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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1916, p. 5

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» Christmas Time is Once Again Here Entirely New Line of Groceries. And what can we say that has not already been said ? Just this : The demand is insistent for something new, something different, something better, and we are keeping pace with and really keeping ahead of the demand. We invite your inspection before making your purchases for Christmas : Entirely New Line of Bottled Goods, Queen Olives, plain or stuffed, ....... from ioc to 50c Holdbrook's Pickles, mixed chow chow, walnuts, and gerkins 35c andôoc Pure Gold Essences, assorted flavors 3 bottles for 25c Calyes Foot Jelly, wine flavor, per bottle.. 30c Taragon and Malt Vinegar, large bottles 35c and 25<f Marasquino Cherries, large and small bottles 75c and 30c BOWMAN VILLE, DEC. 7,1916. Redpath's Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for $1.78 Meat Mince ready for use, 2 lbs for 28c Valencia Raisins, large, selected, selected, 2 lbs for 35c New Currants, recleaned, 25c lb New Prunes, large, fancy 15c lb New Mixed Peel, extra choice 30c lb Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, fine for Xmas cake 60c lb New Dates, Royal Excelsior, per package 15c Cranberries, "The Large Ruby Red" 15c lb Holdbrook's Olive fine Oil, very . .45c and 60c Welsh's Grape Juice.. .25c and 50c Maple Syrup, large bottle, 40c each W. Blake McMurtry Phones 72 and 182 Limited Bo win an ville SF Buy The Best Protect yourself from Winter's chill, By phoning us your bin to fill, The whole world knows that it is right With Lehigh Valley Anthracite. We Sell It. The Coal That Satisfies. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. Christmas Papeteries There is nothing more acceptable as a Christmas Christmas gift than a box of good stationery, either for a lady or a gentleman. We have a complete range of fancy boxes filled with the highest grade of paper. From $2.50 per box to 25c. Greeting Cards and Booklets, Post Cards, Christmas and New Year designs, Tags, Labels, Seals, Tinsel Cord and Ribbonzene W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore » 8 8 !» ?» ?» ?» ?» ?» » tot 8 ?» ?» ?» >* ?» ?» ?» ?» » ?» Don't waste any coal. Read the advertisements. It pays. Don't put matches in overseas parcels. Muddy roads everywhere the past week. An extension to Oshàwa hospital is to cost s $20,000;x . Port^RçrryyChristmas Fair is on Wednesday Wednesday Dec. 20. Adjutant C. W. E. Meath, 235th Batt., was home over Sunday. Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, was recent guest of her sister, Miss Young. Mr. Alex. Smith, Lindsay, recently visited visited his brother, Mr. J. H. Smith. Mistaken kindness of parents, ruins many a young life, body and soul. Port Hope Guide says rabbits are scarce "owing to disease among them." Miss Allie L. Bragg visited her sister Mrs.-E. W. Bundle, Oshawa. last week: Misses Hattie and Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. Van- Nest. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits cleaned and pressed ^t Coucn, Johnston & Cryder- man's.. Mr. and Mrs.E W. W. Bundle, Oshawa, spent Sunday at her father®, Mr. J. T. Bragg's. Miss Anna Edsall was operated on for appendicitis in Bow manville Hospital Monday. Mr. Arthur J. Nichols, Courtice, has bought Mr. Richard Flintoff's farm near Taunton. Capt. Geo. W. James, Quartermaster 235th Battalion, made a visit home Tuesday Tuesday night. Mrs. William Werry, Eldad, has been visiting her sister Mrs. J.-Van Nest, Victoria Victoria Villa. Belleville board saw 26 1-16 cents paid for cheese, highest figure in history of the industry in Canada. Don't miss the Missionary Mock Trial in Methodist schoolroom next Monday evening--Admission 15c. Mr. Henry SandyTPort-Hope, recently visited his nephew, Mr. J. H. Smith en route from a trip West. Mr. Alfred Dewell and bride, of Solina, are visiting Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Queen street.