BEST BY TEST I Getting Their Goat. The useful but pugnacious goat could be bought in Germany before the war for a sum varying between 20 and 25 marks ($4.75 and $5.95). Now would-be purchasers have to part with 200 marks ($47.60) before they can obtain their favorite article of diet. In this connection a Berlin newspaper cites the case of a person who advertised that he had a gbat for sale on war terms. The next day he received 46 postal orders for 200 marks, but when the "lambs" called at his : >puse they found neither, goat nor vendor. AT THE BATH HOUSE a ■ A PERSONALS. Ontario Women. Chatham, Ont. --"Some time ago I had a general breakdown. It terminated in S uite a bad case, , >r. Pierce's Favor- t , ue Prescription wai ffzfrr_recommended to glSnVf me by a friend who g&jfgK- used it and received -fizëSgg much benefit. I be- -' gan taking it and in six months I was yÿ completely cured of : ft my ailment and ^ . ' have never had any •r return of same. I cv -/ / <-•■.- can recommend this medicine es being good, if one will give it a fair trial."--Mrs. John Ackert, 67 Lines, sent- by Lsnce-GoipcF^k Bert Honey from jr SomewhereinBtisiüm". In a village near here there's* bath house Of which I're a sad tale to tell; ; They send soldiers there who need washing And some who want scribbtag as well. They give 6t cold water,, With which y ou wash offthe dirtil And when you've dried on an old towel They give you a sterilized shirt They have shirts, shirts, all kinds of shirts, Shirts that are little and tall, Shirts of all patterns, thin ones and fat ones And shirts that are not shirts at all. Shirts of old blouses, seats of old trousers And shirts that arc old women's skirts. Shirts that have roughed it, since Welling-, ton toughed it Are issued to soldiers as shirts. They serve you out pants in the bath house Which shrivel when water comes nigh I once saw a pair of old trousers That shrank to an evening dress tie. I've seen men's pants start a shrinking Until he's been gasping for breath, Shrink from his knees to his wind pipe And shrink till they choke him to death. They have pants, pants, all kinds of pants, Don't judge a man by his pants, Some have no knees in 'em, all have got flees in 'em June bugs and beetles and ants. . Pants trimmed with fret work, moth holes and net work Pants that would fit elephants, Rags used by waiters for straining potatoes Are issued to soldiers as pants. For vests they give you a shirt without uppers The kind you buy by the peck, Vests you put on with a shoe horn, Or else slick your legs through the neck. That some vests.should have old age pensions pensions You cannot deny is the truth, The one I have on is a night cap My grandfather wore in his youth. Vests, vests, all kinds of vests, Vests cheap at-four-pence an ounce, Vests trimmed with fret work, moth holes and net work, And vests with a tortoise shell flounce. Vests from the trenches and vests full of stenches, Some have passed bullet proof tests Steel helmets and gas are all lumped in one class, And are issued to soldiers as vests. RAMBLES IN DEVON women tried and roots and ol or narcotic, nt. In either rite Dr. Pierce, s. Y., to-day for Edgar St., Chatham, Ont. At the hrst symptoms of any derangement derangement at any period of life the one safe realh- _ helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Thçussnds of women in Canada have tairKî it with unfailing success. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial. For headache, _ backache, hot flashes, mental depression, dizziness, faintiag S ells, lassitude and exha ould fail to take true wordazra medicine. Prepared from natur herbs, it contains no ale nor any harmful ingr tablet or liquid forrp. •Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, free medical advice. ^ f Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets not only the original but the beat Little Liver Pills, first put up over 40 years ago, by Dr. H. V. Pierce, have been much imitated but never equaled, as thousands Crest. They're purely vegetable, being made up of concentrated concentrated and refined medicinal principles principles extracted from the roots of American plants. Do not gripe. One or two for stomach corrective, three or four for zathartic,. ■ Weed's Phospkodiae, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old reins. Cures A'errotis Debit it y . Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Ifsaln, Fading Memory. Price SI per box, sir forts. One will please, Mr will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed In" plain pkg. on receipt of price. Nnc pamphlet mailed. frie.