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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1916, p. 7

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.-O .-V.'SS - jjTsæilgSr _____ ÎBÇrj:'?•'•■ HHsBtoW"'- '- R J. HAZLEWOOD, G OLD MEDAUST OF 7 veraity, Toronto. Attending Physicien end Sureeox -- _ irri ft». Carmel Hospital, Pittsburgh Office and Residence, Wellington 8L Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH 7 H err liters end Solicitors, Voter! es Public. A. If. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. East, Bowmanville. Phone 193. * 20-lyr r WANTED NOW Sellable salesman to act as agent in Durham C-iunty PAY WEEKLY OntüL free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the busiue a for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveiivs In tirst class condition. Nursery stock ia selling well this year and good money can be made in this district. For ptrticu'ar.s write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40,14 Bread Problem is j problem m tiie home where Shredded Wheat is known. The whole wheat grain is the real staff of life, and you have it in Shredded Wheat Biscuit prepared in a digestible form. It contains contains more real body-building body-building material than meat or eggs, is more easily digested, and costs much less. The food for the up-and-coming man who does things with hand or brain--for the kiddies kiddies that need a well-balanced well-balanced food for study or play --for the housewife who must save herself from kitchen CZAR'S ONLY SON. Deep Bend of Affection Between Russian Ruler and Heir. The deep bond of affection which exists between the Gzar and his only the Czarevitch Alexis, who is son, drudgery. Delicious for breakfast or any meal, with milk or cream. Made in Canada. CURE FOR LOCKJAW FOUND BY ITALIAN now in • his thirteenth year, has again been demonstrated by- the fact that whenever the "Emperor of All the Russias" has gone to the .front to inspect his troops, he has been accompanied by the boy, who may one day reign over millions. Many tales have been told of the delicate health of Alexis, of deformities deformities and diseases from which it is said he would' never recover--tales which were greatly exaggerated by enemies of the Russian Court. It is true that Alexis' health and highly- strung temperament were at one time causing much anxiety to his royal father and mother, but thanks to their unremitting care and- the Czar's insistence that his son should be brought up on English lines, with plenty, of open-air exercise, plain living, and the society of boys of his own age, Alexis has developed into a bright little chap, with a passion for soldiering and sailoring. There is nothing delights him more than to strut about in nautical dress and imagine himself a sailor, but occasionally he dons military uniform, though he is not so fond of soldiers as sailors. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express IO.29 a.m. '"'-'Passenger 329 p.m. Local b.49 p.m. Passenger 7 18 p.m. Mail 9 58 p.m. : Daily Going West rExpress 4.22 a.m Local 7.00 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m INVENTS PORTABLE BATH FOR HOT IMMERSIONS. Says Amputation Should Only Be Resorted Resorted to in Extreme Cases. meeey tfc* «■t-Mab .aiiota. We send t deÿftSe hue ere received. Charge aoebaeniaitotta--BBdeeyaUohargee. tooUent We hi* geld oet wtlUow et ddller» to thousands thousands of trappers ts Canada -who send their fonts a# bees use they know the? get a senate deal, and reset* more money tor their tors. Too. wfUeln. We hoy mere tmrstrom trappera foe eaah thenewy ether fl* Inula Canada, sen nee HdOam's Trapper Oulde tWpageeJ KDill* HaUam's Sportsmen's Catalogue 1 iUiu gel lam's Baw Tax Quotations HaUam's Tar Style Book (83 pages) tent free ea request • Address as follows: JOHN HALLAM Limited 202 Hallam Building, Toronto. RHEUMATISM AFTER HIS DAY'S OUTING Hunting Trip On a Wet Day Brings Painful Results. Once upon a time Charles Mullen, of Philadelphia, went gunning. It was a dismal rainy day, and long exposure to cold and wet brought on a severe attack of rheumatism. He was confined confined to his home. A friend recommended Sloan's Liniment, Liniment, citing his own case as evidence of its effectiveness. Mullen bought a 20,000 MILES OF TRACKS. is a The Canadian Pacific Railway Great Corporation. If all the trackage over which the Canadian Pacific railway has control --that is, all the leased lines, or lines taken- bodily , over, or with running rights--be included in a grand total, the company operates to-day 20,000 miles of tracks. This fact alone would tell of the .biggness of the corporation corporation which, thirty years ago;-'issued its first annual statement on a sheet of riotepaper. The company owns 100,000 miles of telegraph; 10,000,000 acres of unsold lands, worth $200,- bottle and applied it to his aching limbs. Soon improvement.was noticed 000,000; and controls shipping to the ,0M3iANO/?^. Œ0SŒFR1CNDS ' f ». T.fcisr, tv* a o A . THE SHADOW OF BROKEN HEALTH Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Guing East 6.07 a.m. daily IO.46 a.m. daily x~ 58 a.m. dailyt 3.21 p.m. dailyt 4.27 p.m. daily X7.52 p.m. dailvt 7 48 p.m. daily i 12 57 a.m. daily x North Toronto Station t Except Sunday C. B. Kent, Agent Canadian Northern Railway "Going East Going West Express 11.59 a.m. r . Express 906 a.m. Express 6 53 p.m. Express 7 40 p.m fi Daily except Sunday. "I DON'T SUFFER ANYMORE" "Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. New Castle, Ind.