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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1916, p. 7

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il i £• Si i? B B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M-D-, C.M~ BOWMAHVlUyB, - ' O HT. " p OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- * versity. Toronto. Four Attemllnr Physician and Surgeon at Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence. Wellington 8L Telephone No. 108. -GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, notaries Public. t. K. CCODKAN, D, C. GALBRAITH 508 Lnmsden Bldg M Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. E. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. East. Bowmanvllle." • Phone 193. 20-lyr RAILWAY TIME TABLES Z FOR BOWMAN VILLE. Oh and Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express 10 29 a.m. "Passenger 3.2Q p.m. Local S.49 p.m. Passenger 7 i8'p:m. Mail 9 58 p.m. : Daily Going West ^Express 4.22 a.m Local 7-00 a.m j Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m | : Passenger 7.02 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Guing East _ 6.07 a.m. daily 10.46 a.m. daily x8.26 a.m. cailyt 3 21 P- m * dailyt 4.27 p.m. daily x 7 52 p.m. dailvt 7 48 p.m. dailyt 12 57 a.m. daily x NorttTToronto Station t Except Sunday C. B. KENT, Agent DRIVE YOUR COLD ; AWAY .' For colds in the throat and chest your most convenient remedy is - v îemn Petroleum Contains the active principle of Capsicum (Red Pepper. ) Easy to apply. Will not blister the skin. Sold in handy tin-tubes at chemists chemists and general stores everywhere. everywhere. " Refuse Substitutes. Free booklet on request. CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO. (CooseMdxted) 1860 Chabot Are. Montreal GERMANY LOST CHANCE TO "WIN Could Have Ravaged British Shipping at Start of War. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford as-' .1 . serts in a letter to Colonel Robert^M. Thompson, president of the • Navy ! League, Washington, that if Germany i had taken advantage of her opportun- ! ity at the outbreak of the European i war, they could have entered Paris ! and reached St. Petersburg in a short ! time. "We would have been brought ; to our knees in a couple of months, says the British admiral. _ "We escaped a most appalling danger, danger, for if the Germans had attacked us first without a declaration of war, and sent what they could have sent -- 140 cruisers and armed merchant ships--on to our unprotected trade : routes we would have been brought to I our knees in a couple of months. They could have put down a thousand ships in the first week. . ' "if the Germans had carried out that plan they could have gotten into : Paris, compelled peace with .France, ! and then been in St. Petersburg in a ■ short time, and become the dominant Power of Europe and the world possibly possibly for a century." -• m : : vt *V V ï JLj v.f TO END CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HEAD . NOISES- . if-yea bave, Catarrhal Deafness or head noleee so - to ÿour drur- sist and get l 1 ounce et ' Parralnt (doublé' strength),-and add to it \ plat or hot water and, 4. ounces or sranulatA susar. Take .1., tablespoonful tablespoonful four times a, day. This -will -of ten "brink quick relief relief from - the , distressing: head noises. Closged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and né the thé costs mucus stop ' dropping into thé throat. It * is easy-to .prepare, little and pleasant to iVhc I a Any one Who has Catarrhal Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should sive this prescription a trial. THE ORIGINAL ST. SOPHIA. TURK AND BOCHE COMPARED. Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Y Express 11.59 a.m. *: Kxpress 9 06 a m. Express 6 33 p.m. *" Express 7 40 P- m C Daily except Sunday. A TALK ON RHEUMATISM Telling How to Actually Cure This Common and Pain ful Malady. -4 This article is for the man or wo- He j man who suffers from rheumatism The ! who wants to be cured, not merely re 1 r Former is Brave and Fights Fair, Says Australian Soldier. Anzacs who have been "through it in Gallipoli tell me that they have a great respect for the Turk as a fighter, fighter, says a writer in the London Morning Morning Post. "Johnny Turk," said a young Australian, "in comparison with the Boche is a gentleman. fights fair and is a brave man. --- j -- -- -- - -most German is a swine, who shoots at, lieved--but actually cure, wounded and helpless men. I've seen the rheumatic sufferer can hope for him do it. The Turk will fight like rubbing something on tender the very devil at close quarters. Did j ing joint, is a little relief, you ever hear of the Germans risking or liniment ever did or can ™ ak ® theii sldns fn a hand-to-hand encoun- cure. The rheumatic poison is rooted ter with the bayonet? Bet you can't j in the blood. ^^hfn^hi^noïïoLus prove it. Why the moment they see j can only be cured blood Any «r: a f <5n «s, ÏJ» ÏÏ ! é RUSSIA A HIVE OF ACTIVITY. Is Being A Remarkable New Shell Manufactured. Under the caption, "The Spirit of the New Russia," , the Russian- American„ Journal, of Commerce calls attention editorially to what it terms "the feverish activity to be observed throughout the length and breadth of the Russian Empire." All travellers Saloniki Church 100 Years Older Than Constantinople Mosque. One of the most interesting of Saloniki's; famous 22 churches is St- Sophia. Like its greater homonym of Constantinople, it is a doomed basilica, and it was long considered to be a .provincial copy of that great original. As à matter pf fact the Saloniki church is the original, having having been built, 100 years or more the earlier, at the end of^ the fourth or the beginning of the fifth cëntury. The church has suffered disastrously disastrously by fire, earthquake and restoration, but the original lines of the structure The Lover's Request. remain, as well as the pillars and j beautiful capitals of wind-blown acan- It was to be his last call. They j thus ând two fine fragments of mo- stood on the porch in the moonlight. sa j c . The principal mosaic, an As- 1 ULiU Hsllsm's Raw Far Quotations - ^ Hallam's Fur Style Book (8-2 pafee) ^ Sent tree on request . Address as tollows: §§ , JpfiN HALLAM Limited J 120 Hallam Building, Toronto -Who ever Heard of it in the home Where tiie housewife knows Shredded Wheat? In five minutes you can prepare a wholesome, satisfying meal with Shredded VVheat Biscuit Biscuit without kitchen worry or work. For breakfast heat the Biscuit in the oven to restore crispness and serve with hot milk. F„or lunch serve with sliced bananas or othér fruits. Made in Canada. "You are finally. determined?" he said, cension, with decorative green trees between the standing -figures, lines "Yes, George, I think it is for the the great doine. It is supposed to date best that we do not see each other » again. "Do you love another?" "I do, George. I have promised'my heart to Harold Updyke." There was a moment's" silence. George stepped back and drew from from 645, though the figure of Christ in the centre is older still. SEED POTATOES CHILDREN OF ALL AGES; ebed potatoes: hush cob. • i «blerp. Dclewan». Carnrmn. Order coming out of Russia, it is stated, bear j his pocket a revolver, which glistened testimony to the wonderful reawak- i n the pale light. the ening everywhere noticeable in empire. "Americans in particular," the Journal says, "seem most deeply im- "George, George," shrieked the girl. "What do you intend to do?" She took hold of his hand. "Not a great deal," replied George When sick the newborn babe or the growing child will find prompt relief j through the use of Baby's Own Tab- ; TT lets. They are absolutely safe for all ; XI children and never fail to banish any of the minor ills from which little ones suffer. Concerning them Mrs. S Arthur . Sheasly, Adanac, Sask., at once, talions. Supply limited. Write for quo- H. W. Dawson. Brampton. HELP SUPPLIED. ELI' SUPPLIED FARMERS. FAC- to.ries. Contractors, Hotels; maj>? rieti or single: ' experienced ; inexperr- enced; male or female. Thomas & Co., 66 C.Lurch, Toronto. pressed with the changed conditions ca | m j - «j have been calling on you j writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- in Russia and are most sanguine as .