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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1916, p. 8

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X,-' 1 -r"' V, •■•"" "W-y •4®9**3s - '"'K-, ■ - r ' BOWMANVILLB, DBG 14, 1916 FARMERS^ MEETINGS K l I < f Rich, Snowden TheEliteQrocery BBTHESDA Only a few days left to do your shopping. Uome in and see our display of china and cut glass for Christmas presents. Also get a calendar with; your Christmas order. We have a large case of Holly for sale. On Wednesday, Dec. 20th a first-class given here/consisting of music and readings by local "talent; also a play entitled "The Deacon's Tribulation", in four acts, by Bethesda Dramatic Club. Admission 25c and 15c. Be there with I your friends. 49'2w BASE LINE S. SjCHOOL. This week we are offering: 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar, best, for ....$1,69 5 cases of Worcestershire Sauce, per bottle 10c Salada Tea has gone up 5c lb, try our own blend at 39c 2^ lbs bar of Laundry ^Soap at.. 15c 3 Extracts, any flavor, for 24c Seedless Raisins, in bulk, per lb.... 15c Mixed Biscuits, regular 15c " 2 lbs for 27c The Base Line Sunday School will hold I an annual Christmas entertainment on Thursday evening December 21st. A good program is being prepared, consist ing of instrumental music bv Misses Mur- I iel Penfound and Louise Osborne; vocal music by Aid. Thos. S. Holgate and Mr. F. Walters; readings by Miss Hazel Crago; [ dialogues and a drill by the school. Pick- ell's orchestra will be in attendance. Come ! and enjoy a musical and literary treat. Admission 15c and 25c. MAPLE GROVE Strictly new làid eggs this wéek, 50c dôzen Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs and Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN, Phone 243 Bowmanville 3 3 3 3 $ 8 8 Do You Want Any j IRON BEDS?! This week we are offering a good strong white enamel bed with brass trimmings, all sizes, at $3.90. We still have some pictures that we are clearing at 40c. . Have you seen our Phonograph with 12 - Kecords at $14 00 ? Alan M. Williams, Undertaking receives prompt attention day or night. Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville BE BRIGHT, STRONG AND WELL If one is to be efficient the daily food must include certain mineral elements best derived from field grains, "but lacking in many foods. These elements are supplied in splendid proportion if you use bread and pas try made at Tod's Bakery. A very choice assortment assortment of Christmas confectionery. confectionery. All orders will receive prompt attention. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville Fresh Sausage and Weeners All kinds of Smoked Meats Fresh Fruits For Christmas Do not delay buying the necessities for your Christmas baking as the prices are advancing. We have everything ready to hand of the best quality and at prices as low as the lowest. Raisins Currants Dates Figs Peels Spices Extracts Walnuts Almonds Syrup Sugar Butter Eggs Lard Mince Meat Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. You know our phone number is 186. Harry Allin Specials in Gam Opposite Goodyear Club. 1 armed Goods- ~ All kinds f qt Vegetables. Mr. Ross Stevens .who underwent an | operation Wednesday in Bowmanville Hospital for appendicitis is getting along |fine... .Ebenezer League visited our League Wednesday evéhing. A splendid | program was given consisting of solos by MissVera Werry and Mr. Frank Walters. Two splendid papers were given by Miss I Lear and Misslrene Worden-on Cornelius and Stephen; readings by Misses Leta Pickell and Hazel Crago; - Bible reading by Miss Florence Gardiner; Miss Irene Worden acted as accompanist and Miss ! Gerda Pickell, Président of visiting League took the chain After the program a ! social hour was spent, our League serving | refreshments.... Maple Grove School will hold their Xmas tree Friday "evening Dec. 122nd at 8 p. m. Everybody welcome. TYRONE Sunday School was a very interesting I place to be on Sunday. A large quantity I of children's clothing which had been made during the year, a number of picture books made by thé boys and girls on Saturday Saturday afternoons, a quilt put together by Master brenton McCullough and tied down by the members of the Sunday School class and many, other useful presents made up the Christmas Shower tor the South Osh- awa Mission. A splendid program on the | introduction and progress of thé Christian Work in Japan and the tribute paid to the life and work of Rev. and Mrs. Campbell who had been so cruelly murdered in