--"From the time I was eleven years old until I was seventeen seventeen I suffered each month so I had to be e.78&' in bed. I had headache, headache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not Surgeon-Major Professor Ingianni of the Italian Medical Corps, _ in charge of a field hospital, has applied on a large scale a special treatment for lockjaw which is giving most satisfactory satisfactory results. The antitoxin treatment of lockjaw is extensively used in the Italian army as a preventive and, thanks to it, the cases of tetanus have been greatly diminished. Unfortunately, however, the disease has not been stamped out and nothing so far had been discovered discovered to check its almost certainly fatal course. Naturally in field hospitals local conditions are such that it is impossible impossible to resort to prolonged antiseptic bathing of the wounded or infected part, and the most effective remedy : consisted in amputation. But even | early amputation often proved of no, avail when the germs in the wound ; already had set free a lethal dose of their toxin. Besides, even when amputation amputation saved a man's life, it left him a cripple. Doctors Amputate Too Freely. Often for fear of infection surgeons in the field resort freely to amputation amputation knowing full well that it would be impossible for them to keep the wound clean until it is completely I healed. , v j Professor Ingianni instead is con- j vinced that amputation should only ; be resorted to in extreme cases, as a ' doctor's first duty is to cure, not to ! cripple a man. Prolonged warm bath I of the wound is an almost infallible '/remedy against lockjaw, and nothing Can Be Quickly Dispelled Through the Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. A fraternal rod Insurance society that accordance with the standard. Sick and Authorized to obtain members a lodges in*eVery Preriace In Canada. inters and charter Purely Canadian, safe, round and economical. economical. If there la no local lodge of Chosen Friends in your district* apply direct to any of the following officers; \ Dr.J.W. Edwards, M-P. W. F. Montague, Grand Councillor. ■ Grand Recorder, w. F. Campbell. ' J. H. Bell. M.D., Grand Organizer. Grand Medical Ex. HAMILTON . ONTARIO and he was able to return to business. Mr. Mullen writes : "Since that experience experience I have never been without Sloan's^ Liniment in the medicine chest.You will find it soothes bruises, sprains, toothache and relieves relieves . lame back, neuralgia, in fact all external pains. At all druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Guaranteed for âll Climates Dominion Best for Quality Style and Wlue ASK YOUR DEALER -,7 UH/LLS PAH Y extent of 400,000 tons. One of - the notable features of the great corporation corporation is, that it takes account of so many things, which, at the first blush, might not seem to be related to railway railway transportation. The comfort of the inner man on the trains is, of course, of prime moment; but note how the Canadian Pacific Railway went out of its way to provide dietetic gastronomy. The railway company milks its own cows, and makes i own soap. It bakes its own bre^u, and it bores a tunnel through the mountains above the clouds. It grojgs. its own potatoes, and its policiesfare of world-wide import and significance. » MADE .IIS CANADA •BED POTATOES know what it was j p ~ even " ts -f ts being administered even Mv YeïtowM ali ' to the field under ordinary conditions, mn d"4 and the! The professor has invented a special doctors did not do 1 portable bath which can be folded, as me any good. A ! it is made of rubber and shaped neighbor told my mother about Lydia ! such a Y a ^ tha ^ a ; n ^ 1 ™^ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and i mersed in it. The bath is then I took it, and now I feel like a new to the patient by means of bandages person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month. "--Mrs.Hazfil Hamilton, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands, upon thousands "of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasonable reasonable to believe that it is an article of great merit? If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhara Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Wood's Phosphotiae, English Bemedi The Great English Jiemedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, FaQina Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One wiH please, six will cure. Sold by all druggivts or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. Xe\o pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TOtCHTO, 0MT. (Fsrewty WMwr.) and placed in any position either horizontal horizontal or vertical. Antiseptic Solution Is Used. A warm antiseptic solution can be easily kept in it at the same temperature temperature for five or six hours. As a rule a 3 per cent, solution of hypochlorite hypochlorite is used or else corrosive sublimate sublimate in the proportion of one-half per 1,000. But permanganate of potassium, potassium, iodine or lead water also can be used to advantage. It has been found better to alternate the employment employment of these antiseptics. The results of this treatment are wonderful. After