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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 8

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«SÎT. ,;=W Rich, Snowden Wishes one and all of his many customers a vei y Merry Christmas Christmas and a Happy New Year. Drop" in this week and see our display ot fruits and candies and fowl. Leave your .or "er for a nice goose, duck, turkey, or a crate-fatted chicken. You will get good goods at right prices. RD. SNOWDEN, Phone 243 Bowmanville BOWMAN VILLE, DEO. 21, 1916 ENNISKILLEN You'll miss a great treat if you do not hear the Cantata entitled "Santa Claus' Doings" given by the Junior League at Enniskillen Friday Dec.. 22nd, between thirty and forty children taking part. Proceeds will be divided between Public School and the Red Cross Society. Ad mission: Adults 2$c; children 15c, in the Methodist church. MAPLE GROVE Don't forget the Christmas Concert and Tree Friday evening at 8p. m.....Mr. Ross Stevens returned home on Tuesday from the hospital Mr. John D. Stephens was . appointed teacher for the young men's class. Mr. Lloyd Snowden for the Junior intermediate... .Special Xmas services services next Sunday by Pastor and Choir ... ."Christmas Cheer" collection in aid of Bowmanville Hospital in Sunday School Sunday. Miss Pearl Aldworth attended The Domestic Science Course for ladies at Solina and enjoyed it very mu:h. x . n y;>^ x.-- Christmas Confectionery A Holiday Gift that will always be appreciated is a box of chocolates. See our lovely assortment, all sizes, finest quality. ENNISKILLEN A Merry Christmas to the Editor and his faithlul staff League was held Tuesday night this week instead of Wed- I nesday in charge of our social, vice president, president, Miss Leta Oke, Mrs. N. Redpath took the topic. Readings and song vyere I given after which - refreshments were I served... .Next Sunday is "Decision Day 1 in the Methodist Sunday School.... Trust- I ee Board and children have placed an organ in the school to the benefit and delight delight of the latter Visitors:--Miss Mar- I ion Virtue home for the Xmas holidays I from attending Peterboro NormalSchool: Dr. C. W. Slemon and Mr. F. W. Lee in Toronto. ORONO SHORT COURSE Farmers'sons 7 who can possibly attend the Special Five Weeks' Course in Agriculture Agriculture to be held in Orono from January 9 to February 9, 1917, should make an effort effort to enroll in the class. It will be time and money well invested--the cost in cash is not large. Those interested should write to R.'S. Duncan, Department of Ag nculture, Port Hope, for calendar aricTany infoiination required. Some 55 young men attended the Short Course in Bowmanville Bowmanville High School, ages ranging from 15 to 32 years. As we stated inlast week's issue the object object of this course is not to teach the boy how to farm--practical work on the farm is the best for that purpose. The aim .of the course is rather to create a deeper interest interest in farm life, disseminate a knowledge of the principles underlying farming operations, induce young men to enquire closely into things for themselves, encourage encourage the reading of agricultural literature, acquaint them with the most advanced ideas in Agriculture, stimulate the co-ôp- eratiou of farm and community^and show how farm work may be made more pleasant pleasant and greater profits obtained. AUCTION SALES Thursday, Dec. 21st--Mr. Percy Clarke, lot 18, con. 5, Darlington, will sell ali bis farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I p. m.- See bills. GEO. JACKSON, auctioneer. auctioneer. ELOCUTION LESSONS Miss Géorgie I. A. Langmaid, M. E., is prepared to take a limited number of pupils in elocution. Will teach at Bowmanville. Bowmanville. For concert engagements or lessons, address, Miss Langmaid, R. R. I, Hampton. Phone 133-r 1 2. 50-2W* CLASS IN PIANO. Mr. Otto James of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, who is starting a class in Oshawa, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils in Bowmanville, in the higher art of piano®. playing. 'For particulars particulars address: Otto James, Conservatory Of Music, Toronto, 50-lw' Special Five Weeks 7 in will be held in Hours of study are from 9 to 12 and 1.30 to =4 each day except Saturday. Practical work m the class-room, visits to stock J farms in the district, debates, public speaking speaking contests, special lectures by prominent Agriculturists on important topics, the organization organization of the class into a Junior Farm- ! er's Improvement Association and the wind up with a banquet are special features features of this ShortCourse. ORONO, Jan. 9 to Feb. 9, 1917 The course is especially designed for farmers' sons, 16 years of age or older, who will regularly attend the classes.' _ The course consists of lectures, demonstrations and practical work in connection with judging Live Stock, Field Crops, Soils Poultry, Dairying, Feeds and Feeding, Manures and Fertilizers' Fruit Growing, Insects and Diseases, Noxious Weeds, Farm Book keeping. _ A number of special lectures will be given by prominent men which will be announced later. 