Japan was presented by Messrs. Clarence Wood- | ley, Allin Annis, Russell Wright and Misses Mary Young and Mai jorie Peel. Miss Evelyn Brent rendered a beautiful vocal solo while the younger boys and girls gave a Christmas selection which was much appreciated that by request it will be given again at the League Concert on | Friday night Tyrone Beef Ring at their annual meeting donated $25 to the British Red Cross Society The Woman's In- | stitue will meet at the home of Miss Maude Hodgson Wednesday Dec. 20th. Beside a good program reports of the delegates to the Convention in Toronto. A good time expected and everybody welcome.... All ladies who are knitting forced Cross are requested to turn in all finished work as soon as possible as we wish to send them away. Bring all your waste paper as we wish to ship before theNew Year. feOLINA Solina Women's Institue will meet in S. of T. hall on Thursday December 14, when the delegates to the Provincial Convention Convention will give their reports. All members members come and bring your, friends. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacKay Kinsale; Mr. Brucè Hogarth, C. E., Toronto, Toronto, Mr. Briffett, C. E. Kincardine, at Miss Mary Hogarth's; A debate will be held at Solina Division Tuesday night next on "Resolved that a $5006 farm is better for a young man than a University education" Captained by B. J. Stevens and R. J. McKessock The Domestic Sci ence Class closed Friday and all were highly highly pleased with Miss Duncan as demonstrator demonstrator Miss Lucy Brown is slowly im proving. .. .Congratulations to Mr. Alfred De well and bride. We welcome Mrs. I Dewell to our midst.... A number of t'^e Young Ladies' Class of which Mrs. Chas. Nelson, is a member, met at Mr. James Jebson's Friday evening after choir practice, practice, and presented her with a clock. All had a happy time. Mr. and Mrs. Jebson are model entertainers. The famous 5/T horse blankets at F. O. Mason's. W est Durham ; Board bl Agriculture wiU hold meetings as follows; . .NestLËTON, Foresters' Hall, on Thursday, Thursday, December 14th, at I.30 and 7.30 p. m. Purple Hill, Orange Hall, Friday» December 15th at 1.30 p. m. TYRONE, Sons of Temperance Hall, on Monday, December 18th at 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. -- Ebenezer, S. S. Room, Tuesday, Dec. 19th at i.30^and 7.30. p. m. . Music prov.ded at all evening meetings. The speakers are; Mr. Robt« v Murphy, Alliston/Mr. Ed.. Cl emiens, Fenwick, and Miss Susie Campbell, Toronto. WOO!) SALE The undersigned" hââ received instructions from Mrs. F. L. Bragg to sell by public auction on lot l3, - con 5, Darlington, on Tuesday," Dec. 19 about five acres of standing, timber consisting of fence posts, end posts, telephone poles, and cedar suitable for shingles. Also a quantity quantity of elm, hemlock, and beech will be sold in % acre lots. Further particu lars at time of sale. Terms: Four months' credit on approved notes. Sale at-1.30 o'clock sharp. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. :«c S8K AUCTION SALES DARLINGTON Christmas entertainment of Base Line Sunday School. will be held" Thursday Dec. 21st. The many friends of Pte. James Aber- nethy will be pleased to learn he is improving improving after his long and serious illness of Spinal Meniginitis in Port .Hope Hospital. Hospital. Couch, Johnston, & Cryderman are showing a large and choice stock of useful and fancy goods suitable for Christmas presents. " TYRONE A Comedy play entitled "Oak Farm" in three acts will bs given in S. of T. Hall under auspices of Epworth League on Friday Friday Dec. 15 at 8 p. m. Admission 25c and i5c. Don't miss hearing this entertainment entertainment as it will be a full program of. fun. Wednesday, December 20,--Mr. Albert C Hawkey, lot 7, con. 8, Darlington, in village of Tyrone, will sell all his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. See posters. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. Thursday, Dec. 21st - Mr. Percy Clarke, lot 18, con. 5, Darlington, will sell all his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I p. m. See bills. GEO. JACKSON, auctioneer. auctioneer. Saturday, Dec. id--The executors of the late Rev. William JoIIiffe will sell by auction at the residence, Wellington street, Bowmanville, all of the household furniture and furnishings. The real estate estate consisting of brick cottage and lot will be offered for sale at the same time and place. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. = Only the choicest meats bought from first-class feeders, l&f to be found at oursfcore. IB Here is a list of feeders of our Christmas meats: 4 choice steers and 2 choice heifers, R. H. Souch, Providence; 2 choice steers, J. Lané, Shaws'; 2 choice steers, F. Symons, Bowmanville; 3 choice heifers, Wellington Cowan, Starkville; 1 choice heifer, J. Tabb, Bowmanville; 2 choice steers and 1 choice heifer, D. Smith, Bethesda; 5 Leicester ewe lambs, R. H. Souch, Providence; 2 Polled Amgtis calves, J. Couch, Clarke. Home rendered lard, cooked hams, all kinds of smoked meats, poultry of all kinds. • We guarantee satisfactory service. Try us for your next order. ORONO C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 - Bowmanville zmw. HAMPTON Hampton Epworth Leaguers are presenting presenting a Cantata "A Christmas Vision" Thursday evening Dec. 2ist. Admission 20c and ioc. 50-2W Hampton Epworth League meeting was presided over by Miss Lottie Horn. The Scripture lesson read by Morley Hastings. Topic "Christmas and Missions"<taken by Mrs. I. L. Brown. Musical numbers consisted consisted of a solo by Evelyn White, a duet >y Miss Cryderman and Mrs. Allin and a duet by Misses Currie and Lottie Horn. Mrs. Ward favored with a reading. Rev. G. Brown closed with prayer. Mrs. J. G. Burns was called to Oshawa to see her sister Mrs. Frank Wilbur who seriously ill... .Congratulations to The 235 th Batt. Band will give a splendid splendid Musical entertainment in the Town HaU here on the evening of the 18 th. Mr. Delbert Henry, Mission City, B. C., an old Orono boy, son of Mr. Jesse Henry, now of Ingersoll, spent a day here renew- j ing acquaintances. Delbert left here 30 years ago.. He is a prosperous fruit grower grower in British Columbia. Mr, John Wilkinson is home from Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, where he assisted with the îarvest. Around Medicine Hat he reports reports a great yield of grain. Mr. A. B. Ferguson, brother-in-lSW of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, for whom he worked had a crop which averaged "37 bushel to the acre. He had over -5000 bushels of wheat besides oats and other grain. Mi. Wilkinson intends taking a course at Alb? ert College this winter--wise young man\ was Miss El va Fray ne and Mr. Charles Johns who were quieily married Dec. 6. They will occupy the house north of the village owned by Mr. Wm. Luxon... .Mr. Thos. Martin has rented the W. I. Clarke farm .... W. R. Allin was in Port Hope recently recently .... Rev. and Mrs. T. H. P. Anderson, Smithfield, were recent guests of Mri and Mrs. H. Rundle.... We extend sympathy to Dr. R. J. Niddrie, Toronto, in the death of his only son. Dr. Niddrie was à former former teacher here ... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White were in Toronto Saturday celebrating celebrating the 2lst anniversary of the marriage oi Mr. and Mrs. James White. _ See last week's correspondence on inside inside page. . Jury & Lovell will continue their ic sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this wet k. NEWCASTLE now a Mb' ; Mbs EBENEZER Gifts that béar the True Ring of Friendship League service only once more here this year--Thursday evening Dec. 14. "Christmas and Missions" taken by Miss Muriel Penfound. Misses G. and H. Lang- maid, Zion, and Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Taunton, Taunton, will assist. Let there be a record attendance. R. E. Osborne spent the week-end with his niece, Miss Courtice, at Gravenhurst Sanitarium T. Clem ents and family have moved to Toronto Mrs. Jos. Armour has been ill, but is convalescing..... .Farmers' Institute annual annual meeting in this church schoolroom 1 on Tuesday Dec. qth, afternoon and evening evening sessions. Addresses by Miss Camp- 1 bell, Toronto, and Messrs. Murphy and Clemens will doubtless be instructive.... Mrs. Cornelius Osborne, Bowmanville, has been with relatives here... ;Good congregations, congregations, sermons and music were features features on Sunday, also good S. S. attendance. attendance. _ Next Sunday evening a song service service will be given with old favorite hymns to be sung by choir and congrégation. Come.... A E. Rundle spent Saturday in Toronto... .Liberals from here attended, annual convention in Hampton on Friday . •. • Mr. and Mrs. James G. Penny, Markham, Markham, spent week-end at parsonage on their wedding tqur W.M.S. meet at church this Thursday afternoon--don't- forget Xmas roll call Friends of Mr. Edwin Worden will be pleased to learn that he is making good progress after his recent severe operation in Oshawa