It Is one of the delicious "good things" that has a real food value. A shoe of your good homemade bread, spread with "Crown Brand", forms tly balanced food, that is practically all nourishment. So--let them have it on biscuits and pancakes, and on their, porridge if they want it. You'll like it, too, on Griddle Cakes--on Blanc Mange and Baked Apples. And you'll find it the most economical sweetener you can use, for Cakes, Cookies, Gingerbread and Pies. Have your husband get a tin, the next time he is in town--- a 5, 10 or 20 pound tin--or a 3 pound glass jar. THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED MONTREAL., CARDINAL. BRANTFORD. FORT WILUAM. '1'lilIHlUi,, Makers of "Lily Whitt'" Com Syrup--Benton's Com Starch-* 'Inifllffl'llll aru * "Sdver Gloss" Laundry Starch. 22 0 Our new recipe book, "Desserts and Candies", will show you how to make a lot of really delicious dishes with "Crown Brand". Write for a copy to our Montreal Office. About the House Useful Hints and General Informa* tion for the Busy Housewife of warm water handy," and~üip the brush into it occasionally. This ..pré-ï vents the dust» from rising, 7 and .makes the colors look clear and bright.- F e P^i .of potatoes, .after' being; dried in. thé oven, will light the fire quickly instead of using wood, thus saving expense, and being more healthy than if allowed to stay in the dustbin. For a shabby umbrella take half a cupful of strong tea and two tablespoonfuls tablespoonfuls of sugar, open the umbrella and sponge well. The tea will revive revive the color and the sugar stiffen the material. An old sponge which is -almost worn out and falling to pieces can be made to last almost as long again if a bag is crocheted with some soft knitting cotton, and the sponge placed in it, the ends being crocheted together. As the cane chair seats get out of shape, turn up the seats, and with hot water and soap, wash thé cane work until thoroughly soaked, and leave the chairs to dry upside down in the air, when the seats will become firm and tight again. The tip of a kid glove finger maybe stretched over the knob on the lid of pots and pans. This to prevent teaspoon soda. Mix together in order given and bake in a slow oven. - , t,~ ' " Frost with icing of confectioners' sug- ! î?" nm £ fingers when they are Mted ar, cocoa and milk mixed to a thick --I Economical Dishes With Ham. i ham. With the shank end of the No matter what the vegetarians may I ham y° u can serve braised ham and say, and no matter how earnestly we sausages, and with the other slice may be assured that meat is unneces cary and that it is one of the most expensive expensive forms of food, we all keep on eating it and,* incidentally, growling about the price, so maybe we may find some consolation and some profit in the consideration of the capabilities of a h?.m. and with the other creamed ham and hominy. Braised Ham.--Puti the ham in lukewarm water and soak over night. paste. Molasses Cake.--1 egg, % cup sug- ■ ar, 2-3 cup lard, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sour milk, 3 scant cups flour, 2 tea-spoon tea-spoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix together in order given and bake in a slow oven. Apple Sauce Cake.--Cream together together one-half cup lard and one cup sugar. sugar. Add one cup raisins, one-quarter teaspoon each of salt and nutmeg, one- half teaspoon of cloves and one fcea- from the stove. And you can use the same "stunt" for the handle of the coffee or tea pot. To remove a blood stain made by a pricked finger on any silk material, place about four inches of white sewing sewing silk in the mouth and moisten. Then roll into a ball and rub the spot gently, and tbi stain will disappear as if by magic. Just try it and see. The Point of View. "This man," exclaimed the lawyer during the course of a trial in the West, "is not insane, and never has been." To keep him in an asylum is a blow directed against human rights, an assault upon the sacred institution of liberty, and-- "But," interposed the court, "did you not prove some weeks ago, when j the