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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1917, p. 5

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% Mitchell's New Y ear's Rubber Goods Sale January 4 to Jan. 6, inclusive Now is the time to purchase that Hot Water Bottle or Syringe. No old stock to give away--every article brand new. We ^guarantee value for every dollar you spend here. Hot Water Bottles, 3 qt, 2 year guarantee, reg $2.75, sale price $2.39 " $2.19 " 1.64 " 1.89 " 1,23 1.39 " 1.69 " 2.19 tf tt 2 qt, 2 tt St 2.50, tt tt 2 qt, 1 tl tl 2.00, tt it 3 Qt, 1 tt tt 2.25, tt tt 2 qt, I tt tt 1.50, it If 3 qt, I tt tt 1.75, (t tt 2 qt, 2 ft tt 2.00, ft tf 3 qt, 2 It (t 2.50, Fountain Syringes, regular " " regular " " regular " " regular $1.50 Sale price $1.19 $1.75 ; Sale price $1.39 $2.25 Sale price $1.89 $2,25 Sale price $.1.83 Bulb Syringes, regular 60c Sale price " regular 75c ...Sale price " regular $1.25 Sale price 49c 59c 93c 83c 42c 93c Atomizers, regular $i.oo Sale price Atomizers, regular 50c Sale price Ice Cap, regular $1.25 \ Sale price Ice Cap, regular $1.50 Sale price $1.11 Breast Pump, regular 50c Sale price 39c Surgeon's Gloves, regular $1.25 Sale price $1.03 Invalid Rings, regular $3.00 Sale price $2.49 Invalid Rings, regular $2.50 Sale-price $2.19 * Sole Agents for Nellson's Chocolates R. M. MITCHELL & Druggists and Opticians Our Opticians Look Into the Eye Co., V Greetings ! We embrace this opportunity of extending to our patrons the Season's greetings'and our sincere Best Wishes for the New Year. The year just closing to a considerable extent has marked a departure from the very regrettable regrettable practice of price-cutting. In some instances the situation is not much changed, but in the main the improvement is substantial. Let there be a New Year's resolution to get your groceries in the best possible condition and at a price that will afford your doing so. Do not overlook the opportunities opportunities that will be offered at The Model Grocery. v 41 W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville BOWMAN VILLE, JAN. 4,1917. HOLIDAY VISITORS. 38 m Miss Effie Dunham, Toronto, at home. Mr. Gordon Manning, Toronto, at home. Miss Phillips with her sister, Mrs. R. Clarke. Mr. Fred Roblin, Hamilton, ae Mrs. M. Mayer's. Mr. Victor W. Legge, Toronto, with his parents. Mr. John Torrens, Kitchener, with old friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Fursey spent Christmas Christmas in Oshawa. Miss Barbara Yellowlees, Toronto, with Mrs. L. Jollow. Miss Winnie Britain, Toronto, visited at Mr. L.Morris'. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, Toronto, at Mrs. R. Windatt's. Miss Lundy, .Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Quinn. __ Miss Ida Weeks, Toronto, with her sister and brother. Mrs. W. B. Couch with her son, Mr. A. B. Couch, Montreal. Lieut. T. Currie of the 228th Battalion, Toronto, with friends. Mrs. Fred Rehder and Miss Ruth, Toronto, Toronto, with Mr. C. Rehder. Mrs. Wyatt and son, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Laugher. Miss Gladys Westaway, Port Hope» with the Misses Van Nest. Miss Julia Sinclair, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. A. T. Christie. Miss Maude Willis, Toronto, with her sister Mrs. Wm. Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughin, Oshawa, Oshawa, at Mr. W. B. Pinch's. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Blyth, Oakville, at her father's Mr. C. Rehder, Mr. W. Claude Ives spent the week-end with friends in Bloomfield. Mivand Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, with her father Mr. Wm. Trewin. Miss Robson, Kitchener, with her brother, Mrs. Thos. Robson. Miss Dora Prout, Claremont, spent the holidays with relatives here. Miss Mildred Willmott, Picton, with her-mother, Mrs. E. Willmott. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colwill and son. Ross, Toronto, at his mother's. All Ladies' Coats at reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mrs. W. Rosevear and babe, Toronto, at her father's, Mr. Jas. Johnston. Miss Gertrude Nicholls, Wesley ville, visiting her aunt Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Miss Edna Archibald, Belleville, with her grandmother, Mrs. Rd. Bailey. Miss L. M. Washington, Bethany, with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Washington. Miss Agnes Maynard, Bowmanville, spent Xmas, with Toronto relatives. Miss Muriel Chartran and Master Gor- on Chartran, with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Percy and daughter, Ruth, Toronto, with the Misses Percy. Mrs. W. B. Pollard and Greta spent Christmas with relatives in Port Perry. Miss Edna H. Bottrell and Miss Myrtle Downer, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. Bottrell's. Mr. W. H. Hellyar and son John, Clinton, Clinton, with his mother, Mrs. John Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roenigk and daughter daughter Edna, Lindsay, with her father, Mr. Rd. Darch. Mr. J. J. Mason, Miss Stella Mason and Mr. E. W. Scott, Toronto, at Mr. N. S; B. James'. Miss Margaret Bragg, London, and Mr. Kenneth Bragg, St. Mary's at Mr. W. H. Barrie's. Mrs. T. E. Knowlton and Miss Marjorie King, Toronto, visited their father Major W. C. King. Mr. Orville Henderson, Fenelon Falls, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Henderson. Capt. the Rev. H. B. Kenny, was guest of Mr. Fred A. Foster, "Norwood Place" while in town. Misses Millie Foster and Marjory Har nson, Toronto, spent New Years at. Mr. John C. Stacey's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod and Miss Olga Tod spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Howe, Hamilton, and Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, at her father, Mr. J. Westaway's. Mr. Clark Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hughson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Norman Taylor at Mr. Alex Taylor's. Mr. and- Mrs. Will Bryant, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, at Mr. Ernest Robbins', Liberty-st. ~ Miss Hazel Darch and Miss Mary Taylor, Taylor, Toronto, and Mr. Charlie Ruddell, Leskard, at Mr. James H. Darch's. Mrs. Wm. Wright and daughter Myrtle of Çolborne, Mrs. E. A. Rutherford and family, Castleton, at Mr. W. M. lyes. Mr. Archie Thompson spent the weekend, weekend, with his sister, Mrs. Howard Willoughby, Willoughby, Island Grove, Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McClung, Spokane, Wash., is visiting his mother Mrs. Wm. McClung and sister Miss Jennie h^cClung, Mrs. J. W. Sparling has gone to Cob- den,. Ont., to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) E. W. Richards at The Rectory. Lieut. R. R. Roden of the 228th Batt., was one of a jolly house party over the week-end at Mrs. F. A. Foster's, "Norwood "Norwood Place." Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock, Mr. Arthur Trebilcock, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trebilcock and Mr. and Mrs Fred Trebilcock and families, Peterboro, at Mr. P. C. Trebilcock's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborne, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. -Blow and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Osborne and family, Mrs. E. I. Osborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborne, town at Mr. W. H. Osborne's for New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemens and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemens, Hampton, Mr. Lewis Rosevear, Moose Jaw, Sask., Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Mr. Stewart Macklin, Cobourg, Mr. Ray Eagleson, Cold Springs, at Mr. H. Brock's. War Pictures--see those splendid Mons views at St. John's Parish Hall next Monday--New Monday--New Year's--evening at 8 o'clock, Miss Glenn of Glen-Charles, Toronto, Canada's HairFashion Store, will be in Bowmanville Saturday January 13th, at Bowman House with a full line of Ladies' and Gentleman's Hair Goods. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn. Free demonstration. demonstration. I-2W Hockey Sticks at F. O. Mason's. See Edger's cutters before buying. If you need a new Cutter, see; Pickard Flashlights from 5Qc up at F. O. Mason's. Buggy Rugs large display at F. O. Mason's. Eleven differentstylesof Cutters at F. O. Mason's.^ Miss Evelÿri Bottrell has gone to Hamilton Hamilton to reside. Mitts and Gloves at lowest^ prices in town-- F. O. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Whitby, visited her father, Mr. C. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robson spent Christmas Christmas with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robson spent Christmas with her parents in Belleville. All kinds of Furs at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. Mr. R. Dowson of Broadview, Sàsk., is visiting friends here after 14 year's absence. absence. Ladies' and Men's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnston & Cryderman's. Cryderman's. Boys have you ever seen Mason & Dale's automobile skates? See them before you buy. . Mr. Wm. Roenigk of the Royal Bank, Sarnia, recently visited at his father's, Mr. Jule Roenigk's. Mrs. John Grigg, Miss Edra Grigg and Miss Muriel Dech visited Mrs. W. J. Ward in Owen Sound. Mrs. W. R. Thickson, Neepawa, Man., is spending the winter with her daughter Mrs. F. O. Mason. Mr. A. C. Price, local manager of the Bell Telephone Co., Barrie, is to be removed removed to Newmarket. Mrs. G. A. Knight, Turtle River, Man., is visiting her sister Mrs. Aleifc Hume and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs! Arthur Wright and son, Hamilton, spent Christmas with her father, Mr. Thos. Tod. Music is the fourth great essential need of human nature--first food, then raiment, then shelter, then music. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have laid out twenty five Ladies' Coats to be sold at exactly half-price. Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Chapman, Cannington, has been spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morris. YOU ARE INVITED to see War Pictures in St. John's Parish Hall next Monday evening--they are specially fine. Mr. Bruce Purcell, Regina, Sask., and Mr. Wm. Purcell, Cabri, Sask , are visiting visiting their cousin Mr. W. J. Williams, High- st. Women's Auxilary to the Hospita Board will hold their regular meeting on Friday Jan. Çth at 3.30 p.m. in Counci Room. Take wife and children or your best girl, to see the famous War Pictures in St. John's Parish Hall next Monday evening--15c evening--15c admission only. Mr. H. Douglas, Peterboro, announces the engagement of his youngest daughter, Ida Jean, to Mr. Stanley R. Carveth, Mill- brook, the marriage to take place early in January. The Woman's Patriotic League will hold their monthly meeting Monday January January 8th at 3.30 p.m in the Council Room. All the women of the town are earnestly requested to attend Mrs. Louisa Hanson, 235 Fairview, Ave., Toronto, aged 75 years, fell while alighting alighting from a car, broke her thigh Tuesday. Mrs. Hanson is well-known here having resided here for many years. Mrs. J. F. Brooks, children and grandchildren grandchildren celebrated Christmas at Mr. S. S. Brooks, Courtice, where all enjoyed the English plum pudding and luscious Russet Russet apples sent by Mr. Fred W. Brooks, Wellington, Somerset,England. Fred Hoar, who has been in the employ of Ernest Vanstone, of Audley, died on Christmas Day after a week's illness from blood-poisoning due to quinsy. He leaves no family, and his wife died between one and two years ago. He was a son of Wm. and Mrs. Hoar, of Myrtle. TEA ROOM MENU Girls' Tea room will re-open Saturday next. Menu--Dressed roast pork, tomato jelly, scalloped potatoes, bread and butter, 25c; cocoanut and mince pies 5c; cake 5c: tea or coffee 5c. 1 * j Notices of Births 28 cents) Marriages' SO cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. 1 BIRTHS. Luxton--In Bowmanville Hospital, Dec. 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lnxton, a son. Bobbins--In Bowmanville Hospital, Dec. 31st to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bobbins, a daughter. DEATHS Stocks--At Columbns, Jan, 1st, Samuel Stocks aged 63 years. Millson--At Port Hope, Dec. 29th, Samnel Millson, aged 60 years. Hoar--In Pickering township, Dec. 26th, Fred erick James Hoar, aged 48 years. Fanning--In Boss Memorial Hospital, Lindsay^ Jan. 1st, Francis Fanning, Manvers, in his 86th year. Wilbur--In Oshawa, Dec. 22nd, Emma Jane Doidge, beloved wife of Mr. Frank Wilbur, in her 69th year. WBRRY--At the residence of her annt, Mrs, Wm. Ormiston, Brooklin, Dec. 24th, Miss Worry of the Bobert-st. Christian Workers' Mission, Toronto. Goodman--On Dec. 27th, at his late residence, 421 Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto, Chas E„ be loved husband of Mary Ann Ball Goodman, and fourth son of the late B. M. Goodman and Mrs. Goodman of Oshawa. 