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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1916, p. 5

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J For Your Christmas Baking : F ROM many lands there have been gathered together in our store the finest and jmost tempting ingredients for the Christmas baking. We welcome one and all to inspect these goods. They will bear the closest analysis for we selected them from only among the most choice of samples. Kindly order all goods for holiday baking as early as possible as some of them are going to be short this year. Let us suggest a few of the more important lines : Seeded and Valentia Raisins--Juicy, luscious iruit brought in for the Christmas trade. Only brands of recognized qualitv are stocked, and please remember Valencias are exceedingly exceedingly short this year. Finest seeded sell at 15c per pound, and Valencias at 18c. Currants from Patras-- We have been fortunate in getting getting in a supply of currants in spite of the trouble in Greece. Supply is much less than last year, and will not last long. We are selling splendid quality at 22c pound. Almonds, Walnuts--Forthe Christmas baking every housewife housewife wants only sound, well-flavored well-flavored nuts. Stale nuts spoil things so let us show you our splendid selection. Shelled Almonds 60c; Shelled Walnuts 60c. Peels--All kinds of peel are ready. As peel is an important ingredient of the plum pudding and Christmas cake,_ great care should be exercised in its selection. selection. Give us an opportunity to show our attractive stock. Price is 50c per pound mixed. Mincemeat--Just the thing for the Christmas dinner pie. All ready prepared by most reputable manufacturers and will keep nicely nicely in the cellar. Appetizingly spiced and scientifically made from finest fruits. Per jar, 40c. Plum Puddings--Made from the choicest fruits, best flour, carefully selected suet and other baking mate ials. If you do not care to go to the trouble of making making your own Plum Pudding, we can recommend this highly. Per tin, 40c. Extracts--There are cheap compound compound extracts on the market, but we would urge you to buy the PURE article for your Christmas baking. It will pay you in the end, as less will be required, and the flavor better. Ours are absolutely absolutely pure. Canned Vegetables--Introduce Vegetables--Introduce one or more vegetables on the dinner table. Vegetables are a healthy and wholesome food, and more of them should be eaten. eaten. Fine tomatoes 18c, corn 15c, peas 15c, asparagus 25c, and beets 15c per tin--all guaranteed. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 B o w m an ville Btiy The Best Protect yourself from Winter's chill, By phoning us your bin to fill, The whole world knows that it is right With Lehigh Valley Anthracite. We Sell It. The Coal That Satisfies. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. "BIG 20" Prepared For Christmas, N O doubt you expect to make numerous gifts to friends and relatives this year and you are having having the usual difficulty in selecting suitable ones. Of course, you wish to make gifts which are both inexpensive and in good taste. These qualities are not always easily combined. You can solve y oui problem by a careful selection selection from the great variety of unusually attractive and inexpensive books offered for the holidays this season. "There is a peculiar dignity attached to the gift of a book which is in no way affected by its cost." We have a large assortment to select from. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 30,1916. Miss Raè Kirkendall, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. . ..." Mrs. C. E. Parker has been visiting Mrs. F. B. Parker, Stirling. » Miss Ethel McQueen, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss Kerslake. _ Miss Gladys E. Munday is visiting friends in Toronto, Sarnia and Detroit. , Miss Gerda Pickell, Ebenezer, is visiting j her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Richards, Church-st. Mr. Robert and Miss Esther Beith, Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Elva B. Bragg .spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. E. W. W.Rundle, Oshawa. Miss Elva Andrus, Toronto, recently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ana- rus. » • Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits cleane , and pressed at Couch, Johnston 8c Cryder- man's. Mrs. F. A. Philp, Colborne, is visiting her uncle, Mr. C. L. Munson who is quite poorly. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank, James, Oshawa, visited on Sunday at his,uncle s Mr. Geo. H Bickell. Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle and Miss Dorothy Dorothy left last week to join Capt. Bonnycastle Bonnycastle in England. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Hospital Hospital Board will meet in the Council Room on Friday Dec. I at 3-3°- p Misses Grace Trewinand Rilda G Slem- on spent the week-end with Mrs. W. A. Bain and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. Russel Langmaid, Edmonton, Alta., is visiting his father, Mr. Jos. Langmaid, and sister, Mrs. Chas. Allin, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox and granddaughter granddaughter Ethel spent the week-end in Whitby with their daughter, Mrs. J. D. Fluker. Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Patterson, who recently recently returned from Japan, has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Hellvar, who is quite ill. , . , , . Mrs. (Dr.) Willard and daughter, West Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Robt. Collacott, "The Evergreens", over the week-end. The regular annual meeting of the Women's Patriotic Society will be held in the Council Room on Mbnday, December 4th at 3.30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent, Port Perry, and Miss Nora Loscombe, Toronto, were guests at Mr. E. W. Loscombe s, The Elms" over Sunday. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Men's and Boys' ready-to-wear Suits--made up in the latest Styles--now showing at ' Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Miss Emmerson is recovering nicely from her recent illness and left Wednesday Wednesday for Toronto to spend the winter with her sisters at 57 Westminister ave, Toron- t0 'Mrs. A. L. Nicholls attended the Woman's Woman's Institute convention in Toronto and with the other 500 delegates was entertained entertained by Lady Hendrie at. Government House. „ T Corp. Alf. Kershaw and Pte. Thos. James who went to the Front with the 2nd Battalion have returned home after doing their full "bit" of service for King and Country. Gunner Kenneth Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Taylor, Charlecote, islllat No. I Stationary Hospital, Rouen, France, having contracted a heavy cold while doing doing his bit on the firing line. Col. Williams, Chief Recruiting Officer of the Dominion, will address a recruiting meeting to be held in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Sunday night, Dec. 3rd» at 8.30 p.m. in aid ot the 235th Batt., C.E.r. Lance-Corp. Frank Rousell, of Paris who is doing his bit at the front ha s received received a Military Medal for duty well done, He is a brother of Miss Margaret Rousell, London, who was with Haddy & Co., milliners in this town, for several The Churches Pickering Presbyterians have given a call to Rev. G. S. Lloyd, M, A, of London. London. Miss Lyda Taylor, Solina, assisted St. Paul's choir on Sunday looking very fine in surplice and mortar. Rev. J. J. Ferguson, D. D., Toronto, preached in King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, Sunday morning. Rev. C. W. Barrett, Lakefield, has been elected President of the Children's Aid Society of Peterboro County. Rev. Dr. Baker, Belleville, preached Sunday in St. James and Mark-st. Methodist Methodist churches, PetertToro, in the interest of Albert College. The anniversary services of Keene Methodist church will be held Sunday, December 3rd. Rev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., Trinity church, Peterboro, will preach. Whitby District Epworth League Convention Convention will be held in Brooklin Methodist Methodist church Tuesday, December 5th. Among the speakers will be Rev. S. T. Bartlett,Superintendent of Young People's Work in the Methodist church. TEA ROOM MENU ; -. For Saturday, Dec.: 2nd Chicken Pie . . Creamed Potatoes f - c _ . Perfection Salad -C - . 1 Bread and Butter J Cake 5c Pie--Lemon or Chocolate 5c Tea or Coffee 5c FIVE MILLION XMAS SEALS. The National Sanitarium Association has issued over five million seals, to meet the requirement of this year's Xmas Seal Campaign. Last year in the United States alone, over eighty million seals were sold, and this year no less than three hundred millions have been issued. The use of these seals on letters, Xmas parcels, etc., is. becoming more popular, year by year. No easier way may be found by which you may "do your bit"dn stamping out the plague of Tuberculosis. 8* ?» ?» ?» ?» ?» ?» ?» ?» B if !» ?» !» ?» 