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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1916, p. 7

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Y ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD It has the reputation oî nearly a quarter of a century behind every packet sold Black--Green--or Mixed E204 IN THE OLD DAYS Commanders of Armies Were Counter feiters. BWS HEALTi "Fruit-a-tlves"-Builds Up The Whale System Selected Recipes. (Soft Gingerbread.---Six cups of sifted sifted flour, three cups of molasses, one . cup butter or lard, one cup sour mi '» , one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoon- : fuis cinnamon, one teaspoonful l»m£ er ' pinch salt. • Bake in a loaf. Half o this quantity can be used. them jeeioener cut over, x uey may ue Bran Muffins.--Perhaps your read- taking "Fruit-a-tives" for some specific ers would like to try it: One pm disease, as Constipation, Indigestion, bran, one pint entire wheat, one heap- ^rome Headaches or Neuralgia, ing teaspoonful baking powder, tnree Kid or Bladder Trouble, Itheu- teblespoonfuls ™? la ^' 0 ^ a ^ he r matismor Pain in the Back. And they ful salt; mrx with j g nd when "Fruit-a-tlves" has cured the .Take two - disease, that they feel better and Those who take "Fruit-a-tires" for the first time, are often astonished at the way it builds them up and makes them feel better all over. They may be pedients that were often essential in the old days. For example, prior to Napoleon's I j 1812 campaign, the Paris gendarmes j , , , one night made a raid on a house in : g^Ybake in hot oven. Many ideas have been adopted for j the Plaine Montrouge, and discovered j E B c^ped in Gravy. supplementing the currency of the dif-j quite a fine manufactory of false j Qr three large on i ons , slice them very stronger in every way. This is due to ferent countries engaged in the pre-j notes. There was quite a stir next ! thin f tm a nice brown. Have ready the wonderful tonic properties of these sent war, but it is doubtful if our | day when the Police Minister made th ree or four hard-boiled eggs cut in famous tablets, made from fruit juices, commanders will be forced to the ex- j the announcement that the manufac- glices an d a cupful of nice gravy with 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. ___ . . _ had been started "by order of the & flour of arrowroot mixed with all dealers or sènt postpaid by Fruit- I Emperor." The false notes, which Add the eggs to the onions, then a _ tives Limited. Ottawa. H£*; were Austrian and Russian, instead r - n tke gravy, and stir in all tul, wrung out of cold water is the best duster f or velyèt. qr plush^fujptutîUie... ' To renovate rëâther'thàt'hâs become dull and shabby; looking rub over with the white of an egg well beaten. .When cleaning brass knobs the sur- , rounding paint may be kept clean if j a piece, of cardboard is fitted .around the knob. To make meats Or a fowl of doubtful doubtful age tender add a teaspoonf ul of apple apple juice to the water in which they are boiled. To prevent mould from forming on top of the liquid in which pickles are kept put in a few pieces of horseradish horseradish root. Place pieces of flannel or of blotting blotting paper between fine china plates. This will prevent them from being; scratched. Hà» been Canada'f favorite yeaet for over * quarter of a centurv. Bread baked with Royal Yeast will keep fresh and moist longer than that «wdeiwlth any ether, eo that a full week's supply earn easily be mads at one jwking-, and thé last loaf will be just as good as the first; MADE IN CANADA E.WGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED VPWNirao «TORONTO. OTH/T. MONTREAL are buckets of water properly distri- ia _ ; buted around the bam. Fire buckets, To prevent linoleum from cracking rounded bottoms, which, on ac- after it has been rolled and put away ; colin t of their shape are inconvenient place it before a fire a few hours be-. for g enera i use> can be placed in a fore unrolling it. J round hole cut in a shelf or bench; Fire Rail Protection. full. To prevent freezing two pounds Useful articles to have on the fan™ | of fused calomm cMorideper paHmay èd- red so that they will be more con spicuous, a constant reminder of the danger of fire. If we could see the opportunities nn ER | f/fie name that stands for ÎÎ Quality in Farm Machinery u 1ISTER ENGINES ARE fl BRITISH BUILT Have tke Largest sale In the British Empire. of French, were intended for use . against the enemy on the Russian Ex- ! pedition, but the bulk of them came