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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 2

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'• % Up | |PP*#SF ?S:-'*^.-.\:--3: ; :'• '••?•••:'.-• :;>£ ' v-" 1 ' -h ;•*~ ? y ;\X'.•*• V:.vr>*-:• *.> : v• •• candidly bow he notv and, in some mtL wor^M» theee will ha answer: answer: "I fllmply£b*ed ; to make spot." Sunday last we heard a very i coveted. poaiti^p by the. with* TotËME^stSïent, yoik-wiM*' find that thoughtful sermon--full of thoughts • drawal or-misfSortune of AJaotnw omulof lOOÛ .the man. who and a producer of thoughts. It was ! For Instance, \What .has - hapgene^ In. trka to make good is the lucky, on character building -- always a fer- ! the British Cabinet made. Lloyd We r, know a man who won tile subject for addresses. It taught ' George Prime Minister of England. Sr®**-, success • in the professional The assassination of McKinley made . world who had to fight against indlf- Theodore Roosevelt President o< the i®^nce of his parents, if not-poverty United States. Similarly, chance, exactly, very poor financial condition» ■ *r- the lesson that man's success In building a good character does not come as a toy'of chance -- it is something to be made by one's own efforts. Success in life Is differently estimated by different persons--what one would consider success an am bi force of circumstances for which the hi® home, an unfavorable heredlV- individual was In no sense responsible has put him into a desirable or important important position--one perhaps never tioue individual would consider, only dreamed of by Ijlm--yet he reached other partial success -- a sort of half-way only to the genuine thing or objective. But what we are aiming to emphasize for our younger readers of these "Talks" is that every one of them must study, strive, persevere and keep price for success, nor does He dicker constantly on the undertaking if gemv -- ,J ~'~ ' " m " 1 -- -- ' ' "* ine success is to be attained and enjoyed. enjoyed. We once read that "fortune brings in some boats that are not steered." The man who is familiar with - rowing or boating will readily comprehend the point in or force of this old saying. Understand, Understand, we do not say there is no such, thing as luck--there, is. The ary record and by no means a helpful. environment--conditions around &rn seemed to be opposing obstacles, yet his hard b&ttld-.with fate.he never once faltered or even whined or com- BAKE-DJOr HELP it. After all these and scores, ol examples that might he cited, who Plained at his circumstance--Just con- dare say that, in the main, success is tinued to plod on--"plug," as they say the result of accident or fate. No, in college--and to-day he is known as our young friends, luck is not God's a successful physician. Have you ever read that the iron-willed En> with men. When we consider the few ' P® ror Napoleon once said that "God who owe fortune or position to acci- : I s always on the side of the strongest dent or luck, in comparison with the battalions." He is always .on the side masses who have had to exert per- ' 4he bpat prepared, the best trained, sonal effort and throw into the : the most vailant, the pluckiest and struggle their best energies to attain ] most determined. The worst of Success, what are they, in reality, but ! matter is that people who fail to make the exceptions to the rule that char- ! &ocd seldom blame themselves. They [ Canadians are agreed In this decision. MAY BE USED WITH SWEET MILK SOUR milk ; OR WATER ' BEST BY TEST acter, merit--not fate or luck or any ! believe it is fate or hard luck that j We, do not write much about the war lawn-bowler, the cricketer, the base-1 other bogey of the imagination--con- ! kee P® them back. ?rtlat they would j because the newspapers -- chiefly the ball and football player knows too well that luck has won many a game. * * * w Many a. man has attained to some trol the - destinies of men? Truly J do lf they only could get free from \ sensational class of dailies are ever the only luck that plays any great part':" 1116 shackles which bind them to the ! vieing with one "another to cause a in a stout heart, a willing hand and an alert brain. WOMEN'S NERVES Women, more than men, have excitable nerves, because tiring work and physical, strain tax their more delicate nervous systems and bring premature age and chronic weakness--unless treated intelligently. Drug-laden pills and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up a woman s strength, but the concentrated medicinal food properties in in a man's Mfe is that which inheres uncongenial work or compel them to support others or which keep them on farms when they would go to the city where the, great chances are. * * * * Excuses never wanting to the sensation and excitement in the minds of people. It is hard to avoid it, we know. Bystander aptly says that when people meet in social intercourse they try to avoid talking about the