-'TfSX WOOD MUICINE CO M TOIOKTO, 0XT, (Ftnwrfj WlarfwJ Continued from last week, Tuesday I decided to go to Lynton. I was down to the station in good time. This little railroad was built by a small company and is called the Barnstaple and Lynton Railway Co. It is a narrow guage track the rails being about 3 feet apart so as to save expense in the fil s, there being quite a number, some quite deep. This train wasn't very speedy--only 20 miles j in 90 minutes. Lynton is"a lovely little I town situated on an elevation on the coast. Has ample accommodation for tourists. ; A sign "To the Valley of Rocks" directed j one to a lovely valley with a wall of rocks i on one side arid a range of land on the j other. Climbing to one of the highest I i had one of the finest views I ever had-- ' 1000 feet above sea level. Scrambling I down I came to afoot-path leading around j the coast side into Lynton. From Lynton II went down into the valley to Lynmouth I --practically a part of Lynton, situated-in the valley and gets its name from the river river Lyn which empties into the channel at this point. I had Devonshire cream with a good lunch and went on to the Waters- meet, a lovely place about two miles up the river. The scenery along the river right up to the Watersmeet is about the finest in England. The district around Lynton and Lynmouth is called "The Switzerland of England". I walked up to Hollondy's Hill where is situated the lovely lovely residence of the late Sir George Newnes. Returning to Barnstaple about 8 o'clock, tired but had spent the most enjoyable day of my holiday. Wednesday I took train as far as Instow, a small village on the Torridge river, six miles distant, crossed crossed river by ferry to Appledore and watched watched the building of a small steel freighter. From Appledore I went to Westward Ho, a summer resort on the Atlantic coast noted for its Pebble Beach extending about a mile and is about twenty feet high. No other beach like this in the world. Took train into Bideford on the Torridge, birthplace birthplace of Charles Kingsley. In his book "Westward Ho", be uses the description of this part of the country. Left Barnstaple 8 50 a. m. next day arriving in London at I.30 p.m. Went to Regents' Pàrk where are the fine Zoological Gard ens--birds and animals of about every kind. I next went IT Pale, Sallow Cheeks -show that the blood is impoverished and that the stomach is not properly properly assimilating its food. In fact a woman's physical condition always shows in her face. Paleness, blotches, pimples, sallowness or dull eyes all Tell the Need Of Beecham's Pills. Women who are subject to these conditions should not fall to avail themselves of their prompt and beneficial effect. Beecham's Pills are Prepared to furnish the necessary relief. They rid. the akin of blemished improve the circulation and Help the digestion. Every woman should-know the comfort, and experience the help of Beecham's Pills •> t-3i JPr*pemi"i>ehr by Thom** St. Helen», Lancashire. England. T .. .. Sold everywhere La, Canada aad U. S. America. La boxes, 25 cents. 5 y • - -- " • ' " - ! • >-7-[ r I 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS g -T-- V; Advise. The lise Ôf "FRUIT-A-nVES'*, The Famous Fruit Medicine. 689 Casgrain St., M< April 20th, 1915. "In my opinion, no other medicine In the world is so curative for Constipation Constipation and Indigestion as " Fruit-a-tiyes". 1 was a sufferer from these complaints for five years, and my sedentary occupation, occupation, Music, brought about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis--with nasty Headaches, Headaches, belching gasp drowsiness after eating, and Pain in the Back. I tried pills and medicines of physicians, but nothing helped me. Then I was induced to try " Fruit-a-tives ", and now for six months I have ; been entirely well. I advise any one who suffers from that horrible trouble--Chronic Constipation with the resultant indigestion, to try " Fruit-a-tives", and you will be agreeably surprised at the great benefit you will receive". A. ROSENBURG. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. to Madame Taussaud's Wax Works which I cannot describe, the models I saw there were very lifelike. There are models of kings and queens and noted men and women women from the time of William the Conqueror. Conqueror. Took train back to Hythe. Don't Submit To Asthma. fer without hope of breaking which bind vou, do not put day the purchase of Dr. T Remedy. A trial \will jtfrive doubt as to its efficitine that comes will convince If you suf- the chains r f another Kellogg's away all The sure relief you more than anything that can be written. When help is so sure, why suffer? This matchless remedy is sold by dealers everywhere. THE HONOR ROLL The'YoütE's Com] presenting, as alw every subscriber paid for 1917, a Cal It is decidedly artistic. Publishers are bis season, to subscription is ar for thp-riewryear. ual, aria strikingly SCOTS NOT FIRST PIPERS. Â Before 15th" Century Harps Were Highlanders' Instruments. Neither Scotland nor Ireland can claim to have invented the bagpipes, •says the London Chronicle. Greeks, Romans, Assyrian» and Chinese yall played bagpipes of sorts long before the time of Christ, and the instrument, instrument, actually. figures , on one, of the coins of Nero; who may have played it. The Breton bignon, the Calabrian zampogna; the , German sackpfeif e and the French cornemeuse are all bagpipes under different names. It was actually a Scotsman, rind no less a man than the Tord advocate advocate of the time, who publicly declared declared fifty years ago that "the bagpipe bagpipe is an English instrument, essentially essentially English ; the English were the original bagpipers." He pointed out that, while Shakespeare often speaks of bagpipes, 'he never does so in "Macbeth," and that it is in Linr colnshire and Yorkshire thaj; he localizes localizes the pipes. To Chaucer and Spencer Spencer also they are English. James IV., and other Scottish kings, paid for "Inglis pyparis" at their court, while Edward I., Edward III., Henry VI. and Henry yHT. seem to have had native, native, .pipers, The Highlanders, never used "the pipes'in war before the fifteenth fifteenth century) the. harp was Scotland's Scotland's instrument, yi - .There are a thousand good- talkers in the world t&- each" good, thinker. How happy we might be if the order was reversed. Mrs. Bassett, Klng-st., has just received word from a Red Cross nurse in the Birmingham Hospital, England, that her son's condition was quite satisfactory. Pté. W.Bassett is twenty-one years of sge and was wounded on September 20 being shot through the left shoulder and lung. Before enlisting he worked in Hamilton as .an electrician. Pte. H. R. Whale Wounded. Pte. Harold Robert Whale is in No. 13' General Hospital, Boulogne, with gunshot wound in shoulder, received Oct. 22. He enlisted and went overseas with the 74th Battalion, but later was drafted into the machine gun. section. He was born in Bowmanvillè 22 years ago, (his mother being a Miss Monkley) and was with the Litho-Print, Ltd., priorto leaving the city. He had lived in Toronto practically all his life. A brother, Gunner Lloyd Whale is with the 127th Battalion. Two other brothers and a sister live with their parents parents at 385 Brock avenue. Mr. Thomas Whale, the father of the two soldier boys, owns a butcher store on College street. Pte. Whale was a member\of College street Methodist church. - . -j.:.,. Bjr Chis. M. Biçe, Denver, Colo. -v The - recent election in the TI. S. ink eluded, * besides : the ' high , office' : of President, many other; questions of equal, importance, arid - among these I place: first had foremost prohibition; We are happy now toTbe able -tdi. in-, form our Canadiau frierids, co-workers co-workers in the grandest of causes, that legal prohibition of .the; .traffic in m- tqxicants. in this country was pushed forward by wonderful strides, presage ing universal success m the near future. future. . One-half of the States of the Urfion rire now in the prohibition column as a result of the vote last Tuesday, which added ; fbur; States to the, list, and two more States prospectively through ; favorable ; legislation. The general movement against the saloon:is gaining fast:in recent times and bids fair for a nation-wide prohibition prohibition in a few years. Prohibition is in the" atmosphere, and the American temperament is not in need, of, stimulants, while . climate conditions-,are against indulgence. The immigrant .from , lands ; that neyer thought of : prohibition, help to offset the New England Puritanism that runs through the nation from coast .to coasty and hence- where- there is a large foreign population, prohibition prohibition moves slowly. Even California, the land of the Bohemia and the vineyard, vineyard, in the recent élection came very close to carrying prohibition, due to the influx to Southern California of the "New England Conscience." In this country, prohibition gained its" first impetus upon the transfer of the question from the plain of sentiment sentiment and morals to that of economics. When the great captains of industry industry began "to discover that prohibition was an asset to their stockholders, it then entered the sphere of practical politics. x Two generations of temperance reformers reformers had been battling against the demon "Rum'" but had gained very little headway, though doubtless they did much to prepare the ground for the seed. * So long as they confined confined themselves to the wrecks produced by rum, or even the family, public sentiment failed to respond, but when it became a question of millions and millions of dollars of economic loss, then the issue at once assumed a very different aspect. As an emergency the greater portion portion of Europe 'did, over night, what this country has been coming to by evolution through many generations. The moral aspect of the subjèct seems to have had but little weight with hidebound Europe, and it was only when conscious of the impairment impairment of military efficiency was apparent, apparent, that steps were taken to stamp out the evil. The first move taken im this country country was mainly of the local option kind, which was a practical reform, based on home rule; or self-government. self-government. This was found by the friends of temperance so salutory, and to have grown so rapidly, that they regarded it practicable to abandon thèse halfway halfway measures and stand for total prohibition--state-wide. prohibition--state-wide. | No doubt when a sufficiency of the ' states has been secured, a grand ad- ; vance will be made on Washington for a nation-wide prohibition. May that day be hastened., Denver, Nov. 11, 1915. ' V On Sale EvERYWHERE.-r-There may be couniry merchants whtf' do not keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectric^Oil, though they are few and far betwpén, and these may suggest that seme other oil is just as good. There is.nosmng^o good as a liniment or as an internai/Gedicine in certain cases. Take no other. The demand for it shows that it is the only popular oil. * v -- ^ - x N-- - - ■ • ' - • • r - . t '-.3>->• \ s+L'• J. '■ ■ . JH From is of Tartar, the 'll V :■ ■ ", v UJ Â 1 ¥ "J V as evoO-Aa pi'niuOà « bïno ;f> qo.; oio3 dloe ri3XW SlOl it Absss3tgieSy Ptssm That is why Royal adds only wholesome qualities to the food and renders cake, biscuits biscuits and muffins appetizing and digestible. i Méfie in Canada Centaine No n no- 'Finie Mines: "They've some fine mines in Montana." Montana." "Butte's!" Young men should all read November "Rod and Gun" which contains a/list of good things for the Sportsmrfn reader. There are good storied, fine/articles and thé regular departmants^yThe magazine is published by W./TyTaylor, Limited, Woodstock; Ont. anfrls a worthy exponent exponent of Canadian outdoor life. Oriental CÔrifectibne'rÿ. " a " ' It is acknowledged that the Chinese are very skilful ,in making confectionery confectionery and posiess the reputation of having many secrets. They are able to empty an orange of its pulp entirely, entirely, then fill it up with fruit jelly without one being able to find the smallest cut in the . rind or even a tiny hole. Indeed they even empty an egg in this manner and fill it with a sort of almond nugget without one being' able" to find the "Slightest break or incision in the shell. Wedlock is truly a combination lock. In rill '^cburrithsCL Ask? for our >INVEN-< TOR'S ADVISER.whlch will be sent tree* MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. That's All. Diner--See here, waiter, this water water isn't fit to drink; it's discolored. Waiter (lifting glass, and replacing it)--Oh, no, sir, the water's perfectly all right ; it's only the glass what's ! dirty. The Wrigley Spears are constant friends to teeth, breath, appetite A dollar unjustly gamed" cannot be justly kept. Women workers relish the refreshing, refreshing, comforting influence of this toothsome, long-lasting confection. Its benefits are many -- its cost small. That's why it's used around the world. Nothing else can take its place. ZV Stole gygüwKae Inti- Zent to such sa Ulzztne68,"^Rtd<ea^5raTrilne5i] Dlstreaa after eating, Pain In the Bide, ko. While their most, remarkable rnoceea hagbeen ehown in curing y L. \ ~ " ~ Bedaao&e. y<* Qerter'r L&tle Lint PMm are equally raluablSlu Oôriotlpïi.llon, curing and pre- renting this annoying complaint,while they also correct alTdlaorderabr th'e a toinacb^atimulatetha llrer rizid 1 regulate thÿ Wwels. Even if th#y only cured Ache they wÔÙI<fhrielm oa t pstoeleeabS those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but forta- nately utoirieédnialïdhee nbitoad tiere.and those lifirebaneot we make our. - others do * Carter's Little ne le where core it while _ ver Pllls are rery sinall and veeyeaay to teke.yOne or-two pais nudes adose. Tbey.are strlotly vegetable ana do not grtp# or ' cam xdmbu eo^ su tax., ; M'fll-taÉiiutel.&K. Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto, 8 : I Two Flavors !