--Port Hope Ghiide. A Lancashire, England, clergyman, the Rev. C. H. James, Vicar of Haigh, has lost his four sons- in this war- There is a boundary line in a man's life that is called maturity--behind it lies his enthusiasm, beyond it lies his tolerance. Miss Bessie Stevenson, nurse-in-training at Oshawa Hospital, died of typhoid fever Nov. 28--native of Dundee, Scotland. Courtesy to recruiting officers costs nothing. He is simply doing what often proves to be a very disagreeable duty. Mr. A. H. A. Fletcher and Mrs. Robt, Greenfield attended the funeral of Mrs. David H. Fletcher in Toronto on Satur day last. Dr. E. W. Sisson, Whitby,. has joined the Canadian Army Dental Corps, and expects expects to report for duty at Kingston about December 6th Total strength of 235th Battalion to date is 526 men--all passed by the divisional divisional medical board and are physically fit for overseas. Mrs, J. C, Vanstone, Mr, Byron S. and Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Slemon Enniskillen, spent Sunday at Mr. F. C. Vanstone's. Lieut-Col. the Rev. C. W. Williams and Capt. and Mrs. Manning were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Clarke at the Methodist Methodist Parsonage over Sunday. , Mr. A. A. Gambsy, Orono, and Dr. Jno. Spencer, Bowmanville, brought a deer each, a bear apiece, from the northern hunting grounds--Orono Hews Mrs. P. G. Meldrum, Whitby, announces the engagement of her daughter Mary McLean, McLean, and Dr. E. W. Sisson, the marriage to take place early in December. Next regular meeting of Bowmanville Purple Guards L. O. L. No. 2384 will be held Friday night Dec. 8th at 8 o'clock, Sons of England Hall.--Election of Officers. Officers. Mrs Geo. Rice received a telegram from Montana Sunday morning stating that her sister Miss Lizzie Linfield of Goderich Goderich had passed away from cancer of the liver. Mr, C. S. VanHome, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Grand Secretary of the Royal Arcanum of Ontario, addressed the local members Monday evening in regard to the recent advance in rates. Mrs. A. E. MacGreggor, London, who was operated on for appendicitis in Grace Hospital, Toronto, recently, is doing nicely nicely and visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, ,f Cragnairn." Mr. Harold Garner, London, spent Sunday Sunday with his sister, Mrs: C. H. Anderson, and also visited his sister, Miss Mildrec Garner, who was operated on for appendicitis appendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital Monday week. Mrs. F. L. Fowke presented the Senior IV grade of King-st. school, Oshawa, with five handsome pictures--the Coliseum, the Forum, St. Peters, the Tiber and the Tomb of Cecilia Metella. This gift is highly appreciated. appreciated. Durham Old Boys' Executive, Toronto, will meet at the home of Mr. R. King, 10 Walmer Road, at 8 p. m. on Monday Dec. nth. All out-of-town visitors from the Homeland of Durham in the city wilj be welcome. Pay-roll of Orono canning factory, which had a busy season, was nearly $600 for a week. Forty to fifty men and worn en are employed. It is rumored that the plant has been purchased by the Trent Valley Canning Company, and further extensions extensions are to be made. Major H. W. Cooper who went with the 2ist Batt, now in France, is appealing appealing for socks, scarfs, etc. for his men. Anyone desiring to contribute may send their donations to Mrs. W. H. Martin, Bowmanville, or the Girls' Patriotic Club who are generously assisting. An interesting and enjoyable evening was spent by a goodly number in St. George's S. S. Hall, Newcastle, Tuesday evening week when Bishop Rèeves gave an illuminating address on the "Eskimo". Mrs. H. W. Burk and Mr. L. E. Hendrie, Bowmanville, assisted in the musical program. program. Newcastle Women's Patriotic League held a concert Tuesday evening, Dec. 5th, in the Methodist Church. The artists included included E. Franke, Russian violinist, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Miss Eva Mitchell, Orono; Miss Louise Cowan, soprano, Or«o; Miss