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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1916, p. 8

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The annual meeting of Bowmanville "Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Room on Monday, Nov. 6th at 8 p. m., for election of officers and other business. R. Jarvis, Jas. Deyman, President. Secretary. The bulbs have arrived and members of the Horticultural Society may have same by calling at the Police Office. Base Line S. S. are holding a Red Cross Day Sunday, Nov. I2th. Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, M. P., of Oshawa and Rev. R. A. Delve of ' Ebenezer, will give addresses. Mr. R. Henderson, Qshawa's popular soloist, soloist, will sing. Collection in aid of Red Cross. Enough Turnips for Present. □John Holgate & Son do not require any more turnips for the presents ZION. \>7yv - 7; ■ PM Lecture and concert will be given in Zion Church Tuesday Nov. 7 at 8. p.m. under auspices of Trustee Board. Good program by Miss RetaR. Cole, Miss Helen Y ellowlees, Bowmanville; Ebenezer Ladies Quartet; Misses Brown and Cryderman, Hampton, Miss Eva Flintoff, Misses Géorgie Géorgie I. and Hilda Langmaid, Zion, and a lecture on "Trifles" by Rev. Geo. Brown. Admission 20c children 10c. See the churns at F. O. Mason's. wwmwwsmsmy&"!m Quality GROCERIES Hello, Central ! Give me 243. I have tried them all but find that R Snowden gives best value, quality considered, of any of them. For tea and coffee he has everything beat; fresh barrel of cranberries; cranberries; bacon, hams and cured meats a specialty. This week he offers: Tea, our own blend, reg. 40c, 2 lbs for 69c. . Biscuits, regular 18c 2 lbs. for 29c. A snap in Soap, Oatmeal Soap, 8 bars 25c. . Purity Oats, large package. .... 23c. Olives, special, -large bottle, reg 40c for 33c. Olives, special, long bottle, reg 25c for 21c. HomcIfifid e Marmalade, large bottle,., ,20c. Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs ànd Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN. Bowmanville AUCTION SALES Thursday, Nov. 2--Mr. W. J. Collacott, lot 21, con 1, Darlington, two miles west of Bowmanville, will sell by auction auction all of his farm stock, including horses, high grade Durhams, eighteen Shropshire sheep, swine, implements, etc. Sale at I o'clock. See bills. GEO. Jackson, auctioneer. -■ - Friday, Nov. 3--Jeremiah Henry, lot 20, con. 10, Darlington, will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc. See bills. Sale at I p.m. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. auctioneer. Saturday, Nov. i i--Mr. Richard Ingram,. Church-st., next to Town Hall, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, will sell all of his household furniture and furnishings including new Kitchen Cabinet and new Parlor Cook --Art Treasure. Sale at I o'clock. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Halter Bargains at F. O. Mason's. Soft corns are difficulj tVeradicate^but Holloway's Corn Cure "Wyn draw them out painlessly. ' TYRONE Visitors--Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fraser, Newcastle, at Mr. R. McCullough's; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Coürtice ard daughter, Oshawa, at Mr. A. H. Brent's; Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Moore, Enniskillen, at Mr. W. Moore's; Mr. Thos. Martin, Agincourt, at Mr. S. McCoy's; Miss Flossie McLaughlin, Oshawa, with her sister Mrs. Milton Werry; Miss Myrtle Moore, Bowmanville,Sunday- ed at home; Mr. Norman Rundle, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle Rundle Mr. L. Skinner sold a number of choice Shropshire lambs to Chandler Bros, Iowa. The famous 5/T horse blzftikets at F. O. Mason's. Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive tracts, where they set up disturbances detrimental to the health of the child. ( There can be no comfort for the little'ones un il the hurtful intruders have beep exmrfled. No better preparation preparation for thisjjfurpose can be had than Miller's Miller's Woroafrowders. They will immediately immediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorable to their existence. ENNISKILLEN Rev. S. Crookshanks, Peterboro, who is visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. McLaughlin, McLaughlin, preached in the Methodist Church Sunday evening, basing his sermon on Job 42: 10. He emphasized the thot of looking on the bright side of life... .