war. It is curious, however, to note that eoon- person wlio does not win success. The ! er or later, the great topic win be re- pecrbnenisl Farm, gives complete in* etructicm on ghe cultivation of the ap- "pl®* dee^ibtti^te. fuij^..the necessary ot -trisMS,-BdvMgig as. to' thatvif bfwt adapted-for. or-, sayhow, disease |cd -insect *>« combatted, counsels^ as to picking, packing, shipping and marketing, marketing, tells of the keeping qualities of different varieties, and, in short, has. written, a bulletin- of 186 pages of the utmost worth to the apple-grower and all interested, or likely to be interested, interested, in the. industry, : ♦ A Born Shopper. Clerk--"Now, see here, little girl, I cant spend - the - whole" day* 4 showing' you penny toys. Do you want the earth with .41 red fence around it for one cent?" Little Girl--"Let me see it." Freedom from Asthma, Asthma is one of the most distressing troubles, sudden sudden in its attacks and prolonged in its agonies. Frequently many things are tried, but nothing seems to give hope of relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is the one help which can be depended depended ; upon. If you . have tried other remedies without success, do not fail to get at once a package of this ùniformalv successful preparation. Confound the Other Fellow. The Kaisér (to his professor of frightfulness)--These dastardly British British tanks outrage all the decencies of civilized warfare. Why haven't we got some ? THE OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE » TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current ratev 239 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, * Manager. EST 'D 1873 Contentment a Blessing. "Do you think contentment is a blessing ?" - . - "It dépends on the kind of contentment. contentment. If your contentment is due to the fact that you have about every* thing you want, it is highly desirable." desirable." Why She Wanted It. "Algy, I want you to buy me a book." "I am glad you are becoming iiter- ary,' my dear." "FudgeI This article says one way to acquire a good carriage is to practise practise balancing a book on your head." Ê2Z2HB3B Westminster Hotel, Toronto called; an allusion will be made; a phrase from the press may be quoted --and the discussion is in full swing. It is almost impossible to avoid talking talking about that which colors all our thoughts and. affects our. conduct. build strength from its very source and are helping thousands of women to gain control of their nerve power--overcome tiredness, nervousness, impatience and irritability. SCOTT'S is a liquid-food--free from drugs* Soott A Bswm, Toroete, Ont. most prolific one usually heard is "I never had any luck" or "I can't get on, fate has always been against me," while their schoolmates and hundreds of other j r oung men and women in this country around them with nothing like their opportunities are tearing | changes our life. -Almost every fam- the words "I can't" and "impossible" ! ily has lost a frfhn<). The slaughter out of their dictionaries. Take this ! goes on. The Germans are showing I pointer from us seriously and turn it ; their frightfulness in new and horrible over several times in your mind, if i ways. They are not conquered. The you are made of the stuff that wins, ! war may last for years. There are you will find your opportunity--or I other things, of course; business and make it. This is what our Canadian , breakfast, and buying pretty things at beys did over in France in those ; the holiday season and trying to for- battles in which they fought ten times ! get, .in the theatres and movies; but their own numbers aqd still won the the w r ar.casts its sombre shadow over victory! They had' the mettle in : all, nor is there a moment in which it them--the determination and. by bend- 1 can be wholly forgotten, ing. every energy to win the conflict ! There may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Com Cure stands at the head of the list so far as results are concerned. To have had fine ancestry is ; blessing; to be worthy of it is a duty. "A. Real Hotel Without a Bar " Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping tils-, triets and theatres. Free taxi service from ^ I Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. KATES : Single room, with bath, $1.50 to 52.60. Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Luncheon, 35 c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates American plan, 52.50 to 58.60 a day. Write for booklet to 240 JAB VIS STREET, TORONTO l«-7 Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing wisUe as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing.shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because if. v tv " comea sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at mght and you. fed bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain s today--druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto Dominion Horticulturist Gives Some Valuable Information. There were 10,408,457 bushels of apples produced in Canada ,-in 1910, .they gloriously succeeded! In the ; THE APPLE IN CANADA, very same way the innumerable J battles of life--business, professional or on the farm, in the workshop-- everywhere, it is the stout heart, the willing hand, the alert brain that wins the day. Not one individual in 25 , ,. , ., , ,, , ^ need fall if he or she only plays the ! accordmg to the census of the foUow- game bravely, persistently and Intel- ! !" e , y f ar - 0f th '? QUunWy, 6,250,672 ligently, {bushels were produced in Ontario, 1,- 666^882 bushels in Nova Scotia, 1,- 481,239 in Quebec and 575,377 in British British Columbia. New Brunswick produced produced 272,886 bushels and Prince Edward Edward Island 160,124 bushels. In After all, there is more sense ! ? rairie . Provinces apple-growing was humor in Dr. Wallace ' Sec- ! ! n ] ts . mfanc y> bat there was ever y Chew, chew and then chew some more! This is the advice given by Toronto's dental officer. And after that he adds, take another chew or two. than XMAS & NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE XMÀSh^For the round trip. Good going Sat- urday, Sunday and Monday, Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th. Good for return until Tuesday, Dec. 26th. NEW YEARS--Good going Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Dec. 30th, 31st, and Jan. 1st, 1917. Good for return until Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1917. FARE AND ONE-THIRD - XMAS--Good going Thursday Dec. 21st to Sunday Dec. 24th inclusive. Good for return until Wednesday. Dec. 27th. NEW YEARS--Good going Thursday Dec. 28th to Sunday Dec. 31st inclusive. Good for return until Wednesday Wednesday Jan. 3rd, 1917. For tickets and information apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Station Agent, or M. A. JAMES, Town Agent. CANADIAN NORTHERN will only chew more. * * * TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS- CARTERS ■iTTLE United Counties of Northumberland and Durham c t r f ir k ç • r-'.' r-- By virtue of a Warrant under the seal of the Warden and the seal of j the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and,Durham bearing the date of the Twentieth day of September 1916, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for the arrears or taxes due thereon and the costa as therein therein set forth. I hereby give my notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell such lands or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and all lawful charges incurred at THE TREASURER'S OFFICE in the town of CO BOURG, by Public Auction on THURSDAY, December 28th, 1918 at the hour of ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon, iu compliance with the provisions of the Assessment Act Pt or Description Lot of Lot 85 Part 13 Sc 14 Plan No. 1 lot 9 pt 18 S t 18 Pt 9 Pt lot 2 Pt EJ 89 S.W. Corner -10 SPt Wi • 20 Con. or Acres Arrears Street BRIGHTON VILLAGE West Alice 1-5 8.99 North Elisabeth ' E.S. Railroad St 1-6 2.60 CARTWRIGHT 10 * 1-8 10.85 HALDIMAND 7 97 6.54 HAMILTON 2 85 90 88 9 4 11.24 HOPE 10 60 1.86 MAN VERS 11 25 , 7.45 MURRAY 9 70 11.76 Costs Total '8-25 8.25 8.28 8.26 3.55 8.28 3.25 8.26 . 7.24 6.91 14 13 9.79 23.93 14.62 4.60 10.70 8.8a » 15.00 Full deecription will be giree on apptication sad at day of mis of Uieeeiots. NEIL F, MaoNAJGHTAN. SO, 12J0, Oountiee' Tr Conaty Treasurer's Offlee, Ce bourg, Beftee iurer. combe's advice, for mastication of the | in ^S5 tioii of ra P M development, as food we eat is vitally important t£> our i s ^ own ^y the number, of trees coming health. Dr. Seccombe's declaration I forward * ' These are P ointed out is thaf this country could get along ! m a va ^able and most comprehensive with one-third less food and derive ! recently issued, of which the just as much nourishment if people i Dominion . Horticulturist, Mr. W. T. would cheV their food properly. Great ! Macoun, is the author, and which can waste occurs, therefore, through want I h_ e had free on application to the Pub- of proper mastication. According to I hcations Branch, Department of Ag- authcrities quoted, one should give a ! ri cu ^ ure > Ottawa, morsej of food 32 chews, for the ^Ir. Cacoun notes • the prominent simple reason that there are 32 teeth i P* ace ^he Dominion has come to oc- in the human mouth, and each tooth i cupy in the world's fruit industry and should get its chance. That's not' as I es P aciall y as * regards the apple. He funny as it may sound. The teeth j tells us that there are probably 3,000 actually need the exercise of chewing, | named varieties, that 734 have been said Dr. Sbccombe. Chewing is the 1 tested at the Central Experimental same to teeth as is exercise to the ; Farm and that 613 are now growing muscles of the body. So he urged the , there. He takes a survey, of the dif- mothers to masticate their food well i ^ eran t provinces, pointing out the and to see that their children did like- ! var i e ties that are probably the best wise. Mastication was a main point ad ffpted to certain districts. Quebec of health that most people overlooked, j is the oldest apple-growing province It was a real means of war economy. ! and Nova Scotia comes next, but OnNow OnNow for some figures. Canada's food • ^ ar ^° a ^ on S way the greatest pro- bill is estimated at 51,20(1,000,060 per ! ducer > although in 1911 no fewer than annum. One-third of that is 5400,000,- ! 