159 farmers' sons have already taken the course. No fees and no entrance requirements. Send for calendar and further information to -2w R. S. DUNCAN, Department of Agriculture, Port Hope, Ontario. The Weekly Suti, Toronto, is a large seventy-column farm weekly newspaper, making a specialty of all matters of business business and social interest to the farmer and his family. The Sun's market reports are admittedly the best and most accurate published. It has do equal in the field. This feature alone will amply repay every subscriber. Clubbed with this paper. Our home-made candy is delicious. Our bread speaks for itself. itself. Try a loaf today and you will never fret over home baking again. Choice variety of cakes of all kinds. Leave your order early for Christmas. Thomas Tod Baker And Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville ♦♦#e»#*e##e#»#e#ee##eeeêee * # I want to wish all my friends and customers and those who are not A Merry Christmas and SOLINA Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, Wilbur on their marriage A number from here attended, the District Division at Taunton Friday Mr. S. A. Fair- weather in rememberance of old associat- | ions sent Mr. I. M. Làwa 25 lb moose steak .. .Miss Lucy 3 Brown slowly improves ... Mrs. Fanny Arnot and Miss Mary I have returned home from the west. Mr. J. M. Walton, G. W. P. of Ontario visited at A. L. Pascoe's The Cadets of Temperance are haying an entertainment entertainment Friday afternoon. All are'welcome | to attend Our sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Mr. T. C. Langmaid. Langmaid. He spent the greater part of his life in this community and was very much I respected. 1 • HAMPTON Epworth League meeting was presided over by Mr. Frank Cryderman. Scripture Lesson was read by Miss E. Currie, "Literacy Christmas Topic" taken by Mrs. J. Colwill. Readings were given by Misses Misses Rhoda Johns and Frances Clatworthy. I Miss Mildred Souch sang a solo. Mrs. John Ranton and daughter have I gone to Toronto to spend Christmas.. : Miss Lillian Williamson is in the city .. Remember the "Cantata" this (Thursday) I evening. It promises to be very interest ing and instructive Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Doidge visited his sister Mrs. F. Wilbur, Oshawa, who is very ill.... Mr. Percy Clark spent the week-end with relatives in Trenton Miss Edna White, Darling- ford, and Mr. Eyerton White, Elizabeth I ville, Hope, visited at Mr. I. L. Brown's . .Mr. and Mrs. A. Bond, Roland, Man., are visiting his sister, Mrs A. C. Trull and other friends in this vicinity. Glad to meet you Ame Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Brown were called to Toronto by the death of her brother, Mr. Palmer. We extend kind sympathy in their bereave ment. .. .Pte. L. Spry of the (Beavers) visited at home Mx^ and Mrs. Thos. Lewis, Scarboro, were guests of Mr. W. R. Allin. Hampton Epworth Leaguers are pre- I senting a Cantata "A Christmas Vision" Thursday evening Dec. 21st. Admission 120c and ioc. go-2w BARGAINS IN SKATES "V Over 300 pairs now on sale. All sizes in the latest patterns including including the famous Automobile Skates No Advance in our Prices Xmas Cutlery Value--greatest; Quality--highest; Selection--largest; Prices lowest. We invite your careful inspection. Sole Agents RICE & CO., Phone 66 EBENEZER A Happy New Year , Alan M. Williams, jÿ Phone 58 or 159 * Bowmanville $eee#e*e*#e#ess###ee##ssei Fresh Sausage and Weeners All kinds of Smoked Meats Fresh Fruits For Christmas Do not delay buying the necessities for your Christmas baking as the prices are advancing. . We have everything ready to hand" of the best quality and at prices as low as the lowest. "Raisins Currants Dates Figs Peels Spices Extracts Walnuts Almonds Syrup Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. phone number is 186. Sugar Butter Eggs Lard Mince Meat You know our Specials in- - * Canned Goods Opposite Gtoôdÿèar Club. All kinds of Vegetables. Mrs. A. F. Rundle spent Monday in Toronto.., Toronto.., .... Mrs.Geo.Annis' baby is severely severely ill with croup Mr. Nichols and fam ily have moved from Oshawa into Court- ice--into the house formerly occupied by Mr. John Brent Epworth League Xmas meeting was a fine success, some 75 being present Miss Gerda Pickell, President, occupied the chair. Pastor Delve led in prayer and Miss Alta Pickell read the Scriptures. The topic "Xmas and Missions" Missions" was ably given by Miss Muriel Pen- found. This program was given:--solo, Miss Hilda Langmaid, Zion; piano duet, Misses L. Osborne and M. Penfound; reading, reading, Miss Georgie Langmaid; piano solo, chimes, Miss L. Osborne; reading Miss D. Brooks; trio, Misses G. Pickell, V. Werry and M. Penfound. Ladies served home-made candy in abundance and the service closed with the Nàtional Anthem Mr. Cyril and Miss Aura Rundle attended attended District Division at Taunton last Wednesday Mr. J. Littlejohn of Osh awa Harbor recently visited at Mr. W. R. Courtice's Messrs. E. and T. Wor den of Western Ontario spent a few days iwith relatives here Our W. M. S. I met on Thursday and enjoyed a good service. service. The text book study was taken by Mrs. J. Found and Miss I. Worden. Solos were given by Mrs. W. R. Courtice and Miss Vera Werry and*a piano solo by Miss L. Osborne. Xmas roll call was a