Rich. Snowden |1 Of Bed path Granulated .Sugar until d* | />Q ^Vf.lOS further notice for E eU<f This Week We are Offering : 2 lbs Biscuits for ....29c 135 pails Honey, 5 lbs for..... 65c 2 large tins Snider Soup 25c 300 lbs Icing Sugar, 2 lbs for......21c 3 lbs Starch for..... 23c 2 lbs Seeded Raisins, new .....25c 2 lbs Mincemeat, in bulk. .--'....27c Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs ànd Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN, Phone 243 Bowmanville e**#****#*»e**ee**#*##*e* * One More Ê Mattress Bargain | * & This week we will sell you a full size.mat- g tress to fit any bed at $2 95. We have a line of ^ all felt mattresses that cannot be excelled, and ^ will give 10% cut on all. Our Adjusto Ventilât- # ed Felt Mattress can be made fit any bed. # See our Phonograph with 12 records at w $14.00 cash, $16.00 in installments. Come in and hear it play. Alan M. Williams, Undertaking # receives prompt attention day or night. W Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville g e***#ee*#ee#e#ee*ee*e#ee* Order your Fruit Cake for Christmas ^>iti We guarantee satisfaction. Cakes made from choicest ingredients in sizes from 1 lb. up. A complete line of pastry, pastry, cookies, layer cakes, jelly rolls, fresh buns and rolls of all kinds. Our Pastry is good. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville --i 11 ii i up i Fresh Sausage and Weeners All kinds of Smoked Meats Fresh Fruits For Christmas Do not delay buying the necessities for your Christmas baking as the prices are advancing. We have everything ready to hand of the best quality and at prices as low as the lowest. Raisins Currants Dates Pigs Peels Spices Extracts Walnuts Almonds Syrup Sugar Butter 'Eggs Lard Mince Meat Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. You know our phone number is 186. Harry Allin Opposite Goodyear Club. Specials in Canned Goods All kinds of Vegetables. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. HO, 1910 SALEM Reserve Monday Dec. 4 for the concert in the Salem Church. Splendid entertainment entertainment given by local and outside tal ent. Refreshments. Admission 25c; children 15c. ""A-statement of the cost of new enclosed shed will be made and subscriptions subscriptions solicited. Flashlights from 50c up at F. O. Mason's. The famous 5/T horse blankets at F. O. Mason's. PROVIDENCE A Patriotic Concert will be given in the church on Dec. 1. consisting of choruses, readings and Patriotic exercises by the school; also a play, entitled "The Making of Canada's Flag" by the young people. Miss Bessie Scott and Miss Katie Cochrane will also assist. Violin solos by the Carruthers Bros, solos byMr. W. S. Bragg and others. Admission 25c and 10c. Eleven different styles of Cutters at F. O. Mason's. S. A. Burgess, Maple Grove, is having a wood sale on Friday Dec. I. Don't miss it if you want some good hardwood or MAPLE GROVE Rev. Geo. Brown, Hampton, preached a very earnest and.impressfve^sermon in the interests of the Sbbial Service Department Department of the church. The choir rendered good music... .Mr. Arthur Trimble has made some improvements in his barn, Mr. L. H. Hockin,contractor.. ..Mr.S,Snowden ..Mr.S,Snowden was in the city last week....Miss Lyra Trenouth, Hampton, guest of Miss Edna Snowden Our Leaguers are coking forward to a good time and a full louse Wednesday evening next, Dec; 6th, when Ebenezer League has arranged for a visit. Everybody welcome Messrs. Walter Rundle and Charlie Osborne, Ebenezer, attended our Sunday School Sunday Miss El va Power and Mr. Herbert Creeper^ town, spent Sunday at Mr. S. A. Burgess' and Mr. J. D. Stevens', r. Harry Hamm has rented Mr. Chas. f rd's place. Cuttersl Cutters!! Wiirter is coming. See Pickard before purchasing that new cutter. Farmers if you want good hardwood or cedar attend S. A. Burgess' sale at Maple Grove on Friday Dec I. Skates, skates, winter