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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1916, p. 6

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X B. J. H AZ LE WOOD, M.D., C.M- OHT. C "* OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI* "* _ ve^sjty. Toronto. • Four years Attending Phvslclan and Suryrçon at ML Carmel- HoSrnltal Pittsburg', Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington SL Telephone No. 108. GOgB^AN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Notaries Public. #.F;C00£fcAN. D. C.CALBRAiT't 668 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario/ ' W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. ♦ Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. Klng-sL East, Bowman ville. Phone 193. 20-lyr Notice ! In the Supreme Court Ontario. of IN THE MATTER OF John L. Parsons Parsons of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Yeoman, and the Campbeilford,. ake Ontario and Western Railway Company, and of the sale o' part of the East half of lot twenty five - in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlingto , containing I 52 acres more or less, to the said Railway Company, and IN THE MATTER OF the Railway Act and Amending Acts. AND TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Sections 210 and 211 of the said Act, the Campbeliford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company has paid into Court to the credit of the above matter the sum of $1698 O5 as the compensation under the Railway Act as fixed by the A- ward of Vaiuers appointed under an agreement m-de between the said Railway Railway Company and the said John L. Parsons, Parsons, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from June ytb, 1912,_ to 7th February, 1916, and six months' months' interest thereon, for the following lands, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that part of the East half (E.^i) of lot number twenty five(25) in the B. F. Concession of the Township of Darlington Darlington in the County of Durham (West Riding) and Province of Ontario containing containing an acre of one and fifty two hundredths hundredths acres (1.52) more or less, as shown coloured red on the plan attached to the said Agreement also to the Order made herein on November 21st, 1916, before The Honourable Mr. Justice Masten, in Chambers, Chambers, and as the land is staked out on the ground "and enclosed by the Railway Company for its right of wav through said lot twenty five and has delivered to the Clerk in Chambers of the said Court, true copies of said Agreement for Valuation dated July 29th, 19:4, and 6f said Award dated December 30th, 1915, AND TAKE NOTICE that such Agreement Agreement and Award constitute the title of the said Railway Company and that the same has been obtained under the said Act. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of said Section 211 and sub-section 2 therefore all persons claiming an interest in or to be entitled to the said lands or any part thereof are to file their claims to the compensation or any part thereof with F. Arnoldi, Esq , the said Clerk in Chambeis, at Osgoode, Hall, Toronto, on or before the nth day of December'19:6. Dated this 2?nd day of November, 1916. TtlacMurohy Sc Spenoe, SolicirorsRor the said Railway Company. Settled and approved, F. Arnoldi. C. C. 48--1 w IT ALWAYS BRINGS RELIEF Skin irritations ot all sorts yield to Trad* link Ptfrokum JFtity An unexcelled emollient for wounds, bums, sores and cuts. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and general general stores everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Illustrated booklet booklet on request. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Cowolidated) 1*40 Chabot Are. Montreal Hon. Walter Runciman, head of the British Board of Trade, which department of the Government will handle the food question. WEATHER KIND TO ENGLAND. WHEN YOUR FOOT SLEEPS. Pressure on the Sciatic Nerve is the Cause. If we sit for some time with our legs crossed our foot "goes to sleep." We are really pressing on the sciatic Rain m Has Twice Decided Battles Favor of the British. 1 Weather, which is again hampering the operations of our armies, has in all times influenced the course of battles, battles, observes the London Chronicle. Its, effect, however, has generally think" that'*1 would HARD WORKING WOMEN Will Find New Strength Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and not to worry. Every woman at the head of a home; every girl in offices, shops and factories is subjected to more or less worry. These cannot be avoided. avoided. But it is the duty of every woman woman and every girl to save her strength as much , as possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health depends depends upon it. To guard against a breakdown in health the blood must be kept rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this condition nothing can equal Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to listless people. Women cannot always rest when they should, but they can keep up their strength and keep away disease by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. N. E. Tomsett, Ottawa, Ont., writes:--"For several years I suffered suffered terribly, from nervous debility and was scarcely able to do a thing. During that time T consulted several doctors, and many medicines without getting any help, and I began to never get better. Dr. Williams' Pink Xt will- pay yon to ship all your fur to * reliable house, •'Where you can get full market velue. Ask for our prloe hot and whipping instructions. EDWARD POLLAK & CO. 280 ST. FJlUIi ST. WEST. KOSTKBAL, QOS. inch -BILLIARDS Those long winter nights you will need indoor recreation. recreation. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on.easy terms. BurroughesJt Waffs, Lfd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Churoh St., 1 oronto UPSET KAISER'S RECORD. His nerve, which supplies nearly all of „„ the nerves of the leg and foot, says i been one-sided, and some past examp- | 0ne day I saw London Answers. The nerve is elas- ! for " 1 a . hopeful precedent. At Pills advertised and thought I would that, as usual, the Kaiser had "beaten I tic, and is flattened by pressure just!° rec y> for instance, the "great ram," ------ - 1 like a rubber hose. The fibres which j which Froissart records, rendered use- Crown Prince Sceptical About Father's Bag of Deer. The Kaiser and the Crown Prince have always been more or less at daggers daggers drawn, and an amusing story of the Crown Prince's "cheek" on oné occasion occasion is told in London Tit-Bits. They were out shooting with a party. At the end of the day it was announced the pass there is an eighteen concrete wall lining. During .the recent trip to Western • Canada, Lord. Snaughnessy, aceom- : pariied by Chief Engineer Sullivan, took a toiir through the tunnel Lord . Shaughnèssy was well pleased with! what he saw. The construction work j is now rapidly approaching completion ! Two miles of steel rails have yet to i be laid on one side of the track. It . is expected that the formal opening : : will take place during, the first days of December. Since- its inception the j C.P.R., it is reckoned, has spent over | $200,000,000 in the development of | the West. The latest expenditure is j as popular as any that had previously been made. v When.His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and party took a trip through the tunnel on July 17th, the Duke ■ expressed in eloquent words the - gratification it gave him to be . associated associated with the pioneer work of the Canadian Pacific, and he complimented complimented the company on the splendid strides it was making in the development development of the country. Then His Royal j Highness, baptising the new work, ! christened it the Selkirk Tunnel. Some ! weeks later, at the request of Lord ( Shaughnessy, His Royal Highness j consented to have the tunnel called 1 after him. Henceforth it is to be named the "Connaught Tunnel," fitting compliment to the excellent i services which the Duke of Connaught gave to the Dominion during his fer#n as Governor-General. it if Beans Is Beans ---and the cost is soaring skyward with pork, beef, eggs and other foods until the cost of living represents an increase of from 30 to 50^ per cent. While meats and vegetables are beyond the reach of many millions of families, Shredded Wheat Bisduit continues to sell at the same old price and retains retains the same high nutri- tive quality. Shredded wheat biscuit contains all the rich body-building nutriment nutriment in the whole wheat grain, including the bran coat, which is so useful in keeping the bowels healthy and active, Eat it for any meal with milk or cream or in combination with fruits. -• Made in Canada V Chi Explained. j He--Your cousin Alice looked aw- | fully bored, at the party last night-. She--Oh, I don't know. He-- Bat I do. Wasn't. I talking to her nearly the whole evening? fe-j make up the nerve are sensory, that is to say, they carry sensations to the brain. Motor nerves carry sensations from the brain to the body. The only ways to stop a nerve carrying sensations are by cutting it or by pressure, which pushes apart the soft nerve matter, which is covered with a sheath, just as the water is pushed apart if you press a hose. When the pressure is on the nerve less the bowstrings of the Genoese MY F0ÜR LITTLE ONES try them. After taking four boxes I all records." was much better, but I continued The deer we had "shot" were laid ' USED BABY'S OWN TABLETS Tri v l. L. u ; using the pills for several months ! before him on the ground in a long j archers, but the English bows, being | ^ j wag again in the begt of ; line . The photographers began to get kept in cases, were not affected. At ! Plassey, too, a heavy shower of rain health. When I began taking the damaged the enemy's powder to such ! J only . 1( ? 