Mamie Shaw, soloist and acçompanist, Bowmanville; and Reynolds Foster, tenor, Hamilton. appears News crowded out of last issue on inside pages Miss Florence Jackson is visiting relatives relatives iti Oshawa. ' New subscribers are coining m--this paper is still popular.. v - Don't fail to read Good Y. M., C. A. Work on an inner page . : If you can't find time to write your absent absent ones--send this paper. . Miss Mabël Brown, -Trenton, was guest of Mrs. L. A. Tole, Sunday. Miss Marion Foster, Trenton, was guest of Mrs. A. Mitchell Sunday. Mr. P. Q, Pozier, Bank of Montreal, Brantford, is calling on old friendsj Mr. Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y., is visiting his mother, Cherry Cottage. You save 24c on every 26c you spend at our ic Sale Dec. 7, 8, 9. Jury & Lovell. Mrs. A. V. Reid and " children, Clarke have been visiting her mother Mrs, J. C. Elliott. Miss Muriel Bonter and Miss Nora Mc- Lellan, Trenton, were guests of Mrs. A. E. McCready Sunday. Miss Evelyn Zealand and Mr. Roy Nicholls, Wesley ville, spent Sunday with his aunt Mrs. J. T. Bragg! Miss Florence Rickard has returned from a five months' visit with her sister, Mrs, H. G. Martyn, Stratford. The êVêr-pôpuIar automobile skate is just the thing every boy and girl wants to try the ice with. Mason & Dale have some beauties. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith, Enniskillen, announce the engagement of their only daughter Greta Agnes, and Mr. R. Edwin Ormiston, Enfield. The wedding to take place the third week in December. The Home Department ofthe Farmers' Sun, Toronto, is especially edited andpre- sénts the latest ideas in every branch of the home work, in which the farmer's wife or daughter is interested. Your reading reading is not complete without The Sun. Clubbed with this paper. The Opera House was filled to overflowing overflowing Sunday evening at the recruiting meeting when Lt.-Col. C. G. Williams, gave a very fine address. Capt. the Rev. Clarke presided and Capt. Macdonald sang a patriotic solo in good'voice, accompanied accompanied by Miss Carrie Roenigk. Bowmanville has a lady 92 years of age, in the person of Mrs Thos. Creeper, who is industriously knitting for the soldiers Her industry would put many a young person to shame and the quality of her work is splendid. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Hooper, and is remarkably remarkably smart and bright for one nearing nearing the century mark. Five generations are living in her family. The greatest money saving sale ever îeld, is the Great Rexall Store ic Sale. This company consists of over 5000 of the piggest and best Druggists in England, United States and Canada and for advertising advertising purposes they are making it possible for Jury & Lovell to give,a full size package package of their goods for ic bn Dec. 7, 8, 9,-- See the big display in their windows and call and get a circular. It's rather hard to buy Christmas gifts, isn't it ? Not that you dislike the idea of giving, but -you are at a loss to know what will please. You will not have^this trouble if you will consult us, for we are specialists in the selection of the right gift for the right person. Here are just a few of the many suggestions we can make to you. - ■* For Mother--A beautiful piece of silver plated ^in excellent taste and our Special Watches, One that will give him He will certainly be m \Wi GIRLS' PATRIOTIC CLUB The members are requested to bring or send two useful or fancy articles to the Tea Room Tuesday, Dec. 12th from 4 to 10 p. m. ware. A gift that would be would be appreciated by her. For Father--One of "OMEGA", a real man's gift, a lifetime of accurate service, proud of a gift like this. For Sister--One of our 10 karat Gold or gold- filled 17 jewelled Wrist Watches, guaranteed to give satisfaction. She would certainly [appreciate one o these watches. " L For Brother--A high-grade Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen---one that never clogs up > scratches, or - refuses to write. He will find it. a mighty handy convenience convenience and therefore a very acceptable gift. For Baby--A spoon. It's about the nicest gift you can give a baby. These are only a few of the things which we able to suggest. Come in and look over our complete stock and you will get a great number of suggestions. 