81 ■ Gibson--In Bowmanville, Jan. 3rd, 1917, Wil liam. Gibson, aged 83 years. « The funeral will take place from his late residence, residence, Bradshaw-st., on Friday at 2.80 p.m. Booth--At Clarkson, Ont., Jan. 2, Annie May, beloved wife of J. 8. Booth, formerly of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Interment in Bowmanville cemetery to-day (Thursday) from G.T.B. station at 3.29 p.m IN MEMORIAM Gully--In most loving memory of onr dear one, Emma Gully, who left us Jan. 4th, 1914. She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In onr lonely hours of thinking Thots of her are always near. Harold, Mother and Sisters. "Lest We Forget" E. R. B0ÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. "The Recruit" is the title of a new song by Charlotte Bonnycastle, Author of "My Heart is Glad Again" " Long Live the King," "Greater Canada" and others. These songs are published by Miss Hilda Bonnycastle, Campbellford, and are on sale at Big 20 Bookstore. Price 50c. The first three Sundays in January are to be devoted to the missionary cause in the Bowmanville Methodist church. Sunday Sunday evening next Rev. Dr. Shorey, Port Hope, will preach and Sunday Jan. 2lst Rev. Dr. Hincks of Toronto will make the closing appeal for this great cause at both services, Messrs. John A. Holgate & Son have extended their business materially by buying buying out the Builders' Supply branch of Mr. Wm. Brock. This means that this enterprising firm will carry in stock hydrated hydrated and burnt stone lime, cement, wood fibre, paristone, alabastine, glazed tile in all sizes and shapes, land plaster, ground limestone, etc. See their new advt. Those who attended the lecture and viewed the war pictures on "How British Pluck won Through at Mons" in St. John's Parish Hall Monday evening were delighted delighted and well entertained. Rev. W. S. Blyth gave the address and the musical program was splendidly given in solos by Mrs. T.«££. Knowlton, Toronto, and by Miss Nellie James who rendered a fine piano selection, entitled "The Battle of the Nations". Sergt. Dan M. Douglass gave a brief address and Mr. A- N. McMullen McMullen occupied the chair. Proceeds' $22.50. Next week's subject will be "The Fire and Sword in Belgium". Dont miss seeing these War Pictures, they are really grand. McLaughin and Gray Cutters at F. O Mason's. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. Je CRAIG, Le De Se, De De Si, Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. . Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 FUNERAL DIRECTORS L Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on Wednesday Wednesday of each week. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, G radnate of Boyal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b Insurance Office Agency for : Sun Life Assurance Company, also best lines in Fire, Accident, Sick Benefit, and Automobile Insurance. Insurance. Conveyancing done at reasonable reasonable charges. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, 1st door west of Elliot's Jewelry store, Bowmanville Box to8 Phone 189 W ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. H OBSE FOB SALE--Another very quiet and reliable horse at a good bargain. Apply at once to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 47-tf H AVE y OU SEEN the new Fairbanks-Morse Z. Type Engine ? Its a dandy, and the little pnmping outfit has them all beat. W. J'. Williams sells them. F ABM TO BENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F., Darlington, in good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms ap- jly to Mrs. Jas. McConnachib, on the premises, Bowmanville. i-tf F OB SALE--Five dwelling houses, corner King and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Bowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or separate. separate. Any reasonable terms may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W. Tole, real estate, agent, Bowmanville. 