is coming and every boy and girl will be wanting a pair of skates. Mason & Dale have the ever- popular automobile skate. See then before before you buy. HAMPTON Epworth League meeting Friday . night was presided over by Mr. Frank Cryder- man. Scripture Lesson was read responsively. responsively. The topic "The Citizen and Drink Traffic" taken by Lloyd Ward. Miss Minnie Horn rendered a solo and Mrs. J. Colwill a reading "Beyond the Great Divide" on Rev. Dr. Hazlewood's trip through British Columbia during the fight for Prohibition. Meeting closed with "The Mizpah". Regular monthly meeting of W. M. S. was held at the Parsonage Tuesday 2ist was largely attended. Readings were given from "The story of the Years" by Mesdames, Trenouth, Corden, Wilcox, Colwill, and Mrs. Jesse E. Cole. Musical part was particularly fine --piano duets by Misses Brown and Nonie-Horn and Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and Miss Horn and were much enjoyed, Mrs. and Miss Brown served refreshments. It was decided to hold prayer meeting on Wednesday afternoon afternoon and at evening at which Rev. Geo. Brown will be present. A cordial invitation invitation is extended to all who are interested in Missions... .The interment of the late Mrs. Mary Robbins, Carlaw Ave., Toronto, Toronto, took place here in the "North End" Cemetery on Thursday last Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cole visited Kirby friends recently. recently. .. .Miss Elma Clark, Toronto, was home over Sunday... .Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, Osborne, Hope, Mr. Isaac Johnston, Chatham, Chatham, visited here over the week-end..... Mr. and Mrs. Rees Johns, Newcastle, visited visited Mrs. C. Johns Mr. Harold Clark has gone to Oshawa to work Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gregory, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. C. W. Souch over Sunday....Sisters Sunday....Sisters and brothers of Mrs. W. G.- Doidge gave them a pleasant surprise Wednesday evening 22nd it being their fifth wedding day and presented them with a nice large rocking chair. After a sumptuous supper of roast fowl and other good things the evening was pènt in music and social chat. At the close all joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem. Anthem. The departing guests expressing the hope that Mr. and Mrs. Doidge may have many returns of the "Day".... .L. Spry, "Buffs", Toronto, was home over Sunday ... .Mr. W. R. Allin attended the Liberal Convention at Toronto last week Rev. R. A. Delve, South Darlington, gave a stirring address here on Sabbath evening in the interests of the Dominion Alliance.... Mrs. W.° W. Horn was Delegate Delegate from Hampton Institute to the great Convention at Toronto,.. .Ôné of our respected respected residents passed away on Monday, Mr. John Ranton. He is survived by his widow three daughters and one son, all of whom were present when he died. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family Epworth League are preparing for an entertainment on Dec. 21 reserve the date....Women's Institute meèts Thursday Dec. 7 at the home of Mrs. E. Hastings. Mrs. W. W. Horn will report the Provincial Convention at Toronto. All ladies invited. Come prepared to sew. Since lastrreport the Institute have sent 23 pairs of socks to the Red Cross....Mrs. Hodgkiss, Hamilton, is visiting at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's.... Before leaving Bradford recently Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn were given a pleasant surprise by members of the Anglican Church in which he is an active worker and presented with a combination combination Sectional Bookcase and Writing Desk and beautiful Casserole. Miss Aloha Horn received from the teachers and offi- ers of the Sunday School a nice leather- bound Hymn Book. Miss Naomi Horn a W. A. pin from the "Snow, Birds". Mr. Horn was presented later with