| ^ or the last six months, Evelyn, and ; lets and think they are-splendid for to the future of that country. They ; j have only exterminated about half : children of all ages." The Tablets say that there is something akin to', do g S in this neighborhood. I want ; are sold by medicine dealers or by the old call of the West in the fast- j take this gun and give it to ! mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. opening opportunities^ and the wide- j -g-pdyke. He may want to finish the Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, rest of them." __STBWSPAPEE3 T03, SALS KOFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontarte towns. The most useful and interesting c-f all businesses. Full Information on application to Wilson Pablishtng Company, Company, 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. won't give in till you've outed him. If ; the poisonous acid reaching resources of Russia which sends an anxious tinge through the | veins of every American business ' man or prospector who has. delved into Russian conditions as they exist to-day and is far-sighted enough to j see the prosperity that is in store for the Russian peopl?. "Factories in Russia are running day and night, turning out munitions of war, clothing, and the varied ne- Dyspeptics Should - Avoid Drugs And he should prove to be a better or a cleverer man than you j work--well, you're done all. cessities of the empire's multimillions. matism to stay cured. The*" truth's | Americans have said they were sur- .yo^to ^ ^ ay,- m ii y - j n ! prised at the large number of fac- pe ptics to take drugs, patent foods and Try a Little Magnesia Instead. Some people instinctively shut their danger, and It may be that JMIS CELL A3TE OTJS. TUMORS LUMPS. ETC.. Ont. C ANCER. -Jdnternal and external, cured wlth- • , All Agreed. ! "Did you speak to father about me, Arthur ? " asked the girl. "Yes, I did, dear, * and he agreed with me heartily," replied her wooer. "Then he said I might marry you?" "Why--6r--no, I didn't quite get so far as that. I just said you were a fine girl." outxpain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. -V America's Pioneer I Dog Remedies ^ BOOK ON dog diseases And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York Mlnard's Eini nient Cures Diphtheria. r~- at bayonet these statements has been proved in--that's What We Give, We Get In 1915 and 1916 Ontario contributed contributed more to the Canadian Patriotic thousands of cases throughout Canada, Canada, and the following cure is a "striking "striking instance. Mr. Henry Smith, SU Jerome, Que., says: "For upwards of tories, especially between Petrograd medicines, artifleia 1 t e î,anish j ni- rf-ix-i. j, . . But closing the eyes does not uanisn and Moscow, other lactones are go- the danger, and it is certain that neither ing up with feverish haste, and every- drugs nor medicines possess the power r v .. -i to destroy the harmful excessive acid in where, it seems to the traveller, rail- the stomach, which is the underlying . roads are under construction. Many caùse of most forms of indigestion and rheumatism ; , dyspepsia. They may give temporary • -Prt'rTYi The trouble of the hnes are new » whlle others are 3 b ut ëver Increasing quantities ma most painful form. JhetrOUDie ; bein double _ tracked . Men and WO- must be taken, and all the time the acid was located m my legs and for a long mûTi B Qvo nn tbo k-omains in the stomach as dangerous railroads, the women handling picks A F RE you really saving money by neglecting to rc-shingle that bam roof? You know that each additional patch lessens the value of your building. You know each -vs-idening leak means rotting, shingles and early decay. Yea know that only by Pedlarizing your roof can vou get _ enduring freedom, from repair and rot. Pedlar's "Geor-e" Shingles bring you tho durability and wearing qualities cf steel at a price, when laid, time I bad that I could not ! walk. The suffering which I endured Fund than she drew from it, the sur- ! can only be imagined by those who plus going to assist those western j have been similarly afflicted. Doctors provinces whose contributions, al-, treatment did not help nie and then I though exceedingly liberal, did not j began trying other remedies, but with equal the heavy demands caused by ; n0 better results. Finally I was ud- the large enlistment from these pro- ! vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, vinces. For 1917 the situation will j and