BOWMANVH,LB. 'NOW 9. 1S16 R UBBER styles have changed to conform with the style shoes you wear. The day for cumbersome unsightly overshoes is passed, and you may now wear rubbers without feeling that your feet present an appearance appearance far from agreeable. We are showing rubbers for ladies and gentlemen and children in all the latest shapes and widths the best rubbers made, and in styles to suit every taste, whether you want them to-cover the entire shoe or merely protect the sole. " Children's rubbers at 40c to 60c. Ladies' rubbers at 70c to 85c. Men's rubbers 90c to $1.25. Ladies Arctics $1.50 to $2.00. Men's Arctics tor $1.50 to $3.00. iHwtods Sho Mitchell's Drug Store News Now is the time to buy a guaranteed Hot Water Bottle at the right price. See our big display --rail sizes--all prices. We carry all your wants in other lines rubber goods. Ask us. An excellent variety of toilet goods just in; prices right. Don't fail to see them. Our stock of Xmas ebony is arriving. Take her a box of NEILSON'S this week and see her smile. Every girl loves Neilson's chocolates. chocolates. We are sole agents for Bowman ville. See our choice line of Stationery, Inks, Fountain Fountain Pens, etc. l The remarkable growth of our optical business is due to the entire satisfaction we give our customers. customers. We guarantee all our work Don't neglect your eyes--come in to-day. Oar expert Optician Looks into"the ^With The Electric Retinoscope R. M. MITCHELL & 'Co., Druggists and Opticians Agents for Victrola and Victor Records. Camera| andJJJPhoto supplies Rapid service in Developing and printing. * Ask about it. Stationery--Sheet Music--Chocolates and Cigars. Phone 92or 280 Leave your calls for Sole Agents for Nights and Sundays Dominion Express Neilson's I Chocolates DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. G radnate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE; King St. Eut, Bowmnerüle, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. no. to 6 p, m. daily except Sunday. Phozc* 90» House Phokz 90b FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Btsnohee ; ORONO . HAMPTON HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR Continued from last week. Class 6. Flowers -25 Bouquet sweet peas Giant Spence Hybrid 1 Marjory Wonnacott, Solina 2 Grace Virtue, Tyrone 3 Mary Niddery, Hampton 4 Alma Werry, Enniskillen 5- Helen Johns, Hampton 6 Effie Robbins, Hampton 26 Bouquet Asters--Giant Comet 1 Lizzie Robbins, Hampton 2 Gladys Stainton, Enniskillen 37 Table bouquet from home-garden 1 Mary Peters, Hampton 2 Helen Johns, Hampton 3 Merle Ashton, Enfield ~4 Gladys Stainton, -Enniskillen 5 Ruby Dewell, Bakers 6 Lelie Rahm, Union Class 7, Poultry 28 Cockerel, barred Plymouth -Rock 1 Clarke Dorland, Enniskillen 2 Cyril Avery, Union 3 Percy Cowling, Hampton 4 Howard Brent, Bethesda 5 Hilton Tink, Solina Helen Johns, Hampton 29 Pullet--Barred Plymouth Rock 1 Percy Cowling, Hampton 2 Cyril Avery, Union 3 Edna Cryderman, Hampton 4 Hilton Tink, Solina 5 Clark Dorland, Enniskillen 6 Harold Burgess, Tyrone 30 Trio<l cockerel and 2 pullets) rbarred Plymouth Rocks 1 Percy Cowling, Hampton 2 Hilton Tink, Solina 3 Edna Cryderman, Hampton 4 Hazel Hodgson, Tyrone 5 Harold Burgess, Tyrone 6 Howard Brent, Bethesda Class 8 Live Stock 33 Halter broken colt 1 Marie Werry, Tyrone 2 Allan White, Hampton 34 Halter broken calf 1 Fred West, Enfield 2 Norman Van Nest, Solina 3 Jack Cornish, Bakers 4 Francis Worden, Bakers Class 9 Domestic Science Two loaves home made bread I Irene Werry, Tyrone 36 % dozen Baking Powder biscuits 1 Meta Ashton, Haydon 2 Alma Werry, Enniskillen 3 Verna Davey, Long Sault 4 Hazel Hodgson, Tyrone 5 Geraldine Clemens, Tyrone 6 Kate Moore, Haydon 37 Apple Pie 1 Doreen Van Nest, Solina 2 Kate Moore, Haydon 3 Meta Ashton, Haydon 4 Irene Werry, Tyrone 5 Winnie Ashton, Enniskillen. 6 Vivian Amsbury, Tyrone 38 Layer Cake 1 Alma Werry, Enniskillen 2 Mae Werry, Enniskillen 3 Edna Cryderman, Hampton 4 Elsie Langmaid, Splina 5 Maud Ashton, Enniskillen 6 Geraldine Clemens, Tyrone 39 Quart jar plum preserves 1 May Werry, Enniskillen 2 Doreen Van Nest, Solina 3 Hazel Hodgson, Tyrone 4 Mary Richards, Tyrone 5 Alma Werry, Enniskillen Mary Peters, Hampton I lb home made fudge Irene Werry, Tyrone Meta Ashton, Haydon Mae Werry, Enniskillen Kate Moore, Haydon Margaret Moore, Tyrone Geraldine Clemens, Tyrone Pincushion embroidered linen top, made up Helen Johns, Hampton Meta Ashton, Haydon Ruth Johns, Hampton Geraldine Clemens, Tyrone Myrtle Ormiston, Enfield Laura Virtue, Enniskillen 42 Dressed Doll (hand sewing) 1 Marjory Wonnacott, Solina 2 Hazel Hodgson, Tyrone 43 Fancy Work Bag I Louise Johns, Hampton Hazel Hodgson, Tyrone Marjory Wonnacott, Solina Gladys Stainton Knitted Socks Marjory Virtue, Enniskillen Kate Moore, Haydon Ruth Johns, Hampton . Rosie Short, Bethesda Class 10 Manual Training 45 Hammer Handle 1 Cyril Avery, Union 2 Leslie Gibrôn, Bradleys 3 Clarence Tink, Splina 4 Gordon Wonnacott, Solina 5 Howard Wonnacott, Solina 46 Milk Stool 1 Jim Reynolds, Solina 2 Donald Davey, Long Sault 3 Joe Reynolds, Solina 47 Feeding Hopper for chickens I Alan McKessock, Solina 48 Handy Farm Device 1 Arthur Burrows, Haydon 2 Fred Ashton " Class I Nature Study 49 Collection Weeds 1 Seibert Hall, Union 2 Lorne Griffin, Enniskillen 3 Laveroe Griffin, Enniskillen 50 Collection Weed Seeds 1 Alma Werry, Enniskillen- 2 Irene Gibson, Bradleys 3 Phoebe Beech, Union 4 Muriel Ashton, Haydon 5 Helen Johns, Hampton 51 Collection Insects 1 Albert Allin, Hampton 2 Lenore Bentham, Union 3 Helen Johns, Hampton 4 Lawrence Avery, Union 52 Collection Native Woods 1 Eleanor Cook, Hampton 2 Albert Allin, Hampton 3 Marion Thompson, Bradleys 54 Coll, leaves of Forest and shade trees 1 Albert Allin, Hampton 2 Cyril Avery, Union (To be continued next week) - MAPLE GROVE Misées Oliveand Marion Bellman, town, spent Sunday at Mr. R. L. Worden's.*.. Messrs Lorne and Ross Stevens who have I been under the Dr's care are Improving .Mrs. Wm. Webster, Cambray, Mrs.! Richard Ferguson, Oakwood, Mrs. EL W. Foley and daughter, Laura, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. I Foley, town,-visited at Mr. J. D. Stevens' .Mrs. J. D. Stevens spent Wednesday in the city....Mr. Wm. Collacott's sale Thursday was well attended and everything everything went high Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and daughter Betty, spent Sun- Idav with Solina friends... .Special collections collections next Sunday at Sunday School. ENFIELD Recent visitors; Mr. Elmo Ashton -was home from Toronto several days recently; recently; Mr. and Mrs. C. Cavell, Oshawa, at Mr. B. Powell's; Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, Columbus, at Mrs. J. Hepburn's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pascoe, Solina at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilbert and Mr. Frank recently visited at Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. H. Trull have been visiting: I a t Mr. J. McCullough's.... The Beef Ring meeting is postponed to Nov. nth The chicken pie social and concert in aid 1 ^ e . Cross work was very successful realizing about $43. The address given- by Rev. H. Wilkinson was full of vim and; to the point. Mrs. Waterhouse with her melodious-voice sang two selections very I sweetly... .The singing of Mr. Douglas! won much applause and response was given given cheerfully to the encores. The youngs people of Solina in presenting "Why I did not Marry" deserve credit for the manner in which it was presented as the acting, and attire were hard to be improved upon No doubt it will have its effect on . some ol our bachelors. ENNISKILLEN Large number of friends were at the iuneral of Mrs. Wm. Martin Thursday. | Among those present from a distance were Mrs. Thompson, Oshawa, sister, Mr. A. Blewett, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. D. Blewett and Mr. H. Hooper, Orono, Rev. and Mrs J. W. Bunner, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mason, Bowmanville, and Miss M. I Grant, Toronto.... A number of men attended attended the big ploughing match at Whitby and report an interesting and profitable time Mr. F. W. Lee visited Whitby friends Mrs. B. J. McLaughlin and her sister visitéd at Lindsay Sacramental services were well attended Sunday •Quarterly official board met here Monday evening.... .Mr. and Mrs.Tamblyn,Orono, visited here Sunday Mrs. Wm. Oke is very poorly... .Mr. Jas. Mountjoy is not improving Spooks were unable to face the elements Hallowe'en night but nothing nothing daunted they appeared Monday evël- ing. For awhile the village was complete- I ly over-run by ghostly visitors not even sparing the sacred precincts where the Quarterly Offiical Board were meeting. They finally had the "time of their lives" at the home of Dr. Slemon Mission Study class held its first meeting at the Parsonage Tuesday evening. EBENEZER 6 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 44 1 2 3 4 Our W. M.S. are holding a.Church "At Home" on Thursday afternoon this week with a good program and an address by Mrs. L. A. W. Tole, Bowmanville, and tasty lunch Pte. Bert Griffin, Toron to "Bantams", spent the week end with I Thos. Gimblett Car of goods for New Ontario fire sufferers was shipped from Solina Station Thursday. Ebenez- erites were very generous with their gifts 'Mrs. Richards, Oshawa* Sundayed with Ebenezer relatives Hallowe'en Social on Friday night was a decided success, success, Church was prettily decorated, Pastor Pastor Delve was Chairman. Program included included Chorses by "Sun-hine" class, Readings by Misses H. Crago and Marion M. Van Nest and'Mrs. Jesse Arnot; solo by Mrs. W. R. Courtice; Address on Red Cross Work by Mr. Delve; a- Pantomine by the "Sunshine" girls, and a piano duet by Misses M. Penfound and L. Osborne. A literary game was enjoyed in the S. S. room and a fine Lunch served to all. Proceeds Proceeds $31.00 are to be devoted to Red Cross work. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hazle- wood, Toronto, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Pearce Mrs. H. Balson gave a report of the Provincial Sunday School Convention at Smith's Falls Sunday evening, delighting all with I her entertaining address ...Miss Estella I Penfound visited Toronto... .Farmers many went to Pickering to see the tractors tractors work and to enjoy the plowing match ... .Mr. and Mrs. Horsburgh, Cleveland, U. S., visited her sister,' Mrs. A. F. Rundle : --Epworth League service was interesting. interesting. Messrs. Elton Werry and Kenneth Courticesgave papers on "Paul and Barnabas" Barnabas" and Miss V. Werry contributed a pleasing solo. Consecration^ service was held... .Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Horsburgh were nearly asphyxiated by fumes of escaping escaping gas from the coal heater. Had the windows not "been slightly open it might have been worse. As it was, all were quite sick for a couple of days from the effects... .James Pearce is north on a hunting trip... .Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundle, [Hampton, Sundayed here Wallace Pickell has been iy with a threatened attack attack of appendicitis S. S. Brooks' ap ple-pickers, led by Thos. Adams, finished their season's work Friday Miss Lillie Parsons of Whitby visited her parents... .* Sunday School now boasts an Honor Roll for our brave soldier boys....Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnott, Taunton, spent Sabbath here... .Mrs. J. F. Brooks was very ill but is recovering nicely,.. .Other Ebenezer Ebenezer news on an inside page. A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the Bowman House, Bowmanville, on Wednesday November November 16th, and following "Wednesdays "Wednesdays until a permanent office has been secured. 46-tf TAKE COMMERCIAL COURSE at Albert College BELLEVILLE, Ont. Our courses in Commercial and Stenography are Thorough and Up-to- Date. Practical Routine Office Work is specially emphasized. Each student receives individual instruction. instruction. Privileges of the College are open to Commercial Students. Write for Calendar and full particulars. particulars. E. N. Baker, M.À., D.D. 45-4W Principal. West End House Big Departmental Store :oME SEE OUR FURS > ALL KINDS OF LOVELY THINGS TO WEAR WHEN YOU «SEE OUR «SPLENDID NEW FUR.S, YOU WIlX- WISH TO OWN .SOME OF THEM YOUR.SELF. fur J Not ONLY Look well in winter BUT THEY :ARE NECEJJARY. THE RAW CHILLY DAY,5 WILL HAVE No TERROR «S -FOR You WHEN YOU ARE «SNUGGLED UP IN oi|/R NICE WARM FUR.S. COME IN AND .SEE THEM AND ALSO THE MANY THINGS WE HAVE FOR YOU ALL READY To WEAR. Sets in Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, Natural Badger, Sable, Coon Sable, Natural Coon, Mink Marmot, Grey Lamb and White Thibet, suitable for grandmother, mother, daughter and baby. Men's fur-lined, fur-collared, and Coon coats, a splendid splendid choice to select from. 8 only, Men's quilted-lined coats, fur-collared, $18.00 quality, special $13.50. 1500 yards Flannelettes at old prices. It will be money saved to lay in a supply of cottons, linens and woollen woollen goods while we have them at present prices. Bring your Butter, Eggs and Poultry to the West End House and get the big Cash price. 4 & Co. Phone 83 Thé Big Departmental Store Bowmanville. A Fall Favorite We illustrate here the winner for this season, the Black Kid, Lace, plain Toe, Waldorf Heel, 7-è- inch Top. The price $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. The same in Havana Brown at $7.00 and $7.50. We are showing in our windows and in the store a beautiful line of shoes at lower prices ranging from $2.50 to $5.00 that are right in style, right in quality and right in price in spite of a high market. Step in and fit on a pair. Parlor Boot Shop On the Sunny Side Fred R. Foley, They fit where others fail Bowmanville, Qi^> Mason & Dale are showing a very handy stove--^suitable in every way for town use. Ask to see the new Supreme. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call particular particular attention to their big stock of black and colored silks in taffetas, duchess satins, and paieries, all bought before the recent rise in the price of silks of all kinds. J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. Churns that will chum from two to five minutes at F. O. Mason's. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. . Mason & Dale have something new in the line of^ stoves. Ask to see them. Insurance Office Agency for ; Sun Life Assurance Company, also best lines in Fire, Accident, Sick Benefit, and Automobile Insurance. Insurance. Conveyancing done at'reasonable at'reasonable charges. < Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville . Box 308 Phone 189 Ifvou want a stove suitable for use. Ask Mason & Dale. They something to meet your, needs. town have Gét The Best. It Pâys, More than ever before "thoroughness" business training is demanded. LLIOTT m TORONTO, ONT. IS ^rictly first-class in all departments. We had more than 240 positions to till in two months this year. Now is an excellent excellent time to-enter. Write for Catalogue. Yonge and es Sts. Yonge Chan W. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal X-,