12 are very SEngraving- Done FREE ALEX ELLIOT, J eweler. Successor to C. H. Haddy W atchmaker. Engraver. / TiKc> ooà CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the late Mrs. Emily Butt, desire to thank all the friends and neighbors for their great kindness and.sympathy during her long illness and death. THE 235th COMING AGAIN The 235th Battalion in their present recruiting recruiting campaign are making every effort to secure the men needed to bring the unit up to strength. The Regimental Band is now en tour through the recruiting recruiting area. On Friday Dec. 15th they will be in Orono and on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 16th and 17th in Bowmanville where thgy will give a concert in the Opera House., Notices of BirtHs 25 cents; Marriages BO cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each Insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Cain--At Oshawa, Nov. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cain, a son. - * MARRIAGES Jennings--Fleming--In St. ' Paul's chucrh, Port Hope. Dec. 6th, by Bey. E. A. Earchman, Norman E. Jennings, son of the late William Jennings, Bowmanville, and Maud, second daughter daughter of Mr. James Fleming, Port Hope.* Swain--HALLr-By Bev. J. W. Totten, at the Methodist parsonage, Blackatock, Mr. Lewis W. Swain and Miss J. Hall, Burketon, on Nov. 22nd. Penny--Boutly--At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Boutly, Agincourt, Dec. 6, by the Bey, B. A. Delve, Courtice, uncle of the bride, Elizabeth Boutly, and James G. Penny, both of Soarboro. Holmes--Faibbairn--Mrs. E. Loana Fairbaim of Toronto, and Mr. H. E . Holmes, Burlington, Vt., were married at Jacksonville, Florida, Nov. 18th, Bev. Dr. J. H. Martin of Snyder Mémorial M. E. church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes expect to spend the winter in Florida. Mactavish--Manning--At the residence of the bride's parents, Church-st., Bowmanville, November November 29th, by the Bev. W. G. Clarke, B. A., Chaplain of the 236th Battalion, Bhea Mferle, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manning, to Wilfred Ian Mactavish, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mactavish, Toronto. NOTICE During DR.G.C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University,- Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. ' House Phone 22 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the Bowman House, Bowmanville, on Wednesday November November 16th, and following Wednesdays Wednesdays until a permanent office has been secured. . 45-tf M ONEY TO LOAN-- $1000 Box 6, Bowmanville. or more. Apply 49-tf COTTAGE to Bent--Partly furnished, ren. Apply to Miss McClellan, corner Wellington Wellington and George-sts , Bowmanville. 49-1 w * No child- euiii ANTED--Two Furnished rooms or furnished flat, immediatly. Address Drawer B, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 49-i w * W ANTÉD --Young girl to help with general house work. Apply to Mrs. C. B. KENT, Tem- perance-st, Bowmanville. 46-tf lO BENT--Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Apply to Mrs. H. James, east of cemetery, Kingston Ed., Bowmanville. 47-2w* W ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. BUIT FABM WANTED--Farm with fruit and good buildings. 100 acres or over. Drawer B, Statesman office, Bowmanville, Ont. 49-3 wf H OBSE FOB SALE--Another very quiet and reliable horse at a good bargain. Apply at once to A. W. Pickard, Bpwmanville. 47-tf The Ladies' Store This is Your Opportunity On Sale This Week. or LADIES' or SAMPLE COATS LO at 25 per cent below reg. prices. All new, up to the minute in Style-- Highëst quality in Material Material and Workmanship. Move quick if you would secure one of these desirable ments at manufacturer's prices. We have also a magnificent assortment of our popular North- way Coats for Ladies, Misses and Girls'which are ON SALE this week AT SPECIAL PRICES. DEATHS Barber--At Courtice, Dec. 3rd., Lewis Barber, aged 61 years. Waddell--At Orono, Dec. 3rd, John Waddell, in his 81st year. GOüLiH-At Port Hope, Nov. 80th, Norman Burr Gonld, in his 69th year. Mayes--At Port Hope, November 27th, John Mayes, aged 79 years. Chapman--At Port Hope, December 1st, Bichard Bichard Copland Chapman, aged 65 years. Pearce--In Hope, November, 29th, Emma Jos ephine Kinsman, beloved wife of John Pearce, in her 69th year. Butt--At the residence of her brother, Mr. H. Bice, Bowmanville, November 80tb, Emily Butt, in her 70th year. c Fletcher--On Wednesday, November 29th at her late residence. 246 Victoria St., Toronto, Mary 1)1. Laving, beloved wife of D.-H. Fletcher, age 66 years. Niddhie--At the General Hospital, Toronto, Nov. 29tbJKeith Temple, only and beloved son of Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Niddrie, 484 Doverconrt Bead, aged 18 years. "" ~ DYER--At 214 Western Ave.. Toronto, Dec. 1st, Hnldah Elizabeth, beloved wife of Bev. Dr. W. P. Dyer, late Principal of Albert College, Belleville, Belleville, in her 68rd year. kUBSE LOST--Small silver change purse con- ' taining $3 in bills, car tickets, etc., lost on *■ King-st., Friday Nov. 17. Beward for return to Statesman office. 47-tf, STEEB STBAYED--Game on lot i3, Darlington Middle Boad, about Saturday Dec. 2, a yearling, steer. Owner may have same by proving property property and paying expenses. H. Davis, B. B. 6, Bowmanville. 49-8 w * D 1 At once, for Bowmanville and the County of Durham. A splendid opportunity for the right man. Stone & Wellington, the Fonthill Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48-6w "Lest W^^orget" E. R. BÔÛNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, .Markers, etc., la Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, "Ontario. W ANTED--COST CLEBK--With actnal experience experience on costing orders. State fully nature of experience, age and references. This is an excellent opportunity for the right party to locate in Toronto. Address, Drawer B, "Business", "Business", Bowmanville. 46-3w R j EPBESENTATIVE WANTED--To report on building and engineering work in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Proposition takes only couple of hours each week. Good commission paid. MacLean Daily Bkports, Limited, 846 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. 49-lw K bouts, one only v riew steel tire top buggy. All are in good condition, and may be had at reasonable prices. Call and see them at Pickard's Garage, Temper- ance-st,, Bowmanville. 44-tf F ABM FOB SALE--640 acre farm 200 acres, ready for crop. On premises are a house, (cost over 14000, built in 1913) stables, etc., abundance of water; situated in the famous Carrot Carrot Biver Valley, on good road one mile from station. station. Elevators, Government Creamery, schools, stores, etc. Exceptional opportunity. Write to Dr. P. D. Tyerman, Prince Albert, Sask. 49-3 wf i In the majority of cases a useful present will be appreciated more than one which is ornamental merely and for your useful presents call at Conch, Johnston, and Cryderman's Don't buy your winter coat until you will pay you, and leave dollars in your purse. these. We are also clearing the balance of our Ladies Suits at 25 per cent off any suit in the house. Telephone 106 S. W. Mason Next door to Standard Bank Hockey Sticks at F. O. Mason's, Automobile Skates at F. O. Mason's Washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Buggy Rugs large display at F. O. Mason's. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. McLaughin and Gray Cutters at F. O Mason's. Boys have y ou ever seen Masdn & Dale's automobile skates? See them before you buy. Order your private Christmas Greeting cards now. An excellent variety to choow from at Mitchell's Drug Store.

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