.iUvK-., 19L - a -- a.- "V. (r K' <te ri>'x K. J. HAZLBWOOD.-MJ)., C3L. ... ' »#w**jryrLM. ont. V 1 OLD MBDAMST OF TRINITY UNI-' J' . versity, Toronto. Four years At tend Inc Physician and Sure eon at Mt Carmel Hospital. -Ftttsburg. as. Office and Residence, Wallin*ton 8L Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Notaries Public. A. Y. CCOCMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lnmsden Bldg., Yonge &.Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. Bast. Bowmanville. Phone 193. 20-lyr WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Durham County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Oar agencies are the bett In the bnstne-s for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district. For particu'ara write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Go., Toronto, Ont. 40,14 RHEUMATISM IN THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express 10 29 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m. Local 6.49 p.m. Passenger 7 18 p.m. Mail 9 58 p.m. : Daily Going West .•Express 4.22 a.m Local 7.00 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway _ Going West Guing East 6.07 a.m. daily 10.46 a.m. daily x8.26 a.m. dallyt 3.21 p.m. dail>t 4.27 p.m. daily X7.52 p.m. dailvt 7 48 p.m. daily f 12.57 a.m. daily x North Toronto Station + Except Sunday C. B. KENT, Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.59 a.m. Express 9 06 a.m. V Express 6 33 p.m. *7 Express 7 40 p.m r Daily except Sunday. RAHWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA THE KOMEOFTHE RED DEER AND MOOSE OPEN SEASONS DEER--November 1st to November 15th ii.elusive. MOOSE--November 1st to November 15th inclusive. In some of the Northern Northern Districts of Ontario, including including Timagàmi, the open season is from November 1st to November 30th inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds--The Haunts of Fish and Game", giving'Game Laws, Hunting Regulations, etc,, to C. E. Horning, Union Station, 44-tf Toronto, Ont. It Can Only Be Cured by Thoroughly Thoroughly Enriching the Blood Supply. Not so long ago rheumatism was looked upon as a pain in the muscles or joints brought on by exposure to dampness or bad weather. Now doctors doctors know that it is rooted in the blood, and while exposure may start the pain, nothing but the removal of the poisonous acid from the ■ blood will cure the trouble. It is a waste of both time and money to try to cure- rheumatism with liniments, poultices or anything that only goes skin deep. Rubbing lotions into the skin may give temporary relief, bpt it actually helps to circulate the poisonous acid more freely and thus in the end increases increases the trouble, and perhaps leaves the sufferer permanently crippled. crippled. The one cure, the only cure, for rheumatism is to drive the acid which causes the trouble out of the blood. To do this no other remedy can equal Dr.' Williams Pink Pills which actually actually make new blood, sweeps out the poisonous acid, loosens the stiffened, aching joints, and bring good health and comfort. Here is the proof. Mr. Joseph Crouse, of Ninevah, N.S., says: "For several years I was severely severely afflicted with rheumatism. The trouble sçemed to locate in all the joints in my body, and my suffering suffering at times was most intense, and | the disease greatly interfered with my j activity. I doctored steadily for a long time, but the trouble was obstinate and did not yield in the least to the doctors' treatment. One day a friend told me of some cures of rheumatism by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills and strongly advised me to try them. I did so and to my great surprise eight boxes completely cured me of the trouble, and I was as supple, active and free Yrom pain as ever I had been in my life. Better still, I have never felt a symptom of the trouble since." You can get these pills from any! medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents ! a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The ; Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CANADA NEEDS MORJÊ POULTRY Phone 78 J. H. Jury, agent. Notice Court of Revision FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF " BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. The Conc'-il of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville having constiucted as Local Improvements Improvements sewers on Scugog, Concession and Ontario streets, and Granolithic Pavements on Church, Horsey and Elgin streets. And a special Asiessment Roll for levying frontage. Tax for same has been prepared and is open for Inspection at the office of the Clerk for at lea-. a. en days next before the dav appointed appointed for the sittings of the Court of Revision. A Court of Revision will bi held on the 17th day of November, 1910, at 7.30 o'clock at the Council Chamber in said Town for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaints which persons interested interested may desire to make anil whicn is by law cognizable cognizable by'the Court. JOHN LYLE, Clerk. Dated at Bowmanville, Cctober SO, 1916. Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the Powers contained In a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction ON THK PREMISES, on TUESDAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1916, AT 2 P.M., by JAMES BISpHOP, AUCTIONEER, the following lands and premises--ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate situate lying and being in the Township of Cartwright, Cartwright, in the County of Durham, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement One Hundred Acres be the same more or less, and being composed of the North half of Lot Two, in the First Concession of the Township of Cartwright- Cartwright- On the said lands are said to be a Frame House and Bank Bam with Stone Foundation. There is also said to be some standing Timber on the lands. The said lands will be offered for sale subject to aHeserve^id. TERMS OF SALF.--Ten per cent of the,purchase the,purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale sufficient to make up 8500 to be paid within Thirty days after date of sale, and balance secured secured by first mortgage of the land, to be approved approved br mortgagee's solici'.or, payable $50 per year for four years and remainder at end of tfVe years, with interest at 6% per annum. Further particulars,ifesrms and conditions of sale will be made knowâàt the time of the sale or by apply-■ ing to the u$2ersigned, ; 'G-. D. CONANT, Oshawa, Out. Solicitor for Mortgagees, pated this 23rd day of October, 1916. '-1.1:3*- U Demand for Eggs in the British Market Is Unlimited. At no time in the history of the Dominion has the necessity for increased increased production of eggs and poultry poultry been more apparent than at the present time. The demand is unprecedented. unprecedented. This is true whether for export or for home consumption. Consumers generally and even pro- ! ducers themselves are eating more and | more eggs. The average per capita consumption of eggs in Canada this year will be greater than ever before. The market for Canadian eggs and poultry is very firm. Prices to pro- j ducers ape extremely high, but even at, these prices trade is increasingly ac-I tive all over the country. The pros-1 pects for a continued demand are ■ very bright. The country is facing' a shortage, not only of current re- j ceipts, but of Canadian storage stocks as well. So great has been the export export demand that we shall be obliged to import to meet our own requirements. requirements. Increased production has never rested upon a more secure foundation. That poultry on the farm are profitable profitable needs no argument. Eggs now rank as a staple article in the products of the farm. Poultry flocks can be increased materially without much additional additional outlay for buildings and equipment, equipment, and the increased labor involved is not such as will bear heavily upon the time of those charged with the care of the stock. Some object to the present price of feed, but when it is considered that the selling price of the product is from forty to sixty per cent. higher than it was two years ago, the margin of profit is such A Growing Custom The custom of placing Grape-Nuts on the table at all meals is growing in Canadian homes. Both children and grown-upe help themselves themselves to this delicious food as often as they Like. It contains the entire nutriment nutriment of wheat and barley, digests quickly, and is wonderfully energizing. Every table should have 4 its , daily ira#pji of aaKwiU.; .eempaze favorably with that obtainable elsewhere on' the farm. x Canadian egg producers have responded responded well to the call for increased production. The country as a whole which was importing eggs a few years ago, has, in the aggregate, produced more than sufficient for its own requirements requirements this year and last. Between Between seven and eight million dozen Canadian eggs were exported to Great Britain last year, and as an indication of what is going forward this year, nearly one million dozen were shipped shipped during the first week of October. Yet the supply on the British market is still short, and there is a demand for many millions more. Increased -production, more and better poultry, should be the motto of every Canadian form and homestead. Canada has all the requisites for the production of a quantity far in excess excess of her 6wn requirements, and with her favorable climatic conditions can, with proper care and attention, produce quality equal to the best in the world. Only the fringe of production production possibilities has been touched touched up to the present. The Western Provinces, with their volumes of cheap feed, are the natural home for the Canadian hen. The bulk of the surplus surplus at the present time comes from the provinces of Ontario and Prince Edward Island. -Nova Scotia., New Brunswick, and Quebec do not produce produce sufficient for their own requirements. requirements. They must do more; and there is now an opportunity for the Western Provinces of Manitoba, Sas- kachewan and Alberta to demonstrate to Canada and the Empire as a whole what they. can do in this connection in this great hour of trade expansion. The first experimental shipments of eggs from Winnipeg to the British market are either now or soon will be, on their way, and it is hoped that the increase in production in the Western Provinces in the ensuing year will be such as to warrant the