although I had begun to lose faith change. The demands from this pro- j medicine I finally decided to give , -- h ; thafanother fc- vmce on the_ Fund are estimated to i the pl n s a trial. I am very grateful ^ finn 00n ^ jn traini „^ An are éls ever. , Physicians know this and that is why Good News. . . "You look very .smiling this morn- : ing, Toner," said Bailey. ■ "I guess I ought to be. I went to a fortuneteller fortuneteller last night, and she prophesied immediate financial reverses," chortled chortled Toner. "I fail to see anything very joyous in that," said Bailey. "You would if you knew anything The Sou! of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the " OTTO HiQELV and shovels with. _ even greater 1^^?. aSa a Vma"l' t .tro S ublf ' ; about my finances," said Toner. "I strength and effect than many of the ge t about an ounce of pure bisurated men. magnesia from your druggist and take a . teaspoonful. in a little water immedi- The returning Russian travellers a tely after every meal. This will ln- tell you right now that if they don't reverse pretty quicx I'll be busted." A Home Billiard Tab/e bring many and varied stories of the rtantly neutralize^al! g the harmful acid military resources of the empire. One mutation, thus enabling- you to enjoy Intjbe stomach and stop all food fer- 5 Teacher--"What is meant, by divers of these is to the effect that not less hearty meals without_ ex ^®riencing the , _ _. „ ... , , .. least pain or unpleasantness artei warn. than 8,000,000 men -have been recently , disc uses ?" Child--"Water on thé brain, miss.' îm- , • -n- j n a 1 - , ^ t j-j - ei * n vir.o. ' 000,000 are in training, reach six million dollars, and the com- . „ 0 w that I did so, for after taking, bued ^ the absolute assurance that ! , Hen-ess-l i.Ke yo mittee has decided to ask Ontario to eight boxes of the pills the trouble, , lf R ,, ssi . n m „ „ nr i ma . ' Ardup, but I cannot raise that amount--in other words, to : completely disappeared. I about that of a good wooden cbingîe roof. A Pedlarized roof will last for generations, protecting protecting you at all times from the danger of lightning and fire. The "Right Roof" Booklet Booklet B j telling you all about Eteel shingles ana how to lay them, is free. Write to-day. £ ree ! the weight of Russian men and ma , • • -1 * i , -- ,, ' terial must be the deciding factor in make provision only for its own peo- j- f rom pa i n and could walk as well as , pie. ' ever I did in my life. I have since e war. There has been told, too, The total represents about one mil- j taken the pills occasionally as a pre- t ^ le story a new ex P^ os ^ ve shell be lion dollars above the contributions | cautionary measure, and I THE PEDLAB PEOPLE Limited (Established 1861) Executive G dices and Factories: OSHAWA, ONT. for 1916, and therefore there can be no weariness in well-doing on the part of Ontario's patriotic people so far as the Fund is concerned. cannot ' * ng manufactured in Russia after a I French formula, but not yet used on The More Self-Sacrificing. Heiress--I like you very much, Mr marry you. Ardup (picking up his hat)--I will j be equally frank with you, Miss Bullion. Bullion. I don't like you at all, hut I j would marry you in a minute. I am j more self-sacrificing than you are. Good evening. A Clean Page. Portly Woman (pushing her speak too highly in their favor. | ^ western front--a shell which in, Dr Williams' Pink Pills cure all the ; dj sprea ds over a radius of ! troubles due to weak, watery blood or , g() P ^ ^ ^ 8 000 degrees _ a | broken down nerves. . o ca g j withering blast calculated to inciner- The barber--Your hair is thinning, dealer in , ^ a]] within its fiery reach .