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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 7

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.-I 5 ÿS® - ms 77V.. xr - ± Tut CJUt ID IAS Statesmax nod TBS BOWJtXX- TlLUK News trd puuliah.»d every ThntetLiy and FrirLaj tco ruine,' rr spec lively, at THE STATES>tAJ< Office, James Blocs, 28 and 27 King-rt. West, Bo»mannl!e, Oiuario, Canada. M. A. James s Sons, Publisher* and Proprietors, at $1.6» per annum, payable in advance; »2.0Oalter first three monttLS. "The Perfect Day ".is tfjm day when you work in harmony harmony with law. Health comes from. Harmony. Get WERE SHIRKERS '• iv ; B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D, 'C.M. .. ^ BOWicAJrvrrdnB, - out. fi OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- * " versity, Toronto. Four Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Km. Office and Residence, "Wellington St. Telephone No. 108. Cemeteries Woeid ^place. Barracks-- Man PowerWiII /Win the War. . Better a country of barracks than in harmony with Nature's what the shirkers would make it a | laws by eating Shredded country of cemeteries, says- the Eng- : Wheat, a simple, natural i H * ^Ja^ire to regulate the bal- elemental food which supplies ! ance 0 f European power m a sense Trade: Petroleum Jefly GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Notaries Public. A. K. CCDEMAN. D, C. CALBRAVH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. the ereatest nutriment with j favorable to ourselves, which in brutal K - - <„ ! truth means our continued existence the least tax upon the digest ion. Try it for breakfast with i hot milk or cream. Delicious with sliced bananas or other fruit. Made in Canada. nation a or W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterln- irv College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. Kine-st. East. Bowman ville. Phone 193. -0-lyT RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. G hand Trunk Railway Going East • Express 852 am. Express iu 29 a.m. Passenger 5 22 P- m - Local b 49 P m - Passenger 7 p.m. Mail' 958 p.m. : Daily G oing West -.Express 4- 22 a - m Local 7 00 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m as a world empire, it is as a in arms we must pursue the fight to finish. To-day it is men, not. money armaments, that our nearest al y lacks, and it is man power that we must contribute if a premature and inconclusive peace is not to be force, upon our valiant friends under conditions conditions which they would regard as detestable. detestable. For unless Britain can maintain maintain for another two years or thereabouts thereabouts an uninterrupted flow of man power to the western and southern fronts our valiant 1 neighbor across the silver streak will fiyl it humanly impossible impossible to maintain the strug. I which has in the^last two terrible ! years involved the depletion of the flower of her manhood. The reliable home remedy for cuts, burns, insect bites and many other troubles. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and general stores everywhere. everywhere. Refuse substitutes. substitutes. Illustrated booklet free on request. :to : believes that^e further advance of le -- CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) <r '" iaaO Cbilwl Are. Montreal BETWEEN THE TRENCHES. French Ceasing Firing to Allow Germans Germans to Rescue Comrades. Sapping deeper, the French engineers engineers had countermined their foes, and very early in "the morning, with a This was whispered many - months j -- past; now it is being openly discussed ( a ii7D|DT| I Cf 1 !?nlli wherever thinking men get together, ^ fl LillaU LLUblil/ whether in du gout facing the unspeakable unspeakable Hun or snatching. a few hours leave in the bosom of their families. must 'Men F more men,* "England send more soldiers," are the common expressions of opinion in the fair land thunderous explosion* they blew up j where already so many of ornPr kha l- the German position. Many Germans| clad heroes, sleep, were killed, but some escaped and ran Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 1 3-21 P-m. dailyt ! for their nearest trench. The French ' T 0 m _ daily* x7 52 p.m. dailvt j leaped their embankment and dashed daily t 12 57 a,m - daily forward to occupy the crater that the x North Toronto Station I explosion had made; but the enemy's ^ -ji Except Sunday "t C. B. Kent, Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West ' Express 11.59 a.m. "Express 9 06 a.m. r Express 6 33 p.m. "Express 7 40 p.m •; Daily except iunday. J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR fire drove" them back. So, now, French and Germans faced one another