opening up of a big trade in this direction. Eggs are scarce in Canada at the present time. Current prices are high, and a sharp decline immediately following the conclusion of the- War is not anticipated. When prices advance gradually, as has been the case in otaple food products, they decline slowly. It will take some years to re-esfablish the normal meat supply upon the markets of the world, and while prices of meats are high, peo- j pie will continue to use increasingly large quantities of eggs. This condition condition will naturally be reflected in the matter of price. This is the situation situation Readers may draw their own conclusions. Vet * 1 WMJme you wear *la •y« strain or et youjtHi* be r to Dr. Lei or yoü. Maay.wl ey have |mow t£at*eooîrdl were f«3l list reetorw thrbùgfttlià prt* itnlr wonderful free - 1 . with this liquid mwtblini 5 - oouldf-not ieo to readat «ill Nov I can wed everythin* : without ,anï Who ••eme •but after us H 1 ed •ed it, says : hasy .with or Without iln* this prescription .for tf- he atmosphere glasses, „ -, _ lpt1 jtsen days everythin* seems olsar. I can fine- print without glas ses." It in believed that thousands - who wear no Y discern them in reasonable reasonable time and multitudes mere will be able to strengthen their eyes aôaa to be fed the trouble and.expense of. ever- glasses. Bye troubles- of many 6ns may be wonderfully bérie- y following the simple rules. per cent In One Time In Many Instances. pto watsf wo to four times daîlÿ\ ee your eyes clear -- from- the. start. and quickly disappear. , tir 1 eyes , are bothering you, even' à little. _ take steps to save them now .before .before it is too lata Many hopelessly blind might have been saved ir they had oared: for their eyeeln time Note i Another, prominent Physician to whom the above article was submit- ted,- said : "Bon-Opto js a very remarkable remarkable remedy. Jtu constituent Ingredients are well known to eminent aye specialists specialists and widely prescribed by them. The ei time. lady PEAKS 11,000. FEET HIGH. money, good di a the It can be obtained from any druggist and Is one of the), very few preparations I feel should bo kept on hand for regular use in almost ever family." The Valmaa Drug Co., Store < Toronto, will fill your orders if you: druggist cannot. Consequently Germany must turn to Russia. "We entertain no idle dreams of Russo-German friendship; we should prefer to remove the word 'friendship' from such relations. But an understanding between Germany and Russia might be. reached on purely military grounds and on a basis of relative military strength." The Folly Of Taking Digestive Pills The Downtrodden Race Paddy (after holding forth at considerable considerable length on the wrongs of Ireland) Ireland) : " . . Faith, and it's Lib erty and Freedom we're wantin', sorr." Visitor to Dublin---"But what sort of liberty do you want, my friend, that you have not already?" Paddy (after profound thought)-- "Liberty--to--begorrah--liberty; to shpit in the trams!" A Warning to Dyspeptics. The habit of taking digestive pills after» meals makes chronic dyspeptics of many thousands of men and women because artificial digestents, drugs and , . . . med.icines have practically no influence ; market price of their animals, upon the excessively acid condition of j chow Tins boon oomincr tn fho front the stomach contents which tho I snow nas Deen coming to ..tne iront very rapidly and carries the best and largest exhibition of fat butcher stock Toronto Fat Stock Show. Farmers who have choice stock to market shortly would do well to enter enter in Toronto Fat Stock Show, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, December 8th and 9th, 1916, and secure some of the big premium offered in addition to This the stomach contents which is the cause of most forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. dyspepsia. The after dinner pill merely lessens the sensitiveness of the stomach nerves and thus gives a false sense of freedom from pain. If those who are subject to Indigestion, gas. flatulence, belching, bloating, heartburn, etc., after eating would get about an ounce of pure bis- urated magnesia from their druggist and take a teaspoonful in a little .water after meals, there would be no further neces- i sity for drugs or medicines because bi- I surated magnesia instantly neutralizes stomach acidity, stops food fermentation fermentation and thus insures normal, painless digestion by enabling the stomach to do its work without hindrance. in Canada, and this year promises to be better than ever. BABY'S OWN TABLETS used Yen years The Horrid Man!' She was giving him his conge. "Here," said she, "is your ring. I have decided that I can never be your wife. So the engagement's off, and I shall expect you to return, everything you may have in your posession that came from me." "All I have," said he, "is a lock of your hair and a photograph. I don't suppose you care anything for the A Patient Crew. Little Edna, who was watching the men working a piledriver in the lot photograph, but the lock of hair you opposite said to her mother: ' I m so w jn no doubt want to preserve as a sorry for those poor men, mamma; ' they've been trying and trying to lift out that big weight and every time they get