a "few days. the wound begins to heal, suppuration disappears, disappears, swelling subsides and fever ceases. Recovery follows as a matter matter of course even in cases where amputation amputation was considered the only remedy. remedy. The danger of lockjaw is entirely entirely obviated. \Vhen the shadow of poor health follows your life; when hope begins to ^ fade and friends look serious, then ; is the time you should remember that thousands just as hopeless have been cured and restored to the sunshine of ; health by the use of Dr. Williams 1 Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rich blood which brings a glow of health to anaemic cheeks ; cures indigestion, indigestion, headaches and backaches, drives out the stinging pains of rheumatism rheumatism and neuralgia, strengthens the nerves and relieves as no other medicine can do the aches and pains from which womanfolk alone suffer. In any emergency of poor health give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial and they will not disappoint you. Here is a case that will bring hope to many a weary sufferer. Mrs. E. C. Taylor, Ascot Ave., Toronto, says: "A few days ago I was so run down with anaemia that I could scarcely walk about the house, and was not able to leave it. I had no color; my appetite was poor and I was constantly troubled troubled with headaches, dizzy spells and general disinclination to move about or do anything. I tried many medicines, medicines, but none of them helped me, and my friends thought I was in a decline. decline. One day a friend who was in to see me asked if I had tried Dr. Williams Williams Pink Pills. I had heard of this medicine often, but had not used it, so I determined to give it a trial. I cer- 4 tainly got a pleasant surprise, for after using two boxes I could feel an improvement in my condition. Continuing Continuing the use of these pills I fcegan to regain my health, the headaches and. dizzy spells were disappearing, and I began to gain in weight. People People began enquiring what I was taking taking and I was not slow to give Dr. Williams Pink Pills the credit. I took the pills for less than two months, and completely regained my old time health and strength. I hope my experience experience may convince some doubting person as to the great merit of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, as I certainly have cause to be a firm champion of them." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. r-BILLIARDS- Those long winter nights you will need indoor recreation. recreation. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars^ of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. Burroughes * Waffs, Ltd. Makers to EL M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto SNAP JUDGMENT. vented me from joining the army; but you didn't even wait to inquire. "You thought that because I was •; not in khaki I was a coward. As a I matter of fact, I have been at home, I recovering from wounds 1 1 received when I won this little cross, and I shall shortly be on my way back to join my regiment. "If you will accept a suggestion from a man who knows men, you will stop this silly business, for you do more harm than anything else. If I were a civilian, after what you did to me then, I would have faced a firing party before I would have joined the army. I tryst you have learned something. something. Good afternoon." I found out later that he is a sergeant sergeant piper in one of the most famous Scottish regiments, arid that he won the cross for saving three officers when wounded himself. - S EED POTATOES. IRISH biers, Delaware. Carman. at cnee. Rations. COB- Order Supply limited. Write tor quo* H. w. Dawson. Brampton. \ AGENTS WANTED. TO ,$6 DAILY EASILY EARNED Ü P/G by either sex on authoritatively ^nsored War book containing Kitchener Career, also part Canadians taken. Returned Returned soldier preferred. S e free. Send' postage. ten cents. .Nichols, Limited. Publishers, Toronto. 'NEWSPAPERS POB SALE CHILDHOOD AILMENTS P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting •f ell businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company. Company. 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MI6CEL L ANEOUS. C ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. internal and external, cured wlth- ETC.. Childhood ailnfents in most cases come through some derangement of _ the stomach or bowels. Baby's Own j out pain by our home treatment. Write Tablets have been proved by ttiQU- | q 0 i Limited. Collingrwood. Ont. sands of mothers to be the greatest medicine known for the cure of-these ailments, simply because they ' regulate regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach. stomach. Concerning' them Mrs. Napoleon 1 Lambert, St. Ignace, Que., writes : "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine for childhood- ailments and I am well pleased with their use." . The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ! ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Brockville, Ont. T BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Mailed free to any address, by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc 118 West 31 it Street, New York Great Detective. Detective--Ah, I see you have a new cook, my dear! I His wife--How do you know it? , Great detective--I noticed the im- ; print of a strange thumb on my soup j plate. 