defendant was on trial for murder, ! that he has been from birth an insane person?" The lawyer smiled in a w^-y: "Surely," he said, "your honor would not have it believed that this court is on the intellectual plane of that jury." enjoy, In your own home, as - smooth, clean and comfortable a shave as the city man, or as anyone else in this broad Dominion ? Why shouldn't you ov/n and use the keenest,.speediest, most convenient shaving tool in the world--the superior HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY. spoon each of cinnamon, lemon and Corn Cure. Then remove the bone carefully and two^tablespoon^of °b"iling water, then stir it No man or woman shou'd hobble painfully painfully about because of corns when so cer- I tain a relief is at hand as Holloway's with enough cold Marrying for money is about as i No person with any sense disputes the wisdom of depositing money in a savings bank and earning three per cent, per annum, but what a good business business man cannot understand is, why it should be allowed to remain there and left to accumulate at that rate. Money to-day is certainly worth more than that, but the difficulty is, into one cup of ! ® asy . a way not to ^ et lt as for it. put in a saucepan water to cover it, together with 1 car- j tort" apple' sauce! Combine with rot and 1 omon, clean and chopped, and ; mamei mixture beat in t " ^ ! «Only once during its whole history •'T'h'TVS . 1 teaspoonful . of : one „ half of and ba £°in a ' mixed herbs, tied together m a bit of | modprate n 2. pn cheeseclqth. Simmer gently for two j and a half hours, when the ham T1 - t? n Use For Old Papers. ^ Ve can almost hear you exclaim: ZïlÏ E h„l S dMr ^ " iS - bu \ itiS ? Cra Hand a half hours, wueu une nam bit of waste about-if. Everv particle i s !"" ld 1,6 , qu ; te fender Chop up 1 of the meat can be used and'hambon'i aha ! Iot and * y ™ °" e * a,f °™ ce of m oL-oc j v • J 111 U " 11C ; butter, not allowing it to get brown.., . . „ - cour. 63 'ît t,L th C „',° US ° r ! Pour thi3 °™r the ham and cook for i fee ' wonderfully. à hiv nroL!,>7 % th 4 a "n°l e ha . m t 1S : another twenty-five minutes, then take ! ,. 2 -, A soft newspaper will polish! handle but « is possiblHo buy" half" i Up ' cut into fairly thick slices and ; '? mdoWS - and Iamp chimneys better has the Bank of England had temporarily temporarily to suspend payment. !• If the soles of boots are thin, a few layers of .paper will protect) the : a. ., v -, .. range around a dish, each slice over- ! cloth. I • i . . . g n . e ^ ole, there! i ap pi n g other, and put in the oven! °f newspaper, folded It keen- wel? and 'In V n 3 "7*' f ° r ! t>0 kee l> hot while preparing the sau- ev ™ly and placed under the stair car- : I™ k ft • 7 ed m S #j sages to go with this dish. a ' ea = h tread, may cheaply be! U becoming "° danger of Par boU one pound of sausages, cut made *°f ake 'he Place of felt. _ : . _ j them into rounds, brush with the yolk; j' ^ damped newspaper torn in bits t ia a good plan to leave a ham ] D f an egg, dip in bread crumbs and ; ai ? d scattered over a dusty carpet steeping in cold water for a few hours) f ry . " Then pile a mound of mashed ! X lU take up dust and dirt better than efore boiling, so as to make it more^ potatoes in the center of the ring of, sa ^ or tea leaves. j delicate m flavor by removing some of j ham slices , dot the sausage rounds ! , 5 - Paper folded and Placed over ! the brine. Then put it down in cold | neatly over the potatoes in the in- ! the chest 18 a 2 reat Protection on a : wa er and bring slowly to the boil, ! terstices of the ham and serve veryL c0 !^ drive. j keeping it simmering gently until ' hot I Faper is preferable to cloth for 1 cooked; but be sure not to let it cook; H am Pastry.