1,734,000 barrels were packed and odo--all of which can be saved for ! sold fro y n th e Annapolis and adjacent Canada and the Empire if Canadians j valleys in Nova; Scotia. Mr. Macoun lists and-describes the varieties suitable to Canada, records Of all kinds of government it would , the results of the numerous experi- seem as if_ a coalition government is ! men * s and tests at the Central Ex- tihe most unpopular. Asquitii's gov- 1 --.. ' " ernment has been too slow, too vacil- ! _ latory, lacking in enterprise, initiative ■ and aptitude. Some writers against I. coalition government claim that one ( capable controlling mind in war-time, I ■' sunh, for instance, as General Sir Sam Hughes, can bring better results than a government by several men. War conditions often demand instant policies policies and- decisions'. Successful war cannot be waged by committees. Quick action is necessary often to outwit an enemy. Few of «is at^this distance, at any rate, can determine on war movements. We certainly do not know the facts at first hand. * We do see that the Germans are more nimble; abové all, they are more .unified; .unified; and in war you must have unity; or , confess defeat. Our co-ordination does-* not seem to be complete, though it is improved. ' It would be an, awful risk, but if you could suspend the government government and hand all pdwer over to a single dictator for the period of the war, y eu would have greater vigor and success, provided you could get the right, man, of course. Too much Is expected; criticism is always ready; and the public dearly loves a scapegoat. scapegoat. We have got to carry on at. all costs. * * *. * German peace ' proposals have. at last been made but. will never b6 accepted, accepted, ss made, by the Allied rietioris. Prussian.'sm must first be crushed-- this is mandate of the people' of Allied .powers. English statesmen and CURE Blok Heedache snd relieve all the troubles toot dent to » bilious state of thu system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, DrowsineM, Distress after eating, Bain in- the Bide, ko. While thetr moet remark able success has been shown in curing Headache, yet- Garten's D^tte Lmt; Bills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and jsvk venting this annoying complaint.whilethey ales correct an. disorders of the a tomsfb .stimulate the liver and regulate tty bowels. Even if they only cared -- JLcbethey wonld be almost prtoel ess to.those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does noteodherejmd those ërhs«nostrythèm will find thewUttlejrills vshf Able in so many ways that thsjr vctll hot be- - - - ; tUa. ~ - Slag to do without But gftsr aU sick heed _ jk-hevs Is ' Wsmsksourgreatbdert. OW pCUsooxsit while Ottundonot Carter's UtUs Liver PQla ego very small sad very easy to take. OBOortwo|OloaM|koa«esa. «F ftoMtty f f ijhjlt ■§£5». jo* «mhiihr their §entie«56e ÿUtm fllWII IIWBII I0^44|.,ML MR. fail ikiImS Am -j- Mu 44 '11 HOLY NIGHT," "ADESTE FIDELES, "BIRTHDAY OF A KING," "STAR OF BETHLEHEM and many other seasonable seasonable selections are recorded on ii by the be^t artists You will want these records for Christmas. Come in and hear these beautiful selections selections and some of the latest popular recordings. Three new ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records at 90 cents for two selections : Hesitation Blues--One-Step Vititor Military Band 1 Kansas City Blues--Fox Trot Vidtor Military Band ) 18163 Out of the Cradle (Into My heart) Sterling Trio) When You're Five Times Sweet Sixteen Peerless Qt. J 18170 Babes in the Wood "(Duet) Howard Bachelor Girl and Boy (Duet) RED SEAL RECORDS All Through the Night Geraldine Farrar Happy Days Mabel Garrison Sunshine of Your Smile John McCormack 87254 64616 64622 All the world's GREATEST artists make Vidtor Records only . r ' 1 Nothing will make a more acceptable Christmas gift than a nice selection of Vidtor Records. Make this a Victor Record Christmas Be sure to get a free copy of our 450 page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6ÛOO Vi<5tor Records. BERLINER GRAM O PHONE CO., Limited / Lenoir Street, Montreal DEALEM' IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY ONE BRICE FROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS - MADE IN CANADA LOOK' FOR ' HIS- MASTER'S - VOICE" TRADE MARX, His Master's Voice* ' Bowmanyille Dealers Levi Morrle A. Sen Jury * Lovell R. M. Mitchell A Co. z

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