to ! grief during the great retreat. Wellington was responsible for a similar stroke of business during thé Peninsular War. Being badly in need of gold when about to invade France, he conceived the queer idea, of hunting out some counterfeit coiners coiners from the ranks. Quite a number of these gentry were forthcoming, so strangely constituted was our Army in those days, and these were ordered . by the duke to exercise their evil art i by transferring his English sovereigns ; into louis d'or and napoleons. Our troops at present on the Continent, Continent, however, are being paid in English money, the French Government Government having issued a proclamation to the gravy has thickened. I - Delicious Spanish Cake.--Take but- half cupful steamed, mashed squash, ; +pr suerar and flour of equal one-quarter cupful sugar, one-half j weight When the butter is beaten cupful scalded milk one-quarter cup- j f , " a B c ™ S t^YvMor luYago" "rippie^ to a cream add the eggs, sugar and ful butter, one-half teaspoonful sa ,, ^ back ig tke time to test the virtues of flour in the order named. Beat and one-quarter yeast cake, one-quarter j Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Well rubbed stir for twenty minutes or more; then cup f u i tepid water, two and one-half | }n j t wil j st fli the/pain apd"firoduce a sen- drop it in small mounds on a sheet- ; cup f u i s flour. Dissolve seasonings,, sat i 0 -. of ease anti restr There is nothing iron pan dusted with flour. Place a yeast an fl butter in milk and water, like it as a linin preserved cherry in the center of each add squa sh, cover and let rise ! pertie'^are grea cake and bake in moderate oven. j over night In the morning shape into hsh faith in it. Macaroni With Grated Cheese.-- ; biscuits, let rise and'bake. Break half of a small box of macaroni in short lengths. Have a large kettle j Cheese Luncheon Dishes, of water boiling briskly. Salt it and ; cheese Souffle.--Cook together in a drop in the macaroni, which should sauce pan two tablespoons each of but- have been rinsed in cold water. Boil ter and flour. When they are mixed hard until the macaroni is tender.. pour over them one-half pint of milk. Turn into a colander, pour cold water. g tir to a sm0 oth white sauce and into over it and then hot water. Season ire uxirunms iu. I round hole cut m a sneii or oenen; xx we ^ ^ ^ ----- When pouring boiling milk or water ; ftiey should be covered and inspected ahead as clearly as those we have left into a tumbler or glass dish, stand the : reffalar j y to assure their being kept | behind, success would be easy. tumbler or dish on a knife, and the -- -- ,■■■ glass will neither break nor crack. Just a slight shake of salt in the coffee pot will improve the flavor, but it must be a very slight shake, as a trifle to much will spoil the coffee completely. There is nothing its curative pro- A trial of it will estab- A man isn't necessarily a manufacturer manufacturer because he's always on the make. . The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve, wants men for imme diate service Overseas, in the Imperial Royal Navy ... 6-9 H-P. On Skids or Truck. " HifCk Tension. Ma-gneto Irfnitior ^ ° Autome-tic Lubriceaion. ♦ "V' l\ it iA Lister Silos, Ensilage Cutters, Threshers. Sprevqers, Milkers, U Electric Light Plants, Melotte ^ Cream Separators. tiTHE LISTER' if GRINDER Wntc for price of our famous jV Grinder Outfits' ♦ compris inri v 4 StiRListeY IT Engine arid &. i\ 944 Lister Grinder. Write far Catalogue 'to Dept. RA-L1STER & Co.Limited TORONTO _ ■ Hig A' A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves'/Wopm Exterminator, and there is nothing>éfter for driving worms from the system. Great Britain, France, and Russia have 156 battleships and cruisers un- . vu a O...,,,, j : der tv/enty years old, against 55 of îason ( ^bj s pu ^ eight tablespoons of grated ; Q erman y and Austria, ment having issuea a prociamanun w with saltj pep per, butter, a little c b ee se, a little salt, dash of paprika j _ all bankers and traders to give change ; m j nced green pepper and one-quarter and a p i nc h of baking soda. Beat at the rate of twenty-five francs to j pound g ra tÆ cheese, stir lightly, turn f our e ggs, the whites and yolks sepa- ; the sovereign.--London Answers. i n to a hot vegetable dish and pass ^ ra ^ e ^ y _ Remove the cheese mixture | more grated cheese when serving it. j f rom the fire and beat in it the yolks Miller's Worm Powders not only exter- Apple Dessert.