81,00000 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery'or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 YongeSt, Toronto. Correspondence invited. Trade Mark m For chapped hands and lips and all irritations of the skin. All the virtues of "Vaseline" Camphor Ice, in the form of a cream. For sale at chemists and general stores everywhere, in clean, handy tin tribes. Refuse Substitutes. Substitutes. Booklet mailed free on request. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Ceaaolidated) 1880 Chabot Are, Montreal. u an AN ETERNAL COMBAT. If Many Were Not Killed Off Young Animals Would Overrun World. An Incident Which Shows How a Person May be Mistaken. In the British Isles during this war a great many women have been "helping "helping recruiting" by walking the streets and putting a white feather into the buttonhole of every man they met who was not wearing the khaki. I whs standing just outside the central central station in Glasgow, writes an American, when a woman walked up to a man who was standing near me, and without a word pulled a white feather through his buttonhole.' He was a great big. Teliow -and she had to do some reaching to get at him. He smiled when he saw what she had done and said, "Thank you, madam," madam," very politely. That was like waving a red rag before before a bull, and she grew crimson and started to tell him what she thought of him. He listened until she had finished, finished, and then he asked' "Have you another of these feathers, by any chance?" "Yes, I have, you coward!" • she snapped, and she put another feather on him. As she did so, he pulled a Victoria Cross from his pocket and pinned it right under the feathers. That woman gasped and stuttered and stammered, trying to make an apology, and she reached out to take the feathers back, but he stopped her. "No, madam," he said, & "I'll keep these as souvenirs, if you»don't mind; but I'd like to say a few words to you about what you are doing. "The fact that I am in civilian clothes does not necessarily mean that I am a coward. For all you knew, I might have been physically unfit for service. I might have been a married man with ten or a dozen small children children depending on me. There are any number of things that might have pre- FINE TREATMENT FOR CATARRH Hard Work, All Right. I want you to understand that I got my money by hard work." "Why, I thought it was left you by your uncled' When buying your Piano insist on having an " OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION EASY TO HAKE AND COSTS LITTLE "So it was; but I had hard work | THICK* SWOLLEN GLANDS getting it away from the lawyers." j ^t ma ke a horse Wheeze, 1 Roar, have Thick. Wind Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows j or Choke-down, can be reduced with Catarrh is such an Insidious disease and has become so prevalent during the past few years that Its treatment should be understood by all. , Science has fully proved that catar&n How to Make Use of Vermin. In Paris, says a writer in the New York Sun, rats are made to J^X^uncteTorSwSgs, Ho blister, useful commercial purpose. When no hair HOne . an d horse kept at work. Eco- is a constitutional disease and therefore 1 the animals are caught, they are put nom j ca i--only a few drops required at an ap- S play's , S i n hal e rs? ^ai v e s d 1 n o s e 6 do uclies | ^to a deep, walledpit and fed regu- pUcation.j2 per bottle delivered. toottSMJree. seldom if ever give lasting benefit and often drive the disease further down the air passages and into the Jungs. If you have Catarrh or Catarrhal deafness or head--noises, go to your ! ... p thp --.ta gro sleok nnu .. ip druggist and get one ounce of Parmint I time tne rats are sieex anu--p y, w F- youNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. (Double strength). Take this home and 1 and their hides are in excellent conai- $£sorbine ind Absorbine, Jr., arc made in Canada.i add to it i pint of hot water arid 4 j t : ^he hides are removed and'; : ounces of granulated sugar; stir until! , , . , , dissolved, take one tablespoonful 4 times , treated, and eventually are made into ■ larly. Once a month there is a gener- ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for al execution, accomplished in a scien- ' mankind, reduces /Cysts, Wens, Painful, , « r* r p -r) xL-i. ■ Swollen Veins <md Ulcers.Si Rnd $2 3. bottle it tific manner by means of gas. By that m delivered. Book "Evidence" free. and--■plump j a day This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head-noises, clogged nostrils nostrils should open, breathing become easy and mucus stop dropping into the throat. This treatment has a slight tonic action which makes it especially effect-- ire in cases where the blood has become thin and weak. It is easy to make, tastes pleasant and costs little. Every person who wishes to be free from this destructive disease should give this treatment a trial. "kid" gloves. - It has also been found { that the skins can be used for book j binding and in the manufacture of photograph frames. Camels can smell water more than a mile away. MinordVs Liniment Cores Distemper Exactly. "It's a good idea to bottle up your wrath." "A corking good idea." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--I have used MINARD'S MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for . the every day ills and accidents of life I consider, it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without without it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DES JARDIN, ^chr. "Storke," St. Andre, " Kamou- raska. Granulated Eyelldd*# Eyes inflamed by expo sure to Sub. Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, _ just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine EyS SalveinTubes25c. ForBook of iheEycFreeask Druggists or MarineEye Remedy Ce. , Chlcogl There is always a deadly and never- ending fight going on among animals and Nature generally. _ . - If it were not for the large amount of animals killed off long before they grew up, however, we would be faced with the difficult problem of having far more in the world than we should know what to do with. Take, for instance, instance, the rabbit. Some fifty years ago a great land- owner in Australia, where they had been hitherto unknown, turned a pair loose on his estate^ For some little, time he was quite pleased with his experiment, experiment, but the rabbits, their natural natural enemies now being few, soon commenced to spread over tfie country country at an alarming rate. They . did great damage to crops of all descriptions, descriptions, and farmers suffered heavily from their depredations. Special legislation legislation was introduced, and several millions of pounds have been spent in endeavoring to bring about their destruction, destruction, without any further result, however, than a slights lessening of, their numbers. The rabbit is still a pest in most pàrts of Australia. It"has-been~estimated that, if the progeny of one pair of these small, though destructive, creatures weré to reach maturity, and in their turn breed, there would be the astounding number of 13,000,000 rabbits at the end of three years. When The Doctor Says "Quit" --many tea or coffee drinkers drinkers find themselves in the grip .of a "habit" and think they can't. But they can-- easily--by changing to the delicious, pure food-drink, This fine cereal beverage contains 'true nourishment, but no caffeine, as do tea and coffee. Postum makes for comfort, comfort, health, and efficiency. " There's a Reason 99 Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.. Windsor, Ont. Which. Forgetful Waiter (to diner who has ordered)--Beg pardpn, sir, but are you j smooth it over, of course. Solomonic Judge. The Complainant--"You . see, your worship, I was a little too happy, ,aT> you might say, when I went home, and me wife was ironin'. We had had a word or two in th' morriin,' an' so I steps up prepared to make peace. I said, 'Let's forget th' quarrel; we were both wrong,' when what does she do but shove the hot iron against me head." His Worship--"Trying to For Ail Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY Mepenflesî Rnhher Cd., Ltâ. merritton' ont. ■dj as You don't the pork chops or the boiled cod? Minard's Liniment Cores Colds. &c. GUN CONCEALED IN HAT. Going Both Ways. The Woman--Here's a wonderful thing. I've just been reading of a man who reached the age of 40 with- pj re< j fo y Blowing Through a out learnihg how to read or writ* He* From Mouth to Trigger, and for her sake he blame her for that, of you." Go home, both A RARE XMAS GIFT Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. By sending now for List"of our Price Tube Beautiful Musk Ox met a woman, made a scholar ^ of himself in two years." The Man--That's nothing. I know a man - who was a profound scholar at 40. Then he met a woman, and for her sake he made a fool of himself in ! two months! "Hands up!" is not such a discon- ! certing command after all, provided, one wears a certain hat of recent invention. invention. When the highwayman gives directions aS to how he would like -to' have you hand over your ; valuables you look him calmly in the ' eyes and then shoot him by simply : blowing a tube passing from the ; mouth to the trigger of the gun ; mounted in the top of the hat. : Several cartridges are provided in | the magazine, so your aim need not be perfect. Furthermore, the recoil from the explosions will not unseat ■ the hat. It cocks the hammer for ; the next shot and ejects the used ; shell. The cartridges are automati- ! cally fed to the ' breech of the gun, j and when the magazine is empty the ' trigger cannot be operated. A new j magazine is then substituted by re- | moving the hat. The gun is aimed ! by the turning of the head and by ; blowing through the tube a bulb is „ expanded which trips the cocked hammer, hammer, exploding the cartridge. ■■ You will have nice time to look it over for your Christmas buying. buying. A fortunate purchase,enables purchase,enables us to offer these RARE arid REST STYLE Robèè at prices less than half their usual cost. They are a rich brown-black, with beautiful lustre and perfectly perfectly tanned, unsurpassed for wàrmth and appearance. The very thing for Auto, Carriage, or Sleigh Makes also a luxurious Floor Bug for the Home Purchasers are advised to make an early selection as the Musk Ox is becoming exceedingly exceedingly scarce ; the skins therefore will soon be unobtainable. Write to-day for price list from the largest dealers in Canada. LAMONTAGNE, LIMITED West F.O. Box 1410 338 Notre Dame St. MONTBEAL. Manufacturers of . Quality Harness, Trunks, Bags, Etc. ». _ Established 1869. / y ED. IFSUE i 45--16.

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