June from heart trouble. Mrs. (Capt.) W. D.„ Riley, Picton, Mrs. S. J. Faulkner and two children, Belleville, were passengers on the steamer Alauma, the Cunard Liner which landed her passengers passengers at Falmouth before the steamer struck the mine. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Westaway, of Port Hope, celebrated the twentieth anniversary anniversary of their marriage on SaturdayA number of their friends presented them with a very handsome silver bouquet basket.--27ie basket.--27ie Guide. Miss Annie Wilson of Guelph represent ing the British Methodist Episcopal churches churches of Canada, made her annual visit to Bowmanville last week soliciting financial aid for their churches. She met with liberal response as usual. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and daughter, Eva, and Mr. and Mrs. Hatom, of Oro/10, visited at Alfred Mitchell s Newtonville, recently. Wednesday Dr. J. C Mitchell was up from Brockville to see Mr. Mitchell who is still in a crib'"' 1 dition--Independent. Probably the best proof of the success of prohibition has been furnished by Toronto. Toronto. Monday Oct. 18th there were 135 drunks in the police court, Tuesday Washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Ear ring found. Apply at STATESMAN office. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O. Mason's. Miss Winnie Bounsall, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home. Miss RaeKirkendall, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mr. C. Blackett Robinson, Ottawa, was in town Thursday. Miss Vera Werry, Ebenezer, spent Sunday Sunday with Miss Reta Cole. Call and see the new Supreme heating stove at Mason & Dale's. Churns that will churn from two to five minutes at F. O. Mason's. Whitby had a Sunday shooting match for fowl--naughty people! Gold Fish with globe free. See Jury & Lovell's advt. on 1st page. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. Miss Spilsbury, Colborne, is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) R. W. Kinds. The C. P. R. train going west at 7.58 a. m. has been changed to 8 26 a.m. Mason 8c Dale have something new in the line of stoves. Ask to see them. Mrs. S. Harris, Oshawa, spent the weekend weekend with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. The Chronicle published a good electro of Ontario County battalion officers--182nd The Women's Patriotic Society regular meeting Monday at 3-30 p.m. in Council Room. Regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Hospital Auxiliary in the Council Room Friday Friday at 3.30 p.m. Mrs. (Dr.) Herbert L. Barber, Burk's Falls, and Mrs. (Dr.) J. Scott Hogg, Preston, Preston, are in town. The Supreme heating stove is a beauty in design and usefulness, will explain its merits. Mrs. Wilson James, Cambray, has been visiting her s'ister/ Mrs. Ernest Robbins and other relatives here. Order your private Christmas Greeting cards now. An excellent variety to choose from at Mitchell's Drug Store. Miss Gladys E. Munday has gone to Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y., to take a training course for a nurse at Erie County Hospital. Whitby is having the Provincial Plowing Plowing Match this week--Nov. I, 2, 3, on R. J. Fleming's Meadow Brook Farm. Rev. Geo. Henderson, St. Catherines, and Rev. Dr. Shorey Port Hope, are enjoy* ing their annual deer hunt in the north country. Do you want Gold Fish? Get a glass globe and two fish free at Jury & Lovell s drug store. Read conditions in their advt. on front page. Mrs. C. A. Cawker, Miss Mayme Shaw, Mr. E. Franke and Miss Eva Mitchell, (Orono), will assist at a concert at Wes- ey ville Nov. 6. The Women's Association of St. Paul's Church will hold a bazaar of useful and ancy articles and tea on November 24. Particulars later. 4 1 *d By advertisement in this issue it will be seen that the Barber homestead is offered or sale by tender. This is a very com- ortable convenient residence. Mrs. A. Arnot, Toronto, was in town Thursday calling on old friends and transacting transacting some business. She has sold her arm in. Darlington to Mr. Geo. Armour. That was a practical idea of the. McLaughlin McLaughlin and Pedlar officials to invite At Alfred . Mitchell's sale a Holstein cow and calf brought $90, another cow and calf $80, and spring calves from $15 to $20 each. " . Latest report from Chicago, III., Dr. Harry Armstrong was getting along nicely. nicely. The "operation was serious-and at one time his recovery seemed hopeless. Notices of Births 2$ cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this Office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Henderson--In Oshawa, Oct. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson, a'danghter. (Helen Hope) 14th, by Sage and Mason & Dale MARRIAGES Sage--Bigwood--In Oshawa, Oct. Prof. A. J. Johnston, Charles W. Emily Grace Bigwood, all of Oshawa. Cameron--Wade--At Port Hope, October 18tb, by Rev. Rufus Garrett, Edith' Emma Wade and Norman Albert Cameron, Golden Valley, Ont, Williams--Howarth--At the Baptist parsonage, parsonage, October 24th, by Rev. W.-F. Spidell, Ernest Williams and Isabella Howarth, noth of Port Hope. King--Eagle--In Oshawa, at St. George's church, Oct, 21st, by Rev. C. R. dePencier, Miss Francis Louise Eagle and Mr. John Thomas King, all of Oshawa. Palamateer--Henderson--At the Methodist parsonage, Warkworth, by Rev. F. H. Howard, Oct. 19, Louis Earl Palmateer, Norham, and Miss Jane Henderson, Oshawa. McLellan--Atkinson--On Oct. 28th, at St. Peter's Church, Toronto, by Ttev. F. Glover, Bertha Isabel, eldest daughter of Thomas Y. and the late Frances Atkinson, Whitby, and John C. McLellan, Albany, Vt. CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS HERE Our Jewelry store is the. best place in the county to gestions for wedding presents. get sug- - Our stock is varied and so: are the prices. Every taste every pocket book is sure to be suited. and Everything in our fine line of Silverware, Gems, Jewellery, Watches, etc., contains nothing but real tangible values and everything everything is guaranteed. Drop in and let us assist you choosing your wedding gifts. Iiet us PROVE to you that here is a Jewellery Store that is worthy of your trade. 7 he Store of Best Service ALEX ELLIOT DEATHS Martin--In Enniskillen, Oct. 31st, Ellen D., beloved wife of William Martin, aged 68 years. Funeral to-day (Thursday) at 1 p.m. to Bowmanville Bowmanville cemetery. Ingram--In Bowmanville, Oct. 29, Sarah Jane, wife of Richard Ingram, in her 64th year. Allin--At Whitby,"Friday. Oct. 27th, Mrs. M. J. Allin. Interment at Union Cemetery. JONES--In Oshawa, Oct. 30, Harriet Schofield, widow of the late C. A. Jones, barrister, Oshawa, Miller--In Cartwright, October 21, Electa Jane Hudgins, widow of the late John Miller, m 'her 92nd year. McDougall --In Chicago, 111,. Oct. 25, George T. McDougall, son of the late Wm. McDougall, Esq., Cobonrg. Stevenson--In East Whitby, Oct. 19th, Hattie Louise, only daughter of W. J. and A. I. Stevenson, Stevenson, aged 37 years. Loughs--In Oshawa, October 31, Lavina Wot- ten, beloved wife of Mr. Geo. Loncks, in her 23rd year. Formerly of Bowmanville. Warren--At 8 Selby street, Toronto, Oct. 25th, Ada Emilv, wife of the Ven. Archdeacon Warren, and daughter of the late St. John H. Hutcheson of Bowmanville and sister of Mrs. A, A. Sntton, Bowmanville. •Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. Granite and Marble, in Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J, CRAIG, Li. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Tpronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. " House Phone 22 B OY WANTED--At once for hardware store. Apply to W. H. Dustan, Bowmanville. 39-tf B racelet Found--Friendship bracelet, in Bowmanville, owner apply at Statesman office. 42-tf ... , z-ruuB. WANTED--First class cook general. the school teachers to visit their industries r App i y to Mrs. G. A. German, 53 Alvin Ave. in a body when fViirvpntinn met in I Tnmnto. Ont. The above are but a few suggestions for foods for the cold weather. We have many more on our shelves which we shall be glad to show you at any time. Special attention given to Phone Orders Dôn't forget we pay thé highêst cash price for àll kinds of Produce. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 nnd 182 Bowmanville Wednesday none, Thursday 2, Friday 2 and Saturday 2. Evidently prohibition works well in Toronto, Hamilton anc London. Mrs. G. L. Stevens, Peterboro, received a cablegram from her son, Flight Sub- Lieutenant Leslie Stevens,, of the Roya Naval Air Service, that he is sailing for Canada this week on furlough. Lieut. Stevens was injured some time ago, and has been in the hospital _in England. He is a grandson of Mr. Jacob Stevens, Maple Grove. The person who was relieving Mr. Norman Norman Plummer,. Liberty-st. of some of his turnips early one morning last week got out in a hurry and left one bag full behind and some empties when Mr. Plummer appeared appeared on the scene. The party is well known and may have the empties by calling calling at Mr. Plummer's house. Do you like singing ? Prof. Laugher wasffiome over Sunday. His choir practises practises Saturday evenings for his convenience. In order to give the Methodists more singing singing than the order of service provides, he will conduct a song service each Sunday evening from 6.45 to 7 P m when the regular regular service begins. The Canadian Hymnal Hymnal will be used. Ask for