--Mince six ounces of removin f black from the outside of: too quickly or it will _ be tough and j cooked ham and mix • with one-half ! pot ? and pans. The paper can then | The best sugar for the sugar bowl is Lairiic Sugar to gamble : * ke avera S e person does not know how to invest it safely. There is a way open to every healthy person to invest his money without any risk, which may bring him or his family a thousand per cent., and no matter what the result, cannot bring him less than three per cent, interest, and that is by taking out an endowment life insurance policy'in the Crown Life Insurance Company of Toronto. The moment you pay your first premium you create an estate of the full value of your policy. Should you die within within a year your estate will receive a thousand per cent, on your investment; investment; if you live to'the maturity of your policy you will have returned to you more than principal and three per cent, interest. Can there be any comparison between between leaving your money on deposit in a savings bank or buying a policy in the Crown Life? Write the Head Office at Toronto for literature. The thin Gillette Blades, èlèctricaliy hardened, honed with diamond duct, stropped In wonderful automatic machines, cany an edge whose uniform, lasting keenness has never been matched. The curved Gillette head holds them rigid--guarded--adjustable by a turn of ..the handle for a light or close shave. With the Gillette there's no need for, honing, stropping, or careful working round'the chin or angle of the jaw ! There are no preliminaries--the razor' is ready for business--you just pick it up and shave, with the easy angle stroke, in five minutes or less. The Gillette "Bulldog", "Aristocrat" and Standard Sets cost $5--Pocket Editions $5 and. $6--Combination Sets $6.50 At Hardware, Drug, Men's Wear and Jewelry stores. up L 220 Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Factory i GILLETTE BUILDING, MONTREAL. ^bbage is to be cooked ; cup breadcrumbs and seasoning. Add ! be burned mth the ham, the meat should be put j enough milk to make a stiff paste. | 7 ' • a ;/,v mUteS , ea / he V han otk ® r- i Line a greased, dish with short pastry £ Twin > Up , bef< ? re vegetable i or with mas hed potatoes, put in the . ? f water, because the wat-: ham mixture and bake in a hot) oven. t , j 01 rapidly ^be. Boil two eggs hard, separate the yolks ham v-' _ > H W0Ul d spoil the and w hites, chop separately and then w; i, ^ the sprinkle the pie wiïh them, putting ïnd niif in tb d ' the + n draw , to one Slde ; the yolks in the center and the whites W P b • ag3m i° qU L te abound the edge. Cover with a well- skin A P 5-° Per 1 d0ne 1 h -î : ceased paper and put back in the sxm can milled off easily, and it; • . . , . .., , , should then hi dredged with flour and! T l ust *° , h , eat thr ° u ÿ aad «"ve. browned in the oven While « is b" 1 » SaT ° ry Pudd ™E--Mahe a paste of ing browned, the cabbage -uVT! four ounces o£ finel y cho P p = d suct ' A newspaper under the churni will keep milk off the floor when,' churning. e I 8. The range may be kept bright : and clean by rubbing with soft news- i papers after each meal. j Spread a paper on the kitchen tabled when doing any mussy work or when ; dishing the dinner. It is a great help 1 in keeping the table clean should be of flour, a pinch of salt and S ve^'hot ?» ™ aka a = tiff ?«»«*• nipnor! in i-b Q T V . Roll out, and in the middle put one- piacea m the center. If you want 1. i* j . , , j , , cow» -u half pound cooked ham. minced finely, to serve the boiled ham cold, it ousrht j --• j , , J 1 to be allowed to get cold in the water ! a ? d -T? T °?î hal î, in which it was cooked. i ° f herks - and 1 wel^beaten egg. , , , . .1 hold the paste over, wet the edges to , . , v, .° and 0 ^ e *L a ^ inch thick slice,! make them stick and boil in a well- which is to be broiled or baked, should floured cloth. Be sure the watér is ÏLlrîîll a l fQl ° WS ' and Served with j boiling when you put the pudding in. and keep it boiling for one arid a half caramel sauce: riolf 1 a i n< fb W * P Ü 8bce °I ham with i hours. If you use a gas stove" this b P ^ ^ a ? an en " n °t a very economical dish, as it Pnfi h , C ° f WBt ^ r 4-° b ^ r !l y C0Ver lL ! a Jong time for cooking, but if ^ f y j or .. minutes, 1 done in a steamer at the same time as nWpa inf fb 5 -X e or S1X the vegetables the one burner does for cloves into the fat. Hit into a bak ing tin and dust very lightly .with pepper, pepper, and cover with two tablespoonsful of flour mixed with one-half a cup of. brown sugar. Bake in a very hot oven for thirty minutes, adding a cup all, and it is not then extravagant. Four Good Receipes for Cake. One-Egg Cake.--% cup butter, of cold water as soon as it begins to; cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 2-3 cups flour, 1% brown and basting^once or twice. When! level teaspoons of baking powder, % quite tender, take out, put in a border cup milk. Cream the butter, add of mashed potatoes and keep hot while making the caramel sauce. Caramel Sauce.--To the contents of gradually the sugar and then the well- beaten. egg. Mix and sift the flour and baking powder Add alternately the baking pan add a cup of cold wat- ! with the milk to the first mixture, er, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, 1 table- Bake thirty minutes in a moderate spoonful of flour blended with a little little cold water and 1 tablespoonful of caramel. Boil all this together for about three minutes and serve in a separate sauce boat or pour over the oven. Cocoa Cake.--1 egg, 1 cup sugar, % cup of lard, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 teaspoons teaspoons cocoa, 1 cup sour milk, 2 scant cups flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 Think of It-- People cut out tea or coffee before retiring 1 when these beverages interfere with sleep. In the morning they drink freely of them, strangely overlooking the fact that at whatever time of day the cup is drunk the drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee, is irritating^to the nerves. More and more people are turning to Instant Postum the drug-free, nourishing, comfortable 'cereal dfthk. " There's a Reason " Canadian Postum Cereal bo., Ltd:, Windsor, Oni. . Its-purity and "fine" granulation giyë it the highly sweetening sweetening power. It dissolves dissolves instantly in your teacup or on your breakfast cereal. Things Worth Knowing. Always use bread crumbs in pre- It is harmful to silk stockings bo iron them. Mud stains should be soaked in kerosene. Oysters are better fried in oil than in lard of butter. A good cook is known by her clever use of left-overs. Anything placed in cold water will cool more quickly if salt be added to the water. When 1 a bottle of milk e sours, seize the opportunity to use it for doughnuts. doughnuts. A cut lemon will remove the mark , made by striking matches on white paint. ! ference to cracker crumbs when fry- ; ing oysters. j The housekeeper should bring all the sunshine and fresh air into the ! home that she possibly can. Save all the scrap's from the table for the chickens. They enjoy them and it gives variety for them. i Bread made from the true and un- ! denatured whole-wheat flour is a true nerve, blood and bone food. ♦ ' To do away with the sound of~a watch or clock in the sickroom, place' (I it under a tumbler of a bowl. | ac Keep a pumice stone near the ^ 'kitchen sink. It is excellent for ^ cleaning scorcred spots off cooking! )[ utensils. ! |U A slice of potato is an excellent thing to clean white oilcloth which has become disfigured by hot cooking utensils. When the cake in the oven is ready for a final browning, a newspaper tucked into th& firtj will do. the work. 4*.. ,. When boiling - vegetables never &!- / jj Listeri 2 and 5-Ib Cartons 10 and 20-lb Bags The All-Purpose Sugar 99 Suicide Decrease. The number of suicides in the city of Paris has decreased 15 or 20 a week since the war began. It has been suggested that this disease is due to curiosity, every, orie being . so anxious to see whaC/the outcome of the war will be 'that they refrain from taking their own lives, hoping for a French victory. CAPT. DUMAS OF FRANCE. Him E f &7iè name that stands for j^ v Quplîty jn Farm Machinery LISTER ENG IKES ARE BRITISH BUILT Have the Largest sale in _the British Empire. 2.5.&7&9 HP. On Skids or Truck. S High Tension Mhcfruetb Ignitior^ ja ' Automatic Lubricaalon. THE LISTER low" them to stop boiling until they - are done, or they will be soggy and 4 hettvy. Starched clothes must be dried quickly if they are to retain their stiffness, and flannels if they are not IlS' GRINDER to shrink. / I If soft-boiled eggs remain from* breakfast, boil 'them'"bird at once; then they are ready to use in salads or fish sauces. A good way of keeping one's coata. arid"dresses slightly scented is by ty- : ing bags of layender at the ends 1 of clothes hangers. I If-your umbrella handle comes out, flnstCTfd of gluing on the handle try wiadtog a torleàd -arbund the «tick and then , screwing cm this handle. When brushing carpets have a basin , Sprayers, Milkers, Threshers, àpreqjt Electric Light Pmnts, MeIotte Creeun Separators. Wrttf Sar Cètétogue faHpt £ - R*À*LI S TER' fir Co.Limite'd TORONTO 1 Nation Delights to Consider Typical of French Spirit. Jean Dumas was 66 when the war broke out, and the French Government Government would not let him fight, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, in telling the story of his death. He besieged the recruiting offices till he became somëwhat of a nuisance; and when he was convinced of the futility of further pleading he made a hasty pilgrimage into Belgium. In Belgium Dumas was received as a volunteer member of the Belgian army. Almost Almost immediately he was captured by the Germans. And almost immediately he made his escape. France could riot now reject him, and he fought in the French army at the battle of the Marne, where he received six wounds. He recovered in time^to participate in the Dardàrielïes campaign, where he was not wounded. After the Anglo-French Anglo-French withdrawal from Turkey, Dumas went with his regiment to Sa- ! loniki. Severely wounded in a skirm- j ish- with the Bulgarians in the Vardar j valley, he was sent home to recover, j At the beginning of the Verdun battle battle Dumas was again facing the Germans. Germans. Once more he was wounded, and the great battle proceeded without without the aid of this determined veteran, But once more he recovered, and was in the front ranks when the battle of the Somme began last July. Near Clery he was wounded for the ninth time, and hé died nine days later; France delights to consider Duriras as typical of the French spirit and the French nation of to-day. France, too, is persistent; ànd France has displayed a power --of recuperation as amazing as that of Dumas; But because because France is imade up > of many men like Dumas France doubtless ;will live.' Thé Bombardment. "Bang!" went the rifles at the manoeuvres. manoeuvres. 'Oo-oo ! ' ■ screamed the prefcty girl-- a nice, decorous, surprised little scream.. She stèppeti backward into the arms of a young (man. "Oh," said she,. blushing; "I was i frightened by the rifles. I beg -your pardon." "Not atrall," said the young man. "Let 1 * go over and watch the artillery." artillery." ■ • .; ---- ■»-••• --- Politic Politeness. Mother--Harry, you must remember remember never to ask fdr a seebnd piece of cake. Harry--I wouldn't if I could get two piecès instead of one. GOOD DIGESTION-- When yon? digestion is faulty, weakness and pain are certain and disease is invited. FOR I40YEARS Tee Studied REMEDY Mother Seigel'e Syrup corrects and stinpdstw the digestive organs, and banishes the many-' ailments which arise from indigestion. FOR STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE iLJ? 7815 At all Druggists, ordirectonreocipt of price, S0ç. and $1.00. The lante bottle contains-thrce as! much as the smaller. A. J.- WinTK & Co. Limited, Craig Street West Montrasl. Underwear S LIPPING into a suit of Penmans is satisfying-- the ma terial feels good,and you feel good* about it, because because you know as fat as underwear is concerned concerned you are following following the precedent of our best dressed Women. All styles, all weights all right. Penmans Limited Paris Also Makers of Hosiery and Sweater Coata <7/ À- The cheapness of Mothec'Graves* Worm Exterminator puts It Witjnn reach of a' e and it cairbe got at Any druggist's. i v,. r FIVE FLOUR FORBREADS-CAKES-PUDDINGS-PASTRIES' 1