6» ?» ?» ?» !» ?» !» !» !» !» years- . A recruiting meeting was held in the Opera House Sunday evening in the interest interest of the 235th Batt. when stirring ad dresses were given by Mr. John A. Pater son, K.C., and Rev. Wm. Patterson, Toronto, Toronto, Capt. Macdonald ahd others. Miss H. R. Martin sang that popular solo "Angus "Angus Macdonald" accompanied by Prof. C. C. Laugher. Mr. Felipe T. Smith and daughter, Miss Annie Smith, Victoria, Chili, South America, America, visited here last week and are now staving at 59^ Sherbourne st., Toronto. They desire through this medium to thank their friends in this district for their cordial cordial welcome, great kindness and generous generous hospitality, all of which will continue as a pleasant memory while life shall last. Smithfield correspondent to the Brighton Brighton Ensign speaking of the Halloween conr cert under auspices of the Mission Circle says: "Miss Géorgie I. A. Langmaid, M. E., Zion, pleased the audience with her selections. The variety, patriotic, grave and gay were well chosen. Miss Lang- maid has an excellent platform appearance, appearance, clear enunciation and splendid delivery. delivery. Her pantomine "Nearer my God to Thee" was much appreciated. Hon. James S. Duff, Minister of Agri culture for Ontario, dropped dead Fri- I day afternoon from heart failure in the I home of an old friend, Miss Sara Irwna, of Alliston. The news of the death of his son, Pte. G. Clark Duff, who went overseas overseas with the 76th Battalion following a lengthy illness may have hastened his end. The funeral took place Tuesday Tuesday at Cookstown under auspices of the Presbyterian Church and local Orange Lodge. The pall-bearers chosen by himself himself a month ago officiated. ■ Bowmanville Woman's Institue met^at the home of Mrs. Wm. Robbins, Ontano- st., Friday afternoon when Mrs. W. W. Allin, delegate to the Provincial Convention Convention in Toronto, gave her report of the proceedings of that gathering which was considered by all who attended a very profitable and interesting session attended by about 500 of the Women of Ontario. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall gave a good paper on "Spending money judiciously at Christmas Christmas time". Orders on the Treasurer were passed for dishes for the Hospital, and $25 each to Red Cross and Belgian funds. Mrs. C. Osborne, President presided. presided. t Next meeting Dec. 29, at Mrs. Gus. Bounsall's. The ever-popular automobile skate is just the thing every boy and girl wants to try the ice with. Mason & Dale have some beauties. Christmas is coming near. W. Blake McMurtry, the hustling family grocer and provision dealer, is ready for the rush. Buy your Xmas groceries from him. Couch, Johnston 8c Cryderman are showing showing a fine range of Ladies' Black and , Colored Silk Dresses also Dresses made of Black and Colored Woolen Materials. The bazaar held by the ladies of St. Paul's Church Friday afternoon was a splendid success. The useful and fancy articlés sold well, as did the homemade cooking and candy. Each booth was attractively attractively decorated and the tea room served a choice variety of edibles. Proceeds Proceeds about $160. y The Lord's Supper will be dispensed in St. Paul's Church next Sunday morning. A preparatory service will be held Thursday Thursday evening and Rev. A. H. Drumm will be at the Manse on Wednesday afternoon and evening to converse with persons desiring to unite with the church. The new St. James Methodist Church, Peterboro, is making splendid progress. It is estimated that the cost will be about $17,000 and that the opening will be about next Good Frl ay. Rev. Mr. Greatrix, the energetic pastor, is worthy of much credit for raising the money. Peterboro has not contributed one cent towards the 69,500 bricks in the building, some of it coming as far east as Quebec. . Rev. Geo. Brown, Hampton, whey took Pastor Clarke's work in the Methodist Church here on Sunday evening, preached a splendid sermon from the words "Ye must be born again." He dealt with the subject in an original, practical manner and presented the truth in a convincing manner that greatly pleased and benefitted his audience. The choir rendered a fine anthem and Miss Elizabeth Painton sang very nicely the solo "Nearer, my God, to Thee" with choir accompaniment. Rev. Isaac Couch, M. A., B.D., pastor of McLeod-st. Methodist Church, Ottawa, ias been off duty owing to ill-health, and on his return the officials assembled to meet and welcome him back. As he entered entered the" room accompanied by the Recording Recording Steward, the members rose and sang "Blest be the tie that binds". Mr. Couch thanked the Board for their greetings greetings and continued kindness, etc., and at the close of his address, all stood and sang "Praise God from whom all blessings blessings flow" and each bid him welcome on behalf of the congregation.