a leather rocking chair from Mr. S. Lukes, his employer, employer, and a Past Grands' Collar from the I. O. O. F. Lodge. Mr. Horn is a son of Mr. Chas. Horn, Hampton, and has recently recently moved to Peterboro where he has accepted a.good position with the "Peterboro "Peterboro Cereal Co." A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. S. A. Burgess is having a wood sale on Friday Dec. I Splendid opportunity to buy good hardwood. SOUTH DARLINGTON RURAL SCHOOL FAIR Held At Maple Grove School, Friday, Friday, Oct. 13,1916. List Of Prize Winners: • : : . : ; ; - , .. - : ■ . • • < , Continued from last week Class 9 Domestic Science 35 two loaves home made bread 1 Helen Walters, ; Courtice 2 Francis Hancock, Courtice 3 Gladys Allin, Grove 4 Nellie Burgess, Grove . 5 Annie McDonald, Salem ; ' 36 Ji dozen Baking Powder Biscuits' 1 Gladys Allin, Grove 2 Hilda Foley, Base Line 3 Reta Power, Grove 4 Nellie Burgess, Grove 5 Vio'a" Stevens, Grove 6 Olive Brock, Grove 37 Apple Pie 1 Helen Walters, Courtice 2 Gladys Allin, Grôve 3. Mildred Downey, Base Line 4 Vera Power, Grove . 5 Florence Ashton, Shaw's 6 Vera Hughes, Salem 3& Layer Cake 1 Doris Clarke, Base Line 2 Helen Walters, Courtice 3 Gladys Allin, Grove 4 Nellie Burgess, Grove 5 Irma Power, Grove 6 Jessie Balson, Zion . >• 39 Quart jar plum preserves I Mary Found, Darlington 2 1 Gladys Allin, Grove 3 Beryl Oke, Grove 4 Jessie Balson, Zion 5 Nellie Burgess, Grove 40 I lb. home made fudge 1 Mina Oke, Darlington " A 2 Mary Found, Darlington 3 Viola Stevens, Grove 4 Marjorie Clemence, Shaw's 5 Lillian Clemence, Shaw's 6 Ethel Brooks, Courtice 41 Pin cushion embroidered, linen top, made up I Viola Stevens, Çrove 42 Dressed Doll--hand sewing 1 Reta Power, Grove 43 Fancy Work Bag . I Mary Sewart, Grove 2 Beryl Oke, Grove 3 Viola Stevens, Grove Campbell's Flour Mills Special I Gladys Allin, Grove Class 10 Manual Training 45 Hammer Handle 1 Clifford Swallow, Grove 2 Harry Allin, Courtice 3 Glen Courtice, Courtice 4 Ferguson Abernethy, Base Line 5 Elgin Munday, Grove 6 Albert Living, Providence 46 Milk Stool 1 Wilson Clarke, Courtice 2 Willie Allin, Courtice 3 Clifford Swallow, Grove 4 Willie Lymer, Grove 5 Harvey Armstrong, Grove 6 Elgin Munday, Grove 47 Feeding Hopper for chickens 1 Ferguson Abernethy, Base Line 2 Harry Allin, Courtice 48 Handy Farm device 1 Clifford Swallow, Grove 2 Ferguson Abernethy, Base Line 3 Harvey Armstrong, Grove Class II Nature Study 49 Coll Weeds 1 Mary Found, Darlington 2 Olive Brock, Grove 3 Elgie McDonald, Salem 50 Coll Weed Seeds 1 Nelson Armstrong, Grove 2 Ruby Goyne, Courtice 3 Arthur Found, Darlington 4 E. Biock, Courtice 5 Walter Branch, Salem 6 M. Edminson, Courtice 51 Coll Insects I Wilson Clarke, Courtice 53 Coll Native Woods 1 Roy. Jackson, Providence 2 Irwin Hughson, Salem 3 Walter Branch, Salem 4 Elfie McDonald, Salem 54 Coll Leaves 1 Mary Found, Darlington 2 Walter Branch, Salem 55 Coll Wild Flowers I Gladys Allin, Grove Class 12 Fruit 56 Five Spy apples 1 Glen Courtice, Courtice 2 Irwin Hughson, Salem 3 Alan Snowden, Grove 4 Gertie Herring, Zion 5 Ruby Aldsworth, Grove 6 Harry Osborne, Darlington 57 Five Snow apples' 1 Alan Snowden, Grove 2 Mildred Downey, Base Line 3 Anson Balson, Zion 4 Harold Mewhiney, Base Line 5 Alice Brock, Grove 58 Five A. O. V. Apples 1 Irwin Hughes, Salem 2 Willie Lymer, Grove 3 Anson Balson, Zion 4 Florence Aldsworth, Grove 5 Alan Snowden, Grove 59 Coll apples 5 varieties of 5 each 1 Ronald Courtice, Courtice 2 Albert Living, Providence 3 R. Rundle, Base Line 4 Alan Snowden, Grove 5 Gertie Herring, Zion Class 13 Miscellaneous 61 Essay "Care of Milk" 1 Gertie Herring, Zion 2 Eunice Weatherilt, Shaw's 3 Mary Found, Darlington 4 W. Burgess, Grove 62 Essay "My Favorite Animal" 1 Geo. Weatherilt, Shaw's 2 Constance Stewart, Grove 3 Vera Powers, Grove 4 Arthur Found, Darlingtou 63 Map of Dominion 1 Ethel Brooks, Courtice 2 Ruby Goyne, Courtice . 