another not thirty yards apart, with the demolished trench between them, neither army able to occupy it. None dare show his head above the trench, for sharpshooters watched with keen eyes and ready rifles from the opposite positions. A great silence reigned, broken only by the agonizing cries of the wounded who were unable ST. VITUS DANCE CAN BE EASILY CURED A Tonic for the Blood and Nerves With Rest All That is Needed. IS RECALLED GERMANS WERE PARALYZED AT YPRES. Frightened by Optical Illusion Huge Reserves Behind British. of the At of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE to crawl back to their lines. J. T. Allen announces that he now makes j Qradually the C ries of these suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies su.ts cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen s suits altered, repaired, cleaned and press- All work guaranteed and prices right. Captain Norman Thwaites, Fourth Dragoon Guards in the-Britisn army, now in the United States on leave, describes a recent visit to a prisoners of war camp- in England. His story, published in the New York and the" trenches held that, day by the. British are still in their possession. Our conversation was interrupted by -a messenger. A party of néwly- taken prisoners from theJSomhie front was about to arrive. A flutter of excitement excitement ran through the camp. "Now we shall .-have some reliable "news," said the prisoners. They got it.- Early arrivals in this camp had fumed and fussed at the ill luck that made them prisoners of war when their fellows were driving along to certain victory. This spirit of confidence confidence has received harsh blows in the, course of two years - as new batches of prisoners arrived with discouraging discouraging tales of checked progress and steps of retrogression. They were to hear sad tidings from the Somme. A nerve-racked, disheartened group of captives, dusty and torn of raiment, ' was ushered into the grounds. Slowly and with much shaking of the head, with gestures of despair, outspreading of expressive hands and tears of humiliation, the tale was told. It was a tale of overwhelming, soul and body-shattering shell fire. Of trenches and shelters, laboriously constructed . during months of patient patient perseverance, blown to frag- j ments in an hour. Of wave upon] wave of sunburnt, laughing British Tommies and battalion after battalion of resolute, bearded. Poilus that came over the shot-tor». landscape to overwhelm overwhelm the soldiers of the Father- land, dazed and distracted by the most terrible artillery preparation the world has ever seen. Far into the night the captives talked. The cheeriest of them grew solemn- during the recital. The elder men wept. There appeared no gleam I of hope of victory. An ill-balanced compromise was the best to be hoped for. The "place in the sun" • was more remote than ever. T hAPpERo: Send your RAW FURS toJOHN HALLAM rOTATOXB 43- ®BD" * - POTATOES,"I" IRISH COB- biers, Delaware' Carman. - Order at once. ' Supply limited. Write for. quo» tâtions. H. W., Dawson, Brampton. HEW LAID EGGS. N ew laid eggs, poultry, peas,.. Deans;- highest prices paid for small or large quantities. J. D. Arsenault, Arsenault, 637 St. Urbain, Montreal- •S' -and recette, highest ceeh prices. We s*™* money the some day the lure ate receljed. Charge no commissions--end pay t 11 We have paid oat millions of dollars to thou-, sends of trippers In Canada -whoaendtheir tun to us because they know they getaaqu"*. deal, and receive more money for thelr rare. t. p *' « irarmarf You wlUalso. We bur more fare from *r*PP«^* ither Sts firme In Canada. rvimi 703 SAL» FREE ÏO, ca.*h tb^Tot™.- .- 5uTdV(96 M!M) Hallam's Sportsmen's Catalogue Hallam'e Raw Fur Quotations , Hal lam's Fur Style Book (82 pages) Bent free on request • Address rna folio we: JOHN HALLAM Limited 120 Hallam Building, Toronto P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most, useful and- interesting of all businesses. Full ° n application to Wilson Publishing Corn* 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. pany, kxscrllahdous c- I ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELV PIANO ACTION America's Pioneer Dog Remedies I BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York Paper From Flax Straw. . The Canadian Pacific Railway's Research Department is working upon a method whereby a conimercially satisfactory satisfactory paper pulp can be made from flax straw. Hitherto the straw had to be burnt for want of proper methods of treatment. of Minard'» Liniment Cure» Distemper No Trouble at All. Friend--I suppose if people would do just what you tell them you would have a gi eat deal less trouble. Doctor--Yes, indeed! I would tell some of them to settle their accounts. RAW FURS It will pay you. to" ship all your fur to a reliable house, where you can get full market value. Ask for our pries list and shipping instructions. EDWARD POLIAK & CO- 280 ST. PAUL ST. WBST. SSONTREAL, QUE. X senior officer, ed. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. Manv a child has been called awk- ward, has been punished in school World, is as follows: for not keeping still or for dropping | I talked with the the things, when the trouble was really ; whose rank "" eomman dant. Qt Vitns dance This trouble may ; camp under the tfritisn comma !nneJr at any age but is most often | He had been , taken near Ypres dur- met between the'ages of six and ( ing the temble five "'" depleted fourteen. The most frequent cause "nonteitiotible little army, P When Your Eyes Need Care CANALS OF MESOPOTAMIA. Great Irrigation Schemes and Their ' Destruction. Great irrigation schemes enabled Mesopotamia, Armenia and other Dse Murine Eye Medicine. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, gore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine la compounded by our Oculists--not a "Patent Medicine"--but used In successful Physicians Practice for manv years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at iSOc per Bottle Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, |5c and 50c. Write for Book Of the Eye Free. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Ady. On the Border. 'Watch yourself, man! LIMITED. 410 ST. PAUL STREET MONTREAL Established over 39 years as Baw Fur Dealers Write us for price list. 'Send us your furs and get the highest market price. i Be 1 ore But V. inter Term opens Jan. 2nd Strike for a Better Position by t&kinz a course in the Popular iLUOTT. TORONTO, ONT. This school stands head and Bhonhlera above the ordinary business college -,nd when THOROUGHNESS Ol is considered, ranks among the b.Su on this continent. Handsome Catalogue sent on request. Yonge and Vr. J. ELLIOTT. Charles Sts. Principal iqueilv -uaviovi ; - , ,-L : 111 DpiVC VIJ. -- blood, aggra-j by one-third, faced the flower of tne j day> says Dr.-Arthur Selwyn-Br . » vr iiv rrOfi rvn 1.0 L/&1»1S U Y i - n Ü n A w, awi nnr\ f n 0X7 Vi Î1 countries in the near and middle East] care f u j with that rifle!" thé ran^e of- to become the seats of mighty empires j fleer exclaimed, angrily. You just in spite of their arid climates. To- j missed me that shot!" own m repeated over and over again none dare go to him. The hot sun shone down mercilessly upon the half-buried, suffering man. i He was severely wounded and pinion- j i nearf yet so far; with power so close ' to him, yet so impotent. . ! "Help! Help! For God's sake, help ; me!" he kept groaning. ! His voice became weaker and weak er. unfortunates unfortunates ceased, all except one, whose piteous wails filled the air. "Hi.f=!Hi,f=! um Gott» wi.lenP he on to.Cato by ' havefew j ^T^onded. strain at school. Under these ! the War Lord himself. The cuimm conditions the blood fails one ^ child begins to show listlessness and airy brigade, which lost 40 per cen . i ed beneath the fallen timbers of the | inattention. Then it iocomes^ rest- "«^^"^Verested when this ! trench. It appeared he must die a j less and twitching o follow Prussian officer informed me that he ; slow and agonizing death, with help so, h=^ s t Vitus dance ! had been separated from to com- Sl-À SÆlt of irrigation that has ever been L Mood thus feeding and strength- q --How was ^ ^ The British were retiring i plied with storage basins, locks and parents should lose no time in giv- j slowly and f"bbm"ly, and amorous ; wdrSj brid g es and loading docks^for ing this treatment if their child, pursuit wouhLhave-made a. sa seems nervous or irritable. Mrs. Wm. Did I, sir?" the badly rattled re- I'm awfully sorry, cities of - any importance. Bagdad,] g - r --try to do better next time!' - which has a population of about me j -- ■ hundred and fifty thousand, had two j million ten centuries ago. _ The dif- Mansiem-^^^ ln the month of January I ference between Mesopotamia then ana was suffering with pain of rheumatism , , • voenlknf the destruction " in the foot. I tried all kinds of reme- to-day is the result- oi tne aesw uwivi dies but nothing . me any good. One of the canals. _ ' j person told me about MINARD'S luINX A Home Billiard Table In the height of its prosperity Bag- : MENT as ening the starved nerves. This is the only way to cure the trouble, and j day? soon as I tried it the Satur- - , _ Uti .. v the next morning I was I dad had the most remarkable system fe g llng very good; I tell you tins ... i i a ,, or Vipon con- remedy is verv good; I could give you a - c " 4 ' w 'R that has ev , .. 