- The Epworth League of the Methodist Church provided a most interesting evening evening Monday in the form of a debate, "Resolved "Resolved "That a Clean, Tidy Cantankerous wife is preferable to an Unclean, Untidy Good-natured oué". The affirmative was taken by Mr. Kenneth Cox and Miss Mabel C. Cox and the negative by Mr. Allin An- nis and Miss Mari< n Van Nest. Each upheld upheld their respective sides splendidly and the value of the agrumentsweie apparently apparently nearly equal. Many humorous points were presented and the large audience fully enjoyed the speeches made by the young debaters. The judges were Mr. R. G. McConochie, B. A., Rev. H. B. Neal, Miss McLean and Mrs. F. R. Foley.. The decision being given for the affirmative in a neat speech by Mr. McConachie who also gave the Critics' remarks which were very timely, indeed. We trust all will take his suggestions in the kindly manner given. The musical numbers were nicely given by Misses Edith Pinch and Jane Grigg in piano duet, Miss Edna Fletcher in piano solo, and a chorus B. H. S. boys, Mr. Everett Hardy presiding at the piano. Mr. J. R. Heard, Convener of the Citizenship committee, presided. T he program program closed by the singing of the National Anthem. The Leaguers are preparing a number of good instructive social evenings and young people will welcome all those who attend. BIRTHS. BOACH--In Bowmanville, Nov. 26, to Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Boach, a son Smith--In Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Montague Smith, a son. Cunningham--In Bowmanville, Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, a daughter. Shiels--At the Victoria Memorial Hospital, Isabella-st., Toronto, Nov. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Shiels, a daughter. MARRIAGES Barriage--Lloyd--On Nov. 21st, at King-st. Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, by Bev. Ivison Wilson, Percy Allan Barriage and Miss Sarah Lloyd, both of Cedardale. Fulford--Lightle--At Port Hope, Nov. 23rd, by Bev. S. J. Shorey, D.D., Alfred Edward, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H, Fnlford, and Alberta Lucy, eldest daughter of Ml-D. H. Lightle, all of Port Hope. Is the Best Right Now. Stocks are brimming over right now. Selections are complete complete and choosing is pleasurable. In the selection of special engraved engraved goods in gold and silver, such as card, cigarette and other cases, bracelets, rings, watches, charms, pefidants, etc. Your purchase purchase now will not only afford a more complete line to choose from but will allow ample time fon perfect marking, initiating and lettering by the engraver. Our stocks are selected from the best makes, and we afford the buyer a wide range to choose from. Certainly fine solid jewelry jewelry was never more beautiful, and we promise a most fascinating showing. Beautiful showing of Sterling Silver Card Cases and Cigarette Cases. Ihe Store of 'Best Service ALEX ELLIOT DEATHS Darch--In Darlington, Nov. 29, Sophia Jane, beloved wife of James Darcb, Salem, in her 76th year. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m. to Bowmanville cemetery. cemetery. Banton--In Hampton, Nov. 27th, JohnBanton, aged 62 years. Haw--At Port Hope, Nov. 22nd, Lawrence Haw, in his 70th year. Ireland--In Toronto. November 22nd Peter Ireland, in his 66th year. Wilson--In Oshawa, Nov. 22nd, Sarah Jane Ogden, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. G. Wilson, in her 40th year. X Farrow--In Oshawa, November 20, Mabel, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Farrow, in her 17th year. Greenaway--In Hope, Nov. 22nd, Mary Jane Sherin, relict of the late Jacob Greenaway, in her 82nd year. Fielding--Thursday evening. Nov. 9th, at The Crescent, Norwich, England, Pattie, the much loved Wife of Dr. James Fielding, formerly of Bowmanville and Orono. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL^ Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc,, in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to.. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON ». NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L,. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the Bowman House, Bowmanville, on» Wednesday November November 16th, and following Wednesdays Wednesdays until a permanent office has. been secured. 46-tf HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Friday evening a number of High School students will put on a good share of a program at Enniskillen when a pleasant pleasant time is anticipated. The B.H.S. Literary Society will meet Wednesday afternoon at 3-30 December 6th. These meetings are held in the Assembly Assembly Hall of the School and the public is always cordially welcome. Examinations will be held on Wednesday Wednesday and Thursday, December 20th and 21st, and On Friday evening 22nd it is proposed to hold the Commencement exercises exercises for presentation of diplomrs, certificates certificates and prizes. WEDDINGS Climie--Ward. A quiet but pretty wedding took place in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Bathurst street, Toronto, Nov. 22, when the Rev. Dean Moyna united in marnage Mrs. S. E. Ward, Euclid avenue, and Pte. W. S. Climie, A. M. C. Stanley Barracks. Pte. Climie is a son of the late Mr. W. K. Climie, at one time proprietor and editor of the Canadian Statesman, and later the Bowmanville Sun. The bride wore a dove-grev velvet dress, with toque to match, a black Persian lamb coat, and carried a white ivory prayer book, the gift of the groom. Mrs. A. Carter attended attended the bride, wearing a grey tailored suit, black fox furs and strawberry hat. Mr. John Kinsella supported the groom. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride. Pte. and Mrs. Climie will reside on Euclid Avenue, Toronto.--Telegram. Wood Sale--see advt. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves--largest display in town at F. O. Mason's. People stop to admire W. Blake Mc- Murtry's well filled grocery windows. Cbld weather is coming, ice will soon be good. Get your skates ready. Mason & Dale have just the kind you need. W 1 ANTED--Young girl to help with general house work. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Kent, Tem- perance-st, Bowmanville. 46-tf yO RENT--Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Apply to Mrs. H. James, east of cemetery, Kingston Rd., Bowmanville. 47-2w* w ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. H ORSE FOR SALE--Another ve^y quiet and reliable horse at a good bargain. Apply at once to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 47-tf P URSE LOST--Small silver change purse containing containing S3 in bills, car tickets, etc., lost on King-st., Friday Nov. 17. Reward for return to Statesman office. 47-tf D istrict representative wanted-- At once, for Bowmanville and the County of Durham. A splendid opportunity for the right man. Stone & Wellington, the Fonthill Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. f 48-5w W ANTED--COST CLKRKLWith actual experience experience on costing orders. State fully nature of experience, age and references. This is an excellent opportunity for the right party to locate in Toronto. Address, Drawer B, "Business", "Business", Bowmanville. 46-3 w B UGGIES FOR SALE--2 rubber tire runabouts, runabouts, one only used a few times. Also new steel tire top, buggy. All are in good condition, and may be had at reasonable prices. Call and see them at Pickard's Garage, Temper- ance-st., Bowmanville. 44-tf F OR SALE--2 good one-horse wagons, 1 good family carriage, 1 good cutter, 1 good one- horse sleigh, 1 tallow press, 2 H. P. No furth- er use for above goods. Also stable and store- house to rent. John Grigg, Onfcario-st., Bow- manville. • 46 ~ tf H OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st r containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, tine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. F OR SALE--Brick residence containing seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors. i acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small frnits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. - DR. R. W. CLARK Owing to ill-health Dr. R. Clark has resigned his position as Medical Officer Officer of the 235th, and will resume his practice at his office Centre-st., Bowman- viile, after Dec. 1. Jeweler. Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker. Engraver. 5B TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dealing with the Public. During this long period of years I have always endeavored to give the public the very best services. From the fact that my business has grown each year is proof that my efforts have been appreciated. If you are not already one of my customers I will appreciate it very much to have your next trial order. A Few Suggestions Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Ham, Tongue, Beef, Sausage, Weiners, specially cured for our trade. Fruit We are headquarters for Fruit You will want Granulated Sugar. . Get our special price this week. Remember we pay the highest price for all produce. Phone 65 AfCllie T 311, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House ÏM The Ladies' Store This is Your Opportunity On Sale This Week. or LADIES' OC Zü sample COATS ât 25 per cent below reg. prices. All new, up to the minute in Style--Highest quality in Material Material and Workmanship. Move quick if you would secure one of these desirable garments garments at manufacturer's prices. • We have also a magnificent assortment of our popular Northway Northway Coats for Ladies, Misses and Girls which are ON SALE 1 this week AT SPECIAL PRICES. Don't buy your winter coat until you have seen these. It will pay you, and leave dollars in your purse. - We are also clearing the balance of our Ladies' and Misses'" Suits at 25 per cent off ariÿ suit in the house. Telephone 106 SAW. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville 1 Hockey Sticks at F. O. Mason's. Automobile Skates at F. O. Mason s Washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Buggy Rugs large display at F. O. Mason's. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. oo.McLaughin and Gray Cutters at F. O Mason's. Boyshaveyou ever seen Mason &Dale's automobile skates? See them before you buy. Order your private Christmas Greeting cards now. An excellent variety to choose from at Mitchell's Drug Store.

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