3 Ivy Hockin, Grove 4 Ronald Courtice, Courtice 5 Le ta Turner, Shaw's 6. Clifford Swallow, Grove 64 Free Hand Drawing 1 Ruby Reid, Courtice 2 Glen Courtice, Courtice 65 Writing "National Anthem" 1 Viola Stevens, Grove 2 Ivy Hockin, Grove 3 Norman Burgess, Grove 4 Eunice Weatherilt, Shaw's 5 Ruby Goyne, Courtice 6 John Delve, Courtice 66 Writing "Lead Kindly Light" 1 Marjorie Clemence, Shaw's 2 Mabel Goyne, Courtice 3 Vera Powers, Grove 4 Glen Courtice, Courtice AUCTION SALES Wednesday; December 6,--Mr. A. J. Souch, lot 10*. con. 7, Darlington, will sell the whole of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Deg. 6.--Mr. D. J. O'Donnell, O'Donnell, Lot 31, Con. 3, Darlington, will sell by public "auction all his farm stock, implements, and farm, also quantity of Household Furniture. Sale at I o'clock. : See bills. JAMES 'Bishop, auctioneer. WOOD SALES Mrs. F; L* Bragg will sell sometime in December about 5 acres of standing mixed timber on lot 13, Con. 5, Darlington. Darlington. Watch for date. Friday, Dec. i--S. A. Burgess, will sell by auction on West Half lot 23, north of Kingston Road, Darlington, 10 acres of standing timber--maple, beech, birch, and cedar--in about % acre lots. Choice lot of good standing timber. To April 1918, to remove timber. timber. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. auctioneer. Tuesday, Dec': 5-- E. W. Pascoe will sell by auction on Lot 32, Con. 8, township of Darlington, five acres of standing hardwood timber, Maple and Beach in J acre lots more or less. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Three years to remove Timber. Terms--$10 and under cash, over that amount II months' credit on approved notes. 6 °/ 0 per annum allowed for cash. James Bishop, Auctioneer. ENFIELD Mrs. (Rev.) E. Smith and Miss Smith, Listowel, were guests of Mrs. James Gilbert recently and called on some of her old school associates Mrs. Philip Martyn tnee Mary McCullough) Scugog Island, has been renewing acquaintances around here.... Master Walton Pascoe, Taunton, has been visiting Master Wallace Pascoe... .Mrs. C. Niddery, under the doctor's care, is snow improving. s . .Mr. Frank Bray went to Rochester where Dr. McDowell operated on his nose which was badly hurt some time ago. All will be glad to hear that the oper^ion has been successful, six or seven pieces of bone having been removed. Miss Irene H. Bray is with her brother. They are guests of Dr. W. R. Kimball, 7°9 Dewey Ave ... .Mr. and Mrs. L T.Pascoe and family, Solina, recently visited at Mr. L. C Pascoe's ENNISKILLEN A first-class concert and social will be given in the Presbyterian Church under auspices of W. M. S. on Friday Dec I at 8 p. m. A program will be given by students students of Bowmanville High School, con sisting of a debate and other musical and literary numbers. After the program refreshments refreshments will be served. Admission 25c; children half price or two for 25c. Rev. T. W. Totten, Blackstock, exchanged exchanged pulpits with Rev. IJ. Wilkinson Sunday preaching in the interest of Social Service and Evangelism. Good congregations greeted him and thoroly enjoyed his discourses.. discourses.. .. Entertainments are the order of the day... .The Orange Lodge will be able to have a real live goat at the next initiation. Sergt. Palmer having entrusted entrusted one from Camp Borden to the care of his son Hoskin Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry entertained the Methodist choir at their home Friday evening. After a royal supper and short practice all took part in old time games. Everyone had a real good time.... Members of the Mission Study class are requested to remember Rev. G. W. Sparling with a card Visi tors: Mr* and Mrs. F. Virtue and baby, Toronto, at Mr. J. J. Virtue's; Misses. M. Knox and K. Staples, Orono,. at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Stainton and Mrs. J. Pye in