hospital Mr. Albert Hills, Tyroiue, Sundayed here • •. .Rexall's ic sale was liberally patronized patronized by our community ..Norman Found, Ingersoll, was home over Sunday ... .Blake Courtice's troubles are not all in the air. He has abundance of water in his newly drilled gas well, but it is still mixed with sapd and difficulty is being experienced in clarifying it... .Mrs. W. R. Courtice ,sang at Oshawa King-st. W.M.S last Thqrsdnjpt , k Ebenezer newaalso on page 3. Often the very people who are most in need of the soft;~consOling comfort of Cornfys are the last to think of buying buying them for themselves LOOK OVER THIS LIST It will help you to reach a decision For Father, Husband, Brother For the Kiddies -D.-r, . o-o Kn on Girls and boys wear out an awful lot of shoes. Ten to Kid Slippers $125-$2.75 one they need new ones right Felt and Blaids...95c-$1.50 Carpet 75c now. them. For Mother, Wife, or Sister Beautiful Boots, $3.00-$6.00 Evening Shoes...$3.00*$4.00 Fur trimmed Juliet. ...$1.40 Boudoir Slippers $1.00 Comfys, special, in red, blue, brown 95c A pair will please All sizes and prices. Moccasins 85c-$1.50 Overshoes ,$i.50-$2.00 Toy Trunks .$2.00 Juvenile Suit Cases, 70c-$1.25 Corduroy Leggings,90c-$1.25 Pretty Slippers 3 5c-7 5c Bootees, all colors...35c-60c For Fverybody Hockey Boots, Warm Overshoes, Overshoes, Buckskin Moccasins, Felts and Carpets...60c-75c Bubber Footwear, Rubber Overgaiters ..60c-$2.50 Heels, Felt Hoùseboots, Shoe Silk LaceS.. I5c-35c ^ ° li8h ° UtfitS ' SUpp6r En, Once a man gets off his day shoes and slips his feet into house shoes, it's a guarantee he will stay in the rest of the evening. Fred R. Foley Sutmyslde Boot Shop, Bow *r ouville *6* I 33 BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Reopens after Christmas vacation--Jan. 3rd Full courses in Collegiate, Music> Pianoforte, Organ, Voice Culture and Violin, Expression, Art and and Commercial under competent teachers. Write NOW for calendar and full particulars. E N. BAKER, M.Â., D.D., Principal. m m Price Reduced An unusual occurrence these days is a reduction in price. GRAPE FRUIT ! GRAPE FRUIT I 6 for 25c; 5 for 25c; 4 for 25c, 3 for 25c. A large purchase en- âblesus to make this offer. Miss McManus of Toronto, has bought he Thorne frame house on Beaver-st. Mr. J. M. Cobbledick has bought the Pickard Pickard lot a little farther south, both properties properties formerly belonged to one of our former old and much esteemed citizens, the late i 'rof. A. B. Kent, father of Mr. Carl B. ! Cent of the Bowmanville post office, who was a star player with the old Beaver base Dali club. ORANGES Juicy and sweet at 30c and 40c per dozen EXTRACTS Extracts for flavoring in great variety for your Christmas cooking--10c per bottle NUTS! NUTS! "Shelled Almonds and Walnuts--good fresh stock. 50c lb. RAISINS Fresh and new Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs for 25c. New Peels, new Raisins, new Dates, new Currants, etc. £3 Miss Janey Singer was agreeably surprised surprised last week to receive a letter from her brother whom she had about given up, no word having been received from him for months, following the report of a big battle and the brief announcement "missing "missing somewhere in France". He is prisoner in Germany. F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville Cook the Christmas Dinner ^ on a Royal Souvenir Range It will be a source of joy and satisfaction for many years. No other Range in the world is as easy to operate and keep clean, or so economical. It is positively positively the best Range that money can buy, and in selecting it for the Christmas Christmas gift the recipient will recognize.^Eeur sincere thoughtfulness. RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 Coal &, 'Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood ' of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable, to ad van ce x any day . j. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 See the variety of washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Do you need a new cutter? See A. W. Pickard before buying. Cold weather is coming, ice will soon be good. Get your skates ready. Mason & Dale have just the kind you need. Farmers save 25% by buying blankets at F. O. Mason's as they were ordered a year ago last August. , Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still showing a Superb Stock of Ladies' and Children's Plush and Cloth,Coats, allmade Up in the very latest styles. '■v X j - : "4 j ~L. s

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