--Pare half a dozen ^ of t he eggs, then fold in the whites. I minate intestinal and other worms, but app les, cut in quarters and remove 1 ip urn the mixture into a pudding dish j they are a remedy' for many other ail- seeds, then boil gently in one cup of, and bake in a steady oven until it is a ments of children. They strengthen the water w ith two cups of brown sugar. ! g 0 ] den brown. Serve immediately. : young stomach against bll i°usness and when soft strain off the juice and put ! Cheese straws.--To a half pint of ! are tomcai in .^ eir f^isH apples in dish from which they will be: prepare d flour add two ounces of grat- condUioStev^b^ound und I served. In another pan melt one ^ P p armesan cheese. Moisten with they will serÿe ioallay pain and griping tablespoonful of flour and one cup of tbe yo | k G f an egg and enough milk to in the stomaphf from which children so crea m (milk will do). Let this get make a paa te that can be rolled out. often suffer. hot, then add apple juice, allow the RoU into a tllin sheet and cut into mixture to come to a*boil and simmer, narr bw straws. Bake to a delicate for five minutes, stirring all the while; brown. Remove from oven and sift little P our this over the apples and you will g ra ^ ed cheese over them. Candidates must be sons of natural born British subjects and be from 18 to 38 years of age. \ TT> A "VT* $1.10„per day and upwards. Free Kit. Jl A A Separation allowance, $40.00 monthly. Apply to the nearest Naval Recruiting Station or to the Department of the Naval Service, OTTAWA. • Mini »% J * * ■ * * * % »"<*• » j w sV-* * ' • > ^******* * » * » • A r m m + q.« I *> « « m » • » ê • ■ « » * • ■ » * •• • ** » # * • • ». * t SÏÎÎÎÎÎ *1 ÎÎî'« 5 • * * liillll *'«•* •»•••*•««»! m'+ * * • *2'S 1 b»'* i! ZÜm is-k-î'aV*" Counsel Disdained. '•You shouldn't allow the , t - things of life to disturb you." j have a delicious dish. "I don't know about that. A germ, Lady Fingers. -- Make is about the littlest thing I know of." Corns cause t much suffering, but FoVoway'sCori Qrfe offers a s:eedy, sure, and satisfactory relief. a regular •spongecake batter, turn it into a pastry pastry bag with a fhbe & in the end and Things to Remember. Fish is not fresh unless the flesh is s: TlS Don't get into the habit of going around with your bristles up. THREE VITAL QUESTIONS Arc you full of cncriy, vital force, and /encrai iood health ? Do you know that *ood digestion A 1. the ic .:ndation of iood health ; Pains and op-_ AFTER Ï MEALS TAKE JC!5 ' m M OTHER IGEL SYRUP. oreuion in stomach and chest after eating, with constipation, headache dizziness, are sure s.£ns of Indigestion. Mother Scif el s Syrup, the great herbal remedy and tonic, will cure you. 5! AND BANISH STOMACH TROUBLES! much as the smaller. iV i. W Hrr B ' &Cq U LIU ite'd , CraigStreet West. Montreal. Rubber Supply Steady While Leather Gets Scarcer This Explains Low Price of Rubber Foo't- ■yypar in Spite of Increase m Cost of Chemicals, Fabrics and Labor. Th-e war is using up enormous quantities, both of leather and rubber. At the same time it is seriously restricting the output of the former, much of which came from Russia--while rubber production keeps pace with the demand. From the great plantations now reaching maturity in Britain's tropical Dominions will come this year 150,000 tons of raw rubber--75% of the world's production, and an increase of over 40,000 tons over last year. Thus, thanks to the British Government's foresight in encouraging these plantations, the Allied armies have been abundantly supplied with all the rubber ~ products they need--Germany and her allies have been cut off--and the price to the world at large has actually been reduced. Meanwhile leather has been getting scarcer and more expensive--80% higher than m 1914 r-and the end is not yet. At normal prices a pair of good shoes cost about four times as much as a pair of rubbers--and would last twice as long l £ rubbers or overshoes were worn to protect them. Or a pair of heavy rubbers for the farm cost much less than heavy shoes, and would stand much more wear in bad weather So even before the war rubbers were a mighty good investment, to say nothing of their prevention of wet feet, colds and doctors' bills. Now when leather costs so much" more in P ro ?f^°T^ ESWSiHiiifcH footwear best suits his ne w ' ea £[ ru "bber he conserves the ■ ?en?h« that IB »o Boarc^yet so absolutely ■ necessary to the soldiers. y ___ Wear Rubbers and Save Leather for, our Fighting Men! _ try Dag wilii luuc *** j squeeze it out the shape of lady-fing- • more than a week ! ers; Dredge with powdered sugar * » ^f b e aWle. and place in a very moderate ovem AR foodstuffs e aten raw should be They must not -spread or s . f washed before being served. the former the oven is too cool, it^thej ^ morè - dèricate if the crust Ifrl^veThem "ily ^thê' is removed from the bread, pan, put the two flat sides together and place them , on a sieve to cool. Pans indented in the Yba-pe of lady- fingers are much less troublesome to use than the pastry bay. Jellied Chicken Consomme.--1% level tablespoonful granulated gelatine, gelatine, 1 quart chicken stock, carefully strained and all fat removed; juice of 1 lemon, beaten white and crushed X froT'thfcWoSnYookYddj miscible to serve Lmon lufcito SYstocÎ'place Yt | "T ?h"e cWcTen is old, the best way over the fire and stir until it boils ; to cook it is on casserole, and to Boil 2 minutes, then simmer for 10, make it juicy add mfik- - mlmites and strain , through cloth The housekeeper with respect for wmng from cold water. Dissolve the digestion of the faxmly avoids the eelatine in the hot strained stock, ■ cooked-over meats. • a -m-a add salt pour in a shallow dish and Always open doors and windows of ? set When it is the dining room, if possible, before ^and S «t^he jW with a ! breakfast, ^ so ^ to give the room a ! fork to break it up, then fill bouillon | cups and serve. Have you tied up little bags of lavender to rest among your linen? Never put woollen underwear on the baby and he will never need it. A soured sponge needs to be hung two or three days in strong sunshine. Save the water in which rice is cooked for a soup foundation. ' Stale cake can be soaked in milk and made up into gingerbread. _ With à vegetable dinner it is per- a dessert rich in Squash Delicacies. The squash and the pumpkin deserve a frequent place on the menu outside thorough airing. Macaroni and oysters baked and mixed as macaroni and cheese make a good winter dish. Rice and meat cooked together in any one of many ways make an ex- largest gum in world? 17 . N* ic true that! cellent luncheon dish. of the traditional pie. it is true in* , when cream butter 1 and sugar i they are both rather insipid j for a calce a little cold water will i tables by themselves, but as an ac-, m&ke the , creamin g easier. i companiment to some more spicy , ; p i ece of clean chamois leather j or prepared properly, they are both, A piece 01 I delicious and a welcome change from ; the more common vegetables. . I For example; baked squash--cut m strips like a watermelon and bake I until a light gulden brown--is a de- ! lightful change from the baked potato ! or other starchy vegetable addition to i Squash Souffle.--Two cupfuls of 1 steamed mashed squash, one cupful I of cream, two eggs, salt and pepper. I Add the seasoning to the mashed steamed squash theft add cream and the well-beaten whites of eggs, turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in slow oven. Steamed Squash.--Cut m pieces, remove remove seeds and membrane and steam until tender--about thirty minutes. Mash, peason with salt, a dash of sugar, mace and a lump of butter, j Serve very hot.„ ■ Squash Pudding.--Three cupfuls of j steamed mashed squash, two-thirds, cupful of sugar; one teaspoonful of; salt, three-quarters teaspoonful of | cinnamon, two and one-half cupfuls of, milk, two eggs. Mix sugar, salt and cinnamon and add to squash. Add well-beaten eggs and milk, turn mto butered pudding dish and bake in moderate moderate oven until firm. , . , Baked Squash.--Cut a squash mto > strips of about'two inches square, dust, with, salt and pepper. Place m bak- ing dish and add one-half teaspoonful ; of butter and one-half teaspoonful of - molasses fqr each piece. Bake in moderate moderate oven until soft. Squash Breakfast Biscuits. One- Cenuîne Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pec-Simile Wrapper Below. [ Ytff mall tad ea easy So tiOre os seffar- FOR HEADACHE. CARTERS Write for the Sprightly Spearmen's funny Mother Goose book. Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Building, Toronto, Ont. FOR DIZZINESS. FDR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVE*. TOR'èONStlFATIOR FOB SALLOW SKll. P0R THEGOMPliXlON I OBHllimM UUHTHAVt tlOMATUWt; _ pBiwly fggggKi awl*' TSX -- CUBE DICK HEADA6HS» Flavor ansi the Sealed Package are three big, reasons. And the Value it gives in long-lasting, beneficial enjoyment is a point that people appreciate. The air-tight package keeps the flavor and quality as fine as when made in the wonderful Wrigley factories. •. p a a •' a * m w » » • » * • i

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