„ Not Responsible. these pills through any medicine, or by mail postpaid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 . , , .. v t i from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., -mto a police station)--I see you have ; t, , X _ This kx Flar Branches l Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg. arrested a man whose mind is a blank. Officer--We have, madam. Portly Woman--Then please bring him out so that I may have a look at him. My Henry didn't come home last night, and that's a fairly good description of him. WANTED NOW aiinard's Liniment Cures Colds. So. Reliable salesman to act as agent in Durham County PAY WEEKLY Brockville, Ont. ARMY DISOBEYING ORDERS. All French Soldiers Have Become Pipe Smokers. The startling discovery has just been made that France's famous armies are, almost to the last man, in a state of open rebellion and breach of discipline. To be more exact, it has just been officially ascertained that there is Wars and Seasons. No great war of our time has ended during the winter months, nor, with the exception of the Russo-Japanese Russo-Japanese War, has any begun then. For a century all wars have begun in the spring, summer or early autumn and ended between March and August. try our hair prepara- sir. Ever tions?" The patron--No, I can't blame it on that. Minard'B Liniment Cures Garer in Cows ; sore Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the bnsine>s for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveiies in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and f ood money can be ihade In this district, or particulars write Sales Manager. Explained. Why is it that truth will rise again when crushed to earth ?" "Because of its elastcity, of course, hardly a "poilu"' in the whole 5,000,-' Don't you know hqw easy it is to | non -ma-n -tuRnm Urtmce has under stretch the truth ? " Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40-14 Cook's Cotton Root Compound A reliabU rtfndating rtud Sold in threo .de- greee*of strength -No. 1. SI; No. 2. $3; No. 3. S6 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent spaki. on . receipt of _ price, n&mnhlet. jl. Addrej pamphlet. «, the cook medicine CO. T0I0NT0. OKT. (Fiwi| WWur.) Your friends can get considerable enjoyment out of trouble. If it is your trouble.- -- ^ ~~ SI ,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints Who cannot cannot be cured at The' Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-266 Yonge St, Toronto. Correspondepeeinvited. / FELL FROM LOFT; HURT; THEN WELL 000 men whom France has under arms at the present moment who - is not smoking a pipe. Pipe smoking is one of the severest breaches of discipline in the French army. They were officially tabooed largely on account of the fact that & soldier ! Granulated Eyelids', ! Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine I Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just- Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SiIvemTubes25c.FofeookehheEyeFreeask Druggists or Merlne Eye Remedy Ce ., Chicago He- Made Her Eager. -I--I have been trying to tell You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? ^ orea -" Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor recreation during the long winter evenings. evenings. Ount Famous Maisonette Table Is made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terms. BURROUGJHES & WATTS, Lid. •■Makers to H; M. "the King. 34 Church St., Toronto HOW I CURED MY CATARRH TOU) IN A SIMPLE WAY * you something for some time, but-- er--but-- She--Oh, dear me; how romantic. What--what is it Mr. Shye ? He--Your--your-- She--Oh, go on. He--Your hair is coming down -in the back. We guarantee to pay from 10 to 15 per cent, more than any other dealer in Canada or United States. Write feer special letter and price list. Sent free. BERNSTEIN FUR CO. Dept. H. Toronto. {Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves, Sons. Hi Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity. Heals Day and High! It Is a new way. It is something absolutely absolutely different. No lotions, sprays or sickly (smelling salves or creams. No atomizer, or nny apparatus of any kind. Nothing to jtmoke or inhale No steaming or rubbing pr injections. No electricity or vibration or tnassage. No powder;, no plast ^ . _ sters; no keep- |Sg iaTthe botge. Nothing of that kind at How a Man Who Landed On Wood Pile and Was Sore From Head to Foot Found Quick Relief. Once upon a time Edwin Putnam, who lives in the quiet, pretty hamlet of Wendel Depot, Mass., climbed up into a loft to get some building: material just as many another man living: in the country must often do. Suddenly he slipped and fell. Ten feet below was a pile of wood, knotted and gnarled. It was a nasty tumble, and Mr. Putnam was injured painfully in the back, he was