JjËÊSfi JSISP Egi -ta - -4Œ.».-- -- -- -- ,-„. ,. -. .... „ V..?/ /<" -- ■•v#5L6^9y„ ..' - -f • .... - • -;•< - IBS® ■ -v rst-,-y-«■«?.. ■■..*w_ « ,*,n**M fggSSSPg v SjgSjgp ] L I Christmas is Coming! What about that cake and pudding ? Don't leave it too long--fruit is advancing in price. The new fruit will be dearer, but we have the best fruit in town. ' Come in and see for yourself. A tew specials for this week-end: Tea, our own blend, reg 40c for 33c Boy Scout Sardines, reg 10c 2 for 15c White Naphtha Soap, a good one 5c 3 lbs Starch, Laundry.... 23c 3 pkgs Corn Starch, reg 10c 3 for 23c Biscuits, reg 18c 2 lbs for 29c Japan Rice, reg 10c 3 lbs for 23c Highëst Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs ând Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN. Phone 43 Bowmanville Royal Souvenir Steél Ranges If you want a range that will bake right and save your time, labor and fuel, you should buy a Royal Souvenir Range. It is superior in every way, burns less 1 fuel than the ordinary range. We have on display a complete line of the latest designs. rice & co., Sole Agents Phone 66 Wood C I r m Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. -:0 E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 Your Food will cost you less! The great problem of every housewife--today, more than ever--is "How can I economize?" No doubt this is your problem, too. Let us help you. Our aim is to make it possible for you to buy good, fresh, wholesome groceries at the lowest cost. Many in this town and county are dealing dealing with us today because they know that not only are our groceries the best of their kind, but our prices are substantially substantially lower than they would have to pay anywhere else. If you are not already a regular customer of ours buy your groceries from us for one month and be convinced that "we serve you best. " HARRY ALLIN Opp- Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville c BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 9, 1916 ZION. The lecture and concert held on Nov. 7 was a great success, All the artists were present and every selection was well rendered and greatly enjoyed. Seldom is such a high class concert given in a country country community. The new piano lately purchased added much to the enjoyment I of the evening. SALEM Rev. Geo. Honey, St. Catharines, and sister, Mrs. Hurlbert, Manitoulin Island, visited at Mr. S. J. Honey's.... Mrs. Legeir, Toronto, visited at Mr. Alex. Wilkins Miss Ruth Squair, Toronto, spent the week-end at home... .Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pollard and Miss R. Bennett spent the week-end in Toronto.....Salem congregation are hurrying the building of the enclosed shed. Waffch for re-opening early in December. PROVIDENCE Mr. Ed. Prout, Sundayed with friends in Oshawa .Miss Phoene Collacutt, Tyrone, is visiting her sister Mrs. Jos. . Wight Several from this community I attended the Ploughing Match at Whitby Christmas boxes are being sent to our "Boys at the Front" from this appoint- I ment Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and child ren, Solina, visited recently at Mr. W. J. | Bragg's A Patriotic Concert will be given in the I church on Dec. I. consisting of choruses, readings and Patriotic Exercises by the school; also a play, entitled "The Making of Canada's Flag" by the young people. Miss Bessie Scott and Miss Katie Cochrane will also assist. Admission 20c and ioc. Table silver and plated wàreâ of the highest standard in the greatest variety are now on display here. Our Silverware standg for all that's good in quality, all that is rich in design, and the prices are squeezed down to the most modest pocketbook. Bread Trays $3.00 and up Cream and Sugars............$1.40 and up Butter Dishes...... $2.00 and up Casseroles ...$5.00 and up Bakers, Biscuit Barrels, Fern Dishes, Comports, and a host of other good things too numerous to mention.. If you are contemplating contemplating making a wedding or birthday gift, see us at 7 he Store of 'Best Service DARLINGTON Base Line S. S. are holding a Red Cross ! Day Sunday, Nov. I2th. Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, M. P., of Oshawa and Rev. R. A. Delve of Ebenezer, will give addresses. Mr. R. Henderson, Oshawa's popular solo- st, will sing. Collection in aid of Red I Cross. Concert to be at 3 p. m. See the variety of washing machines at IF. O. Mason's. Mrs. F. H. Frost and daughters, Hilda I and Winnifred, have gone to their home I at Scott, Sask Mr. Jas. Pearce autoed Mr. and Mrs. J. Abernethy to Port Hope I Sunday to see their son, Pte. Jas. Aber- I nethy, who is still seriously ill.... Miss Mary Trull is visiting her sister Mrs. A. j McKnight, Selby... .Steam plowing demonstration demonstration at Whitby on the R. J. Flemming Flemming farm was t he great attraction last week, and was largely attended from this I section. HAMPTON AUCTION SALES SATURDAY) N O V. 11--Mr. Richard Ingram, Cburch-st, next to Town Hall, Bowman Bowman ville, will sell all of his household furniture and furnishings including new Kitchen Cabinet and new Parlor Cook _Art Treasure. Sale at I o'clock. L. . ff, TOLB, auctioneer. The work of the Bible Society was presented presented to Cobourg citizens Sunday by Rev. W. E. Hassard and Rev. Jesse Gibson, Toronto. Rev.W.E. Hassard preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and in the Methodist church in the evening and Rev. Jesse Gibson preached in the Baptist church in the morning morning and in the. Congregational church in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wray have rented Mr. Jennings new house and will move in soon....Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs W. E. Clarke on the arrival of a daughter daughter Miss Brown and Miss Hilda Cry- derman assisted at the concert at Zion Tuesday evening... .Mr. Roy Metcalf, Maple Grove, was guest of Mr. A. Tren- outh. _. .Mr. Chas. Hastings is making improvements improvements and additions to his residence ....Mr. Fred Corden's house is nearing completion Pleased to hear Rev. Geo. Brown able to occupy his pulpit Sunday evening. A large appreciative congreg j ation greeted him We have the New Hymnal in our Sunday School.... Mr. anc Mrs. Wm. Jackman, Mrs. S. J. Jackman, Mr. Lome Jackman, Bowmanville, were recent guests of Mr. Edwin Reynolds ....The Consecration meeting at the Ep worth League Friday evening was in charge of Miss Hilda Cryderman. Scripture Scripture lesson read by Miss Frances Clat- worthy. The topic "Prayer" was given in a well-prepared paper by Mrs. Fred. Allin. Readings bearing on the topic were read by Misses Evelyn Currie and Mildred F. ] Cole. A mixed quartette--Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, Mrs. Jesse Cole and Mr. T. Salter sang "God answers prayer". _ A I very interesting and profitable evening was spent. TYRONE In spite of the storm of Tuesday evening evening anumber were present at the Hallowe'en Hallowe'en party given by the Win One class. Singing and reciting by Miss Caldwell, Miss Slemon and Master John Thomas was very much appreciated by all. Local talent proved that they could take their part creditably. Program was repeated Friday evening. Proceeds over $13.00. One of the aged residents of Darlington in the person of Mrs. John Colwill passed j away early Monday morning at the residence residence of her son John where she has reified reified since the death of her husband in 1909, her grand-daughter, Miss Vera Colwill Colwill giving her every care and attention.- Deceased was born in Whitestone parish, Devon, England, in 1823 and with her late husband came to Canada in 1846. She leaves to mourn the loss of a good mother, four sons, William of Hanley, Sask., Thos. G. of Whitby, John at Holbeck, Sask., Joseph at Lemberg, Sask., and one daughter, daughter, Mrs. John Vice, Davidson, Sask. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to Bethesda Cemetery, Rev. J. E, Beçkel officiating^ Miss Nellie Scorgie, Oshawa, at Mr. W. I Worden's; Miss Margaret Pollock, Kirby, I at Mr. A. E. Clemens; Mr. Stanley Avery, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Oke's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Oshawa, Sundayed at Mrs. G. Phare's; Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa, at Mr. L. Skinner's; Miss Emily and Mr. Thomas Goodman, Columbus, Columbus, at Mr. Luther Goodman's; Mrs. Harry Hooper, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Hooper's; Mr. Sames Morris, Toronto, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findly, Miss lia Wyld, Mr. Jas. Ash, Unionville, at Mr. Ed. Virtue's Sunday; Mrs Byron Moore with her sister Miss Emmerson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, who has been quite ill; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woodley and Mr. L. Skinner with friends at Oakwood; Mr. William Rundle, Exeter, at his brother's Mr. John Randle's; Mrs. Wesley Souch, Bowmanville at Mr. A. Hawkey's; Mr. and Mrs. Will. Virtue and daughter Grace, at their son's Mr. Chas. Virtue, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton have moved to Bowmanville; We are very sorry to loose them from our village Epworth League Rally service Sunday evening. Every person come and hear the interesting program Woman's Institute meets Wednesday Nov. 15th at the home of Mrs.W. R. Clemens. Everybody Everybody welcome. Mrs. J. L. Powers, Orono, who has been attending her mother, Mrs. S. Hugh- son, sr., Oakwood, returned home Thursday.