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee motored to Toronto Friday. Mrs. Lee is at present undergoing undergoing treatment at. Wellesley Hospital. We sincerely hope she will return greatly benefited.... Our community was shocked Tuesday morning to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Wm, Martin, few .knowing she was seriously ill. We will miss her, for although of a quiet disposition she was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Funeral Thursday to Bowmanville. Mrs. Blewett, Orono, a niece of Mrs. Martin's, is at Mr. W. Martin's. MAPLE GROVE m Mr. Samuel Snowden spent Saturday the city on business Miss'T. Pen- found, Town, spent Sunday with her cousin cousin Mrs. Noble Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. T. Power, and Misses Vera and Erma Power spent Sunday with friends in Bowmanville.... Bowmanville.... Mr. John Lee and Miss Gertie, Kedron, visited the former's niece, Mrs. T. Snowden.... Mr. Norman Reynolds, Miss Vera Baker, Solina, visited her sister Mrs. L. C. Snowden . Miss Reta Power gave a birthday party Tuesday evening when-all had a good time Epworth League Rally Sunday afternoon was a decided decided success. Excellent singing by the choir and Rev. H. B. Neal, Bowmanville, gave a very earnest discourse on "Faith" to a large and appreciative audience.... Mrs. J. Gaud, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilkins Wilkins and children John and Annie, Court- ice, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden Mr. and Mrs. R. Worden re- centy visited friends at Tyrone. Unless worms b'e expelled from thq system, system, no child can bp-stealthy. Mcfther Graves' Worm tteSrminator is the best medicine extantiio destroy worrnÿ. HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR SOLINA HAYDON Phone 243 m. y Coal 8à Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard BanK Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 Messrs. Douglas and Hugh Moore spent j Sunday with their mother, Mrs R. Moore Miss Florence Smith, Bethesda, visited visited friends here Mr. and Mrs. John Mountjoy, Cartwright, with his brother, Mr. Thos. Mountjov The funeral of Gerald, little son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rundle, took place Wednesday afternoon, service being conducted by Rev. J. E. Beckel. Beautiful floral tributes from the Sunday I School, relatives and friends expressed the I sympathy of their many friends. Among the relatives from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle, Brighton, and Mr. N. C. Rundle, Toronto. The Supreme Heating Co., are putting on a different stove--especially made for town use. Ask Mason & Dale. Dragged Down By Asthma. The man or woman who is continually subiect to asthma is unfitted for. his or her life's work. Strength depart^ andXenergy is taken away until life aecopfes a dreary existence. And yet this ipmeedless. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthpa Remedy has brought a great change to an army of sufferers. sufferers. It believes the restricted air tubes I and guards against future trouble Try it. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Congratulations to Miss Emma Kelk and Mr. Chas. Nelson who were married at Mr. Jas. Jebson's on Monday Oct. 30, bv Rev. H. Wilkinson, Enniskillen. Thèy are spending their honeymoon in Toronto .. Women's Institute will meet at Mrs. W. C. Werry's on Thursday Nov. gth at 2.30 p. m. Good program. Everybody welcome Mr. S. Shortridge is rather worse than usual... .Visitors--Miss Reynolds Reynolds at Bowmanville; Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Ottawa, with his aunt Miss Mary Hogarth; Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and family at Providence; Providence; Master Harold Pascoe at Black- stock; Mr. Ernest and Miss May Werry, Enniskillen, at Grandma Werry's; Mr. Paul Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williams Williams and Alma, Caesarea, at Mr. S. Williams'; Williams'; Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James and family,Misses Mildred and Mosetta White, Town, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. J> T. Rundle recently had a bad tumble from an apple tree.. .Rev. F. Woodger, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, preached very acceptably here Sunday Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Mr. Er nest Webber of Brooklin will be glad _ to hear who has an overcoat not belonging to him as there was an exchange of. coats- at John Pascoe's sale. HAMPTON a m Your Food will cost you less! The great problem of every housewife--today, more than ever is "How can I economize?" No doubt this is your problem, too. Let us help you. Our aim is to make it possible for you to buy good, fresh, wholesome groceries at the lowest cost. Many in this town and county are dealing dealing with ns today because they know that not only are our groceries the best of their kind, but our prices are substantially substantially lower than they would have to pay anywhere else. If you are not already a regular customer of ours buy your groceries from us for one month and be convinced that "we serve you host, " HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club ' Phone 186, Bowmanville }■££ ■ t'- Town Hall, Hampton, Oct. 28. Regular meeting of Council, members all present, Reeve Stanley presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. confirmed. Arthur Millson was appointed, path- master for beat No. 91, vice John Pascoe, resigned. Thos. Snowden applied for permission permission to buiid wire fence lor bonus; granted. Mr. Morgan Williams asked Council for grant to British . Red Cross Society funds; $100 granted. W. R. Pick- ell complained of diversion of water by C P. Railway on lots 30 and 31, con I; Clerk was instructed to write Company asking them to remedy the cause. ^Bylaw ^Bylaw No. 746 was read three times and passed authorizing the transfer of certain portions of road allowance at lots 26 and 27, B.F. and con. I, in lieu of lands to be deeded by the C.P.R. to the Township for road puposes. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $3.00 from T. F, Stonhouse for old bridge timber, and $1 00 from W. H. Halfacre for old bridge lumber. Orders were granted on Treasurer as follows; H. J. Souch, gravel $1.20; Fred Smith, opening gravel pit $2.75; T. McGill, shoveling shoveling snow $3.00; John Oke, gravel $3-20; S. Smith, teaming and lumber $3.25; Geo. Ginn, graveling $4.38; Dan Knapp, gravel, $5.75; J. A. Sykes, lumber $7.66; Wm. Beckel, gravel $10.00; John Allin,' gravel $13.20; Pedlar People, Ltd., culvert tubes $70.84; McClellan & Co, lumber, cement $8416; R. H. Perkins, wire fence bonus $6.87; W. J. Leask, bonus killing dog worrying sheep $5.00; Jas. Stanley, expenses expenses Toronto Êonveiition $5.00; Selectors Selectors of jurors $10.00; M. A. James & Sons, printing and advt, $17.70; Hon. T. W. Mc- Garry, grant to B. R. C. Society $100.00. Council adjourned to Saturday, Nov. 25th, at 10 a.m.. W. R. Allin, Clerk. m Corn RAILWAY SYSTEM Hampton Mills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for pastTpatronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton GRAND TRUNK HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA I THE HOMEOFTHE REDDEERAND MOOSE OPEN SEASONS Epworth League meeting Friday.' evening evening was in charge of Mr. Frank Cryder man. Prayer was offered by the President President and Scripture Lesson, read by Miss Lily Burns. The topic "Citizen hip and Community Life" was taken by the President President Mr. F. J. Groat. Reading by Mrs. Percy Hills and two selections on the Vic- trola operated by Mrs. Horn concluded the program. Meeting closed with the League benediction. ..Dr. W'. E. Tilley Inspector, was recent guest at Mr. J. È. L. Cole's. Buggy Rugs large display at F. O. Mason's. Women's Institute meets Thusday Nov, at Mrs. L. Nidderv's. All ladies invited ... .Our citizens have been very generous in their donations to the Women's Institute Institute shipment of goods to Northern Ontario Ontario fire sufferers. All articles are of g od quality and useful.... Mrs. W. G. Darch is visiting in Toronto.... W. M. S. met Oct. 17 at Mrs. Theo. Salter's; 20 members members were present. Good program of excellent excellent readings, the new text book, "The Story of the Years" was begun and promises promises to be interesting. Mrs. W. W. Horn ,and Miss Minnie Horn sang a duet Mrs. Salter and daughter served refreshments Mr. John Westaway and daughter Ella have moved to Toronto to spend the winter with Mr. Wes. Redman Miss Brown attended the S. S. convention at Smiths Falls and is now visiting with Ottawa friends.... Mr. Samuel Westaway and daughter, Cambray, and Miss Eva Clatworthy, » Toronto, Mr. O. J. Clat- worthy, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Jos. Clat- worthy's. He is improving slowly.... Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cole visited at Kirby ... .Mrs. W. E. Doidge and Miss Lottie Horn visited friends in Toronto... .Rev. Geo. Brown who has been under the Dr's care for two weeks is improving. Rev, F, Woodger, Bowmanville, took his work Sunday.., ,Mr. and Mrs, Chas," Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Rees. Johns, Newcastle, visited visited friends here Sunday Rev. J. Gren fell, Ottawa, visited at the Parsonage. Oils Soothe Skin Disease DEER--November inclusive. 1st to November 15th Phone 129 p 6 MOOSE--November 1st to November 15th inclusive. In some of the Northern Northern Districts of Ontario, including including Timagami, the open season is from November 1st to November 30th inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds--The Haunts of Fish and Game", giving Game I Laws, Hunting Regulations, etc,, to C. E. Horning, Union Station, 44-tf Toronto, Ont. IE Phone 78. J. H. Jury, agent. Oil of Wintergreen, thymol, glycerine glycerine and other healing ingredients compounded compounded in proper proportion into the D. D. D. Prescription has now become the universal favorite of skin .sufferers in relieving skin disease. It is a mild wash that penetrates the pores and gives instant relief from all burning and itching. It kills and washes off the gnawing disease germs and its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. _ _ For 15 years the D. D* D* Standard Skin Remedy Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Boxyman ville. : 44-4w Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the first bottle bottle relièves. D. D. D. Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. List of Prize Winners Class I. Potatoes Care of plot--Green Mountain 1 Ross Trenouth, Hampton 2 Albert Allin, Hampton 3- Ernest Hockaday, Solina , 4 Marjorie Pascoe, Solina 7 5 Ruth Johns, Hampton 6 Mae Brent, Bethesda. 2 One peck from plot--Green Mountain 1 Ross Trenouth, Hampton 2 Levi Annis, Tyrone 3 Albert Allin, Hampton 4 Arthur Burrows, Haydon 5 Cyril Upchurch, Solina 6 Phoebe Beech, Union 3 One Peck from seed of 1915 plot--Dav ies Warrior 1 Donald Davey, Long Sault 2 Jack Cornish, Bakers ' . 3 Arthur Blanchard, Hampton 4 Albert Allin, Hampton 5 Arthur Burrows, Haydon Roots 4 Care of plot--Mangles--Yellow Levia than I. Joe Reynolds, Solina • 2 Myrtle Vice, Enfield 3 Jack Cornish, Bakers 4 Frank Trenouth, Hampton 5 Oscar Ward, Hampton 6 Laverne Clemens, Hampton 4 Five roots from plot--Mangels--Yellow plot--Mangels--Yellow Leviathan 1 Oscar Ward, Hampton 2 Frank Trenouth, Hampton 3 Jack Cornish, Bakers 4 Myrtle Vice, Solina 5 Joe Reynolds, Solina 6' Fred Ashton, Haydon 6 Care of Plot-^-Turnips, Purple Top 1 Gordon Werry, Enniskillen 2 Lawrence Avery, Union 3- Wallace Jeffery, Hampton 4. Arthur Martin, Hampton 5 Richard Gibbs, Tyrone 6 Nita- Wotten, Enfield 7 Five roots from plot--Turnips, Purple Top 1 Lawrence Avery, Union 2 Richard Gibbs, Tyrone 3 Wallace Jeffery, Hampton 8 Field Corn--Wisconsin No J--Care of Plot 1 Fred West,. Enfield: 2 Clarence Tink,.Solina 3 Laverne Clarke. Hampton 4 Eleanor Cook,. Hampton 5 Colin Stephens, Hampton 9 Six stalks with ears from plot Wiscon sin No 7 1 Clarence Tink, Solina 2 Fred West, Enfield 3 Laverne Clarke, Hampton 10 Care of Plot--Sweet Com--Golden Bantam 1 Irene Gibson,Bradleys 2 Frank Trenouth,Hampton 3 Seibert Hall, Union 4 Gordon Wonnacott, Solina . 5 Wesley Little, Tyrone 6 ■ Marjorie Smith,.Enniskillen 11 Twelve ears from, plot--Sweet Golden Bantam 1 Seibert Hall„Uhion 2 Mary Niddery, Hampton 3, Frank Trenouth Hampton 4 Gordon Wonnacott, Solina 5- Wesley Little*, Tyrone 6. Irene Gibson,. Bradley's 12 Twelve ears from seed of 1915 plot-- Golden Bantam L Frank Trenouth, Hampton Class 4. Grain. 13 Care of Plot--Barley-- O. A. Ç. 2J 1 Irving Clemens, Tyrone 2 Lola Richards, Tyrone 1 3. Francis Werry, Enniskillen 4 Lloyd Williams, Solina 14 Threshed grain from plot---Bariev-- G. A. C. 21 1 Irving Clemens, Tyrone 2 Lola Richards, Tyrone $6 Care of plot--Oats-- O, A, C. 72: 1 Margaret McKessock,. Solina 2 Irene Werry, Tyrone 3 Ernest Werry, Enniskillen 4 Gladys Collacott, Tyrone .5 Geraldine Clemens,.Tyrone 6 Edgar Cooper, Haydon Threshed grain from plot--Oats--O. A. C. 72 Ernie Spry, Hampton. Myrtle Am,sbary, Tyrone Margaret McKessock, Solina Ernest Werry, Enniskillen One peck from seed 1915 plot--Oats -- O. A. C. 72. Ernest Werry, Enniskillen Class 5 Vegetables 19 Care of plot--Beets, Detroit Dark Red 1 Reta Hooey, Long Sault 2 Howard Wonnacott, Solina 3 Marjorie Cole, Hampton 4 Reva McGill, Enniskillen 5 Hazel Clarke, Hampton 6 Francis Farrell, Tyrone 20 Six roots from Plot--Beets--Detroit Dark Red 1 Jesse Van Nest, Solina 2 Marjory Cole, Hampton 3 Reva McGill, Enniskillen 4 Louise Johns, Hampton 5 Mona Preston, Enniskillen 6 Hazel Clarke, Hampton 21 Care of Plot--Carrots--Chantenay 1 Milton Stainton, Enniskillen 2 May Werry, Enniskillen 3 Charlie White, Hampton 4 Jack Reynolds, Solina 5 Jim Reynolds, Solina 6 Norman Van Nest, Solina Six roots from plot--Carrots^Chan- tenay Edna Cryderman, Hampton Kate Moore, Haydon Ruth McKessock, Solina May Werry, Enniskillen Laura Virtue, Enniskillen Lizzie Robbins, Hampton Care of Plot--Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers Meta Ashton, Haydon Allan White, Hampton Allan McKessock, Solina Marjory Wonnacott, Solina Horace Worden j Bakers Irene Peters, Hampton Twelve roots from plot--Onions Blanche Cryderman, Hampton Doreen Van Nest, Solina Meta Ashton, Haydon Allan White, Hampton Marjory Wonnacott, Solina Brenton McCullough, Tyrone [To be continued next iveek) During the Y yv We all live inside homes most of the time. our Sherwin- Williams FLAT-TONE A durable, sanitary, oil paint for walls' and ceilings", producing soft, rich flat effects ; easily applied, easily cleaned, 24- beautiful shades, washable. Why not have cheefrul and artistic surroundings ? We ofier the best lines of Paints,. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor Wax and Polishes which aside from their decorative qualities repay you by adding life to your furniture, floors and woodwork. See our color cards and brighten up. IXLVsLU VO W., Sole Agents Phone 66 Wë have in stock two large- quarter-cut oak sideboards that" are the very best of quality anti workmanship, large British British bevel glass. They only have one fault and that we are going to remedy. They were too high priced for quick sellers. Next Friday we will put them in the window, mark them down and will reduce them $1.00 every day at 10 a.m. until somebody somebody buys. Now if you cannot come in after seeing them, phone, and the first party sending in thq order will get them. Wa- will gladly answer any phone inquiries. Undertaking receives prompt and personal - attention day or night Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 er 159 Bowmanville é m Wherever You f Go , m Régal Are Right $ >ES They are right in style, right in quality and right in price. Better pay the price of a good shoe than the penalty of a poor one. Stop at our windows and look over the new Fall Footwear. Step in and fit on a pair. $ FRED R. FOLEY s ^ (Sunnyside Boot Shop) IE Bowmanville Ont. 22 23 The Friend Of All Sufferers-- Like to "the shadow of a rock in a weary land" is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil to all those who suffer sain. It holds out hope to everyone and realized it by stilling suffering suffering every- wherieyÆfls a liniment that has the blessings, bf half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and be can found wherever enquired for. HADDY & SON OYSTER WEEK Everybody should eat oysters this week. Oysters raw, oysteiW stewed, oysters fried, oysters escalloped, oyster patties, or oysters any way you like them--but eat oysters. W Oysters are healthful and nourishing, and with the present high prices for meat and fish, they are not extravagant. F. A. Haddy & Son Jhay@ made arrangements with the largest dealers in Canada who do an exclusive oyster business and guarantee guarantee the quality to be unexcelled. We get them just as they are shuckedxat the oyster beds--solid meat, no water--and sell them the same. The price may be a little higher than inferior goods or those with water added, but they are worth it. Try us out and be convinced. F. A. Phone 62 Haddy & Son Bowmanville y • -a..-- : • -•>*? .vrt ï'iZh.. .

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