covered with bruises, and was sore from head to foot. The next day he bought a bottle of Sloan's smoking a pipe cannot possibly salute an officer whom he may chance to meet "with the dignity the occasion requires. requires. The - failure of the French officers to note that their men were smoking pipes until the practice had become practically universal is generally attributed attributed to the fact that all have been so busy fighting that the breach of discipline escaped notice. Now the practice is so universal and so firmly implanted in the ranks of the "poilus" that the question of rooting it out presents' a serious problem. problem. The men say they werè driven to smoking pipes' because the tobacco furnished them by the Government doesn't lend itself to cigarette rolling. What Peeved Him. Jones (to his grocer)--You seem, angry, Mr. Brown. wefghtsTarul ^asur^has 8 j^bee^ ache by MIN ^'S LINIME^ i in. I was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S LINIMENT. REV. WM, BROWN. I was cured of a bad case of ear- Jones--Hal ha! He caught you giv- I was cured of sensitive lungs by fifteen ounces to the pound, did MINARD'S LINIMENT, mteen oun^t, v , MRS. S. MASTERS. mg he? Brown--Worse than that. I'd been giving seventeen. He said A woman never appreciates her husband more than . when he comes home and announces that his salary has been raised. - . Liniment which had been recommended recommended to him. Within a very few hours the sôreriéss had vanished and the lairteness had disappeared. He was an active man once more. • Sloan's Liniment can ,^e obtainediiat àll 'drug Rtprea, 609. and $1.00. p H/L L r/K/f Y Prayers for Soldiers. Many British towns have just started started the practice of having the church bells ring at a certain hour v every day to remind the people to pray for the soldiers fightirik at the front. Indirectly. "Do you ever wake yourself ; up snonng "It amounts to that, wake up the baby." I frequently The Only Question. The only rofessor was delivering the last lecture of the term. He told the students with much emphasis that he expected them to devote all their : time in preparing for the final examination. * "The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer," he con- j eluded. . "Now, is there any question : you would, like answered?" I Silence prevailed for a moment, j then a voice piped up: - "Who is the\printer?" ; Men & Girls For At! Departments Steady Employment Good Wages .APPLY MepMRuler Co., Lt! M ERR ITT OIM, ONT. r>TL Sometkine new. and different, thing delightful and healthful, 8°metihhg lastantly successful. You do not .have to wapand linger and pay out *lot ofmonev. you can stop it overnight--<md I wiU gladly. tell vou how--FREE. I am not a doctor tmd Sfis Is not a so-called doctor spresenp- tiot-btil am enrol Mlnard'e' ilnlment Cures Distemper London Hears of Hiking. new Entries positively close Novemberc25fh for the Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show Union Stock Yards Toronto. Mail entries now to:-- C. F. Topping, Secretary, Union Stock Yards, Toronto. ' For all regular classes and T. Eaton Co. Special, Walker jiouse cST^d y^r c^ bVcured^ Your suffer* iogVillstop sit once like magic. I Am Fif e--You Can Be Free filthy and. loathsome. ' -mind. Ituadennini my Trill. The haw If mr health "4 1 XïŒSobnoiioi.tû»ll. ax«l Have you heard the new word, -- - ... ^ ~ T . ' "hike" yet ? -asks the London Sketch ! Gup, Exchange Hot^l Cup, Gnnn^ IJm- r J ■, . „ . Specials, Harris Abbatoir Specials, recent issue. A Canadian officer ^ & c special, G. H. Waller & avoid me secretly. My delU Stiled Md mr tranltlee impaired. irx * ppinamy vitality. Butt found secure, andlsm IteoiUW Frite me totelfyon niKK JUST ONE CENT m a friend said recently; "I'm hiking back to the front soon." It is a striking word. The Canadians use it as the Boers use trek. It means the same ED, ISSUE 48--*16. thing. Son Special, Mathews - Blackwell Special, Wm.. Davies Co. Specials, Swift Canadian Specials, Toronto World Special, Hartford Fire Insurance Insurance Company Cup. howl^eege, formation. I wnvw asked for UV» wonatnm tt h«doa«ror. SAJK KATB, Boom AX.-121S.-- 142 Mutual Bt.. * -onto, Oat. ,-.v3 X è£sMMmMm£' . r ■ J'-'W"

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