it almost to the top" it falls right back again". Mrs. Gabb--I understand that the number of lady barbers is rapidly increasing. Her Husband--Shouldn't wonder ! It's a business in which women can "SUMMER THROUGH THE WINTER" XN CALIFORNIA. Get away from the cold, disagreeable winter. California temperature is from 60 to 75 degrees the year round. It is not expensive to spend the entire winter Mrs. C. E. Stilwell, Winthrope, Sask., writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the. past ten years and have found them so jgood for my ! while they work little ones that I always keep a box in the house." Mrs. Stilwell is one of thousands of mothers who always keep the Tablets - on hand. Once a mother haR used them for her little ones she would use nothing else. They 1 there. _ Bungalows rent from $23.00 per are absolutely, free from opiates and ; Special Winter Tour Pares. The injurious drugs and cannot possibly ' famous Los Angeles Limited, a fast, re- j . -l.__._- + _ J.-L,. rTTu_„. i fined and exclusive through train from do harm to the youngest child. They Chicago to Los Angeles, leaves Chicago are sold by medicine dealers or by ; 10.00 p.m. and arrives at Los Angeles 4.30 p.m. the third day--less than three days en route. - Write to B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., Chicago & North Western Ry„ 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. He will send you dis- criptive literature and train schedules. help you plan an attractive trip, and make reservations for you clear through to the Pacific CoasL--K --L X'- souvenir. "As a souvenir of what ? " "Of the time when you were brunette." Betwixt and Between. "Madam," said the doctor to the mother, "you should send this child to the country for several weeks each summer." "Yam sorry to say, doctor," she returned, returned, "that we are not rich enough for that." "Then," suggested the physician, "have her sent by the fresh-air fund." "Oh, doctor," exclaimed the woman, "we are not poor enough." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. GERMANY'S FUTURE. Which Nation Will They Befriend --- Britain or Russia? Russia or England--with which of these two countries shall Germany make up after the war? This has become a dividing question between two schools of thought in Germany, and a good deal of violent polemic is being wasted on the matter. Broadly Broadly the one school is radical and pro Quit<^ Bit. There's a différé: well informed and e between being nowing it all. r Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. Sfco. A Friend in J<feeff. "I'm thinking of goipg into the poultry poultry business." "Then I'm the very man you want gressive, and represented by the i to meet. . I can supply your needs Weed's Phosphodiae. 'reat J tnd Invi B system Vein*, rSA T~h* Great Sngliik' Remedy. Tone* and Invigorates the whole » nervoot system, makes new Blood -- r-'in old Veina, Owes Nervous MuUal arvd Brain Worry, Despon- L of Energy, Palpitation of the r Memory. Price $1 per box. rix pfUplease, six will core. Sold by all ed in plain pkg. on receipt of -- -- --1CJBOOO arty Whiter.) "Frankfurter Zeitung"; the other is reactionary, and its characteristic mouthpiece is the "Deutsche Tages- zeitung." In a recent issue the "Frankfurter" "Frankfurter" argued the possibility and desirability desirability of "an understanding with England" - after the war. England was warned not to count too much upon Russia. British democratic tendencies tendencies could not be arrested, and asked the "Frankfurter" ironically, "Shall then the Czar become a constitutional constitutional monarch and the Russian bureaucracy a mass of obedient clerks dependent upon Ministers chosen from among the members pf the Duma, isimply in order to please England?" No; intimacy between England and Russia was impossible, andean under- I'm thinking of going out of the poultry poultry business." If your boss is dissatisfied, just mention the fact to him. and perhaps he will permit you to resign. After Marriage. "Many disillusionments come after marriage. My fiance used to be fond of carving my initials on a tree.' "And now?" -'"He won't even carve a steak." • V• Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--In July 1916 I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was obliged obliged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept., 1906, Mr. Wm. Outridge of Lachute urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results and to-day I am as well as ever in my life. Yours sincerely, his MATTHEW x BAINES, mark. What They All Knew. "Strange, Mary doesn't' have any offers! She'd make some man a good wife." "Yes, but the trouble is, everyone knows, she'd make him a good husband, husband, too." Children's Bumps, Sprains and Minor Hurts 1 Quickly Relieved by Sloan's Liniment. It is the very nature of children to hurt themselves--to come crying to mother with little fingers bruised, standing -with Germany would better j heads bumped, -with sprained suit England^ interests/ As'fcrMhe hurts, too. But English side to any such bargain, the 1 their pain and siting can't survive the "Frankfurter" remarked . hopefully j-gentie use of this liniment. A single that "a certain last remnant of confi- l application of Sloan's Liniment