Toronto. Farmers--See the bargain in halters and ilankets at F. O. Mason's. SOLINA A class of Domestic Science was organized organized at the Sons' Hall here on Monday. Vliss Duncan is the demonstrator The class will start at 2 p. m. each day and 25c will be charged for the course for Women's Inst, members and 50c tor others. Thirty one were in the class... .Miss Lucy Brown at time of writing is improving nicely... .Rev. R. A. Delve, Courtice. preached a splendid strong sermon here Sunday on Temperance and Moral Reform Reform Mr. Richard Pascoe underwent an operation for the removal of a cataract from his eye on Wednesday and is progressing progressing nicely... .School Board met recently and re-engaged Mr. R. J. Mc- Kessock.... Division has changed the night of meeting to Tuesday.. A. Recent visitors: Miss Florence Luke, Kedron, at Mrs. W. Werry's; Mrs. W. T. Baker and son at Oshawa; Mr. Nelson Reynolds, Both well, at Mr. Jno. Reynolds'; Mr. Everett and Miss Greta Mackey, Kinsale, with Miss Mary Hogarth; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and family at Mr. W. J. Bragg's Providence; Mr. R. J. Baldwin is home again for the winter; Farmers! Club will have no regular regular meeting next month Mr. S. G. Carnell's departmental store narrowly escaped escaped a conflagration on Friday when the high wind caused the chimney to catch fire. Mitts and Gloves at lowest prices in town--F. O. Mason. S. A. Burgess is offering a fine lot of standing timber for sale on Friday Dec. I. See bills. Class 14 Contests 67 Three minute address 1 Wilson Clarke, Courtice 2 John Delve, Courtice 3 Dorothy Brooks, Courtice 4 Mary Found, Darlington 5 Constance Stewart, Grove 68 Girls Sewing Competition (Work one button hole) • I Mary Found, Darlington 2 Annie McDonald, Courtice 3 Constance Stewart, Grove 4 Margaret Abernethy, Base Line 5 Florence Ashton, Shaw's 69 Girls' Patching Competition * I Constance Stewart, Grove . 2 Annie McDonald, Courtice I 3 Francis Hancock, Providence 4 Vera Hughes, Salem 5 Mary Found, Darlington 70 Boys' Tug-of-War I Maple Grove School Ross Stèvens, Fred Stevens, Iyason Munday, Munday, Norman Burgess, Steven Jeffrey 71 Live Stock Judging Maple Grove, S. S. No. 6 Ross Stevens, Norman Burgess, Nelson Armstrong. New Rubbers At Old Prices <3; This will be an interesting item to the family man and all who wear shoes. A Question of Economy With leather prices sky high ii will pay to use rubber footwear as much as possible. We are pleased to offer this important branch of our business at the old prices. L, Fred R. Foley, Sunny Side Shoe Shop. Bowmanville, Ontario. □Q ff ^7HY didn't I have this bathroom put in long ago. It is so clean and beautiful beautiful . that I feel provoked thinking of all that time that I worried along with the old bathroom." Don't wait until you can say that when à ^tandard^anitarg" bathroom put in by us will mean so much to you ' 'Standard" TIOW. Livclla Lavatory RICE & CO., Ôpp. Post Office Phone 66 = □Q imlili on bn F. A. BADDY & SON Advise you to shop early Only One Month to Christmas Owing to scarcity of goods in nearly all lines, irregular shipments shipments and congestion of freight on all railroads, it is advisable to secure your needs as early as possible. New Raisins, new Currants, new Figs, new Dates, new Peels, new Nuts, etc., will be stocked as soon as possible after they . arrive in the country. Oùr stock will as usual be choice: Specially priced Prunes, 10c. Grape Fruit at bargain prices, 4 for 25c and 5- for 25c Florida Oranges---First of the Season, 30c and 40c a doz. Baking Powder--Try our special Ideal Baking Powder at 15c Leave us your next grocery order. I 1 SL , F. A. Haddy & Son Phone; 62 Bowmanville Coal & Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 Hampton Mills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. h Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 120 r 6 *$■