0 P° unds - an extent that his fire slackened, and | Whl, = ™then: use with^ my re- Clive was enabled to avenge the mass- j newe . ) re " acre of the Black Hole. ! comm<md Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to Bad weather materially contributed to the failure of Napoleon's expedition expedition against Russia; and the Aus-, trians, in the retreat at Solferino, every one whom I know to be ailing." Mrs. Albert Nie, St. Brieux, Sask., your Ma- 1 writes:--"I have been using Baby's announced the head keeper Own Tablets for the past seven years 1 W> n #-i vixirn -ilrv i . . . _ _ . . Mlnard'a Elnlment Cures G-arjreLin Cows hied potatoes S EED POTATOES. biers. Delaware et once, tations. IRISH CO3- , Carman. Order X Supply limited. Write for quo- V H. W. Dawson. Brampton. busy. "Sixty-four head, jesty, dutifully in the meanwhile. The Kaiser made no comment HELP SUPPLIED. or and they have done ones a my four little , „. , , - great deal of good." The contradiction but suddenly the Crown Tablets always do good--they can- Prince chimed in scornfully, "Sixty- not p0S g iMy do harm-being guar- You can get Dr. Williams Pmk four head ? That's rather funny, con messages cannot pass backwards and j wer ® saved from annihilation by a forwards. If the pressure is released ! hurricane so fierce that, according to the nerve matter returns to its place and does its work. Mlnard'a Ziinlment Cures Colds. Ssp, CUT BULLET FROM HEART. In NOTICE ! the Supreme Court of Ontario. IN THE MATTER OF Charles A. Annis of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Yeoman,, and the Campbeilford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company, and of the sale of part of lot 28 in the first concession, of the Township of Darlington, containing 3.53 acres more or less to the said Railway- Company and IN THE MATTER OF the Railway Act and Amending Acts. TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Sections 210 ahd.2tl- of the said Act, the Campbeilford,"Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company has paid into Court to the credit of the above matter the sum of $1/52 55 as the compensation under the Railway Act as fixed by the Award of valuers appointed under an agreement m de between the said Railway Company and the said Charles A, Annis, with interest interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from 19th June, 1912, to 19th January, January, 1916, and six months' interest thereon, thereon, for the following lands, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that part of lot number twenty eight (28) in the first (1st) coices- eion of the Township of Darlington in the County, of Duiham and Province of Ontario Ontario containing an area of three acres and fifty one hundredths of an acre (3-5lacs) more or less, as shown colpured red on the plan attached to the Order made herein, on November 2ist, 1916, before The Honourable Mr. Justice Masten in Chambers, and as the land is staked out on the ground and enclosed by the Railway Railway Company for its right of way through said lot twenty eight and has delivered to the Clerk in Chambers of the said Court, true copies of said Agreement for Valuation Valuation dated April 27th, 1914, and of said Award dated December 2nd, 1915. AND TAKE NOTICE that such Agreement and Award constitute the title of the said Railway Company and that the same has been obtained under the said Act 1 * x AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of said Section 211 and sub-section 2 hereof all persons claiming an interest in-or to be entitled to the said lands or any part thereof are to file their claims to -th* compensation or any part thereof with F. Arnoldi, Esq , the said Clerk in Chambers, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Toronto, on or_before the nth day of December, December, I9l6ry- DATED tBTs 22nd day of November, I6l6. ... - MaoMurchy & Spence, Solicitors fôr-the said Railway Company. Settled and approved. F. Arnoldi, C. C. French Surgeon Tells of Unique and Delicate Operation. Dr. Maurice Beaussenat, who had already extracted a piece of grenade ; from the right ventricle of heart, told the French the Moniteur of that day, "nothing could any longer be distinguished on the field of battle." and the Aus- 1 f rorn an y dealer in medicine, or 1 by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- « ♦> A FINE TREATMENT FOR CATARRH EASY TO MAKE AND COSTS EITTEE Catarrh Is such an insidious disease a man's Acflripmip Hpq : and has become so prevalent during- the „ . „ Acaaemie aes past few years that its treatment should Sciences recently of a second similar be understood by all. operation performed with success . Science has fully proved that catarrn ^ uu peixuimeu witn success. is a constitutional disease and therefore A corporal wounded at Eparges had requires a constitutional treatment. been treated for peritonitis .and then Sp A aySi inhalers, salves and nose douches- vi v . f - ' .seldom if ever give lasting benefit and nao, been operated on for appendicitis, often drive the disease further down the He continued to suffer in various wavs al T- passas:e ® and JL nto the iungs. - „ » *1 , 7/ j If you have Catarrh or Catarrhal for more than a year, when a radio- \ deafness or head-noises, go to your scope revealed the pressure of a ' fï? 6 !. 