1 good certificate any time that you would structed. The canals about the city like to have one . if at,any time I come measured over three thousand miles in, a } 10 po U ki > teiVTiiem about this WANTED NOW to act as agent in Dnrhana Reliable salesman County PAY WEEKLY Onv-t free, exclusive making specialties. age^ar^ territory and money the erade^Pstock at most reasonable fi=r-ntee deliveries in first class condition. NnrS «teck is selling well this year and ^ can be made in this ForparticJlars write Sales Manager, Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40-14 "Water! Water--oh, give me water!" he moaned. But none dared to help him. , Suddenly, with utter disregard of . » , -- | the danger, a tall, slim, young French A. Squires, Canning-ton, 0n ^ say s . -- 1 captain leaped to the top of his trench. "My only daughter, now fourt ® e J} A shot sang past him instantly, but years of age was troubled for ri Severa^ he fearlessly held aloft his hand to years with St. Vitus dance command attention. Then he shouted shouted to the imprisoned German, "Tell vour comrades to come and fetch you! We will not fire. We give our word." He jumped down inside again. The wounded man heard. Sum- .. , ... i matism, They were well built, sup- - reme tiy - ' ' . Yours truly. „ /'ERNEST LEVEILLE. 216 Rue Ontario Bast, Montreal. Feb. 14. 190S. Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor recreation x during the long winter evenings. evenings. Our Famous Maisonette Totale la made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terms. 8URROUGHES <fc WATTS, Lid. Makers to El. M. the King. 34 ctaurch St., Toronto thought we were carefully kept m I moning his last remaining strength he She was peut of it. We scuppered, sure." Illusion of Reserves. "Well, I'll tell you," he said. "When -he British occupied the prepared so bad that at times she would lose t renc hes outside the town we ad- control of her limbs and her face and : vance fl i n force, but the Dragoon be contorted. We had Guards held us up a long time. They barges, and, were good order. " : There "were others, both north and ] south of the city that joined the Euph- Old Jim Keen's Observation. _ "Real friends," says old Jim Keen, rates with" the Tigris,* and there were j " are the ones who guess you're in need several that ran * parallel with the ' Q f help before you've even begun to- holler." _ eyes would rivers. The largest was known as the vnos- roes Canal. It was built in early bis- Liniment Cares Garret In Cows nth r rssr r«°^m a8 is: sr;-om^ n ; s ^ m i sl-i" raided his voice and cried the message j About a year ago we began giving her the r i g ht of the cavalrjrmen we sa ! a ioud to his comrades. I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and by the your enormous reserves and had to 1 * '* ' wait for our sûpports to come up. I was amazed. "Reserves!" I claimed. Sent Direct from F actoiy at Wholesale prices. Hand Z-W There was a short conference inside 1 time she had taken five boxes she was ! the German trench. Then four tall soldiers in the uniform of the Prus GR ANDTRUNK IystTm WIN 1ER TOURS completely cured, and is now a fine, healthy girl. I firmly believe we ex- No Disappointment Here. A man who was convinced of steal- before a certain of Madharaya, the modern Kut el j judge, well known for his tenderheart- Amara. Later caliphs carried it one ] e d neS s, to be séntenced. hundred and fifty miles beyond Dur. | "Have you ever been sentenced to j Whenever this canal passed through imprisonment ? " asked the judge, not • loose soil it was over two hundred feet ^ unkindly All made. Post paid. No. 25, No. 24, Child's, Youths' sian Guard climbed over their parapet oWe this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , We had not even any supports and advanced boldly into the open, j an fl are very "Why, we had no reser ^ | ^widtii and S ix feet deep. Where the ] "Never!" exclaimed the prisoner, 1 ' " 1 tears. carrying a stretcher. They faced a tion to perfect health, hundred rifle barrels, but there was shot. - The word of honor had no been passed, and men were acting as human beings, saving instead of de- •PECIAL I'ares now in effect effect to resorts in Florida stroymg. . Quickly the Germans reached their comrade. A heavy beam of the demolished trench had fallen upon him and crushed both legs. Working Working with a will, they soon had him released, released, and, placing him on the You can get these pills from any : her of troops were able to assist us. dealer in medicine or by mail at ^ 50 j Puzzling Halt. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Now this statement of the prison Georo-ia, North and South j stretcher, they biorejiim away to the Overhauling the Liners. trunk canal carried a large boat traffic his. Honor, consolingly ; aitd supplied water to hùndreds .of he now." miles of lateral canals and irrigation ] It served many thousands ; most splendid farming cry, my man," said 'you're going Sizes 6--10 $1-66 11--13 2.20 ■* i-- B. .. • 2.60 " 6--12 2.96 American Oil 141c per gallon. FRONTENAC AGENÇIES Bank Nationale Bldg. Ottawa, Ont. No. 221. Boys' No. 21, Men's The fellow who dcos his. own think- ■ing is never afraid of what the other fellows think. commander ""was of rather weird in- of country. • South of the city of Kerbela, on the trans- iterest. After the pretty but wholly fictitious story qf'the angels of Mons, which originated in a poetic concep- Eur _ hartes three were great irriga- j C.P.R. is going to overhaul its tion of Arthur • J*® 7the ' tion works on what is probably the . Pacific liners at the beginning from mouth to mouth the s y . | richest agricultural land m Asia. The. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instances nf the'•new year. The boats will be heroes of Agincourt who had | Euphrates has since shifted its bed ] Ot tne new ye «rudent battlefields wheie , ^ and* WcUi^ici, 4-'v . . j I safety of their trench. Carolina, Louisiana and A moment later some sixty Prussian other Southern States and to Bermuda and the West Indies Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed; For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bow- manville. helmets were hoisted enthusiastically on rifles above the trench, and in a mighty chorus there came the shout, "Thank you, comrades, thank you!" The French captain climbed upon I the trench bowed courteously, and responded, responded, "It was our pleasure comrades comrades . Now to our duty again." And pitiless war reigned once more between the lines. laid up at dry dock at Hong Kong for from the ancient +-l. qco crm v pnrs s aoouv um vy w, . ' -, renovation and repair. The Empress ; thdr bones had lam ^ - j the rich eanal landa are nothing but of Asia will be the first to be laid up. ! and in their thousands about thirty miles to the eastward, and, ^ free Prescription. You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. j and m rneir luuuaamro ™ mL ! unwholgsome, reedy swamps, tne j She will be out of commission for j invaders of France an an ers. j h ts of water buffaloes, cranes and : «bout a month. The Empress of Rus- wise and unpoetic sneered at the fan anima ls and birds., and Empress of Japan will be laid j tastic conception but some B in turn---the former having a explanation for the Germs of sia sort German .halt iii stride Between Dur and Bassora there were over fifty trunk canals between London.--Do you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses f If so, you will be glad to know tirât according to Dr. Lewis there ts real hope for you. -Miray whose eves were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful wonderful free .prescription^ One . man^ says, = after UP J and the latter 26 days at Hong ! the midst of their various stride , and the Euphrates, and they gful blind; could nSt'see tL ht liners are kent in th^: during those early days of November^,"ffftjrty-aeven.thousand square any T- Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the estate of William Jollife, late of the town of BoivmanviUe, inthe County of Durham, a retired Minister of ihe Methodist Church of Canada, deceased. Dyspeptics Should Avoid Drugs And Medicines eyes do not water - any more. At pain dreadfully; now they feel It was like a miracle to me. aw ,v says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy 'with or without glasses, but after using this n!AtenfoJpTeWoverhTuleii a stace ' j unte hSF not been compie ., . who persistently talked of vast re- "" - h the Mongols sacked b«l"v«d that thov.,md. »1»> ^ ... V f thin and untl1 +"U^ discard them in a reasonable time and Eye troubles of many of ever getting glasses, descriptions may be wonderfully^ benefited by following the simple rules. Here is the prescription: prescription: Go to any active drug store and get * bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a_ glass of water and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation will quickly disiTjp^ear. If your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps Defo to save them now before it is too late. - Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared " they were released from the Admiral ty service, toward the latter part of last year. The Monteagle, which is now on her way across the Pacific, was' recently overhauled at Hong Kong NOTICE is hereby given that