Rnd-- dence must surely have remained even , the little fellow!s brayply kept back Minard's Uniment Cures Distemper " There's a Reason " Canadian Postum Cereal Go.. .Ltd., Windsor, OntT - V amongst enemies." Against this article the "Deutsche Tageszeitung" rages .violently. It der nounçes the picture of Englapd painted painted by the "Frankfurter" as utterly false. "The longer ihe war lasts, the clearer and less doutitfpl, it e becomes *to everybody that Gre^t Britain ;is pot tpnly th® ; organizer and, cause of :the war for .the. annihilation of Germany, but ajso jthe soul and driving force of the enpmy, coalition. Tile number of those who hesitate to' believe this is dwindling every day. Even in * the very heart of Social Democracy the. récognition has gained ground almost without exception that'England is the ene enemy--the soul of: our adversaries." adversaries." tears .give way to smiles. His hurt is relieved. In every home where there are children a bottle of Sloqp's Liniment is à necessity.. . Aching muscles, rheumatism, lumbago, lumbago, stiff neok, baokadhe, chilblains etc., can be offeetl velÿ relieved with Sloan's Liniment. Cleaner than mussy oinitmepits or plasters. - ' Sloan's Liniment can be obtained at all drug stores, 25c., Stic, and $1.00. rt/LL s p/\irs Subtle Impoliteness. "Bliggins always agrees with anything anything I say." "Yes It's his way of intimating that he doesn't consider your views sufficiently important to be worthy of an argument." Made Accessible by Kootenay Central Branch, CvPJt. The wonderful" icefields and eleven- thoüsand-feet-high peaks of the Pur-: ■cell range, which the construction of the Kootenay Central branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway has rendered rendered accessible to mountain climbers, are described and illustrated by Mr. C. W. Stone in the Canadian Alpine Journal fofr 1916. The approach to Mount Ethelbert, a peak which: arrests the attention at Spillimacheen Station, Station, seems almost to have . overwhelmed overwhelmed the writer with its beauty, j "Before us," he says, "lay a lake of exquisite blue color resting like ' a jewel in a setting between two rugged rugged peaks, which mirrored in the clear water, rose abruptly thousands of feet on either hand like grim guardians guardians of a lovely treasure. Beyond the lake the lifted eÿes rested on a terrace stretched across the valley like a giant curtain eighteen hundred feet above the lake,, down whose verdant verdant slopes two gleaming cascades traced their foaming course and filled the whole amphitheatre with the sounds of failing water. Still farther and higher in the background, great snow crests appeared, inscrutably looking down upon us." ' Three considerable parties of Alpine climbers, numbering nearly forty in all, mostly from the United States, made ascents in this- region during the' past summer on the -invita-^ ation of Mr. A. H. MacCarthy, an enthusiastic member of the Canadian Alpine Club, who has a fine ranch at Wilmer in the Windermere district. Under Mr. MacCarthy's leadership important explorations have been made up the various creeks, piercing- the eastern slopes of the Selkirk and Purcell ranges, Mr. MacCarthy being of the opinion that for interest and variety and spectacular beauty this mountain region is without rival on the North American Continent, and as soon as roads and trails are built will attract many tourists who have hitherto been content with the more beaten path of the C.P.R. main line. How to Get Rid Of Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness or Head Noise. If you have catarrh, catarrhal deafness deafness or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels you will be glad to know that these distressing symptoms can be entirely entirely overcome in many instances by the following treatment which you can easily prepare in your own home at' little little cost. Sequre from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). This will not cost you more than 75c. Take this home and add to it \ pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar ; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. A decided decided improvement is sometimes noted after the first day's treatment. Breathing Breathing becomes easy, while the distressing head noises, headache, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., gradually disappear under the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defective-hearing and mucus dropping in the back of the throat are other symptoms which suggest suggest the presence of catarrh and which are often overcome • by this efficacious treatment. Nearly ninety per cent of all ear troubles are said to be directlv caused by catarrh, therefore. there must be many people whose hearing can be restored by this simple home treatment. treatment. fcoJOHN HALIAH and receive highest cash prices. We send .. money the r eame day*- the fore are received. Charge noeommieelona--and pay all charges. Wo have paid out mlUlons'ol dollars to thou- sands ol trappers In Canada who send their - tars to us because they know they get a square "deal, and recel ve more money for their furs. You wlUalso. We buy more furs from trappers tor. cash,than any other five firms in Canada, nytnn Haliam'e.Trapper Guido (96pagoi) hit hr Hallam's Sportsmen's Catalogue 1 ItlJlJ Hallam's Haw Fur Quotations Hallam's Fur Style Book (32 pages) Bant free on request • Address as follows: JOHN HALLLimited P 202 HalJam Building, Toronto. 