your favorite hymns. Lakefield News speaking of the Methodist Methodist church anniversary concert says: "Miss Géorgie I. Langmaid, elocutionist, Zion, made her first appearance before, a Lakefield audience. Her natural manner, her clear enunciation, and the perfect* interpretation interpretation of her varied selections won for her many encomiums. Miss Langmaid Langmaid has also been * engaged to - read at Hastings on Christmas day and at Black- stock on New Years,' Day. At the close of the war conditions will make another change. They will never be as previous to July Changes that will surely affect the farming industry industry will take place. You want to be prepared prepared for this change. The Weekly Sun will do its part for you by keeping you posted on the different changes that are likely-and how they will affect the farmers. farmers. It remains for you to help a paper that has served its subscribers and the Ontario farmer generally so faithfully during the past quarter of a century. The subscription price of The Sun remains the I same as formerly and is cheap at the price. We will be pleased to accept sub- scriptions for The Sun at The States i MAN Office. 1 Mason &Dale are showing a very handy stoV e--suitable in every way for town use. Ask to see the new Supreme the Convention met in Oshawa recently. Friends of Pte Lloyd Rice who m'ay be writing to him will be interested in knowing knowing that his address is: Pte Lloyd W. Rice, (805376), 3rd C. I. T. Bde Signalling Signalling Base, West Sandling, Kent, Eng. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call particular particular attention to their big stock of black and colored silks in taffetas, duchess satins, and paiettes, all bought before the recent rise in the price of silks of all kinds. Mr. Geo. Wright, of the Walker House, Toronto, said "we have been doing a very good business during the past two weeks. Our hotel has been filled to capacity. The barless hotel can exist it seems. Who would want to go back to the old way? Having had sevèral applications for lessons in writing and window card printing printing I have decided to have a class thru the fall and winter evenings. Any desiring desiring to improve their writing apply to C. AVERY JOHNSTON, Church-st., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 43'3 w Mrs. Isaac Smale, Lindsay, celebrated her eightieth birthday at her home, Bond- st. on Monday Oct. 30. The venerable lady, who is enjoying splendid health, is being joined by her lady friends in the observance of her birthday, and the occasion occasion is indeed a happy one for her. Mrs. Smale was born in Cornwall, England and came to Canada sixty-five years ago this month, settling in Darlington township, township, Durham County. She moved to Victoria County in the spring of i860. Mrs Smale's many friends m town and district join in extending heartiest congratulations.--Lindsay congratulations.--Lindsay Post. If vou want a stove suitable for town use. Ask Mason & Dale. They have something to meet your needs. 44-4 W M aid Wanted--For general house work. Apply Apply Mrs. A. W. Pickard, King-st, East;, Bowmanville. 42-tf D RIVER WANTED--For delivery wagon. Ap ply in person to F. A. Haddy & SON, Gro- , cers, Bowmanville. 41 ~ tf W ANTED--A smart girl for general housework by a lady living alone. Miss Glenny. Kmg- St, E„ Oshawa, opposite the Post Office. 44-lw* H ORSES FOR SALE--Archer Mare and foal by Montrave Imperialist S100; also a three year old ,bv Montrave; and a pure bred Yorkshire sow due to farrow Oct. 23. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. R EPRESENTATIVE WANTED--For Bowmanville Bowmanville and other towns for Cockshutt Plow Co. Everything in farm implements and carriages. carriages. Good proposition. Apply to C. J. Bateman, Bateman, Empress Hotel, Peterboro. 43-3w* HES FOR SALE--2 rnV .er tire runabouts, runabouts, one only used a few times. Also , new steel tire top buggy. All are in good | condition, and may be had at reasonable prices. Call and see th eni at Pickard's Garage, Temper- ance-st., Bowmanville. 44-tf b: F OR SALE--Brick residence containing rooms, kitchen^pantry.^ good cellar; seven ; I,, ocuv.j, -- Elec tric lighted. Brick stable and driving shéd. All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors, i acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. sl ' tf - F RUIT FARM TO RENT--Five acres of Choice land, 1J miles west of town, convenient to church and school at Maple Grove, about 150 apple trees, 25 cherry and number of choice plum trees andother small fruits; comfortable dwelling dwelling house and out buildings, plentiful supply of hard and soft water, rural mail delivery and telephone telephone connection, reasonable rental for term of five years. For further information apply on premises or to CHAS. AXFORD, R. R. 2, manville. Bow- 44-tf HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Owing to an error in copy furnished the printer last week Goldwin Anderson was credited with winning the Junior Championship. The winner was Sam Màson with 14 points, Anderson being second with -9 points. It also appears that the Tug-of-War was won by Form I instead of Form II. Mr. Ross has received an interesting letter from Lloyd Rice who describes in racy manner his experiences on the troopship "Corsican", English railway trains, the garden-like appearance of rural i HOUSE AND LOT BY TENDER The undersigned will receive tenders up to Nov. 16th, 1916, for the seven-roomed frame dwelling dwelling and lot--three-sixteenths of an acre--on Tem- perance-st., formerly occupied by the late Albert Barber, Furnace, electric light,.good garden. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address tender to H. L. BARBER, M.D., Burk's Falls, Ont. 44 ' 2w Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the Powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the tinte of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction ON THE PREMISES, on TUESDAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1916, AT 2 P.M., by JAMES BISHOP, AUCTIONEER, the following lands and premises--ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate situate lying and being in the Tp wnship of Cartwright, Cartwright, in the County of Durham, and Province England, the military camp at West Sand- Hun a re d Acres be the same more or less, and ling the constant flight Of invading and -being composed of the North half of Lot Two, in defending aeroplanes, and his work as a the First Concession of the Township of Cart- signaller. Both Rice and . Mr. Butson I t^ gaid lan( j a are sa id to be a Frame House wish to be remembered to their Old friends an( j Bank Bam with Stone Foundation. There in the B. H. S. Lloyd's address is Pte. | is also said to be some standing Timber on the Jeweler. Successor to C* H. Haddy Watchmaker. Engraver. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS , Dealing with the Public. During this long period of years I have always endeavored to give the public the very bëst services. From the fact that my business has grown each year is proof that my efforts have been appreciated. If you are not already one of my customers I will appreciate it very much to have your next" trial order. A Few Suggestions Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Ham, Tongue, Beef, Sausage, Weiners, speciallv cured for our trade. Fruit 71 We are headquarters for Fruit You will want Granulated Sugar. Get our special price this week. Remember we pay the highest price^for all prodiice. Archie T ait, Bowmanville Phone 65 The Reliable Grocery House ;ss New Fall Goods at S. W. Mason & Son's This week wé are showing our New Fall Check Waists-- Dainty and Alluring also critically inspect thej latest, styles in Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits! Dresses and-Skirts, now on Exhibition in our Ready-to-wear Department The Popular and Reliable Northway Garments also A grand assortment of the newest weaves, in Dress Materials, in Silk, Wool and Silk-wool mixtures. New Collars, Ties, G1 jves, Hoisery etc., and a complète assortment of Staple Dry Goods. Telephone 106 Lloyd Rice, 805376, 3rd Brigade Signal Base, West Sandling, Kent, England. Thursday afternoon the Literary So- diety was re-organized with Miss Smith- son as Honorary President, Miss Helen Johnston, President ; . . Charles. Rowe as Vice President, Wesley Langmaid as Secretary-Treasurer, and Goldwin Anderson Anderson as Monitor. The representatives for Form I are Milton Avery, and Form II Ray Grant and Mary McClellan, for Form III Everett Hardy and Rena Jewell, for Form IV Robert Parker and Ruby Jewell. lands. The said lands wiU be offered for sale subject to a Reserve Bid. - TERMS OF SALE--Ten per cent of the purchase purchase price to he paid down at the time of sale sufficient to make up $500 to be paid within Thirty days after date of sale, and balance secured secured by first mortgage of the land, to he approved approved by mortgagee's solicitor, payable $50 per year for four years and remainder at end of five years, with interest at 6% per. annum. Further particulars, terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of the sale or by applying applying to the undersigned. - G.D.CONANT, Oshawa, Ont. Solicitor for Mortgagees. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1916. 48-Swj S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville

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