1 , 81 and g,;t one ounce of Farmint shrapnel ball, moving in time to the ' o^hoV'&ÆTnf"? beatings of the this to be in the about the heart, "went in," as the SIKH BOY WON FAME. sidering you had only sixty ridges, isn't it, father ?" "Father" became black with fury, but the mischief had been done ; a good many of the party had overheard overheard the remark, as the Crown Princq<Khd meant they should. anteed[,. by a government analyst to car ~ ! be absolutely free from injurious drugs. They are " sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. M ACHINST APPRENTICE WANT- ED. Exceptional opportunitv for bright boy. Also machinist journev- man, on lath or vise. Apply Brown Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 419 King St. West. Toronto. S r AT I O N A R Y ENGINEER FOR night work. Step.dy eniplovment. must understand 125-volt D.C. generator and have certificate. Steel Company ol' Belleville. Canada, to heart. Supposing: ounces of granulated sugar ; stir until j, 0 dissolved, take one tablespoonful 4 times x- ~--~ardiuro or sac a day. Queen Victoria Gave Silver Cup Ram Singh, Indian Artist. The story of Sirdar Bahadar Ram Singh, whose death occurred recently, recently, is that of a Sikh boy, born in humble circumstances, who rose to honor and distinction by his own merit and endeavor and whef remained, remained, in spite of that distinction, unspoiled, a kind-hearted, modest, genuine man to the end, "L. J." writes in the Indiaman. Ram Singh, as a lad, attracted the attention of Lockwood Kipling, father of Rudyard Kipling, and under the auspices of the famous Anglo-Indian artist the young son of a Punjabi cultivator cultivator became almost equally widely known as a designer! Later he succeeded succeeded to Mr. Kipling's post as principal principal of the Mayo School of Art at Lahore. Lahore. In 1891 Ram Singh was ordered to proceed to England to design and ! supervise the decorations of the Dun- IF FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER When food lies like lead In the stomach stomach and you have that .uncomfortable, distended feeling, it is because of insufficient insufficient blood supply' to the stomach, combined with acid and food fermentation. fermentation. In such cases try the plan now followed In many hospitals and advised « Double Proof. A tramp knocked at a farmer's door and called for- something to eat. "Are you a Christian?" asked the good-hearted countryman. __ "Can't you tell?" answered the man. ! "Look at the holes worn in the knees of my pants. What do they prove?" The farmer's wife promptly brought out the food and the tramp turned to go. by many„eminent physicians of taking a ! "Well! Well!" asked the farmer, teaspoonful of pure bisurated. magnesia i "What made those holes in the back in half a glass of water, as^ hot as you \ 0 f y 0 ur pants ? " 3THWSFAP2ES rC3 SAX.B- NEWS P R( 2£2. T ' MAKINO news and joi for aaIe ln good Ontari* The most useful and Interesting 91 all businesses. Full Information on srplication to Wilson Publishing Com- P any ' 1 West Adelaide Street. Tôronto. MISCEEXiAITSOUS. C ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. Internal and external, cured without without pain by our heme treatment. Write Us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Dr. Beaussenat This will often bring quick relief from vn " „ , the distressing head-noises, clogged nos- m, as the surgeons say, and trils should open, breathing become easy saw that the ball was actually in the mucus stop dropping into the throat. ririit ventricle tipot* flip Iowpt* ovw4 ! This treatment has a slight tonic S nrC v ® ntricie ' near tne lower end. I action which makes it especially effect- • - - ~ -- The heart was drawn out; its wall cases where the blood has become bar Hall at Osborne House The npw was cut open between two loops of ÎÏÏÏe^îeJa^anf cSts'IftW 0 E^ÿ Wire; the ball Was removed and the person who wishes to be free from this heart was sewn up again. Six months destructive disease should give this later the heart had healed so perfect- treatmept a trial. ly that there was not a sign regularity about its pulsations. <*- of îr- WHEAT WISDOM. Sore Grannlafed Eyelid#, Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. NoSmarting, Wheat-growing in Egypt Traced Back to 3359 B.C. The statement that "wheat will end the war" may need qualification, for there are other factors; but the as- room was to be. in Indian style, and the work was executed with remarkable remarkable beauty and effect. The Queen took great personal interest in the work during its progress, and much admired it on completion. Ram Singh might have obtained many commissions commissions in England after that, but he was a singularly unambitious, modest man. He loved his work, but in the strange surroundings he was often homesick, and in 1892 he returned by Queen Victoria. YomODraggiit*. SOcpeXtk^&eE» j == rti .°? ho " s , mu ' h .™î eat - in | *0 the Punjab with ;he""tre"a"sur'ed po^ Salv«mTubcs25c.ForBookei1hcEyerrecask ! the form of bread > 13 absolutely ne- - - ~ ~ ~ " " " " cessary to each of the nations engag ed in the present war, Japan excluded. excluded. There are no substitutes "just as good." There is evidence that the Chinese cultivated wheat nearly 5,000- years can comfortably drink it. The hot water water draws the blood to the stomach and the bisurated magnesia, as any physician can tell you, instantly neutralizes the acid ? and stops the food fermentation. Try this simple plan and you will he astonished astonished at the immMiate feeling of relief relief and .comfort th/at always follows the restoration of the 'normal process of digestion. digestion. People who find it inconvenient at times to secure hot water and travelers travelers who are frequently obliged to take hasty meals poorly prepared, should al- jvays jtake two or three five-grain tab- letq.of Bisurated Magnesia after meals to prevent fermentation and neutralize the acid in the stomach. 'Backsliding,' he hurried on. replied the tramp as BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed -free to. any address by tee Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Ramediss $ 118 Wèst 31st Street, New York V* America's Phmear THE CONNAUGHT TUNNEL. The Lost Art. The 4-year-old had just been -reproved -reproved at the table. He continued to talk cheerfully, though unanswered, to father. After some minutes of soliloquy he turned to mother and remarked: remarked: "Your husband doesn't talk very : much this noon, does he, mother? 7 j i ^ When buying your Piano insist on having an . " OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION j BOOKS FOR 'XMAS GIFTS Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago In for a Blowing Up. Mrs. Mullins--What's the matter, Mrs. Jones? Mrs. Jones Why, this young var- : a g 0; regarding it as a direct gift from 1 mmt 'as swallowed a cartridge, and I heaven . The Egyptians attributed it can't wallop 'im for fear it goesi off. Klaud's Xiiniment Cures Distemper All Made in One Factory. to their god, Isis; the Greeks to Ceres. Concerning the latter, it was believed that when she had taught her favorite, favorite, Triptolemus, how to till the soil and make bread, she gave „ him her Ever since the year 1396 all the fine chariot, and in that he traversed the porcelain used in China's royal palaces! world, distributing corn to all nations. - has come from the King Teh Cheng ! Wheat-growing in Egypt can, by the- factory. The factory was partly evidence of a grain found Imbedded in destroyed and many of its choice de- the brick of a pyramid, be traced back signs were divided among certain to 3359 B.C. leading revolutionists. Recently the Varieties of wheat are legion. A ancient factory has received a grant | French firm in their trial seed grounds of $20,000 and. will again produce the < had over six hundred varieties grow- rare and beautiful porcelain for which | ing, and since then "crossing" has in- it is noted. creased the number. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen. Eyesight SO per cent In One Week *8 Time In Many Instances Construction Work Rapidly Approaching Approaching Completion. One of the greatest of the achievements achievements of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way is the Connaught Tunnel. This j great work--through the lofty Mount j MacDonald--amongst the Selkirk ; Mountains, is n^lÿ*ly six miles long j and double tracked. The excavation ! has ben modp at a cost of over $12, ■ 000,000 to the great transportation ' session of the silver cup given to him I company. But the C.P.R., which has I A quiet wedding may be but the calm before the storm. HIS FRIEND HURT; ' HE HELPED SKOTITEB'S DBESS SUIT, by Henry Irving Dodge. The most humorous book of the year. Illustrated. Cloth, Ç1.00 net. XITOHENEE'S MOB, by James Nor- ■ man Hall. Said to be the best hook from the trenches. Cloth. #1.25 net. Order from your bookseller or dibeot from THOMAS AIiEESf, Publisher, 1219 Victoria St. Toronto. 215- Goitre by I was cured of painful MINARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINABD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. A boy shaves that He may loqkjld- er; a man shaves that he "may look younger. VHnard's liniment Cures Diphtheria. A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. London.--Do you wear glasses? Are you a rictim of. eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real.hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through .the principle of this wonderful wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read-at all. Now Lean read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain'dreadfully; now they fiel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me,". A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere.seemcd -hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seemh clear. I can even read fine print without glasses." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time and obtained from any good druggist and is one of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand multitudes more wiU_be ablette..rtrengthejo^thdr-j^çig store",' ^Torontot'wlîf^n'ÿour erd^™ u eyes so as to be spared the trouble and «pen* of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of irnny descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by following the simple rules. Here is the prescription: prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. _ With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear .up perceptibly right from the start and Inflammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps to save them now, before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their eyes in time. Note: Another prominent. Physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Bon-Opto Is a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent Ingredients are.well known to eminent eye specialists and wldelv prescribed by. them: The manufacturers guarantee it to strengthen eyesight 60 per cent ln one week's tim» ln many Instances or refund the mone^. 1 it can be your druggft cannot. Getting Even. "Now, what do you want?" asked the sharp-tempered woman. "I called to see if I- could sell you some bakin' powder, ma'am," said the seedy gentleman wit^i .the staggering whiskers. "Well, you can't sell no bakin' powder powder here and I ain't got no time to waste on peddlers, anyway." "Come to think of it, ma'am," said the seedy gentleman, _as he fastened his bag, "I wouldn't care to sell you any powder. This poky little kitchen of yours is so low in the ceilin' that the bread wouldn't have no chance to rise." Injured Man Laughed When Simple Treatment Was Suggested, Suggested, But He Thanked His Comrade Later. Looking Ahead.. "I think I had better get a job before before we marry." "Don't, be so unromantic, Freddy. I won't nêed any clothes for a long, long time." "But you want to eat almost any time, my dear. spent from $26,000,000 to $35,000,000 ; per annum on the development of the West previous to the war, does not ; even in times of a conflict affecting i ----- the greater part of the world, spare : ,, ' , , . TT expense where the public convenience A. Voehl, of Plainfield, N.J., that a close : makes an urgent demand. The open- ^ 1 ' 1 ®P d had ^ - b ?, e P, A njur m^' t ^ nd ful1 1 of ' . „ , .... , „ ... anxiety he visited the afflicted man, who mg Of the tunnel will greatly facill- was suffering from a sprained ankle. j tate traffic, will open a new route, and " 11 was so bad that the leg had turn- i , lr ;n Q „ rcl , r -n ed black." said Mr. Voehl in relating the : Will do away with many miLs of story. " I told him 1 would have hlm 1 snow sheds. : out in a week and he laughed at me. ! T'Ro'PnnnonH Tn-n-nol „ But I took him a bottle of Sloan's Lini- : The Lonnauht runnel will give the rnent, that night he put some on and ; Canadian Pacific the lowest grade of noticed the ankle felt better. I told i any transcontinental railway running alys hi/fnkic welkin ! through the Selkirk Mountainss It four days he was working. He gladlv was bored in less than three years ^1%^, Sioan's Liniment "put him] under the supervision of Mr. J. G. Sullivan, Chief Engineer of, Western lines, and it is claimed that no undertaking undertaking of similar dimensions .was ever completed in such a short time. .In the excavation of the tunnel .many engineering difficulties had to be overcome. overcome. But mighty rocks gave way and the roots of a gigantic mountain crumbier before the advance of human human skill. At various points along Now Is the time to ship your skunk. We are the larges t handlers of this article in Canada. If you want the highest highest price, ship to us. All other lines highest price. Write for price list and the Brown Tag. Hoerner Williaisir & Co 376 ST. PAUL ST. WEST. DEPT. W. MONÏ3EAL. Reduces Strained. Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula* Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE AHTISEPTI8 AMD GERMICIDE - Docs not blister or remove the hairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment tor mankind, reduces reduces Strains, Painful, Knotted; Swollen Veins. Concentrated--only Concentrated--only a few drops required at an application. Price 81 per bottle at dealers or delivered. W. F. YOUNQ, P. D. F„ 516 Lymans Bldg , Montreal, Can. tosorbinc and Absorblne. Jr., ar- aadn in Can* ta. ietv that with ,the ED. 4. ISSUE 49-- 5 '16. A fraternal Bind inturaaee soct rctects its members In accordance . nterio Government. Standard. Sick and iunsrsl benefits optional. Authorized to obtain members and charter lodges In every Province in Canada. Purely Canadian, safe, sound and economical. economical. "If herein no local lodge of Chosen Friends "In your district, apply direct to any of the following officers! Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P. W. F. Mi Grand Councillor. W. F. Campbell, J. H. Ball, M.D., Grand Organiser, Grand Medical Ex, HAMILTON . ONTARIO Montague, Grand Recorder, WANT Men & Gif For All Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY InflepenflSDtRnlJber Co., Ltd. MERRITTON, ont. j i

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