1 I i 1 SEED-POTATOES S EED POTATOES. IRISH COB- bier*. Delaware. Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write for Quotations. Quotations. H. W. Dawson. Brampton. FOR SALE 100 HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES at wholesale prices. Send for free sample offer and 1917 catalogue. Peoples Wholesale Supply, Dept. A, Barrie. Ont. . NEWSPAPERS FOR SAM P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices tor sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and Interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany. -71 West Adelaide -Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. internal - and external, cured without without pain: by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood. On*: <R a qnn no given away in V V. VV PKIZE money Classes for Boys, Farmers. Breeders and Feeders. Seventh Annual TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW Union Stock Yards December 8 and 9, 1916. Enter now and secure highest possible price in marketing your stock. Secretary's Secretary's address, care Union Stock Yards, Toronto. • - BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed free to any address by America's the Author Pioneer H. CUT GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on tlie " OTTO HIGSLU PIANO ACTION A Home Billiard Table Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor recreation during the long winter evenings. evenings. Our Famous Maisonette Table i . Is made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terms. BURROUGHES & WATTS, Lid. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto Worthy of Admiration. Her Dad--So you want to marry ' ^ my daughter. I like your nerve! Suitor--Well, sir, you ought to. I spent a whole lot of time working it up. Minard's Liniment .Cures Diphtheria. Most Painful. "Hallo, Newwedd, why so sombre ? " "Say, old man, I've made a very! painful discovery. My wife can't j sing." ' j "Painful ? Why, man you are to be ' congratulated." j "Alas, no! You see she thinks she, can." . If there were no such. thing as strife there would be no such thing ! as a peace. The easiest things in the world to forget are your other troubles when you have the toothache.. DODDS IKIQNEY \p,. Pi LIS ^ iM 1 j *• qi's> i.'ÿsSîSîfe (P Grannlated Eyelids", j Eyes inflamed by expo- j sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine I Eye^emédy. No Smarting, _ just Eye Comfort. . -At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SaIvcinTiibes25c. For Beok oHheEyeFrceask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicefl) len & For All Departments Steady Employment Good Wages apply MepaMitiMo, Ltl MERRITTON, ONT. 1 ED. 4. ISSUE 46--'18. Value of Publicity. In a recent Bulletin from the U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Mr. Gêo. M. Whitaker, in discussing ; the inspection of dairies shipping milk to cities, advocates advocates wide publicity for the scores. Progressive, cleanly milk dealers here in Canada would welcome stich publicity. publicity. Mr. Whitaker-says: "Publicity of scores is a stimulus to any dairyman, a valuable advertisement advertisement to the progressive producer, and often a great assistance to the consumer, consumer, Publication of scores encourages encourages the" better dairymen to continue continue to improve and calls public attention attention to the carelèss and -slovenly. The latter by loss of^customers or by act of the authorities should be forced out of business. They ought not to sell milk in competition with their neighbors neighbors who score high. "Sônsumers who takp an .interest in their milk supply-will note the standing standing of the different dairies and patronize patronize the dairymen who have good ratings; The quality of the milk supply supply of any city depends dit a large measure measure on the consumer, and he can do 'much to encourage the production of good milk." Better ân ounce of persuasion than Rank Injustice. "Pa," inquired a 7-year-old seeker after the truth, "is it true that school teachers get paid?" "Certainly it is," said the father. "Well, then," said the boy indignantly, indignantly, "that ain't right. . Why should the teachers get paid when us kids do all the work?'-' -1 to send some Zam-Buk to your soldier friend at the from. With the coming of cold weather, the men in the trenches all suffer, more or less, with chapped hands, cold cracks, chilblains and cold sores, end the soldier ■who has some Zam-Buk on hand to-apply Immediately Immediately any of these painful ailments -make their appearance, will be eaved hours of suffering. : pte. B. Westfield of "C" Company, Company, 3rd Worcester Regiment, writes: "We Tvish our friends would send us out more Zam-Buk. It is splendid for sore hands, cold cracks, cold sores, .etc. Nothing ends pain end heals so quickly as Zam-Buk, and being jermicffial, it prevents blood-poisoning. blood-poisoning. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25, all druggists druggists or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto.