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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1916, p. 4

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.> > ' A j r * I / 1 I ; ^Hons'and^ipraas lî. ; xl È H- Smart Presents for Christmas Giving Daughter, mother, father, sister, cousin--we know there is some relation or intimate friend for whom you want a pretty gift by way of Christmas offering. Considering the great advance on all leather prices for next season, 'what could be of more service an more appreciable than: A pair of ladies' high top boots inljbl&ck, patent, or Havana brown, at prices from $4.00 to $5750. A pair of kid slippers at,$4.50, or boudoir slippers'in kid or felt in all colors at last year's prices. A complete range of women's overgaiters in 'the new military military shades and also white and black. A full range of men's' footwear in 'leather and felt, also hotkey boots in all sizes at 30% less than the 1 present imarket value. At this time and under present market conditions our advice advice to you is to buy as much leather goods, as you can. Since buying buying our stock of club bags and suitcases prices have advanced thirty per cent and we are expecting another advance shortly. Only ten more shopping days until | Christmas, so it will be to your advantage to buy early in order to receive a better selection. selection. Knox's Shoe Store The Store of Quality ând Service. - :v/s///,y#//////K'/'/.'///j. in packages from 10c to $3.00. We are sole agents in Bowmanville. Store Open Every Evening till Christmas R. M. MITCHELL & Co., Druggists and Opticians Agents for Victrola and Victor Records. Camera and Photo supplies--Rapid service in Developing and printing. Ask about it. Stationery--Sheet Music--Chocolates and Cigars. Phone 92or 280 Leave your calls for Sole Agents for Nights and Sundays Dominion Express Neilson's Chocolates Hampton flills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 Only 9 Shopping Days to Xmas. Make your Holiday Purchasing Easy by buying early. Come Now--we are prépared for you with Carefully Selected Gifts. Perfumes in dainty packages, cut glass Perfume Atomizers, an excellent variety of Bulk Perfumes, exquisite Toilet Waters, the finest of Face Powders, beautiful bottles of Talctim Powder, eute little Face Chamois--different shapes. Manicure Requisites--Bleach, Polish, and Cuticle Remover. Remover. Special--Handsome sets including Toilet Water, Perfumes, Talcum and Massage Cream--different prices. See our little silver silver Vanity Boxes--a few left at 20c. Our range of Ivory Goods is so large that we ask you to see it. You will buy. Prices the lowest. Ebony Goods--Everything you could wish for in [this line at closest prices. Stationery--Very pretty packages of Linen and Lawn of best quality. You will be pleased with these. -- Fountain Pens--a big variety of these including the'Fam- ous Waterman--a real gift for father or brother. Eyeglasses and Spectacles make Jvery sensible and useful gifts. Our expert optician tests scientifically--Get Them To-day. Hot Water Bottles--The Doctor in the Home. A big "assortment frdm which to choose. ■ A highly appreciatedjgift. Chocolates--Don't forget the kind she likes the best-- ELOCUTION LESSONS Miss Géorgie L A. Langmaid, M. E., is prepared to take a limited number of pupils in elocution. Will teach at Bowmanville. Bowmanville. For concert engagements or lessons, address, Miss Langmaid, R. R. I, Hampton. Phone 133-r I 2. 49-2W* CLASS IN PIANO. Mr. Otto James of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, who is starting a class in Oshaw^, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils in Bowmanville, in the higher art of piano playing. For particulars particulars address: Otto James, Conservatory of Music, Toronto. - 50-lw. ENFIELD Sunday School Christmas Tree and entertainment entertainment will be held Thursday even- Dec. 2ist, consisting .pf chpruses by the children, dialogues, recitations, flag drill, and a demonstration by the Boy Scouts. Selections from Enniskillen Quartet and Solos by Mr. N. Redpath and others. Admission 20c and IOc. Mitts and Gloves .at lowest prices in town--F. O. Mason. A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. ZION Christmas Tree and Concert-- Don't forget the Christmas Tree and Concert Concert to be held in Zion church on Thun- day evening, December' 2lst at 8 o'clock. The program to be givenjjy pupils of S. S. 12 and others, will consist of choruses, drills, recitations, solos, dialogues and a play entitled "Cabman Number 93" by several young people. - A good time is assured assured and all are invited to come and bring a friend. Remémber the date, Dec. 2lst. The Churches Rev. A. A. Trembert, Cobourg, was ordained ordained as a Baptist minister Dec. 4. Oshawa Presbyterians contributed $700 at their Thank-offering services Sunday Dec. 3. Members of the Methodist Ladies' Aie and ladies of the congregation are invitee to the Parsonage this (Thursday) afternoon. afternoon. " Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Rose- neath, preached .in Wicklow Methodisi church Sunday in the interest of socia evangelism and moral reform. - Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, pastor of King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, preached..anniversary preached..anniversary sermons iu his former church at Markdale, Sunday. Rev. R. J. Fallis, Eglinton, has been invited invited to become pastor of Collier-st Methodist Methodist church, Barrie; in June, 1917. Rev. Mr. Fallis is a former Cartwright boy. OBITUARY Mr. John Waddell, Orono. Mr. John Waddell, Orono,- died very suddenly Sunday evening Dec. 3. Deceased Deceased was in his 8ist year and had long been identified with the business interests of the village and township. One son Mr. R.R. Waddell and one daughter Miss M.E. G. Waddell survive. Dr. Geo. Carveth and sister, Dr. Annie Highbee, Mrs. P. A, McGill and daughter and Mr. Neil Ren- wick, Toronto, attended the funeral on Wednesday. THE,CHRISTMAS WAR CRY. The Christmas War Cry is one of the finest numbers yet issued by its publishers. It is replete with information, contains many fine illustrations and the tone of its articles is calculated to awaken a deeper religious thought in the reader. One illustration illustration that particularly appeals to us is "The Battle Behind the Guns", where a spiritual battle is in progress. We heartily heartily commend it to our readers as a most suitable Christmas gift for the boys in the trenches or for their own perusal. Price 10 cents. BIRTH OF A NATION COMING. The attraction par excellance of the entire entire year will visit the Opera House, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, in the engagement here on Saturday Saturday Dec. 23 of D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation." This is the mighty spectacle that employs motion picture mechanical mechanical effects and music in a vast and thrilling presentation of Civil War and ! ? econstruction days. It was doubly the sensation of New York, Chicago and Bos- tonlast spring and summer because of its absolute artistic novelity. Keith TempleNiddrie, Toronto. "Keith Temple Niddrie, only son of Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Nidderie, of 484 Dovercourt Road, died Nov. 29, in the Toronto General General Hospital. He was born inCreemore, Ont., eighteen years ago and has livec in Toronto five years. After graduating from Harbord Collegiate, he took a University University course, and was in his second year medicine. On Saturday afternoon he attended attended a Rugby match, but that night became became very ill with cerebro-spinal meningitis meningitis and only lived four days. His father, R. J. Niddrie, is on the outdoor staff of the Toronto General Hospital. The Varsity speaking of his death says he was one of the most popular men of the second year. He was a clever student and a brilliant career was predicted for him by all who knew him. He was keenly keenly interested in athletics and all class affairs. His popularity was shown by his election as treasurer of the first year. One of the professors stated the sentiments sentiments of all who knew the deceased, when he said, during a speech expressing his regret, regret, "The whole country is poorer by the death of such a man. To his mother anc to his father, to the family and to all the sorrowing relatives and friends, the deepest deepest sympathy of all the years in Medicine is extended. WEDDING Gray-sClarke On Wednesday, November 29th, th marriage was quietly solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, of Miss Mary Evelyn, daughter of Mr. Samuel Clarke, M. P. P., and Mrs. Clarke, Cobourg, and Mr. Albert C. Gray, of Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gray, Peterboro, Rev. S. Sellery officiating. The bride, who was unattended, wore a beautiful gown of ivory charmeuse and Georgette crepe, with pearl trimmings and carried a bouquet bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Gray left later for a short trip, after which they will make their home in Guelph. . FIVE WEEKS' COURSE IN AGRICULTURE. Durham Branch of Ontario Department of Agriculture will conduct a Five Weeks' Course in Agriculture in Orono from January January 9th to February 9th, 1917. . Unquestionably Unquestionably there are many young men within easy reach of Orono who realize the need for a wider knowledge of the principles underlying suçcessiul agriculture, agriculture, and yet perhaps these men cannot spare the time to take a full course at some agricultural college. This Orono short course will suit just such men as these men who want to improve themselves. themselves. Work on the average farm is least pressing in winter. The object of this course is not to teach the boy how to farm--practical work on the farm is the best for that purpose. Houses for sale. See advt. Wood Sale, Dec. 19--See advt. Farm Sales Dec. 20 and 21. See List. Those who read the advertisements are the ones who buy to advantage. Miss Kate Dustan, Toronto, is visiting at her father's, Mr. W. H. Dustan. Dr. R. W. Clark is home now looking after his practice. Office corner Centre and Lowe sts. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Knowlton and Miss Marjorie King, Toronto, spent the weekend weekend at Major W. C.King's, P. M. Public School grants on accommodations accommodations and equipment have been apportioned aijd are now payable to Trustees. Wàv. Gray, M. P., for London, died Tuesday after a lengthy illness from Brights' Disease. He was 54 years of age and was born at Newcastle. Dave and Bill Hill, brothers, were sentenced sentenced by Judge Huy eke, Peterboro, to 5 and 2 years, respectfully in. penetentiary for cattle stealing from farmers. William Easson Brown, son of Dr. James E. Brown, IO Carlton-st., Toronto, has received received the M.B. degree and enlisted for service in the overseas Medical Corps. Sergt. Thomas James of the 21st Batt., after a week's furlough, spent with his parents in Bowmanville, has returned to England, en-route to France to rejoin his Battalion which is still in the Front line. Pte Edgerton C. Luttrell, youngest son of the late Alex Luttrell, formerly baker in this town, was reported missing since Nov. 18. He wrote to his wife in Toronto Toronto on Nov. 17. He is 25 years of age and £ painter by trade. ^ fl ENNISKILLEN The concert Friday evening was one of ] the most successful ever held here. Everybody Everybody had a most enjoyable time, and all taking part did exceedingly well. Mrs. Waterhouse, Burketon, Miss Irene Bray, Enfield, Mr. H. Douglas and Mr. N. Red- path sang solos and were heartily encored, encored, as was the Enniskillen Male Quartette; splendid dialogues by Enfield school girls and Enniskillen ladies; Miss Mildred Cole gave an impressive reading, and Miss Myrtle Ormiston recited in good style; Rev. James Beckel gave a brief address. Pastor Wilkinson was chairman. Mr. J. A. Worry auctioned the quilt, and the purchaser, Mr. Robert Philp, generously presented it to Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Proceeds: quilt $59.90, sale $15.25, door receipts $38.35... .Sorry to report that Mrs. F. W. Lee will not likely be released from the hospital for some time A Sergeant and two Privates are endeavoring endeavoring to. get recruity for the 235 th Battalion. You'll miss a great treat if you do not hear the Cantata entitled "Santa Claus' Doings" given by the Junior League at Enniskillen Friday Dec. 22nd, between thirty and forty children taking part. Proceeds will be divided between Public School and the Red Cross Society. If you^eed a new Cutter, see Pickard. I Flashlights from 50c up at F. O. Mason's. Eleven different styles of Cutters at F. | O. Mason's. ' Get R. Snowden's prices for Poultry be-1 fore selling them. j y;- The ic sale agaip/tnis week. See big] advt 1st page. Jury & Lovell. Cutters! Cutters!! Winter is coming. See Pickard before purchasing that new ] cutter. OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on 0entre-st, containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, tine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably, for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. 45-tf iOR SALE--Brick residence containing seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. All in good repair. Hard and soft wate r indoors, i acre land on which are apple, cherry and'plum- trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskinj comer Prospect; and Odell Sts., Bow- .le manvllle. 31-tf. .7 1.1 < f V. ,.w 'AND 8»!ÏJIOZ w IT "MAKEJ A DIFFERENCE" WHERE YoUR PRESENT*? COME FROM. YOU WANT To .SEND GIFTS YOU KNOW WILL BE LIKED. WHEN ANYONE GETS A PRESENT THAT COME.S FROM OUR .STORE THEY KNOW THE QUALITY IS GOOD. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE VERY DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS TO DO YOUR BUYING. IT IS NOT COMFORTABLE IN A CROWDED STORE. IT IS BEST To COME NOW. For Mother Handkerchiefs 5c to 75c each Gloves „...25c to $150 pr Hosiery 25c to $1.00 pr Blouses $1.00 to $4.50 each Umbrellas.... ,..75c to$3.50 each Scarfs .....65c to $1.50 each Shoes $2.00 to $3.50 pr. Slippers $1.00 to $2.50 pr Fancy Linens 25c to $5.00 Sweaters $2.50 to $7.50 Silk Mufflers 75c to $1.75 Spencer Wool $1.00* 1.25, 1.50, 2.25 Furs ...$7.00 to 22.50 Dresses 7 $4.75 to 8.00 Fancy Aprons 25c and 50c For Sister v Silk Sweater Coat... ...$15.00 Wool Sweater Coat $2.50 to 7.50 Woolen Scarves and Tams......$1.00 to 1.50 Gloves .; 25c to $1.50 Handkerchiefs'. 5c to 75c Hosiery.. , î...25c to $1.00 pr Blouses.. $1.00 to 4.50 Furs $4.00 to 22.00 Tea Aprons.. /.25c, 40c, 50c Shoes and Slippers $1.00 to 2.00 Fancy Collars 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Ties.. 25c, 50c and 75c For Father Sweaters Handkerchiefs 5c to 65c each Ties 25 c, 50c, 75 c, $1.00 Shirts $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50 Socks 25c, 35, 50c, 75c Slippers... .75c. $1.00 to $2.25 pr Mitts 25c to 2.30 pr Gloves. 50c to $3.00 pf Underwear,50c to $4.00 garment Neck Scarf. 50c to $2.50 Braces 25c, 50c. 75c Garters 25c and 50c pr Armlets 10c to 25c pr Overcoat $10.00 to $25.00 Suit .$10.00 to $25.00 For Baby Woollen Coats .40c to $1.25 Bearskin Coats... .$2.50 to $3.50 Bootees Woolen Oyeralls. ...50c to 75c Woolen Scarfs.. 40c to 75c Mitts Bonnets. Bibs Beauty Pins . IOc to 20c pr Boots, slippers. ;.. Stockings For Brother Sweaters 1 Handkerchiefs....5c to 65c each Ties .25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Shirts 1.00, $12.5, $1.50 Socks.. .25c, 35c, 50c, 75c Slippers 75c, $1.00 c to $2.25 pr Mitts 25c to $2.50 pr Gloves 50c to $3.oopr Underwear, 50c to $4.00 gantier Neck scarf 50c to $2.50 Braces 25c, 50c and 75c Garters. 25c and 50c pr Armlets IOc to 25c pr Overcoat $10.00 to $25.00 Suit $10.00 le.i25.00 For the Home. Our stock of Xmas Groceries and Fruits are the very choicest to be had. Give us a trial for your Xmas order. McMurtry Si Co. Ltd. The Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville. 01 FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 • Branches : ORONO HAMPTON DR. J. Ç. DEVITT, DENTIST. G raduate of Royal Dental College," Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOUBS: "8 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b m 1 Insure \ Harry Cann, Insurance and Real Estate I. Phone 50, » Bowmanville. This is the Store the Xmas Spirit ^ And mo wonder with ajatore that rings' withfjbig Rvalues in cnoice Christmas Groceries. The Christmas [dinnerUs the event of the season and our many friends will find everything necessary to make it a complete success at the Peoples' Store. Peels--Orange Peel, Citron Peel, Lemon Peel, New Currants, Currants, New Raisins, Pure Lard, Pure Extracts, Shelled Nuts. Mince Meat--Our genuine homemade Mincemeat, 12£ cents per lb---the best of fruit, absolutely clean, and blended with just sufficient of the purest spices to give it that delicious flavor. No wonder we have to repeat orders. Biscuits and Fruit--50 different varieties of choice biscuits, prices 15c, 20c, 23c per lb. 50 boxes Choice Navel Oranges, 30c, 40c, 50c per dozen. In Candies our assortment is very choice. _____ Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Phone 65 AjTCfal© TiEU/t* Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House as F OR SALE--2 good one-horse wagons, 1 good family carriage, 1 good cutter, 1 good one- horse sleigh, 1 tallow press, 2 H. P. No further further ns e for above goods. Also stable and store* house to rent. John Grigg, Ontario-st., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 46-tf Insurance Office Agency for : Sun Life Assurance Company, also best lines in Fire, Accident, Sick Benefit, and Automobile Insurance. Insurance. Conveyancing done at reasonable reasonable charges. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, 1st door west of Elliot's Jewelry store, Bowmanville Box 308 Phone 189 a RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK Christm and New Year Fares SINGLE FARE--Dec.'23, 24, 25, good for return until Dec. 26th; also Dec. 30-31st, 1916, and Jan. 1st,1917, valid'for return until Jan. 2nd, 1917, FARE AND UNE-THIRD--Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24, good for return until Dec. 27th; also Dec. 28, 29, 30 and 31, 1916, valid for return until Jan. 3rd, 1917. Aboye reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Pprt Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. Tickets now on sale at all G.T.R. ticket offices. J. H. H. JURY, Phone 78, Bowmanville. Bowmanville.

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