all persons hav- -inimB or demands against the late Wil ing any claims or demands again* lUm Jelliffe, who died on or about the seven teenth day of September, 1910, at Bomnanville, in the County of Durham, are required to send Solicitor herein for Thomas C -- Trebllcoek, executors and trustees under the will of the said William Jolllffe, their names and sd- dressesYnd full particulars in writing of their claim* and statements of their account* and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICK that after the twenty- Blntbdây 1916, the •^.ThomaaG. fa AMAhl of ... X the to TtsYhst the said Thoeas C, J swell and ni 'rv.sil.eook will not ds liable, for the said it part shall n 0 r out part thereof to any person of whose dîlmthey skaU not then hayj recsltt* notice. Dated at BowmaurDU, the »th day of Novem- >eT ' 1916, D, B. SIMPSON. BoweaasiUw, Oat aria **«#* Try a Little Haerneei* Instead. - Some people instinctively shut their eves to danger, and it may be that instinct, or custom or habit causes dyspeptics dyspeptics to take- drugs, patent foods and medicines, artificial digested ts, etc. But closing the. eyes does not banish the danger, and It Is certain -that neither drugs nor medicines possess the power to destroy the harmful excessive acid In ihe stomach, which is the underlying cause of most forms of Indigestion, and SvanepsiaT They may give, temporary relie^but ever increasing quantity -..-X. +«ken, and til the time the »c the stomach ae dangerous remains as ever. Physicians know this and that is why their -advice so often, .to e ufferers .fr om and stomooh. trouble Is Just sjSmt% -S mt purs Usurstsd stontty -neutral In the stomooh cotation, thus LSf.i enabllf pur* oisurarea gflgt Shd takers e iter Imzr rtis wU ansa lidb,, (orjh. 0.jjd j Kolicito? lor tne TrsMlcock. Breeators.- ,op til rood. ter. tig you to sriJoy • . Lrl- nines* v our serves descried behind tortuous lines. $ Still Hold Trenches. N - • Whatever the explanation, the fact remains that by some optical illusion the Prussian commanders were Bagdad and brought the rule of the caliphs to an end. After the Mongolian Mongolian invasion Bagdad was no longer the apital of the Mohammedans-and the can now discard them in -- -- ., . multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so, as to be spared the trouble and expense for their eyes in time. Note: Another prominent Physician to whom the above artidc was submitted, said: "Bon-Opio la a % cry remarkable remedy. Its constituent Ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee It to strengthen eyesight 60 per cent ln one week's time ln many instances or refund the money, it can be obtained from any good druggist and Is one of the ■ ' ' on hand e Valmar „ orders if your drugget cannot. - led holy city of Islam. WINTER DATS AND SUMMER DAYS Krupps' Works in Danger. The - Amsterdam correspondent of the London Times says that since French airmen attacked Essen a large number of anti-aircraft guns which Lad previously been removed have been remounted. Workmen have been busily engaged in constructing ,.bombproof ,.bombproof underground shelters, which, it is believed^" are intended for storing the most dangerous explosives. Regarding Regarding the reports of disturbances, at Eseenr-g strike- was threatened, but thé workmen's conditions, which it is believed concerned the food arrangement» arrangement» were-granted». Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Diphtheria v v X X Gratitude is so chéap that there is no excuse for giving it grudgingly. For every ailment there are a doaen | cures that don't. DODD^ KIDNEY |„. PILLS 0 The Vital Point. ' a beautiful young lady interviewed ; a fortune-teller on the usu>l subjects. ; "Lady," said the. clairvoyant-, you Kvill visit/foreign-lands and the courts of-kings and queens. You will con-, quer all rivals and marry the man of your choice. He will be tall and dark, and aristocratic-looking. and Christmas Days are the best Thermos days of all. XL a'ONl'L,/ 1 f 'G r>, NTS D • . - .« A f, i- 1 IBD, 4. ISSUE 52--'16 maa for th* Bedroom tuad many other usee. up. "And youngs?" interrupted the lady- . , „ "Yes, and very rich. The beautiful "lady grasped the for- tunerteller , s hands ; and pressed ^them ^"Thank you," she said, "Now tell me ' one thing more. How shall I get rid of my present husband " BotUes 11.76 up. Kits 13.00 -Carafes (water bottles) *5.00 up, Motor sets $6.60 up. Thermos Is sold at all ro«l "Drugk.jHti^F#*,'<8p°r^F*: * - "and Depth = Store*, and some lware.M8por rou cannot see .what Ydu ne THERMOS. BOTTLE Go., 12-14 SHEPPARD ST, TORONTO. ou need send for V *î»ar*<* Llnlmeat - Cold*. <,

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