--Lindsay Thursday.--Lindsay Post. Jeweler. Successor to C* H. Haddy Watchmaker. - Engraver. WALL PAPERS A Special Sale of Remnants / 6c, 8c, and 10c rolls, four patterns, suitable for any room, originally sold at from 10c to 25c per roll, your choice for 3c and 5c per roll, according to quantity, which is exceptionally cheap in these times of paper stringency. It will pay yon to buy now They won't last long at these prices. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dealing with the Public. During this long period of years I have always endeavored to give the public the very best services. From the fact that . my business has grown each year is proof that my efforts have been appreciated. If you are not already one ôf my customers I will appreciate it very much to have your next trial order. A Few Suggestions Breakfast Bacon, CodÉed Ham, Tongue, Beef, Sausage, r Weiners, specially cured for our trade. Fruit We are headquarters for Fruit You will want Granulated Sugar. Get our special price this week. Remember we pay the, highest price for all produce. Phone 65 Al*Chie T3lt, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House m a . as "Are You Bald?" "Have you thin and Faded Hair?" Is your appearance not what it should be because of the lack of Hair ? Then come and see PROF. DORENWEND'S Display of FINE HAIR GOODS at The Hotel Bowman, Bowmanville ON Friday» November 24th The latest productions in LADIES' TRANSFORMATIONS, POMPADOURS, POMPADOURS, WAVES, ETC., and mm mm* mmm "FOR MEN WHO ARE BALD 11 THE DOREN WEND TOUPEE which represents the highest achievement achievement in the art of hair constructing. constructing. Featherweight, hygenic and so natural in appearance that the closest observer could not tell it from your own hair. They cannot cannot be disturbed or removed except at the wearer's wish. NOT A FAD BUT AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY NECESSITY TO EVERY MAN WHO IS BALD. Have a demonstration on Friday, Nov. 24 (ONE DAY ONLY) "DORENWEND'S" Head Office ,& Showrooms 105 Yonge-st., TORONTO Snaps IÏK We have in stsoek two large quarter-cut oak sideboards that are the very best of quality and workmanship, large British British bevel glass. They only have one fault and that we are going to remedy. They were too high priced for quick sellers. Next Friday wè will put them in the window, mark them down and will reduce them |$1.00 every day at 10 a.m. until somebody somebody buys. Now if you cannot, come in after seeing them, phone, and the first party sending in the order will get them. We will gladly answer any phone inquiries. Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention day or night Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville _ i Insure Harry Cann, Insurance and Real Estate Phone 50. Bowmanville. Mr. A. C. Gould, who has been a much respected resident of Cobourg for tbe past twenty years, has gone Picton where he expects to reside. His sister, Miss Gould, has gone to Toronto to reside. 0UR QUALITY of Fresh Meats, Poultry, Sausage, Ham, Bacon arid Cooked Meats is--always No. 1. Leave a trial order and see if we cannot please you. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville F. A. HAPPY & SON OYSTER WEEK ■J . . Everybody should eat^oysters this week. Oysters raw, oysters stewed, oysters fried, oysters escalloped, oyster patties, or oysters any way you like them--but eat oysters. Z Oysters are healthful and nourishing, and with the present high prices for meat and fish, they are not extravagant. \ . F. A. Haddy <fc Son have made arrangements with the largest dealers in Canada who do an exclusive oyster business and guarantee guarantee the quality to be unexcelled. We get them just as they are shucked at the oyster beds--solid meat, no water--and sell them the same. The price may be a little higher than inferior goods or those with water added, but they are worth it. K Try us out and be convinced. A F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville ■& 1 Mrs. W. G. Webster, Cambra v, and Mrs. Richard Ferguson, Oakwood, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Wm. Fôléy. Hampton Mills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past .patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Phone 129 r 6 tm z I I ' Xx2 ... > >• * T '; ■-.-L' i. > îütig, jagxjv iiiiîMMÉP lÊilÉ! . I Ü ÊÊ - :v IhÊEIIIÎ É <-ÊÊÊSÊtb' lÉÉ v fill iSÈÈÉÈÊÊISfe-: / J jfël .-i,'- - & r>. ■■ ■' mmrn K&Si