60-tf LATEST WAR PICTURES Eighty of those wonderful pictures of "The Fire and Sword in Belgium" are to be shown in St. John's Parish Hall on Monday evening next to begin at 8 o'clock in excellent Lime Light views, under the auspices of the Sunday School. The admission is only 15 cents. A series of 80 views on War themes will be given each following Monday evening for four weeks--every one of hem of very great interest to all Canadians. Canadians. Watch for further announcement. announcement. You should not miss these excellent excellent War Pictures. H aving renovated my house on con- ceasion-st., will, rent part of it consisting of kitchenette, dining room, living room, two bedrooms and bathroom, also back kitchen, all newly decorated and painted. Very convenient home for small family. Possession after Xmas. Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville. 61-tf T O BENT--Ten-roomed house on Scngog-st.-- heated by furnacè, electric lighted, hard and soft water, good stable, driving house, chicken chicken house, fruit trees, and good garden. Possession Possession at once. Also pleasant rooms over the Mason Block to rent. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Mason, corner corner Elgin and Concession-sts., Bowmanville. 61tf H OUSE FOB SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st, containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, fine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. '»** 45-tf Watch Repairs Jewelry Repairs Clock Repairs mg After the îoliday rush we are in a better position than ever to look after your watch, clock and jewelry repairs. Nothing is too difficult for us to handle. We have had experience on all makes of watches, clocks and jewelry, and guarantee all work donè by us. If your watch or clock is not keeping time, bring it to us and we will make it right or tell you if it is worth fixing. Old jewelry made to look like new. Charges always moderate moderate and the best of Service. Standard-time always on hand. F armers and Builders ! We have purchased the Builders' Supply business of Mr. Wm. Brock, and will be glad to supply any requirements of Hydrated Hydrated and Burnt Stone Lime, Cement, Wood Fibre, Paristone, Alabastine, Glazed Tile in all sizes and shapes, etc. We have a car of Land Plaster coming. - Can furnish Ground Limestone ranging in size from dust to size of sand. These sown on land will materially increase production production of field crops, also good for orchards, and costs very little. We sell Lehigh Valley Coal--the coal that satisfies, us an order. ■ Give John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store This is a PcrSOJlal invitation to yôu to visit our store and see the wonderful display of beautiful beautiful goods that we have Now on Sale Included in this exceptional showing of desirable desirable ahd useful articles are Dainty Collars in georgette, satin, silk and organdie; charming charming Boudoir Caps; beautiful Blouses in georgette, silk, voile; Silk Camisoles; Ties; Scarves; silk, lis, and cashmere Hosiery; Gloves in kid, suede, a silk; Handkerchiefs pf every description and pri silk and satin Underskirts; Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, quaint Japanese Kimonas in silk and crepe; Children's silk Japanese Coats, Tea Aprons, Linens, Fancy Towels, Umbrellas, Tiedowns, Quilts, Blankets, Blankets, Wool Toques, Caps, Scarfs, Jackets, Gloves, Mitts, Bootees, Infan tees, etc. U Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son -il Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville tOR SALE--Brick residence containing rooms, kitchen, pantry, good -cellar, trie lighted. Bnck stable and driving shed. seven Elec- All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors. J acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy y corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bow' lé. Hoskin m anvil! Sl-tf, Farmers--See the bargain in halters and blankets at F. O. Mason's. Skates, skates, winter is coming and every boy and girl will be wanting a pair of skates. Mason & Dale have the ever- popular automobile skate. See then before before you buy. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O, Mason's. Mitts and Gloves---largest display in town at F. O. Mason's. Cutters! Cutters!! Winter is coming* See Pickard before purchasing that new cutter.

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