feature....... W. R. Courtice attended Statutory Council session at Hampton on Friday..... .Mrs, Ambrose and daughter, Detroit, recently visited her daughter Mrs. IB. Cochrane Mr. E. Worden contin ues to improve after his critical operation Mr. Elmer Wilbur and Miss Lizzie Hillis, Solina, were quietly marriechat the Parsonage on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Smith from the U. S. recently moved to the J. Stacey farm north of Courtice.... Song service Sunday evening was largely attended. The choir and congregation enjoyed singing the old time hymns. Pastor Pastor Delve recited their origin and history. Special music by the choir for Xmas next Sunday Mrs, Clarence : Trull and babe qf St. Thomas are visiting - relatives here ; :... : All rejoice berf^ that-Britain rejects Germany's peace proposals and will fight it but to victory..... ; Mrs. J. Arnot-visited her home on Sunday, . . .S, S. No. 8 concert is ,on Thursday jaftempon. and S. S. No 4 on Friday afternoon; Base Line S_S. 3,.,pn Thursday, nighty v , v .It looks good for sleighing for Christmas, let the merry bells jingle. Gifts that bear the True Ring of Friendship Often the very people who are most in need of the soft, consoling comfort of Comfys are the last to think of buying buying them for themselves LOOK OVER THIS LIST It will help you to reach a decision For Father, Husband, Brother Best Boots .-.$3.50-$6.00 Kid Slippers $l25-$2.75 Felt and Plaids... 95c-$ 1.50 Carpet 75c For Mother, Wife, or Sister Beautiful Boots, $3.00-$6.00 Evening Shoes...$3.00-$4.00 Fur trimmed Juliet.... $ 1.40 Boudoir Slippers $1.00 Comfys, special, in red, blue, brown 95c Felts and Carpets...60c-75c Overgaiters 60c-$2.50 Heels, Felt Houseboots, Shoe Silk Laces..... 15c-35c J 1 "! 68 ' PoJish 0ufcfifcs > Slipper Soles, etc. Once a man gets off his day shoes and slips his feet into house shoes, it's a guarantee he will stay in the rest of the evening. Fred R. Foley *" Sunny side Boot Shop, Bow ran ville For the Kiddies Girls and boys wear out an awful. lot of shoes. Ten to one they need new ones right now. A pair will please them. All sizes and prices. Moccasins.. 85c-$1.50 Overshoes ........$1.50-$2.00 Toy Trunks..., $2.00 Juvenile Suit Cases, 70c-$1.25 Corduroy Leggings,90c-$l.25 Pretty Slippers.......35e-75c Bootees, all colors...35c-60c For Fverybody --- Hockey Boots, Warm Overshoes, Overshoes, Buckskin Moccasins, Rubber Footwear, Rubber BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Reopens after Christmas vacation--Jan. 3rd Full courses in Collegiate, Music. Pianoforte, Organ, Voice Culture and Yioliri, Expression; Art : : and Commercial tinder competent teachers. Write NOW for calendar and full particulars. ® N. BAKÇR, M.Â., D.D., Principal. M ChristmaLs will soon be here. F. A. Haddy & Son present | the Compliments of the Season to their numerous numerous patrons and invite the public to visit their store This is the kiddies' time- Oranges--California Navels and Floridas, 25c to 5.0c dozen. -make them happy with the following: s all sizes, from F Grape Fruit--All sizes, from 6 for 25c to 3 for 25c Bananas, Grapes and other frmts. Nuts--Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Brazils, Peanuts, etc Choicé Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs for 45c. Confectionery in great variety. Our^special mixtures at 15c, 2 lbs for 25c, and Ideal Chocolate Mixture at 25c are extra special value. Did you stop to think that groceries make a real sensible and useful Christmas present ? Try it this year. We have a full stock and at right prices. F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville Meats ! Only the choicest meats bought from first-class feeders, to be found at our store. ' Here is a list of feeders of our Christmas meats: 4 choice steers and 2 choice heifers, R. H. Souch, Providence; 2 choice steers, J. Lane, Shaws'; 2 choice steers, F. Symons, Bowmanville; • 3 choice heifers, Wellington Cowan, Starkville; 1 choice heifer, J. Tabb, Bowmanville; 2 choice steers and 1 choice heifer, D. Smith, Bethesda; 5 Leicester ewe lambs, R. H. Souch, Providence; 2 Polled Angus calves, J. Couch, Clarke. are - Home rendered lard, meats, poultry of all kinds. cooked hams, all kinds of smoked order. We guarantee satisfactory service. Try us for your next 88 * C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 - - - Bowmanville ■513215e m \. Coal &t Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 r. r •r X Washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Floor Oil---all kinds--only Seventy Five Cents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. Farmers save 25% by buying blankets at F. O. Mason's as they were ordered a year ago last- August.- Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still shdwinga "Superb" Stockof Ladles' and Children's Plush and Cloth Coats, all made up in the very latest styles. Autpmqbile Skates at F. O. Mason's The famous 5/T horse blankets at F. O. Mason's. See the variety of washing machine at F. O. Mason's. Do you need a new cutter? See A. W. Pickard'before buying. Cold weather is coming, ice will soon be good. Get your skates ready. Mason 9c Dale have just the kind you need.

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